xt7k0p0wrh8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wrh8j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1931 journals kaes_circulars_249 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 249 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 249 1931 2014 true xt7k0p0wrh8j section xt7k0p0wrh8j Y Extension Division § THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director Producing Milk of Good Quality 4 T+ I i f.;é¤ · t~r~**' i e··~: .»»r P; ` ~ 4»»· ¤·=. .— IF ·_‘‘ F . '¥i¤%*Q:;>° ~,“»` ‘ —· ·’ —·—— ·;%·=..n;` 1*6 ii -° · n in wi 5. .-»·4 yr .;i¤.= ;;.re;2x»¤·»¤=:e¤¤*r·)· ·- ._ . . I. 3 L. 2 )·J£;;?5(;@r ·‘ € .:3 V I . A: -= \‘;;L‘;_`,, I V. II I; ` I it i cr. ?—**`¤*· i._rn .< r · 1 ffZ_ , l.., _ ‘—7~;;"¢ ’ _ ._.‘ - , , 1 . wyiér ,> iw] ~ . i` * 9 ’ ZJ. ’! gm . onnn . ~ »»n nor» .1 IY J? dnoo — ~ P'. in . r ' or > i T ·r »* ·~ f=;i..;LE .~:_~L. j ‘r._4.` ,`_ . » ;= ‘ " ° " · ‘r·— ‘zii . vro; $~r .i».—: ‘ 1 .4 ·~o‘r ¤ ‘ ~ ‘ F V3 . ''‘` Q. ‘ ’ .i A ’ I ·»’»> ·r ·~·P· = +¤·*·&~ Es` _ 1 ¢Q:Z1‘ '...` ’?"" 1 Y — it ` `. »· ·~ » Y .r ; —· · _ ;;~:_ ‘* ~ _,”'_, ·i`Y . * ¥ oiri * ·: .; P I ... . Interior of am Well-kept Barn Lexington, Ky. October, 1931 N Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Depatrtinent of Agriculture, amd distributed in furtherance of the — work provided for in the uct of Congress of May S, 1914. l of A ’ mm perf ‘ milk ? it h n in a A L up s - beer ~ whe = ble " pun _ shox ; detz ’ shm Q CIRCULAR NO. 249 Producing Milk of Good Quality J By HENRY B. MORRISON - Milk constitutes a large and important part of the food of American people, especia.lly the children. It is exceptionally nutritious and wholesome, and has been called the most nearly perfect food. Therefore, its use should be encouraged. But milk is a medium in which bacteria grow readily and sometimes —_ it has been the vehicle by which certain diseases were spread . in a community. For this reason, steps have been taken to set j up standards of purity for milk for sale and regulations have , Q been made to govern the sanitary conditions in the dairies . where it is produced. But even if the producer is not responsi- ble to local regulations, his ambition should be to produce a pure and wholesome product. This circular is intended to Z show how this can be done by careful attention to certain · I details, using only the customary equipment of the dairy. ' Good milk should be: i 1. Sweet. ;_ 2. Free from visible dirt, unpleasant odors and tastes. i 3. Free from disease germs. w 4. Free from an excessive number of bacteria. i In order to assu1·e the production of good milk the producer ` should; ` ( = 1. Milk only clean, healthy cows. ‘ g 2. Keep his cows in a. clean, well-ventilated barn. , 3. Have a suitable milk house for handling the milk. E 4. Make sure that persons handling his cows and milk are _' healthy, clean, and careful in their work. _ 5. Use only clean, sterile utensils of proper design. _ 6. Cool the milk promptly and thoroly. '5 7. Keep the milk cold until it is delivered. Z 4 Kentucky Extcus-ion Circular N0. 249 V CLEAN, HEALTHY COWS f1‘OII . . . . . any D1rty cows are the source of most of the visible dirt 1n Shou milk. Dirt and filth readily accumulate on the udders and ? flanks of cows, especially if they are kept in poorly cleaned jf_i§ff§,i“fi; ·_ _, ,1. ,1 iiies ‘i-‘ gf,iffi1¢ E- .i_c e cm v»_~. ` 1 ' V " ·A "'w·· `gF*i;,,f A ;· · of tl l D f the _ _‘@&iZ2€*¢;4 . ,i..· : ·· $25.; at ll ` E*-“€*l . V l A I —·.> - »1~· . ;s= · v·.·» . A shot i ’ l* ’ ” 4 Wil? V if? Zi;i.‘§;§li< * ~=~*¤i<»· .{,;gg,!=# r- ~ I heal p A ‘ ‘ , · _ Q clea A E; mat Cotton disks showing varying amounts of dirt in milk, The photograph " shows the dirt which ziccnmulztted on the pads during the passage of one ,` pint of milk thru them. If the cows ll1I(l—l)€l3ll cleaned properly all the pads would closely resemble the one in the upper left corner. barns, dirty lots, or lots that are poorly drained. All dirt and Stor filth adhering to the udder and flanks of the cows should be pas; removed with the aid of a brush. This should be done a suf- Sho] ficient time before milking; to allow dust, caused by the brush- is Sho] ing, to settle. Immediately before milking, the udder and Shox flanks should be washed thoroly and wiped with a cloth to { ade, remove any dirt left on them. V mel Certain diseases of cattle may be transmitted to man, and _i pgp milk from cows suffering from these diseases should not be J and used. All cows should be tested for tuberculosis by a competent _. Pla veterinarian and. reactors eliminated from the herd. Also all it cows should be tested for contagious abortion and a plan adopted — a S. to eliminate this disease from the herd. Milk from cows suf- { 3 I fering from garget or mastitis should be kept separate from ` the; rest of the milk and not used for human food. Garget may —— be easily detected by milking the Hrst three or four streams { Din Producing Milk of Good Quality 5 Q from each teat on to a clean piece of glass or a fine screen. If V any lumps or strings are found in the milk of a cow, her milk f should not be used until this condition has disappeared. T CLEAN, WELL-VENTILATED BARNS All manure should be removed daily to a place where ° flies and odors from it will not enter the barn. Flies may ‘» carry disease germs and filth. If not kept away from the ` barn and milk, they may be the cause of serious contamination Q of the milk. i There should be proper ventilation of the barn to allow Q the escape of undesirable odors. In the construction of a barn at least 500 cubic feet of air space per cow should be allowed. A minimum of three square feet of window space per cow S should be provided for the entrance of sunlight which has :1. i healthful and antiseptic effect. Because of the greater ease of . cleaning and draining, concrete or some equally impervious jp material should be used for flooring in the barn and milk room. ` A SUITABLE MILK HOUSE It is desirable to have a milk house for the handling and storing of milk and utensils, separated from the barn by a - Q passage. The walls and ceiling of the milk house or room it should be of such construction as to permit easy cleaning and should be kept painted a light color. The milk house or room should have sufficient windows, properly screened, to give adequate light and ventilation and yet keep out flies. Equip- ment and utensils should be placed for ease and efficiency in `; performing the necessary operations. See plans on pages 8 L and 9.* See also Ky. Extension Circular 128, Building ii Plans for the Dairy Farm. L Buildings properly constructed and cared for are not only p a source of pride and satisfaction to their owner but also are ‘ a. most desirable advertisement of the product produced in ~ them. · 'Working drawings can be had at noininal cost, by writing to the T Director, Experiment Station, Lexington, ky. — 1~ 6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 249 HEALTHY, CAREFUL WORKERS Unhealthy persons should not be allowed to milk the cows or handle the milk. Disease germs from these persons may find their way into the milk and spread disease, especially when the milk is not pasteurized. Some of the most serious diseases such as typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever and septic sore throat may be spread in this manner. In some instances these diseases have been spread by persons who still harbor the disease germs even tho they have recovered from tl ` the disease. Body discharges of 111lll{(31‘S and other milk ; handlers should be submitted to a local health officer for exami- nation at least once each year. It is essential that all persons f handling milk be habitually clean. Milkers’ hands should be Qi thoroly washed and dried before milking. Milking with wet * hands should never be permitted. Clothing worn by milkers i l should be kept clean and changed often. Light-colored clothes V are to be 1·eco1nmcnded because they show the dirt more easily S and will, therefore, be changed more often than dark clothes. _, A PRECAUTION IN NIILKING 4. The first few streams from each tcat always contain more bacteria than those during the later portion of the milking. _ Sometimes they contain an excessive number. For this reason if the first two or three streams from each teat are milked into . a separate vessel and discarded the bacterial content of the { milk may be reduced appreciably. The milker should be alert 1 to notice any abnormalities in the milk or condition of the cow. . CLEAN, STERILE UTENSILS OF PROPER DESIGN r Why Clean Utcotstils. The bacteria that cause milk to sour P are extremely small, their average diameter being about t 1/25,000 of an inch or less. Such tiny organisms can grow i and multiply with extremely small quantities of food. Any traces of milk solids left on the utensils may furnish food for V many thousands and even millions of bacteria. For this reason - all milk utensils should be washed entirely free from milk . solids. Bacteria must have moisture in order to multiply; to il % Procluciozg Milk 0f G00d Quality 7 3 . · i i ; · ,; ~ v " ” ‘”"” i` _., . _ . , ~v· ~ ¢A·V ” @3 `v, i »»» i , if °’ ''``— TE, /,/—` V , l g . ; ie ;f A IIIQ? P ‘ ig ‘ `»,` ; " ~ V ~— vit} i — T V ·. · · ~ ._ ·. ____ V V .} _ ,_., M _. ., .. V ». § — ’ _ y E~· it ·** · X tif? . . ” ’.-»—V , --.V ‘ —¢r’·4=· »VV,·AV ” 7'ilif A..· ‘’‘ ..¤ > ‘/ . __ » *'··i‘; AN .;·° ..»;>> ‘ iv ...». ~ * i »- · A f f? · e ‘ \‘/ `°· ’ ,;; · =, ~i`;', _ ·· “’ Jfrzfwc?/:’" .>i~'· J€%`”<‘T “~i. ;§?a‘3;}` l -·‘ i ’’`;` .· ...$ Q i , . , _:-- A , ·~. \ ,‘’ y ·— * _ T W 4;.,v x · ¥‘~ ;· € =iT=;z**©r’r ‘ F $23%; i J * * in ` . ·4 % s . at- ‘ \. . A . * ° ` · , %‘A\ ~ A . ‘`» V 4 . i * ·,;·,»· ¤ - i ; _ , . ¢_·_ . 4 is » r W*»< N . · i . A » ” it it .» ‘&? ·~l= #e» ` ° ‘ - l -}· 4+~":;fi5.`>?;¤,‘i i . ‘“‘‘ - . , if ~ it · A . ` R ' . L Qpen and small-top pails. A small-top pail has an opening only about g one-iourtli as large as that of an open-top pail; therefore, the elmnee of f` any foreign material dropping into. the milk while it is in the pail is greatly lessened. · Q prevent this growth the utensils should be drained and placed y on a rack in a well ventilated place where they will dry out gi and remain dry until used again. _i How to Clean cmd Stcrilize Utensils. All utensils coming in contact with milk should be washed vigorously with a brush Q and washing powder solution. After this they should be rinsed thorol to remove all traces of the washing owder solution _ D which may prove corrosive if not rinsed off. After rinsing, _ the utensils should be steamed or scalded thoroly with plenty of scalding water to kill all bacteria and make the utensils g sterile. Steam, if available, is the best sterilizing agent. It { scalding water is used, separate portions should be used to rinse 5 each utensil. \Vater at less than scalding temperature is not ~ effective in destroying microorganisms. The temperature of 7 water used in scalding falls so rapidly, due to contact with the i . / ¤ · --- nlrmkrkr/1· 76 =<>/Ms /~¢¤r<·=p#¤# · KI; IS§"?§¥Q’¥';‘E"if"£ Q %"%’;; {I ° Z cfseddgs Zh? '§§é}?Z§'%[,“$`r , '- " 1 [3; 7; 9~__+;,,.._;‘?.§» +;;:1 cm0c»mrm,w mpc M [I Il · aa/[di j"f°"(-je7°{D" We . °°° my °" 2 *°"’ · Q§2{_?°’f?i"$"3 ------- E/o . W. Pong mf ‘”"’°" 4 Cocéhy 7bnk I °f¤m9c II: ° ‘ - /0- 1 ' U I :Ca/zmczfy yo. cans I Q III I O q I I ~n; *; Hii I5 ¥ t ‘§ Hof wa/crheoler ‘;) ,1 I I 3 { l I Q Q rf g. _ x 1 . e U ; ..,. . - ~ .? 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A/0/cmved /·7h·2 Qesxsfah/‘ Qoohhy m|%|m ` \I\I\I\I| _ Concrefe /0/cffarm, 6$<6' I /TQO/YT ELEVAT/ON " e E24;/Lu ;§ ' Louvre vehhhfvz; each I I end of mr7k house 5' vem ! ‘( ` ` . ||| ` Q E »-——- S =¤ `¤:> /*/0. 0-4-/39 -2 _ MM HOWE E X 7`E/\/5/O/Y IA/OQ/< /N END E LE VA T/ON AGE/CULTURAL ENG//~/EEQ//~/G OLLZGE G"A6`flC¢/LTUP£~LVWY£/TY Of/(l Deszyned and drawn by JB./(e//?¢ APPR, 5 B 7`rvced by Hgiwar/7 340/¤cn··»t§·2p· :5/ 0vcD r H 5_ _ _ A d ,5 e , . n. 1}/' O2 mr: 0App or .•:4uv1 er H V Ducmv _' gy Md ;EIy gif %/W ' BLE mu; ROOM ’ - - I · 1* r m k r k r · 7;, wm mmmpxcr QI I§§?;¥;v-5;;*0; Q %=*?_~I II ° Z. JSJZS Qh§’2°.,‘é%C§’L£{;'$' ,_[_ - .....19- { : 71 9" Q’-3" Ccnnocf cvcr/`/ow Ipyzc fc I I 'I °°/[di mgcepmr If 58 °' "’·’ "’ ` ' 5* fbr coozizy fgniu 2**** · §‘?€’1"*f?i"$’€ ----- -II/‘o . W. Mx- H°f ”""`°' * _ TCOc0}vy 75/1/< I ammyc II I IQ; ‘ /0- OA ' » · . 1_| I I f"°°"7' 7 '·""" I A,0/0f¥¤V6•d Hrs Qea/sfanf Qoohr;9 no HI I 1 I I. 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Sma. A chlorine solution, for which a method of preparation is ` may described below, may be used eifectively for sterilizing utensils and and bottles when steam or boiling water is not available. l fum Utensils or bottles must be absolutely clean before rinsing them { Shot with the chlorine solution, or the treatment will not be eiiective. I Cans should be rinsed thoroly with chlorine solution of about ` V ster; , L ·. e’’· = ile ,i,e tem . I U ,,,. _ l ,.,, ,,,,, .,.. MM VV»_ I was l is r gall . fl i · ‘ `» ’ lWl( V { ms] ,_, y l ._ gigs: ‘? J -— » V~·· , · » , », L ,lrr ; ,3 V ’Bl11S IF? “‘ » J ` ` · ,..,x _ _· {IQ ` i ` * " ,,».,, . i .'~‘ TW( —~~ { V ’rl‘ "* ~lil‘ iii? i this :1 l Ie y·,.g,»,,.·$wasQ;·¤..-yqlysa;'¤.·—:¤¤§-ww},a·—¤·,,—J»-’·»·; -·,—I3» v,·,.=¢;·,~.:~K;. ¤-;z)_xtq. I _ · ·;,;I";yZI * ”~ V· ’ Yl V · -.. , . 4 7%} h i ., . 0; V I ,_ i.,,, H,- ,,t.. l. 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It g _,,’» I · gro I I V I , l _- _· ’A_. ii A VI mk i . i -l-l—r V V I e. vil-, _, g Z—, V ing II ‘I I II ~` I ,I z I·;I I\ €'777’4>`4,/\\Q/ ( Og ’ vgtet kr,\}l/ai;/\9¤;1\9t3@ ant A · b\pT(!Tj\7'h.{]?\Q ‘ - ///\//l)\{flT»b’¢}// - · . .7}/\¢Q ,L\’ /—LVI= , ·`\1}<}LY\§}U//q%’ i-Q//P"/—>,—·> B d s » <\/.> V ‘ Increase 0f bacteria. The diagram represents the increase in 01ie day UU §`O¤EBC3He bacterium, if kept at 70 degrees F. (A) and if kept. at 9S degrees nw col COOL MILK PROMPTLY AND THOROLY . . . . . fai _ Milk 1S an excellent food for the growth of bacteria. lf mc the temperature of the milk is favorable, bacteria multiply very vm rapidly in it. The temperature necessary to prevent the W3 majority of bacterial growth is about 50 degrees F. In a recent C0, trial, a sample of milk with a bacterial count of 2,372 per cc F_ _ J» was divided into three parts, one of winch was held at 50 do degrees F., one at 70 degrees F. and one at 98 degrees F. After _ mt 22 hours the bacterial counts were as follows; mi · Time held, } Bacteria per bu hours c. c. ca Portion held at 5o" F. ...................... 22 i 2,744 HS Portion held at 70° F. ...................... 22 566,000 00 Portion held at 98° F. ...................... [ 22 [ 432,000,000 (SOUI`) x as Producing Milk of Good Quality 13 . These figures illustrate very forcibly that milk must be i cooled promptly to a temperature of 50 degrees or below in order to prevent a rapid increase of bacteria and quick souring. · Milk placed out-of-doors on a cold day or in cold water with- out stirring does not cool quickly enough to prevent a large T increase in the bacterial content. The use of an aerator or surface cooler containing cold water, ice water or some refriger- ant is much to be preferred. Milk to be cooled in cans placed i in a tank of water should be stirred thoroly at about five-minute intervals for at least 30 minutes, to assure proper cooling. A reliable dairy thermometer should be used to determine when - the milk has reached a suitable temperature (50 degrees F. or lower). The temperature to which milk is cooled and at which ` it is held should never be estimated, as a difference of a few degrees may mean the diiference between sweet and sour milk and possibly satished or dissatisfied customers. CARE OF MILK TO BE USED AT HOME The milk used by a large portion of the people of Ken- tucky is produced at home by their herds or family cows. In . many instances, adequate means of cooling milk, such as ice, _ cold well water or cold spring water, are not available on the farm or in the home, but, even if the water available is only moderately cool, the milk should be placed in a clean metal vessel which should be set in a larger vessel containing the cool V water. The milk should be stirred thoroly several times while cooling to remove the cowy or animal odor and flavor. Especially in homes where milk cannot be kept cold (500 F. degrees or lower), it should be used as quickly following milk- ing as possible, to prevent its rapid deterioration. There are _ no regulations that apply to milk produced and used at home. ’ but it is essential to the health of those concerned, that as great care be exercised in the production and handling of such milk i as of milk which is to be sold. The owner of the family cow ` owes it to himself and those using the milk he produces to be as careful as the largest dairyman in keeping his cow and barn Li O 14 Kentucky Extension Circular N 0, 24.9 ‘ scrupulously clean, his utensils clean and sterile, and to exclude animal flavors and odors from his milk. suwuvmnv The production of good, clean, wholesome milk is not a diificult task but one which requires strict attention to details. The producer must be careful not only of the health of his cows ` and milkers but of the absolute cleanliness of everything with which the milk comes in contact. Also he should be careful to P maintain the proper temperature of milk to be sold for human . consumption. Elaborate equipment is not so essential in pro- ducing clean milk as close adherence to details. Instructions V offered in this circular are for the purpose of producing milk of P a desirable quality, a milk which will be in demand by the public Q_ and of which the dairyman himself will be proud. i —$*»,; rzfez OI] . wi i } DIN st