xt7jsx647n5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647n5k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-01-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 05, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 05, 1996 1996 1996-01-05 2020 true xt7jsx647n5k section xt7jsx647n5k IN














jam/my 5, I 996


l to Rupp to play Ole
Miss Story. page 81





Williams leaves UK for pro loans hurt

’6 by shutdown

By Chris Easterling

. lit/mint Spam I'jtllriir

“l was a Kentucky football player until the last
game and that's the way I looked at it," he said.
But \\'illiattts' teammates had a sneaking suspicion

\Villiams credited his family for being with him
throughout the decision—tiiaking process.
“.\ly family's really tight," he said. "They‘ve been a


L'K got aii oral committnent from one of the
nation's top players Dec. 33 when quarterback Tim
(Iouch announced his attention to attend UK.

But yesterday the (Iats lost one ofthe finest players
in school history when tailback Moe \Villiatns
announced his intetition to enter April's NFL draft.

The Southeastern Conference's leading rusher
last season said he reached the decision \Vednes-
day after having L'K head coach Bill (Iurry talk to


the tailback would not be returning. Prior to L'K's
final gatne with 'l‘ennessee. the players held a inttd

game where the seniors were


ganged tip on and dragged
through the ttiud by the

Despite being a
junior, \\'illiatns
was treated like a




MOB'S totals

1994 1995 Total

great help to ttte. They were real supportive. They
didn‘t push rite to stay or to go,"

(:urry also stayed neutral iii the deci-
s‘toii~ttiaking process. but the L'K coach

did not hide the fact that \\'illiaiirs will be'

".\ly role iii this was to gather all the

' facts for my player," (:urry said, "and pre»

sent them all to him."

School may offer help

By Jell Vinson

(hm/tilt Iii/HM

The latest federal goierntitcnt sltittdow ll
affects more than tion essential workers. lloth the
k'titiersity and Its students i. ould feel the it'ipac'

several people in the NFL about his market value. (Iat playing his ”tempts 164 160 294 618 \Villiams said an \l’l. te un w ill proha- of \Vasliinu‘ton's staleittate
The word is that \Villianis could be anything final game. 'Yalds 928 805 1,600 3,333 . hly want him to add weight to his Illll- ".\ sinali pot Let of students Intuit! hat i' with
from a late‘first round pick to a fifth—round selec— “At times I felt 'TDS: 5 4 17 26 pound frame. i lents." said_ltidy .\larsltal|. i'ls linaiic Iai ortilutd
tion. like I was turning The added lttllk will be necessary to The pocket of students includes those \\l~o
The potential for a career-threatening iniury my back on the RECEIVING accommodate \Villiams' Upright. punish have filed for financial aid tot ilit rim titttc lot fit.
during his senior season helped persuade _ _ ‘ guys," \Villiams VCalches 7 12 19 38 ‘ trig running style. i ‘I‘rm‘s' *s'lm‘*ls"3
\Villiatns to leave UK early. He suffered a shoul— Williams said, “But they VYaldS 41 119 153 313 i“.\loe will'play, he will play great." [WWW “I'll““t‘ 4”“ “I“‘Jl‘l ”I ll“ -'l‘l"l“- *tll'”
der injury last spring, which dropped him down told me l'd he 'TDS: 0 1 0 1 (Iurry said, “and he will play “.1ch long process. Marshall said. 'I he applications .Ilt si-nt

to third-string entering the fall.

“I'm leaving a part of tne here with these guys,"
\Villiams said. “It was a hard decision."

\Villiams said he did not think about the decision
until the end ofthe season, saying he was committed


crazy to stay."


Don't say goodbye to

\Villiatns just yet. He plans to stay at L’K this spring
to attend classes and prepare for the upcoming NH.
season. Right now. \Villiatns has no plans to attend

to being a UK player.

the combines and he has not hired an agent.


\Vith the departure, senior Ray

_\lcl.aurin will likely step into the tailhack position.
.\lL’l/.Hll'l11 gained Inn yards on the season, but
stepped in for \Villiains in the second lialfot the l.SL'
game. atid rushed for ll)" yards.

to a liedet‘al processing station to Iowa. v. ltezc the
information is compiled and their st‘llt to ttrtitet»:
ties across the nation l in stitdcttt's intoriitatiot.
determines how lllllt h liitattt l.|l .irl eat It stiidctil '

"\kt‘d't‘ held tapttzc otszsr int-s .. \l ii~lt lli sail
"\\t'.ll't'11‘1.liléi\\rtll’il‘.\.lltl ill

littil iii lt'x's‘l
..............'.......CI.......C...........'.....................................'................................... Illkilllllll-l‘llkllfll
\lat'sliall said iiii tilll\ Tllllit‘ T" i -»,to;-

Officials pleased
with Add/Drop

By Charles Cooper

.‘mfi‘ll Vl'lft'l’

The Add/Drop process has
changed significantly over the
years ~—» front long lines with long
waits to a computerized voice
information processing network

()ne ofthe office's t hiel goals is
to elitititiate confusion In
Add/Drop transactions.

In the past. many students ll'.1\ e
tried to drop a course and then
add another one only to find the
one they want is not available.

“hen they go back to pick up the

‘itrsa ’l".l'-""-ltitilf

mew . "3,.“
M“ M.“ “h." ’o m u





do is go e estenstotts to student .

"'l'liei‘e‘s itotlttiiy we ..‘l‘. do to -. \ti H"
tion," she sat!

\Vhile the shutdown will li.r\:' irrit: ii. il-t itir. .
on the l)llt\l loan progtatit lot sllliltlits who
applied last setitt-stcr i'l'l t'lli‘i' t" jossilalr- iii 7:
the shutdown could hurt s'lt‘lt 11‘ w
and federallyeftttitled grants ll ( ii'ilfl'eus illtt‘x not
raise the debt ceiling.

.lc‘lt’y lil.llll\\t'll.k l\ «at l'li lilt‘li.’ oi ti'st‘a n
aiid graduate studies, » ll'l iiti l '-w'.'l‘sll‘,
tionetl itself well to haitili‘t llli \iintxlow it's itttp ti ‘

"(L'Kl is sol\ent art.. is doing .t stellar joo i.t
ton-ring proltleitts tlt'.ltt'il liy tlti' 1'ri\c'l't"rltii‘;t'
shutdown," llratttw: ll stil

lhit he .idded that ii l~.
will lime to he watt hurl.

”ll" 1-. pitt;it'.ti:.


til.l‘\ tit

day thing that

i that allows schedule changes in course they dropped, its already [K has temporarily drawn down the mon’ r..
l seconds. gone. cover items like cainptts lraseil funds and l't 'i
j After several seittesters of using In order to avoid this situation, i (ir-ants. said I ynda (ic- irge. ilticc lot of stink. t
; ler' ‘Cll’, Ll; Hiil‘leldl‘x are pleased the assistant tegistiar .id\ ises slit- linani. ial .itd,
r with the progress of the system dents to use the conditional "ls-auiifityr‘” Both Marshall .tnd‘ir-orgi said (hi lil1!\t i-sit-,
. and can begin looking to the Add/Drop function, which allows “W“Mllonc...“, “Noam“... ' ‘ will do everything 11 t.lll to help students who
5 future. students to only drop a course if ' it, ‘z:.;*,,;:;~:;ggs e\pei‘tence prolilcins '.lttst'»'~*-' "“ Mw’ ' ” ""‘ “‘ ‘-*~v~~ 'W""""“ ' AWW-r-r-“mt‘kqfi "v“ “s“ 1' ..



I! F1142], jmmy 1, I996, K211111111 411112410211611







06164 909 662 001 1' 30 111119 0600414 0650414 06141 9111 516 001 25 3.0 19 06304M 1045411
I“ 06235 GEN 300 005 3' 10 164 06122 9119 746 001 10 0.0 164 m
. ,1 06236 GEN 300 006 7 30 MW 0300914 0500911 06229 91111 600 002 26 3.0 111119 0100914 0150911
I {3. a 06262 GEN 300 007 12 v 10 M 1230914 0120911 06256 PM 770 201 1' 3.0 134
..-; ‘ M 0130911 02309M 06117 961 451 002 12 10 F 0600411 10504117465 :00 001 11 30 um 12159M
' ,- e a e w 12309M 0230914 06147 91 677 001 7 20 164 06000 4115 500 an 11 30 1111 mm 02159M
06263 GEN 300 006 12 v 10 1 12309M 0120911 06146 91 677 002 6 20 164 05669 45C 110 1111 20 10 19 0930414 1045411
1 mm mm 06149 91 677 501 13 20 164 12497 #c age (111 5' 40 M 0500911 0mm
‘ ' ‘ . 9 1230911 (230911 06221 591 762 002 7 30 F 1200914 0431911 00466 1 1 011 56 3.0 MW 1100411 1215
' - The number 0' ava1lable seats '5 noted In the col 06115 GEO 152 401 50 30 w 0530911 06009M 06266 514 691 001 20 10 164 05631 49c 325 001 60 30 w 10004M 10504M
‘. umn lollowmg the SGCIIO" number. An aSlGNSk ( ) 06257 GEO 460 001 10 30 164 06234 SW 420 002 1' 30 19 1230914 0145911 9 1000411 11504M
. 1 - , 4 06242 GEO 700 401 7 30 9 06009M 06459M 06196 SW 445 004 14 60 F 0600411 09504M 00469 496 620 002 2' v 30 19 10004M 11154M 1
1nd1cates that the sect10n has "V9 0’ fewer seats 06140 6E9 630 001 10 30 11w 0330911 0445911 TBA 00470 490 620 003 3' v 30 1 04309M 07009M
available. Course sections that have the letter “Y" 06195 GLY 395 003 15 10 164 06199 SW 641 401 10 50 w 0530911 0720911 g7; 41;: m 004 5' v 30 1 1030414 01001;:
. . 1 1 1 71 1 T A 5' Y 0 YR 1 014
Immedlately after the number 0' avallable seats “061:73 85 608 $5 4'9 i8 :64 0200911 0340911 06200 SW 740 406 13 50 98 0530911 0720911 00473 496 620 $6 5' v 30 19 03m 0312914
' 36172 1101 605 001 6 20 164 1134 00476 49c 621 003 2' 11 30 1 0430911 07009M
have controlled enrollment. You must get speCIal 06260 1109 597 001 14 20 164 06202 517 741 201 12 50 w 06009M 07509M 00460 49c 621 005 4' 11 30 19 1230911 0145911
permission from the offerlng department 1n order 06174 11511 510 001 16 30 MW 0300911 0415911 164 00461 490 621 006 3' 11 30 19 0200914 0315911
- , 06‘5‘ 9119 144 401 30 10 MW 0930911 1030911 06201 SW 741 406 15 50 9 0530911 6720911 00466 490 622 003 3' 11 30 1 0430911 0700911
to enroll 1n a course w11h controlled enrollment. 164 m we 49c 822 005 5. Y 30 19 ‘2pr 0145911
061136 9119 615 001 6 30 MW 0400911 0515911 06230 14 321 002 19 30 111119 0400911 0545911 00469 490 622 006 4' v 30 79 0200911 03159M
164 06205 14 350 002 10 30 19 0930411 1045411 00550 490 964 002 7 v 30 1 0200911 0600911
Anni“ coUBSEs 06167 LA 651 001 24 30 MW 1000411 1200911 06206 14 350 003 69 30 19 1200911 0145911 $350 421 640 001 15 30 MW 0300911 0415911
06146 L4 953 001 16 30 19 0600411 0915411 06222 164 15 3 331 001 1a 30 19 0930411 1045411
13,1 05347 CE 699 001 3' 30 w 0300911 0550911
06142 461 395 001 13 10 164 06226 14 695 201 20 30 TBA 0101' 015 670 001 16 10 11 mm 04159M
06143 461 399 001 20 10 164 06119 114 194 201 29 20 1 0900911 1100911 m Ell 01201 CS 245 001 10 30 19 0600411 09154M
06099 AEC 627 001 10 30 164 06123 114 194 202 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 05467 0111 151 001 3' 50 M19 03009111 0550914
06165 AEC 662 001 1' 30 MW.: 0600411 0650411 06124 114 194 203 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 w 0300911 0350911
06144 496 620 007 23 v 30 1 0200911 0430911 06125 114 194 204 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 05801 465 100 013 05917 141 497 '00-: 01665 £05 701 401 12 10 164
06192 490 620 006 25 v 30 9 0430911 0700911 06126 114 194 205 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 05602 465 100 014 05940 141 599 2.11 01726 EE 4626 001 6 20 1 wow 0150914
06167 ARC 621 007 23 v 30 1 0200911 0430911 06127 114 :94 206 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 00285 AEC 312 001 06056 11119 240 401 11 0200911 0450911
06193 49c 621 006 22 v 30 9 0430911 0700911 06126 114 194 207 30 20 1 0900911 11009M 00300 AEC 610 001 05906 KHP 621 401 01.729 25 4626 002 6 20 9 0100911 0150911
06166 490 622 007 23 v 30 1 0200911 0430911 06129 114 194 206 29 20 1 0900911 1100911 00303 4E0 646 001 06090 115 514 201 7 0200911 0450911
06194 491: 622 006 24 v 30 9 0430911 0700911 06130 114 194 209 29 20 1 0900911 11009M 00304 AEC 661 001 05715 115 530 901 01730 EE 4626 003 6 20 9 0100911 0150911 ,
06250 49c 964 203 30 v 30 1 0600911 0630911 06131 144 194 210 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 05662 469 712 001 0542. 114 109 0.22 w 02009M 0450911
05251 ARC 964 204 30 v 30 9 0600911 0630911 06132 114 194 211 30 20 1 0900911 11009M 00463 499 200 401 03012 114 ,32 001 32219 9411 776 002 5' 10 9 0600411 0400911 ,
06252 49C 964 205 30 v 30 F 06009M 0630911 06133 114 194 212 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 00475 49c 620 401 cm 114 132 004 9 09004M 0500911
06253 49c 964 403 30 v 30 9 0600911 0600911 06134 114 194 213 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 00463 ARC 621 401 03017 114 132 006 02220 9411 776 003 6 10 9 0600411 0400911
06249 ASC 4106 201 25 30 MW 1030411 1230911 06135 114 194 214 30 20 1 0900911 11009M 00491 ARC 622 401 03090 114 me 001 9 0900411 05mm
06256 1:15 462 002 3' 30 MWF 0600411 0650411 06136 114 194 215 30 20 1 0900911 1100911 00551 49c 964 003 03091 114 4856 001 02320 99 203 001 4- 30 MW 11004M 1150411
06219 CHE 107 007 151 30 MWF 0300911 0350911 06137 114 194 216 30 2.0 1 0900911 1100911 00554 490 964 006 03.00 114 622 00‘ F 1100411 1150411
164 06225 114 214 008 21 3.0 MM: 0900411 0950411 00561 496 964 402 05404 114 732 M 02321 99 203 002 7 30 MW 1200911 1250911
06113 CHE 226 005 1' 30 19 0900411 0950411 06243 114 375 001 25 v 30 164 00660 610 205 001 ' 3‘ F 1200911 12509M
w 01009M 0350911 06176 114 667 001 8 30 WE 0200911 02509M 00616 CE 331 002 “3‘59 MA 7E5 09‘ 06031 GEN 300 002 6 30 11w9 01009M 0245911
06114 CHE 226 006 1' 40 19 0900411 0950411 06177 114 772 001 5' 30 164 06139 CHE 235 001 3313; m; :30: 390: 06032 GEN 300 003 6 30 11w9 0250911 0450911
w 0100911 0450911 06240 ME 395 002 11 10 164 05494 CJT 760 401 ‘ 02456 6E9 264 001 6 30 11w 0230911 0345911
06145 CHE 395 002 38 10 164 0624111E 395 003 14 10 164 01071 6110 604 001 03167 ME 631 001 02524 GS 600 401 4' 1o 1 0600911 0600911
06155 as 664 502 10 30 164 06216 ME 506 002 6 30 MWF 0600411 0650411 01191 cs 122 401 06038 MUS 572 401 02535 114 660 401 15 30 9 0600911 0830PM -
06173 01.5 672 501 5' 20 164 06175 ME 599 002 23 30 11w9 0100911 0150911 01196 cs 221 401 03664 1105 650 001 02725 111411 300 001 4- v 30 w 0330911 06009M -
06154 01.5 672 502 10 20 164 06207 MUP 116 002 10 10 TBA 01247 cs 622 001 03687 NFS 240 401 02777 11511 260 001 24 10 F 0100911 02159M
06204 CME 650 201 30 30 164 06206 1109 116 003 10 10 164 01359 E00 201 007 03817 1109 657 001 F 0100911 0215911
06190 CNU 602 002 22 10 w 0600411 0900411 06209 11119 216 002 10 10 164 05227 ECO 400 002 03662 NUR 776 001 02762 11511 452 001 3' 30 19 0200911 0315911
06191 CNU 602 003 25 10 w 09004M 1000411 06210 1109 216 003 10 10 164 01497 E0c 362 001 03909 11119 623 005 02785 HSM 842 1 6 10 TR 03309M 0445914 3
06176 cs 645 001 6 30 MM 0900411 0950411 06169 1109 315 002 30 10 194 01533 E09 202 003 05812 94 642 001 02767 11511 644 001 1' 10 19 0330911 0445911
06254 DMT 700 001 1' 30 TBA 06211 MUP 318 002 4' 10 TBA 01547 EDP 522 00‘. 03984 PA 656 001 TR 03:!)PM 0445PM
06166 an 730 201 1' 30 164 06170 1109 416 002 4' 10 TBA 06105 EDP 703 005 @3990 p4 751 001 05615 1019 161 001 1' 10 19 0300911 0500911
06220 Etc 740 001 5' 30 164 06212 1109 416 002 3' 10 TBA 01566 E09 707 001 ,2313 pGy 630 001 164 ,
06255 EDP 522 401 7 3.0 w 06009M 0630911 06109 MUS 572 001 19 3.0 19 0200911 0315911 05477 909 777 1,01 041,06 H49 649 001 03104 11A 642 001 26 30 MWF 01.00911 0150911 1
06223 E09 656 002 2' 10 164 06226 1105 572 002 6 30 19 06004111 0915411 01651 E05 621 001 04180 9111 203 009 05403 M4 715 001 20 30 MM 0200911 0250911
06214 E09 665 007 6 10 9 0500911 0730911 06171 1105 705 001 2' 30 164 01759 55 522 001 04226 9111 241 009 03134 ME 311 001 3' 30 1 1230911 0120911
164 06166 1105 766 001 30 10 164 01794 E11 565 001 04227 9111 24, 40‘ 1 0130911 0520911 1
06101 E09 703 001 6 10 164 062391195 16 20 11 0600911 0630911 01616 ENG 101 010 04240 9111 24- 405 03135 ME 311 002 15 30 1 12309M 0120911
06102 E09 703 002 6 10 164 [16‘53 1115 4' 10 194 01616 ENG 101 402 0:069 9111 657 001 9 0100911 0450911
06103 509 703 003 s 10 164 1.1162 NRC 30 10 194 01625 ENG 102 006 £259 95 41 96 0 03136 ME 311 003 5' 30 1 1230911 01209M
06104 209 763 004 4' 10 164 51153196 27 11,1 764 01826 ENG 102 007 7 , U‘ .9 01009M 0450911
06100 E05 459 002 10 30 164 3611.6 ~09 27 30 11 0500911 0600911 01375 ENG 102 057 04357 PSV 00 908 05990 Ms 204 003 23 20 19 0930413. 1020414
06265 E05 556 206 50 30 1134 1'66 909 4‘ 50 TBA 01911 ENG 105 007 04366 PSV ‘00 0‘7 05526 115C 206 002 1' v 50 11w9 1200911 12509M
06160 E69 599 003 21 10 19 0330911 3445911 06571109 3' 21; 1 0300911 0500911 01974 ENG 251 007 04369 951 100 020 19 10004M 1050414
06110 E9E 661 201 9 3c 1 0500911 3735911 06184 1109 9 30 164 01992 ENG 261 002 04371 951 100 022 03321 MUC 151. 005 15 10 19 0600411 065OAM
06111 91:15 661 202 7 30 9 0745911 1361911 .16“? 1.09 1. 4' 20 TBA 92:40 ENG 4556 001 04372 25" ‘00 023 03619 MUS 173 003 7 20 MWF 09004M 09504M
06169 9411 699 001 1' «.3 194 11'; ~09 7'1, 1. 21; 164 02044 ENG 507 003 043.73 511 100 024 03679 MUS 772 001 2 30 1 0400911 0630911
36118 1:09 620 001 13 33 MW 1000411 «5.401 06259 1109 776 002 12 30 9 0430911 0730911 02052 ENG 526 001 04375 951 100 026 12496 NEU 606 001 2' 40 MWF 05009-1 06159M
w 01009.11 35:911 1 36106 1109 791 00 7 30 w 0100911 0400911 02121 E9E 796 201 04377 951 100 026 03636 1109 735 501 23 30 1 0530911 0630911
02122 EPE 796 202 04360 951 100 402 03915 1109 626 301 22 60 MW 0100911 0300911
02255 9111 464 401 04361 951 100 403 164 164
02262 9114 664 001 04365 951 215 001 04000 945 856 001 4' 30 M 0200911 0350911
02324 9.9 204 002 04390 9511 215 006 W 0900AM 115041M
02345 FSC 304 001 04404 951 2-6 402 W 0100PM 0350?!M
32350 FSC 536 001 06116 951 45, .301 34012 PAS 880 0C" 5' 20 M 1000AM 1150AM
32351 13c 533 001 0444. pay 63. 302 12498 9114 606 03' b 40 11119 0500911 0615911
06033 GEN 300 004 05093 945 L12 . 01 04061 9111 520 001 25 33 19 0200911 0315911
92“? GER ‘02 002 0454: 30C 2,4. :4, 05066 9111 640 001 6 30 11171 0300911 0415911
. 05237 GER 729 001 04:70 soc 49 j:; 15176 591 63' 3:1 14 3:1 19 1230911 0145911
52476 611 111 003 , “' ’. ,t; .4763 514 L115 4: 119 0400911 05159111
02479 1311 111 006 “575 EUC U ”: F1 0530PM O700PM
02465 GLV 111 012 “580 309 if?” 4.5 J47?! 57" 5’1 '1'?" '5 41‘ W WOW 0515”“
02490 GLV 210 001 04599 SOL “ “‘8‘ R ’95pr WOOPM
05150 G” 515 001 05:” >P' €23 99‘ :4772 514 603 001 16 40 19 1230911 0145911
05813 H9 642 001 Egg 2:", 2’ )5 its: 11 0400911 04509171
02534 H4 656 001 ' -’ ‘
4 1 1 04605 SW 322 001 Pm on B E
02586 HIS ‘05 010 05740 SW 6C1 402
02588 ”'5 ‘05 0‘2 2:232 m :3? is; 05334 465 100 001 2' 20 MW 06004M 0950411
02679 "‘5 35! 00‘ b. ‘ ‘ 05341 465 100 002 16 20 MW 0600411 0950411
02699 ”'5 58‘ 40‘ 04889 5w 680 402 00012 465 100 003 21 20 11w 0600411 0950411
02731 11011 102 002 04695 SW 740 001 j . ' '
02763 11511 510 401 04903 SW 741 001 900“ “§ ‘00 ’0' 6 20 11w 0300')“ “50"”
02609 341 301 001 06067 104 649 001 ”0°15 “5° ’00 m ‘7 20 MW 0300”“ “50p”




Come help us kick off the Spring Semester

OSun. 7th 6:00 p.m. Epiphany Party in the Lobby of the Newman Center. The
tradition of sharing, warmth and joy continues.

OMon. 8th 5:00 p.m. [heF F' irst Student Leaders Meeting of ’9o. It’s time to Plan,
Apt # 8
7:30 p.m. Movie Night. Gather, share and enjoy a movie. Room #5.

0Tue. 9th 5:30 p.m. Wm We need your fresh ideas. Apt.

7:00 p.m. W followed by the second annual un-
decorating party. Then it’s UK Basketball action on the Big
TV. Converge in the lobby wearing your blue and white.

0Wed. 10th 11 - 1 W We’ re back to Wednesdays slunch
routine. Meet at the same Student Center lunch spot, or look
for Kevin and/ or Don by the Popcorn Machine at 11 and 12

A+ — Washer Dryer Connections
A... _ Heat and Air Paid to find the gathering place.

A+ " 1, 2 & 3 BQdIOOflI Apt. homes °Thurs. 11th 3-5 Community $31K; It’sa greatway to get involved. We’ll

leave from the lobby to lend a helping hand.

A+ - Minutes from Downtown, U of K,
Shopping & Entertainment. ”YE; 0Fri. 12th 10:00 a.m. Dollar Movie Night. This is the cheap fun we all need.

Starting at
Call today!



g , it; __


OSat. 13th 10:00 am. Natorg Walk. It's a refreshing way to meet new people.
Gather in the lobby with your favorite hiking boots.

OSun. 14th 5 p.m. comm. FREE FOOD and fun after Mass in Room #3.
10 p.m. All Ni 11g! itSk 1mg. It’s 50 cold, cold world.. .Let’s senjoy it.

More details on this downhill danger to follow.

OMon. 15th 8:30 am. W Meet at the Newman Center to walk
2 downtown for a March followed by interesting Speakers and
a Gathering


OSPRING RETREAT Feb. 9 - 11. Close to 80 people went on the Fall Retreat and
we can't wait for this Spring. What a great way to gather,
meet new people and enjoy nature. See You There!!!



Come enjoy one or all of these special WW Weed events.








3'1 | I“ Call Don or Kevin at 255-8566 for more details.
:12: 4” .TOWCI' Df'VO . LOXIngton’ KY 40502 , Newman Center 0 320 Rose Lane 0 255-8566
E . j ,( r>3

E, 1‘%égi% éié *E 16211489)

E ' ' U ( J ‘





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