xt7jws8hg33w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hg33w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19800926 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, September 26, 1980, no. 339 text The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, September 26, 1980, no. 339 1980 2014 true xt7jws8hg33w section xt7jws8hg33w UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
9/26/80   No. 339
i nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuns:nun-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnun-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
¤ , . A CALENDAR y ( A
A September 28 _ Jefferson Community College, Southwest Campus dedication
E ceremonies, 2:00 PM; Open House 3:00-4:00 PM, 1000 Community
g . College Drive, Louisville. r i ’
I September 29-30 The Society of Indiana Archivists and Society of Ohio
g Archivists jointly sponsor a seminar on Photographic
' Access, Netherland Hilton Hotel, Cincinnati Ohio. o
October A 3 Gallery series "The History and Development of Poster Art,"
( by Lance Hidy, 12:00 noon, Gallery, King Library North.
October 3-5 Seminar in Graphic Design at the King Library Press. (Story
in Green Bean, 9/19/80) ( `
October 10 Gallery series "New Light on Lexington Architects Between the
Civil War and World War I," by Walter Langsam, 12:00 noon,
` Gallery, King Library North. (
October l0-12 Video Production Workshop, Carter Caves State Park (Story in . ·
Green Bean 8/29/80 _
October 11-12, 18-19, 25-26 King Library Press Workshop.( (Story in Green Bean, T I r
A 9/19/80) M _ . E
October 12 Hillbrook Exhibit "Ballots and Bandwagons" opens at 3:00 PM. A n,
V (Story in Green Bean 9/19/80) l
l October 14 Lecture "Skin Conditions of the Older Person," by Ullin W. .
Leavell, 4:00 PM, Whitehall Classroom Building, Room 110. ~
October 15-17 Kentucky Library Association Fall Conference, Hyatt Regency _
· Hotel, Louisville. Registration fee $17.00. Contact KLA,
A 450 Griffith Avenue, Owensboro, Ky. 42301. `
Morlan Gallery, Transylvania Ron Weis "Assemblage/Co1lage."
King Library North, UK "A Lot of Good and No Harm: 75 Years of
Photography in Leslie County."
"Sixty Years, League of Women Voters."
Contributors: Pam Fields, Gail Kennedy, Janet Stith, Terry Warth (editor). '

The fall meeting of the Kentucky SOLINET Users Group will be held in ' A 4
Louisville, Ky. on Thursday, Oct. 16, at 9:00 AM in the Oaks Room of the
Hyatt Regency Hotel.
  The program will feature Mr. Randolph Call of OCLC, Inc. He is OCLC's AACR , I, _
2 Project Manager and will speak on the effects of the new rules changes in I I
the network data base and their impact on both public and technical services. 1
All are invited and anyone interested should contact Gail Kennedy in Acquisitions.
(73811) for further information.
I "Introductory Data Collection and Ana1ysis" will be taught by Diane Eckels,
Houston Academy of Medicine, Texas Medical Center Library. The course is
I intended as an introduction to methods of data collection and analysis in li-
braries. No prior knowledge of statistics is assumed. .8 cEU's will be given.
The course will be taught in Room M  136, Medical Center complex, UK. The fee
I for the course is $50 for M A members and $75 for non—members. Registration
form and check made payable to the University of Kentucky, must be received no
later than October 20, 1980. Please send both to the attention of Janet Stith,
Medical Center Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40536.
Bio-Agricultural Reference Librarian, University of California, Riverside.
Salary $16,392-321 024.
Physical Sciences Reference Librarian, University of California, Riverside.
Salary $16 392—$2l,024.
* Assistant or,Associate Librarian — Documents, University of Florida. Salary
up to $16,000. Application deadline: November 1, 1980. ·
Director of Library Public Services, Indiana State University. Minimum
1 Salary $23,000. Application deadline: October 31, 1980.
Assistant Circulation Librarian, University of North Carolina. Salary
$13,000 or more. Application deadline: November 1, 1980.
Vice-President, Research Libraries Group Inc. Salary negotiable.
Social Sciences Librarian/Bibliographer, Rutgers University. Salary ·
A $20,400 and up. Application deadline: October l, 1980.
Books are a Guide in youth, and an
kg Entertainment for age. They support us
.  h/Q5? . ,
,   under solitude, and keep us from being
  a burden to ourselves. They help us to
gv .·¤. .
{gg   forget the crossness ofmen and things; .
    compose our cares, and our passions;
‘ (L . .
  k and [By OUT dlS8ppOIflTfTl9l'lfS asleep.
  \ When we are weary of the living, we may
"’W` I repair to the dead, who have nothing of
I   peevishness, pride, or design in their
H conversation.
· ;.¤m5’**’*M -— Jeremy Collier

 li-is *3/°7l
The UnLven4ixy 06 Kentucky Libxaniea S£u{6 Onganizaticn New¢£c££en — SepIemben.[/770]
The WAX BEAN is Iale! Belween a vacalion and making new arrangemenls for
prinling I jusl could nol gel il oul on lime lhis monlh. I hope lo be back on
·schedule nexl monlh. _
The LSO WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC LEXINGTON will be on Sunday, Oclober l2lh al
2:30 p.m. The lour will begin al lhe James Lane Allen Founlain in Gralz Park and
will lasl approximalely l` I/2 hours. The lour guides will be Belly Kerr and
Waller Langsam and lhe lour is under lhe sponsorship of lhe Lexinglon-Fayelle
Counly Hisloric Commission. This lour is by reservalion only and we currenlly
have a full group. lf you are inleresled in being an allernale please Iel me
know. Those of you who have signed up will be receiving your confirmalion soon
(if you have nol already). lf you have lo cancel your reservalion, please lel me
know as soon as possible so we can give your spol lo someone else.
Toni Powell
~ Once again lhe LSO LUNCH HOUR PROGRAM was a success. Andrea Bryanl lalked
aboul her lrip lo New York lo a group of aboul 25 people. This is lhe lasl
program of lhe year and I lhink Jean Robinson deserves a special lhank you for
arranging mosl of lhe programs. They have been well received and we cerlainly
appreciale her efforl.
LSO Officers
The LSO has losl ils Secrelary. BETSY PETERS has lefl lhe library syslem lo
join her husband in lhe Delroil area. We are going lo miss Belsy’s efficiency and
smiling face. She worked hard wilh lhe social commillee on lhe picnic and lhe
coffee and donuls. We are sorry she could nol be here for lhe silver jubilee and
lhe Chrislmas Parly. We wish Belsy lhe besl and we will cerlainly miss her.
Since il is so Iale in lhe year we will nol allempl lo replace Belsy.
Andrea, Sandra and Toni
The biggesl news of lhe monlh will be lhe LSO SILVER JUBILEE. The Library
Slaff Organizalion was formed on November ll, l955 and we are planning a big
wingding lo celebrale ·lhis occasion. The LSO Social Commillee is working on il
now and we are planning lo couple lhis affair wilh lhe Newcomers' Receplion
somelime in early November. Mark your calendar and plan lo be lhere. This is an
invilalion lo lhe enlire slaff. lf all goes well we will have refreshmenls, so
plan lo come hungry and mingle. ,
A hugh overshipmenl several years ago crealed a giganlic surplus of file
folders in Special Colleclions and Archives. These are of legal Ienglh (buf can
be cul lo Ieller size) and allhough nol of archival qualily, slriclly speaking
(i.e., IOOZ acid free), lhey are considerably more durable lhan slandard manila
folders. Anyone wishing some should conlacl Bill Marshall or Frank Slanger al
Condolences lo PHIL and NANCY DARE on lhe recenl loss of lheir niece.
A gel well wish lo JULIE TAYLOR, daughler of JOE and JOYCE TAYLOR, who is
home afler a slay in lhe hospilal. We hope you are up and around soon.
In order lo keep prinling cosls down lhis is an abridged WAX BEAN.

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