xt7k3j393b6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j393b6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 2006 2006 2006-10-26 2020 true xt7k3j393b6d section xt7k3j393b6d  





Taxi Co. and UK partner up for safer rides

By Dariush Shah

A local taxicab company has signed a contract
with the University of Kentucky in a bid to make
travel safer for students.

American Taxi Cab Co. entered into an agree-
ment with UK yesterday to provide a $2 flat rate
service to students within two areas: around UK’s
campus and in downtown Lexington.

Another benefit of the program is that it has
been approved for the Plus Account program. al-
lowing students to pay without cash or credit cards.
though the payment service isn't yet available.

"We just wanted a safer way for kids to get

home,“ said Meredith Marcum. She is the president
of Genesis. a student organization that focuses on
finding safer ways for students to drink. Genesis.
along with Student Government and UK‘s Office
of Student Affairs. made the push for the service.

“For Genesis. it‘s not about not drinking," Mar-
cum said. “it‘s about doing it safely or in safer

In the past three years, two UK students have
been killed in incidents where alcohol was a factor.

Brian Muth. an incoming accounting sopho-
more, had been arrested for being intoxicated and
was released into custody of a friend before he was
struck and killed by a tractor-trailer on New Circle
Road in August 2004.

in August 2005. Thomas Byers, an English
sophomore. was running from police when he was
struck and killed by a train near Virginia Avenue.

Although the program has benefits for those
who have been drinking and need a safe way
home. it’s not intended solely for alcohol—related
activities and isn't about encouraging irresponsible
drinking. Marcum said

“It‘s not just for those who choose to use it on
the weekends (to party)." Marcum said. “It’s for
any day."

The new program is also beneficial to anyone
concemed about walking alone at night. Marcum

"We’re just providing a safe way for students to

get there," she said. “As a student — a female stu-
dent — getting home safely can be very complicat-
ed and very difficult, and I think having this option
is wonderful."

Chris Martha. the general manager of American
Taxi, said the number of students expected to use
the service makes it possible for the company to of-
fer the $2 flat rate.

“We want to keep it cheap enough so that in-
stead of people walking they’ll take a taxi," Martha
said. “With us, it’s more about volume. That way.
drivers are willing to do it.“

American Taxi will be accepting the Plus Ac-
count for all taxi services. Martha said. but the $2

See Taxi on page 7



Tai Kidwell, a
fourth year
student, gives
a flu shot to

reSI ent
afternoon in
the softball

par ing ot.
The UK
Center Will be
offering drive-
through flu
shots again
from 9:30
am. to 3:30
pm in the
arkin lot of

t e UK occer
and Softball


A healthier kind of DRIVE-THROUGH ‘


UK Medical Center makes flu shots convenient for the community

By Emily Hunkler

With flu season beginning. the UK
Chandler Medical Center is offering drive-
through flu shots for the third year in a

“Tire community absolutely loves it."
said Sharon Berry. a registered nurse and
hospital safety officer. “it provides a more
convenient method. and we can get a lot
done in a short amount of time."

The service was offered yesterday
from 7:30 am. to 3:30 pm. and will be
available today at the same time in the UK
Soccer and Softball Complex parking lot.

According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. the flu is a conta-
gious respiratory illness caused by influen-
za viruses. it can cause mild to severe ill-
ness. and at times can lead to death.

“Me and my wife get sick sometimes.
and we decided to take the preventative
measures of getting the flu vaceine." said
Sergio Budar. 34. who also took advantage
of the service last year. “it apparently
works well. because I didn't get sick last

According to the CDC. more than
200.000 people a year on average are hos-
pitalized from flu complications and about

36.000 die.

Last year the drive-through llu service
drew about 1.400 people.

“Our goal this year is 2.000." said
Kathleen Kosper. the service director. "We
can give as many vaccines as we need to:
we are not too worried about running out."

“Every year we have a line of cars
waiting before we even open." Kosper

The shots cost $20. and the service ac—
cepts Medicare Part B. Only those at least
l8 years old are eligible for the vaccine.

“It‘s great." said Mindy Dean. 46. “I
can drive in and drive out with no wait.
and I am on my way."

The drive—through form of vaccination
is practiced nationwide and does more
than make the vaccination more accessi—

“It is a good test to see if we could do
mass immunization in the case of a bioter-
rorism attack." Berry said. “The more im—
munizations we can do in an amount of
time. the less likelihood there is of an out-

Symptoms of the flu include fever.
headache. exhaustion. muscle aches. dry
cough. runny nose. sore throat. and stoni-
ach symptoms such as nausea. vomiting or




Those who received flu shots had to fill out a form beforehand to
ensure they would not have an allergic reaction to the vaccination,


Chandler: Students key to improving politics

By Alice Haymoirtl

In an effort to raise a little money and get
some people together. UK College Democrats
hosted an informal fundraiser last night featur-
ing US. Rep. Ben Chandler. who spoke to
those in attendance.

About 35 people. both students and other
members of the community. gathered at the
home of Jennifer Miller. a part-time political
science instructor at UK who is also a member
of the Fayette County Democratic Executive

As Santana played in the background. stu-
dents milled about. chatting with each other
and several Democratic candidates from Ken-
tucky before Chandler addressed the group.

He encouraged students to continue to be
involved in politics in America.


“l‘m tickled to death that you all are doing
this at UK.” Chandler said in regard to the stu—
dents in College Democrats and their efforts
and involvement.

He said he understands how difficult it is to
maintain an interest in modern politics. consid«
ering the nasty political commercials on televi—
sion and the animosity found on different sides
of issues. But he also emphasized the impor—
tance of trying to improve this situation.

“You have to look at the stakes.“ Chandler
said. “The stakes are your future.

“You guys have a chance now to get in on
what I think is a big wave in the country."
Chandler said.

Chandler is currently running for re—elec-
tion to his seat in the US. House. He serves as
the representative for Kentucky's 6th District.
which includes Lexington. Chandler has no Re-
publican opponent in the race.

Since he became involved in Kentucky pol-

itics in l9‘)l as the state auditor. Republicans
have been dominant. Chandler said. But he
thinks this is about to change.

finally going back the other way." he said.

things around. Chandler said. He specifically
addressed debt and education. saying Republi-
cans have left the weight of paying off the na~
tional debt on the backs of young people.

dent would have to pay is almost as much as
they will owe in student loans by the time they
graduate. With Republicans cutting student
loans. (‘handler said. “Students don‘t have the
kind of relief that they need from their gov-

does to help education. the better. He said there

“This year. for the first time in 15 years. it‘s

Democrats may have a chance to turn

Chandler joked that the amount each stu»


Chandler said that the more government

See Chandler on page 7

SG divided
on domestic

By Blair Thomas