xt7k6d5pch4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pch4t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1995 1995 1995-10-04 2020 true xt7k6d5pch4t section xt7k6d5pch4t    


., M041



By Linda Deulsch

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — 0.]. Simp-
son headed home yesterday, pick-
ing up a life of freedom instead of
starting life in prison. Acquitted of
murdering his ex—wife


7ury acquits Simpson
of murder charges


When things have set—
tled a hit, I will pursue
as my primary goal in
life the killer or killers
who slaughtered Nicole

and Air. Goldman.”

OJ. Simpson


joy burst from the three families
whose lives were torn apart by the
bloody lune 12, 1994, slayings of



and her friend, he
pledged to track down

Nicole Brown Simpson and
Ronald Goldman.
.. “0h ,"l." (“N-ll CXClallW-‘d Please don ’t let this make you lose faith in our
Simpson 5 grown daughter, ”em 3,
Arnelle. 53’ V '

“\\'e did it!" a fami-
lv member exulted to

WEATHER Mostly cloudy

today, high near 75; cloudy
‘ tonight, low near 60; cloudy

tomorrow, high near 75.

BASIC TRAINING UK student trainers

and managers put in long hours to help the

school ’s athletics teams. Story, page 2.





Marcia Clark


Race plays a part in everything in
America. But this stufi'ahout playing
the race card is preposterous. "

Johnnie Cochran Jr.


October 4, I995




o (.‘liiuifieill 7 Diversions 3
Z” (Io/nu 5 Spam 2

(.'i'on'.;'oi'il 7 lilt'Zl'polll! 5




llid race play
a role in the
acquittal ol
(LJ. Simpson?


No, I think

they saw
' that the

screwed up a lot, and that
afficted the verdict more

than anything.”
Molly Bradley

Cmnmunicatiom senior


No, I think





the real killers who are 7
“out there some-

In a courtroom on
the verge of explodin r
with emotion, a husfi
fell as Judge Lance

LA. Police are
stunned hy the
Simpson jury ’s
decision. For
more Simpson
trial coverage,




Ito’s clerk, Dierdre

Robertson, read the seepage4.
two words: “Not


Sim son mouthed the words,
“Thanl: you," at the jury, then
clasped his hands together and was
embraced by his attorneys.

Tears of anguish and shouts of




lead defense attorney
johnnie Cochran .lr.
Eerily, the Simpson
saga ended much as it
had be in. with the
fallen flitball super—
star being transported
in a white van to his
estate while news heli-
overhead. Tuesday’s
televised verdicts were the most—
watched event sincejune 17, 1994,
when Simpson, in a white Bronco
with his friend Al “AC." Cowlings
driving, led police on a surreal

slow-speed chase.

Cowlings was at the door to
embrace Simpson when he came
home. Later, family members
gathered for a champagne party
on Simpson's lawn.

“Last june 13, ’94, was the
worst nightmare ofmy life. This is
the second," Goldman’s father,
Fred, said at a prosecution news
conference. “This prosecution

See SIMPSON on 4

tracked him


HELENA mu Kerrie/staff


YUU BE "If JUDGE Students watching TV in the Student Center read to the reading ofthejury’s verdict yesterday



Students tense as verdict arrives

By Brian Privelt

.‘ITTI Editor

As the clocks ticked down to I
pm. Tuesday, several students
filed into the theater in the Old
Student Center to watch the fate
of 0.]. Simpson revealed before
their eyes on the big screen.

In some ways it was the regu-
lar lunch crowd of students, with
sotne people eating meals from
Styrofoam containers, some gos-
siping with the people next to
them about mutual friends and
others yelling to buddies across
the room about plans for the

It was not even a very differ-
ent scene than any other day
when there was a big develop-
ment in the Simpson trial. You
could overhear all the famous
names tossed around in conver-
sation: Johnnie Cochran, Marcia
Clark, Lance Ito.

But the conversations were a
bit louder than usual, the laugh-
ter tinged with anxiety, students
poking their forks at their food
instead of rushing to eat it before
their next class.

There was an intangible
excitement that soaked the
crowd even more than the down-
pour outside.

And then came the verdict.

Murmured hushes filled the



room and everyone sat a little V
farther out on the edge of their
seats. As everyone in the court-
room in Los Angeles waited for
the jury to enter the room. the
crowd in the Student Center
Theatre forgot to breathe for a

And then came the verdict:


"m gka' . . [think his
A small shout of joy went up -

from the crowd. No one even fameplayed

waited to see what would happen a lag role.

when the individual jurors were - . Ms, ' They were

polled. Some people left imme— going tofind him not

diatelv, others hung around and
talked about what just unfolded,
stunned, as if they had just
watched David Copperfield
make the Eiffel Tower disappear
while they were standing at the

Skipping his human sexuality
class, psychology senior \Vesley
Underwood watched the reading
of the verdict from near the bac '
0f the theater. Underwood
agreed with the decision,
because, he said, the prosecution
did not rove its case without
reasonab e doubt.

“The defense had more
money and power than the state
of California, so I wasn’t sur- V
prised at all," Underwood said.

Most students interviewed by
the Kentucky Kernel agreed





evidence. It wasn 't good
enough. "

Wookie Stewart

Agra u/ture freshman

guilty anyway because
every/radii loves 0.]. "

Darrell Mayberry

lflei‘n‘ical engineering fi'cshman

I don ’t think

think itfrjust hard to con—
vict 0.7. because he’s 07. ”

they just
didn ’t have





A little, but

it was a big
factor. I


Chris Short

'Ihir‘djyeai' law student




President vetoes
legislative budget plan

WASHINGTON —— Hitting Congress in its
ocketbook, President Clinton vetoed the le 'slative
ranch budget yesterday and told lawmaifers he

wouldn't budge until they make concessions on a
Iar er spending feud.

Issuing the third veto of his presidency, Clinton
rejected a measure that would let Con ress spend
$2.2 billion this fiscal year -— a $200 mifiion reduc—
tion from last year’s budget. The move opened Clin—
ton to attack from Republicans.

m Memorial service planned

A memorial for associate education professor
Kawanna J. Simpson will be held tomorrow at 7 pm
at Calvary Baptist Church at 150 East High St. For
further information, call Gwen Winder in the UK
College of Education at 257-2815.


llappors should care, Powell said
HOUSTON —- Colin Powell says rappers should

keep in mind how their music affects chi en.

Rap ers “should see ifwe can upgrade and u lift
it a litt e bit,” said Powell, who joined other bl’ack
leaders in a private meeting with rap music artists
and producers in New York last July. As for the
musical genre itself, Powell said: “It's not an artistry
that I totally understand, but they are creative."

Cmpiledfimn staff, wire reports.


allegations 0T kickbacks

By Stephen Trimble

Senior Staff lVriter

Paul Patton denied Republican allegations yester-
day that the Democratic Party and its candidate for
governor are accepting huge campaign contributions
in return for personal favors.

Patton then turned the accusations back onto its
source —— his Republican challen er Larry Forgy ——
during a campaign stop in the K Student Center

“The fact is that (Forgy) was the bagman of the
(former Gov. Louie) Nunn administration and
everybody knows that," Patton said.

As state budget chief, Forgy arranged for state

employees to raise money for the
Republicans during Nunn’s tenure
in the early 19705, Patton said.
Patton was responding to a
statement released by Forgy’s cam-
paign yesterday, which claimed
Patton was raising large sums of
money from friends who have
received millions of dollars of non—


In the statement, Forgy
promised he would not award
non-bid contracts to people who helped raise more
than $30,000 for the Republican party in Kentucky


HELENA MU Kernel my?”
PM contracts from the state gov- STANDING PAT Lt. Gov. Paul Patton talks to a group ofstwlmtsycsterday

during his visit to UK.

during this election.
He challenged Patton to do the same.



SEA president endorses Forgy in governor's race

By Alison Kloht
Senior Staff Writer

Listen up, students. Your president has made his

Student Government Association President Shea
Chaney has given his endorsement to Republican
candidate Larry Porgy for Kentucky vemor.

“I like the way Larry For talks afiut issues, and
he takes a stand on them," . aney said. “He doesn’t
ride the fence about anything. That's what (SGA

vice-president Heather Hennel) and I try to do in
our administration, on a much smaller scale.”

Chaney said his endorsement does not reflect the
opinion of the entire SGA. He said he didn‘t think it
would be a problem to work with Patton if elected.

“I wouldn’t expect a job in his cabinet or anything,
but I don’t think it would be a problem to work with
Patton,” Chaney said.

Chaney said the issue he considered above others
when deciding which candidate to endorse was high-
er education. Chaney said he thinks Forgy’s stance is

better for students.

“Porgy thinks the direction of higher education
should stay within control of the universities, instead
of the legislature and state government setting the
standards,” he said. “I agree that courses of improve-
ment should be set by universities.”

Chaney attended both UK forums where candi-
dates Patton and For discussed issues With stu-
dents. He also heard t em speak at a Council on
Higher Education luncheon in September and at the
annual Fancy Farm picnic in August.






'2 Wtdmxday, October 4, 1995, Kentucky Kernel



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* Lance \Villiams ................................................... Editor in Chief
; Jennifer Smith .................................................. Managing Editor
" Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor
Jacob Clabes ...................................................... Executive Editor
April Hollon ........................................................ Campus Editor
Matt Felice ......................................................... Editorial Editor
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... Sports Editor
Brian Privett .............................................................. Arts Editor
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design Editor
Scott Drake ......................................................... On-line Editor
Ashley Shrewsbury .................................... Asst. Editorial Editor
Claire Johnston ........................................................ KeG Editor
YiBien Thain ...... . ........................................ Photography Editor
Tracie Pardon .............................................. Asst. Design Editor
Copy Editors .................... J ohn Abbott, Scott Gordon, Lindsay

Hendrix, Mary Madden, Beth McKenzie,
Eric Million, Jeff Vinson and Tiffany White







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By Amy Huddleslon
.smjj‘ Wn'm

Imagine crawling out of bed to
be at work by 5:30 a.m., going
from there to class and then going
back to work until 9 or 10 pm.

If you need a rest, forget the
weekends. The hours 'are worse.

Andrew Cline, a junior from
Maysville, Ky, deals with such a
schedule throughout the school

Cline is a student trainer with
the UK football program. He is
responsible for injury prevention,
injury care and rehabilitation, and
planning and organizing response
procedures in emergency situa-

“The biggest drawback of the
job is the time," (Iline said. “The
time is horrible."

\Vhile Cline learned ofthe stu-
dent trainers program after being
injured playing high school sports,
others come to the program via
different routes.

Danny McDonald, an unde—
clared third—year student from
Louisville, Ky, works with the
track team. McDonald also was
involved in high school sports, but
became interested in the program
at UK by watching the trainers at
his hi h school and by attending
an ath etic trainers camp.


UK student trainers are work—
ing toward their certification. To
become certified, a candidate must
complete 1,800 hours under the
supervision of professional trainers
and complete classes in anatomy,
physiology and other sciences.

Both Cline and McDonald
agree the hours involved are a
large drawback, but there are
rewards for the long days.

After their second year in the
program, student trainers receive a
partial scholarship, which includes

Following their third ear, both
tuition and room and card are

In addition, student trainers
register for classes at the same time
as athletes and receive many of the
same services, includin access to
the Center for Acafemic and
Tutorial Services.

But the bigrest benefit of the
program, explhined Cline and
McDonald, is the opportunity to
“work with really great athletes."

Each year trainers work with a
different sport. Last year Cline
worked with the men’s basketball
team and McDonald worked with
the football team.

But trainers aren’t the only
group of people working behind
the scenes to make life easier for
athletes. Student managers, who







KEEMG BIISY Meghan Haney (top left), a manager fiir the UK football
team, ram through equipment [art weekend at Commonwealth Stadium,
while trainer Andrew Cline (above) helps plarekirker Bill Coleman metrh.

receive many of the same benefits
as trainers and athletes, also put in
long hours.

“I like this job because no mat—
ter where I go on campus, I see
someone I can say hi to," said
Meghan Haney, a student manager
with the football team.

Haney, a secondary English
education sophomore from Som—
erset, Ky., was a manger in high
school and heard about UK's pro—
gram through a family friend.

She reports to equipment man—
ager Tom Kalinowski and is partly
responsible for maintenance of the
team’s equipment during ractices.

Managers on the foot all team
also assist Kalinowski with the

operation of the communications
system, which connects coaches on
the sidelines to the press box dur—
ing games.

While their sport is in season,
managers can expect to work live
or six hours every day, not count-
ing time spent traveling to away

Tyler Long, another manager
with the UK football program,
reports grades and school work can
suffer with all the hours spent on
the fields and courts.

“But you learn to mana e your
time and stay organizer?” the
political science senior said.
“That‘s something that’s going to
help in the real world.”

Wildcats win in three games


HELENA MU Knnrl fluff

SWAT TEAM junior Ainsley Grimarfinirhed with 45
1mm rr [on night in only her second mm ax U k ’x setter.




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By Stephen Trimble
Senior S tajf Writer

When Mara Eglitis read the newspaper
yesterday, she learned she was about to
reach a UK volleyball milestone.

Eglitis, a senior, was just four swats shy
of 1,000 career kills as the Wildcats (6—8)

entered their match last night with More- ‘

head State.

“I never really thought about it," she

The rest is now history.

Eglitis and the rest of her team soared
over the visiting Eagles (10—8), dispatching
them in three games 15-5, 15—6, 15-13 last
night at Memorial Coliseum.

For the record, Eglitis quickly reached
the 1,000 kill plateau at the end of the first
game and finished with 15 kills on 27

The Cats jumped ahead just as fast,
althou b they faltered near the end.

“I t ink we did find," UK coach Fran
Ralston—Flory said. “I don't know if we
learned a whole lot."

After all, UK was playing the Eagles,
who boasted eight freshmen in the lineup.

But the match did allow Ralston—Flory to
tinker with her lineup and see how players
reacted in different positions.

Eglitis, normally a middle blocker, was
moved to the outside in the second game.

Ralston-Flory said she hopes to keep the
Ontario native at that spot in the future.

Sophomore Tracy Thompson, recover-
ing from a knee injury, played for the first
time in a month. Thompson showed signs
of being rusty, managing only three kills on
ll attempts.

More im ortantly, the meager op osi-
tion let Ra ston-Flory give some 0 her
younger regulars some rest, such as fresh-
man Jenny Muzze and sophomore Cynthia
Dozier. Both saw imited action.

Instead, Ralston-Flory substituted senior
Katherine Lindgren and freshmen
LaTonya Webb and Melissa O’Neal into
the starting positions.

Junior Gina Heustis continued in her
offensive groove against Morehead. She
notched 12 kills for a .579 attack percentage
and made eight digs before being taken out
early in the third game.

“(Heustis) herselfcan take us to another
level,” Ralston—Flory said.

Only sophomore Fiona Bolten, recover—
ing from an ankle injury, stayed on the
bench the entire match.

Her re lacement, junior Ainsley Grimes,
again ma e her case to be the starting setter
even when Bolten returns to action. Grimes
had 45 assists and eight digs.

If Bolten is ready to play Friday ni ht at
LSU, Ralston-Flory said she has not ecid-
ed which setter to start.




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your 'sign?

By John Abbott

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
After an accident involving an
overdose of gamma—ray radia-
tion, two rubber bands and a
liquid lunch, you develo ) super-
human powers. But t e only
thing you can do is determine
telepathically what people’s
favorite colors are. \Vhat a
dumb power.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Your beloved is, unfortunately,
dating someone else, so you
arrange for your beloved’s
beloved to have a tragic, fatal
“accident.” As your beloved
sinks into depression — what
do you know.: there you are,
ready to step in and provide
critical emotional support and
comfort during a time of great
weakness. How thoughtful of
you! Heh heh heh.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You modify your umbrella by
placing tiny razor blades on the
edges of all the panels. Now,
when it’s crowded, you can
whirl it around really fast and
take out people’s eyeballs!

Cancer (june 21 - July 22)
I‘m sorry. This little “I‘m gonna
be nice to Cancers" experiment
is really getting to me. I don't
care ifthat loopy astrology babe
told me I'm supposed to date
Cancers — I can‘t kiss up like
this anymore. We now return
to our regularly scheduled pain
and degradation.

Leo Guly 23 - Aug. 22) In
physics, your )rofessor is dis—
cussin the radioactive proper—
ties ofgvarious elements when
you raise your hand and ask
him, “Hey, what about red
kryptonite?" He calmly informs
you that you have asked him the
dumbest question he‘s ever
heard, pulls out a gun and
shoots you.

Virgo (Aug. 25 — Sept. 22) I
want Pisces to suffer extra-hard.
Find a lead pipe and bash a
deserving Pisces over the head.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You, too. Go and get a lead pipe
and show those Pisces scum
what )ain really means. Bash
away, bash away, bash away all!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
You ret pulled over for speed—
ing. ou try to charm your way
out of it, but forget that you’re
wearing our N...WA “F——- the
Police’ -shirt with matchin 7
“Death To All Pi rs” baseball
cap. You get the ticket.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec.
21) You anonymously receive a
photograph of your head on
someone else's naked body.
The accompanying letter
threatens to reprint it and
s read it all over campus ifyou
(llhn’t pay up. But it's a really
nice body you've been given ——
a lot better than your real body.
Save your mone .

Capricorn ec. 22 - Jan.
19) Feeling down? Feeling like
no one gives a damn about you?
Do you want a big hug?

Um hey wait, I didn’t
mean that. I was kidding. Don't
you touch me, you disgusting
yecch. Man, I really need to
take a bath.

Cryptoaquarius (a sign for
my Dad) Mom discovers your
secret crack lab in the basement
and demands that it be
destroyed. \Vhen you show her
how much you can make selling
crack, she seems more agree-

Pisces (Feb. I‘) - March 20)
Congratulations, slimebuckets!
In a few weeks, some other
unlucky sign will be my new
whipping boy. No, I'm not dat—
ing a Pisces. No, I’m not feeling
lenient. I just thought, hell, why
not? I gotta get my last licks in
before the switch, though, so
here goes: Twer s! Twerps!
Twerps! Twerps! werps!


I I'll/IiflllJlilll . ..
'i Ml|‘ Jl .

I While You “0
“re Sleepi -







as; «in curl!


Phola fumnhtd

[UNATICS Luna ’5 new album, ‘Penthouxe, ‘ it a bland maxim] adventure. Although it has many elements that should
have made it a great album, it just did not work out.

luna's latest album falls SIIOI‘T

By Robert Duffy

Assistant Art: Editor

OK, so you’re living on a diet of stale cigarettes
and warm beer, and maybe, today, you’re
not in the same time zone that you were
yesterday. Welcome to “Chinatown," the
lead track of Penthouse, the new album

from Luna.

Luna‘s new LP is a strange, surreal
journey that comprises a thousand and
one little observations. At times, it sounds
like a soundtrack for someone's life that

the songs are about heartbreaks, its mel-
low mood with dark undertones create a

heavy, morose atmosphere.

According to a press release, Luna was Luna
formed following the dissolution of
Galaxie 500 in 1992. Dean \Vareham met
justin Harwood at a dog race in Bath, England, and
developed an immediate rapport. When they learned
that cult faves the Feelies were no more, they called

drummer Stanley Demeski:

“Stanley, you don't know me, but, you're in my

band "
“Oh, really what’s it called?“
“Uhh Luna.”

Penthouse also marks the debut of new guitarist
Sean Eden. After recording its last album, Lunapark,
the band thought it was necessary to add someone to

complete the group’s sound.


little Feat to perform ‘unpluoged’
set at Kentucky Theater tonight

By Brian Privell
Art: Editor

Legendary California rock
band Little Feat will perform
“unplugged" at the Kentucky

The first few times I listened to this album I really
liked it. But after really getting to know it, I think it’s
changed from becoming a best friend to a friendly


“Moon Palace.” the second song off
the album, is a collage of not-so- opular
pop culture references from fal en spy
Christopher Boyce to Paul Auster. “Sev-
enteen dreams for you/they'll be rone
tomorrow/only a face can say somet ing
witchy/it's time to get out of your bed."
The song also tells the story of a couple
hittin v the road and leaving town.

“R ythm King" is a sarcastic beat—box
driven footstomper with a dreamy sound.
“Heading for Tacoma/driving too
fast/Nixon’s in a coma/and I hope it's
gonna last." The idea that everyone's
changing also is a big theme to this song.
“Women turn to flowers/and men turn
to snakes/you're turning into someone else."

The album‘s only rem is the unlisted track “Bon—
nie 8t Clyde." Recent y released in the United King-
dom as a single, this track is sung in French by \\'are-
ham and Stereolab's Laetitia Sadier.

The rest of the album is full oftlie same sounding
guitar and vocals. \Vareham’s monotone voice is
relentless in its attack on the listener.

If you only plan on listening to the album once or
twice and can et past its singular sound, then it
might be a googinvestment. But if you plan on lis—
tenin to it a few times, you‘ll probably end up taking
a wal down to a shop that buys used CDs.



isn't going the right way. Although not all V


“Penthouse ”




Kentucky Kernel, Wednexda], October 4, [995 8





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The face of Little Feat has
changed over the years, with new
lead singer Shaun Murphy, whose
resume includes gigs with stars
like Eric Clapton and Bruce
Hornsby. Murphy brings a more


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Tickets are $24.50
and are available at the
Ru p Arena box office
and) all TicketMaster
locations. For more

information, call (606) ahead music influence, the
233—3535. v members of the band

Little Feat achieved . . are exploring areas
fame in the ’705 with gfirf’ngfil that have not been
its version ofSouthern KenturlryiTheatre heard on any 0f the
California country— mm- b, at 8 group’s other albums.
rock, a sound made g i “Troubadour IS an

famous by groups like
the Eagles and Fleet—



For tickets, (all
(606) 233-3535.

bluesy, R&B sound to
the front of Little Feat
and a certain amount
of new energy.

The group’s new
album, ”Ain’t Had
Enough Fun,” is a turn
south for Little Feat.
With a new Cajun

acoustic music series,
and they were brave
and went acoustic,"



wood Mac. Little
Feat's music has the same laid~
back style, but with a little flavor-
ing of R&B and Southern guitar

The group made the charts
with hits like “Dixie Chicken,"
“Two Trains" and “On Your Way
Down." Although never reaching
the superstardom of the Eagles,
Little Feat garnered rave reviews
from critics nationally.


Education ;



Supplies for K-12
Open M-F IO a.m.—8:3O pm.
Sat. 10 a.m.—5 p.m.


436 Southland Dr. 225 Eastland Shopping Ctr.

Jonathan said. “Little Feat is a
very legendary band that can play
circles around these ounger
bands and really show how it's

The shows have remained high
quality and the series has main-
taine a high level of integrity

since its inception.

The Little Feat show should be
no different, Jonathan said.

“They are going to rock.”






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Flag Football

Earn extra money!

Mandatory meeting at 5:30pm,
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Call Mick Weeks at 257-6582 for more info.



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Offoesfi'ee after

spen mg year injail
From PAGE 1

team didn’t lose today. I deeply
believe this country lost today.
Justice was not served "

At a defense team news confer-
ence, Cochran

Across the room, Goldman
mouthed the word “murderer" as
the verdict was announced. Kim
Goldmap, who spent most of a
year in court honoring her dead

rother’ 5 memory, doubled over
and sobbcd along with a younger
brother and sister.

At the courthouse, Simpson’s
older son,Jason, read a statement
from his father:

“My first obli ation is to my
young children, w 0 will be raised
the way that Nicole and I had


insisted the issue
of race, which he
played heavily in
the trial, did not
beat the facts.
“This verdict
speaks justice,”
Cochran said.
“This was a case
based upon the

acquittal on

What's next for 0.1.1 B‘“

What the immediate future holds
for OJ. Simpson following his

'vuosE COURT nna- Simp-

always planned.
th1ngs have set-
tled a bit, I will
pursue as my pri-
mary oal in