xt7k3j39388g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j39388g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1992 1992 1992-10-06 2020 true xt7k3j39388g section xt7k3j39388g |





Vol. XCV No. 29

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Independent since 1971

Tuesday. October 6. 1992

6 ' Design employees told who will lose jobs


, s.<2.».


University withholds names
inndi'vidiials to be laid off


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


liight employees lll l'ls‘s llesign
and (‘onstriiction l)i\isioii yester~
day found out their positions would
he terminated in nine months.

But administrators promised to
do their hest to titid the ‘ooii-to-he-
laid-oil workers other iohs in the
l'niyersity system

l'K would not release the names
of the employees. who will lose
their iohs hit} 1. because they are

still employed hy the l'mseisity.
said l'ls' spokesman licrmc \‘oudc-

tittrcials announced Wednesday

that the department‘s stall would he
scaled down from l\ to ill workers

limployecs were told to update
their resumes and turn them It] pk»,
ltll'C lite weekend

Alter reviewing the i‘esiiriies. .id-
ministrators made the decisions on
who would stay and who would go.
Vonderlietdc said

\‘tllldc‘lllcldc \itld clllt‘lttyccs \\ iltt


This is not a reorganization due to budget
cutbacks but rather because the amount of
construction activity has significantly from the
past biennium to the current biennium.

—-Bernie Vonderheide,
UK spokesman


will lose their iohs were told ot the
tiL‘clslUll _\k‘\lL'ldrl\

In .idditiori. other workers were
"notified ahoiit the tiitiiie status” .is
lilL‘ tlcpitlllllelll Ids't's lc‘t‘lflttlll/dltt‘ll

including dittiitiit ioh deseiip
tioiis with
each employee

lit a'. iei workloads tot

Educators present dialogue
about racial understanding


By Doug Saretsky
Contributing Writer


Healing the wounds caused hy
racism is a process that spans gene
eralions. a relations e\pert
said )‘cstetday


“ l here is more than one iiglit any
met to this prohleiii \\'c are inst
hegiiiiiing to undo Jot) yearsrplus
ot' i‘aeism." said ( iloiia ( lay. one ol
l'rii\'ersit_\' oi l’ennsylyania
prolessors who conducted a dia~
logiie on racism tor students and


(iay arid l-llen l)elapi. hotli pro-
lessors ot social work. were on
hand to conduct the inlorinal dis-
cussion on the prohletns caused by
racism on college campuses nation-


During the program. each gay e
insights on way s to eomhat racism

l)elapi said one ot the most ettee
the ways to
tween races is to lta\e people within
those racial groups to do thorough
sell-analyses l’eiliaps. pair ot the
tension comes tioiii llttll\ idiials. not

chttct le‘ilstttlls M».

the group at large. she said

"Starting with the sell is llllpttlr
tant." Delapr said 'llirs is .ihout
taking risks arid tiridmg iicw ways
to do business as usual "

(lay and llelapr time taken their
presentation to colleges and uniserv
sities across the nation, engaging
participants in trank. hard-edged

The two also founded the l'riiyei-
sity oi l’eiiiisylyania‘s Women‘s

t‘enter ill I" 'i tolioaiie .l sit lit to
protest the \illlllllh petite. who
were .iteiisid .iitme too ~ii“.\ii it

stop .I si‘tlis l'i Lit‘t s tilt i.t7ll[‘lls
:tii \\oii:
ind lli Inn

in addition to ittlill2illi'
e‘llis (lkilllkl. i‘ttlil (it‘s
.tie iri\ol\ed llt other ;'ioiips zyhiili
deal with hoth

(ray. who is lilatk tmiziidetl "\is
tct \tstei." .i group that thalliiiges
taeisrii against
women or iioiiuhit. heritage

L's‘llriel .iiid hiks dis

.iiid it.tt.rsslitettl

l)elapi heads "\Vhite \Voinen
:\:1;t1ll\l Racism” .it the l'ni\eisrty
ol l’ennsyhatiia

“We don't think oi ourselxt . as .i
race." llelapi asked
about her or‘gani/atioii

\.llti ‘.‘.ili'll

.\t least 1“ design .iiid construe
tioii employees intei\iewed yi‘slelr
day ahout the decision ietiised to

\onderlieide reiterated that the
stall tediietion .llld the ieoigatii/ar

tioii ot the design diyisioti do not
result hour the more than \To nul-
lioii llt i‘lltith'i cuts the l'iiiyeisity


has laced met the last two seats

Instead. he said. .l reduced ltlllll
her ot ioiistiiri tioii proieits Iteeessi
lttlcd the k tithaek

"llus is not .i ieoigaiii/atioti due
to i‘tlti}.“el euthaeks hut rather he-
eaiise the amount ot construction
.ieti\it_\ has sienititantly troiii the
past hienniiitii to the eiriient i‘lk‘lllll'
rim." he said

l'ls' “has already heeti .it work“ .it
liiidirig [obs in other l'iii\ersitj» de
partriients. he said

tine worker has .tilt‘dii‘s heeri .l\
(L‘Plt‘d lit 'il.tllslel [U lite dc\l_‘.‘tt ds“
partriienr ot l'ls' housing. \oiide
ilieide said

iit‘\\t'\L‘l. i‘t'tdllst' til liii' i‘lliig‘s'l
cuts. the l'iiiyiisity has heeri iittdei
.i liiiiiig ttee /e. e\eept tor essential


[\‘slllttlls \ill\\ i.rl\ I‘Wl

last week i is l’tcsideiit (liaiit s
“t‘lillll‘di‘ll said that there are no
tilile‘l \ldii
other i'riryeisits tis'l‘dl'llllcllls

itdiiittotis planned llt

llowesei he said more statl this

could ouiii lit .i te'.\ months .is part
ot .i liii..isitswidi ettoit to
\iltdlllilllt Ih. iiistitiitioii.d strut

lsiti ( imitate drier; i ~t h

sign and it'lr-illliili‘ll o lliti llti' iv.

l\.l\ilk'ti to; toiiiiiietit

Hut \.lii to him was i. ittllteii h.

l'ls \l\’i l'iisiderit tot \iiili'l'ls
tr.itioii l‘oiialdt l.ipp is on \.t\.lilit|i
and was \‘tlliii not he l\.l\iitti Ioi




Gloria Gay and Ellen Delapi speak yesterday during a program on ways to combat racism The

two founded the University of Pennsylvania‘s Women's Center.



By Dara Hoffman
Contributing Writer


lli'mgiiig tire prevention to the
toreti'ont ot strident residence hall
tile is a main ohiectiye ol‘ l5irc
l’ie\eiition Week. which began
yesterday. thiginatirig witli the
National i‘ll'L‘ l’ioteetion Associir
tion. l‘irc l’i'cyeiition Week runs
tliioiigli Sunday

(tarry llcach. l'K‘s tire and ac-
cident prexcntion manager. said
nothing is planned on campus this
week highlighting tire salcty. hut
there are some aetiyities in ice

lloweyci: Beach ol’l'cr‘ed scyeral
safety precautions that should he


Week emphasizes
fire preparedness

l’ollowed to prey cut the danger or
a tire.

Although students olten coin-
plain ahout residence hall rules.
Beach said. the regulations are de»
signed to protect residents. l-or iii-
stance. students cannot cook or
light candles in residence hall

llcaeli suggested that people not
use hlow dryers to dry their
clothes. especially hccause that re-
sulted iii a tire last year.

He stressed that it is essential
tor residents to he aware ot where
they ptit their lit cigarettes when
smoking in the rooms

limit should not he allowed to

See FIRE. Back Page

1.) Do not use hair
dryers to dry

2.) When smoking
indoors. be aware of
where you put
lighted cigarettes.


3.) Do not allow
trash to build up in
residence hall

4.) Know where fire
alarms and fire
extinguishers are

lVRONE JONNSYON - ... i ..



Hockey team signs
contract with rink


By John Kelly
Sports Editor


Most of the necessary ink is on
paper. and the l'iK hockey club will
play" its home games at the letting»
ton lee (‘cnter heginnmg Saturday
night at llzltl p.ni. against l)e ’aul.

RCPFL‘\L‘lllltll\'C\ ot' the [K hock~
ey' club and the l’ls’ Wesley l’oun»
dation last night signed a one-year
contract. which will allow the (‘ool
(‘ats to play an ahhrey'iatcd home
schedule of about l5 games at the
ice center this year. 'l‘he contract
will he deliyered to ice center inan-
ager Dennis llyde today. and he
said he has every intention ot‘ sign<
ing it

"l wrote the contract." llydc said
last night in a telephone interview.
“'l'he terms and conditions are ours.
and. it' they signed the contract.
they agreed to those conditions. 1
don't see any prohlems with it.
We’re all set."


llyde did not attend last night‘s
meeting at the Wesley Foundation.

Signals oi the pending contract
appeared on campus yesterday as
the club hcgan .i last-iiiinute promo-
tiotial campaign to call attention to
its home opener Saturday.

“We probably expect to see more
people out there because of all the
publicity because we almost didn‘t
have a team. People will he interest-
ed to see its play at least lor the first
game." cluh president Kris Kocan

John Mclntosli. national director
for a youth program called l.il'e
(hangers. which is related to the
Wesley l‘oiindation because both
are itiyolycd with the United Meth-
odist (lunch. was the man respon-
sible tor bringing the parties togeth-
er al‘ter negotiations reached a
standstill earlier this tall.

"I found out that the team was
not going to be able to play. so l

See HOCKEY. Back Page



.‘S‘Iwi‘ T
"fli‘j‘V‘ .





The UK hockey club began an
intense promotional campaign
on campus yesterday. Their
home opener is Saturday.

Over 1,000 register
to vote durin g drive


By Kathy W. Larkin
Contril'iuhnt; Writer


Nearly 1 Mt students registered
to \otc |.ist week -il|llll‘.' the \tiidtiit
lotii il.i\

timeriiiiieiit \ssoeiatit-ii ~

\otei i'egistiatioii diiy;

..iid a hill

1.“ stn
said I Ileti

"Ilium-J the tiist hou:
dents registered to tote ”
Hamilton. .i registration
\he said the dii\e got a hoost liom
the media


er w eiage it ieiei\ed

ll.itiiiltori said last weeks ltllll'ttll
pio\ed that 'sttrlll“ people .ll‘e w
eotitiiiiitl .ihoiit tli. rip

l‘lt‘\liii iiti.it


U'llilll'.' tic-tutti arid

.ihoiit tli. issiit s tititij' dist ii~sed 9“»

the i.iiidid.ites

State leaders differ
on UK’s reform role


By Sean McGuirk
Contributing Writer


While state leaders dclend piihlrt
school students' suh-pai scores on
the tirst-eyci‘

while he was disappointed with tlii
low scores. he tlioriglit the iL\l did
what it was supposed to "it sets the
hase lirie ”

(lne ol the reasons the test results
ranked ”0 per


learning assess-
ment. they hold
dit'l‘ci‘rng tiplllv
ions oti how ag-
grcssrye l'K atid



the other state


time been in

supporting the

landmark l‘l‘tt)

Kentucky l'du-

eation ' Relonn FORD

l'lic new test. administered in the
spring. was a deyiee to assess the
pertormance or students within the
new educational haekdiop created
by primary and secondary setiool

Wayne llarycy. ol the [K (‘entei
tor l’rolcssional l)e\elopinciit. said.


cent Hi llts' sltt
dents tested less
than protieieiit
was a change in
the testing iiietli

iklology. lit
"We w ettt

from a standard
l/Cti klllti Hi it \l
mg to more ot .i
STUMBO pi'otylein.sol\iiig
kind ol routine."
Haney said “It was sortiething dil
tcrent tor the students
State Sen, lad I‘ttlti it) (”\nrhiaiiai
said the results ol the show
where students riiust impriwe in or
dcr to reach the goals set by hi R .\


lt sl

See REFORM. Back Page



i‘oi it to irlht: to tin: (or i»
itt~iiiiiititt2 t‘oriirmiii tats
Story tiaqpn


“( t'lit'fi \ltl-ii'lll= .tlt Kline-l .t‘
iKlll" .ipatlietit to Hit l\'tli~ ittit
t. liltlliis ,‘ttltiiii‘t i ‘vul.
t‘i'il.“- tli gii‘d‘itlll :i.:=.at i.



"wi‘VOTE iiok E'iiiiv

In a spec it at Transylvania Uni
V8fS|iy, iti""t‘3l CBS newsman

Daniel St is t' crttrCizes 12 years
i ll»: at .i a' "tie Story. Page


liot New“ t" s twill. sertes offers
dry .. ., t. “age 3


Jamar i Mimi“ tr wish” [titty Lot
‘.i:~ is tV‘tJKtV‘vl til vii" :la'» 'm

.‘K .lw‘trm. .. J

*s‘liiry “'N’ .’

tarot r‘t‘. that

film/03y 8; VHS. (.Lr'imp» l “tit -\ on
t ‘ i'é‘itliltilt‘te is Ample“ : igdtlo
u']! i) it)» 21

“it t its ‘..’tt'..- i H" l i'tl


Sunny today high between 65
.md 70 Clear tonight. tow be-
tween 4t: and 45 Sunny tomor-
row. high around 70.

Classifieds... , .






2 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 6. 1992

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Baseball’s climactic games begin tonight in Atlanta

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British Envoy and recently released hostage,


Sponsored by???


)ntempor .11 v Affairs Committee

8 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 18 tn the Concert Hall of
the Singletary Center for the Arts

0 Two FREE tickets per valid UK student faculty/staff LB.

0 Two tickets maximum

0 Call Ticket Office for further info at 257 -8427
0 Tickets will be distributed for the UK community
exclusively beginning 10:00 a.m., Monday, Oct. 5 through
Wed., Oct. 7 at the Student Center Ticket Office.


Blue J(1.\‘.1'-Athletic.s' a replay


By Ben Walker
Associated Press
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United Way Fall Festival 1992

Thursday, October 15-
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Student Center Patio on Lexington Campus

Warren Ogden of the PPD

Basketball Tickts

Football Tickets

Lunch with GM. Newton LIVE
Kentucky Theatre Tickets MUSIC

Challenge Course DECORATED

Chocolate Cake
& Pumpkin Recipe

(2f1989 AL pennant battle

;.11111‘\ ”

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1111‘ 111\1\11111." 111‘ 1.1111 “1 \1.1111 111 1.111

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.2397 Richmond-Rea






Coffee 8 Goodies
Starts early 7:30am






UK’s Lofton
makes mark
after transfer

Contrlbutlng Wr1ter


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Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 6. 1992 - 3




Bob N ewhart brands new TV show with his dry, loopy humor

[lob Neulliu‘l llas roked llldl .lller'
starring lll shows called ”llle [lob
Nenllarl Slum” and "Nenllarl." llle
onl_\ pillL‘llllill tilles lell lor llls lllnd
.sileorn were "'l'lle." "Show" and
“Bob "

llle laller' nas ellosen. but lloli
Neullarl's lalesl slleonl. airing l'll-
da) nights at ‘Hll on (BS, would

prohalil) lla\ e “oiled \\ llll llle
lllolnker “ I he ” l'ro\ lded. ol
eourse. lllal _\ou sluek lllllll‘

mannered Bob in a \iorld lllll ol lll-
nalles. which is .\‘enllarr‘s llllllllsr
lakahle trademark. c\llll. llke llls
past luo elassre sllons. Nenllarl‘s
presenee on llle lllr’\\.l\es ele\.lles
llle lone ot l'\' eorlled}

(ioodness knows. the lone ol l\
eonled) needs eleulllon .-\nd on .l
Nenllarl progrllrll. you \soll'l see
L'lg'lllfit‘dr‘illll llloppels \\ llll .l t'lllll~

‘Bohemian Rhapsody’


ed} paller rerlllnlseelll ol lion Rlele
les l'llere non‘l he .lll_\ \ilseelaek