xt7jws8hhw2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hhw2h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-03-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2000 2000 2000-03-21 2020 true xt7jws8hhw2h section xt7jws8hhw2h LEFT Oi CENTER

School days

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Spring break is over.


There I said it. The
realization is here.
We won't have a
week like that for
another year. Never
for some of you
reading this. That
may make some of
you happy. Not me
though. Here is a rail
dedicated to some
stories from this
spring break. You
know you are back
from spring break if...

- You see nothing wrong
with walking to class
in a bikini or swim-

- Jokes like “What do
you call a sleep-
walking nun? A
Roman Catholic." just
don't get the laughs
like they did four
days ago in front of
the hot tub with
empties all around. It
was funny at the
time J.M.

— A beer bong is not
necessary for a day
on campus, unlike
spending the day on
the coast.

- Everyone asks you.
“How was your
break?" This is all
well and good, but I
want to ask people if
they went to the
tanning bed over the
weekend or
something else that
has nothing to do
with the break.

- Your past three
included topics such
as gas prices, the
temperature change
and how drunk you
were the other night.

- You are no longer
worried about getting
some weird staff
infection or
something similar
from the sex pool,
err, I mean hot tub.

- Yelling something like
"Show your tits"
gets a really weird

— People look at you
weird if you take a
big sports sipper full
of Jim Beam and

— Walking a few blocks
to campus kills you,
though walking a mile
or two to get to a
club or hotel was just

- You find it really neat
that you have a bed,
and you are in it by

- You no longer worry
about having some
Bohemian sell your
friend into slavery.

- You see other liquors
besides tequila.

- You now drive in a car
by yourself but still
can't believe gas

(Implied by: Ron Norton



«i1 4.9

Partly cloudy. Do you
miss Florida yet?




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Sports writer

. medical

WV named athletics director

After a long history with UK,
Larry lvy takes the reigns
from GM. Newton

By Tracy Kershaw

Larry Ivy. UK senior associate direc-
tor of athletics, was named the new direc‘
tor of athletics by the UK Athletic Associa-
tion board of directors yesterday.

Ivy will assume the top position July
1, pending approval of the UK Board of
Trustees at its April 4 meeting.

“I clearly understand the importance
of this job." Ivy said after being recom-
mended by UK President Charles Wething
ton. “UK has been a part of my life for 31

Ivy follows CM. Newton. who retires
June 30 after 11 years as director of athlet-

ics. Newton recommended Ivy for the job
upon announcing his retirement last year.

Newton's recommendation played a
major role in Ivy‘s recommendation from
the board. said Robert Lawson. a member
of the advisory council Wethington creat-
ed to search for someone to fill the position.

Ivy‘s knowledge about the program.
long standing with financial and budget-re-
lated affairs and strong relationships with
the people in the program were other rea-
sons for his recommendation. Lawson

"We couldn‘t find anyone to match
him." Lawson said.

Ivy is no stranger to responsibility. He
came to UK in 1969 as the director of stu-
dent housing six months after graduating
from the University of Alabama.

He moved to athletics in 1976 as assise
tant athletic director in finance. Ivy was
promoted to associate director for internal
affairs in 1989 and became senior associate

director of athletics in 1993.

“I‘ve worked with (‘lifl‘ Haggin for 1:t
years and with (‘..\1. Newton for going on
11." Ivy said. “It has given me great learn
ing experience."

His years with Newton will help. Ivy

"Working with (‘..\1. Newton really ex-
panded my horizons to handle the various
things that come up in this job." he said.

Ivy said he wants to continue to stress
the "student" in student-athlete. “We want
to make sure all athletes graduate." he

Ivy does not foresee making any major

changes in the way things are run in ath-

“We've got it going so good right now.
I think we can take the foundation that we
built with Coach Newton and expand on
that.“ he said.

He realizes there may be challenges.

"Challenges and things may come up.


but we can handle that. We have good peo-
ple 111 all phases ofthc program. We are all
committed to keeping this train on the

tracks." he said.
Ivy said he is committed to continuing
the success of (TR Athletics.
“If we are going to play this game and
keep score. the goal is to win." he said.


find anyone to
match him,”

-Robert Lawson. advisory council member








SGA president Jimmy Glenn takes a moment to hear a student's concern.

A ay in the life...

By Hillary Cromer

The second in the series, we


Jimmy Glenn barely breathes. He.
doesn’t have the time. The president of
SGA c ries a full course load. is a mem»
ber of hi Kappa Psi social fraternity and
Alpha Phi Omega national service frater-
nity and is a University ambassador.

“I would say that I put in about so
hours a week for SGA. something: Iikn
that.“ Glenn said.

He rarely takes breaks on the week-
ends. either. Because the week is bogged
down with SGA-related duties. it leaves
the weekends open for studying.

The work doesn‘t go unnoticed.
though. To compensate Glenn for the time
he puts in. he receives in—state tuition pro-
vided by the Dean of Students Office.

A typical day for Glenn goes some-
thing like this:

10 a.m.

German class.

“Most professors usually understand
my commitment to SGA and have been re-
ally good at helping me keep up with tests
and assignments.“ Glenn said.

12 p.m.

AutoCAI) class. a course in the com-
puter-aided design program typical for
Glenn who is a civil engineering junior.

1 p.m.

Glenn retreats to his office in the Stu-
dent Center. He responds to emails. takes
phone calls and plans events.

“The purpose of student government
is to be an advocate." he said. “I want peo-
ple to write me notes or to email me
when they have something to say because

explore a typical day in the lives of
various people on UK ’s campus

SGA czm affect every single aspect of this

The newest item of business is getting
the new software approved for UK.

3:20 p.m.

Glenn takes a conference call with the
Kentucky Board of Student Body Presi-

“l‘ve never done a conference call be-
fore.“ he says with a smile. “This should
be interesting."

The student body presidents vote on
two resolutions to encourage Gov. Paul
Patton to help fund state-mandated sprin-

“The state made this law about updat-
ing the sprinkler systems in the residence
halls after the Murray incident but then
didn‘t provide any money for it." Glenn
said. “We want the state to refund half the

4:15 p.m.

Amanda Holloway. Glenn's running
mate, for next year‘s elections comes in to
prepare for a debate later in the day. They
go over questions and platform issues.

4:30 p.m.

Glenn and Holloway walk down the
hall to the Black Student Union. where
they will hold their first debate against
Keisha Carter and Charmain Neal.

6:15 p.m.

Glenn and Holloway go back to his of-
fice where they reviewed the debate and
discussed strategies for next time.

7:30 p.m.

Glenn attends the SGA meeting. as he
does every week. After that. he will have
the evening to study and complete SGA

All in all, I love What I do.”

- Jimmy Glenn, SGA president



fidds back together, wi

By Matt Mulcahey

Who says you can‘t go home again?

“Who would have thought that Naomi Judd would
be standing beside me singing ‘Grandpa‘ again I just
never thought it would happen." Wynonna said.

Since the conclusion of their highly successful

ll play Rupp Arena



On April 7 that‘s exactly what country superduo
Naomi and Wynonna Judd will do.

The mother/daughter team. in the middle of their
first concert tour since 1991. will perform at Rupp Are
na in a concert that will be a CBS special during
sweeps week.

Both Naomi and daughter Wynonna were born in
Ashland. Ky. When hard times befell the family they
moved around for a while (Naomi's second daughter
and UK’s most famous alum. Ashley. was born in Cali
fornia) When they returned to Kentucky. the family
had no telephone or television. so. to help fight off the
boredom. Naomi bought Wynonna her first guitar.

“Because of our background. from being here and
being on welfare and having gone through some of the
crap we‘ve gone through. it makes us appreciate suc-
cess a lot more because we know the difference."
Wynonna said.

Twenty million record sales. 15 number ones and 6
Grammy‘s later. Naomi was forced to retire when she
contracted Hepatitis C. At one point. she was told she
had only 3 years to live. Now. almost 10 years later. the
disease is in remission.

farewell tour in 1991. both Judds have gone on to indi
vidual success. Wynonna has fostered a successful solo
career selling more than 9 million albums. while Nao-
mi has become a successful radio host. actress and au-

Now country music‘s most down-to-earth stars
have recorded 4 new songs (they are available with
Wynonna‘s new solo album New Day Dawning) and
embarked on a new tour entitled “Power to Change."

“We call this the ‘Power to Change' tour because
we know that there‘s nothing different or special about
us. and we're just trying to say to everybody out there
we see ourselves in you guys.“ Naomi said.

How has time affected The Judds' perfomiances'.’

“Let‘s face it. When I was 18. she mothered me and
took care of everything. On this tour I found myself be—
ing a little more nurturing.“ Wynonna said.

In the early days. it was Naomi who was the single
working mom. Now her daughter can relate.

“Tomorrow I‘ll get up at 6:30 in the morning taking
them to school." the younger Judd said. “But at night I
get to go on stage and be the rebel rockin‘ redhead. and
it's the best of both worlds."


The Judds were cheerful and relaxed as they talked to reporters about
everything from their upcoming lexlngton stop to shopping habits.



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington







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The Low-down

I think it
if the
ran. ”

Gore leads Bush in funding

WASHINGTON George W. Bush for the
first time is trailing Democratic rival Al Gore in
available cash to spend pursuing the White
House over the next tive months. records showed
yesterday. The Texas governor’s latest spending
report shows he began March with just $7.5 mil-
lion a tentii of the $73.9 million war chest he
amassed while yanquishing .lohn Mct‘ain for the
Republican presidential nomination. In contrast.
Gore's spending slowed over the last two months
along with the threat from his now-ousted chal-
lenger Bill Bradley. leaving the vice president
with $10 million in the bank to begin the month.
campaign aides said.

Arrests made in Oscar statues case

LOS ANGELES Two men who worked for
the trucking company hired to deliver Academy
Awards statues were charged with stealing the 55
Oscars, all but three of which were found over
the weekend beside a trash bin by a man scav-
enging for valuables. Police said the two men
hoped to profit from Hollywood's most valued
trophy. Bruce Davis. Academy executive direc-
tor. said the 52 statues recovered look fine and
some probably will be awarded Sunday. If any
are “nicked or dinged. they will not be used."

American pop
and film star
Madonna is
three months
pregnant with
her second
child, and the
lather is British
film director
Guy Ritchie. a
for her record
company said
Madonna, 41.
who has set up
a home in
London, already
has a three-
year-old daugh-
ter, Lourdes, by
her former per-
sonal trainer,
Carlos Leon.

The soldiers shot at the car at a roadblock near
the Israeli settlement of Tsurif. Palestinian secu-
rity officials said. The slain woman's husband
suffered a gunshot in the back and was in stable
condition. It was not clear why the soldiers
opened fire.

US Airways warns of strike

ARLINGTON, Va. — US Airways is warning
its customers to prepare for a possible strike Sat-
urday by its flight attendants, urging travelers to
prepare alternative arrangements. The flight at-
tendants‘ union has said it would target random
routes with impromptu walkouts to cause maxi-
mum chaos. In response. the airline has said it
would shut down rather than subject passengers
to unpredictable travel. For airline passengers,
predictability is everything, Javitz said. US Air-
ways would suffer greater losses in the long term
if it tried to operate through a strike and under-
mined customer loyalty, he said.

Taiwan, China leaders eye negotiations

TAIPEI. Taiwan , In their first public ver-
bal volley, Taiwan‘s next president and China's
top leader agreed yesterday that they should ne-
gotiate an end to five decades of feuding - but nei-
ther budged on major points that have blocked
talks. The highly anticipated statement from Chi-
nese President Jiang Zemin said Chen Shui-bian.
who won Saturday‘s election despite China‘s in-
tense opposition. was welcome to come to the
mainland for talks. Beijing imposed a condition,
however, repeating that Taiwan must first recog-
nize that it is an inseparable part of China.

Where to get
STD exams

Okay. Spring break is over. But it sure was a good time.
The endless mugs of beer, staying out late, dancing too long
and, oh yeah, bumping uglies with someone whose last name
you didn't bother to get. Pretty sure they went to the Univer-

sity of Michigan, or was it Missouri?

At any rate, while that certain someone had what you
wanted that night, there's no way of knowing if they had
something you didn't want. For example, herpes, hepatitis,
HIV or perhaps some other sexually transmitted disease
(STD) that doesn't start with H.

Pam Woodrum, a health educator in the University
Health Service, said that students concerned they might
have placed themselves at risk for STD’s over spring break
can make an appointment to talk with a clinician in the

Health Service.

The following is a list of resources students can turn to

for information and help:

University (Student) Health Service:

Offers STD examination and testing as well as separate

HIV testing.

Also offers 60 minute-long sexual health sessions five
times a week, which provide information about contracep-
tive options, STD's and safer sex.

Appointments required. 323-APPT (2778)


Lexington-Fayette County Health Department:

Davis said.

- Julie Nixon
daughter of the
late President
Richard Nixon.
saying that a
woman could be
President, at
Missouri State

Your Face Should Be Here! .

Clinton announces Assad talks

WASHINGTON Buoyed by two major Is-
raeli concessions. the Clinton administration is
reopening negotiations today between Israel and
the Palestinian Authority. Next weekend. Presi-
dent Clinton will try personal diplomacy with
Syrian President Hafez Assad in a parallel bid for
a second Mideast accord. Announcing he would
meet Sunday with Assad in Geneva. Clinton said
in Dhaka, Bangladesh, “1 don't want to unduly
raise expectations. but I think this is an appro-
priate thing for me to do to try to get this back on
track.“ The Israeli-Palestinian talks will begin
without Clinton. who has interceded in previous
sessions in Washington.

Israeli soldiers shoot, kill woman

JERUSALEM Israeli soldiers opened fire
on a Palestinian car at a checkpoint Monday,
killing a woman and wounding her husband. af—
ter a drive-by attack against Israelis nearby. The
shootings came a day before the arrival of Pope
John Paul II and two new steps in the peace
process: a transfer of West Bank territory to the
Palestinians and the resumption of negotiations.

Bette Midler's
CBS sitcom is
one step closer
to reality.
titled “Bette,"
the halt-hour
comedy will
feature Midler
playing a well-
known celeb
“who looks
remarkably like
Bette Midler."
The show is in
contention for a
tall 2000 bow
but could also
go midseason.

The Kentucky Kernel is now hiring

Nasdaq tails 188.13; Dow up 85.01

NEW YORK ~ The Nasdaq composite index
fell sharply yesterday as investors once again
moved money out of newer technology stocks
and into shares of more established computer
makers and traditional industrial companies.
The Nasdaq fell 188.13 to close at 4,610.00. The
Dow Jones industrial average rose 85.01 to close
at 10.68024. On the NYSE. losers led gainers

Cubs’ Valdes on disabled list

MESA. Ariz. ~~ Chicago Cubs pitcher Ismael
Valdes, who had been expected to start the Cubs‘
season opener in Japan on March 29, was placed
on the disabled list yesterday with tendinitis in
his right shoulder. He'll be eligible to come off
April 5, and the Cubs could use him as soon as
April 6 on their trip to St. Louis. Valdes was up—
set with the decision. "I‘m angry," Valdes said.
“I'm not happy with the decision. but there‘s
nothing I can do. I have to go with it. I don‘t want
to make an issue out of it. It's what it is."

Compiled from wire reports.

Provides information and STD testing.
Appointment required. 2882307

Also offers free and anonymous HIV/AIDS testing held
at various times in various locations. Call 288AlDS (2437) for

more info.

lexington Planned Parenthood

Offers information and STD testing (for women only).

Appointment required. 2528494

If the news comes back that a student does have
HIV/AIDS, there are places to turn. Contact the Lexington
Clinic‘s HIV/AIDS Support Group (258-4470) or call the Na-

tional HIV/ AIDS hotline (1-800-227-8922).

Symptoms that could indicate a sexually transmitted


Rectal discharge, (especially if history of anal sex)

Pain. burning, discomfort in urination
Sores, bumps, blisters in the genital area
Itching in the genital area

Onset of painful intercourse

Persistent or severe abdominal pain
Unexplained skin rash


Campus Calendar

0 Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities. Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts. (on submit information for ”IE! onlinc ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: http://www.dy.cda/Stodant(anlar/Stodaatlctivitics

W43.“ 2 123.4450.


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Close calls prove UK worthy

Bright side: Despite
rough SEC start, UK
could make a charge

By Nathan Hutchinson
surr WRITER -~_

After his team left Lexing-
ton Sunday with two last at-bat
victories. Mississippi State
coach Pat McMahon breathed
a sigh of relief.

“I thought they were two
outstanding games that could
have gone either way. We are
very fortunate to cotne out
with two wins." he said.

That's just the way things
have been going for the Bat
Cats in conference play this
season. The previous weekend
Kentucky lost two one-run de-
cisions to 6th ranked Alabama.
dropping their SEC record to 1-
4. But UK coach Keith Madison
doesn't think these tough loss-
es are an indication of how the
rest of the SEC season will go
for his team.

"We played some very
close games against some very
good competition." he said.
“We lost three games in the
last inning against national
ranked teams: I‘m not pleased
with that.

“But on the other hand we
are 18-4. and we‘ve got 1.5
games to go in league play. and
we've got plenty of time to
make up ground if we get

McMahon was impressed
by Kentucky and knows that

the Bat Cats conference record
doesn‘t show how well they
have played.

"If you look at their SEC
record. they could easily be 41
instead of 1-4 because the
games have all been so compet-
itive and close." McMahon
said. "That turns around over
the long haul. and they'll be-
lieve in that. work hard and
continue to do that. i know."

Coming on the heels of last
year‘s second place finish in
the SEC Eastern Division. Ken-
tucky feels like it can compete
in the SEC this year. Last
year‘s success combined with
Kentucky's perfect non-confer
ence record has Madison feel-
ing like his team is earning
some respect from around the

"i think we gained our coir
fidence last spring by beating
teams in our league. and it car-
ried over to this year." he said.
“I think based on the way we
played against Alabama and
also our 150 start i don‘t think
anybody's gonna take us light-

Though the tough losses
are hard to take. Kentucky
closer Breck Price hopes Ken-
tucky's play has sent a mes-
sage to the rest ofthe league.

“It helps our confidence
and kind of shows them (the
rest of the SEC) that you got to
play your best to take two out
of three from us." he said.

if McMahon is any indica»
tion. then teams all around the
league are already taking no-
tice of Kentucky‘s potential.

“They have a chance to be
an outstanding ball club in
every way." he said.



The UK GymKats finished
fifth in the 2000 Southeastern
Conference Championships on
Saturday at Gainesville, Fla.

The GymKats finished
with a team score of 194.65.
This score was their second
highest total this season but
was not enough to top Alaba-
ma‘s 197.2. The Crimson Tide
took the SEC Championship.
finishing ahead of Auburn.
Florida and Georgia.

UK was led by freshman
Julia Gore. who finished sixth
in the all-around performance
with a score of 39.1. Gore was
also named the 2000 SEC
Freshman Gymnast of the Year
at the championships. Gore be-
came the fourth GymKat in
eight years to earn the honor.
She joins teammate Krissy
Hoeferlin (1997) and former
GymKats Ashley Burkholder
(1998) and Jenny Hansen (1993)
in receiving the award.

Gore finished second all-
around on the team for the sea-
son and was a member of the
World University Games team
that competed in Spain during
the summer.

Hoeferlin tied for fourth on
the vault with a score of 9.85,
while several gymnasts helped
with season highs. Katie Toups
tied her season high on the
vault with a 9.75. and Mindy
Smith recorded her second
highest score with a 9.825 on
the balance beam.

Track & Field

Senior Matt Kavanagh and
junior Falana Greenwell
achieved NCAA Outdoor
Track and Field provisional
qualifying marks on Saturday
at the Hurricane Invitational
at the University of Miami.

Kavanagh finished second
in the hammer throw in the
first outdoor meet 0f the sea-
son. His throw was only five
feet short of first place. but sur-
passed the throw of the third
place finisher by more than 23

Greenwell earned her pro-
visional by winning the triple
jump with a jump of more than
42 feet. The jump exceeded the
minimum provisional mark by
eight inches and her personal
best by over three feet.

UK had 19 top-five finishes
including first place finishes
by Elizabeth Kittredge in the
pole vault, junior Andrew Van-
der Wagen in the high jump
and senior Jeff Limpert in the
800 meters.


The No. 46 ranked UK
women's tennis team defeated
Alabama 6-3 Sunday after los-
ing to Auburn 5-1 Friday.

Sophomores Carolina
Mayorga and Lauren Rook-
ledge. junior Brooke Skeen and
freshman Jill Buckley all won



UK closer Brecli Price hopes his team’s play has sent a message.

in singles competition. Rook
ledge has won four consecutive
matches and has not lost since
falling to No. 84 ranked Annie
l’lessinger on March 7.

Rookledge and freshman
Amy Trefethen teamed to win
in doubles. while Skeen and
freshman Leigh Bradwell won
easily. also. UK‘s No. 1 doubles
team. Mayorga and freshman
Sarah Witten. lost 8-6.

The Cats extend their team
record for the spring season to
8+3 and travel to Baton Rouge
to face LSU today at 3 pm.


The UK softball team was
declared co-champion along

with l.oyola~(‘hicago at the
Evansville Aces Softball (‘las-
sic after the second day of the
tournament was rained out.

The teams were scheduled
to play Sunday before rain iii-
terrupted. btit both were undo
feated at the tournament with
UK notching victories over
Evansville and Indiana. The
Cats defeated Evansville 10
and whipped lndiana 16-0.

The Cats broke single
game records for runs. hits
(18). RBIs (15) and total bases
(22) during the output against
lndiana. Junior Tiffany Kruse
hit two doubles and a triple.
driving in three runs.

The Cats have won six of
their last seven to extend their
overall record to 13-13.



Sophomore Lauren Rookledge has won four matches in a row for UK.





UK: A season
worth forgetting

Yuck: Big Blue's
early exit a relief

By Travis Hubbard


[had to visit my physician
over spring break. it was the
fourth time I had seen a doctor

against Florida and their upset
of Michigan State 'l‘hey w ill be
happy memories of this llllSt’l“
able season. but the\ will also
be misconceptions of the tiiiiiiil
tuoiis season

()ii top of their disgusting
t)l.’t\. l “liliesscti iilt‘ l‘ttSIl‘l'
shrink from a projected 11 men
back in March of 1999 to a team
of nine only days before the

in the past four months and the M “\A tournament [Hum
third titiie iii three weeks. “ka? ”g” . . .

l was experiencing severe . l. ”“L U‘ ”Tm" "“hn
stomach pains and the urge to Stewart .tl‘llglliillll (mid during
hurl. I had excruciating pain in Illiiuriiliiiiiliii Siliiiln ”iiii‘iti)ilsli

ylv‘., v' .,.|. - ‘ ' ”‘ l‘
"15 Q” and “”5' l “A“ (Mm! season. Michael Bradley and

enciiig uncontrollable r:
anxiety and fear.

I was not having a nervous
breakdown. and my physician‘s
diagnosis was a viral infection
for which she said rest and lots
of fltiids were the only cure.
But with my medical expertise.
I think I may have solved this
lingering. mysterious and
unidentifiable disease.

lti my medical opinion I
was suffering from an acute
tnedical condition stemming
from the most frustrating i’K
basketball season I have ever
witnessed. The play of the (‘ats
hurt to watch. The clangs froin
their shots hurt my ears. And
the entire season made me sick.

Why else would the illness
peak with 52 seconds remain
ing in the Syracuse game when
Saul Smith committed his 18th
turnover of the postseason by
getting tied up by Jason Hart‘.’

Strangely. I felt magically
cured when i woke up the next

i dreaded each contest the
(‘ats went into. I used to love
see Arkansas. Florida and Ten-
nessee come to Rupp and take
their beatings. However. this
season i never knew which l'K
team would show up: the team
that demolished 'l‘ennessee and
Florida at Rupp Arena or the
team that nearly broke each
rim they aimed for with their
barrage of errant three-point at-

The iiiost frustrating as-
pects of the season were the in
stances UK tried to build my
faith up. You remember their
15-point win on Senior Day


Ryan Hogan decided to trans
fer. and Nate Knight did the
same before the fall semester
ended, Finally. llesmond Alli
son was suspended fora l)l'l ar
rest on March 12.
(lo all the way b it‘ k to No
vreinbe 1998 when Myron \n
tlioiiy tiansteired. the team lost
six players iti less than a year
and a half. and of the nine play
ei's that were left only seven
played in the NCAA Tourna-
ment. Makes you long for the
seasons when l'K was so deep
.lared l’rickett and Jeff Shep-
herd i‘edshirted because they
were not going to get enough
playing time.

I don‘t mean to degrade the
team. the players and the
coaches. They did a phenonie
nal job through all of their ad
versity. But as a fan and stu
dent. watching their play was
more frustrating than studying
for an 8 am. exam on a sunny
Sunday afternoon.

ln fact. this is actually the
first year the (‘ats lost during
the tournament that i did not
break something in my parents
house. curse the officials on
television. pray that Rodrick
Rhodes would enter the NBA
Draft or cry.

i feel so relieved that ldon‘t
have to watch 1999-2000 l'K bas
ketball any longer. Now i can
get on with my life and focus on
my schoolwork and other
sports. like baseball. I can't
wait for opening day. ()fcourse.
it is only my second favorite
day of the year.






UK point guard Saul Smith loses the basketball to Arkansas forward
Alonzo Lane in the Cats' SEC loss to the Hogs.



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