xt7k9882nq27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882nq27/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1986 1986 1986-10-06 2020 true xt7k9882nq27 section xt7k9882nq27 . __._ -____, _..,._W__ ________._—_____.____
C I Vol. XCI, No.29 Established 1894 Universny 0' iveniucky Lexmgton Kentucky Independent since 197] Monday, Octaberb. l986
. P. . . “ ‘ D . . f . I
, O . -‘ ‘ '9‘ l O n p a n
6 86 Homecoming crown 2‘ .,
,1, A _ I, “‘ O O O "f .
B) .I,\.\ll‘2.\'lliil'M'llI-ZIJ. of the five finalists was one oi the 7', -‘ “x “S 1 1e 11 t 2 sa S ' a ' :5
(‘oiitrihuting Writer most exciting things that has ever i/“k \_ ’ l ' '
hapmnsdioher. I I t I 1 1,1 I t ,- _ .
. " i n expec o ge as at‘ as ' .~ , . . .- _..__~____,_-__ _‘____ . . . . -
'l'ltt' \H‘t'klmlh’ ‘WIIVIIWS 0' lloinc- have When thev announced inv “ 0 ' if“ “'“I‘HIMI'III'I“'Hm \ ‘ ‘ .' '

' , ~ ~ ' 'r , ~ . \4 'ti‘( 'ess ._ - . . . a . . ',
“"“‘”“~’ 19““ "““m‘ l" “ “""W‘I *” name at the Wildcat “0%"- ' "H" t “‘ , ‘ ._" ' "“ " H I know ot no decision to go out and tell lics to -. ' , ' ' ‘- .
last Saturdav's ioothall game w ien ever expected on S'aturdav night .. i" ;, c ., . . . _

. - 5 ~ \ ' “t‘.i:t\ " <..- . . . r‘ ., ':
\ttttttittx (ii'iusln \\;t.\ crowned that would inmttned theimm~ , . I, “-‘>ll‘\"l“\ W" “t t“. the media. . . . (But, it then dlC) mm s to maid , ,.
“ l 4' 0t 1 ir‘dHe l lll‘l"l‘l l - .. .
hoi iecotiiiiiilqiieen \md (h‘lgghy who said she has v, < “ ‘“ l “ H “M“ ‘ “ ‘l‘ L" ‘ “‘ t ~- . , . .) .. ’ ’ ,
' ‘ , “ ‘ ‘ ., . - ~t t~.t .t .\ \ ’tl? ,I, it)". (l'iLlllull ti ‘t\i s. \\ s ) \\‘ . ' - , ‘ .
.II 14"“ .l llltilht'llllL’, St‘nlt)l'_ ““5 ”0V0!“ partic'ipated In iillYthlllfl, llkt‘ a . , t V I} A“ ." Hill 1\ I 1 iii lit titlL ‘1 Ian ‘.I c Q ( ll h) ll( Uldll l k . .1 ', I. . ,.'
' - , . ‘ ‘ .. , ‘ the Niklt‘l lnton as a in tt-t' lilll‘Hr . _r ,
\ltttf \‘tl't'tl ll} ”1" memo l | tl‘itlk‘lm' homecoming queen contest tit her - i ”I ur l T “Ion I the l I II _. st I I (ictirgt' \hlllll. ,
t\ The queen was nominated lite . ' “ “H “““"“‘ ‘ ‘“"' “ ‘ ‘“‘“ “ . _ . . -- - f 1 '-
- > > . . i c. .4 m. t 1‘ t - scucttin ot st'ite , . . ‘ ‘
throuuh her close atiiliatton with the "\Wien thev were readv to call the 3 “h““I'ul‘h “h“ “ ““1“ “H “I “’ “ l “M ' “ ~ . .- 1, . a
. ‘ ' . . i . I . . -
ll'fillt'l'llll), Sh‘.“ \\il.‘ ChUSC” 35 the”. tourth runner-Up I “its Just “illllng I ”“111“ ll II E. I ”(I I I I. m . 1: f ;
\ .l‘ I) ti‘ \ .. . huts \ M‘ t‘ " ; ‘.
\‘llitl’lt’l‘ Muvthcalt't the WM £th for them to cu“ m) “amt: 1‘ “in a ; “in '1 ,l’ t“ iv“ with \ t- . t' l\ in letter \i in: ~» - . littt , . t t - . . v ' it till ( ' -- ‘ ’
“ \' t \ ‘.‘. “ i". '1‘ it. ‘. t. t' A ”it Wt lttl . Int {It \f.‘l W: V _ . \I . . \. I .
he been :2 little sister to" tltt‘ ”Ft-lie \‘t‘t‘V tn'el'\\'llt'llmng tt’t‘llnil Winding “l“w\“'(lt Ht tH l: \l ult/ “t d ll“"t"lll‘ .i ll 'l‘ lio- ‘v r 'l‘tt‘h‘ W e ~ 'lt t t l t ' - tltlt rut: ' ‘ “‘
.~ _ ,. ti .1 ‘ t'tig‘t' , . s,‘ .t, t. . . . .t. a t. ti.t .1 I‘d.“ I.;. -.,i_. t; I. its . ‘. . . ' ,‘ .
Ill/.iltltllltll'l‘»\t)}('ill‘> intront ot allthose people H" ”H l r (,R|(,\B\ . k l“ in II II l'ti II I Y: lH‘li‘tl st .'e~ ~ -\ tiiv t r in '1" n . t. . “r. i pre , , 'v' ,
. . , .I x .\ It, ;;1 iii is . i . i l I i t t t . . t t _ ’tIlI Wmlt IN, . t . ._
til'iasln said although her tamilv t' I l I l l ‘n’ um” i “ “ :l t I “ I .“ l I I tit“ d ,. ek . . . “. I I I I.” . _ a
. . . . , . _, I _. , . . I . 1 f I“ v” It- -\ .t' , cittti . v‘t.‘ .ei.’ ‘ s; ~ .1 I It. ‘.';_\ ,: t , '-
current!) Ill” l” \lonroe. ”m”- ”“1" ”1““: )‘“ “.“Im “IAIN thhLI “\ t tilt is secreturx and i'iiillli'll meinher oi “HM “II ll I“ I I II“I-I o l I , I I I. " ' .' - -
. . n -' ‘v ' V . ; i _ ~ t\ '; (listtt"',_"." i ‘t“ 11d: I It'\’l' .- . .
.ii‘e ”Flinn-'1“) “W” “OWUVRF 5““ :“Ill‘IHII .111?” I“: t“ l'l \ :1 hl hit the htiiilia llelta sotoi‘t:_\ ”m1 l “I “ k ' filiillt/ dhiru'w‘ 'tu sit-42w? on or t _. ‘ ‘_ -' ‘.
lltt\ iillt‘lltlt‘d [K throughout her t‘ll‘ 1““ 11‘“ ”n“ k“Id TI“: 2“”.1‘fi 1 “UPI She l.‘ ‘[|\tl \‘er‘. .lt'll\'t‘ \t’llttlihll “l‘tlt‘ lxsllt‘ t'iillit' M, (X llt'ittl tillt'l‘ l't'iittl‘lt‘l' _il 1, '1 liili \iqu night {}(‘,‘1\ llii .t'l.‘ '. s't.t' H! litt\ l.\\lit'(l , “- . ,' .‘ V _
tire college career and has tentative ll“kni“‘(hl“(l‘ qutc -“ d I “ ‘l t'i‘ll.‘ I” [K ,in 11 .in honorar} lhe \Mishinuton His! reported t-oitierenee that ths lmu .H‘lii'it' (m: me: 'n .m: ~ ~~ ‘ eta documents , . . It —
pltitt: to enter ltt\\ “.110”! he”. llt‘Xl ‘4 “ ”Himiwr I” Mela (itiiiittid Nmt‘IIL m1. “I“lllttstld) llltll tlie .ttllilllll.\llvill4tli \lllult'tl A set Ants t {huge “Mule tui'i. ‘1‘: it” 3-" ‘t'i"‘ w" 113;“ lil‘i’ll‘n‘lly- I ‘I .‘
new Along with the responsibilities ot “my” l’mat‘tl «HM mt. imhleit Km had ttpprmed .i 'tllxlilttllll‘illtlll ivi‘vr s‘hult/ and [M wim' lit-agar. agreed tliu' ‘t‘w l 1 '~ 1 57.8w is .it .i illsutl .' ‘ ’-. t -' "
muesli} said ltt‘lllL‘ ('lllN’ll it‘ “”1“ being hUHNTl’mlng queen. ‘ll‘lt-{Nl‘} National llonorstx-iet; :t-tlll \l\ M‘i‘m uL’t' "' \‘x'xxlxt'h l.l !li;it no tulse s'o' ;. ~ l,.,.. planted :n x. sin I I], tug ‘ 1 -. . ' .1 u
,7 . “I ..
___.“____—_——HW . , .,
_ a. , ; , , I 1, p q.‘ _ . \ . . 1 . . ‘ “ I i h -“ . ‘“
l Defense * , l _ ' 7- . . -_ . I1 g 91 ..,_.__r ; I t . .. . ,
. ‘ it sf ., . __ . . . , .
stars in . - ~ . t . _.. .. _ 1.
UK Victor -- - * We " ,. 5 . - . .. .
5 "2/ Pi", ' “' 1* f 5 5 ' 5 (\Q; . - t; 1 .
a ‘ a! I v . . .: ‘ t -. -
u 1.. . r“ - 3, h \_ Pk 1'th _ . _ .
Homecoming wm fl - - ‘ .3“ , 1 . . 3 « "-..
1 , . _ a»; g , - . ~ 2 ., -.
biggest Since 84 i ,. -. ' -~ ~* . . ~ ~
. i“ t . »,f t ' ' 1 “, ‘ t A“
l’n ( iiiiis \Hiltllitil-E '. “M , . g I &I ~ . . . . . . . _ . ,
t irli'l'llitlllllu Writer é, «- 1 . g . ' I .. _ t.
. . ,i ,I . .t . . . .
in.» i K \Mlvlctts used .1 vicious _ a“; 3 / / /‘ "‘ ' . \ Q ‘ ‘ ,W‘ .e‘ ' I ‘
det~ use and a hall control ottense 1 ’ l t . " I”; “ Q 9”v.1; ' _ _
to dispose oi Southern Mississippi f:_ $5 ' ._ . ‘ «:1 a? f“ . $1 ‘
r) it Saturday hetore a lioinecoin . n "”¥“;§“; ‘ ““‘U‘“"“' 5 y: % V / I
:t:: trowtl oil 13%.]!!! at t‘oinmon .. V 9‘. i ' ' ’73.; . “ . . - '
\i.il'll\ldtllitlll 5 ,1 . . . l ‘. .
‘de couldn't ll.i\‘e pla_\ed a ' . f 1 . _, . _‘
“hole lot better.” l'K coach .' x . ,
. . . . y . ,
.tt rt". t laihorne said. it s one ot - - I. . .
the ”Mist complete games we've W _ ‘v “ . .
lii.i'.ei since I‘ve heei; at Ken: , ‘ ‘ i . , ‘ .
tuck\ " t ' , 1 ‘ '
lhe \hiltlt'illsI still unheaten ' . ’ E - “ ' t, 1 ' .' ' ’
. . . . . . 2 t / - ‘ . ‘ "
l tvtth a Hit inaik. iecoided then , ' 1 ~ v _ .

V . ’ . . '_ " .r‘u 1v “ ‘
titst shutout \llltt' W84. when l l\ . f . ' ._ . 1 m 1. e “ ”W _ 5, -i 4““ ““1““ ,. . “ . -
hounded Kent State 434) The de- ' ’ 11” - It: ‘ s3. ‘ ‘ “ ' t" ‘ ' ' -. M . ~ 1 . . . _
teat was Southern Mississippi's " . ,, A» , ‘ . :a'x .:1 . t, ,_ 1‘. 1 K t s“ " " . I W -.

_ w . » , ~ i .\ S\ .« . s E w} (my: «. _ ._ .~ , 1%; , “Qt- -, . V_ 1. ,_ 3? A“! . r .,
‘.\iil\l since 1980. when Paul I “ ‘. $3“ 3%». - r “gist“ ‘1‘??? “ ‘5 53:3?“ 33% ‘ . ‘ mmfi"; A we» ‘ “1‘2““ ’ “m .4' ‘ 5 .' . 5 ‘ '
lieui Hi \Jlllt s Alabama squad ' ’ .. 1,1 “:9; *1tf'7f““:1‘;.1i"3s1§\1 ”defiafépj- . figs-g II, 1;”- ’ ' . _.~'“ . ._ ' ' , '
' .,—. , .. - . 7 _~ x .sz‘. sans .t :M’ s . ‘ - , -' - .
it..nded lllt'lllti t- t M'tlidtk ~ . , ”VQM s: .Q" » ~ . e .1: . ‘ 05*»- : ~ _ . ' ,, .. "
the Wildcat ottense moved the , 5 “ " L e.’ .~ . _. . «g 3 a. . 1;: “In -» . «an em: , " ' . .

. ,\ . _ i . W ; ., . ‘11.. - >- ~”‘. » “$1.4“ . 3' - ,. or“ ”ms:- . 1 .’ . .
hall almost at will. burning, the ‘ s . :rK-“‘~‘““~ “4“?!“ 5' ““1: 5.1% “M“ ‘ _ ‘. “ "”‘x “‘ ““5” ‘1 -' '- '. . j -
twltletl liaulcs‘ ".\..ist,\' Bunch" ,_ ‘ 5 “ .. '5 ' “ » -- 'w ' , 5 ' . . " . .- . 5 ' . T“:
'lt“lt'll.\t“ tor 4 ‘.1 total _\tirds ‘ ’ ' ’ “ 5 “ ” 5 “ "' “ umsvmuoos: " "l H I .

" Niuthei'n Missi plaved three “9 l" W" I . ’ '
lop 3” teams. and I“, scored Kentuckys Cornell Burbage runs upheld otter catching a pass during Saturdays .2 O wm Ovet Scuihern Missmstopt .1 , . a. .
more than an} against them." . A . . v , . . . ‘ .‘ , “i I " '.
t'l “1mm“. said ”’0 "lterCE’PtIOHS 'de [\th tum: l’aul t .tthouii. out Ht punt torma 4.) yard tlt‘ltl goal to put 1 l\ up -; adumce-l to t l\ x .“J iard tine he llitltlt i:.~ presence n:.o.in ti} hill“ ,~ : ‘ .1
. , . ,. . - -- - . blesrrimatchingits seasontotal, tion it Worlev's tuck made him t'Ks tore ('arwell itai‘nlner intercepted stint: ott let' tackie tor ti iards . ‘ ' ‘_ ‘ ‘. - >
lioviexei, it was ths detense . 1, ~ . 1 . . .. - ,- ~-
thit \\ I\ the n‘isties't not 'lllt)“ The game also ieatured a hit oi ~\t»t\t.gt tint (in (‘\('('llt“lll ioh. .illrttme lt‘dt‘tlliL‘. scoret among :\lltlt'l‘.\’ti1i 1”,. tt‘“lll'l:t-tl it to the l..« r at set up Mars litmus it -_' ,- I,
t n . ( . c t, c ‘ _ ,. - , 1 . , , ’ ’ .t 1 »
”t1, \‘outhei‘n \l|\\'l\\lppl ,I II“I the unusual. like 1 h s punter. t‘latiiorne said He s‘ one oi the place-kicker» passing John I hit} marl st .impet to: l\i'!|tth'l~;‘» s - . 5- -' , ' -,
down until liall\|.;i\ through the 'k'“ XVI-“tn I ll“:“”;t~' 1" l-l‘; tastes? t" 'llilt' tit: Jill squad He \ Plt'l‘t‘t‘ ‘ l‘l‘t‘ "My; Yt‘t'I‘lM “l liltl II "I tl't’t'l‘t'in‘ .'m s .illt'l ‘he‘. It: \' “'ttIit'litl‘ .\f .:t ,“I“ ~ :‘_; ':‘2t- .“ {I . ' "..
' - t I V " ‘ t . .. » . . t’i l * - t on}. »‘?1' .3 i‘. -. .iw'w't. it". :.‘ .3: ‘:‘ - ' .,
second quarter Qiiarterhack .\n “m.“m end (nu) . (a tot a a- ammunition .\ll(l't tits»? 'iei oldin highs “I“, t llt l _ t [it 't r} .t. t v t .- -. , .
(it-mt \ndei‘son “I” sacked toui' )étltlgal” Itin l l\ s “t“t'tn'ltl l:;>>t'>>llt)il oi tp pun-I atteii tlllt‘tI‘IplIi}>. l hI (it’iIiIdnezIstIrltt . n I I ,, ‘ tllthliiIi‘itlv:'lt'l\h ,t r I . m . .' I [I . 1:
times. ”Mich.“ ; [ho Wildcats .. I . . _' _ .. ,I . lie tit‘sl qtiat‘lt'i‘ . .it‘i‘ ,ogatt time 1‘ \att s in i~ p avs ant ie ltlt'.iv> tli'lt wean tit! ,nti. .et .1 1 I“ I, “Mu t\ \,t a .4 .- “I : . .
lttt'llllltllt‘lhrt‘(“:l'0\‘lt)u\ games- VTh“ snap “d“ “““gh‘ Nelson had runs ot lTand itivards to “ttl‘lt’fi‘ WWW-d “PM will l” (“ll-{ht lllill- “Mil"? 'lt‘m‘ endine drive oi their own hetore tuin~ ' , . . . .
~~ . t . -t tt “ . “a“d‘ “ was trying '0 get “ml““l spark l‘K s tu'st drive Quai‘ crcasedl K s lead ltthrll with a 3:; yard Wu: Em ticld L‘otti tiling .ll ”ht-t l\ I; turd ltize , t ' 1‘ 1‘
Hui diitnst rose to th( occar end luckilv I saw \(“ll tl I I I I\ \ ‘\ ,I I l . , 1
. . I . .~ 4 - : .~ .ii ~,. .t . . . t ."V" Hes mt -. -' a. :t 'll" t .tts Zl‘ -r- ,. . -~ g
ston. (laihorne said ”\\e telt st'indiiig there tossed it to in,“ “HM” l’ll‘ H‘”""“‘” mm W” \ltdwa} through the st‘t'tiiltl ““ “II“ "I“ I L‘ ' l ‘ l“ l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “I" . _ .'
“ ' “ ' ' - - , s . \ ' \m . . ‘t. ; la" ' ‘lfll‘m :» :t:‘t lil.‘ it! 4 Li , .
like we had to Ltet to Anderson ‘indhetookitdowntheheld‘ l‘l‘ “‘1 “W "l l” l“ \l ‘1‘ ”L“ quaitei‘ Nillllli'ltt \liss mounted “U“ “ H “m l ‘ ‘ .h-i ‘ .t ‘ Em“ JIIHI I,I . . . 1;. .1 1
. and make him rush his passes.” "“ ”l‘m' lll“ “’l‘lwl“ ‘” m“ its tirst drt-ie oi the came \\;th Hi: i iv \ sewn": in“ “1 lll" ““' 1"“ 3’“ “I“ t ““‘l “H ‘ ‘ I 1“" . ‘ ‘2
. .-i\ .1' I ‘t - . . .. ' in" . lit“ -lll~;'. t>.I.".ZZ' t .
i‘he deiense also produced tour Nelson also ran lUt' a lit‘sl MUM" 1" ‘ll‘ 3‘“ »"”‘l 1”“ .-\nders«.:n s passtuc tltilllL‘, most at Hull l‘imt l‘x , Jot HUI-4‘! if!" H“ l - 1 ‘ “l L ‘ ‘ . I‘ .II
Southern Mississippi turnovers down. a la former I'K puntet The drive set up Joe Home) s the damage. the Golden Eagles cairn-it ‘.':. ‘.ti?'tl\ in 'he _‘.i.'llt' s. [H H \si i‘.:_. < ~ . ' ’
I .’ ‘
______—_______________—___._ _ . ___—_____——_————————————————~r—————-————w—————‘—‘"—— —“"‘"—’—_‘—‘“““’”_“— ‘ l n .' ‘ I
M n ' ' 1' g Oscars of advertising ' ”
3W" 0 , ' . l
‘ ' J S ' h ' to be awarded Friday ”
in 322 CUBS S OW f ' ' "
a. l ., - Stafi reports For ticket ititorniution students _' 'I .
0 in} ' ranch; ltirtlarit: .‘xlatiatjio Hit . . ',
at Memorlal Hall “ a I ” ,Q 1 It's time again tor the t'\t‘iil',\ oi For tut‘ther intorniatton concern
“ “‘ localadvertisingtolieauartletl tin.t the Add} \tAai‘ds students can ‘ . , .
~ . —-———-———————— \ . l l The Lettington Advertising i'luh call “LEX T\. (“hannel lit at ‘lnn~ . .
B} \‘l:l "5‘7"?“ I 1/ I ' ,, \IlI Ill Lip hlt\llllu lht‘ l villi .tllltllill 44th} “ ' .
(”Hm “”mlh“ ”m REVIEW (7' “Advh ” .\\\.tl'il\ dinner Ft‘ltld}. Ht t ’ '
‘ - I 5 lii ’ ‘ “
\ttit can ““19" to a“ the (buck m I ' The proceeds troin the tlititit‘r \‘iill
M‘ml‘ll‘m‘“ alhnms 5"” want. hut " .. “x 5 go to the lAt~ education iund The 1.
Ivou haven't seen this man tn con- keyboard chair during “'l5i‘lll}‘|\d. ‘ / . . I“ fund awards three scholarships to . -
certyou've never felt sogood. and “Land of Make Belteve.‘ and . ‘ t'K studentsatittualh ‘ ‘
From the moment this man during the latter (”mm ”1" 21 SUI" The reception LIE“ irom IS} in m If a picture's worth a thou-
““”‘"‘l "”l 0“ Slag" m h" glowing prisinglygmfdzmo -. .i . . . ‘ 7'30 pm at the lansdowne Club. sand words, then you'll find .
\\llllt‘ tuxedo and trademark black M)“ to 53.‘ l at h” l“) "MM >010“ . with on. presentation in awards last a novel-length description at '
hat. the walls oi Memorial Hall rang arent 800d- They 3"“ “l" ”1‘“ man cinema KavnalStatt mg I-IVIIIII Rto to p m . . h t the ‘
with the sound of one of jazz‘s most '5" l exactly known {0" his keyboard , ., . i ll ht I“. In tor the best homecoming —» wit ou
celebratedmodernartists. playing. Jazz trumpet player Chuck Mangione shares his good teeling , I‘M-“tr” “‘I ‘ h" “the different eye strain -- on 909.3.
~ hit k' ~\1- ' i . 'd The evening was filled both with sound durin last night's concert at Memorial Hall. i” “mm"! ”m“ “
Homt t 00 5 “I A .ingione. WU I \ , _ ‘h . _ __ III, _I h: g torms oi media in the l.extngton
never believe he could command a ("d standards ”suc f“ I‘ ‘N l l .. _ 'ire'i -» “Id [ton \‘apier of wuqx flu volloybcll 90.".
sound m powerful or 50 preCIse. B" (louds Away. which ieatured a “Sweet (‘heryl Linn and oi course solo that commanded more applause f \I‘ ' ' ‘ d t r the w
the time the opener. “Free Watch- young vocalist named Regina Brown “Feels so Good.“ Mangione belied thanthesongitselt‘got at itseiidinu rT I“ for tudents "(I “a and TEN?" W° 0"; P 6”“
t. “ i . t ., - ~t. ‘n the seldomhezi‘d lvric. to i . )0. ‘1 ’ ‘itil ioth m \l l“ W “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 0" - OOWI . 09° ~
its ("(kd. tunone stated in the EELS? i . s that siIiIJIIIdiiiLilrIis‘Itii m sap” I“ lit \allala “I” hm.” mm “mummy M3 “II mm students All “Ck”: are
hall “'l“ “hp “pm“ that (“"1““an f. I . -- . - ‘ ‘ ““ tor at least the last decade and it's torresortedseatingonlv 13"»
trom ”I“ musician Hot (onsuela featured di um pitched rttis. _ . v I .. - . get
‘ ‘ mer Joe Bondido 'ind percussionist no wonder Mangione keeps askiiii. lickets “ill not he sold at the mm E
‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ - “ H 5 t i; - i i ' I . lxo no won- .. as
From ml“ point until. the “db“ Bill Martin In a drum battle that The biggest solo talent ot his hm “ “(k “l pl “‘“ lt “ I“ l “““mr §
chord tn the encore. Mangione rolled . . _ . (ll'l that \.id.ila is the onl} origum
brought the adrenalin lewl of the group is a musician named tin-ts . . , -i - d (in > \\lll 'lls‘o
notes from his flucgelhorn that - - . ineniliei lett tnMangione swoop -\ (t‘lt ‘tdllml d" d Ci : - . .
plerced the (“er of the listener It audience to a climax early m the \adala. “h” L“ usually “mm““m'd "“ be held tollowing the awards nresenr T°d°Y W'" b. (“0""9 with
would be impossible to mention €053: h M . , l playing "ever_\thing “‘9 “I"“I'”; “2‘1”“ thlml R“ “I?“ tation from to p m to 1 am at the a htah around 65. Clout 00‘
t . . It .‘ .i t; \ ~ ~ I e 0e s . , . -
every aspect 0“ “ms concert “ha“ was 00d hiusgmainatgllgxeseeihsalidrfie Ill: Throu hout the n ht \‘ d l' ho lhlhhhfl H 1ng “r“? v“ 'rht: (-onei- )l Landsowne “ “Uh Mm” “l" he pro COM 'Omeht with a '9'” ‘0
impressive hut some of the eror- g. ‘ ‘ - . “ 2 lg a d “L “ d Mun m d a“ l I "M“, h“ thegroup Mag? ”‘0 "PP“ 30' “worm
. I‘I‘ . ll 't “th t t‘ his composmg For a good part of played everithing ironi tlute to lt‘Xl ts stinit‘lhlng new to the world ot ~ . -
manu (outn g0 “M on men ion- the show Mangione sat back and let con to cowbell. tossed out ama/ing tan. hut \tlll incredttih ettective Rm transportation will he avail wt" b0 sunny with a W
mg the group carry the weight. but on sol0s \‘adala possihh reached his and iii-ought the concert to a titling able from the reception to the around 70,
Mangione filled an unexpected tunes such as “Secret of Love" and height during “Secret of Love“ in a end awards andthen hack to the dance

 , . ""g} 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL. Monday, acrobat: 1986
. l t.
.. ~I II .
. ‘ -|.I.:' ‘-
(5‘: I -. .1; lntormation on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
\ '- ' r . ' , ' -, - .
'.‘.‘,"‘:.‘, ‘.-“ the Student Center Actiiities Office. 203/204 Student Center. Universny of Ken-
'.~ I, tuck}. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
‘ ‘ ‘ ..‘ . ' '. ' ‘ ' -
.‘i . p. -.t‘ editorial pTlHngC allow ed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga- -
,3'l-‘9‘315i'; nizations or Uiiiiersity departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
‘..l'}\‘,'! I“: Calendar torm must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
'- 2 \. = ~ -
'3'“:‘~-.' .l‘. Deadline: Forms WT” be accepted no later than the Monday preeeeding the
:fg,.,-\\.c,~" publication date.
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m 6 . . MOVIES
\' Rye-T T0 TT Movies The Graduate ST.95 Worsham Theatre.
3:3“ 3&2}: ’ 7 50 in Call 7 8867
‘.",".5\2;‘\"I“i . . . _; s. s t‘ onion» “:0qu - .‘miksriops Learning Skills Program Motivation ‘0 If M” T- ST 95 W h Th t ‘0 05
:‘c‘ hug-‘33; ‘ ' ‘3 ‘- ~ " .‘r' Flute-e Ho _i 3 >i‘ cval“ ”a E Success STO UK Stu S25 Nori UK 2OT Frazee C H7 8860;.95 OPS Ofs 0!“ ea re pm,
"340:3" 3:": Hal, ii ,. 500 "1 Call 7 870T TO 8 Mavles The Graduate ST 95 Worshom Theatre 0
:5‘3”. . . ' , . wv \ u'r‘p‘eted by 'eat "mg ' Academics Pathogenesis at an Obligate Intracellular 7 50 P "T C0” 7'8897
«"33”; 51.51“ II Bacteria” Parasite Free MN 463 4 p m TO 8 Movies Taps; ST 95: Warsham Theatre TO 05pm ’
if? :t'I‘.’-,‘i . «. H ~ - magiv on» studies seminar on The 0 Iiitroriiurals Roauetboll Deadline Seaton Ctr. Call 7 C9” 788“
-,Ii‘..t\\,~iQ1,I . .I ; - iv Chem py,‘ ~ 3&- L, .,, 2895 TO 9 Movies The Graduate. ST 95, Worsham Theatre
'33} {Rafi ' Lei tuies Distinguished Protessor Lecture Free Center 7 SOP '7‘ C0” 7'8897
lit'ikffi Us . I . : “cm” a r m, M» 9., 3,0 m, the A,“ 8 p m Call 7 5823 TO 9 Movies Taps ST 95 Worsham Theatre TO 05p m
in!“ if, . ' Meetings American Advertismg Federation Rm 205 Call 7-8867
-,ji:'"9'~,t-;h‘.?i SC V JO D m TO TO Mowes The Graduate $1 95, Worsham Theatre
titre-:23; 3:3 - Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes 7 50 P m can 7 8897
I‘iiw‘ys‘“; Flee Alumni Gym Lott' 6-8 p m. Call 2bo-OT02 TO 10' Moves Taps ST 95 Worsham Theatre T0'05 pm.
TQEIfi‘jS-‘y’ ' Meetings Tuesday Night Together Worship Serwce CO” 738‘”
.“i‘.-“‘““;i; Et don'ist Student Union Free 429 Columbia Ave 7 30 p m
,.-.3;§“;"'.i"33"§t ' cm ‘3989
3:333:52“ t}. ' ALCdem'CS Practical Law How to make wtse
1“. (#3343?!) "yes'ainevts Gene Flynn FinanCial Planner $20 Sessroti
'1, .3, \i'~ ‘3?“ an “2,51 ‘c 7 9 C II 72692 &
‘nt‘J '3}? 2 Lk p ni a ,
3‘ :‘fi'.)i’! ' Concerts Studio Class by students of Lutien Stark , ARTS CON CERTS
{in t‘;’!‘.“h:l lie») C'iricert Hall 5 p m Coll 7-4900
'. .“ y . s .\ r ,
{JEE'S‘JQV‘V a i_rsni:ert5 JOZI Ensemble I Vin(er\t DiMnrtiinti dirpt tor 9‘ l0 l2 Concerts Guest Rectal Paulo Bone Soprano
£131" ripe Memoiial Hall 8 p m Call 74900 I Free Reeltat Hall 8 p m Call '7 4900
.‘Iv‘vIIzst j: ‘ ' Other Communication Skills tor Managers
I‘(',f-{!”’I§. ' Meetings Developing a Lie Detector United Campus _
3 'tri" Minici y s.x week noncredit course Free K House 4T2 TO 7 Concerts StudioCloss by students 9‘ Lumen Stark
:",.‘;‘l‘-I'Li:.',;‘§i-" R “I 5' 7 30p m Call 254~188T Free ConcertHall 5 p m Call 74900
32:9;1’34 0 \.~..iiiiiars Single Parent Seminar Uttited Campus '0 7 Concerts Jazz Ensemblel Vincent DiMartiion
:Ti':i;‘;"1;"3.zfrt;z‘l.~j MN-vst'y cniid care prOvtdedi Free K-House 4T2 Rose St directot Free Memorial Hall 8 pm Call 74900
«'J‘Irfil’“; ~ .T‘ r m Call 754 T881 TO 9 Concerts University Artist Series The King 5 Sisters
_ lamp“?- $8 Stu SI Cit 3T4 other Center tor the Arts Call 7 3T45
~5fii-7'fi’7jir.’ 33 ll Col Celts Senior Recital Tiiciu Nesselrode
,ftl‘ .xI soprano David Garcia tenor Free Regitol Hall 3;, m
'.;’-7-,.':}i:,t£5,-“ Call 74900
‘13-‘1ij T0 T2 Concerts Center Sundays Series UK Charisters and
, "-.“A";.'§‘,‘; . a \ ESD Y Chorale iii Concert Free Concert Hall 3 p m Call 7 4900
'ti‘1'iz-'.'v:‘ ' A
1' ,;e.-::'y.,t‘ \‘ l: I) t I HURSDAY
"‘ '3’; =5 (I; -
rial 3
:1, ‘.».<;‘g-;, 7 _ , ,_ . , ‘1
Eg'KEJEL‘EF’ ‘ ~ ‘ .h-t ' Sports UK Men s Tennis vs Southern intercollegiate SPORTS
{By-fig"? ' . . ‘ 3 ‘ .. ’ '\ C" "i 7". w > ’i‘gi‘ whens IGA Call 2544072 , TO T0 Sports LiK Women 5 Volleyball vs Notre Dame
szji’il'bh' II . fanfe' ’5 Jn-versrty Am“ Series ”‘9 KmQ 3 5'5'9" Free w UK ID S3 Pub Memorial Coliseum 7 30 p m. Call
55;]ng {(0 . , , - .. s": , w 5"v 5; Sr b'o sr Cit Sld other Center for the Arts Call 7 3T45 7 T4T9
v.1 .». , l" ‘ ‘ '
.g‘Tt'f-fr’r’fif'is . I . N . MOE” 9‘ Fel'OWSh'p 0‘ Ch"5"°"‘ A'hle'es F'e“ T0 T0 Sports UK Badminton Club Free Seoton Ctr 7 3O
‘ 1:21-13; ‘ 9 ‘ ' ’ ' 'M I ‘ ”V. 5": ‘ ‘r‘ t“ ’ ‘ so“ ’ Basement 9 p m Call 86822 a . . l 9 p m Call 3 5l57
it‘liill.'::‘.r's;:§', » ~. ~ — L - ~. the - Vt‘viPs The Graduate 5] 95 \‘VorshcrL Theatre 7 5.3 Tu W li"'0"turcls RaquetbollDeodline Seuton Or Call 10 1] Sports uK Football vs Ole Miss atOIe MISS Call
TI,"I'_'4""‘I’,I-.“¢’c ' ‘ " ‘ ' " . fl" '.‘ “a" v‘. "r is r“ Col 7 8867 7 2898 773838
”’31:“ i > _: , “.‘e ~ r .9.» ' j'i . that ‘ _, ‘wge - Movies Taps ST 95 Worsham Theatre TO 05 pin V") 7 Sports A'k‘do Japanese Martial A” Beginner T0 TT Sports UK Women 5 Volleyball vs Ole Miss Free '
"fry/i .~ _:: «40 , ,w 9130: Classes Free Alumni Gym lLott‘ 6-8 p m Call 266-0102 W UKlD $3»pub Memorial Coliseum 2 p m Call 74419
215,3;ffls - ,« - - ‘ " \ a" ' 9x .__. A oat-w 0 Spo'K Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes TO 8 590’“ A‘k'do Japanese Martial A" 8‘39""‘9r T0 T2 Sports UK Badminton Club Free Seaton Ctr 2 30
.Af'.;;%‘>‘.".19‘if - ~, ..- y tam F'ee rm- : r Aic'nn-Gymlott 5:30-6:30p m. Call266-OTO2 005595 “99 AlvmmGVmLO“ 8 300 m ““266'0‘0? p m Call3-5I57
731""? ’I "I . II ' t.‘l»‘»e‘ings 08 L Grill Baptist Student Union ST 00 TO 9 Sports UK Men s Tennis vs Southern Intercollegiate T0 12 Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
(3391314333? ° “F’ T' " d e“ “o t4“ '- :~ 42‘? C'ribio Ave Noon Call 7-3989 Free Athens GA Call 2544072 Classes Free Alumni Gym lott T p m Call 266-OT02
may,» (3- » ~ - :mu : r» c, .. :~ t_, ,
,..‘. «ET . _ . , I: In 1ft FE - “1;. kshops Interviewing SklllSq: ee Rm. T03 A :0 9 Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner IO T3 Sports UK WomensVolleyball vs Purdue Free
5/5521 15,32 . . ~ I su AI” aI A . - IIens B.dg 55 50am Call 71' 46 Classes Free Alumni Gym lott 5 30-6 30 p m. Call 266- w UKIDS3~Pub Memorial Coliseum 7 30 p m Call 7 T4T9
r’IIyi'i;Il‘;EII.;(I'M.’z , ' , “xi r-r ' “a re Ams" '_ J" "m. ' \‘tt'ier The Fantasticks based on 0 play by Edmund 0102
‘gyfargi -' ' - _: a (“at *v to mu” : F'r-r ti Ruvzrid $6 $5 for stu 8 sr Cit Guigno' Theatre 8 p m
:,Ii‘:I‘;;.§:,;L_I.\Ii?{ ' ‘ l r r 73 :5: 59‘ "f. ' 38S
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;-, {5-5, 1‘;ng 0 Academic Computer Literature Searching -
$7.332”, . L.) ‘ s"ation Day, Free King Library North, 10am. MEETINGS & LECTURES
#YkfiTfi-j" 9: ‘ Engrneering Library 90 m.-4p,m Education
{Li‘tyif‘} - :'_:i'y ‘00 "'t -4p m.; Chem Phy Library TOO m -6p.ni 3 I- )0 10 M t . . . h |
Ii‘grsf;§‘.;r;‘3v:,l L‘ . 'u’ture Library, 9a.m.-4p.m ' Math SCI Library; TOam “‘4‘ I 3 ee "2195’ IS'UdemCOUM'I or EXECPNOM” C idren.
isle-#337739, III . Cail7 T63T 2 6C TaylorE . 7.000.m,.Call7-8594
,;."-‘x.. "'~ .. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I
,‘rf‘v;3I‘3;iIIE(‘i ' vieetings Psi Chi Meeting Free 203 Kastle Hall 5 TO 6 Meetings Cycling Club Meeting Free SC Rm T06 ‘0 ‘0 Seminars DOV'dT Gibson M'CrObIOIOXI'dOHOHO
jg.‘ ‘tgt'czrffié'.’ ; , fol: 2764490 4 30 m Call 254-7765 Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,retreshments Free T37
'ei-zvta‘skr‘? 10 7‘? I I D I , h dP t L I F Chem Phy 4pm. Call7t3484
'i‘t5:‘1€’{-‘;3‘1'.'£¥Tt ( Lec u es. is ingms e to essor ec ure ree 10 ‘3 Workshops Learning SN“ Program Reading ,0
"I12“ .71“ enter orthe Arts 8pm. Coll7~5823 H II 3,
.t..- u t! 7w .A Remember STO~UK Stu $25 Non UK 20T Frazee a
‘5 {253* '6); ,U 7 Meetings American Advertismg Federation Rm 205 3 509 m Call 7 870T
3.193595". ',-.' SC 7 30pm -
23- (#55. i. .
«wilkfiitékfl IO 7 Meetings Tuesday Night Together Worship Service :0 I3 vonrkertzops :pecfsghxzes'L AlteBrIr‘éotiv: 5:09?“
‘i l’ " $7194 ‘ Baptist Student Union, Free 429 Columbia Ave 7 30 p m Corll 7902:7495 ree m ‘ ' ‘3 9W5 9 ‘ P m
drills-Jr‘rsi C0” 7 3°89 ° ' 6
“Tag-{5! 1 0 FR I DA Y 1 1 SA I l I RDAY TO 7 Meetings. Developing a Lie Detector - United
;’3(’({\I§ Campus Ministry (six week - noncreditcourse: Free K-
’s"; iyptg'gii'ai . House 4T2 Rose St. 7:30 p.m. Call 254 iasi
i-l‘ir.c',' 3' W
;Jn’ “0:41“. . i . . . . ,I , 7..» ,. g , , . . _ iu 7 Seminars Single ParentSeminor , United Campus
",‘43‘t2'gj-Hi.%z , » ~ » ‘ . _,._ , l . ~ : es The Graduate, 5‘95 Worsham Theatre 7 DO Miitistry child care provided) Free KrHouse 4T2 Rose St
\"l 1 'y‘} ‘ 7 7 ' 7" fl "7 ‘I’ ‘ ‘
.‘zi’:."i;--.i'; . .. _, ,_ ,, 5' 3; . ., L '7“ 8367 7 30p m. Call254-T88T
3;“ ‘iu"'.-',,.s;»;~ . , " ‘ -‘ " ' ' Mo» res Taps ST .95, Worsham Theatre TO 05 p tn ‘ '
.432- .tszt‘;~j.i5 “ a ~ 48V TO 8 Seminars Biochemistry Mi Mic'iaelwitte
."43‘54 t’i . _. - — . - . , , '”
"‘Yz‘“.§‘t" ~ ~ > . .. v‘ 3» ’ipc'rw » ; .. . C't‘ior Sigma Nu AOPi Adopt a-house Call 7 3:5} Production by PIOSTO Mergibrones at Chem Meditor Free
3.13353}? ’ ' L "\ UK Football vs Ole Miss atOle Miss (all 7 Mwa 4 p'm COI 3-554
’M..}i.3 - , . . . 5: I. 33, 5 3 . . A .\ :c3e T0 3 Meetings Food tor Thought Tipstor Academic
'i":r‘fti‘>;§f . l i ‘ 3-: Ms UK Women 5 Volleyball vs Ole Miss Free Success Vllp'fgjgggmr lbring O sandwich Free Rm ”9 SC
. .\'I;3-‘§T.;;‘\:l' I ' " ' ITS"? '“ it: ; t“ n un-C‘ Sit pub MemoriaIColiseum 2am Call 7 Halo Noon CO I' h' f h Athl t F-
irgeggeil'gf-Izy'QT‘ : I ' V 7 “ "“4" 9 . ' \3 0 Other The Fantasticks -bosed on a play by Edmond 1,0 9 Meetings Fellgws ‘p 0 Egg)???“ e es ree
:jriyfiéflfiglwr’ . I , , . 9’ stoma $0 8 $5tor stu. sr. cit Guignol Theatre 8 p m K‘rwon ' Basement p m. CO A
{323‘}. - - , , _r ~ at. w:- ~ ' . s icy ~ '385 TC- 9 Meetings D8LGrill- BaptistStudentUnion ST 00
ng,,I~I;;,.f-:-l"; . I 0 Concerts Senior Recital TriCia Nesselrode srproii 429 Columbia Ave Noon Call 73989
;§,;I,;;;I“f£¢ ' ' H I” 1 ' AW" 7‘ L 7 7 A7" " '1 Do. :7 Soicio tenor Free Recital Hall 3 D W CO" ' 4"" TO 9 Meetings Psi Chi Meeting Free 203 Kastle Hall 5
r}1o:i‘f , I _ “f . D m Ca|l27ovT490
'1}.ci‘(‘,7‘€i§‘ I :. . i f -I. J Can. _. avid. : . ;., v, .1
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132.3?" ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 7' f“ " “New: 0: do “ *2} TO 9 Academic Computer Literature Searching
. {if-1.53%, , . . . , ,. .. . : H ~ Demonstration Day Free King Library North 100 m , J
33"")??? - , , . - v; ' mi; . 9p m , Engineering Library 90 m -4p m Education ‘
“.J'i‘flii'git'y . TO 6 Workshops» Learning Skills Program Reading Lybmry 100 m 4pm Chem Phy Library TOa m.-6p m
.‘il-‘if'figa CTI'KOllyI 5T0 UK STU 525910" UK 70‘ Frazee H0“ 3'3 50 AgricultureLibrary 9a m .49 m Math 5(- Library 100 m
.Iigtz,-Ii,-;:,~I,t.- p m Call 7-8701 4pm Call7-Tb3l
;(.vvl';.:‘)‘ TO 6 Academics; Interview sessions completed by 10 10. Other “,9 Foreigner $5 00 adults 3 53 00 Fine
. t' tfj ,1“; teaching programs tacultyI A,“ Theatre 8 pm.
‘lifii‘hfi’, ‘0 6 ACOdGm'CS Integrative S'Ud'es sem'n‘" 0" The T0 T0 Other The T986 Addy Awards Paid Adm Rental
,.$'Iirfl-,I‘I._.Ii}‘ Fundamental Unit ot Lite , Free T37 Chethhy 7 30 p m Hall 8 p m Call 7 4900
".1“. r,‘ ‘ MIT , ‘ '
__.__.__s " "‘v‘" 'I""I CG” 3 5563 T0 To Other The Fantasticks based on a play by
73.7]: (cg, T0 7 Workshops Learning Skills Program Motivation Edmond Rostand $6855tor stu sr Cit Guignol Theatre
Effigy}; Learning a Success STO-UK Stu $257Non UK 201 Frame 9 p m Call 7 T385
Jllf’. Hall TT TT 50a m ,Coll 7-870T T0 T0 Other The Fantasticks 8 Talking With -UK
.7" 1,3312% TO 7 Academics, Pathogenesrs at on Obligate Intracellular Theatre Dept King Library N Noon Call 75895
{7;}?th :53 K A TO 7 Academics Practical Law How to make Wise T0 T T Other The Fantasticks' - based on a play by
9:; "ii/1‘, investaments - Gene Flynn Financial Planner $20-Session Edmond Rostand $6 8 $5 for stu sr Cit. Guignol Theatre
-. rut!” R 2T5LC 7-9 . . ”7269 , Il7—I
Lé’: {3” ' , . . - . S‘ r ~4 'c 8 S? y‘ ti mm m C P m Ca k “2‘ M r 8p m C0 385
("iii-VII" . I t ‘ " ~ ‘ ~ ‘ 0 Jun-shops learning SkillsProgrnm Reading to To 7 Other C0mmU"'<°"°”S ' 5 or anage 5 10 12 Other The Foreigner $5 (X) odultsfl
I'vl'lI, 75.19,} .A ' ‘I' I I , r I A. f I ‘r-i “ember 5T0 UK Stu $25 Non UK 2OT Frazeo Hot- 3 TO 8 Acadernics SEDIMOT II Call 7.2847 33 00 students Fine Arts Theatre 2 D m
rZ’If'l’ 925 I , , I I' r "" ""‘ l ‘ ' ‘ l 3 5i; p m Call 7 870T T0 8 Religious St. Francis Celebration - Blessmg at 10”}? Religious HOIY Communion ' Canterbury
”19,2553?!“ ‘I . . I _ O Other Art Print Sale 206 Student Ctr TO 6 p m Call Animals (and roommatesl - Canterbury Fellowship Free Fe awship, Free 5" Augustine Chapel 1030 am CO”
writ-9.3» ' . “ ' ' ’~"""““M"" A"990""’" 0W“ ~ wast St Au stineCh t 530 m c ”254 3726 ”“3726
‘..l3I‘I '.7 ._ , .. a ,, , ~ ,t' r w Cal 256 0‘2 9“ ape p o 7 TO T2 Reli iaus Hol Comm n' an nt rb r
‘."J‘)'1.ft'y'.i. . I“ I (:0 ‘ SW 99 UK Ch I IPI I 1 0 Academics Integrative Studies Seminar on Lewis the TO 8' Religious Wednesday Evening Fellowship » United F H h’ 9F 5' YA I” “Ch 0. 5830” Y C H
“l, -. l---i~»i=~ ARIA r r. i i i . . . , '
'i”,~;‘.’i' I . “’ r V I 0 5 I“? ‘ _ “‘“dre' 0’ 5°"Ch91.‘ree ‘37 Chet“ NW 7 309 "T ’COll Campus Ministry (toad, recreation, tellowshipl Free K» e ows 'p' ree, ' ugus ine ape. ' pm, a
3:1?- ."- ‘ "'°" “1 7 D ’0" 4"“ 'i 5503 House 4T2Rase St b'OOp m Call 254 l88T ”"3776
raj-”$71 - _ - , a was, o; pf .iq Brit gm , rm Fr ,, ’ ' T0 T2 Rel o 5 Co tem l t' P W k h -
' "r I‘ c a?! . .. ,i III ., I , y" u p D O “ . O'hp' Yom K'ppU' T0 9 Workshops. lntervtewing Skills, Free, Rm TO3-A '9. U n p °.we foyer or s op . .
,5. ”3;, i , , ,1 40m . Oyhp, Columbus Day observed Mathews Bld 5 550 m Call 7 2746 Canterbury Fellowship. Free St. Augustine Chapel, 6.30
411.213)", ' "' i " v '7 ""' ””9" COP’PTDU'Y ‘Pllow‘mlp ' Sports UK Women 5 Volleyball vs, Purdue, Free ,0 9 Other gThe Fantaps‘ticks' . based on I b Ed d Pf“ 3C0” 7593776
jé'.’;.t_ '- , ,- new 1.9.099. 23 300 m Coi1254 3726 w UKID SCI-Pub Memorial Coliseum 7 30p m Call7 mo amend so “you, a" m o I lg? °: Y8 "‘U'I‘ to 12, Religious United ChurchotChristAUnited Campus
“get/51;?“ ‘ u" '1 "" v """"“ll"""‘ (OMP'bH't ‘9”0W‘ilti0 ' Spor‘s Football ticket distribution torL S U game Call 7 T385 ” ‘ U ' ‘ U gna 9° re, p.rn., Ministry (creative worshipB social action): Free: K-
1;.” '; ‘ K 7 . w k "'19" S 3‘; D (OH 75‘ 3V1" ‘9 '8 Free - Tull-Mme student UKTD Memorial House 4T2Rose S" 5 'm“ H ‘_ :5
yahhft’, ‘ ~v i "wrpot veP'OvP'V‘vri'ksl‘OD Cri'iseum 88pm Call7-315T
i' T i ' .
1 .- .. ,t, ‘ ‘ r "‘ i” K" "0" 5' AUCTW’W? 0‘09" " l“ ‘ Wort-shops Special Interest Alternative Coteeistm
1.4I"i'1:". .. . I §
-' T; ,I' I,. t “ ‘ eii: hers Free Rm TO3»A Mathews Bldg 4 4 50p in LOOKING AHEAD
r","".',i"--’ --. u .t , -i-i::t_,ritsutCr»ris‘ lJnitedCorr‘ipuS (all7 2746 Q
'. .."'-".T’I 1. “ ' , .- ~‘ .i stir 8 snr n or‘ rir‘ ('99 l‘
t" .5 ’ ~ ~ i.. ,i .- 2:. «v (0‘254188' ~J A
.' ’35 I= “V "1’
' ’r 7-: .I
r' -..‘ . ,9", TO T4 Other Delta Gamma Haircut-a-thon
571“?" T TO T4 Sports Footballticket distribution torL S.U game
' ' 3 O" 9' llO T8) Free w full-time student ID Memorial Coliseum
-'."',-_i' 9-1pm, Coll73lST
'. _, f T0 T4' Meetings Andrew Greeley » ‘An Evening with
,‘ '1 :‘ Andrew Greeley (Newman Ctr. Speaker Program). Free
«t -'.’ ).I' UK Center tor the Arts. 7 30 pm, Call 255-8566
, " . -- .v T0 T5' Ot