xt7k6d5pcj26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pcj26/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2002 2002 2002-09-09 2020 true xt7k6d5pcj26 section xt7k6d5pcj26 is


September 9. 2002


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Health conference sparks debate

Objection: Two state senators question inclusion of
lesbian health issues at conference beginning today

By Sara Cunningham


Despite concerns raised
by two state senators. a UK-
sponsored health conference
that includes a forum on les-
bian health issues will be
held today

Organizers of the
Women‘s Health in Kentucky
conference contend that be-
cause lesbians have different

Sen. Richard Roeding. R~
Lakeside Park. and Sen. Char-
lie Borders. R-Russell. ex—
pressed concerns this sum-
mer over the session sched—
uled to take place today from
3:50 pm. to 4:50 pm. at the
Holiday Inn Lexington-North.

Both senators called
.lanet Braun. associate direc-
tor of the UK Women's Health
Center. and asked that the ses-
sion be removed from the con—

some people are not going to
be happy with it. but we need
to raise awareness of these
important issues."
implied that
he might
look into
cutting UK‘s
funds if a
session on
1 e s b i a n
health was
held. Braun

saldi.l be- Borders

porters this summer.

None of the funding for
this conference came out of
the Health Center‘s operat-
ing budget,
Braun said.
The Health
Center fund
works with
other orga
nizations to
pay for the
There is
also a regis-

tration fee Roedfng

health issues and national
health organizations are
starting to recognize them.
UK should do the same.

ference. Braun said.

ward (with it). and it will be a

lieve it‘s my

are going for-

Btaun said. Yes. tionably."

In need of a stunt double

The Wildcat, supported by members of UK's cheerieadlng team, does one-handed push-ups following a UK touchdown against
Texas-El Paso on Saturday. After every score, the Wildcat does a one-armed push-up for each point on the scoreboard. Sit-ups
were substituted for push-ups In the 4th quarter, after UK put 77 on the board. M different students wore the mascot's cos-

tume to futflll the 462 total push-upslslt-ups, a record since the tradftlon began in I980.

responsibility to ask ques‘
tions if I believe taxpayer
dollars are being used ques-
Borders said to re

to attend.


calls for this story.



UK Hospital makes technology
available to cancer patients

Breakthrough: Radiation therapy kills cancer cells only; UK Hospital
only health care facility in the state able to administer the treatment

By Paul Leightty

A safer and more precise form of
radiation treatment for cancer pa-
tients is now available at UK Hospital.

Unlike conventional treatments.
Intensity Modulated Radiation Thera-
py can eradicate cancer cells and not
harm any normal cells during the
process. doctors say.

Patients suffering from prostate.
head and neck. pancreas. lung and oth-
er cancers are benefiting from the
treatment. said Dr. William St. Clair.
Radiation Medicine assistant profes-

The UK Department of Radiation

Medicine is the only health care facili-
ty in Kentucky with the equipment to
give the treatment. first administered
by UK in June.

No patients could be interviewed
for this story because of privacy is-

IMRT therapists use a number of
highly sophisticated computers to de-
liver radiation beams to a tumor with
greater precision than in conventional
treatments. St. Clair said.

Conventional radiation treatments
aim several individual X‘ray beams
with uniform intensity at a cancer
area. This kills cancer cells and nor»
mal cells as well. meaning convention-
al therapy can harm a patient even as

it blasts the cancer. he said.

“This is a way to sneak radiation
in and avoid those sensitive struc-
tures" such as organs or normal tissue
near the cancer area. St. Clair said.

The process is almost entirely au~
tomated. said Sugata Tripathi. a grad-
uate student in nuclear physics and ra-
diation medicine.

Computers first scan the area to be
treated. then use algorithms to deter-
mine different intensities of radiation
for different regions of the cancer. he

IMRT therapy has been used for
about 10 years now. Tripathi said.

St. Clair is optimistic about the ap-
plication of the treatment.

“I think IMRT will have two ef-
fects. It will have fewer side effects and
will enhance the curability of some
cancers." he said.


returned phone

Roeding. in addition to

the phone call. wrote a letter
to President Lee Todd asking
him to look into the situa-
tion. Roeding said he felt the
session was a result of a po-
litical agenda. not separate
health concerns.

“I don‘t think they have
any different body types from
the rest of the young ladies."
Roeding said to reporters this
summer. "I don’t think they
have different problems ~
somebody has got an agenda
that they're pushing."

Braun said the only agen—
da anyone has is education.

“There are health issues
that lesbians are at greater
risk for, but the public is not
very aware of them.“ Braun


She said women who do
not have children are at
greater risk for breast cancer
and there are also many mis-
understandings surrounding
sexually transmitted dis—
eases and

Kentucky ranks near the
bottom in women‘s overall
heath in the United States.
Braun said.

This is the fifth annual
Women's Health in Kentucky

Last year. attendees filled
out surveys about what top-
ics they would like to discuss

See FORUM on 2

Poll: Ky. residents
fear another attack

Aftermath: Psychologist says poll results reflect
increased fear brought on by Sept. 11 anniversary


majority of Kentuckians are
worried about another major
terrorist attack. although a
majority also believes the
country is doing everything
it can to prevent one. accord-
ing to a Bluegrass Poll by the
Louisville Courier-Journal.

About 76 percent of
those polled said they were
greatly or somewhat worried
about another attack 7— and
68 percent said citizens will
have to forfeit some freedoms
to help make the country

The survey was conduct»
ed by telephone among 803
Kentucky adults from Aug.
30 through Sept. 4. Its mar-
gin of error is plus or minus
3.5 percentage points.

More than half of the
respondents. 58 percent. said
the US. government could
have done more to prevent
the Sept. 11 attacks.

Michael Cunningham. a
social psychologist at the
University of Louisville. said
the poll reflects an unease as
the anniversary of the at-
tacks approaches.

“It‘s a combination of a
realistic threat and the an—
niversary remembrances."
Cunningham said.

The poll also found that
women are more worried
than men about the potential
for more attacks and most
men and women favor hav-
ing secret military tribunals
for some of the suspected
terrorists. Blacks. however.
are three times less likely as
whites to approve of the se-
cret tribunals.

Cunningham said people
favor secrecy now because of
“anger and fear" over the at-

tacks. He suspects that senti-
ment will change with time.

“Not all Kentuckians are
members of the ACLU." Cun<
ningham said. “When you
are afraid and mad simulta-
neously you tend to put civil
rights at risk."

Just under half of those
polled 49 percent 7 said
they had flown on a commer-
cial airliner in the past five
years. Among that group. 54
percent said they had not
flown in the past year. Only 9
percent. however. cited fear
of another terrorist attack as
the reason. Seventy-one per-
cent said they didn’t fly sim-
ply because they had no le-
gitimate reason.

Louisvillian Jeff Ross,
45. who was among those
polled who agreed to a fol»
low-up interview. said he did-
n‘t fear flying before Sept. 11
and still doesn't.

Ross travels across the
country for a computer
training company he owns.
He said the increased securi-
ty at airports has been frus-
trating. but necessary

“It's not convenient or
fun to be at an airport and
have to take your shoes off
and take your belt off.“ he
said. “But that‘s a pretty
small price to pay."

Lia Ramirez. 26. of
Louisville. said she feels safe
on airplanes though she’s
not ruling out the possibility
of another attack.

Ramirez. who was also
among those polled. said she
flew to Florida for vacation
in July and was impressed
with security at Louisville
International Airport.

"I had a very small pair
of scissors in the corner of a
bag that I wasn‘t even aware
of and they caught that."

The Student NGWSPGPEF at the University of Kentucky, Lexington ‘ ,, " ’ ~ —







z li'iblloktsfinéuams’.2992. ”5' Y a




The Low-down

upset about
the law itself.
But we‘re
just charged
with enforc»
ing the law."

- Doug ihomas,
spokesman for
the Kentucky
Department of
Agriculture, on
complaints the
received after
video of dogs
being shot at a
Henry County
shelter was aired
on TV.


Cheap fares for faculty and staff

American Trans Air and UK have part-
nered so that UK faculty and staff will re-
ceive discounted airfares. Trans Air will
give a 15 percent discount on its fully re-
fundable and changeable YTZ and HTZ
class fares anti a 3 percent discount on ca-
pacity controlled fares. except classes K and
Q. For more information, call ATA toll-free
at (877) 726-0815.

Cheney: Saddam seeking nukes

WASHINGTON Saddam Hussein is
aggressively seeking nuclear and biological
weapons and "the lfnited States may well
become the target" of an attack. Vice Presi-
dent Dick (‘lieney said Sunday as the Bush
administration pressed its case for toppling
the Iraqi leader. (‘lieney and top adminis-
tration officials took to the Sunday talk
shows as part of President Bush‘s effort to
convince the public. Congress and other
countries that actioti against Saddam is ur-
gently needed The officials cited the Sept.
11 attacks in making the case that the world
cannot wait to find out whether the Iraqi
president has weapons of mass destruction.

Iraqi veep denies nuke collection

BAGHDAD. Iraq Iraq denied reports
it is trying to collect material for nuclear
weapons and building up sites once target-
ed by UN. inspectors. saying Sunday the
claims were lies spread by the United States
and Britain to justify an attack. The denial
came as President Bush has begun taking
his case for possible military action against
Iraq to his allies. meeting the day before
with British Prime Minister Blair at Camp
David and preparing to deliver a key speech
at the I'nited Nations this week. Blair -~- the
strongest voice in support of Bush amid



Philips says he
knows who pulled
the trigger. It
was Orlando An-
derson, Philips
writes In Ftiday's
Times. naming a
Crips gang mem-
ber long suspect-
ed but never
charged with the
murder. But
Philips' most ex-
plosive conclu-
sion Is that An-
derson asked Tu-
pac's rap rival,
the Notorious
B.I.G.. to pay $1
million for the
hit, and that Big-
gie not only
agreed but sup-
plied the gun as

much European criticism , said Sunday he
believed that those opposed to action would
change their minds after seeing evidence of
the threat that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein
allegedly poses. Blair told Sky news televi-
sion that critics are asking “sensible ques-
tions." but said they "can be convinced if
they see the evidence."

AI-Oaida eyed 0.5. nuclear sites

DUBAI. United Arab Emirates - Al-
Qaida considered striking US. nuclear facil
ities in the Sept. 11 attacks and hasn't ruled
out nuclear attacks in the future, an Arab
television reporter who interviewed two
plotters of the terror attacks said Sunday.
Yosri Fouda, correspondent for the satellite
station Al-Jazeera, told The Associated
Press that he was taken, blindfolded. to a se-
cret location in Pakistan to meet Khalid
Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh
in a June interview arranged by al-Qaida
operatives. Fouda said he waited until now
to air the audiotaped interview it is
scheduled to run Thursday on al-Jazeera
because he wanted to include it in a docu»
mentary marking the first anniversary of
the attacks. A videotape of al-Qaida leader
Osama bin Laden released by US. officials
in December for many established al—Qai-
da‘s responsibility for Sept. 11. According to
Fouda‘s account. Mohammed and Binal-
shibh spell out the link even more clearly

Arafat: Outlaw suicide bombings

JERUSALEM ~~ Yasser Arafat will ask
a key meeting of the Palestinian parliament
on Monday to outlaw suicide bombing and
reaffirm the Palestinian commitment to
peace with Israel. according to a draft copy
of the Palestinian leader‘s speech. But vio-
lence continued Sunday on the eve of the
parliamentary session. Palestinian security
officials said two people were killed by Is-
raeli tank fire in the Gaza Strip. as Israeli
forces advanced along the main road, encir-
cling three refugee camps.

Compiled from staff and wire reports.


. m- ;


Mayoral candidate Tere-

sa Isaac’s title was incorrect

Continued from page I

in an editorial Thursday She
is the former vice-mayor of


To report an error call
The li'criruclrr Kernel (It 357.

1.91 .3.

at the next meeting. The at»
tendees asked for a session
health. Braun

on lesbian

The US Public Health
Service has outlined goals
across the country. and ho-

for health


mosexual health is one of
the areas in need of atten~
tion. Braun said.

“In having this session.
we are living up to the man-
date of the US Public Health
Service." Braun said. “We
are doing what national
health organizations should

be doing."

President Todd supports
the decision to include the
session and feels to do other
wise would be discriminato-

ry. he said.

“As an institution of
higher learning. we have the
responsibility to educate.
Part of that responsibility is
to educate health profession
als on the issues they face in
today's diverse society"
Todd said.

“We are an equal oppor-
tunity university and pride
ourselves on not discrimi-
nating against anyone. To
do otherwise would be a
great disservice to all





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itiurucitv llEltNEl. ruminatsrrrcuscr 9.2002 I 3



Car care can
prevent grief

Mr. Fix:- It I!

Mechanic Jim Janis
finishes up some
brake work on a car
at Midas on New
Circle Road. Janis
said the shop will
basically service
"anything that rolls
in the door." Midas
Is a member of the
Better Business
Bureau. For a list of
other auto repair
shops, students
should call the Lex-
Ington BBB at 259-



Kicking the tires is not enough: Mechanics say
breakdowns avoidable with regular maintenance

By Kristin Durbin

It was dark. pouring
down rain, and Hayley
Pierce‘s car wouldn‘t start.

She jiggled with the key
for a few minutes and asked
friends for help. Then she
called her dad.

"We ended up having to
have my whole starter re—
placed," said Pierce. an agri-
cultural communications ju-

Cars can cause students
more stress than a compre~
hensive biology final. But
some car woes are pre‘

Steve D’Martino. owner
of Perfect Auto Care, on Rose

Street. said students who ne»
glect the health of their cars
or ignore warning signs will
likely see major problems.

"Whenever something
doesn‘t seem right. it proba»
bly isn't." D'Martino said.
“Have it checked out."

”Some (students) will
drive around and around.
run the car out of oil and
blow the engine." D‘Martino

He said students should
change a car‘s oil at least
every four months or 4.000

Regular checkups for
cars can help prevent serious
problems and unwelcome
surprises before they occur.
he said.


But students should be-
ware of unusually cheap
prices for oil changes. ac»
cording to Denny Vaughn.
who has owned anti operated
Denny‘s Auto Center for
nearly 30 years.

Vaughn said $25 dollars
is normal.

He said some businesses
may try to "lead students in”
with low prices only to "dis-
cover" other things that need
repair or replacement. when
they do not.

"It doesn't cost you any-
thing to get a second opin-
ion." he said.

But where can a student
go? It is not easy to find a re-
liable. honest and affordable
auto shop simply by looking
through the yellow pages.

"You can always check
with the Better Business Bu-
reau." Vaughn said.

D'Martino said the best

Things to remember
about your vehicle

Headlight Inspection and
tire pressure check monthly.

Oil change and chassis lu-
brication every 3,000 to 5.000
miles or three to four months.

Belt and hose inspection
every 3,000 to 5.00 miles or
three to four months

Tire rotation and wheel bai-
ancing every 6,000 miles or
every other oil change.

Brake inspection every
6,000 miles or every other oil

Air filter replacement
every 12,000 to 24,000 miles or
as indicate by inspection.

Wheel allotment chect
every 12,000 to 24,000 miles or
as indicated by wear.

Fuel filter replacement
every 24,000 to 100,000 miles.

Automatic transmission
service every 24,000 to 100,000

Cooling system flush and
refill every 40,000 to l00.000

Belt and hose replacemem
every 60,000 to 100,000 miles
or five to eight years.

liming belt r
every 60,000 to 100,000 miles
or five to eight years, depending
on vehicle.

Air confitioning check an-
nually. usually in the spring.

From the American Auto.
mobile Association

way to find a mechanic is
through your neighbors and

"Word of mouth is the
way to go." he said.

He said a student should
also look for a mechanic who
specializes in the student's
type of car.

Some students do the
work themselves. Patrick
Watson, an English senior.
said he changes his oil on a
regular basis.

He said he also takes his
car to a mechanic at least
twice a year for other main-

Unlike Watson. students
who neglect their cars often
end up with big problems.
D’Martino said.

"When they‘re at college,
all the students care about is
where they need to go," he
said. "They forget about how
they actually get there."

It doesn’t cost you anything to get a second opinion.”


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Here '5 a look back at events and issues
from last week. If you want to sound off on
any of these, e-mail the Dialogue desk at

State. city and I'tiiversitv officials an
nounced plans to extend Newtown l’ike to Sotttli
Broadway and the ITK campus.

The project is being designed to improve
downtown trailic. create more access to UK and
south Lexington and to address the needs of
Davistown, lrislitowii and Pralltown residents

Construction is set to begin in 2006. Funding
for the project will come from local. state and fed-
eral governments. The cost of the lift-mile ex»
tension is approximately 3&5 million. and (“MI
tional redt*velopment costs are still being esti

"When cotiipleted. this roadway will provide
a new gateway to the very front door of the I'iii
versity of Kentucky from the interstate high
ways,” said UK President Lee Todd.

The Kernel reported that (‘atWalk a pro»
gram that provides tiighttitiie escorts for stu-
dents oii campus. is without a sponsor this year.

Student (lovet‘iiiiient oversees the program.
and St} President Tiiii Robinson said the pro-
gram should be operating again near the second
week of September

l'titil St} finds a new group to run the pro
gram the [7K Police will take calls to escort stu

Farmhouse Fraternity. which ran the pro
gram last year. did not renew its one-year con»
tract. Farmhouse President Nathan Lawson said
the seiyice cottipromised Farmliouse‘s ability to
carry out its other commitments.

The R()T(‘ performed the service before
Farmhouse. but it has shown little interest iii
taking over the program.

S(l awarded the service to Fartnhouse last
year after it and the R()'[‘(‘ each submitted

The Kernel published a how-to editorial for
students who plan to vote Nov. .3 and wish to reg
ister in Lexington.

’I‘wo races that should interest students are
the mayoral race and the race lor the 3rd District
seat in the LexitigtonFayette l'rban (‘outity
Council. Parts of the [K campus are included III
the this district

[)ick [let‘amp holds the :tt‘d District seat attd
is a proponent of the lexington Area Party Plan.
which was passed last year. Students who live in
the .‘lrd District can vote in this race if they chose
to register in Lexington.

To register. visit http: www.kysosconi and
click on the elections link. Links to totet' regis
tration cards can be found from there.

The last day to register to be eligible to vote
in the General Elections is Oct. 7. The deadline
for requesting a paper absentee ballot is seven
days before the election


Here ’5 a preview of issues the Dialogue
page and the Kernel will be addressing this

The Kernel will look at Student Government
and Resident Student Government plans to
change ['K‘s dorm visitation policy

The policy places a campuswide ban on Zl-
hour coed visitation

Last year. S(} sought Zirliour coed Visitation
in specific, dorms. but its etforts to alter the poli-
cy fell through.

I'K‘s‘ visitation policy is more conservativo
than other state schools such as Louisville. East-
ern Kentucky l'tiiversity and Western Kentucky

The article will examine what changes the
new plans will seek to make and what steps have
to be taken to change the policy.

The Kernel will cotntnetnorate the anniver-
sary of Sept. 11 With a look at four different
members of the lfK community:

The article will focus on a Muslim. a former
Vietnam War protester. a student whose uncle
was with (iolin Powell on Sept, 11 and a the covco
ordinator of the IIK chapter of the American
(‘ivil Libenies Union.

The article will center on how the events of
Sept, ll have impacted and shaped their lives
and ideas.

The Dialogue page will provide commentary.
and readers are encouraged to offer their views
on the events of Sept. 11. E-mail your thoughts
about how it changed you, your campus and life
to dialogueu kykernelcom.









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war with
Iraq not

On Monday Prime Minister
Tony Blair declared his support
for the war on terrorism —-
specifically Iraq. President
George W. Bush has been hint-
ing that he will make a decision
on the United States' action
against Iraq. He has threatened
to overthrow Saddam Hussein
with an invasion of 250,000



troops. Will we go to war against



UK must ensure
program survwes

Bucks for Brains could be in trouble. and that’s not a good thing.

As reported in last Friday’s Kernel. the program. which was started in
1998 to fund increased research at UK and other Kentucky universities, is

running low on money.

This is all because The Kentucky General Assembly didn’t vote on a bud-
get during legislative session this year, and the $120 million that was sup-

posed to be allotted to the program has not been approved yet.
Two points need to be made here.
First off. it‘s pretty lousy that legislators had to spend all their time

moaning. whining and arguing rather than getting anything done. Not once,
but twice. Even the special summer session they called wasn’t successful.

Anyone who wants to call these people babies is justified. By the time
most people are two years old, they learn that if they keep fighting over the

toys. no one gets to play.

The legislators need to stop bickering and instead make compromises for
the sake of the Commonwealth’s future. Also, why wait for the winter ses-
sion to take care of the budget? If they can call a special summer session,

why not a fall one? Let‘s get this matter taken care of now.

Second. even if the legislators do manage to get their act together, there
is no set-in-stone guarantee that Bucks for Brains will get the money it was

supposed to.

UK and other Kentucky universities must take steps to preserve Bucks

for Brains at all costs. In four years, it has already created 25 endowed
chairs and 72 endowed professorships at UK alone.

UK should assume that the money isn‘t coming. and find ways to keep
the program afloat. As silly as it sounds. there are tons of fundraising op-

portunities UK could embark on. Sell weekend parking passes to the

Funkhauser and WT Young Library parking lots for home football games.
Have. a campus—wide cookout and charge admission. Heck, hold a pie-throw-

ing contest whatever it takes to

get the bucks to keep the brains.

Iraq again? If Bush has his way,
the United States will attack.

Press Secretary Ari Fleis-
cher stated recently that Bush
has the power to enter war
without the approval of the
Senate. This decision is appar-
ently now in the hands of the
Executive Branch. The system
of checks and balances does not
apply. Obviously some mem-
bers of Congress are distressed
by the idea of entering war
without ample cause.

In the ‘805. the United States
and Iraq were allies. What has
changed? Saddam Hussein has
always oppressed the Iraqi citi-
zens. The United States was ful-
ly aware of Hussein’s use of i1-
legal chemical weapons against
his enemies. Did the