xt7k6d5pcc6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pcc6s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1963 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1963 Vol.29 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, September 1963 Vol.29 No.12 1963 2019 true xt7k6d5pcc6s section xt7k6d5pcc6s , . i H - .‘ ii i
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Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 5 ’ I ’ - i ‘
l, iIWIL I’ll'i'
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o 3 i i
The Kentucky Press Association recognizes I . i
ilie fundamental importance of the implied . i I i
iiust imposed on newspapers and dissemination ‘ > i
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- ‘ ‘
ms, accuracy, and decency in the presentation . ‘ :
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- .
: ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘ ‘ ’
advertising column. It Opposes the publication . ‘ 2
nl propaganda under the guise of news. It af- ‘ =
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ' l i i
lioncst and fearless editorial expressions. It re- ; [ [.
Wits equality of opinion and the right of every l *
individual to participation in the Constitutional ‘ i i
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes 3 i
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, ; ‘ ,
economic, social, and cultural community (le- " ‘ j.
l‘elomnent and progress. i
1 a .
D f
f Publication Office:
- School ' ' -~ ‘
.- of Journalism , 131.11. ' i
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”'Vers'fy of Kentucky 3. A MG 5 1
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'9 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK OCT. 13-19, 1963 f i 3
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VOIUme 29, Number 12 1’
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. 0 j . .

 1,1 1 11,1_..11 1 1_1 11 - _
1 11 21 ‘
I ‘ ‘ E 1 I
'11 i13 11 E‘ E l
" l | E 1 .
E 1“ E I 11111 11 Proposed Market Service ‘» SEPTEE
E 11 1E1 1 The KentUCky Press + AS We See It -,'- Under Continuous Fire
1 1 _ E 1 Controversy over the U. S. De ar .
E E ' E E vo|ume 29’ Number “'2 _i1‘_lewspapers Arfe Challenged of Agriculture’s Market News Servixde £11331 SUrV
1111 1.111 1 0 Promote SCI ei‘y Program gathering steam. The issue may reach lite
E E E EE ‘E Official Publication Kentucky newspapers have been asked, Senate floor next week 01' later When the
EE 11 ‘1'1 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. and the challenge has been accepted by Agric‘dture aI’I’I‘Opriatlons bill is debated Makers 0f.
1 E 1E ‘E E E Kenmd‘y Press Service, Inc. our KPA Safety Committee, headed by There are no extra funds for MNS ill this chewing gumi
1111 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor Edward Templin and Perry Ashley, to speed bill but an effort may be made to adda; tear in market
E11 E 1 Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor up their efforts in publicizing and promoting rider to order the expanded wire Service It Rays. to km
1 1 11 E Member traflic safety. We hope that every news- ended until authorized by C0119?” NU- dontllke abor
1 1 11 Newspaper Managers Association paper will cooperate to the fullest extent. merous repealer bills have been introduced peddle.
E11 11 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce The appalling loss of life on Kentucky by1House Republicans, and many protesting M015: newsp;
‘1‘ E ”1 Better Business Bureau, Lexington highways, mounting at alarming rate every edltorials have been reprinted in the Corr suit, owever.
E1 11 E Sustaining Member day, should be of high concern to every gress1onal Record. The Senate APPI'OPlli- ”fade about Ol
11 11 E11 1 National quforlul Assocmfion citizen, and the newspaper should take a tlons Committee has been promised a letiei cublurfrcheons.
11 1 1 11 1 Associate Member 1 1 leading role in emphasizing traffic safety of esplanatlon from Secretary of Agriculture most 0 us ma
11 1 National Newspaper Promotion Assocration in every issue. Orville .Freeman, who has claimed the Kim 0:11” read
E. 1 EE 1 1 Publication Office At the first of three “seminars” on traffic serwce increases the flow 0f news. ie an don t,
E 1‘ E11E1E School of Journalism safety at Louisville, September 19, with x; z: a; ~.~. Edlt?“ 51110111.
EE 1‘ '1 1 University of Kentucky over 600 public officials, le islators, and « - paper or t e
i11i ‘1 LE civic leaders in attendance, aommissioner Logan County To Advertise of our potentia
EE E E‘ Glenn Lovern said, “Kentucky must decide Legals Also On Radlo I Vlde certain in
ii 1' EE ‘ EE Kentucky Press ASSOClOllON, Inc. to act now to practice public safety or we Logan County Fiscal Court voted Tues know in advam
E E 1 E Fred J. Burkhard, President can expect, that by 1975 some 14,000 day to advertise on the radio as well asii the vast majori
E11 ; 1 Cafet/ County News, Liberty more persons in Kentucky will meet death the newspaper. also must be av
E1 E1 i1 E1 George kph“ 111’ ‘71ngi:::;ifié(llt11 Somerset on our highways. If the present rate of Although legal notices in the largest loci :nd desrres if
1111111 :1 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary~lllanagyer accidents continues, one out of two children county newspaper—in Logan, The New ace 0f SUE com
E E 11 111 Perry I. Ashley, Assistant Secretary-Manager born today will be injured or killed in a Democrat—are required by law and radii Empers or 10th1er
il; E1 ‘ E Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer traffic accident.” announcements are not, the magistrates (it or peoples hm
EE EE1 1 E University of Kentucky, Lexington Lovern pointed out that traffic accidents cided to advertise notices on Radio WRUS 81(1), Several D
1E E 1 iEE _ _ _ , in the state have killed 15,028 persons in in addition to there uired ublication. C0" not a ma
iE E1 E 11 D'smCt Executive Committee the past 22 years and the annual average The suggestion “is made by Magistralt Journal subscrib
E11 EE 1 : Chairman, Maurice K- Henry, 1Daily News,Mid- is increasing as more cars appear on our George Owen of Auburn who said 50% We talked tc
11E E 3 1' 1 dlesboro (Tenth); First, Wllllflm '1- Davis, streets and highways. However, several people listen to the radio who don’t l'tiEEVerSiEY 0f Oregt
v E; E _ Lyon COUWU Herald, EddYVIEEe; Second, Larry factors, where they have been applied, the newspaper. The decision to buy radii this SUbieCt He
E 3' 1E 1E Stone, Messenger-Argus, Central Clty; Third, have helped to save lives—motor vehicle time was taken in Connection with adve Of an outside
E11 1 E 1 Basrl Caummlsar, Courier—Journal and Times, inspection seat belts strict traffic 1.“ _ - f . b'l‘ h ~ . . 1 1 fytrainedinte '
:E ‘; Louisville; Fourth, Howard Ogles, Favorite, f ’ 1 l .’ ‘ ‘ V. (.311 mg 01 Ks on t e wrntei coa suppy Icould ereV
11 1 1 Franklin; Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Demo- orcement, and attltudes of Safe drivmg the Courthouse. d 1 Spend tho
1 U 1 crat, Bedford; Sixth, Edwards M. Templin, practlces by drivers. “ a a o 1eVised a surw
' E1E Herald—Leader, Lexington; Seventh, Warren R. He cited that the death rate per 100 F O | Bi” Faces IEICOTporating m
E11EE ‘1 1 Fisher, Mercury, Carlisle; Eighth, Louis De- million vehicle miles is 4.64 in states having L I U '1'” F- i1 tions that Ral‘ic
E1: 1 1 Rosett, Adair County News, Columbia; Ninth, strict inspection programs; 558 in states, ong’ P I lg t After deciding
‘ E " 1 James T. Norris, Jr., Independent, Ashland; like Kentucky, which do not have such in- Senator Edward V. Long (D., Mo-E Ell aSkl'hwe printe
. 11 1 .1 1 State—at—Large, S. C. Van Curon, State Journal, spection regulations, He then made his announced that his Subcommittee onil lets. These wei
_ ‘ 11 1 Frankfort; Stute—at-Large, James Lee Crawford, point in adding that the Department of ministrative Practice and Procedure \1 Valley readers 1
1E 1 111 E Times‘TT’bune’1 Corbin; State-at—Large, A11 1- Public Safety is hopeful that the 1964 legis- hold hearings October 28-31 on S- 161 dESEgllefl to giVe
i Schansberg, V0108 of St' Matthews,- Immediate lature would “look with favor on an drama] the freedom of information bill Long int nemic cl'Oss- '
Past President, John B. Gaines, Park City News, . . ,, K c c ‘ . ‘ . seen
1 1 1 1 , inspectlon program. And the Press ho es duced last June wrth 17 co-sponSOIS- N asked to a 1-
. 1 1 Bowling Green. p - pp 021
E i ___________________ that our newspapers will help him gain that and ANPA will be among the group“ t1he‘”011te, to as
Ei111 desired end. porting the bill. The bill is aimed at 5“ no"! and to tel:
1E‘ 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Mr. Lovern also stressed that stricter law pression of non-security information by “’Oukl pay the t
EE ; George M. Wilson, President enforcement and convictions for traffic viola- pal‘tments and agencies. Similar bills haE plated booklet.
EE ‘ Breckinridge Horflld-was, Hardinsburg tions must be applied in Kentucky courts, been strongly opposed by bureaucrflES him and found
E ‘ London “0115, PJSLZiieC-Zldherifjelstews Calhoun pointing out that state courts had a “con- the past and it is assumed that a bevy {he readers had
E - William T. Davis Second Vice—President ViCtiOn rate” of 60% in traHic cases, while objections will be raised against S' 16 earn?
g1i1111 LiJon County Herald, Eddyvflle the minimum rate of 80% by research in- _ Senator Long recognizes it will be an up We determine
E1 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary—Treasurer dicated effectiveness. It was his challenge fight to gain passage. 1 read many diffe1
EE ‘ Perry 1. Asliley,1Assistant Secretary to the court officials present. Strong editorial support has been g“, and fettures, W
E‘ . Flondfi R- Gilmsom ASé'iStant Treasurer The Press believes that every newspaper the bill, and the subcommittee has abtfl Icadership of 1
EE Board Of Directors will accept his challenge in promoting traf- file to indicate strong public interest "E11 Elabits, We deter
' E Chairman, Martin Dyche Sentinel—Echo Lon- fic safety, weekly from henceforth on. measure. In July, Senator Long he lieu-161's Want mo
3;. don; Maun‘ce K. Henry, baily News, Middles- luncheon meeting with Press and bro-o Interest prefe
1 il tsioro; MES 81 dDillingharn, ngiess, Dawson a a o a casting representatives to discusS 5m”. dredSOl Specific
;1. ngflgghelgy ‘Ee‘g’; Shellfyvill: ‘gaé‘éeljfbgf Shop the newspaper ads. . . before you for mobilizing support from all sources.1‘1:1111fi)aper and 011
1 1 afficio. buy. . . and keep the savrngs. terested in FOI. thngthe result:
it ‘

 1‘ : 4‘——‘_7€~M Wen—~31: .1“. 31:7:‘1’1'1'11 1111 1:1 #1
.2 l i l l
1 SEPTEMBER, 1963 T 1 1 11 1
- PAGE ' 1 lise1;
Department) ' ONE i; i 1 l E 1 .:
31'viCeis Still I 1‘ 1 1 1 1 L: 1
~ 1 , . 1 .
LY reach the S ea er . i 1 1 1 .
51‘ When the S | es n D . 1 I l high
is debated Makers 0f automObiIes and soap and R I S I es 1 1 1 j _{ _
VINS in this chewing gum invest millions of dollars every 1 . 1 . . 1 1
16 to add a ' year m market I'esearch, They believe that M (-CondWSEd from £1 talk by William L intereét In most local news is centered with ‘ ; ' l E
wire service Spay/15km Il:iiow what customers like and C :gl-ltiwffgg’ publisher of the Salem 016‘ in 2:1 given community; most Yainhill County : ‘ l ,
. 1 ’ ‘ _ . , ., ea 81's are it 1 . ' . 11 1 1 i 1
“@6551 N111 ont 1e a out the pioducts they hOpe t 1 10 oumal, before the ONP A n veiy inteiested 1 1 1 .
_ 0 con - . m 00211 ' ‘ . <~ 1
1 introduced peddle. tron.) Den 0f $0116“), and Vice vet-53. news 1 l t 11 1
~ - Most news 1 - d‘ . , e atte 1 i 1 ‘ ~71
)7 c 61 e t x m ted 1 . ..
.3 DIIOtCStmE Suit howeverp pW 1015 havent followed about Our 5e? _ to .feel Out Our readers i l 1 _ '
in he Cog. d b . e are alert to Comments puter has been put to voted 1 VlCe. Slightly more than half 1 1 . 1,» _
3 Appi'Opria. ma 9 a 0m our paper at home, at set ' result f. work analyzing our 1 1 ag'dmst establishment of 1 1 1 a
iised '1 lettet 0111b luncheons and in the barber sho lice O S 1mg many angles. edition, if that meant increa ' a hSunday i ‘ i l . n’ '1
.‘ ’ . p~ ut ur rea ers ‘- . . .- - . ‘ ‘ rsmg t e Sub- 1 1 .1 1;
iAgi‘iculture m1?“ 0f us make little eitort to determine importance 0f C:btclmlly 166mphasized the :0 “IlJtlon price 25 Cents per month Bela- I l 1 l
claimed the Hat our readers read and don’t read, or Salem area suis -'b ocal. ne-WS Coverage, fave y few .Of our r eaders indicated a desire l '1 ‘ ‘1 , l
WS' le(land dont hke abOUt our newspapers l‘eadei'ship of 81121111 ers mdlcated heavy derl'a “1011'an capital Journal 01‘ for earlier 2 l l l i
E itors shouldn’t Sim ‘ . ‘ news and an ‘ Iver Y 0 Our after ’ K ‘ I ’ ' i l
ply produce '1 news haustible appetite f mex' nOOn paper. 1 l l 1 .1 =
a ‘ ‘ 01' more of ' . 0111' made ‘ - . l l 1 I .1 r l ' '21 ‘-
59 Ethirfghtth: llowetsit common denominator Of our valley edition urged mos: tfeadellj we can use I1:1 ErrSVIdth informatmn WhiCh ll) ‘ l 'l 1‘ ll 3 ' ’:
en ia an ience. We should COVerage of 11 OrOug Ver ising Promotion t 11 ‘ :i. 1 1 ;| 1.1 1 ‘9: ’j
vide certain informatior pro- ' Va ey news, With interest 5 More than 40 per Ce t ' d' l 00' l3 i I “1 {l Ill ‘15.»! ‘
1 1, even thou h ingly c€ntered b Gem- 1 . n 111 lcated the r d l i? M Kl t i 5
know in d - . g we a out news of th , CaSSIHed adve t' ' y en = il in l. t l l l =;l
voted Tues. a “"106 that it Will be ignored b 0WD Count - 6 readers r ising almost eve- ' l 11 ll! I3 r L' ‘ ' g 1
. . Y lather th . Heav - ‘3’ night. 1i I .1111 , 1 1 1 -e-' ~
15 well asii E11119 vast IEalority Of Our readers. But w: 21 the. an our rural area as tisingy vigeadershlIzl of other kinds of adver- l il i ll V fl 4‘
‘SOmUSt eaware . ,. . . as recor ed. A . '1’, 1 l.” 1‘ ii l3 ’s 5
lai'gestlocl and deSil‘eS if We lfdemt waders Interests [CSIgmficantly’ this preference for local per cent 0f City readers dilld I5117?“: than 82 ll ll 1 ‘ l l l ":sz :
‘ faceof t'fl .. 0 SUrVive in the 1 WS was most evident in . f rural readers . per cent of 1; Egl ‘ 1 -‘ l ' .3
The News 51 C0mpetlthII—that of othe' Which We . ‘k d a queStIOH 1n . “ iated the Capital Journal 5' l‘ l 31‘ ‘ ' l l l ‘
1 . apers or th . . . l neWS- 1 :15 6 readers of more th their most hel f 1,, 1 1 as 11 111 11 1 1 1 - .
\V and lfldflrp 0 61 media in m-1 ‘- dail 3“ 0116 p u adVertiSin d“ ll 1 ,1 1 1 M l s l .
. ’ for ’ - . ’ ‘ny (“1595, and y newspaper to ex 1 ‘ We also - g me lum. {l 3 iii‘. 1 1 1 'i‘
igistrates (it peoples tune 1“ any event. feI‘I‘ed the Capital Jourlhaallrl ~Why they pre- readers aimtclad- WIth pleasure that Our rural ll l l‘ 1 l i [ill . l .’
tadio WRL‘S SO, Several months a 0 .- We gOt ve‘ f . 01 a Competitor. _ . c e .Omg IOtS 0f Shopping in Sal l i l 1‘ 1i 15 ll? 0' ‘5‘" ~
. . Conduct a 1 g , We deClded to . 1y 6W compliments for what I more than in Portland f- em t1 15‘! i i :“ r1 . . ;.: 1
icatlon. readership survey of Ca it 1 COIiSider unusually good t- area we 5 _ ‘ 10m almost every 51 13111.01 1 ’l1l 1ll ‘ gl 1
Y MagiStl'fl" Journal SUbSCTiberS. p a tional and id leatment 0f “3' ewe" l: I‘ ‘i l 1 l‘ “l l‘ll . 1: '1'
0 said some We talked to C l 1 pI‘imq- _ W01 .news. Most people f01.m a In short, our Survey has provid d 11 11‘ l1! 1 1111 . 1‘31: 1
0 don’t i'eall Versity of Greg 3 (hn Raan of the Uni- term‘lyfllmplleSSlorl Of newspaper Quality iii mountain 0f information that will h l6 a H ll “ ill ' ‘4
- - on, W 0 is a real . S 0 0021 news andf t ~ Plan our ‘ ep “3 ll 13 iii H 1‘ i1
t 1 .adhithissub- Expeit on 1 _ ‘ ea llIeS. . news Content, cir . ' . j I i i‘.‘ '41 ‘1? i
£11):th 01 an 123:5] 1fie recommended employment shPea; Abby recorded the highest reader Vertising promotion and gcdligllfin and ad- 1 ;. 1” l 11‘ ,‘l 1‘11 "-511 g;
- 6 organization 4 d 1P 0 any regular £th ' policies w - ’ ‘. ‘ COmlmny l t1 H ‘ 1 I l E . -_,1 1
11 su 1 f“; trained int . an use of : ure, about 85 er . e believe it has 1i 1 H1 1 1 1 1 11 1 ,111 .»
PPY Coulds Q :Vlewers. But we didn’t feel we Cent. Others that gained more than P60 p80ple more aware of th dmzfde all our 11 111 1 1 1 11l1 1 11
(1611313de that much money. And so we Per Cent regular readership were 100 1 people We Serve. We bel' e esnes of the 1 j j 11 1 1 l1l1 1 1;»; 1
i“corpora: Sllrvey techniqUe of our own whatlller predicfions> Obituaries televisio: C08t0fab0l1t $800 will p135: thtaS-thfl CflSh ll ‘ l‘ l ‘ I l {13:1 ' :
. ng many of th 1 ’ SC ec ule letter - l’ L I‘ea ivi ends. . I? ‘ l“ I 3
tions that R . e lelpful Sllgges- _ ’ 5 t0 the editor editoriql l l' l l ‘1 l 1. 1 .
' 31'le ottered HeIOISe: Dr. Molne- . ~ , L S’ ‘ 5 15. i ‘l 1 * "
Alter decid‘ ' d 1, COLllt briefs and week- ‘Q‘ l; 1: l 1 1} i 1-‘ g1;1 ,: ,
1 mg What t 1 en garden news. t. l: 1 g 1 1111 .: i
D., M0.) hlasklt . 0 ask and how t )1 1 j41i11 1,11 11,1 1
ittee 0111 Im- gisgrinted agout 1,500 Suwey booko stay: lflound that certain kinds Of news New York Advertises Face if ll l , l'l 2i
- Were ' -' . ‘ ‘5 ave c - - . ' . ‘3 11' t ' m f: ._
ocedurelgt :I‘IHEY readers by Citrlilebmlfd to Clty and automobile aiiiidhn‘ltfpzall Tile Int31'68t in Flnes For False Claims ll 1 M l l ' l l 1 ii
on S. 1 esigned to , r oys, 0n routes . 1 ‘ maze us. Stories 1i 1 ll 1 1 1t 1 1 .1
. 1 glVe . . . 1nV01V11‘1 ta 2 1 . 1 A New Y . 1 1 _ ‘ 1‘} 1 1 1 1 1 1
lLongintI nomic cross-sectioiip ”lllgeogllaphlc and 600- fected 'igeas)(e'sl‘hltleng3 bgreat uhtlereSt m af- fines up to Oéléoghlte 1le thh provides l "I 1 ‘ l ‘4
onsors. N asked to a - 16 se ected boys w . ‘ c ' u an PI‘O em packs a ‘ 01‘ tiose makin f 1 1 1 11 l * ' i I w
. PPl‘oach . 1 616 wallo , and s or fraudule t - , . . g “e ‘; ‘ 1‘1 w M] i,
5 group H tilelrmme, to ask frililethfiISt 25 famllies On a less: degre: does the fallout problem, to effective Sell; (11111::t1115dvertising became l l‘ ' ‘ ‘1 'l l '-
'med atsu hon, ‘ ' e reader’s . ~ . 1 - - y. en. L0 ‘ . 1a 11 1‘ 1 l 1 1 -1 1 :1
1 1 w and to tell him that h coopeia- Our readers indicated 1 1 Witz said the law is air (1 Inis l. Lefki— 1. 11 11 1 1 11 11,1 _1 41
iation by 0Ul
benefit from understanding of the role of the daily news- pression through language, of the subtle, spearhead a continuing program for recruit- II I. II‘I; .1 ‘ II I I ~ ’
“VS ”tutti papers and the valid reasons for going into yet very real power of editorial persuasion, mg and; developing journalists who can II II II III I I I I .
-Ie and AN print jOUrnalism as a lifetime job, a few probably exists nowhere else, not even in communicate with the people—not only of II III I III II II . ;
Smith said hours interviewing at the ANPA made radio or television. Therefore, the serious- our hometowns—but the people of the II II II‘I‘Il II‘IIII III . :1
there h‘tdb eminently clear the truth that the newspaper ness with which the ANPA’s committees world. II I; III; I I III {I}; I
; retailers toI business is downright wor