xt7jh98zd34r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zd34r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1965-11-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1965 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1965 1965 1965-11-08 2020 true xt7jh98zd34r section xt7jh98zd34r ,_____‘<,_.\ ._\ ,_‘ VAN“,

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Minutes of the University Senate, October 11, 1965

“b.) Applicants who are non~residents pf Kentucky will be admitted
only if their high school record and other measures of scholastic
aptitude indicate probable academic success at the University and
there are adequate facilities for their accommodation. Since these
factors may vary from time to time, the Dean of Admissions shall
recommend to the University Senate Council the minimum standards
to be employed. The Council shall, in consultation with the President,
determine the criteria to be used and report to the University
Senate. A student failing to satisfy the minimum criteria shall
be denied admission unless a review of all available evidence
gives reasonable assurance that he can meet the minimum academic
requirements of the University.”
By a show of handsthe following item 5 was approved as circulated and,
in addition the Senate approved a motion directing the Rules Committee
to ask the Committee on Student Organizations and Social Activities to
explore further a more adequate means of providing effective advising
for student organizations.

5. Page 20 — Section under “Student Organizations”. Second sentence
under ”Student Organizations” beginning with “Each organization must . . .“
delete the period at the end of the sentence and add ”with the rank

of Assistant Professor or higher”.

The Senate adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Charles F. Elton


The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
November 8, 1965 in the Student Center Theatre.

The Senate approved requests of the KERNEL and WBKY to permit their
representatives, Mr. Browning and Mr. Camfield, to sit in the meeting.

The minutes of October 11, 1965 were approved.

The Chairman of the Rules Committee presented the following recommended
changes in the University Senate Rules which had been circulated to the
faculty under date of October 14, 1965:

Admission Requirements
Professional Colleges
1. College 9f Law. In addition to the general requirements
for admission to the University, an applicant for admission to the
College of Law must meet the following requirements and be approved
for admission:















































































































Minutes of the University Senate, November 8, 1965

(l) The applicant must have received a bachelor's degree from an
accredited institution or be on a combined—degree program which will
entitle him to the bachelor's degree before he completes requirements
for the LL.B. degree.

(2) The applicant must have taken the Law School Admission Test.

(5) The applicant must have achieved a prelaw grade point average
(on all college work attempted) and a Law School Admission Test score
according to the following criteria:

(a) Those applicants having at least a 2.5 average and at least
a 475 LSAT score will be admitted.

(b) Those applicants having at least a 2.4 average and at least
a 500 LSAT score will be admitted. ‘

(c) Those applicants having at least a 2.5 average and at least
a 525 LSAT score will be admitted.

(d) Those applicants not having the combination of grade point
average and LSAT score stated above will be considered for
admission by the Admissions Committee on the basis of their
individual applications and may be admitted at the discretion
of the Admissions Committee.

The Admissions Committee will give consideration to the prelaw
grade record, the Law School Admission Test score, the academic
improvement shown in the prelaw grade record, and the applicant's
aptitude for law study. Applicants with a grade point average of
less than 2.0 on all college work attempted will not be considered.
Applicants with a grade point average below 2.5 and a LSAT score
below 450 will not be admitted.

Academic Probation, Dropping for Low Scholarship, Readmission
...,L§1. Students beginning the study of Law after August
29, 1965 must achieve a cumulative numerical grade average of
60 at the end of the first two semesters and must maintain
a cumulative average of 60 at the end of each semester there—
after. A student failing to meet this academic requirement
will be dropped from the University for poor scholarship. After
the first semester and regardless of the cumulative average,
any student will be dropped for poor scholarship who fails to
achieve a numerical grade average of at least 56 in any particular
semester, or who receives a grade of less than 50 in two or more
courses in any one semester.


Dr. Humphries presented a recommendation from the Graduate Faculty
that honorary degrees be conferred on two persons during the Centennial
ceremonies covering the dedication of the new Law Building. The names
of the two persons with designated degree were approved by the Senate for
recommendation to the Board of Trustees and request was made that the
names be withheld until the Board had taken action and the nominees had




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Minutes of the University Senate, November 8, 1965

The Chairman reported that the proposed academic program had not
been sent to the faculty in sufficient time to allow a full discussion of
its merit. Therefore, action upon the recommendations of the Senate. Council
to the Senate was deferred until a special meeting of the Senate. The
special meeting is to be held at 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 22, in the
Student Center Theatre. In response to comments and questions of a
procedural and mechanical nature from the Senators, members of the
Senate Council elaborated upon the rationale and development of the
proposed academic plan.

The Senate adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Charles F. Elton


The University Senate met in special session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
November 22, 1965, in Room 108, Commerce Building, to act on the recommendations
proposed by the University Senate Council. Chairman Pellegrino presided.

The Chairman reported that the Senate Council had followed Rules of Order
in granting the requests of Professors William A. Withington and Thomas P.
Field, University Senate members, who are unable to be present at this meeting,
to permit faculty members George Faust and Leon Zolondek to act as their proxies
at this meeting.

The Senate approved the request of Mr. Browning of the KERNEL to be
permitted to report the happenings of the meeting.

The Senate approved the suggested time schedule of the meeting as cir-
culated under date of November 16, 1965.

Dr. Pellegrino presented a brief resume of the historical development
of the academic program and then called upon Dr. Ward, Secretary, University
Senate Council, to present the recommendations for vote.

The Secretary read item 1 of the Recommendations to the University Senate
and recommended its approval. Amendment was offered to add Geography 152,
Regional Geography 2: the World, and Geography 155, Economic Geography 2: the



World, to item VII, 353551 Studies Area, p.22, Beginning a_Second Century.

This amendment was defeated by the Senate. Amendment was presented to classify
item 1, (c) (8), p.167, "Psychological Sciences”. The ‘Senate defeated this
amendment. Amendment was presented to classify item 1, (c) (7), p.167. ”Social
Sciences”. This motion was approved by the Senate. The Senate then approved
item 1 as presented with amendment of (c) (7), p.167, to read ”Social Sciences”.


Dr. Ward read item 2, p.167, of the Recommendations to the University
Senate and recommended its approval. President Oswald reported on actions