xt7jq23qzc46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qzc46/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1980 1980 1980-01-21 2020 true xt7jq23qzc46 section xt7jq23qzc46 \ ol. [XML \o. till Kc I e] llnlvmlty of Kentucky
Mund"' “mm" 2" l9tt0 . an Independent student new: per Lexington. Kentucky
' ' - Accents cited as problems
' ‘ Foreign TAs draw complaints
By PEGGY Hil HI \Rl merit by the director or graduate stu- tries to assure lhestudenls that the l.‘\
‘ Rmnm dies. llr Raymond Cos. after being is qualified and that problems with
. 3 i‘L‘Ct‘Pit’ll as graduate students. accent are quickly oyercome it the srrr- V
s Complaints about loretgn teaching First. they must apply for graduate dents will make the eflort.“
’ ‘ assistants hate increased unit the school. For this. theiracademicquali- Every complaint is taken seriously.
, : beginning ot tlte spring semester. ticarions are caretully' studied and it according to l-‘akin. if there are [a
. i ‘ ~ _. ' according to Paul liakitr. assot rate decision is made whether or not they number of complaints about a 'l A. a
3 . f” ’ chairman ol l'K‘s math depar'trrierrt. will be admitted into graduate school. faculty member sits in on the class It
' "Instructors \th ttrrtartrilrar accents l'pon being admittedthey mustapply the only problem seems to be the
3 3 3 1.3 'r definately are a problem tor some sttt- for positions as teaching assistants. instructorsaccent.ilis stiggestedtolhe
. » . dents." lzakin said. lills'in said the school "insists on (use TA that hetalk more slowly and write
3 . '3 ‘ .- lnthemathdepartmentalorre. Bot of) good l‘nglrsh." as much as possible on tlte board.
3 f . 3 the HM) stall and faculty members are Secondly. the person must hate let- Eakin said.
I , . 3 3 toreign born. lets oi recommendation and must “l'he accent barrier usually doesn‘t
3 ‘ . liakin said that at the beginning of base passed the 'l est ol English as a last long." Fakin said. it is stressed
3 l 3 . ' : ’ the semester students “react nega- loreigrr language. lhey may have a that students giy‘e instructors achance '
‘u ' f ' “ liyely" to unfamiliar accents and said direct interview, but at most. ll) per- so they can get used to the accent,
. . . he had received five calls since the cent of the foreign TM are put Since students many times ltaye math
. 3 ' ‘- 3 3 beginning of the semester. lhe com- throrigb one. anxiety and are not familiarwith math
. 3 3% E i‘" . 3“ plaints Usually cease after a couple of When a person first becomes a 'lA. Jargon. they tend not to gtye their
. ~. ,3 3 ' ‘~ ' . weeks and then start again around bemuslgiyca l0to l5 minute lecture instructors a chance. Howeyei. with
' ‘ 3W»: 3 3 3 midterms. he said to a group of other i As and faculty the new three-week withdrawal rule. i
. , . .3 ‘ Foreign l »\s yyere no: the only ones rrrembers, lhis is \ideo-lapcd and the students will hayc only that time
. 3 3 3 ' 3 t complained about by students. l .ier l.-\ can watch ltirnsell’alterwards and period to adjust.
.. . 3 ;. W said. lwo years ago. a student eom- obserye his mistakes. ("hris Vancil. Dr. lourse Dull. ol L'K‘s ( ounsel- .
- ' i \ .;j~:;3_._;. , 3 3 planted abotit the accent ot an irtstruc~ .idmitristratiye assistant in the math irig arid 'l'esling('enter.said math ans—
. . ' i m ,« tor who \y'ds r'rom Kansas department. etaluales the tapes and rely stems from a poor background in
. ' « '1‘ When asked what tests instructors does not assign lAs to a class‘ it the math. Another problem students haye
. ~ _ r 3 3 3 must pass belore they become stall t-yaluatiorr is negatiyc. Fakrn said. is math avoidance. This anxiety and
-. ' . . members. l'akrrt described the Usual “'l be critical time is during the first tryotdance began. in many cases. rnthe
, 3. "‘_ . . 3‘ . _ K . ~ _ procedure tyio necks.“ Eakin said. “When s‘lu- lourtlr or fifth grade leachcrs in
. ' .. . ‘ ' -* i - . 3 lhe lt\.\ are appointed on llterr dents complain the math department Continued on page 6 »
g _ -m cy h l h l bl m
. -~ . . . -:- -. . ,- i ‘-
. , 3 .3» . Esti ated7 o aveaoo 0 pro e
. , i "r ‘ ‘ i 3 i633; . Thit is the third in afour-Parl series on an alcohol dependence syndrome that Strauss. who hit5 hct‘ll inyoly'ed in , ' i
3 '3 . - 3 ,‘a' . 33-. _ £3“ alcohol abuse in the ( hired States. is characterried by a compulsion to work integrating the biological and
. , .. . 3 .— 3 , . 3 3t 3 Part four will appear tomorrow, hat c alcohol on a continuous or perio» socral eflects ot alcohol for the past it)
. ‘ i :2 “W 1* 3.333833 ' drc basis. ft tolerencc to alcohol may years. belieies it is more beneficial to '
‘ . 3 3 ,. . 3 3 (we 3 33%;» . 3 3, or may not be present, look at one‘s drinking habits on acon-
3 -.I “-' 3 335‘,“ By B \RBARA WARD lhe term “problem drrnker‘usapp» linuum scale rather than any pics-
» : W ~ . 83-13)” g 9 3 3’ f‘ *1; 3 . l .3. 3 . . " 3 3 _> I \talr ‘\rr:v; liqd '31. :1 {sq-(1.1m who demonstrates. Cl‘lbfd detrnrtion as (O ‘Wlifll arr
. 3' “WM 33 .s ~ ». ' . e .3» ‘ “ ' ' ' 3 _ _ and DEBBIL Vi HS plty steal. mental. or social problems in alcoholic is. He says one needs to be ‘
V 3 *3 , “ g 3‘: ' 3‘ ~. '. [3% \ncwfi‘e-‘Ifi- 3" Reporter relation to alcghol, aware of the importance of alcohol in
.-. 9 M- “‘3 it _.e> . ' - 3 "A drinking problem can be said to one‘s life. and to look at the changing
. ' “l” 3 . _ Alb“ ‘ 3 33 it is estimated by the World Health occur. or be made potential. whenever degrees in one's response to alcohol in
m k. . 3.19% 3 3 3 § 3 ’ ()rgani/atron that there are 9.} to ten arr indrsidtrai drinks what for him or terms of function or dysfunction.
. 3 .. . 1.... . 3 ' ‘ million problem drinkers in the l S her is too much . . . determined by its DISCSIIW disturbances In the small 3
- 333,33 , .i ,i ‘ .. ' ,3 3.33}, - 3 adult population seycn percent ot’ el‘lect on health. Interpersonal rcla- intestine. till-““9 damage. Chl‘lllll‘
- '72:; 3 , ‘____3..3_3" . the nation‘s HS million adults lions. or ability to fulfill socral expec- inflamalion Oflhe pancreas. alcoholic
3 . . ‘ , ., l . 3 Many ol those who deal with drttrk- talions. or meet responsibilities." hepatitis and cirrhosis of the “WT. are
. 3: . . 3 4 3 33 irtg problems feel that a clear percep- according to Dr. Robert Strauss of rust a fe“ 0f the physical effects of
. . . . 3.3.3 , y ’3 iron or alcoholism and problem 1‘ K‘s Department of Behayrorial alcohol abuse. according t0 Strauss
3 3 ' ' i ‘ ‘ ' . ' H3 ”33 m (.m”. Km“)! 3”” drinking-ts necessary it to-dn} s college Screitce in the (‘ollege of Medicine. And dCSPliC hClICfS held. by $0th
. 3 I'm" "Tm It student is to mold adding to those \ccordrng :o Strauss. "lhere rs no people that three or lOl" drink” a U‘d.‘ .
, statrsers. magic line in delining stages of Wlll Wl'Wl“ preyent hei‘lldlldet and
. .l......,'1, Ls‘, . " ‘
Physical Plant l)i\ision workers are shown here repainl- Buford Price is at the top of the ladder painting while H“ “ H 0 mini“ dim“ “m' ‘15 “A“ h Hm“ Continued on page 6
. ing the letters on the l K Si-rtice building last week (lyde Mitchell is at the bottom stcudying the ladder.
' Worth while ’summer in Scotland f ' anced by working there
3 By \'l('Kl POOLE problem Hinton said that alter about prepared by the clrets in the hotel and §§ -.. N131" s “After that. the trip paid for itself.
Start “my-- ttyo \yeeks. howeyer. he could tinder. slept nearby til at “sot: r'it trailer .lhtl‘rt‘ g .. _ i’ W ' ‘35: and 1 men came back “'"h a little
‘ l—‘UK s‘ttind the duck Scottish rogue. ln ltrci. a loch.“ 33.,“ "1 3 Z ”i. extra." Hinton said He waspard Ulla
'ltte ltrst "AI: : route “""i\\. all l he said lwrs our» speech changed. Hinton said that unity night» .tlter fit? ' - i ' week (about 560). he said. in addition
stunted “its a sigmfrizr‘ thorn-r." will I I “My rs \yrll ne-cr be the same My the hotel closed. lie and other inglislt :3" " l” flCC room and bk‘il'd-
:313Hl:,\‘.‘“ [indifiiiffiii ‘.i.iii.i.,.',!,iiwui l peep 6:3 hiijii‘fr “Uiihiiiihlindl “mm m“ “hm ’i‘1d6nt‘3““"‘”lllrlllljs‘ll'x’lt‘ll" l"-—‘"P“~: cf. . _ = m I . Alba Orsilcllgei of the ()l'licc for
l strip roStotartJ trlvl sur, titer. “L l ulllctl hot..i.. in and. hunt the tourr isotilo go down to the y: »'. . ' . . - - , , . .. -. ,
. said. howrtt'r fixt? ‘itc trrrrr rr‘utrllts he l.._____.___________._ ll'nlrrn said that the liolel he loci] and build a bonfire. He sittl he 3)“ £3 V me i. International lrogtams. fwd-I For A
_ ‘ . “ '3!» . » lot of students who dont think they
sr‘eirt :ri ttd I’rllill}- 'stollatrd worked in this “older than the l'nited made ”till“ tl'N’ lHCllth that he \llll "A”: » " . - . . .
l -. . . . . . . - ,. . ' ~35 , can financrally affordtogoabroad.rts
llroyed t-i v. o ‘r«‘ it the : li'vl “Will? or ltossrblt robs iii 1 ls s ()lllLl‘ lttr \tates and had illl llsoyynuhoslslttrles ““th l0~ '«l'ld [hill ht" ill“ ”“m'd ‘6" Ii! ‘ 3%.” 6‘ an ideal situation ilvou don‘t have 'lm
krl , - . ‘ . . . .. ‘ ' .r i . ' ) . , ‘- c . .t.-~ . ‘ , ‘ . .
“mt llllf‘L't a. ti. \\!.ll .~ ~....~rmt intonatiorrar l rogratrts. made .i to go vlllil rt. lhe sewn-room hotel eral l0 \Nl llllll lhlh \hitng 3-1 .t-W 3. ' snotty objections loberngawaiterot a
llrntort lrt‘tll‘cfl‘uit‘ti r .‘. tIroitrairt phone call and landed a rob as a ban lrad agour'rttetdrrrtngroomtnaddrtrott Hinton find that he ,3- glad he (chute ‘ i We 5’ . bartender." CIH: does. howeycr.
sponsored il\ tor. 1. mum on irtlerrrt» tender in .\rdcnttnney. a community to lounges. he said. Hcsard he worked work oycr lraycling _ "'1' ’ Ia’c student in other obs she 331d
trortal ldtr...tt=orr.ii initiate ( ll l of people in the county of Argyll theiebolhasa waiter and asabaiman “l 3 , , J. I_‘ ’ 3f st p f , 3 - 5 . if“ i -
through art arrangctrrent only the litrt- Scotland lor about (ill hours a week. was aim. to meet people better A i “of?“ . such as m hospitals or 0 “C“.
lsll and l K. tirt\t"lt'llt"‘l l'liltlllls lite people in Ardertttnney ucre "i lined the pith lite. especrally the and to mi“ with [ht-m rather than mix 2"; ” Orsilegget said that students “h”
rerrtporary \titrk ll"l.'lills iorl \ stir csctred about his nrrtyal. Hinton sard spirit of the people I neyer found an “uh my 01““ trtcndstas I “(mid base) i & a » are interested in “Eh-'5 program can
dents lhe stzitlstt‘stttfi r'rrtrr rattan-3. “I was in the gossip column [“0 irrtlrierrdly person. and l met a real it I hdd tratelled. JFFF HINTON i meet representatiyes from England .
lurid ol prriilt-mploym-nr in not an tor weeks before I armed. lhey were cross—section of people." Hinton said. He said money “AN not much of a ' and Ireland who will be Visiting lZK
up to sls rtnrrtllts humming sshol tyorrld date and what He gradually began to feel a part of problem. in addition to paying for his requires that students begin the this week, They will be here Jan. 23. in
3 iltrrtorr said he round a rob urt'r lrt- I would wear." he said. the community. he said. since allofhrs airplane llight. he had to haycSBllO to summer Wlh $200 to live on until the SC 245. from ll.3()-3 pm. and Jan.
lle drllrcirlty lie Mikes? through .i l'sl llesaittthat llllllflll}.lilngllrlgt‘wtisd ltlc was centered there, He ate meals begin lhesiimrner. Hinton said t(‘lH. le Dfl}'Ch€Ck arriyes.) 34. SC ”5- I213“ p.m.
h ' d
,_3 ~10day~ . 3 Brother Rutherford as assrste ,
l "”9411! ('tistrrtr.sst~mnm. litter-unatt-t. misrm RHUH tiosartiizs RHH‘TIJI) 'd d UK d ts f 34
l State stun this week \yrth plans to quickly apprme (‘0N('ll.l.\Tl0N with the Marxist Alghan ngCln' gal e Stu an or years
It s ‘ - expanded trade with (‘htna and aid for Pakistan in merit yesterday and announced plans to unite rebel
t‘fit..';‘.:‘,..'f::.3:’:a: ”19:12:33:hart“:.':i:::::‘."::.“:.:"..:stintr... L“?.‘§3“£21‘I§2223°52‘22"'23121'21I.“I.'il‘.‘.“,i‘.:"tT‘j’; tritium-r Trose d
. 3,33 3,3,, , 333,333,333 ,3 3,33 3333, 33mm, “3mm, 3mm,333rmomddrmmrnn 3“, vs ~d _‘ ,3 IE . ‘_ ., -d P. 0. i2 - . l. t t it n Statlwnter relatives and close aquaintances, call
. 3 3n in t nt a \ ranian state ta to rtp rt. .
ttrtl‘ttttt 'tz Hind w .p. to the Soyietactiortrn Afghanistan And Secretary ol (ioyerrrrnent leaders in Iran and Pakistan are . him (”anddaddy (he has four Child-
lrx .trr rrtrvr: .. \' hnr‘torr s i.t!.“\t\t tl't' corngto stop. State (‘yrus Vance and Secretary or Deterrse Harold expressing fears ol moyementsby thousands of Soyiet “‘1’ cold and damp m the basement. rcn‘ '2 .gmndcmldnn‘ '9 great-
l““‘- "ll“ “Fit" trial ‘t‘ttw It‘Ht' \‘rile goterrrmenl " Brownwillreporlto(‘ongrcssottv:yenls bothrn Mch- troops near their borders l' S. estimates of Sosict Nth hare rock walls and shadows grandchildren and over 3'000
kcnltrn unionism rush-sin saint-triotym‘" antslan and in Iran "mp mmmh m 3,3“an .133 m" a, my, a, aroundthcold bed.Upstaits.it‘swarm baptisms). Thousands olothcrs know
.rtldcti L'lrtorriy Pttsthllrllt\ “h‘t‘l‘ our lrlL‘lUdC lhe immn and the bedrooms are known as the him as Brother Rutherford.
potential of hundreds ol r'rrllrorts ol dollars more in Pink room. the White room. and hit He has lived in the smallrcd-brickcd
"t‘<“ . \ . llh‘ s, I
. -, hearts ot tat-.sis t'\L‘t\\\ltoItL- \lhtle mt ._ lhe tact is that in this countr') a disproportionate is a"... . I, If“ \-—{ I .\\ ”)‘l‘ Q ' i \ s. l I
‘ I I _ . . ' ’ . . / I , t
ambient-e ot ohteetitio around lslan tlt‘!l,:‘ tens :i number ol athletes are black. but in the I976 ()lsm- m x I \ .k/ Q. , oé If” I? g t
.i ' L , , . ' 4 I _. \ ~ ‘l\\;‘ ‘; _ \ / I
. ntas heliese. ItttlL'L‘tl. that he s not a iaeist pies. gold medals went to lat more whites that blatlss. l s; s I \ ,. ,1 I ,
' . . . . . l . g , s i, y g
‘ ,' l tittht-irntwg leiiset: s tletiaetois hate h» t es en though whites are a minorit) on this planet. l I— / \ e f. , /‘ \t ,I
,' . ' hlt ativinit l. ‘heir stlllfllLE—Jlfltlllltllh \t rites Does that mean that whites in tact possess better J .ig] a e t C‘s ' i
_ . ‘ . . , . , V, *\ . 'l ‘i . I; . 3-113“ ’ .' i
tried to artacts lensen s sl.tl.\llclll methods \‘ hieh coordination? ()t course not. It means that Russian J ‘ - I, } A§g\""§"‘ t
tinned out to 'tst‘sntlittl lhen :hes otteied tlrt . .toir and last (ierman societ} places relati\el_\ greater ’ ‘ ’;\ - V“ ,-‘.. s . 7' t
I I . . I I \\ I)” ‘:“\ l
. i. incing chat ge ot zest bias inllticrice on and ellott in training athletes than does i ‘ . ‘ \QJ . ‘ AIM-:32; l
' I "-,‘ - \i t\ i
\inee ll) tests consists laieeh ot mental eseicises most ot the world. 1‘ ' ‘y . In; \ .
. ‘ I . . _ 1' , .- .II‘ « I
done on :r-onietvit tietnes and other tlelllllllti.‘ llt'llls. \\ hetlier in pht‘sieal or mental perlormance. greater J e ’ Iflfi-t‘fi-‘I‘ :
the aigtiitient seems tontioed emphasis produces greater results. Sadl). l)r. Jensen / \l \. l
- ' \ int-re plausible ‘..tt\t tsotijd etittslsl ot testing the tails to take this into consideration, Sadder set. there % t
. . . . I I ” . , ' . 45.1me ‘
. i tori; stiittertt inetisation plats m, It) seoies, lt set-ins will be man} who look at his credentialsand accept his ;
',‘i ‘ ~ . ,tngt tints :hi; .itrtiospheze at grade competition and theoi_\ ot racial dilterenee nierel} because lie is a con—
I. I . ,- the l:1 it's; l:l\t'illl=tittl ot ieeaitl lot doing well. are \tnelng "espert."
' i . a J'f‘l‘l‘yaslml‘m'f‘ff ‘
I I ,.I..: ”HI s' .,u~,,:v‘,~.'v ‘( , A, r
. I . . . . 1 . , ‘b,H D ‘7 I I , ‘f .
q Ca/Ter admin/strat/on na/ve , t It h. 7n- ;
-." V ,/ l l
g V ,_ U needs strong ml itary ., t ,
r _ I
. . .- . . .- . x i
. . 3} \lH’lllN Rt (.lBBH. the \mm thrtist into \lghantstan. lhe (arter administration is now \ ‘r i, \ » // \ t, ? It
, ‘ . (‘ai‘ter replied “lhis action ol the ptoHng host nattethe) hasebeenosei t . I “ _ \ /'_
, ' -_ L H” “I”? “m“ ”' [NIH I‘m‘I‘ Soxiets has made a more dramatic [ht Pits! 1th6 years and Nth Ihts A \ . I». j‘ / "' , I
. , . . ., ,. . . , , _ _ ‘1 . .
. , \tghanistanIaIite hoin ktl out t i. tat, change iti rn_\ opinion ot what the natsete the American loretgn pohe} ItI ‘1 ,, , . . \ I I . l
‘, . . I or a dek'lllttl‘,'_ anion t‘i\l|\\ and \ostets‘ tiltiniatt' goals are than and our nation will be the ones that t \ j at” $6 69 \ - .
. ' il‘ten' titttut; "L‘e' el 1' » t . ‘ . ‘ - ‘ .
‘. ,- ’-, IL “ l 1 ’1 l H ‘ h\ H ‘ antthmg ttiet \e doiie in the pre\ious stiller. \ 1;: v r a? ‘i I
' ‘i'lm “L 'll"‘l“l“l”"' 7 (ieorge l‘ Kennan. a Sosiet e\pert \ ”4" 'l .; :17" ‘ fife? ’ I '
. ‘, M‘Ijml'm ( "‘I‘I‘ m" I) " ‘ H‘j‘ said in earh l9'i. "l llllllls the new ‘ , _ [{Wlfi PO h\ ! .6; I,” .
. . ‘ ' ”l l" NW” l“"‘""~" ”H" “mm - - t(‘arterl administration . . . has detied ~\ f‘V t/. .% 1’ LILY Q .5 ll."7"‘.‘s‘~g:" ’" ' i
, A ' » \\"‘h"" the l0 t‘i ““ o' \m' w t' ‘ ' /'_. z’t/ ” I‘STAMFNI is" 1 l
. t _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ i‘ ‘ “""“ " Opinion all lessons we ha\e leattied with the 4 fight i 'f' > ._ ’ fig; ' 3‘\\\ ‘ .
‘ I-::‘:‘ b . .. -..‘.‘: _, . ', s
. » . [WINE-ll i‘ i's‘ . ’ Ml ‘ ’4 ‘ Sosiets since the last world war jet-this 7.9; GHOTBZAVERL, . _ it}, i‘\
. ' ' - tut in i-- s . :55 .. _ I it,
. . llllt.t'sl.lil.tll. tltt o, eiI . tittetittt lt H time we concentrated on flak-“1. . - F, ._ if; ”I
t ; llLs llL's \wlli !o 'll‘-st‘lillllll;‘ bUIldtn’ 41 stttn' ., \‘tt )l"l 7‘. 24-5”. /’ e .g'
. . . i,. . II m H I h .-i- II .. . .. g k t 1. ct l] e t It 1.. "E / /.; I
I" - , l"“‘*"I‘““‘l ‘ > '» r ‘ “Wt . ' time | \e beeii iti ollit'e militar} to r'eintorce .'\lltL‘l'ls‘illl lor'etgn iii-577‘ / .3".
t I .i . ~ i i,» , . . I I“; I. ,_ , 71-.» -
. .’ - I ~' 1 :""‘:‘ PM“ I‘I'I' ‘ '“ll‘ l’l'ItisIsli \\|ieie was (.ii'tei when Souet polic} worldwide! . - 4.1:: l II i] s ‘I [5/4 '7 ‘
WWI“ 1‘ J‘” "’3‘” "‘7‘“ “‘3 Hoop» \Wt'L' dhs‘t‘t'tt'tl \ldllt'tts‘tl ”1 »\s Winston (‘hurehill otice said. ; . ‘ I "i" / ’fi‘ ‘
. . _ M’W’th-Ider l'il'l‘ ”hill-1" l‘kllfl‘l'L» (tiba' \\ here was he when Sonct» “Superior mice is a powerlul . ft? t i I, l lfl ,
. , Is sentel; dist ipted thIe itit‘ttats h tiara e backed ( ubati ”not“ were lighting in pet'sttader." It I I I I ll /// .
. -. ‘. MIN” ‘5“ I "-"~“ “”1" "”d ”‘5 -\ngola arid other »\tr'tc.in nattons‘.’ ' t it ' l
' . . II , \“H‘Il 'I ”“'“I . \lltl hasn't he seen the tiguresshowmg Stephen R. (lihble is the chairman of l
.- “"5” ““ "-"‘ \H“ ‘ '9‘“ ““1“”? the continuous increase iii militar) the (Ollege Republican National , wwww-w 77~7fie-—
".1 ‘ l‘tis I" leLl‘l « i: il-l\ cu T-L'etl lli illdill til \ . s s ‘l - -
t . i ~ . i. . pending bI\ the R tisstatts (ommmflnI In national interest .
I I n ‘ I s- ,r_e,, 7e .,4-_. . -r_‘Afi_—___._~m ———A~—~——-—————— ~~—.—~——___ _ ‘
‘ 1 tt 1‘ th Ed't K'll' SAL? t ty ould
‘ ' ’ ' 'v ‘ “‘—“—“Mm be 988 0 ular C DICE
‘ » . Equi'ibrium Ievel t‘itls‘t' Ht progress I doubt that mans Leonard Stayton I I
‘I people would like to set' the lord First year law
' -' - In tr'p!\ to the Ltllltlll it in the Inn'- \lotor (‘omp lll\ go back to btnldin '
. ‘ - att 1‘. At urn, Isl .‘st Hit't’ eonterning each car separateh Transportatlon u angerou y wrong n
. . . Y .. rais1itg mif'it ptites, I disagree stionglt In regard to the continents concern- I he Student (loseinmcnt heard the .
~‘ . '- “I'll 1h: \Uitt't‘s contention that lseep- mg oil pi'ites I do not leel that we can cry ol the students lot the need or JImHH (‘arter is sticking to his .sup— l list. \thnut a SM l agreement. “W 3”“ probably “'IH- deploy them
. ‘ t. . ' ‘ . . . i
". , ,I -‘ ‘ttp t‘tttesat an atttliria: tesel ltelpsthc blame the incisase in piottts on the transportation at night. Starting Mon~ port tor the SM I treat}. and his the Russians ma) double or triple the ah.
.'aI'I . . ‘I tonstimer iii the loiigrtui lit a ti tie tree price wars ot “Fl-”I \\ e must day. .lantiar) 3|. a bits will run a com- stance ma) be the brasest single act ot’ number ol warheads on their heatiest Without SALI there will be no res-
I .- I- - . » enterprise s\slettt the laws ot snpplt remember that this increase in prohts binatton route ot the north and south his presidency missile. the SSIX. SAI l torbids the [fiction on the number otdeliver)‘ \‘eh-
. ; . t t and demand \Hll tanse Pliers to seek earne at the time ot the \rab oil campus l-or ten centsansone eanrtde . . parties to tiight test or deploy ariIs' met the Russians can deplov. and
. . g ,I Hi . I ‘n . 1.. ,. x , , ,I It, . b' . - Because alter Atghanistan. itseass . . ‘ . _ , .. '
, , . , lth ttt iiii l.llltt s\'_l o.ttt aagit tm argo Although mam people the night btis lhe night route runs t th twhile w ‘r t “I n ib it ”151mg [(BM “11h ”WW warheads more important. no ceiling on the
. . ,' . a . .. . .. _ . . o'ru' ' ' eea i H in - . ,
, . '. I. sa. that absent _L'I‘\ttlllll’elit lltlLt\th regard oil cttnlplllllt'\ as monopolies continuousls troni 6 pm to ll pm, fig 3 tdtth ()l m . ti ‘ tt than the maxrmum number with number m” \fthlCS which can be
' .' ' . . , . . . _, . ‘ ii in iu o e \' teseu men _7 _
-, ‘ 4 . ml” ”1“““0‘ 5 ~‘ ~‘tll ll‘lm JIM? H‘s I' llll‘ has Ito tattonal basis M ot [9th Mondas through lhursdas, lhe path P _ in] j l I.” lit ————-—~— MlRVed lhe heartngs on the treaty
, ' s s ..,. ,_ ,. , . .. . . . . , _ ' - i a s' ‘s ant o» m' lll'lllllk oi . ‘ .
. that th. existent. his th: ituist is there new xhtlti ditterent oil and gas the bus \Hll run talscs about twelse LII”) (H t ti R E - t I made it melts clear that if unres-
. . . I II II a II .. e . ) -r 'ans 0 ma e tissia as ort s . ' . '
II. , . . I tttie \lonopolies ti it til\ hunt with producers In W 4 the top marketing minutes so there will he a short wait. h 1: In? t . n t m [\rllll? in I braden trtcted. the Russtans could by 1985
' ‘r " ' ' .- v tr V -st ._ t r l ' S l l i k l '
. I . I '. h. aid ot Lit\‘stlltlltttt piotcetion titm. le\aeo. had less than X percent lhis idea is based on a three month ru HI) I I 0 t k ( ' i m“ deploy as mam‘ as 85 percent more
' -r i n t.- t . . . , . s . , s. \ 1 . I
' '. 1 “Ni” .Lmsitttttstit «lilklkllllttll it one ot all sales Between l‘) l and l975 oil trial Uillllatton to see it this is benetis tontro agreemui raport MlRVs than the treats‘ WOUld permit
I '. t tonipans enaigts esotbitant prices tompanies were iii the middle range ot cut] to the l'nnersits. ll \ou hateam Regrettull's. MIMI“. 0”“ l‘ F ll ' ' th I I
. v ’i H - . - - . . , , , .
lI- iiII 'I another tonipaas utit .onie into the ptetas piottts inrelationtoothercom- questions. call the Student (iosern- remindedot Vlr. \ison'stator'ed plo\ 1,“? _\ SKISIWM gtrITSIfiergagatn
' "" ' - ‘v is . . ‘ . , , h r ‘ ‘ C V
, . . tittllhkl .i.itl stl its lll’Nltlsl oi settice parties with oil hating an h 2 percent menl olltce or' Kin \1mton. .laclt “lhat would bethceas\. popular cho- “I“?! I'“I ‘ a h C enytng
I ,I - I; "' 'li» l‘mti i . .. \\ .t it .s t‘ttt that ,tolt. titaigai as tompaied to the tele» Heath. or lsent Bartram. tee. killing SAM is certatnh the “hl‘h 1‘ “dd bu“ “N‘dd‘lll last Md.‘- :Iu: inte lgfinfihachmelt e me? . to
' ‘ ‘ it ,i\ 2 st- ti" ' ,i . t, . I . . " . y w . s . ' ' ' IQI I'
,‘ I I , s lllt ha lt\._s , . tan s\t\lt\lul slslttll tndtistrt “lllcl‘l had a It“ W“ "(.the Earle) 98‘} WWW” choice \‘lithout a treats. the Russians Lttlrld 1 emerIw a L uISIansIare ({ing
,I i .v,‘ '3 gmeiittnent [Viil'e‘tlmrt out it the {cm pram mum” A & S freshman stack as man} as 10 warheads on was and. m particular.howImanI\ MIR td
. .' ’ II" I____,.h, ._h WM ._,______~__7 _ But it'sthewrong one. Dittieultasii at“ which the ”an, “mm to It), weapons they are testing. the treaty
‘ i . . ma\ be tor the C(lllnlt} to appear to be lh h I h torbids either side “to interfere with
,. . c , .. ' -‘ . - _ is in turn meanst at wit out a , ~ . '. .. . , "_
' . , . ‘ l he [\t‘llltu A. Al‘th/ welcomes all contributions lrom Letters: acqunseing ”150”“ opportunisrn h) treats we shall ha\e to scra ottr lans the. national technical means oltertfi
" , lhe l k outwit. «\ t . bl _ t - _ conducting businessastisual.thealter- -- P p - cation ol the other party. The Ameri-
. _ I t . at. o. pit itation on t.ie editorial and Should be 30 lines or less and no morethanlellwords. lor the \4\' missile bs which we had ' ' '
, , ”harm: p its“ ”I“ should concern mkuldrmu” in rnsores nt natite is terribls‘ dangerous. ‘ ’ I * . _ can intelligence community and most
. ' , , I r | iintt th l'K rinmun t\ L 3‘ C ‘ mm" m maintain pant). It the R” of the senators who studied the treatv
-~. , ... eet o e Ct‘ l. i- ,- w; .. .-- ., . .. -
. . I Ittttis. irIiinionIs and eoinnitntaiitsriitist he [sped and ‘ - h \tjllg‘tl” “ 5"“ I “:1 ”-‘~ “I‘ “r‘ ”W“ CanIdm‘ trim; miliwllsilhmill I?” were satisfied thatits protmons could
‘ ‘ ,. t ”‘l‘ “Witt“. ant intist include the writer's si nature. ea e tor arms es en tttires at in mans as.” war .ea .s.t e . wt 6 . . . ., ' ‘
i H , . I “MW“ and Whore niinther l K \lltd“ltl\\hl ldg ‘l d- ' - excess of those whii:h the President tulnerable lhat ssstem alone was to be adequately th’lfled. Without
I t it I . II c iu in; it e Opinions: , d ~( I l d d fill till * W'h ‘ h’ lt f SAl.l.therewillbe no such assurance.
, - . ’t l teii Iseat ant niaioi ant ntseisits emplmees should list Sho . an (ingress are a reat \ etermlne cost a. t ion at cart wet in ' o
, . , _ ttld be 90 lines or less and should He and ex I' ' - * ' .
i . dl . . . ,
.' i ' ”W" P“““‘” ”m depart ”m” Position Pertatntn to to iC‘tl l\\U~ t K \ ‘.. p n i upon I” take '1‘ PIN“ and how much W1” ” h is dlmwl.‘ h". Americans to
t , . In A ,m .1 I (mm t g p ‘ U 0 ”mm! to ”“1 K cost“ oppose the Smart Union while at the
t i a, mas kt!lt(lLll\C or meet tomtibtitions. and "“m.‘ Perhaps men more important. we same time shaking hands in an
i l - m r- t t . ‘ . .
. . ilkslllctlt ttrtttis iii..I. ht limited lditorsreserte the right will hate no certainties as to whether Without SM l. the Russians can agreement
. . toetht ltllstlllk's'l spelling grarnmaraitdtl.tritI\.and ma) (inmmentaries we are spending upon the right wea- depol) more than one new type of I I
, tlt'lt‘lt' libelous statements \h pons. Without SM l.\\e “I“ haw no l(‘BM. lhis limitation was written at But it is inthe nationalinteresttodo
( h . ould be 90 lines or less. with no more than 800 k l h h R . , , I I b . , d so.
, , Iot.t.i tiItiottsI sliotild be delitered to RoomlNJour- words lhese articles are resersed torauthors who. tnthc "9‘9““ ot “ at I C “WM“ an m” mm ane Iecause we wan“ to , ,
, , ngmmI l mm“, 0" Kentucky. lrcxington. Ks. 40506 editor's opinion hate special credentials experience building. deploy the MX. lhe Russians have Tom Bradentsnnntionlllysyndlcnted
I l oi legal reasons. contributors must present a l'K ll) training or other qualilications to address a particular 'I he peril is realls great ( onsider sexeral new t396“"tm‘lrdm'elopmcnt columnist who writes out oleslIlng-
I, betore the [\l’VHt'/ will be able to accept the material subtect h t w hall be i,’ n and the treats torccd them to make a ton. D'C' His column "we." "fly
‘ w ' "s ' ‘ 'ci . ' .
.—5___»___, ,_. _ d 3 ‘ g difficult choice. Without SAll. the) Monday.

 llll kl\ll(l\\ klR\H.\lundui.Jtmuun ILI‘INli I: I ’ . .'
4 Looking For A Place . - -.
Continued from page I home when Broadus moyed in. ", 4- _ :4
‘ ' -~ ‘ “l was treated rust like a ' ‘ l 1
people to live with us. At one T P k Th S I) 4 4 _ 4
time, she took in some ‘bad memberolthetamily. lhen.we 0 ar '8 emeSter- ' ' ' ‘ 1
women' (prostitutes) into our called him Daddy Ruthertord. 4 4;“ ‘4‘" . v 4 5 4’ . 4 "
home. “lhey always prepared lot 4 ' 4 Come See US. , .44 444344
“She wanted to saw them \isttors,especial|y on Sundays 55 4V 4% ' " ,4v‘ 4‘ .4r - '4
. . 4 4 , 4 , , , or . 4',
from the life they were living lhey were alwaysanopen. wel- W;- i - *4 : ..f
. 4 .,» 4 44 -,.",i .-.r ~;
and from the hell they were coming tamily. setting the 44 r 1% 4’4 comer 8 $60“ St. Parking 44!; 4 4 4444.44
headingtoward. Some til'thent proper example. Broadus / 4 . 3444,, 4 14-444.
converted. some didn't." “lid- "WC had company ‘lm‘c 4 .4" 1/2 blOCk from main campus 11414-331134“
Rutherford said. olten on Sunday. hi“ I U‘Uillh fl; \, air ".
“People warned her. or wasn't there; I was preaching 4 ‘i . _ Corner of SOD“ 8t S Broadway ( '44? 1.44
‘ course, but out of her heart and CM“ here." -. .4. 4, 444 3. 4.
. 404 44444 [40444.4 4444444 4444 404444 A 4444444444 444. 44,444 44444444444 44 _ . 4 .. . . 4 4 75¢ per day 512 per month 44.44-14.44 .4941}
them jn_ Broadus had almost giyett up . 6 M44 444 ' 4 «it 3.444424 '4!
4 .,. WW3?” 4' . M .. “.4 ' 4.441’4 . p
“We‘ve never run a home tor 0“ his hilthi _ l" W 4 w ‘ 4‘31424'.‘;';4.~4r4;‘ _.
the wayward; we [ricd to he