xt7k6d5pcf0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pcf0c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1972 1972 1972-11-15 2020 true xt7k6d5pcf0c section xt7k6d5pcf0c (
Kel 'I UC|(y Vol. LXIV No. 55 an independent student newspaper
Wednesday, November 15, 1972 Unwerwy ot Kentucky
Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Committee to consider 55 changes
56 H II 5'" d 1' C d . 'ons “
, a propose u en 0 e reVISI
By DAN RHFA grievances concerning non-academic December 15. 1972. which recom- The officer would be responsible for
KernelStaffWriter matters. mendations it will forward to President deciding the guilt and punishment of
A non-academic ombudsman and a The University judicial officer proposal Singletary. whoin turn will submit them to students accused of breaking the Student
University judicial officer? was recommended by Dean of Students the Board of Trustees (‘ode
These are two of the 55 Student Code Jack Hall. The judicial officer would take SG‘s ombudsman proposal would The student could appeal the officers
revision proposals the University’s Ad- over responsibilities of the University require the position to be filled by a decisions to thet'niversity Appeals Board
visory Committee on Student Code member of the faculty or administration and in the case of someone being expelled 1
Revision will be considering in the next judicial board, which would be abolished. for a term of one year. it would be mandatory to appeal to the
few weeks The 55 proposals for Code changes were The judicial officer. in Hall's proposal Board.
The non-academic ombudsman proposal released Monday by code committee would have to have the equivalent of a law
“tag among 29proposals recommended by chairman. Dr. Robert Zumwinkle. vice degree The officer would have original Hall's reason for replacing the J-board 7
Student Government The ombudsman preSident for student affairs. and sole jurisdiction over any case arising with the _]U(il(‘liti officer was ad-
would consider and act on student The committee must decide by from the Student Code. iiiiiiistrative tinly a small number of
cases come up before the .l-board versus 7 r
the large amount of time spent in
Ph 0 to co urs e s an e r e ve o e w
Hall said only it oi 189 Student t‘ode
' V ‘ ‘ , ‘ .. ~ . cases had to appear before the .l-Board in
:y EAIVSI: (“(1:ny photography, said Wallace W. Wilson. at“: staff met to determine the extent 0‘ the last five semesters None of these were
erne ‘3 nor . . suent' . ,. , . ,. . ..
W‘th 400 ‘t d t f m 'll UK instructor of photography in architecture. interest dPl’ml‘d t” 'h‘ AWN" ”WI“
1 9V8!" s u ens r0. d . ”An overlap of courses and small V . Student Government also proposed
academicareasexpressmganinterestina . . "We tound several hundred students utt'n u, m ~d' k . l‘ , d
. . darkrooms bUilt in vacant closets has , , . . , ~ p ' g “ " 5 WWW} d“ 1”
baSic photography course. the current . , . each semester were interested. but there tw t' 'llv i th- , .. . t . ~w-t
. created a confusmg Situation that wastes . ' _ ‘ ‘ tn iona . in o ( paiagrapis in su ion
enrollment 0f about 134 students "1 m , d h' d td t n h 'd were only 100 openings on campus each 1.2 of the (‘ode listing disciplinary of
photography courses leads many students oney‘ an . m ers su en‘s. e Sf.“ ' . semester.” said Wilson. tens vs .
to look for other means of instruction THE DEPARTMENT OF Journalism 15 ‘L '
An ad hoc committee on photography usmg a coursein press photography to (‘ontinued on page t. ('ol. i (-mmmwd ”u put!" 3‘ (-0" I
polled 106 academic areas last summer to teach only [3‘5” Sk'lls‘ said Bruce H" .
determine the condition of UK Westley, chairman of the department of U .f d w h
photography courses. Results showed only journalism. “()ur resources permit us only '1 I e a y e m p a s | ze 5
six departments offered instruction in on‘elfcourse. dhe Séld' 'bl b _
photography and of those only one has a our stu ents were d e to get as": | , .
Mm no push campai n at UK
formal instruction as portions of related 1mm _ resources 0 .0 t (.3 more
courses professmnal JOb of photo Journalism. he
Tm: Sl'RVEY [)II) not include the 53"" .
College of Architecture. which includes Recommendations for a central B) Frank\arhrough \\ hen asked about student
four sections of photography courses. academic photographic facility with Kernel Staff Writer participation in this years
“With no coordination. the College of adequate darkrooms and personnel have campaign. Morris said. lhe
Architecture, the department of art. the been submitted to the University since The problem in l'nited Way amount of participation com
department of journalism,and the College early spring 1971- campaign at [K this year has Pim‘d 1” ”1“ PIN '5 H") 1"“:
of Home Economics. have inefficiently FROM DFCFHBFR 1970 to May 1971 been getting the information to PIP-“”1: 1" ill“ W“ H “d5
. A u A .‘ ‘ ' t . ~, ~ . - ' essenti \ zero
attempted to meet the huge demand for an informal group of interested faculty th‘ ‘mplo-‘fe‘ 1)" .Ahm “0mg '
., g; . - vice prestdent tor the ad» .
ministration 'ind c'imp'iign “HRIHS ”Th“ ”"9“”
' a ' .;; .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L c it -w- ~ ‘ i ;
85...“...5 ' r.‘ m ‘gm - m ‘ chairman for the l'nited Way of tum n“ ”W‘Hw‘dlmm m {I h M
l' mwi'h‘ .w » .fi‘ ‘. In 3‘ a ' t . 2 the Bluegrass s'iid donated, among them the karate
|¥I~I..-'|. W‘ ~ .‘ ‘33..“ I. j. g ‘ , i I (hill and the Dental School
”grow. .2._ :~ I... u. “ uni ’- “75‘: f 9‘ t , . , _, , . - students who gave extra money
'1”, . u “ ~ ‘E n f“ ._ fht (niltt campaign on the l l\ t' q Mm u q
I". , “I .3 b! a. W? .3 . ‘5“ 74’: k campus has been based on letting mm ' 1‘ " ‘ l ‘
c .l a “'0". U! ,3 'I' [3 “'8 f: '6 373 ‘51 g! the employee make up his own \ .. _ _
.. . . . , ,- .- .l s s. il 'ltii cnou ‘tt
i . .- v .- “ u: E! a.» if z: .9! g It .: mind under no obligation to m Jul!!! \V'H‘m d i buckLct
* nu -' g5? - f” t. f s? "5'55 . . . . . .. ‘ M" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
'i [ " g “ a E‘s: I“ 4» a: .‘ $2.1 313’; . .inyoiit. Moiris said lirigadc. m that Mm “M limit
:F i I“ " E; 'g ”E L. t; i. . ’ °’> 5‘: ’l'tt.\l l’\l)(il-3'l"l‘. a member oi pcd "We have not. we are not.
. l. “‘3‘ :1 l t “‘2 I’" 1‘ ‘5 \- is; the cabinet for the l'K campaign .illti we will not pressure students
2‘, y a" ‘2 .1 I z ‘3‘ w t‘. “a”: 3‘ .3‘ said the} have tried not to make or t'tiitilti)ct's ilt‘ said
u _. .4 . l» ”I“? "3'". 2...-- “1;: -g ‘1 V donating obligatory l’adgett
:- ”5*” ifitwwiémkam 8‘» said. "We have tried to give the i’raiik Harris, director of the
- ’ ””5,“fo employees adequate inloriiiation student center. t.\ in charge of the
.:- J .3 €522 W to let them make up their own campaign tor studciits llc said a
Q ’ :2 ‘ M... t ' i minds ” maior problem was in
o l 0 "generating .iii\ real interest I
)- x . I - i i ‘
GOII‘I for the exfl‘a pO'n* .. l adgctt said they had gottin am mm.“ reluctant to push H
Foosball is fast replacing baseball as the great national pastime. ”HMS!" ‘ imp“ "mm H om
- - , .- . ‘ . ., , . ,
These four enthusiasts sharpen up their game in the Student Center. (mployt ‘ 5 motto hau M” n to ( - ,1 . , _ - |
(Kernel photo bv Fd Gerald) the campaign oiitiiiuu on page .I. (o . I
Fellowships for minority graduate :5 V? \ . The forecast calls for decreasing
I 0d . students is the topic on page 4' Many other A i .1" w . V OU*SIde . cloudiness ttll(i't‘()l(i today “till a high in
"5' e. opportunities for minority graduate I ‘ , / mi, 0 the low itts lhe tlouds should return
students. such as a free placement service IS. 4;} “' '/ . totigith \\ Ith a low iii the upper 30 s A zero
are included in the article These benefits I! ' ‘ U ltt'l'Vt‘”t t'llilllt‘t‘ ”l “H” “’l' 5“”“‘ L“ .
are Spomorpd by Lt“. Graduate C" / / ‘ I toiccast toi today and tonight
Professional Student .w\ssociation 15. x f I"
’ (’0 / .- _

 The i H, ,. A My As «mm NLillnuinq l (1th)! Kahe M((av'hv Ed 'r .

' t .. ‘ W, Mau- Wm.” A's. Lint Multan-"Q Editor NP!” Mutual! I orlOIS

KentUCky h. it, ., to 1m Wm. M. on Maui vmmumq kuv'or n.-.m (unwind

l .. ‘ “M“, on.“ ,. Unndq,‘ Aa‘us'anl Manna-nu tuitoi Mm Minna

Kernel . w. tilvtot Mil-«t lwvt‘t. tn mum ”mum” in. npiumnu at vm- .umm not in. «tum: it.

V “'0 find it SOIllt‘Wllill annumg and NO“. tllltl lllt‘ ll(‘\\' ('(Klt‘ is Ollt‘ll lltllt‘ tl\'|l|(‘.\‘. illl(l t—ll'ilnllng tllt‘ll‘l ['lgllls t0 (llllll‘lfll “( l: lllhll‘“ (l “illll 3h: (lib)

. . \ , . t _, , - . . ._ "tree and orderl' 'x )resslon. passage of lllt todt, ant \H iopt lt
pleasing that. after two years HIUH‘ tltdtt «1 “Ptt't‘m‘ ”t ‘ll'htdi H -‘ t l _ | . _. 1-. .t -, .

i .' . , ‘ . ,. . ' , . ,t _ [huge )ill‘il Ir'l hS ”lake the (”do 11 “Ill (Ulllt Up l()l cl pt I l()( lL l(Vl(“ l0
gestation and litany hours of labor .L‘IH‘H tt‘ttt t-\ ”t thttl‘mt-f ”film“ l t" ‘P _ _ . _ . _ re it doesn‘t gather dust with
pains. this institution's taculty has 5mm”: ~10 act with propriety; em document which istartrom airtight ill I'll-\IUy iseinesters‘
voted rather grudginglv to involve llttltlt‘ tttt‘ property ”t. the l'nlverslty protecting faculty rights. 'but a one ll‘liwll: . _ ' ,, . . . ,
, , , i . .. r , __ , , .. .- , . ,i ~~ w inch is nevertheless on im resslve llle t()(l(‘ tommlttu should also l)(
itsell m [ nu'ot‘glly affairs. mauotdantt \\llll tllt iults. . P hi f _ ‘llowin in ut from

The 8723 vote in Monday‘s But there are other sections ol far Still‘t toward ensuring that the t'tmttttt‘ttt U . Vt”); ‘ f lll )P .. .
l'mversity Senate meeting to approve greater significance the “Th0”- for brightest minds at this l'niversity “ll”. ”fill-ll every N.” ll ~ . 1‘» (lulu-“ls.

. . , ., . ~, . - - . - . .. be free to stay or lt“l\'(‘ re 131111053 of dining lllt doiumtnt s l()rllldll\(

a flu-”113v “statement (,1 respon~ instanu. \\llltll prohibits llllploptl , . _ i . s, . H . ‘ . .. . 4 ‘ . ‘ h .

. .. .. , . . . _, - . . , -. . . their news. months. ”N l(\\ (ails toi (hangt at
sibllltles ls heartening because it thltNt“ ”1 a *‘ul(l‘lll§ ””“dl m . . . .‘ \l ”MW-u H'en‘lte goggion were an
toreshadows greater participation ltttltttt'ill \‘WWS or alt'tlvltles. Or the bot‘he Importance of the code is not j (1' “‘t‘): 0". ”I; “410;” satisfaction
and accountability on the part of clauses commanding freedom of tltilt It SUNS itttl'thlttg ”9W l’l‘t that 'l 'ntu‘rl. l‘ “1:1 erfect‘islal least
thousands of professors and m. t'niversity members ill pursuing l)Uts (“’th t)” PUP” concepts “'hwh lll‘ll‘l‘numhl p ‘ ‘ ‘
structors. academic alld administrative ac- \Wt‘t‘ Uttdt‘t‘StOtld “3' most, bUt ”9"” a 5””

Taken by itself. the code is no great %¢&?fi_€:flf¥¢.
document considering the years of ' Rgurn‘l’r'
tearful contemplation that went into
it. The original onus for a faculty code -«. /
was felt in 1970. when there was I“
widespread anticipation that the
(leneral Assembly would regulate
taculty conduct itself. “. ,

'l‘hat ugly spectre has evaporated _ ' ‘ y 7,.

Policy on letters . ‘ , /\

In order that everyone may have ' " - M‘ - ‘ ' Q; ~\ c . P; all}:

eQual access to this forum. letters to '“11:43::.-.::v.~..:::~v~~""" a \ 32’ film”)

the editor should not exceed 250 * .~ . . KL ‘4‘“: l.

words. Issues requiring more ex- ' J -. . ~ _ t . . - . _ ' k _

tended discussion shall be run as - ' - ' ' ‘ ’ ' I, * ' 33" 'V fig

“Comments" and should not exceed ADMIRAL - \ _ :- ‘

750 words All submlssmns should 'U y ' Q. - ._ V ‘ : ’ ” ‘7

be typed and triple-spaced. and 10 ”(Y l g - 7 o ..

must include the writer's name, L243“) ‘ ‘ o . ' “ ~

classification and an address and ,~ . v. a "

telephone number where she or he ~ ~ 9 9 ° ' , '
can be reached; Material to length i .
will not be edited except for \ t V / a ; 'o 9‘ ,.
grammar‘ Spell“ 3"“ "be" 'wmn RACIAL PROBLEM?‘

UK prof's fOMily until Jan. 23. The Health Fee Card is only Democratic Party committed to the old- on us. I can assure you. Yes I can
valid until Jan.8t ThereforeJ was referred style politics more than ever, but it ap- reasonably expect people not to be
to a sixth telephone number and finally to pears that Nunn will become a member of prejudiced; I can expect anyone to mind
expresses fhanks a seventh number whereIwas finally able Nixon's cabinet-~a position potentially his own business within just limitations.
to make an appointment for Nov. 21. more dangerous than had he been one of a And. I am also asking acceptance. 1 would
The family of the late Mrs. Evelyn J. Is this type of “run around“ necessary? hundred senators. like to be able to walk down the street
Black wishes to express their deep ap— Are allcallers t0 the Medical Center given All this leaves Kentucky in the unique holding my friends or lover's hand
preciation to the administration. faculty. this treatment or just students? Is there a position of being the only state in which without fear or Shame.
staff. and students of the L'niversity of serious shortage of doctors in some both the Democrat and the Republican You say we can‘t expect acceptance
Kentucky for the out-pouring of sympathy departments necessitating a patient’s tried to ride Nixon's coattails, and both unless we make an effort to change (our
on the occasion of her passing The family waiting until Jan. 23 for an appointment? won. It isn‘t hard to figure out who really sexual preference, that is). I think YOUR
will long remember the verbal and written If so. if the University has the money for lost. attitude is sick. Dave Jarman.
condolences. the flowers and cardS. and a new football stadium why don't they Howard Stovall [)0 not be afraid—homosexuality is not
the assorted other kindnesses. She loved have the money to alleviate this shortage A&S Senior contagious. You ask, “How has it
her work and those with whom she of personnel at the Med Center? Are the . o o l r0 0 ated?" It hasn't. It is as natural as
worked. she would certainly have been receptionists who answer the phones at the NO, a sad S'fuaflon lletErtiexualityandinevitable, even in our
thankful for the consoling actions taken by Med (‘enter uninformed—misinformed— ' . . , society where it is so harshly repressed.
the l'nlverslty faculty and especially by or just confused concerning the correct bU’ a gay liberahon [‘m sure if”straight"people knew more
the (‘ollege of Social Professions number of referring students who hold a about “gay" people, any conflict would be
“'l" Black..lr. and 80"" Student Health Fee Card??? In response to Dave Jarman's letter in eliminated. we want acceptance and a
Sandy Welch the Kernel of Nov. 10. saving ”‘59“th place in SOClCtY we want 3
Med Cenfer SIOW, Graduate SWdt‘m homosexuality is “immoraL” Mpg-verge" voice in activities that influence our lives.
. I. '. and a “sad situation." I would like to try to We want our “sad situation“ to be relieved
says Irafe SfUdenf Dee Incompefenf I defend homosexuality—7 and “in my right ”l ”PPWSSW”
' ' mind.” at that. Dave. If fewer people would subject their '
On Nov 9 I called the l'niversity Nun" dangerous Wait a minute, Dave You say it is im~ values 0” ourlifestyles,perhaps then we‘d
Medical ('enter. identified myself as a moral because it is not what nature in- have it.
holder of a Student Health Fee card. and Its sad‘ but maybe people do get what tended. Maybe nature intended for you to Th“ opportunity for (‘VC‘TYOHP to learn
asked for a doctor's appointment. The first they deserve. be heterosexual. but don't you decide what more i‘hOUt the once taboo subject of
number I called asked me to dial another Thousands of voters who felt that nature intended for me. I believe it is that homosexuality is “WOW” disposal 'l'ltt’t'“ is
number That number asked me to dial William Bartley was the bestcandidate for Simple And l get upset and feel very op» ‘* Fr“? [7 (983’ StUdiCS (‘laSS ”ml (lay
another and so on until I had dialed 3 Senate voted instead for TWeedle-Dee in prpssod when tread letters from hopefully Liberation meetings every week. I urge
different numbers in the Med (‘enter order to keep Tweedle-Nunn out. What did intelligent people naming my friends and anybody tNtf‘t‘OSth t0 take advantage.
The fifth receptionist informed me that they accomplish? myself “perverse.“ Your letter was filled James Mann
lt would be impossible to make an ap- Not only was a total incompetent elected with many value judgements ht FVice President
pointment with this particular department to the (ZS. Senate. not only is the Letter-s like yours leave little influence sophomore Education

 THE KENTl'CKY KERNEL. Wednesday. Noyember l5. 1972—3
N' h I ‘3” ‘

IC 0 CS 9 - .
VonHoffman . TV sports need new coverage
Mt“ t’t’ttK‘ Next Sunday tht‘ nalism £15 SPOFtS coverage in the sports coverage from flackery If the \(‘AA doesn‘t like what middle America This was the

Alllt‘l‘lt‘dll man and some daily newspaper. and ticket selling. Alh‘ puts on the air Superbowl of the silent
American women will see their Instead. broadcast sports .\.\lt)\(l 'l'llti Pittn'lsns ts a niaiority --
favorite pro football team. unless journalism has no standard that The networks coverage of stipulation that each Saturday ' '
it‘s playing a home game. in its public expects it to adhere to, Monday night football games is .»\B(‘willair two short puff pieces Beyond every news
which case it will be blacked out if (‘88 paid the US. Government more critical. and therefore more about the t“thighs that the two organizations obligation to try to
on TV. The blame has been laid a fee for the exclusive rights to entertaining. than what either of contending football teams (met all of the story and cover it
on the National Football League cover the White House. while its rivals does on Sunday af— represent But forced right. President Nixon has shown
for acting like a money—crazed NBC had the same franchise with ternoon. but part of that boldness propaganda [or the National that sports have a lot of non-
piggywutz. (‘ongress the Federal Com— relates to the fact that the NFL (‘ollegiate Athletic _.\.c~s(,t-mimn is athletic. highly political
None have been put on the munications Commission would can‘t sell its Monday game to the m {mm the height of gratuitous iiieiinings. it‘s a powerful way of
networks. While television be howled down, but this kind of other networks because they're and wiiless sports tidtttmtthzthg. getting a ”his-sage across to us
journalism is scrutinized and divvying up is routine in sports. already loaded up with pro That summit may have been when used by a smart politician.
picked apart with almost hateful football, ABC is less independent reached by Jack Whitaker when “hlt'h i5 hUt another “'3." 0t
care. its role in sports t5 -\T “W THEY Stilt pour their in its coverage of NCAA football. he told his (‘88 viewers that "The Siifiihfi tht' tttplt' i5 t0" important
unquestioned. It doesn‘t occur to sports announcers into those silly That package. for which the 1970 Superbowl was played by 1” ht‘ 19“ (0:1 bunch of untrained. .
people that sports coverage 0" blazers bUt they. more than any network pays $13.5 million a two teams that perhaps reflect yahoo boomers.
the air ShOt‘td be as much jour- other “BtWOI‘k‘ are trying to free year. could be moved elsewhere the times of the '70s. This was let I972. The Washington Post
i Qmmenl i 56 attacks directory editorial ‘
“NSCOTT WENDELSDURF as the error was pointed out, corrected directories organizations to stop dazzling itself with pathetic
Student Government President were returned to the SG office and those copies medicority and petty disputes. We have to stop
Your editorial 0f NOV' 13' commenting 0" the stored at the University were corrected and im- gauging success on the purity and quantity of
capitalistic merchandising techniques 0f the mediately madeavailableuponrequest.The Kernel rhetoric that drains from the malignant con-
Student Government. With respect to the 1972'73 should have investigated this aspect of its exciting templation of “university matters." It is time for
Student Directory, was rife with vicious gut jour- case and spent less effort on its diatribe. united action with the tools at hand.
nalism and shallow research; and was myopic in its Likewise. The Kernel seems to be pulling a page _y . -
interpretation of the student interest. These three of its own from the “free enterprise” manual when w .
shortcomings are a triad of techniques increasingly itexpresses regret concerning “Sg’s involvement in y ,t... f
used by The Kernel when it comes time to attack its business matters instead of University matters.“ 3: that get 3.3%;
favorite game. This argument has plagued valuable efforts on the “a“
Rather than a tactic of the merchandising part of governments, such as TVA. to aid com- y y ..
business, the Student Government move was for munities harmed by some of the negative aspects of .- . . 3%..
the purpose of Providing the students in the off “free enterprise". The SC recognizes that the . g
campus area With a logical outlet for the direc- university community is subject to the dictates of .3 f“; my; y " -
tories. This outlet is Student Services, Inc., the localmerchant. This unfortunate circumstance i‘
established by students for students as an example can be remedied. however, just as it has been on . we
of the benefits available to students if they assert other campuses. Student assertion in the realm of y? .. aft/£71.; f g‘ i
' themselves in realms of economic activity. economic activity can provide services to the - .. . t -- f .. t. " 3 ’
Distribution of the directories by the store was not a student body with greater economy and concern y y -
“ploy“ bUt a service to the students. This was also than the businessman, who is ultimately concerned
an effort to identify 851 as a new type of student with profits. y
organization capable of serving as the center of The concept of the Student Economic Community
cooperation of all university groups, as well as the has been a long time coming but it is a logical and .
SG‘ in matters 0f economic benefit. practical extension of student activism, if not its
. most rewardin .
A m Is.fake This affair, with the posturing that has occurred il-Iditor‘s note: The above photograph was
.Th? failure 9f the. Student Government to in the editorial and this letter. is an excellent taken ofasign at the Student (toyernment office
distribute the directories at the SG office was a example of the malady which has prevented this “edtiesday night. .\s it shows. most of the
mistake-caused by the inadvertant transfer Of all student body from asserting itself in a common Student Directories are still at the Student
directories that had been corrected to 881' AS soon cause. It is time for this campus and its Sei‘yices Store. Kernel photo by Basini
—-———---—-~———--——-—-m- Shamiy eh. i
i Ottttttent i Th a man's es friend
e d e ath f b t
By RICHARD RAQL'IER The dog was halfway between the front wheels Kentucky residency
Last Sunday afternoon I was crossing South when the Ford loomed up and over him. I sensed The dog was out of the traffic pattern. in the
Limestone near UK‘s main gate. 1 had made it the animal‘s surprise. My mind hollered. gutter l jogged across the street and walked tip
safely to the narrow raised island that separates “Duck. ‘ l. stiffened. . y y the sidewalk toward him His legs were toward
the north~south lanes of traffic. So had a dog 50 . The car s underhangings slapped against fur. the street. his back toward the curb fle must
feet south of me. flesh and h0ht‘- The dog rolled “'Ith the car. hUt have heard my heart beating because his head
As I stood there waiting for a chance to cross h'S momentum toward the curb “'35 enough to moved toward me. making a bow of his body
the north-bound lanes, it struck me that death seal his fate the far back wheel of the car The lusterless brown eyes followed my
was only inches away. I pictured myself being thumped over the animal's midseetion movements . .
hit by a Detroit behemoth and dying ingloriously He rolled a few more times before the impact I timid SW “mil.“ m.“ t mid. h “it: him (.Tuhhttd
on the damp macadam. My first concern was for released him from its hurtling grip l watched hi» I m cage. “h.“ t. dmth ,“dh “(it ihL m it“ to
the person 1 was to meet later that evening. It the car )1“ me l 10‘0de m 'k . i th* lo! ”(I his heart and blunt llis tilli moved and his eyes
would be a while before she knew why I hadn’t m' d ‘1 t'tlt" [I it . it I t ‘ t lil‘ t ‘t t“ tn l t ,. seemed to strain to keep me Ill their ken.
'l‘here was a break in the traffic and I stepped mng on air He was heaving for bre'ith 3\ fluid ”(IN made d l H“ n It} going around'fhc (idle
off the island. An old. clunky Ford was tooling “M the pavement by tm he'id ‘ ' “”0 Nir'K‘lUl‘t‘ iit‘ i‘mkt‘ti Ht ytht‘ (i014 dnd etx‘d
y down the inside lane at a pretty good clip. I The Ford slow if i (1‘ ”1d ., . t H \(illill. his loot touching the giound a yard from
. . y . (( .in pu ( towaid flit ttub the animals hmtt
decidedfowaitforthenextopportunity. The dog loo feet north of th~ l' l-" t . t .. y y y . .
ditlni t “P ‘55 l’tt ”ht tht h tht [he dog was gasping .is he might hate had he
The muff was a inediumrsizcd brown shorta th'"""‘yttl’lhh‘t‘htt.‘ t'hhhflt‘d his m'hd ”W “it" :tist LllH‘ll up .i rabbit chase on a sweltering
hair with a thick leather collar. ”0 looked to .tcceleiafed toward the Avenue of ( hampions l inidsuiiiniers day He seemed to die. but his
have a few years on him. but he was a quick nofited the “l'mversify of Kentucky" decal on eyes \ilii looked toward me imploringly
stepper nonetheless. I made a mental bet on him. the rear wmdow There were a few (ireek letters I turned .ind walked away. it tear blinked
”0 made it across the outside lane with plenty in the lowertleff hand corner of the glass .\ “\\ in back. .i sigh choked down llte grip on my books
to spare .-\ gi't‘t‘ii (iremlin with a black racing ltlzl,ll‘.\ la stickei and ii “R parking permit loosened the circulation returned to my fingers
stripe win/zed behind him as he crossed the latte were on the bumper flanks .\ trailer bitch and "ltumli (log. I muttered in my heard as l _
diyidmg stripe ltut the faded blue Ford was the grimeflof miles obscured the license tag watched my feet plow through the grass toward
inching up on the (iremlin‘s Inside. number lhe colors and pattern suggested the Journalism ltmldmg

 t—JTIlri KENTl'CKY KHRNI‘IL. Wednesday. November IS. I972
M'norit grad students receive benefits C
[M iii‘ \\ i ii \“l‘tiltlt “\\e’\e also “mien lt‘tlt'i‘S to th'lgttiitll} lcii ieiimisiniis \H‘I‘r “Wk “‘iu'hlns‘ assistants." she l‘idllt‘atlmtill Testing Service at"
\\\-i\lillll \laiiagiiig liditor personal friends in taculty asked tor. ltlll only six \H‘l't‘ Sélltl l’l‘l”“‘l””~4\(“" 'lt'l‘s“.‘7'l‘h(‘“1’51
'l‘he Minority .\tlairs t‘oiii positions at \ai‘ious iiiii\er appi‘mcd 'l‘hc telloyyships \Hll ltacl‘ Silltl hlack teaching )(‘ill' 0‘ ”11‘ M‘I'Vlfi' “l“ ltt‘ tt't‘e‘ g
iiiittee ol the tiraduate sities.” said liaer "We also come from an annual tuiid oi assistants \\lll pi‘()\’l(l(‘ black slicsaid,
l’i'olessional Student .\SSt)t'l.tIlt)ll \\iotc \ai‘ious Black Student $3.600 lt'il‘lt'l‘hllllL “Ml LUV“ “hite ““‘l’lI-VH‘: S'I'IVIH'INTS
has been “(”ka the past {mum to ”mm“ mom (,1 the studentsth ()[)[)(tl‘i|.ltilt_\" to come interested In attending a (‘on
St‘Vt‘t‘itl months on recruiting opportunities here ~~ "\\(\ “mi mei- emphasize the iii contact \Vlill blacks iii a role graduate school Will file an A
black students to take advantage Haer said a recruiting trip is tltlpttl'lditt't' ot blacksiii graduate different from the normal role at applicatlttn With the service. The had
of MK 1“,“ minority fellowships planned tor sometime m school. Haer said. due to the ”H. tiiiyersit)‘ seryicc Will take the information “in
.\ brochure. compiled l)_\ the lteceiiitiei'. but the details great need tor black scholars all . ‘ ‘ ' . (”Ht match the student (With the slut
('t)ltlltlltl(‘t‘. Lois Baer. graduate “MN” l‘N‘” “(’1‘ka 01” “HT ll". l‘mlml States N Amllh,“ .. opportunity .ll-H school UH.” lK‘Si-HH‘OIS his needs “V“
\[[](l(‘[][ in Spanish and (“liilll'r .\ source in the .\ssociate Dean ‘ - ”1mm”; giaduate stuueiits, mud “I“ '"lm‘mittltm then goes to can
\ioiiian ot the committee. said, of the Graduate Schools ottice NHL'H” ‘1 k' H '5 l‘Sitt‘t'. '5 ”“1 Mlmlnt-‘i (iraduate ”1“ school “"d recruitment he:
tines information on admissions saidoiil) {“0 people haye applied ll} ”“lml‘mH-“Hl important Mr Student LWMlT Nil-Hm" a new hegiiis regardless ”l whether the ”
to the graduate school as well as “’1‘ ”W 1011”“ Shit” 'l‘llt‘ both mull“ ‘mll “hit” I” have program offered by the student applied there or not. tryi
the colleges ()1 La“ and telloyysliips are the results ot' a . . . saic
Medicine lt \yas done in re iort on Minority Student .-\t» P o 050 I 5 II c I a f hf coir
cooperation “fill the Uttice ot tali‘s submitted to ['K President r p WI r' y rlg 5 con
Minority Student Affairs. she ““5 Siiigletar} during the W“ (unlinut‘d from page I - - - 'H
”um wmmvr Scott \Veiidelsdort president of Student especially concerned ‘Wlth the right Of the this
‘ ' ‘ H ., ‘ student not to be punished or tried tWice thrt
CO u rs e s fa de ve lop t.o\ei iiiiient. submitted St. s .erFOE‘llb‘ tor the same offense org:
lie contended that ‘St‘tllon 1.- was too Hall also proposed revisions excluding (}0\
. h f h ”ng and could punish people who do nm from the (‘ode any actions or proceedings (‘OU
'n p O 09 rap y Intentionally break [ho rules. , arising from contracts between a student BO?
Several of the other proposals dealt With " , , _ ' ~ .
(.umimwd from page 1 . ‘ ' ‘ l v ti ‘ J-t ‘ .1 th‘ A 111‘ B . d . d tleir and the lniyorsity. Another proposal sati
paitly Stll suitititnt. ptimitting 1‘} “’le ‘ . PP“11 5 oar ‘ d“ ‘ stated rules and regulations in University war
The group \yorked on a three “M- (,1 (.qmpmpm “)r a small 190 lut‘lSdlCtlons.‘ tine proposal suggested the dormitories would be spelled out in the we:
point proposal \ihich includes .u Wilson said Lewis (‘ochraiL .lrboard consist of a hearing officer and a housing contract. All proceedings under org;
tun-semester course in baSic \ice president for academic student Jury. _ these rules would be dealt under the
photography accommodating ioo attairs. indicated he would set Another suggested combining the J— contract instead of the code. 1“
students per semester. complete uglde $3 ooh-$9.000 tor renovation hoard and the Appeals Board into one ()tt(
darkroom laCllltlt‘S and adequate of space. but not personnel‘ JUdlCla] Board ‘0 be [nude up Of iW'O Student Government and David Walls of draf
faculty and assistants F.\('l'l.'l‘\' SALARIES “+1ij tenured faculty members. two Trustees the New American Movement also regi
“”5 NF“ (“USSR “Oltld iieyei‘ allocated. An ad hoc ‘0”9 ot'whom mustbealaculty member 0f recommended revisions which would and
takc all the load oft teaching committee was appointed oyer the Board of Trustees». two students. a assure student organizatiion status to any “Bu
beginning photography from the the summer h." (‘ochran to come l'niyersity staff member and a Hearing organization which met all the mec
(it‘ltitl‘mlt‘m-S Mill ““5011 Th?“ Lip \iith new facts and recom- ”HEW- qualifications. Thes proposals would take StUd
each departii'ient could further n}pndutj0ns_ tither proposals. some jointly proposed away the Dean of Student's discretion in
pursue its specific subject. such The cornnnttee was appointed by Hall and Wendelsdorf, seek to clarify registering student organizations.
as photoiournalism. he said to turther investigate the the rights of students to have their records Walls said the present code, giving the A
”What “’9 had in mind “85 an possibilities ot a basic protected from unwanted disclosure. Dean of Students this power,is contrary to
instructional facility with a photography class. said Dr. Student Government also suggested recent Supreme Court decisions against 1.
small. mostly part-time staff," Robert Murphy. director of the sections guaranteeing protection of a arbitrarily refusing registration of ion
said Westley. The class would be School of (‘ommunications student‘s constitutional rights. These were organizations. Hou
. fori
. . Clin
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