xt7kd50fvf82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fvf82/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19270722  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 22, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 22, 1927 1927 2012 true xt7kd50fvf82 section xt7kd50fvf82 i1











Dr. and Mrs. Forrest
Black Visit University
New Law Professor Motors Here
Monday From Summer

KY-- ,

JULY 22, 1927


Who Should Go to College Before
Institute of Administrative


Registration Shows an Increase facultyForrest Black, newlyCollege
"Who Should Go to College?" land there are only
member in the
of Noted Rabbi Chooses for His
Over That of Last Year; No
Taking for his subject the question college, in France
Subject, "The Place of the
Law, motored to Lexington Monday

More Will Be Admitted
After Tomorrow






Total Enrollment for the 1927
' Summer Session Reaches
Having already smashed all previ

with his wife for a short visit at the
university. They retruned to their
summer cottage on Lake Erie Tuesday afternoon.
While in Lexington Dr. and Mrs
Black arranged for an apartment
which they occupy early in September. Dr. 'Black looked over his offices
in the College of Law and made ar
rangements for beginning his work in
Monday night he and Mrs. Black
were entertained at dinner by Presi
dent and Mrs. McVey.

65,000 persons in
53,000, and in
which today is perhaps the most dis Germany 123,000. The speaker point
cussed of the numerous problems ed out that more young men go into

Bible in Modern




"Civilization Is an Attempt to
Make Life Worth Living,"
He Declares



RAUCH SPEAKS Doctor McVey Discusses Question




JL Anil




confronting university administrative
several possible solutions in an
address delivered Monday morning
before the Institute of Administrative Officers of Institutes of Higher
Learning held under the auspices of
the University of Chicago.
President McVey emphasized the
seriousness of the problem by pointing out that there are some 850,000
students in colleges and universities
of America at the present time. Of
this number 300,000 enter every year,
and half as many graduate. All estimates made in the past years for increased enrollment have been greatly
as the national
income has jumped by leaps and
bounds until last year it amounted to
ninety billion dollars, it is probable
that the number of students will increase, according to the speaker and
already the faculties of our universities are taxed nearly to their maxi-

industry annually from this nation's
colleges than are registered in the
universities of England and France
A large part of American leadership
in industry may be attributed to this
fact. Considered in this light thb
colleges with all their defects are doing the job and the increasing numbers ought to be regarded as a benefit to American life, according to the
However, Doctor McVey made several suggestions as to how the num
ber seeking admittance to American
colleges may be kept down to the
extent that our institutions may accommodate
them. It is impossible,
the speaker pointed out, to use either
examinations alone or previous records, to determine the respective
qualifications of the various candi
A combination of the two
methods would seem to be the best
method, together with a consideration
of the applicant's physical fitness and
desire for advancement.
The situation in this country is unAnother method of improving the
paralleled by that any other nations, present situation is to reorganize the
according to Doctor McVey. In Eng teaching methods in qur secondary

Build Offices
Coach Gamage and Shivel Will
Have New Headquarters


Carpenters of the department of
buildings and grounds are at work
on the second floor of the men's gym- nasium making repairs and altera Phoenix Hotel
Will Be Scene of
tions, and building offices for Coaches
Annual Meeting; of Students
Gamage and Shively.
These offices
and Faculty; 1 o'Clock
will be completed within a short time,
P. M. Is Hour
according to Maury Crutcher, superin
tendent of the department of build
mgs and grounds.
Workmen are now busy going over
the various buildings on the campu3 Doctor Funkhouser Will Be the
painting the woodwork and making
Toastmaster; Interesting
necessary repairs, so that all of the
Program Being Made
buildings on the campus will be in
good shape by fall when the regular
The fifth annual summer session
session opens.
luncheon will be held on next Prirfv.
June 29, at 1 o'clock at the Phoenix
hotel. Dean W. S. Taylor, director of
the summer session announced yesterday All students and facultv
members are invited to attend the

Rabbi Rauch, of Louisville, ad
dressed the student body and faculty
at the first convocation of the second
fair to enroll almost six hundred stu
term at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday
dents before registration officially
morning in the gymnasium. His sub
closes Saturday, according to clerks
ject was, "The Place of the Bible in
in the registrar's office. At noon to
Modern Civilization."
day 565 students had registered for
The Reverend Perkins, student pas
work this session. This is 62 more
tor of the High street Methodist
Tickets for the luncheon may be
than for the second term of the sum
church, asked the invocation.. Dean
Famous Tennis Player Will Give procured either at Dean Taylor's ofmer. session last year which was the
Tayor introduced Rabbi Rauch.
fice in the Education building or in
previous high number.
Exhibition on Ashland Club
the Business office of the .university
In speaking of the place of the
Students enrolled in the first ses
Courts This Afternoon
any time next week.
sion were urged to register on Friday Pictures of Team Captains to Be Bible in our civilization, Rabbi Rauch
The nominal
at 3 o'Clock
price of eighty-fiv-e
of last week and some two hundred
said that the art which we recieved
Placed in Panels m Hall on
cents is chareed
for a ticket.
sixty did so. On Monday of this
from ancient Greece and Babylon
Second Floor of Men's
ADMISSION WILL BE FREE The summer session luncheon is as
owes little to bibical literature and
week registration was renewed and
annual event. Up to this year, howthe close of the day found 518 stu
that we have it, not because of, but
Vmce'nt Richards, internationally ever it had always been held duriiw
despite the opposition by bibical
dents entered in the summer school.
WILL CONTINUE PRACTICE ces. The fact remains, accordingfor
Registration was conducted in a reg
known tennis player, will give an ex the first terra. This year, owing to
Rabbi Rauch, that art as part of civil
ular and systematic manner in the
hibition on the Ashland Golf club the great increase in the size of the
Within a short time pictures of ization owes but a small debt, if any
courts this afternoon at 3 o'clock, ac first term and the inability of the
Administration building and classify
cording to Howard Levick, whom downtown hotels to accommodate such
cations were taken care of in the of captains of all athletic teams of the to the Bible.
fices of the deans of the various col university will be placed in panels
large number, it was decided to
Richards will visit while he is here.
Science Not Indebted
now being built on the second floor
Richards is interested in
COLLEGES SHOULD larch company here, of whichthe Ank postpone the luncheon until the sec
Another phase, science in general
Despite the fact that only two hun walls on the west side of the men's
Mr. Le ond terra.
An attractive menu has been nre-vick is the president.
dred and sixty students had registered gymnasium, according to plans of S. is not indebted to the Bible.
A. Boles, director of the department point of view and interest of the char
up to Monday classes began Monday
Present plans call for Richards to pared for the Inncheon. Dr. W. D.
of athletics and physical education.
acters of the Bible were altogether
pair with Buddy Steel, university stu Funkhouser, dean of the eraduate
morning at the regular time. As in
the first semester classes are held
At the present time about forty remote from the currents of thought
dent, for a doubles match with Tom school, will act as toastmaster and
More Than $50,000 Will Be
pervaded science.
They dealt
my Clines, of Louisville, and McCul the program includes a
daily except Saturday and will con panels are being placed on the walls that
by Dor
"Emotions as well as the intellect lough, of Cincinnati, runner-u- p in the othy Stebbins, editor oftalk year's
Awarded for Best Essays
tinue for five weeks.
Final exam- but more will be added from time to with different things and Rabbi Rauch
should receive training in a college Ohio intercollegiate tournament.
on "What Woodrow Wilson
believes the same type of mind today
annual and a student of the summer
inations will be held on Saturday time as they are needed.
education," Mrs. Marguerite Wilkin
Means to Me"
have been written, to all former cap would still be dreaming and teaching
morning, August 20.
Richards will also play a singles session on "Credit for Credits:" a
son, poetess, stated recently.
other things than art and science.
talk by Dr. Paul H. Clyde, of the
The increased enrollment of the sec tains of the various athletic teams
match with McCullough and Clines
history department, on "Summer
"Facts are excellent and necessary alternating in opposing him.
ond terra of the summer session re of the university asking them to send
In civilization of any kind, the art CONTEST CLOSES ON OCT. 1
to know," she continued, "but a stu
Arrangements have been made to Sessioning;" and a talk by President
fleets the general growth of the, uni- in pictures of themselves taken when of living, thinking, hoping and p
versity which has been rapid and con they were in college. Some fifteen or erating deserves consideration.
If Two awards of $25,000 each are be dent who does not come in contact halt the Woodland park tournament McVey on "Changing Conceptions of
sistent during the regular sessions as twenty pictures have been received life as the art of living is worthwhile. ing offered by the Woodrow Wilson with things outside his studies will this afternoon in order that the fans summer sessions.
well as during the' summer terms. already and more are expected in the then irrespective of creeds we shall be Foundation to the young man or not be as able to cope with situations may be able to watch Richards in
It is possible that there may be
Under the supervision of Dean W. S near future. In the future the pic- ready to acknowledge the debt to civ young woman who writs the best in life after college as the one who, action. There will be no admission one or two more talks and in addi
Taylor, director of the summer ses tures of each year's teams will be ilization in which we live and which article on "What Woodrow Wilson in addition to making good grades, and the public is invited to attend, tion Dean Taylor is arranging to have
some music for the occasion.
takes part in campus activities and Mr. Levick said.
sion, enrollments in the summer term placed in the panel at the end of every has been a great borrower from bib Means to Me."
year the luncheon was attended by
have advenced by leaps and bounds, year.
ical literature as most of us believe.
Persons between the ages of 20 and social life.
approximately three hundred stu
According to Rabbi Rauch, literal 35 years are eligible to compete. The ! "I believe that sororities and fraThe idea of thus preserving for un
This year because of economic and dergraduates and for graduates who ture says to the race, "Thou shalt essays must not be more than 2,500 ternities are beneficial in that they
McHenry Rhoads, state superin
social conditions in the state due return to their alma mater as well not indulge thyself in the natural words in length and must be submit provide the social contacts that are
Survey of Fluorspar Region in tendent of education, will speak at
necessary part of college life. I
largely to the Mississippi river and remembrances of heroes of
former tendency to possess." The result from ted before October 1, 1927. The a
the general student and faculty con
eastern Kentucky floods, it was feared days, is expected to add to the grow this beginning of the thing we call ideals and principles of Wilson rather think, however, that it would be betCrittenden Completed
vocation to be held the fifth hoar in
that the enrollment in the summer ing interest taken in athetics by stu .ethics and which the speaker admitted than his acts, should be appraised in ter for students not to be admitted to
term would show little if any increase dents and alumni of the university. has an important place in modern civ the article.
membership unil after the first or
A detailed study of the geoloey of the mens gymnasium next Friday
even the second year," she went on to the fluorspar mining region surround- preceding-thover that of last year. The first term These panels are in addition to
Supplementary Prizes
The Commandments, the
those ilization.
of the summer session with an enroll- of the trophy room, which located on Sermon on the Mount, the Psalms are
In addition to the two large prizes, say. "This would give the student a ing Marion in Crittenden county. Ken
ment of 1104 surpassed the record of the eastern side of the gym, contains struggling in different phases but all $7,500 in supplementary prizes will be. chance to prove his worth as well as tucky, has just been issued by the
enable him to make a wiser choice.
last year by more than a hundred.
Kentucky Geological Survey. The recups, trophies, group pictures and are aiming to emancipate man from awarqea.
"I do not write poetry on the inspir port is entitled, "Geology of the Cave- The Philadelphia Record, a Repub
To surrender what seems
other reminiscences of athletic con himself.
Quadrangle" and was execu
most natural in order to get the other lican newspaper, has made the follow ation of the moment. When some
thing impresses me, I store It away in ted by Prof. Stuart Weller, of the
life is the important phase in Rabbi ing comment on the award.
"The age limits prescribed for com my mind, turn it over with other University of Chicago, who has spent
Rauch s opinion.
poem comes several years in studying the rocks
ideas, and later when
Many Differences Between Ger
The civilization of today owes much petitors for these substantial awards from it am not aware a
of what caused and the mineral resources of this part
directly to the ideals held up by bibi suggest that the object of the Founi it.
man and American Univerof the state.
dation is to promote a study of the
Historical (Although Seasonal) cal literature. The greatest compli- Wilson
sity Life Are Pointed Out
"I have found that the works of Dr. W. R. Jillson, sate geologist,
ideals by that element of our
ment paid to the founders of the
Miss Holt Lauds Achievements
Fond Will Soon Cease to Be
by Ohio Student
population which may reasonably be different poets have appeaed to me under whose direction this work was
ideals is to forget their source and
of Her Sex As One of Main
expected to guide the thought of the at different times in my life. When done, said that the survey's latest re
Currents in Modern
Not much longer will the extreme Rabbi Rauch thinks that civilization country not next year or the year in college Whitman was my favorite. port, Volume No. 26, will prove to
Ms done this.
Now, I am very fond of Blake. I do be one of the most valuable treatises
corner of the campus
10 or 20 years
Another thing of importance in re after, but no one can hope hence. For not care at all for Wordsworth," she relating to Kentucky. In the por
University life in Germany is radi- - v
Limestone be beautified or marred,
to seriously
rU.- S. IDEALS QUESTIONED depending upon the point of view of gard to the Bible and our day is the contend for such prizes without first concluded.
trayal of the complex geology of the cally different from that of instituthe individual, by a pond which in effort nations are making to adjust having made a searching inquiry into
region of the principal fluorspar pro tions of higher learning in America,
ducing field surrounding Marion, min- judging from a comparison of the two
"There are three main currents in times of heavy rains floods the sec- themselves to a new attitude toward the writings, public utterances and
eral operators and others will find schools given by an American college
modernlife," said Miss Nellie Lee tion. For Maury Crutcher, superin such another. League new phraseology, mental processes of its subject. This
as the
of Nations, World is not .a scheme to create converts to
much of value and interest. This vol student who has recently returned
Holt, speaking to the Lexington Ki tendent of the buildings and grounds Court and
disarmament is distinctly the Democratic cause but to broaden Head of Extension Department ume contains important reports on the fro rastudying abroad.
The article
wanis club Tuesday noon of last week, department, and his men are working of the twentieth century.
Geology of Ohio, Madison, Martin and printed herewith appeared in a receat
Is Back From Asheville
the outlook of our young men and
"the applciation of science to life, faithfully to fill the hollow and ex
Morgan counties. A brief statement issue of the Ohio State Lantern, the
Bible Aid Literature
young women with regard to princi
the trial of democracy, and the pect to have the work finished within
short time.
Wellington Patrick, director of the of the recent archaeological work in journal of the Ohio State University.
Miss Holt
achievement ofwoman."
From the viewpoint of Rabbi pies and policies that far transcend
Instead of black crusher hats for
This pond has been the subject of Rauch, the Bible has played no role in significance any division along extension department of the univer- - Greenup county is also presented.
praised American men for their genseniors, caps resembling those worn
sity, will return to Lexington on Mon
erosity in giving the women a chance considerable talk in the past years in the plastic arts.
Art, however, party lines."
by our policemen lend traditional col
to develop and become great.
For special rules write The Wood- - day from Asheville, N. C, where he
She and various plans have been consid- has vaster fields than just plastic
or to the University of Munich, where
said that it would not be surprising ered by certain enterprising students arts, as literature and its ramifica- row Wilson Foundation, 17 E. 42nd has been teaching since the early part
A-has been
of June.
if a woman should be president with- for its use. One of the most inter- tions. It will have to .be conceded Street, New York City.
All seniors who" expect to complete Frederick H. Lumley,
Mr. Patrick lectured' daily at the work for their degrees by close of tudying physiological chemistry for
in the next 30 years, and recounted esting of the plans considered was that in giving standards to literary
year after winning a scholarship
Asheville Normal School. He special- summer school must make application
some of the things already done by one concocted (but never put into arts the Bible has contributed richly.
ized on courses in Administration. for their degrees in the registrar's from the American Council of Educaoperation) Jjy one freshman of con Especially important is the part the
tion. These caps designate tijtheir
While Mr. Patrick was out of the office before the last of next week, acMiss Holt, who lectured at the last verting it into a lagoon and making Bible has played in developing the
color the fraternity to which the
million or so by renting out gon
university convocation of the first
Will Be Held at Fourth Hour city, the extension department was cording to an announcement made by wearer belongs. German
under the direction of Louis Clifton. the registrar's office Wednesday.
term of summer session was the guest dolas to aspiring campus Romeos.
on July 29
with their Roman names and ultra
of Dean and Mrs. William S. Taylor
exclusiveness, engage in duels instead
at hte Kiwanis luncheon, and related
McHenry Rhoads, state superin
many of her experiences with women
tendent of public instruction, will be
Mr. Lumley was present at a
in many different countries, including
the speaker at the second general conBestimmungsmensur," or determin
Russiaand Syria.
vocation of the second term of the
ing dueL It was fought by "foxes,"
Miss Holt said that she did not
summer session which will be held in
the Germans call initiates, of two
Us"--- A
like masculine-appearinwomen any
the men's gym next Friday, July 29
opposing "corps" (fraternities). Unmore that she liked effeminate men.
at the fifth hour. All classes will be
til the "fox" has proved his courage
Each have their sphere, according to
Imagine a notoriously exacting pro sea driftwood, embalmed for purposes
But the lawyer thinks the soul of the excused that hour.Rhoads will speak
the speaker, and should be partners
and associates instead of usurping
You know, one begins to wonder if thief is evil and eternally predestined on "An .Echo From the National .Ed- fessor addressing his class thusly: of indefinite preservation much like (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
things that belong to the other.
the soul hasn't lost a tall degree of its to be damned and those qualities at ucational Meeting." Mr. Rhoads at- "Now you're all tired. Don't let this old Egyptian mummies.
"Following the lead of the West, former prestige.
It's become so which the lawyer points his dramati- tended the meeting which was held in get you down. Don't try to conform It's a course in life that a univerwomen in the East and Near F ist are dreadfully good natured. If we can cally accusing finger the thief regards Seattle, Wash., the early part of July. to a pattern
and drive yourself sity offers, with the professors as disadopting science and scientific meth- look at the man in the moon and con- as the skill and artistry in his craft 'Mr. Rhoads' address will precede through this course. Just relax! ciples disciples that perform miraods in everyday life," said Miss Holt. vince ourselves that that ironically which raises him above the average the summer session luncheon which Come here and rest.
cles upon the petrified knowledge of
individual. On the other hand, men will be held at 1 o'clock next Friday slowly. If you try to.Well go it very text book material, raise it from the
She said that America was being malevolent smile of his is good-n- a
work too stead
questioned in regard to the ideals that tured, it may be possible to delude engaged in other trades and profes- at the Phoenix-hote- l
ily, concentrate too hard, well all dead into a living, breathing, moving
motivate her people, especially in the beggard soul as heroic, ennobling, sions have been heard to call the
Head of Poultry Department at
drop dead in the middle to the term." spirit.
a thief in virtuous disguise.
youthful republics, such as Russia.
There is an atmosphere of congeniDeceptive? No, the man was bePurdue Address Short
The richman looks upon the beggar-ma- n
Truth told, it's becoming , more and
ally, of cooperation and mutual inter-- i
ing human!
Heaven send us more
Course Students at
as the right hand tool of the
more like the spongy green cheese of
est, effortless but interested, about the
summer school professors; Gone are
Now You
gentleman. It's Satanic majesty, while the poorman
summer school session. People are
the instructors who said "lettuce do
pliable, you know. "The soul," ac takes the beggar to his bosom as a
individuals, not numbers or vague ASSOCIATION IN BANQUET
this and that" and "you canteloupe
o I mean escape"
cording to authority, "is the spirit of brother unfortunate and together they
or "have you been "Miss's and Mr.'s." And the profes(By an Old Grad)
shake their heads over the flaming
God within us"
the most
doing your outside reading, Castor?" sors are compassionate!
Prof. C. W. Carrick, head of the
future to which the pride, vanity, and
thing about us. Impossible!
ImWJio made the first touchdown on They've actually taken us off of the
poultry department at Purdue Unipossible!
Impossible to credit the arrogance of their more moneyed
vegetable diet. They're considering
Centre in nine years?
Students Representing 12 Coun- immortal spirit that is our God with
versity, addressed the members of
is leading him.
2 Where was the Campus
Book how to make it easier on us.
ties Will Finish Course Tothe third annual poultry short course
accepting some of the warped and
Now conscience is another matter.
they've added raspberry ice to the
years ago?
Store four
day at Experiment Station
twisted things in mortal men that But after all, it's will power and not
cafeteria menu! Hot dog! I mean, Registrar Back to University which closes today at the livestock
will it be in 1928 ?
judging pavilion.
Under Prof. Martin
they fatuously call souls for frag- the soul that conquers conscience. So
Cool puppies!
After Nashville Conference
Mr. Carrick spoke on "The
ments fusable with His own Whole. we're right back where we're starter. 3 What was the score of the only
Actually, though, this second term
football game Kentucky ever won
Method of Feeding Poultry."
IS THIRD YEAR OF WORK For people chary of speaking the Within the limits of his own individstuff of instructors checks in one hunfrom Alabama?
Prof. Ezra Gillis, registrar of the Dr. F. E. Hull, of the veterinary dename of bod in intimacy, we are uality, every man in every walk of
dred per cent. A professor told his university, returned to Lexington partment of the University of KenThe third annual short course in being neither blasphemous, or face- like makes of himself whatever he 4 Who was head coach before Mur class that they'd singly and collecWednesday from Nashville, Tenn., tucky, spoke on "Combating Intestiphy?
poultry culture opened Monday at the tious. We are risking introspection. wants to be. There are indifferent
tively be surprised to see how a stu- where he took a prominent part on nal Parasites,"
a demonstraNow, think with us. It is the will poor lawyers as well as thieves. Of 5 Who won the title, "Iron Man" in dent returns the compliment.
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment
I won- the program of the Institute for Col- tion of post mortem examinations.
the conference basketball
Station with 40 persons registered, and not the soul, more likely, upon course, the successes as well as the
der if it has occurred to the professors lege Administrators at George
y Other
speaker were J. R. Smyth
representing 12 counties. The course which depends our hope of immortal- failures think it incumbent upon them
that students are coming more and
College for Teachers.
and C. E. Harris, of the university
will continue through today and take ity. For the soul becomes what the to rail at bad luck and hard times, 6 What year did Bob Mitchell enter more to schedule for classes in personextension department.
Professor Gillis appeared on the
up a practical study of poultry rais- will persuades it to. "Force" might but each in his own little private
school ?
alities, so to speak, rather than in program
of the poultry short
twice daily over the period
be a better word. Richman, poorman, heart thinks he's pretty much the best
How many times has a girl edited subjects.
Of course, we have al- of five days
during which the conven- course under Professor Martin met
doctor, lawyer, there it.
Farmers and poultry fanciers from beggarman, thief
the Kentuckian? Who?
ways had the group that elects the
Todd, Henderson, Clark, Muhlenburg, merchant, chief each is what he has
And well wager you'll find that' the 8 Name editors of Kentuckian for course because it's a crip which us- tion was held. It closed on July 15. with officers of the Blue Grass and
Fayette county poultry associations
Taylor, Jefferson, Harrison, Bourbon, willed to become. And each would be thief as well as the lawyer is firmly
four years past.
ually means that the teacher's an
at a banquet Wednesday at the uni9 Name editors for Kernel for five easy mark or a dumbell
Woodford, Kenton, Scott and Fayette insulted at the bare suggestion that convinced that the coffin that houses
, but the
It is a notable fact that most speed versity cafeteria. August L. Volkers,
counties have registered for the they hadn't as big or as great a soul his mortal remains is his own private
student body is only just beginning to
made by
as anybody else a much better one, drawing room on the Limited to 10 What is the use of all this fool discover that it is taking in vibrant, records are anywhere. people who are of the Five Ace Egg farm, president
not going
San Diego of the Fayette county poultry associ(CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) of course, in their own estimation,,! Heaven,
Hying personalities, instead, of dead Union.
ation, was a guest and speaker.
ous records for enrollment, the sea
ond term of the summer session bids











Study Out









Patrick to Return




Kernel Featurist Discovers That
Summer Session Profs Have Pity

The Soul Is the Spirit of God
Philosophic Discussion


law-ye- ar







All-Ma- sh




* The Kentucky Kernel



o- o
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the students and alumni
Published every Friday throughout
of the University of Kentucky.
I was just sixteen can you imagine
the college year by the student body of the university.
the way
Entered at Lexington Postoffice as second class mail matter.
My heart would flutter all through
the day
I was going to have it my first date.
I was afraid he'd forget it or else
Niel Plummer
John R. Bullock
be late.
I dressed very carefully curled my
Mary Elizabeth Carter
Dorothy Stebbins
Theresa Newhoff
I went to the parlor selected a chair.
I seated myself my heart could he
Don Grote
James Shropshire
Of course he could if he got very
of the university
growth of the institution during the I got up would he never come suspense will tell
On next Friday at the Phoenix hotel regular as well as during the summer
I heard the bell
Nthere will be held the fifth annual sessions has been rapid and consiWhat must I do I 'most sank to the
All stu- stent
summer session luncheon.
dents and members of the faculty of
As the university has expanded in Then I straightened my dress and
the .university are invited to attend numbers of students enrolled, so has
walked to the door.
and tickets may be procured for a it also grown in other respects'. A
My knees were shaking I felt very
nominal' amount at Dean Taylor's building program, not so elaborate
office in the Education building any perhaps as
that of richer Eastern and I looked at him I could not speak.
time next week.
Northern schools but extensive con- He came in and walked to a chair,
It is to be hoped that every student sidering the limited revenue of the His neck and face were red to his
who possibly can will arrange to at- institution, has been entered into with
An excellent admirable zeal.
tend this luncheon.
Several new buildprogram has been arranged and Dean ings which would be a credit to any The minutes and hours slowly
Taylor assures us that the other campus have been built in recent
prime requisite good food will be years and old buildings have been so Finally he left alone at last!
I laughed and laughed with the biga