xt7jsx647k7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647k7n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1981 1981 1981-12-03 2020 true xt7jsx647k7n section xt7jsx647k7n , . . . .‘ . . ' I, fit-giggfitti;327215;“,
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“'“M‘M‘W ‘° "“5 inquiry-H . mm“ Wright said details are sketchy superintaidentWD. Bruce Jr. 553355;;:=::~"'
Following release 0‘ the comrrute Mr ' My”... ‘t minimum inat- became stories from some pupilaand She did that, she said, and is :I-"' ,
we" 5“"? "9°” Casey deemed “m” ‘° “Mi me "9"“ “‘d- theteechenconriictinpan. awaitiru further word. Bruce could ' “
O 0 But here is basically what happen- notbe reached for comment. ”5.553335% . .
l s l e cd,lcca'cln¢toerght: As for the print- all the ”la, 5353553333??? I . ~
' Dur'lr' Monday morning's classu. Wright said they received apolqla 35553333335355. . .
one pupil‘s 34 collection from selling from the teachers. “The teacha'uald i;§;§;§g§g§;§g:§§g;t I" ' i , ,
, A Pacman tournament comes to town. See page C. 4.“ "me ticket: was total, and no they rnnden mistake." 33333552553353" :1 , g z
' childwmildadmittakinglt. About an child-en are in the class, 3355-3“ ,5 ‘
‘ Soyou don’t know what to get Mom for Christmas? See the Christmas At "I“ point, the elm W she continued but said she m1 l ' ’ Ii . _
our Guld' in M0)“. 'W'Omwt eriliatod the aid of two other teachers know how many are result Mon- "mum" J'im'tl'ti" iili ti" .
. lm .m tin mm to "E fly 5 .c ’1’. on ‘
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.1 .tfi’ it. gastfysxtfiiini o ‘ -. -. » i ' 4- ' . -» .~ ~ - .. 4 ~" . 1 ‘~ 1. :» mitt/’3‘ m . " 4:;- .~*rt:;;;:;t,:.;-.:':.; " pa; ,4 ' - -. = - , .4. - g - .r , . ...-....
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.. " '4 s » , . 3‘" Stride“ Chris Ash Peggy leech Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Bella 3

...... ‘ g V- Sanctum“ nation-lunar Jam- Edwiallarrb snout-into: Entertainment Editor Photowtor

- ersuasw mm- -

3 ; . .- ‘ I p JEN“ uniKadaha Mama“... Steven W. Wher [colic Michelson (MB-Illa“ .

- ' l ‘ mmmwcwy Cowl-241W AuntsntSpatsEdttor Assistant Entertainment Editor MW '


:'~ ‘ ‘ § ‘ Kernel . Ken “he 3?.” “at.” E

.' I ' V l Aanclate Editor-News "In“ tor

Invenwemywn- ’ """‘ L—__——___—___ ;H__“____ *m—_ ,____’-,m __ ___ , . -
esearc ndlng ne 3 more vocal support

~ %
Research, long the godchild of census quently demonstrated the sincere lack of i

sional budgets, is headed for hard times'rhe brainpower populating those hallowed halls, N has“? I', W A PREV/0‘49 LIFE; RONNlE HAD. DEEN .

Reagan administration meat cleaver is poised embarrassing himself by awarding his in- m ..--

over it, held off only by the recent appearance famous “golden fleece," a supposed recogni- A ”E AGE CH/EFm/NP ,

of a rudimentary backbone among the tion of wasted federal money, to research pro- ’ ' I

socially-consciousinCongress. jects he did not fully understand. As he has UGH,WELL, "0 CAN SPARE- l RISE S }

Alittle fight fromtheso-far cowardly liberal learned, what appears incomprehensible on o R FOOL-la" RESEAM .
lizards, however, isn't going tomake muchof the surface may in fact be emminently § CLAMS F0 FF '

a dent in the conservative cuisinart powering reasonablein its underlying goal. T‘O C A Tl ) "" '

t the budget-cutting mania —the bladewillonly UK Agriculture Professor Joseph Kuc ,N UN PRAC-n L s I
‘ be a bit blunted. It’s not a machine to be dealt recently announced the findings of his 4 /.

with in human terms; the Machiavellian research on the perennial blight of tobacco ,V , - é/fl'; )

deviousness of its nature was exemplified this farmers —- blue mold. If his conclusions hold 5 ,» 7, (/ , . /

summer by an handwritten addendum com- up, a commercial remedy for the mold may “ .1“ . :3, J

. " pletely gutting the bucket for the National soonbeavailable. §‘V\\\\\\ I“ z / :8“‘~ / k
, Science Foundation scrawled in a margin of But imagine Kuc attempting to justify §\ \\ -‘ € :3 J ‘ _
' the original budget bill, passed in such a hurry research on mold before Congress, particular- \ §\\ ( 2. “ W ,- ' -.‘. ,., .3 \ ~
- that few if any members of Congress read it in ly during the early, relatively undefined \ \ f z: \‘ .1“ . , \\ _ .
full. stages of his work. With the attitude prevalent 1.: \\ at b ‘3 /, :\\ t Z. ’ .
Although that damage has been somewhat in Congress, he’d probably be laughed off the ‘;\&§ / ‘1 , ~ ‘ 4.?3 A e .I, '

repaired, there is still a great deal of floor. Millions of dollars that may now be sav- Wit g» g, ' ‘. , ’ . .3: .v

coronary-level anxiety going around among ed by the prevention of an easily spread crop- m :\"\:‘ j. i. ‘ - , :1, .‘fit,’

researchers at UK and elsewhere about the killer might never have been realized. mew ml“ , :31. - - a: . o .5 .15; :5;

. science education portion of the NSF’s budget, Research is the most essential public ser- “1%”, R - :7. . . “I - 1 t t .{-. .1:
’ WhiCh Still faces severe cuts' Vice prOVided by a major univerSity' It dm w “'1." ”I « "‘ '2:z=z=fi§§i§§l§§§§iil§i\ ’ :::::::::::: z 9 f} (II/9
' And even more threatening, according to a not come before education because it is a part ’ f A... ...,” > / ll . ’
‘ UK research administrator, is an impending of the education function — perhaps the most . ‘ ’ A *- . ' ., ”a ' \ X l -) I

back job on the research budget for the Na- valuable for upper-level students. 3 -‘-.-.== ......" _. * l ‘3 " 4.”. . J

tional Institute of Health, in his words, “a very It is probably too late to turn back the sword - ‘3 ,. if; -'=.=.':'::::-- ; l. 2

significant part of this University’s research from research funding—a final agreement on ' 3i$.33} "- " ' ,' ( I 5 ' .

. budget.” the federal budget for the 1982 fiscal year is y w" "'3. . _-_ » ’ 7" / - H , '
v Thetragedy ofthewhole "165 isthata true due at the end of next week. But there is “...... ,- ’ f. . , W, t (
appreciation of the value of research, even always another election year, and those who 333"} .C, ., ;-. 1.3% , _. “V" ' ...: .—
. during its salad days of federal funding, has have participated so eagerly in this budgey- w--=.=.aai'-.=.az-.-.==-.=-- --.; ,. ~_'.- - .._ ,~ .‘t \"___,—‘- fi — ~
\ never been a hallmark of our legislators. slashing orgy can be made to answer, if the g:"“_~_.f’" / 4%, . «I - / , - ”I —, " 1:; - t. 7 . _ ;

Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire has fre- voters so wish. “’Maflfpdg/Jj 141/,“ g” ‘ , ', ‘ Z -- ‘

w t . Z I t f ,.

. in... 4.] 1,, ea 0_ a power

P ' lo - Reamlnieredbyhsmniuonalanendor'nmtiity 3:
l i. u I .3 ' manac You’ll only get into trouble with ' Men of Mr. Reagan's time and a
r ”1,7177" (577' ‘ "1 Rmald Reagan if you make the . . I . ' II . ' training have a non-political defini- >
‘ ’ ”"" z" '3' "‘ ‘ mistakeofnotbelievingwhathesays. timotwinnitglt‘orthemwinnimis .

‘ Seldotnhnveweheheldnmsnwith theunconditionalsm'renderofthe
lessquileinhighot’fice.'l‘hemanisso sincewecertainlyhadmrbuttsbadly other-sideiflinnimiswhatGrantdid
committed,heartandsoul,towhathe' kickedinbytheBritsintheWarof tol.ce.Youmaketheothaguygetofl
believes, he Ins a ta'rible time chok- 1812 but it was a relatively harmless his hone in front of his whole army.

. , \ inghimself. myth,oneoncesharedbytheRomans breakhisswordandhandyouthe
. n, ‘ ' . ‘f . Zealotry and tactical evasion don't in the pre-nuclear millalnla of man’s fractured pieces.
I . :(Q‘: t, S ”- . gohandinhand,andgentlemanthat historyltsetsthehncltgrotuntorthe
, i "9 t. heisinhispersonallelationsnndin resentfulbroodingthatmenlikeMr. mmflmflnpresidentismfl
. _____.____._-_,_v—- ‘ ('7! —/ "K his speech, our president is Reagan do when they caltemplate “WWNDQSW thattheallies
WAC-7‘69”!” 9:36 .V" \ A“). nonetheless a aealot of such intanal Vietnam, the war our boys weren't lost the peace In 1919 8‘ Versailles
‘ ‘.{c..—— " ‘\ r; . '9 . powerheisrobhedottheobllltytolie. allowedtowin. , becametheGermm_wm’tmde
‘ a; /‘ \: )1; §. § What hesays he means and what he Vietnam becomes a looming to caplmlate umtiomlly. The
3-: ‘X , . \E V ’, meansandsaysisatomicwar. mudspotonthenational escutcheon,a failure permitted the German army
’ .‘\ 00 'y ’ Inhispmsoonierenoeandinhis blobofchewinggumaffinedtothe todaimitwasneva'beatmmflle
' . .4 i; 3) off-handremarks,hehasbeenschool- GreatSealoftheRepublic.Citizensof tieldotbatuebutwasstabbedinuw
l. ‘— \yg.‘ ‘ ' 7, , edtoployupandcmphnsize peaceor othernations don’tthinkthat way. If bachbetrayedbydvilianpolitidnns-
/ x \ 4 .. _-j' at least conventional butcha'y but you’re GennanoranltalianorF‘ren- Men 0‘ Reagan's stl‘IPe think this
4 i ‘ ’ everytimehegetsgoing,hewindsup chman,youknowyouwinsomeand WWWBHOI‘WUE-
‘ saying that, of course we just may you lose some. Winnim is better but -
. have to let the tac nukes fly. losing doesn’t extinguish the national .&?fik¥f£fi$&fi
. V w a n car“ When the president was growing soul. Jlst look at La Bdle France, Tokyo harbor- whee MacArthtn'took
' up, children were taught that defeated in 1870, bled whitein 1914-18, the Japanese surrenda' abject com-
; America was the one nation which beaten again in 1910,, driven from iete total and unconditional
' had never lost a war. It wasn’t true, Vietnamin 1964 andnmoutofAlgeria pAméica theinvincible America the
. . in the early am, only to become the invulna'able. ' ’
l I I I I ' strongest military power in Westen
' Europeinlim. ' - -
. . FBI bungling Investigation of Allen 8 watches m....................... rare“... msgmm :
‘ . _ . . understandthatthepurposeofwaris W for his kind of mm

'niecasedechardV.AuGllsa was supposedtoclear their good Atmtunehasherecelvedasym- nottowin, buttogain specific mmmbwvoicd hail-fellow- I

mystery with more false clues than m name of the Watergate taint. They pathy call from the director of the political objecting. The most well-met intalsit ills wise-crackim I

“MurderontheOrient Express." II 2 . I we bent on proving that the FBI. frightulingthingan Ame-icon leader fanaticism A gooyam all right as 3 I

Did the national security adviser leg'slative branch of the government Why is Allal so different? Did the can ggyigumwe’nmt inunwarfa- they said of Jimmy carts but 'the I

l . “accept" 81,000 from a party of three assured by the FBI that everything has as many crooks as the executive Meese query convey to Webster the ta-ritorial objectives or trade or worst possible man for the most l I
E Japanese jalmaliststheday afte- the was hunky-dory, even though branch. feeling that the president would ap- ngtum] resource advanas“, but fa- dame-mallow .' I
inalguratian? Or was it 310.0(1)? Was previously we had been assured that New engaged a convicted con man, preciatea lackofseal? grander objectives like universal ' l I

,. the lacquer stations-y box that was hehadmtbeenintwchwiththeFBl. Melvin Weinberg,toset upahugeand We have no way of knowing. The freedom or some other Promethian ©1nlb'Kln Features Syndicate ' I

- presented to Mrs. Reagan worth :75 [fyouarebaffledbythecasenotto expensive plot whereby members of director is a former federal judge, pummm, ’ ‘ , l I

. or was it. on the other hand. worth worry. So'u the FBI. Thebureauhas Cong-ens were lured to confabula- and he knows the rules about mm In 1950. the United Stats went to Nicholas W" Hoffman anew,“ S I

g 8273‘! And was she interviewed for bemmthejobsincemid-Septanber. tions witha fake “sheik" whowould mulling with the subject of an in- war in Korea fa- , sane limited mu” of national im "an“ in h“ t I

1: five minuta-—or was itlSorm? Some unnamed White House of- bring vast riches to their home vestigation. political objective which was may-we "d! I l column no t' I

j And what about the watches? Allai ficial has give: its poor review. ”The districtsandcut them inon the take. Websttr is on thespot now. He must the communists {m the north back 'y ' I I

:‘_ “accepted". a gold Se‘ko from his bureau didnotdoa verythorough 'l‘heywerevideotapedastheygrab- explainwlawhyhefelt obiigedto towithin Mrmmq_ma - I

Vinita-s beforetheinaumlration ands job' bedforthemoney. give Allalaring. reasonably short mug American ar- . i I

silver one after. He couldn’t decide DidtheFBlhaveitsheartinit? Sen. Harrison Williams, D-N.J., But he can't be expected to my, .mmmjmtmt; we . |

: betweenthernapparmtlymnd it‘s not The most astotmding fact to come was one of their targets, but was enlighten uses towhy thepresident’s had fulfilled our political objectives I e l I

~ important except that bdore he was out since we first heard the confining singularly uncooperative. For a solid men have been so solicitola about althomhwehadn't won. . I

sworn in, it was OK and alts, it sta-yofthegenerothapanese—who year, he flatly raft-ed any matey. Allen,socavalier aboutthe “litmnd’s At that point we came down with ’. I

becameafederalcaae. toldusmedaytheirgiftwassolidted Finally, in desperation. the under- tooth" standard for White Home red,whiteandbluefeverandsentour d0“ I I

Alltheinfomutioninthecsaeisas by Allen,andthemt thattheyof- caverngentshoundedhiminto ex- ethics. mg. north into oommmigt tug-f, x I

. perishable as the Japanese cherry fered it — is not in dispute. It is that passing an inmost in a titanium 18 he invaluable to the fluid!" in with nopolitical purpose. We'd aban- 1' I
blossonnwesohrieflyenjoyinthe FBlDirecta-WilliamWebstccalled mine. the Wlite Home? Or is it too donedtheideaofrepellingaggree- i I
j sprig. Allendn'ingthecotn-eeofthein- Uketheotllersixmembersofcon- dangmtofirehim?Someoneelse “al.3muubleijflve'inf.“ mm l I
’lhea'dimrynewspeperreaderhas vestigatial. gress implicated in Abscam, will have to allwer those quatiom of m, In an. em. as in go , I
3"; learned little about the baffling mat- The call, weare told by Webeta's Williams was tried and convicted. for ta. My. that meant the .Mute an- In my imam, as a faculty 3 I
ts from the minim-man. Prue bosses in the Jlatice Dmrtment. lgalauthorftieshaveexpressedcon— ’ mmuhMudg.W manberonthiscampta for lsyears . I
j spokurnen take piolI refine in “no was ‘fintautha'iaedfl‘lheytdllafw- corn about “entrapment,"about the @181 UnlverealPreuSyndlcate we I“ we and not do without the quality of the joumalism in the I
comm" became the “matte is that that Wetter told the target of propdetyofinventingcrlmeswhaiso using atomic weapons. pun-y Kcmcllnsnevcbeenhidlaflhere- I
- lads invadgatial.” But when in tin WM tint he '- df the menyexiat. Mary McGrory won a "75 Pulitser ’l‘ruman,whowasnotaeealot,declin— cent articlu “lave VI. Money," by I
. ‘ the White Home, blunting with the book: The Japanae had backed him William is now facing exptildon for commentary while with the ed, in the mm" blood m Join Clay, Nov. 0; "Holiday Cochin I
g j W. act like lawyu-s fa the windiestG'ythetitmmly $1,000 fromtheSenate. Washingtensulr. phrase.to“taethemclearoptlon." for 0ne"byPaul (hycraft, Nov. as;
.j '. “aeJtisimp-opu-JheyeayJo theyldtoff. tfulofWebetu- and‘Thanksgiving Spirltalteleeae
.3 Weambtaexmtion. it w. most thud: . fa- Talslon,” by Lisa Wallace, Nev.
...... ‘nie M told in almost in. But it stuck tint naturalist? MM chTY by [km ”flatbed as, are particularly noteworthy ex-
«ee‘ mainstay that "ti-so was on be elm back to . ' e - . ~ .. .. - unpleasant-hum.
trig“;- cviarneoolmnuoing." Patrick Gray, an ral anctor who WWI.” "m”m' WWW ... -‘ T . Not only me these articlu well
as w- m on the were or m suing the Watcgate moon ileum sum men... mflwmn m .. l/ ‘ written. but unanimity, maturity,
get. my, mate llotac ecu-cl, faitflully reported to lie sup-non in lost, mammals; (stutter!) ' w " and W W by the lunar '
. Iain-r old iii-tun of Allen's. who thIteHoIIe. gmwm swam! ”WWW .‘ . V V“? m 0‘ “’5‘“ “W5 P"- i
, s,- el-os m In rat luv-dem- ror nine, anyme who was being mm WWI-MW: am 5 , '3. MM W intothe lam
:3; muwmmtfldaboul (“mapped-team . - .... -, \" 1‘57. ' “Multan-innit...
. . . mmumm"m unbalanced-Ion. . .- 135.}... P , .3, __ -. n mm-mwamm '
depth-abductor!” Aalhtlesthtatothetp-ttond ‘ ‘ " ~ " it madmdbdsnotmsodstyfi
' " d-htlhpebewauttllam sublets-mealtime”. i - A ‘ 3 , v m foroneleeithatela-partdttnm I
ahhm‘h ”aruu'mu": e L; {K n (.3 a”, .- ulnsoodhnnor. :
‘ ‘ "'l “a m ‘ ‘b' ' 4,7 v :9 i :2. i' 1; t
muNmmm unissued cine wave in It's ghmflllg'ME-‘Eal4‘H 3-er '3‘: M" .. fig"! mull. I
‘ net's-unannoun- “minim ‘a-m/r "1 ' |- - --_-1' - 9 mum-Indus... .
~ . . f _ ' . - §§:§%*3tiy“’4§emi ii ‘”““”iv*‘*i'*" suit?” ‘ “ , ‘ ‘ ' ' » ‘ ' - W333 M v.7... ...}
- . . . ,7 .. 4 . , . . . ; .. , , - ' . . - . a»: «J; sit ‘

 ' ‘ I ' l ‘ ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' . ‘ ’ . t ‘ ‘ . . - . ' ' ‘ ‘ in». o‘ ,‘1 55a “l"film?”titfiitii‘ifgitt‘olgtfiiffi "*1 shirt fifth",
I, 7 . 7 - . . . . _ I III I, . , . . ‘ I’ ,« '"W‘z‘flvsfiagfilgftég‘fifw‘lhz
, , _ .. - ' I . . .‘ l ‘5 ‘ ‘lV'r'is‘fl-Ti'ifffi‘ft‘ilif"lai’irtf-eiifilft3‘.” Pitt? “‘5" ‘3'
I . ,. I 3' . I,- . , '1. A 7,! . , _ 2‘ '57:;‘4 7IIII’oI,I I115 3‘, t'i'hkgggfifittt'i til" gar.
w I‘M“ ' . _ 7_ __ “7 . w _. i, . we...» .,.,, v 1. ,,. - _ _ 7 7 _ 7 7 , . _, . .. .s. ., . -.-.....e.— c.— fivwmw‘miv- .i. ,. , ,i..m.,.oa..~...m..v .t......-~e»-tu~.w. eases-sues *MW . gjifiw
v .7.“ is
7 if?
l _~_*'_—*_"———__~—_—_—_‘—_ _e.,..-_._-_i___ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. December 3, [xi-3 jig.
. news roun up W i.
m ' r 7_.
- been available onl to the grees make every possible and fiscally respomi- ‘ ‘ 7 . '7' ,.
2 State 0%“meth mmmmsmh y ble effort . . . to maintain no less than the real ‘ ;
protection thatiscurrently providedtoallpar- . ' I
MOREHEAD—President Reagan's administra- Na*'°n ticipants.” 7 7 . .
" “ ' tion came under sharp criticism yesterday a The committee had ignited the dispute 'l‘tles- ..
US. Rep Carl u. Perkin, D—Ky. and Paul new volts—humansmptwhll Street that day when it voted to preserve all benefits for fl ,_ _7 7
Borden, executive director of the Kentucky President Reagan had suffered a heart attack those now getting Social Security but refused to ‘7. x ‘ f
Higher Education Assistance Authority offered yesterday, but White Home officials quickly Opposefuturecutslntheprogram. _7 if
. . little hope for the irnmedlate future of federal deifiedfllereports. . . '0“ ,1: _
StUdent aid programs. The rumors caused no noticeable affect on dell/tMNGmN — Songte mu 0f Prep \:\ 4.. {
. . . . _ 's _l ' w 2.»
di Perklns and Borden criticised recent and pen um. . 08me to We] of . fleet failed 7‘ 7 I 5‘»
ng reductions in federal student aid at White House spokesmen said they had been Y y . pprov ulcreased spending V" E,
Morehead State University’s Higher Education swamped mmwugboumiemmw. ‘0' soldiers, runner: and ammunition that they 5 .- 3,};
Symposium, which is examiniru the future of “There’s jmtnothing toit,"said deputy [regs "81nd are needed more than new l