xt7jws8hhq9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hhq9v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1942 Vol.13 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1942 Vol.13 No.9 1942 2019 true xt7jws8hhq9v section xt7jws8hhq9v ' ' 1 i 1 .‘"‘¢ I
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f i Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1942 l July, 19
, l . t heretofore or hereafter promulgated Elf Prize Win?“
1 l . P issued, or that anr person or conceal ~

; Printers May Procure erm1 i. .3...ng WM 1.1...- W or W Ptoitdtciiese
' l I . 55 u I! E 1 letter-sheet envelopes which have na‘ {lien/Best Al:
. i To Prlnt V-Mall nve Opes be-en‘printed or reproduced under ape] aper in tl
. ’ mit issued by the Thiid Assistétpt his 5 feature 0
. Letters which have been photostated as outlined by Post Oflice Department inasteérienleiftlgnDaisrieolproglwingszigg of the Kth
V i and reduced to postage-stamp size for Order No. 17790: ‘ ' . tion,t re )lrescmegi as usable through} tor J LaM
,. i acrosS-the-seas passage and then “blown- Firms or individuals deSiring to print 1:111:3{1 VS.Mq il1 Service he Should reporttll With the L‘
-_ ' up” to the original size upon arrival in or reproduce the V—Mail letter sheets tt . (mm H {0 the Third Assism ver trophy.
. I this country are now being received in must make application for a permit by giateiasper (penéral DiviSion of CW Certificatt
. ' the United States. This service has letter to the Third Assistant Postmaster fios inn , ‘ third plact
. been called V-Mail which was origin- General, Division of ClasSification. citpczm. rimer in Kentucky is ima Princeton I
i ated recently by the Post Office Depart- Upon approval of the application, a t d iri] procuring a permit for m. editor, and
ment in conjunction with the Army and number will be assigned .the applicant es .e tin ofthe V-Mail letters, he shoull son Prathei
Navy Departments. and will constitute a permit. All V—Mail 131:1}: tg the Third Assistant Postmasm‘ tion was a
- V—Mail Service has been established letter sheets printed under this permit glelngal as outlined above, or yourGti Herald, Edi
. p to reduce the weight and bulk of trans— number must be identical in style, ‘al Office and Secretary can furnish m publisher, 2
. oceanic mail in order to allow space for wording, weight, grade, and grain of iefiforination on request. vocate, Mo
. vital military supplies, and to provide paper with specimens furnished. or ap- K ‘ MuanI‘C}: 13
the most expeditious dispatchland 1131;: proved by thf1 Dallartmiml 113115811363; ————--——————————-— l’. liecipielii:
‘ a. to and from He arme uired in or er tiat t e e er _ ‘ ing on, Si .
: SEES-0f m 11 gnay be adapted to the process of photo— Daillvlllce) A£e§:;gt:;A évoorijfjny ’ Page Make
. : Letters sent Via V-mail must be writ- graphing the messages thereon, etc. in Ta tes ve . Pg. tin com 311le Advocate. E
V ten on a special V-letter sheet, a com- addition each letter sheet must bear‘ in The Columbia1 iin blihers Pot [k iiers of Mei
‘ bination letter and envelope, and the small type on the back or in connection DanVille, forlmei y pu hich has be lisle Mercui
message may be either typewritten or with the printed instructions on the Kentucky Aclvocatek, w ”01 b theAi The Kentut
‘ written with dark ink or pencil. address side the wording ‘:f’ost Oflice owned througi stoci C2011T ebruaiy 194i. 5' Wathen,
i , The correspondence side of the sheet Department Permit No. _._' The same vocate-Mecslsenglerdsarsl a cor oration. Alf t9?” News
‘ I is so arranged as to give the largest POS' wording must also be printed on the has been 1550 EC transfgrred to [It ceived llOll(
.i Sible space for the message, for sender’s lower right margin of the reverse or property has een m 3 a n jtf For the I
. ' name and address, the receiver’s name inner side of the letter sheet. Permits Ad.vocate—‘lVIessengilecr1 1:5) lte bffildiii Pays and P:
i , and address and for the CCHSOY’S deal“ will be revoked if the letter sheets printing in the p bvolcvfr and Mn nett Roach,
ance. There can be no CnClOSUl‘es in printed and distributed thereunder do which is under efis: y tiriued undi Shelhyville,
‘ such letters. not conform in size and style to the W. L. Simpson, Ev; e anPrintingcalI-l LOLIISVille l
Because of its distinctive identifica— specifications of tthe Department, and the firm name 0 impso §ilV’el‘t1‘pl)h
. tions printed on the envelop and the such nonconforming letter sheets W111“ pany. tile-,Pl‘ince
uniformity in size, the mail will if- not'lbe accepted for handling In t ‘3 _____________-_ Egg}? ryF51:
: I ceive the most referred and expe 1- mai 5. . . rat ” . c
tious handling td) its destination. The V-Mail letter sheets so prinlgei 3:17;};(llgolfetlll‘hgzzizrngléafigmoc , 11312;: p112;
' ' ' - ' Service ust bear no advertising matter u . ‘
. In €?n]uncu:nhi:uriiicifolfi/liiiin facil- gay be enclosed in wrappers or cartons Frank C. Bell, editor of the Trlnllt’: Sun, Herod
ls the photogr p 'g ' d ' ' matter 0f the D at Bedford has left for anti news story
ity." This is the postal term given to bearing.the a vertising_ . 'b _ emOCr , _ b ,h Charles Wilt Payroll M(
the sending of letters on 16 millimeter firm or indiVidual printing or distri ut serv1ce arid h.ls .rOt er, Th £0110” Henorable
film across the seas and then rePTOduc' ing them- They may be Offemd fqr sale comeseditor m hls place. e ivesllll the Princet
ing them on sensitized V-stationery for in the same manner at other stationery news item from the Democrat g entitled “1‘
forwarding to the receivers. or distributed free to. the public or explanation: . F" h .
' ' ‘ ' d forces if 50 demed‘ “With this issue, Chas. w. Bell wit- ls tIn Ph
DeSignation 0f military postoffice arme ’ . . - h Editor 0le Set Comino
‘ units to have such facilities is left up V-Mail letter sheets, V-Mail letter- over his duties as t e new editor, for
to the Army and Navy. The Postoflice Sheet envelopes, and the V-Mail SerVice Trimble Democriit. k C Bell who bl, Work To E
- Department will co-operate by sending are postal facilities of the United States His brother, 11:811 - for, thCPlf tion Of $5(
: all such letters to military p05toflice Government, and are matters exclusive- been managing t _e papler e of absefll Repeating
. units having such V-Mail photographic 1y within the jurisdiction of the United seveniyears, is takllflglj eav and M tor Grace;
. I. 1 stations. States. It is essential to the Operations for. the duration 0 t'e waitlhe natilf Leader, wa
‘ Men in the armed forces are entitled of the V-Mail Service that V-Mail letter- tering the;1 ai‘égacll :efniiffss :1 onth £0er for the Bes
, 3 to use the service free. Civilians will sheet envelopes conform exactly to the leaving the u h the cincinnati swim 13' Cozine l
i ‘ pay the customary three-cents for ordi- specifications of the Post Office Depait- dufliilon It} ll) 1g” volunteered for min VlCtory give
f nar mail service and six-cents for air- ment so that postal patrons may be as- . r: e . of earnifll’ the Cup wh
' mail sured that V-Mail Will receive the treat- ing, with the eifrlcpectyatimti.r1 as Setflf for Permar
I V-Mail letter sheet envelopes for use ment extended .by th? Government smrgjlsgzrtleifi 31:21:53} g f of merit f(
I ii in connection with this new service under tlhe V—hilalleassgliinfgbdfieie Ptliit I‘VE/lie wish Frank the hem of luck Wfi Were accort
f if may be printed for sale or for f'ree'd‘ls- :inafierergiiggf) cdncern ‘is violating or a congratulatory pat on the back i :fifgte and
~ i {grating}, tihlvafhflldiwiilisg OZOIIiZCftlf/dicis eveildilfig the regulations or instructions this patriotic resolution. i Baid.
f ‘1' .

 I 1.: ”1.1151 ,
942 1 :1iit5151

1 ;- 1.; .’,

1 5515’ 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS 5 5‘53?“ "

1 Page Three :1 .‘5 i1: 1
tedfll‘f ‘. I, -’ ,« 19 ) 5 11 151‘ 11
C()mm‘Pizze Wmnms In .194-- Contests and the Somerset COITlmonwealth re- 0n Printin (1 fi . . 155. .
V—Maf‘ F055 the second time in three years the ceived honorable mention. refere g e nlng the policy With 1 ‘ 1 11111151 1
ave it Prov1dence Enterprise was adjudged The Gl‘ehan Memorial Plaque was tionalnigifelctlo315'1e 'CStathhment Of addi— = 1 11551 '

:r 551551 the Best All-Around Community News- establiSth by Mrs. Enoch Grehan and pansion of eillnhng Plants and the ex- 1 ,1 .11. ’ 1
nt Pot paper in the annual contest which is the faculty members of the Department lines th futmg plants, It also out- 1 1 11: 1
lassifiu a feature of the mid-summer meetings 05 Journalism in 1939 to be suitabl on Prinf'pO lhy 051115101111 Committee 1115511111151
1g dog; of the Kentucky Press Association. Edi. engraved with the name of the new: Productibrth e 3111th Printer, the War 5 5 511151 1‘“
through) tor J. LaMarr Bradley was presented paper eaCh year Which was adjudged to vices with r foai and the Armed Ser- 1 55 .11 3
Port [111 With the Lexmgton Herald—Leader sil— contain the Best Editorial. The judges of Him (:16 erence to the Procurement 3 55 11: ..
issistai ver trophy. decreed that the name of the Lyon souri:es e matter from commercial 5 5 555111 555

3 Chssi Certificates of merit for second and County Herald should be placed there- The1VVPB h 5 111111151

1 third places, respectively, were the on this year. This is the second time printin )lant' 1:5 agreed that no new ’ 555511 15
is inta Princeton Leader, Gracean M. Pedley, that the Herald has won, placing first in be no egxl _5 6 established; that there 1 11 11111
for [11 editor, and the Carlisle Mercury, Gib- the 194 contest. The editorial was writ- printin pic-111811015 0.5 present government 1‘15 1151 1
:shouli 59H Prather, editor. Honorable men- ten by Gracean M- Pedley and entitled PlacemgntsagfltIES1 11hat heeessar)’ 56- 15111 51111 11 1
5mm tion was accorded the Lyon County "Community Suffers Irreparable Loss” merit in e ' '0 so ete prmtmg “NIB "1 115 ;
:ur Gt]. Herald, Eddyville, Gracean M. Pedley Second place was accorded Ed't -1 made b filStlng government plants be ‘ 155511155
nish [1 publisher, and the Union County Ad: Bennett Roach, Shelby News for 1hOiIs ditioned1 iii:c1p 511th?” 055555355101“ recon- : 11115155 »

Epcatfe, dMorgalngield, Roy and Tyler eEdlitorial entitled, “The Case1Of The ofasecret or ddheiircientti'lzwfltnagguileeliis 111:5 5 1511 1
un or, 1)ll)i81€1"s_ (itor And The Unfinis ' ” 5 ' . ‘ 5 ay e 5 5 11' 55 1

I". ReCipient of the Kentucky Post, Cov- Third place was accorded J§e§arier1§ll1 5:23:16; {111: 5:313:11: 1: 1 53.131155. thus re- 1 1 114111 ‘3 .

1 Elggtpni/Isgizéei‘ trophy for the. Best Front U1150n “County Advocate, for his edi: riOHS government fielfilptllaersitsnfbfie tvli: 1 1111115 3

K Advocate 51220211515 the Union County tgorlal,l .All Persons Regret Giving Up printing and publishing of such confi- 5.1 ‘51’ 31?.
panyi tiers ofMer‘t(jg-5111911111d place Wm. comet 1mg Dear To Them, But The dential material as is needed by the 1115151111515 ‘ 1
of [it lisle M 1 ‘5 eulficate§ were the Car- Umtffd States Is At ‘Nar”, Honorable armed forces; and that all requests for 5'1 5511551' 5 55 ‘15
ts bet The KeICUiy and the Princeton Leader. mention was accorded Charles K. the purchase of printing equipment_ 5‘ 115 5151+“:
tlieAi S watihtuCky Standard, Bardstown, A. Steele for his editorial, “Selfishness”, in whether or not it is new equi mem .3 5.1 ,5 5,111.51 .
y, 1911 “5w Nen, publisher, and the George- the column “Just Ramblin’ Around” previously authorized by the JointpCm . 11' t 1
1051111 cei nd 1elvs, Flem Smith, editor, re— 1n the Cumberland Courier, Pineville, mittee, or used or reconditioned e uin- 3 3‘ '55 5i
to [1.1 15’: Illonorable mention. and to Mrs. John S. Lawrence, Cadiz ment which can only be purclcilaseig 11111 1
Y- 55, Pa 51a; iePnews story ,ehtitled, “County Becol‘d, for her editorial entitled, under the allthority 05 the Executive “55 5‘1
uuilding netyt R ( 1ays ior PollClng Road”, Ben- Peace At Any Price—And Where It Order—be cleared through the War Pro- 5 355511511: 11 5.1
[Id Mt Shem/051:1, editor of the Shelby News, Got Us”. duction Board by the Printing and Pub- ‘115 515 1
(15551511 Louisa/51111 e, was presented with the In the Advertising Production COH' lishing Branch, WhiCh Will be 156513051" 1555 515 1
ng 5515 silver tIrOCJthOglner‘JOurnal and Times 56855’ 51165355515151?“ Company prizes 51131.6 50.1. ascertaining the location and 155155 1

the Prin‘ceion€C£11d11)5ac53 ‘Vas awarded Wére.-dlStl‘lblliZ€d to the Providence En— availability 05 SUCh equipment from the 1 5 11 55511 1 1 1- "
stow, “Famous fiacm {or the news teipiise for the best full-page advertise- 55555555555135 Machinery Branch and mak- .5111 5‘51 115 135
Mystery Castle fEipeiidmg ManSion, merit, the Union County Advocate for mg the JOll’lt recommendations to the ,1 ' 50511 1‘
'at, Razed” in this B1 .ally Days, Is Being the best half—page ad, and the Bards- Director ofhPurchases. . 1 111}, i, . 1
Third place wase‘rsityNewg Story contest. town. Kentucky Standard tor the best This policy declaration followed or- ’~ 11; 11111 ,1 1.
Trinlbi.‘ Sun, Hemdon J E111,al(1ed the Plneville qualteppage. Second. and third places dei of JOint Committee on Printing call- it i, 5115 -
3r anti news story on \11 am, C(llt01:, [or the and honorable mention for the three ing a halt 50 the establishment of new ‘1 11‘15/51 '
W,,bt Payroll More T11 ew 3 Counc11 Raises [505156553 were accorded respectively: plants or 5516 expanSion 05 any existing 1 1525.1 ‘5! :151'75 ‘-
)llOWiii',‘ HOHOI‘able ment'mn $5,000 A Year”. HILPRge, the Union County Advocate, 15555555 T5113 apparently ends long con- ' 1111111! 1
ivesilli the Pl‘incetrm L 1:111‘Was also accorded the .Bardstown Kentucky Standard, the 51051611551 about competition 05 govern— 1 5‘51’ Hi 51 151' 1
entitled ”Lieuteen: e1 for. the news story Cadiz Record, and the Georgetown ment branch plants. \ 115515151 1'
entail. Fight In phihPPinfsE,5513:5511Hsem of fiiwfgefjfjfifjgg; “ff firmfet‘g‘ Page, ““““—““— 5 5151 5i 7
, it set ‘ ‘ 'ie omer- ' 'an arc, tie aciz ec- ,‘ , -- - it l57115t~“
' 0511 editg?5n£;ehlge\plth,1 George A, Joplin, 0rd, and the Shelby News; and quarter- [11.111361114110111 AC1U65111111g Durmg 19512 1‘ 51511111115
wh055, Work To Start 2:: separtment Orders page, the Union County Advocate, the in 1:15;??? 511011151, increase advertiS- 1 .5 1151 1‘
the pat tion Of $50 000 00t0 nce On COnstruC_ Plowdence Enterprise, the Cadiz Rec— [0g] (5 5 U 1333110118,,15 511651 expect 5942 1 1‘53 iii 1
absent Repeatin .1 1 -,’ . Wolf Creek Dam”. 0551’ and 55565435055 County Herald. 16:1 1301.) year,_ says Roger W1 Bab- 111511 15111 5
[d M1 [or Graceg’nns triumph of 1941’ Edi— The Lomsville Paper Company’s spn. 11Metehants in the delense areas if; 1 ,
,natint‘ Leader, “,3; M’ Pedley, Princeton 51‘01311)’ for the best display of job print- :iouft 1ifave a good year. I am not so 1 1514111 11, .
1 {grill for the Best Egl551n~.a“5al‘(l€(l first place ing was awarded A. S. VVathen, Ken— (13:1):3‘111 orhthose outSide defense areas. 1 1,15. {1151
“615555 B COZine Maggi? 531C Page in the Ben Ftlcky Standard, Bardstown, at the dos. 511131211315yalt‘thstinlumimr Of. sales will be , 1 1
3r trail Victory gives 71 1a up contest. This ing minutes of the convention. I ll 4 . gl’ 510, 505211 7545055 may 1 .51 5 115-1
min? the Cu) 1' tie Leader two “legs” on ______________ 1" ‘ “11 Expahdmg the draft age may '5; E 1:, . =1
l Set051 for P65115211ilecli must be-won three times Policy Determined on 1::ei:1:1t11111;11),€111.ng¥1;11€a 01115652111 trade 5515' 151 5 '

.1 of merit for seCpOssleSSIOii. certificates Government Printing cut the labor1csiii1d 1 Cf draitshlay 3150 515 5111151111 ‘
ickwl5 were aCCOrded {1106th and third places This office has received copy of a let- Blackouts are alrigthe: 5:21:11] 11111115515163. ‘51 515 111'
back 55. V0cate and the Provilllec;11 Crounty Ad- ter dispatched to all government execu- ing consumer buying. Hehcocr ilrilei‘rcelizltiict1 11 1 511 5 11 " 1‘ '1‘

i The BardstoWh ‘Kentu C13, 11116115115156 515165 by Senator Carl Hayden, chairman should increase advertising1a ro riaf 5151 5551551 1

1 C ) Standard of the JOint Congressional Committee tions if they expect a good year 113i: 195:19 ” 5‘5‘1‘555 1

‘ “' i5

j ‘ , t: . v. 1,, t "17“"-
“k .; ft»; '

.dh_,7 5 '11511

 ‘. ‘ v
. ‘ l
_ Z . Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS Iuly, 1942 i J 1
. ' ‘ u Y:
I i
. l For over half of his life, Curtis was a also a member of the National Edit “ -
- , e h . - . . . _ (””11 communlt
l Ia1d and effluent worker 1n the Assoc1a- Assoc1at10n, and it was mainly through‘. h d t b
I i ent a SS tron, servrng the last thirty years, until his efforts that the KPA entered inml ' a 0 €
. l - ’ - his retirement 1n January, as its secre- the national body in a block. ‘ 1.2m ISP on;
. » taryvtreasurer. At his death he was One of his most important comm-l ; tie)’ _
' 0310181 nggatgoof 328 Kentucky chairman of the executive committee, in butions to Danville’s civic life was the! lave quil
s ca 11 - . . . ;
' . l1ne for the presrdency in 1945. H15 fel- Boyle County Historical society Whicll f°%:3?etl
——————- - - . . 1 w.
, 1 Victor R. Portmann, E ditor-Publisher 10W Cdltffls mourn hls death, and, 1n was organlzed largely through his effort: of as wide
. that passmg, the loss of a fa1thful frlend Interested in developing Danville’s his) and tastes
, ‘ ~ Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington and a congenial comp anion. .Hls advrce toric shrines, he £00k a leading part i“ e ual Iu
.________ and counsels Wl11_ be sadly missed 1n the the restoration of the {ohn G. weisigfll :q h 1 n
Kentucky Press Association Officers conduct of Assoc1ation alfairs. While he memorial park and the Ephraim Mel In W atev
Harry Lee Waterfleld.§rlélsifé{3;m Co. Gazette, Clinton had been in failing health the past SCV— Dowell shrine both later being made) tilde, OI‘
Vance Armentrout s..— Cogrier-Journal, Louisville eral months, his death came as a distinct state parks. {111131 too,
Vice Presi ent - ll‘St t
. Victor R. Portmann .____._.__ U. of Ky., Lexington ShOCk t0.hlS newspaper colleagues. In 1928; he was €16Ct€d menlber 0l~ E R b‘O
m t f:cr;tary;frea;urer I” Born in Glasgow, January 21, 1881, the lower house of the general assembly. f ho 1:5
, src xecu ve 0mm: ee - . - . -O t e a
1 ‘ Jfiums Mcgck,Advocawyeiflngfir’ Danville, (Sme' hf: starteg hlS newspgpeg fcaree1 111 that of Kentucky. While a member of the 0f the be
- r e), airmai; Firs, oe aGore, Sun- emo— 1 . ~. '
:ral: gPadu‘dah; Selcond, Tyler Munford, Union Co. C .y at t 6 age 0. ' ter tWO years assenlbly he sponsored numerous billy both b 1‘6
gdvoicatef Morlgarfifielidém‘rhixr‘fld, .3:th H.Rn§ag(lian§, Wlth the Taylorsv1lle Courier he went to chief among them being an appropria. as . y
1 our er- ourna, ous e; our , 0e 1c ar so , .- . . . ‘ . V1 01011
Times, Glasgow;.Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Demo- Bardstown as superintendent 0f the [1011 for ImprOVCmCHt Of the Perryvrllt l... g]
figfihgfiggvgfihwmfi figmfls’fiflh‘igfigg' printing department, later acquiring battlefield. The famous field was one‘ ' “icon 0
, , . . , 1 ' < . \. ‘
‘ . ville; Eighth, T. T. Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; half Interest in the Kentucky Standard of his hobbies and he never ceased girl the 1dr?“
' ' ‘ Ninth, H. A. Browning, Whitley Republican, Williams- ' - - ' . . . . . , :SCl‘Ve t:
; . burg; State-at-large, Chauncey Forgey, Independent, there' Selllng hls lnteres‘: In the; B3145. 111g the hIStOI‘IC landlnark 1118 Personal bef . (1)3,
Ashland- town paper, he accepted a posulon 1n attention. He was a member of the Kenn - 0181.21 ‘
Legislative Committee ‘ ' ' . . . . . ourna ism
Tyler Mumford, Union Co. Advocate, Morganfleld, the 10.1) prlntlfilg department 0f the tUCky Sesqulcentennlal commissron, hall {fictions
. chairman: George A. Joplin, Commonwealth, Somerset; Lou15v1lle Courier-Journal. ing been appointed b GOV Keen John-1 W
‘ Egbert G. Taylor, Record Herald, Greensburg; Thomas In 1907 he went I: ff . d y . l and enthl?
: R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington; H. A. Ward, Allen 0 Je 61 sontown, an 50n- f l\/ll‘ R b
' Go. News, Scottsville; Henry Ward, Sun-Democrat, [a ‘ . - ' , I. - O l
Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset. es bIFhEd tllC JCHCI SOIllfln. EICV en He was a StaunCh member Of [116M231 both as N
‘ ; Newspaper Exhibit Committee years ater he went to Danv1lle and p111“ SOnlC order, having been past worshiplulb te
i 1v111rs.r Lee %p%d$5;1§;t5:§yEilzttnda:d, garriztown, chased the Messenger, a semi-weekly. master, and was 21180 a Knights Templar.:' Hemfln at
C 8.1 man; . Br 1' , rpr se, l'OV ence;
1' , Mrs. John s. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz: Miss Lillian After a year he converted the paper to He was a devoted member of the Dan-r (girlie at 1
‘ R’hd,RsllC.B r,R 118' :Mi ' . . . g evetr
. , ,ggeagjm‘j fieemd‘j H,’:§:§,,,,;SS° ”mugs 55 a dally- In February, 1940, he purchased Ville Method1st church and took a lead-:1 lin Ad
‘ Kentucky Press Women's Club half-interest 1n the Kentucky Advocate ing part in all of the church’s activities.‘ awgy at I:
‘ Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President; and with the late John s Van Winkle H - , - - . _ .
Mis- Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport, ’ ' ’ e 15 SUIVlved by hls WldOW, a son,
. Firsbt Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, merged bOth newspapers under the Lieut. Chauncey AlCOCk' a daughter. few days a
Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell, ’ _ a centur
Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R. name. 0f the Advocate-Messenger. MTS- RObert (3211111313611; a step-daughter; Cies dy I
Kflla‘gntfidfruser'l Yemeni. flecslrdinngecéetary; Edltor Alcock had always taken an ac- Mrs Jack Baker Louisville' two sistefi' an m
55 r ucas, n epen en , aysv e, orres- . . . . . ' ’ ’ ' l
_ pending Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley, Enterprise, thC Interest 111 the llfe Of DanVIIIe and Mrs_ J B_ Harlan, Louisville, and Mil locate, the
: va‘dence' Treasure“ hoyle county- .In 1920, through his 1111- Stella Barrick, Glasgow, Ky.; a brothel. 316:8} IWhE
, tlrlng leadershlp, the Danv111e Chamber Senator Clarence Alcock, editor of the abl e Wm
NATIONAL EDlTORlAl of Commerce was organized and he was Forest Hill (N. C.) Daily New; four in :3th mu
\m/ SSOCI ATI ON named secretary. Every worthy cause 1n grandchildren and two great-grand Club erg:
- Ig4mi€§dm . I. the communlty and county received his children. 1‘ E In L
l W personal interest and he wrote many ________________ Pr' xcept
columns of editorials to bring about 7 Inter ur
. . . , ~ T ~ ' er" s '
c1v1c co-operation throughout the R6170” Of he NecmlOgy Commzlt I egation, it
MEMBER ffiggs county. A year ago he was president of Death lifted the veil for an unusual, ChOrts were
“@3le the organization and his program for number called from the ranks 0f the Mamplon
1 ‘y- . . . . g
the busmess group was a busy one. He Kentucky Press Assocratlon durlng ill. chonthmer
K ‘ TUCKY PRES was one of the charter members of the first six months of 1942. ti urch WOr
‘ ASSOCIATION Danville Rotary club, being recently The Grim Reaper to those bereavell ve 0f She.
: onuulzrn JANUARY nu named president. may not appear in that guise to [htl 1 Although
i 'V Mr. Alcock was long interested in departed, surely not to one whO halt $.36 busir
W . . Scout . ‘ ' till 1nkle, ‘
. Volume Thzrteen, Number Nme .work In 1934’ he was awarded enjoyed the compensations (flawed Ma h 7‘
; the Sliver Beaver award of the Boy ‘ Journahsm to the full. If he 15 call l rC 4, 01
5‘ _'—’—‘——_"‘"_— Scouts of America “for distinguished to his reward”, it must be new and 1'“ ta“ Wuh l
. J C: t. Al k service to boyhood.” He was a loyal teresting aspects of a life and chanllj rePorter in
‘_ 0 UI' IS COC member of the Boy Scout district com- t0 participate in it; maybe a realizatwl Hess managr
‘ In Memoriam mittee and a past chairman of the group. of the ideals. his. stubborn optimismi Eben other
L E _ . He served as secretary-treasurer of the refused to rcllngulsh. le away,
{ ‘l J. Curtis Alcock, publisher-editor of Kentucky Press Association for 30 Years, As we scan the more factual data 50".? .anvrlle ll
" El the Danv1lle Advocate-Messenger, and retiring last January. At the time of his ccrning these eight, what can be sill; time of his
1 l‘ long the mainstay and active part1c1pant retirement, the KPA presented him with of one or all that does not sound “mil The late
”:1 - - - . . . . , . . '1
‘3, 1n the KentUCkY Press ASSOCIathn, d1ed a gold watch in recognltion of hrs long They were interested and actlve "‘l a Career in
li‘ Sunday, July 5, at the age of 61 years. service to Kentucky publishers. He was every social and civic enterprise in Ihel 1y typical or
. f,
,7 .
‘2 i iii; ‘ 4 ..,,,

 ., _;,;.,:-;_;-:';:::_.‘i..:"..:"‘::' :"f.‘.? : : . . ‘ ‘ ' . - ,, . . 3’3,__fi._,;.._;1..—E.—:':::3.,-f~
3 ,~ 3 313,333,:"l 9 3”, -
“ 3 3 3
: ‘2 iii 3 3 ,
‘ : 13133.3 3 3 i’
l i3 '33 .-
; July, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 3 :3. 3 33 3 3
. . . , . 3 3‘” ””313 i”: 3 :
ml; community and state. Of course, they and brought to Versallles as an infant Fair, served on the Nicholasville Board 3 '3 [3.333;
ugh; had to be, of such was their real life, by his father, for whom he was named, of Education, was president of the 3 33 ,;;-”””33 _
into"; not sporadically, but continually. And, Mr. Bowmar literally grew up with the Kentucky U. D. C., and had time left ‘ 333”” ' 3;”3313 3
x if they had lost interest, they would VVoodford Sun. No newspaper ever to teach an adult Sunday School class. '33I3 ~__
mi-3 have quit the newspaper voluntarily bore the impress of a personality more Mrs. McCarthy was the daughter of 3‘”; ”
the"; for something more congenial. indelibly than the VVoodford Sun. The Leving Young of Fayette county. 3 313 ‘3” :3; 7
bid“ This was the common denominator local field fascinated Mr. Bowmar, the The late L. C. Littrell, founder and ’3 i”; ,3; :-
m; of as wide diversity of types and talents most inveterate traveler of the Ken- publisher of the Owen County Demo- 3 r4333 33
”‘3” and tastes as could be found among an tucky newspaper fraternity. His talent crat, Owenton, who died April 11, was '35? 33 3‘3) 3 :33
”1“: equal number. Each was a personality was distinctly literary and he brought a man of many activities, banker, farm- 3 l 3 .”” 33
age; in whatever sphere circumstances, apti- to journalism a style of condensation er, and merchant as well. He served 3,;; ;;;3;3
MC": tude, or preference ordained. Yet all that packed his columns with pithy two terms in each house of the Legis- ‘l 313 ”u
made: this, too, could be taken for granted. items, models of news value and com- lature besides. Truly, a busy life that ;3”;33 3.; 3,, ‘
. First to answer the summons was Joe position. When he expressed an opin- touched community affairs at every vital 33 3333 33.“ ”
r ””3 .13. Robinson, 68, since 1909 publisher ion, and he always had one, he wasted point and reached beyond. ” 3;; ;. .
311le :of the Lancaster Central Record, one no space on over-elaboration. On May 23 came the not unexpected, 33:3 .3 33;; '3;
3”” of the best known men in the state, Of the newspaper genre unadulter- but never the less distressing, news of 3 3;”3” 2H3.“ ;
b””””‘ both by reason of his vigorous pen and ated was James M. “Jim” Pendleton, Shelton Marshall Saufley’s death at the 3 3 3;; 333 .
P313 .as vigorous public career. A native of who died March 10, after almost forty age 0f 60 years. To the Association, Mr. ;3l333;
”v””””. .Lincoln county, Mr. Robinson began years on the Owensboro Messenger and Saufley’s loss will be felt recurrently, 3;”. 33 3 .
””3””; the practice of law at Lancaster and Messenger-Enquirer. From cub to man- and he will be missed by the members 333 3
.gl\'-- served both as county and city attorney aging editor, Jim Pendleton’s concern personally for, up to the moment of his , 3 3; .3; 3
50ml. before abandoning that profession for was exclusively his work. His share in last illness, Shelton was a resourceful, 3’3; 3331‘
”(“3 journalism, but not politics. His con- promoting a community’s progress was helpful counselor in the business of 33333; 3:;
h”””3 victions were as strong as his energy the utterly selfless kind, occasionally the Association and a faithful attendant 33133533 ; ”.33 3
John; and enthusiasm seemed inexhaustible. recognized but understood only by the at its conventions. His host of devoted g 33;;- 33
3 Mr. Robinson distinguished himself craft. friends, consequently, included his col- 3'3- 33;; -
”.””””3 both as National Democratic Commit— Also on March 25 there passed away leagues in this body. Those qualities . 3.333; "3 3‘
”PM”. teeman and Majority Leader in the at Nicholasville another figure associa— which endeared him to each of us and 3 :33 3’53 ;
1P1“ House at Frankfort. . ted with the press for many years, Mrs. earned our esteem, are cherished indi- 3 ”13.33;; ";I ‘33
I””333 The veteran editor of the Mt. Ster- Alleen McCarthy. When her husband, vidually. It is for the organization to 3 ; 3” 3:3
lea; ling Advocate, J. W. Heddon, passed the late Hary M. McCarthy, died, record the fact. . ””233 I33 ”
“m” away at the age of 93 on January 18, a Mrs. McCarthy took over the publica— The same practical ability he demon— 3333”" ,3”l _‘
50”” few days after Mr. Robinson. For half tion of the Jessamine Journal. She was strated as a publisher and in the service [333 “3:3 «__
ghtfl:\ a century Mr. Heddon guided the poli- a woman of capacities that matched a of the Kentucky Press Association, serv— ”; 3””ylj ; '3 _‘
S111“; cies and managed the affairs of the Ad- variety of interests. She had charge of ing as secretary in 1910 and as presi- ”33313 ‘3 3
1513:: vocate, the last ll years in total blind- the Women’s Department of the State dent in 1924, Mr. Saufley gave to the .333” ;33;r 3‘ 3t.
other; HESS” Where he COUId n0_longer $0 _—_______———————————————-—-— 3;; 333 '3; '
)f the :5 telephone could and 1115 indomit— 3 '3 3 ‘3; 3 3 l” 3
£013 in tehsplrit mocked the years by jommg MAC 3n; :3]; .3
01 says: 3
l . : 1”, v i' :-
EXCCPt for one term as Public . _ . w. 2 . II :3: 333 in
. » Prlnter under the Beckham admini- i i K E E P OIL li”li ”;”l- 1:
liter; stration, Mr. Heddon’s most intense 5‘ “flags” 3 3"33l”3;' ‘1
nusuil. efforts were devoted to the local scene, shag”? [11:33 333
3; the Champion of all he found good for fikffffl” _ ‘ I N I TS PLACE, ”1333 3.‘ '
. ch worker. Mr. Heddon was a na— as», ,, . 33333;; 3«3‘3'3'
rem; tive of Shelby county. 1. 31...; By all means keep your Linotype 3.3;3 Hi”
to the; 1 Although most widely known by his ,3...“ well lubricated. But don’t squirt oil I” 3””33)
0 13”” ills”: busmess lmeres.”s’ John S' Van ”a” around like you were oiling UP the 3. 3” ”'1
actm‘. Inkle, 72, who died at DanVille, _ _ {"33133;;:: 3 my;
«called; March ‘4, only briefly lost personal con- 2:34 for Marble City. Too much Oil and grease can be lust as : 1;;3 33 3,
mdm" lac” With. the Press' He started as a harmful as not enough. Oil and hot lead wreck matrices.