xt7k3j39365m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j39365m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-05-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1972 1972 1972-05-01 2020 true xt7k3j39365m section xt7k3j39365m 11! H k Mayday! Mayday!
c cn'U‘ 9 For those of you planning to rally around the
old maypole today. you better bring your
umbrella along because it’s going to be wet
and warm. (‘hances for showers and thun-
dershowers are 40 percent this afternoon
increasing to 60 percent tonight. The high
today should be in the upper 70's and tonight‘s
voi.. i.Xiii No. n35 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Monday. May i. 1972 low in the 50‘s. '
State-wide most delegates uncommitted 2 .
M G ' 659 F y tt bloc
B NEILL MORGAN presidential candidate) in line with the American arty.) . .
lzernel Staff Writer policies of Gov. Wendell Ford and state Sen. Huge" Humphrey received six Frankfort 0" June 2 to 910k 35 0t the ‘t7
Working under reformed rules Sen. Democratic Chairman J-R~ Miller. delegates elected at Saturday’s grass roots delegétes to the national convention ”"5 2
George McGovern’s supporters Saturday Ford, who endorsed Sen. Edmund conventions. Humphrey’s were split July m M'am’; l '1] b
captured 65 percent of the Fayette County Muskie in January. and Miller bOth evenly between the Third and Seventh The remaining 12 deegatesF w1 kf e ‘
delegation to the state Democratic Con- publicly support Muskie bUt have urged Congressional districts. Sen. Ted Kennedy chosen at a state convention m ran ort
* vention, receiving 62 of the 95 delegates uncommitted slates 0t delegates be received onedelegate from Scott County in the, next day. , 2. _ , . ‘
elected. The other 33 were uncommitted. elected. Sunday’s Louisville Courier- the Sixth Congressional district. Lnder new proportional rules McGovern
The victory for McGovern came at the Journal and Times quoted Miller as saying The victory in Fayette County for “"h be 35.5“”? 0t at least 5” dettteghttef to
legislative district conventions held in that probably 90 percent of the un- McGovern came as a mild surprise to the nationa ‘comehition.’ 03t\€l‘:
Fayette County simultaneously with other commited delegates WO‘hd tOhOW the lead some and an upset for others. The 31.090292" 5 state c a”??? “32.95
local conventions across the state, as of Gov. Ford. McGovern forces had been organizing for Emmi-2f 11011521119 attorlneydishuote {in '
voters choose who will go to the . “PS“? got 59- the last month but even many of them huhth Ettouriegr-Journa anth' will?
congressional district and state con- 8‘“ Muskie d'd w'h 59_ delegates across were suprised at the majority of the sayingt “1 num er may 59:5) ‘g 'h . ‘
ventions in Frankfort on June 2 and 3. the state. 37°t those coming from the F'fth delegation they received. And some party None 0t (the‘other‘can ' 3th 2.2 0 “0;;
These conventions will elect 47 delegates Congressional district. Alabama Gov. regulars were stunned by the McGovern delegates at Saturday .5 cometititions \wll
to the national Democratic convention. George Wallace picked up 22 Of the support that turned out. beassured 02d“) delegates to t'enattona’ .
Stat _ 'd . . delegates with 19 of his coming from the Delegates meet in Frankfort COm'fmthh The new ””95 id) thdt l
e Wt e the vast majority 0f . -' - '~ ' ' ‘ 2 "iiididate must have at least 1:) )ercen! oi
, , - _ l~iist (.ongressional district. (Wallaces Liider new party rules the delegates (2 , I
delegates elected (1‘323 0f L994) were 2 "21 -d the Kentuck ballot for . .- - . , . , the delegates to win any of the national
uncommitted (not favoring any nameisarea yon y elected Saturday will meet in separate .2 .
2 ' preSident under the banner 0f the congressmnal district conventions in 0m”
We :22 t 2 . .2 22".?“ 2 " .. 2 KCLU SCleng end ‘ '
- .. 2; 943.: ‘. .. " .2»? 2' .....- _ a: h
‘ 2»- , " ‘ 22'2“ -.;.."' .” . t ' {[22 {at ' 2.2 2;. * ~ EKU d h
tk‘?’ 242:} «.2. 5&6 .. 2h *5"? Bynoiirzkixx.B.\BB.\(;i2..ir. protection.
' ‘ 3‘29}. ‘ 2 » m 32" A j . w“ .. ‘ «2" .2 . Charging that rules regulating .Xrbitrai'} httllll'SdH‘Ullg
' “’5’ 2*. ' "2:” _‘-..~"‘»«5 ..._.. . :3- . t‘ .2" . "f dormitory hours for female "For the L'niversity to air»
I ‘2’ ' 2 W 2. ,. I, _ zfihm students violate constitutional bitrarily‘ (’Stahhfih _h0UFS 29F
W t - .Z‘ 2 - wt?» .t "" y .t . . rights. the Kentucky Civil women without involving them in
' ' a 2 % E 9‘ " .2 I Liberties Union (KCLU) will file setting UP the “11.95 VlOltatGS due
.2" t .. I 2% ._ 2 8*; M..- ........: M..- .- suit against Eastern Kentucky PFOC9552 {\eudecker 531d.
" " ,.'V' 222V” " W ' i§ "‘2 ye University. perhaps as early as He called the C859 “clear CUL" ‘
2 ”mfg’fg: 2 . a*,:2:m.wmmw trouble winning the suit." said Otd pomts of law directed at new
mwfiefiwe‘ .2: M”W~*;\‘MWKWM«£.2 assistant director. The case will heudecker hopes SW!“ CCU”
. " M%g%““tham2:”223222222JLWw‘”t :13... be based on two legal points: action will free Eastern's
t V M’WJ2“”2§:22W&2*22 aft“; '. ;f:w 2.... V _ = .; “equal protection and due females Of the regulations b." the '
m‘rf’2.§-Mfi“f 2...;"MMWWWWW process." according to st?” of the fa“ semester “The
222222vw°22~w2 '» ‘ W2 " ’"“ . ._ .~ Neduecker. object is not to have curfew . ‘
“t “2&2.” " '2 3:"- One or more female students at forced 0“ men and women. bt‘t
And away we go . . . Eastern represented by UK law this 15 Eastern.” he noted. “and ,
_ , . . , . . professor Robert A. Sedler will anything can happen.“
Twelve interceptions and fumbles plagued victorious Whites. sw'ipes a pass as Paryl contend that requiring women to Eastern maintains a curfew for
. UK‘s annual Blue-White game Saturday at Bishop follows: Story on page l0. (kernel abide by curfew rules. while women with fewer then 24
Stoll Field. Here, Elmore Stephens of the photo by Phil (.roshong.) excusing men. is not equal semester hours. Otter female
UK Continued on Page 2. Col. 3
nurse arrested '
\ t' ar es KSA t0 0 INC
on narco “)8 ch g g
,- A University Hospital The exact quantity of drugs ,
registered nurse has been missing cannot be estab- ‘ ,2 ' ' . f‘” f . .
arrested and charged with lished until the audit is com- 86 éfOltp lUlll incorporate If) - lbht- or students ‘
illegally Obtaihmg narcotics by Rtethd‘ Fryman said, t?“ It is B)‘ DIANE NASH“ major, was elected chairman for his second term.
fraud and deceit and illegal use Of believed to be extenswe. he Kt’l'hf‘l Staff Writer Three resolutions were also passed by KSA at its
narcotics. added. . _ The Kentucky Student Assocnation tKSA) voted Sunday meeting. One deals with the formation of 8
Ann Laura Clarke, 41. of 303 Clarke is accused of obtaining Sunday to file incorporation and also create a youth caucus for the June 2 Ke t k d l .
Walnut Street, was arrested at narcotics by falsely ordering seperateincorporated body for lobbying for student selection h uc Y eegate
her home about 4:30 pm. drugs and intercepting drugs rights in the Kentucky State Legislature. ' Threeresolutlons .
Saturday by Lt. Frank Fryman intended for patients. KSA is a body made up of public and private .
and Detective Andrew Thornton. “This may be an isolated in- colleges and universitiesinthe state.()n the general Another resolution encourages “d supports
city police-sheriff‘s narcotics cident.“ said Alan J, Sprintz, assembly of KSA are the presidents and vice- action taken on campusesinKentuckylnmemOfy
division, and Sgt. Robert assistant administrator at the presidents of the member schools‘ student govern~ of the students killed at Kent State University and
Abrams, campus police. hospital. Wt 90““ refused to ments. Jackson State University and to protest the current
Clarke will be arraigned today rule out the possibility that other This general assembly will serve as Board of situation in South east Asia.
in Police Court at 10 am. and a hospital technicians could have Directors for KSA, inc. and Kentucky Student The third resolution deals With KSA endorsement
date for her hearing set. obtained drugs illegally. Lobbyist. Inc. (KSL. Inc.). of the censorship case filed by Linda Jon”, past
The hospital has a drug The KSA needs tweo seperate bodies for a tax president of the Western Kentucky State Univer-
. The arrest came after an in- monitoring system similar to exemption Donations to KSA,lnc. can not be tax sity, and KCLU against the president, Dean of
vestigation begun Thursday those used all over the country. A deducteble because of its political purposes. Students and Board of Regents of Western.
when John Butler. head of doctor must write an order for Sunday,the general assembly of the present KSA The censorship case stems from the University
University Hospital's clinical medication before a drug can be also elected members to its Central Committee. intervention into the showing of “The Fly” part of
pharmacy.reportedashortageof issued. but then a nurse can Ernesto Scorsone. UK junior political science the Genesis -Film Series at Western. ‘
narcotics from a drug cabinet. administer it.
. (- 2
r ‘

 ' '. 2—11": KEN'l‘l'CKY KENNEL. Monday. stay-.i. 1972
' - Fonda isn’t a creampuff
V . ' . 0 II “‘. ’ '.‘_ . i, "
. I. MoVIe: "the Selling of the Pentagon MPH.“ m ”w “W W. MuiIi Iitltliiz‘tt. idIin paudd iiimI
' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' " ' - But tie . . is a on a. an(
- ' 4 . Kernel Staff Writer ismiikly, ] was so stunned by -. _ . . . I _ I -.
. V ‘.V V’ V CBS Documentary film (in a rainy Saturday afternoon 1mm“. PIN-mmnm... ””l l slit lllkjl‘llrluli‘i.:0|".1:"tl]llll.:§lp(NV
.. I I I . almost a year ago I sat amid the decided ltl sit through the tilm l-‘oiilll'll {Intigi.§.VV\‘:tV(.:V, m r
"IV “ 'i '; ‘ .- ii-i-ittakesa ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘
V ‘ " 7:30 Monday May ‘5' (“HM m N-dmu .m m "1.“ .mn V‘Mm MM “shill n l,“ . 2 .. hands do a sensual sign language
. . . . down iiim-ie house in Ashlaiid. good deal oi ii\etint. ti, kup Keynotiiig p'llll l'rustr'ition ‘lll(l
V ' ; 'V VV ‘ ' ' Kentucky. reveling iii lllt‘ anyone iii the (‘apital Vl‘heatre .... , . I‘I V. ‘ . ‘ I
V , . V Classroom BUIldlng Room ‘18 radiance oi" American SulX‘I" more than four strait!“t hours‘ I id‘lell-iili: hl\lylli'VlitmElli?”tll)iiiti:sl'l
' i ' V ' ' ' ' ' ' " ’ l V V‘ ' 2 'tress l' l ‘ll\\i1\',\’ been a Fonda Fan l” 5 ‘ ‘ ‘.'
,- mnfee.s onsor staishint pusonititd by K tilt . _ . ,I . .. y . . I .
V ' -- - 'V . Student MObIIIZOtlon com P Jane Fonda. The film I was i’l‘lie detiiiition ot a .lane l‘tlnda “Vittki-lliitlzx: llyl(:hdlhl::vchl(l)l)‘ttlh
"5‘: ‘ ° ' " ' V '25 ” lUN‘VV' The ac- l7“ ' 'myoiie who will sit c011 ( ‘ ‘
~ - < r ioted but not necessor withing ii is K in i. . _ .. . ,. . , I , .
.. . . 50 DOI‘IU'IONS app 90 y tress l was watching was through bombs like “'I‘all Story. who \IiantIsItoI tEIillIhcr find youIlIl
V. V V _ _ _ ______ "—-"'————"‘"‘f flawless. “Walk on the Wild Side.” “The ““‘l “ new elnition OTI Pdmk-
'. V l For almost two solid hours (‘hapmati Report” and "llurry Since that Saturday afternoon
‘- V . l l Fonda was totally in command. Sundown" two or more titnes at the (‘apitaIl Theater. 1 ve had a
V VV ‘ V' V 0° Not one second was she lost in simply because Jam. is in them». good (1981 ot time to reconISIder
3" ._ 'V ‘ - . . Q uncertainity about who she was but “0ng that Jane Fonda is a my ravings. to add perspective to
, ~ _ , ‘ here we 'e 0'“ and what she was doing. She WAS superb actress was for a long adoration. in all honesty I must
, '. I- a ,, . .V w . Bree Daniel. a call girl who is time m}. own personal secret finally admit after seeingthetllm
V V‘ . V V - " V beginning t0 hate the sound 01 11 which unfortunately none of the tor a third time#l was so in-
’ V V ' « " - telephone and who turns "tricks" major critics shared credibly right about l‘onda. But
. , . 25905 one AND PlACE or issue iaster than Houdini ever suddenly l was "01 the only "tn“-
' .' V ! imagained. Bree was a victim .‘lOVlf‘ I'CViPVV Fonda won the New York Film
.' - , V, living her lite in someone else's ' (‘ritics Award. the National
.V ,_ nightmares and she wanted out in (m the surface. “Klute” is society of Film Critics Award.
'V V ‘ V VV 5 . V “ V'V V TIME ”M“ lltlllllllll lnore than a respectable tllt‘ London l‘lllm (“UCS Award.
: ‘ . ' TERMPAPER melodramatic murder mystery. the (rolden (110b9 Award 'dl—ld the
VV -’ V V, V " V - 'V V l ..._—— .» x--_»~»~—‘~~-»—-m——-—--~'- l ARSE NAL INC “‘5 it \y'lmdim—it in which (llI‘CClOl‘ ”5C1”. as BCSI ACHVOSS OIf 19‘ 1~ My
. ... ' _ I' V I '- “GM-w" l 3 mm 3100 .c, toil: Oesrriotivz- .-\lan l’akula Takes the [fine to Iiudginent and Jane s career
; : V » V 'V‘V l l l “mm“ 0' ”00 “am" Wmapm tell us why-they-done-it. As a were vindicated.
VV V V V ~ V - ' i W- “aw—EXP'RM‘ON on: V. ' 5':8?3121123735.?T502213 director. Pakula has come a long “V W” decide {0 ‘23“er 0“: l0
- " V ' V '. ' l <2i3l 477.8474 , 477. 5493 .. ~ -' .i . . ‘i \1‘ 111' the (‘lie\'\' Chase 7inema w ere
- . . 4 . ,. . . . way sinu ht madt Liza . lllllt l I .. . . .
V VV VV V V l pIEDMONT/IIRLINES l WV NVdVHOValsalVS'V'an and Wendel Burton walk endless ”MUU’ W1“ be playing through
AV' ' ' V ’ V V V V l YOUTH FARE CARD miles on the beach to the tune of “10$“in .VOU 11 SQCIWhal all Ith“
. . , . i. I , - tf cord is lost. stolen or destroyed, a new card must be purchased. “Come Saturday Morning" .1“ acclaim is about. It S about Jam,
V' " V - V V ' o TERMPAPERS “The Sterile (‘uckoo " lle makes FOHda- and '1 5 about “me-
.. , ; '. _ l hike “Ill cord and 90- ?55521' '3: “stair: ".‘JIJJT‘".i’Liiilflfiiiif U
V ' ’_ V' ' - _ BS BA degree. instant Swwi. i.‘ KC t EK
‘. , -. I l
. t .' ' ' ' Now at 0 new low price: $3. And its LU 0 $113 .
‘ " V d t'l 22nd birthdo I ”A“ ’0“ ”5‘
I.II I, I I '. , tin h.r in the, c) i r I H or
- 900 U” ' your yd 3.53.2; mi ”’“ V '0 " to end dorm hours
. .- ,. ‘ p .. You get a reserved seat, ony CY: 800-638-0852
.’ ‘ ~ or . .
i I. . - V ’ and save ObOUT 20%. Call US, or see Call Collect tsoi. 555.577.) (our u .i I.‘ I regulation of hours. Prlor to last
V .‘ ’ ‘ 1 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, INC. " m '"m par“ fall when the Board of Regents-
. I. . . YOUF trove ogen . ' 5530 miieggtignIAge-CIO 233:; 169 students. having the hours. approved "liberalized hours"
.. , " V. ‘ * L .___.____..__..__.._.__._———-—-—— parental permission. and paying began. all female students in
> I I. I .. I I I. _ ~97 _. ,. , . , an extra $15 for added dorm dorms had curfew.
I 1 ' . . V!“ W ». security-V primnnel‘ can have "m““ed 5"“ ”“3”
. '. . ‘ . by» V: § . 3W9" ‘V; ,Z .. II New, :72; unrestricte hours. Rev. John B. Rabun. KCLU
2V. V‘ ’V V VV V a , , . be ”all“ ' {V .. , /V:.V.. .ff’ti’, . * Wm AbOUt 1.000 COGdS presently executive director. said the suit
‘ . ' . ' $7393 V . *er 7 ; ”.2 haveIrIiIo curfew. They “V6 in two had been considered since early
" . ~ - ‘“ 95% i. "3.1;”? Z '- 3W SPGCU'C dorms having no January of this year. but the
~ . 9 V ' . .i}?4§/'%-?T"'ii ’. ‘ ‘ ’ .V -‘ 5 " I , . ' t’ had ho ed Eastern
- . ~. . '- .3 ya?» "L4.;.‘Y.=’, . 1: / fl‘v ' “339'? ‘0“ . p _
~ .‘ . .I ' . . f as,“ % MI; o'g/ VgQ‘éVV l" , t The HGfl'U‘kg HGfflCI administrators might negotiate
. ‘ . ‘3" 2234/? 37: “V, V I JV” "fig/{6’24” V The Kentucky Kernel, ll] Journalism the matter . _
Ii, ~ . ' . . lag/fl 1V /, .; .7 {ii-42’, rig/x0, ' . - Budding, University oi Kentucky, But EKL‘ administrators.
’ ' I ,. . ... , “7/ fl??? ‘5 tzgzgtszgritzirxsiit-ram: according to the Rev- Mr- Rain.
'. . éV4//:il’ ' I -.VV . tag/f“ ..’I "'12; ""4, 1 ' except duringI holidays and exam “just W0th listen to anybody. V
. .I I II II ,I . . I/ZV, /%//// .mwz, VI“ II :-»"”""‘-V”337éé:\..) ', 2:32:15: and twuce during the summer For the ACLU and it member
- ‘ VV ‘ V > I I SegonIchlass chapters court action is the final
'». osage ala e'nt ,K, -
V~ . 'Vf . V . V' - S Puglished 3y The Kernglogresys, inc. step, he explained.
-I ', . ~ . - ii3 Journalism Building, University at “The rules have got to be
. . ' K I ~ , I H _
,' ." “ V I ENGING 22:3? a§°¥£2'°£‘ad'§¥ #350394 and changed. Rev. Rabun said of
' ,V- _ ' IV , aiguzllifincczntiaigousiy as The Kentucky regulated hours. “It‘s rank
V VV. , ‘n .V 'V Advertising published herein is in- discrimination on the baSiS 0f
II -. ' . . ~ I tended to help the reader buy. Any talse sex_"
. - '|.d‘ -- .
> ' ‘ V’- . 32px;:dpioThge ::i:::;'_s'ng 5mm be (Neudecker feels that if the
.‘ ' V ' . V V. ’ ' ' ,' AV!“ KERNELTELEPHONES “equal rights amendment”to the
V . - It 5 graduatlon day and SlIlVCI‘ W ingsIas an 1 FOI‘CE Editor,EIditorialEditor-2574755 US. Constitution presently being
. - . , .' there you stand...diploma pilot or nayiigator. Manas-nsggmizocaatesailors- ratified by the states had been
1 ., g -- , . i . in hand and future in doubt. OTS 15 your chance to Advertising,2i::inIIiiIeIIss,circulaiion. approved by now, the Eastern
I , I ‘ ‘ ~. _ . . . its
' '- =.~ . You could go on to graduate break away from the crowd Newsroom — 257-1800 21:33:33?“ Clearly "01"“
T f V. ~ schoolOr you could look for and be recognizedFor all the .5z;=iz:55::55=z,:555;ragga::;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;.;:;;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.z.;.m..3...g...gwm,.._...,.,.,.,._.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..:,:_:
, . . ajobin today‘s ever~tighten~ factsnnailm thecoupon.Or,
I, I _ ingjobmrkctgnyoucouiiIi call 81010631?)sz roIiIi {IQ/:1 NOTICE or PUBLIC SALE
.- , . - ‘ v ‘ ' ' ’ ‘mem er Wit "in it 1515 . - .
_ . . put VOW “imam“ R? “or L i l '1‘; _  ;
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 I 2—11”: KI‘INTl't‘KY KI‘IRNHL Monday. “ay-l. IStT'.’
. y . o 9
- - Fonda lsn t a creampuff
I ’ ' . a II ‘u, - ~_,_ ‘ ‘l --
. U Movne: "The Selling of the Pentagon B mm m ”w MN My Mutt ‘3 tight. last pattd mm.
. . g k 3 '3‘ it“ 't l kl l \k i H .mnmd in' But the HLM is all Fonda. and
. - , . 'm-ne g 3: H m. um”. .\I- ;,\ s ,s .. ‘ g ." , ‘ . . . . ‘ W
‘ I' I I‘ CBS Documentary film tin a rainy Saturday afternoon Fonda's ltt'l‘ittl‘lllllllt't‘ that l ”m l'gfifilIlIIlIlIIlsgl:I)lIII:"I:lIII.I.:“IINI
f { . almost a year ago l-sat IIIiIiIII ”1‘“ decided to iiIIiIIIIIIiIiliIiIII l:‘:‘;k:‘:”: Fonda images: Watch her
1 i " i ' t ' ‘ t’ ' ' ' U i t - ‘
. . . ' 4‘ .» 7:30 Monday May ‘Isf dint.) (it tnidt nu ot tin oi [I l” .igaiii .\ll( )(Hl'ttt .. ‘ k . l ) hands do a sensual sign language
. ‘ down movie house in Ashlnuid. good deal ol ii\etii1;z ti, tit keyiiotilig p‘llll l'rustr'ition 'ind
I ' ' ’I ’ ' ° '. ' ““llll ’ in 1h“ g . ll the t‘aiital 'l‘lieatre . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | ‘ ‘
' I I Classroom Budding Room ‘18 Ih‘IdIlI‘m? Im- II\iiieritI-fi'in super, [IiiiliIlIhnIl tour mug-[gm hoursi l sarcasm as she attempts to tell
' ‘ I ' I - ‘ ‘ 'I . ‘ I ‘ I I . .. -' think what she thinks.
-' i I 3 " ' ' ~- --' x " i l ' a "tress - t l l “n a Fonda ran h” ‘ .
. * .. ‘ mien Niobium" Comm-Sim" n .,
‘ .lllt“ z. ‘ i .. i i . ‘ . .
- I ' ' ' , .. n. V. y. . . .1 by the psychopath
g . . o ,, _ ,1 . .. . . lht‘ ilC- _ i _ x "l \Hli bll tt)llil()lll(( ‘.. _
~f ' 50‘ Donations opprecmted bl” no, necessary “duhmg II is Klutt ~ .. . III” I5 ”I50.“- II..I3IV). . who wants to Kill her and you‘ll
- _ ~ . tress I was w itiChlllg “d5 through bombslike [all btor}. .. . . . .
‘ ' ' - “1M0“ "\t‘ilk on the Wild side -~ "The lind a new definition for panic,
I. _ > “II c ... L ‘ ‘ .- . ‘3 ' V ' .
II ' Fl)“ almost (“'0 solid hours (‘hapman Report” and “llurry NHL’O that saturdd) atternoon
'- I I -I ' . I i Fonda was totally in command. Sundown“ two or more times at the Capital 'l‘heater. 1 ve had a
._ . - . _ - no Not one second was she lost in simply because Jane is in themi. good deal 01 time to reconsider
I I“ ' I I ' . O uncertainity about who She “'35 but knowing that Jane Fonda is a my i'avings. to add perspective to
- I ‘ 'e 0'“ and what she was doing. She WAS superb actress was for a long adoration. 1.” all honesty I "INUSI
I 1 . . , I' f w efe w . Bree Daniel. a call girl who is time my own personal secret liiiall_\'2ldmlla_ft€l‘ seemgthetilm
II ‘ _ ' -I beginning to hiltt‘ the 50““ Of a which unfortunately none of the tor a Ihll‘d timeil was so in»
‘ I 4 II " - I' ' - telephone and who turns “tricks" major critics shared. credibly right about Fonda. But
I ’ . ‘7 25905 0‘“ AND ““5 0' ”SUE taster than Houdini CVOI‘ . suddenly I was not the'on‘ly one.
II I vI I imagained. Bree was a victim NIUVif‘ I‘C’Vlf’“' Fonda won the New \ork .I‘ilm
.' ' ' p I, living her life in someone else‘s _ . . (‘ritics \waid. the National
.I~ .I “ nightmarosand she Wanted out in (m the surface. ”Klute” is Society ot 1.9m (I‘m-CS Awarg.
-. ' II . I " " II I I IREM'EI I AH" nothing more than a respectable the I:()iI(1df)lI(I:1IIir)rIx (4:13”; ;\,:Idd:h(i
; - *1 . ’ I TERMPAPER melodramatic murder mystery ”10 ('0 “l I 0 Q 3 I _
III ~I’ 'I III " i ' I II ! »~_~-~ »-—-—»~~ _,.W._.....-..... i ARSENAL INC llIS it \\'ilt)~(iltll it in Wl‘llt'il (ilrt’ClOl‘ ()St‘itl‘ as BOSI Actress 0? 19‘ 1~ 1‘1y
I I II II S'GN‘TU“ i i mm 3100 w mu: oesrr-iiiw Alan l’akula Takes the time to Judgment and Jane 5 career
.' i I I I" i i "mm“ 0' ”00 (“MIMI WHID‘IWIS tell us wh}—the.\'—done-it. As a were \'indicated.
'I ' I I i M “’"Expiunord DATE ”I . 5':ggiz'é‘éi’égvaflé'T950072? director. pukula has U”m. a long It you decide to wander (mar to
‘ I' I I I I' I' 3 ‘2”) "7'8“”; ' “7‘ 5493 way since he made l in \liniielli Iht‘ “RWY “1359 Cinema W ere
I I I *nee n C ~m n I ‘ I I I .I .. v H .' , n .'
II ‘ w I I plEDMUNTAIRLINES' i W “G "0 “a“ a and \Vendel Burton “an; endless hlutc will lit playing through
33 , ' II -' II 'I ' i YOUTH FARE CARD miles on the beach to the [mic 91' luesday. ‘you ll seewhat all the
n - , y i. ,- . . lf card is lost, stolen or destroyed, a new card must be purchased. "(‘time Saturday Morning in acclaim is apqut' It S about Jane
I, .3 ' I ‘. l . TERMPA PE RS "'l‘he Sterile Cuckoo " He makes Fonda. and it 5 about time.
. .1 f . , 'I ‘ iake ‘h" ‘a'd and 9°. Rtjbtj.” ilt'.f,\nllYY"n .imtiiviitessitmiii‘v
:I i. » ' WDPU. ii. v. tier-n innw .i minimum KCLU EKU
_ . , .. . . BS BA degree. instant Sewn t‘. t
y . , . ' i
:1? .' ' '- Now at a new low price. $3. And It s O sue
., - , -- Cl Ii 22 d birthdo l CAM mu FREE
;‘ ,I. n . ign h. 3 iii the to rr t itur.
., 90° Um“ your yd min. V °' " t0 €11 OI‘IIl ours
. ,. I. 4 ,_ You get Ct reserved seat, lCJnY CY: 800-838-0852
‘I I o ‘ - m ‘ lation of hours Prior to last I
r i. I 8 about 20 /C- CCi US, or see Call Collect i30lv (35535770 . . ‘ .‘ ' fl ‘ regu ~
. ~ and 50V EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. INC. (oiitiiimd liom pant 1 tall when the Board of Regents-
43 . y _ { YOUF erVei agent. ' 5530 mSSChfigt'gn Aget°2§3f§ ‘69 students. having the hours. approved ”liberalized hours"
.. " y * L _____..____.__._._..._————-—.._ parental permission. and paying began. all female students in
'.I I. ' . I: , .r 5 . .5".- . . .. ._ - . an extra $15 for added dorm dorms had cuerW.
' . . . .. ”1,53 W M security personnel, can have Planned since January
"I -‘ -. . ~. . emu-:2:;:.22:xiii-2225:3232: M , Maj" _ lg,” .~ ‘ * W About 1.000 COGdS presently executive director. said the suit
‘ -I I ' I 97833 II " :,. , "K n _ “' ; ”.5 have “0 curfew. They “V8 in tWO had been considered since early
‘3 ‘, . ”VII If’IIi"I'I_." 433% “a" /-’ ' 3'”! speCIfic dorms having no January of this year. but the.
. :~ I » - 11/5345?“ -- ' I ”I .t * ”’3 .. or anization had hoped Eastern
? ' ‘ _; ' 1% l 3 ’ 23/ 4363/“ ’ ,- THC chfluk HGMICI administrators might negotiate
3 . j %/ 2,. :_ .3; 3:3,, . new 'z’flgzyj . ”3/39 ,_ it h
. ‘ - ~ “‘ Z? 7 :=- 233,: -,_:n ;..,;~:,-3I’ f" ' «I “" ”5%?“5/0’2/6/ ‘ The Kentucky Kernel, 113 Journalism 1 e matter" . .
. . . ~ - ‘ MM 1%/% 5, 2;. . :3 // 155,45 ., ,§-.::_,:2.,~/g333% [5" . . Emitting, University at Kentucky. But EKU administrators.
- ' ‘ I {154//;, ' ._ ~‘ ’1' ‘ :Mgg / " except during halidays and exam “just won‘t listen to anybody."
‘ I ‘ v. I. > ' ‘ ,//////’/ 3.“, f5 ,; 3...”~"+-:2:;(/,_-.;‘.\V_, ., ’ ::;;0::, and twice during the summer For the ACLU and it member
-I -' .‘ II I I t SAéfjori'dl-classt chapters court action is the final
J . a pos age at a exin on.K . . -
a . ' 3. . SO Published 3y The Kerngl Presys, Inc. btep‘ he explalned’
._ ,‘ . f. _ . 113 Journalism. Building, University of “The rules have got to be
- I " ; " , azguzriéncczm‘ig‘usousiv as The Kentucky regulated hours. “It‘s rank
I I , .I ' ,I Advertising published herein is in- discrimination on the baSIS 0f
_ . ‘ . _ ' tended to help the reader. buy. Any talse sex"
' . 3:93;:Leiglgge 33.12:?” mm be (Neudecker feels that if the
I . . ' - ' ‘ ‘ . . . . “equal rights amendment" to the
v ~ ' ' . It’s graduation day and Sliver Wlngs as an A“ Force unitinizns22:23:53... U.s. ennnnnnnn nnnsenny inning
3 . . there you stand. ..d1ploma pilot or naVigator. Mnnngansigmjzociaiescum. ratified by the states had been
I, _‘ -I , . .' in hand and future in doubt. OTS is your Chance to Adver'isin932:::i;:ssnCirculation- approved bylétorv. tlhe Elastertn
- '- I r , n ' situatinwou cear vioaeis
. 4 a: . . v. YOU COUid go on ‘30 graduate break flVVZlY from tilL crowd Newsroom — 251.1800 provisions ) y .
'I [III . "I I > v' SCitOOi.Ol‘ You COUld 100k for and be recogmzedfor all the $:=:=:=:=:=:3:3:2:1:i:35:1:3:1:1:1:1:=:=:=:=:=:=:1:=:=:1:=:2:::=::::::::::::::;:;:;z;:;:;:;:-:.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;.;.;;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:-:-:
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. I , . mil bChOO PrOgmm- l i'snxin niRcr.Ri.<:Rt'iri\t;siznyiri- I\/\ 5;; tables. venetian blinds, typewriters. adding machines. and 3:5:
.‘ , , {I , ' | omit TURATLUE- .»\l)~\l3Rll.\l.\eitR\3\ i l 5:; misc II 't . _ 1:2;
. . ' . Upon quali lCdthU, | RAsiiqii‘ni AlR tutu l: iiAsi, i 5:: . e aneous i ems. All items are priced. 4:;
' ‘ ' . t i - if b ‘Uln’ TE.\A> m e ' ‘ 5:: 3::
, ~ , ‘ )0U 11 {111d YOUrSL kn i‘it‘lsl‘\L‘lltiYUL‘ mureiiitnrmatiiiiiiiiiAirlnneUTN | :::: DATE M 5::
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' , . ' ‘ ' , commission. And, give you i iii . 'txml . i ”Wows “‘"d‘m‘se ”0- '
. _ ‘ ' luadersmndtherei~rmohlitl-\Yl\‘“ 5:: 70 S B d . ::::
. ‘ home to 0 on to fliUht , . .3 6 . roa way
, , . thk C ‘ g f D 'L_Find yourself In the Au'ForceL, 5:5; 3;:
I SChOOl to arm thOS amous —_'-"-'-—'-—_-__— v - » «3 n
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‘0 0W“ 10‘“ 19' Z 2 YEABBOOK
' cup om cou9°n and send wim your chew or money order.   Y
‘ “me '5 mm'mg om ht otéet'mg yon! 1912 KYNTVU“ AN ,
Don" ¢e\o1,§'\\\ (M “\e coogon “0‘“. _ . f ' 'i
“we ‘ T. ' ,
“We" ‘ Sonic“! Don" “mm “\M 10‘“ ices covet iot “mum oi * , ~ V. ‘ '  ,
D ‘mdmcfi as 51.50 was :33 m mm 51.5%) m we um ‘ so “3““ . ‘ s ;' ,
Kentuckian. . | ’ ‘ .i u 3 .
Make cheeks mam: w The woman“. Ma“ w The ‘ “I Sudan‘s , \th is w»: \usx opoorwn'm \o «in , :1 3 ,2 ~
“w‘““"“’ “w“ m. Wmflm “‘6‘" ””9“" 0 “who“. PM K 0“ now and 1mm. poi 'n o“ in: .. ; , ' a. '
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 . E D I T o R I A L 5 m5 EXPHPIEMCE. armature.
' M G "W / /
- C overn re 077718 8%)}?W
W ,I O h 0 F8086 / i
, : . _ again prove t on value p959- Q .
' . 2‘ i ’ 06101" E
‘, g 4 ' Saturday’s Democratic “mini- selected for the Democratic MUST .
, I - p ‘ conventions” across Kentucky, National Convention will be at— HAVE" W
. I .. .. l and especially those in Fayette tending their first national con- 6) 9‘8
. I - County, have proven again the vention. "7‘ git-L
‘1 .- -I value of the McGovern reforms in Already the number of black CU’lPASSiOU. THC COMMON
'_. - » ‘ opening up the Democratic Party delegates has tripled, the number / TOUCH.
;5 _ , to young people, blacks and of delegates under 30 has /
-L W ' W, women. quadrupled and the number of
. , l tes has more than
.I ‘ ' Long hours of grass roots 3331?; de ega 6
'i man peolewho ,' ..
- : -. organiz ng by y p It is not surprismg that most of
' . ‘ -. ' ~ never before had takenan interest
' ‘W ' ' in delegate selection paid off these new delegates support
' j ‘ a < ' .' McGovern since he was primarily
" , - , Saturday when supporters of Sen. , .
.~ ~ , - 't f responSible for forcmg the party
. , , McGovern won the majori y o to 0 n itself u to them
v W' .' delegates in this county pe p . Dist. Publishers-HallSyndicnte
.‘ W. ' There is little doubt that had The strength of the McGovern iMCORRUp-F 5TAFEE§MM ~ I
' I _; ‘ i " many UK students, not tried, the somewhat Of a surprise to Ford / /
.-.' ‘I .1 delegates to Frankfort from this and Miller. They had hoped that
, I .I II .' , county would have gone un- the entire delegation would be 4/
' . , . . ' '\
.- I: ,. . committed and ended up domg uncommitted and vote the way NW
' ‘ .I 1 what Gov. Wendell Ford and J. R. they tOId them to. K
.‘ .W " W Millert 1 th m. . . . .
- :x I‘ I . Whato (iia eened here has Of course, a majority still Wlll
;. , . . - .- ' alrea d ha pged in various other but Kentuckians can beproud that
I=_;I W,” . “ ,.