xt7kd50fwp43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fwp43/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 6, April 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 6, April 1, 1919 1919 2015 true xt7kd50fwp43 section xt7kd50fwp43 To Ed·it•rs: Th• t
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-·»———é-——--;-— —····=—·——·•—·  vi-———-—   
April 1, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. II. No. 6
‘; 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ The first f ·' f
The Lexington High School basket Thep1·;ig[i43;i]n]iu(31·g` com-Seng Con. The Strollers, dramatic organiza- Thé D1‘€l11i11nary training for base was to be Ogiv';uS€L;iSt1?€ iifgiilslgg
hall nve won the State high school mine fron; April 1 to May g4_ is R tion of the University or Kentucky, bflh at UMVGYSIW Oi _K€¤U1Cky is Anxnnwy Committee of the Y M C
. . . r ·» ··= v . · will present “Under Cover" as the WBH under Way =¤¤1¤¤€ mst game will ·. . · - ' .' °
tournament held at the LI1‘\C’l&¤li,¢ of regular couise established by the ’ ‘ bn nlnynd April 5 on Smn nrnld A··UIUl9l$1tY of i\€1lil1Ck)', was given
Kentucky March 15 and 16, by defeat- Board Of Trustees Of the University aznnual play this year. The reading against the Georgetown College téaml Vvednestlay nttepnoous, Mm-ch 12, 19
mg Sgyngrgrgt High in a {ast and Wnn nn cnnrgc fm- tnmOn_ It is given of the play for try-outs was started While there were not inany out for =*g;*§,6-¤;¤<1-·¤1 be coummed *h1'0hSh·
hard fought game by the score of Ospccjnuy for nnnnysy nnne foreman last week, carol M_ sax, or Bglti- D1`¤€liG€ the Hrst few days several ;B€kl°A>bE;;`t Qggotlgillilzlgifszaylof the
21 to 17· and superintendents, but it is also m0re’s Little Theatre, will coach the lem? ine] dm HOW mmdldates md bm-S Og r . , M }nBm`
The <·i···'it teams that were re ire- . about muy Others- the faculty hue been m at'
‘ ;°‘ “` " ‘ I _ open to others who may wish to ac- cast the last ten days ot the rehearsal. The fnnowing nst Cmmlms the tendance at each t€a_
Scnmd In the wumamem played In qnire knowledge of correct mining, The present plan is to put the play names of some of the men already The was are ih Chilrgé of 11 com-4
the following order; mninnds and Surveying on about Mn}, 1. working; m]tt€€ of the 1'Il€1l1bers ofthe Xvommys
\lVinchester High, 27; Model High, 5. Mjngrs preparing to take tnn Minn Pledge any fm, new members of the m(31&§el1ersi Tlgoznjai Iljaiilcowneg Baugh §;¤;>h;f\tl1§{U§i\X1·sity and are given
· _ Q . Y-., _ _ _ 2 xmgsan; 1 -, ‘ ll , ’ ..., A ·. _
S°“"*’S‘“ Hm 3°» D"“““€ meh, F¤r¤¤¤€¤ <=><¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ will find the Smlers was held at rh¤,U¤1v¤¤·siw Lansley wintee (six}.-i Snieviiii es wd saver his beeiuiiiiuofeglii;
·> . . . . _ _ { » · ·
~4· l ` n · course quite helpful in improving Friday, March 21. Thirty nrst year kms; First Base. Wilkerson, Morris the essociatioii and a cupboard and
Lexington High U2? Cm`I`°mm H1gh» knowledge of téchliicfli Q11¤iiii¤¤U0¤S students donned the colors, lavender and Milrshi SGCOHQ BaS€» Hall- Bum` Sink mStaH€d· .
5_ mqunnn Of up_t0_nnt€ mma nn.€m€n_ and gold, Grover Creech, Lexington, glnl, '1t1yl101’ and Pinson; Third Base, The teas are informa] and Students
Paris Higlb 465 G°O1`B'€m‘·"“ High, Thé eight WBGKS of D€1‘S011¤l i¤SU`¤€· presided at the exercises and 1`€Eldi¤g$ foiéfalI§iii)\\’1F1(;mIiii1S’Fi?lii20¤¤€=‘S€t High, 265 PMS High»21· MS WM1¤w¤l>¤¤¤1>¤¤‘S¤i¤S ¤¤¤‘€S· president of nie sooiiei-S, ami by Byrd, Suidelv Baugh Alex Lewis, tea. The success Osltiieognggiigiiiof
Lexington High, 41; XVilJCil€St€Z` pondence courses. Emery Frazier, Lawrenceburg, lead- Mmm Kohn G*“¤¤&gha¤» Wvhgat and is %1SSuI‘€d by the large number IE;
High, m_ Each man who takes the course will ing man of the productions of 1916, Mgggigllnall am h b guests attending 1-€gu]m·]y_ The
Tnns tnn ngnt narrowed to two receive a certificate showing the sub. and 1917. Professor Mabie, of the Ed as fonowgi GS avg Gen &rmHg` h0Si6SS€S, usually women of the fac.
teams, Lexington and somerset-, both jects he has taken and the time went Etighsh department, and Pr°f€SS°1` Aprii 5—c.ecrgetcwn Cgllgge at Huy Or Other membws Of the W°ma”’S
rivals of several years. The fact that in the University. Instruction will be G1`?hEm’ Of the department Of Join" Lexington. Ciub’ have made the moms attractive
Lexington Won from Smnnnsnt Inst given in amhmeuc according to each nahsm, made short talks to the mem- Aprn 12_G€0l_gGtOw¤ College at With flowers, and music for the after.
yen,. Served to cmntn Sun nnnn intnn mans meds throughout the Course In bers. Professor Mabie was elect-od to Lexington §F0¤; IMS been supplied by a vicm;•]a_
ost in the finals, The game started com mining, he Win be taught the h0h01`?1IiY:ii1€Hib€I`Sh1p. Aiter the pro- April 18_Univ€I.sit3,. Of Tennessee them BTS of the X. lV; (j_ A_ agsgst
with both Lexington and Somersngs various Systemg Of hying Out: the $1*21111 eoliee and sandwiches were at Lexington ~f$‘.hO$tC$$€S 111 I`€C€lVl§1g and enter.
best men in the lineup, and the mst “_m_kingS and the uppnzabmty Of served and the following new mem- April 19—University of Tennessee tau?mg' Members; Of Y· M· C- A· give
Score was made by MCEWMI on a foul Each. tho dangerous and safe meth- bers were welcomed: nt LGXn,n,,On_ 21SS1St2mce 111 making the teas success-
un.OW_ The game was ,,.0ngn nn.nnnt_ Ons bf blasting; Demnssnne €XDn)S_ Euryne E. Bell, Margaret Smith, April 25—Miami College at Lexing- ful
particularly in the Hrst half, with 14 ives and the care and handling of ex- L<>¤g€m=~ B1umgs* Angie} Huh Duane mn' , M
personal fouls called. Somerset QOE plosives. ln the principles and meth- K RGgG1`S· Fmucgs Marsh: Lorraine OMEW 2_M1am1 College at 0Xf<>rd. JAP':   EQNIVERSITY
an early lead in the tirst period but 0dS of Ventilation he will be shown VVGSV Margzlret H?U`hi$0hy NHHCY 'M _ ET TOBACCO DATA
whgn the hair stopped the score stood furnaces and fwws; coursing, split- Sm°°k· CMUSIG Chenaulh Mme Nah ay 10_C€mm Cimege at LEX"? The cone 6 Oy A .· ·
10 to 10_ ting, -regula1.ing and measuring the SOT!. Belle SMB, J- Burton Prewitt, min 21 . . sity Of Kenticky r§$?l1l§ur6’.U1]1V€r-
Clark, Of Snmeysgty made the {31-S; air current; use of anemometer, water Mary Heron Ella Brown, WV. J. Moore, it C?;;‘ttan§)U21V€rS1ty of TQHHBSSGB tativg `Of inn japaimgg giégfgliigng
goal in tfhe Second nan, nntnng Son} gauge; overcasts; Iovercasts and un- Mary Elizabeth Davis, J. Donald Din- L Mrly 29_€n&v€l_ it f T last Week who conferred with U;
grset in the load again, but Lexington demasts and QXGYCISQS m W°"kmg Out Hmgi Evelyn Thoms. Henrietta Bed' at gimttann S Y 0 GHHGSSBB h¢‘Z1dS of departments and rg uggt d
soon Overtcnn tnnm and nent a few problems: Siphons, pumpsn airdiits ford, Elizabeth Robinson, Mary Eliz— May 23_$§;nm.bnt at Nanwine <30pi6S of all available panglphlggs
points ahead the mst Of the game, tho and setting pnmps and laying pipe nbctn Janes, Alleone Fratinan, Vola May 24_V,mn€I,bnt at Ngsnviné bulletins and reports on tobacco cu];
it was at no time Sain In the Second llguils will be drlricusstifi l1Hd€·l` the héad Clarence Swearingen, Mina, Frances June 6_V&ndGrbnt at Lexington 7111*8 in Kentucky. .
half Flippin conmmwd his fomth DGP ;;ihin;z;;ia§OenSi(l€r; sSa€le§;€0tagi;1i;J;;i- White, Fannie Heller. June 7__VanneI.nnL at, Lexington; b Cigélréttes from Burley tobacco are
sonal foul and had to be put off the . . . ` Jume 10—(‘entre Colle ecommg mm"? and h101‘€ I>0Dul&r in
t _ . »· gé at DEH- _
noor; scott took his place. Bin King 2;% ;;;1;;c€;'°i1;:;é_gggggisgggtglii ROMANCE LANGUAGE vi1le_ Japan, according to Mr. Kobashi, the
nlayedleaiefullsnlt? av0idth1i§ f0¤‘Ylth and wa] cuttci-S_ Ample time has CLUB IS ORGANIZED . iitiigisBllilziziewlgeenjufinicblofzilo gi; Jaip-
ou, wnci wou iave pu inn ou .. n _ Kn · I f , _ , ‘ _ *··· W o-
we loving cup gm by me Am- 0?°.§1.§.°§Z.Z;.,°§.iZE¥SZ..?§ }S§.§2.lEEi.E The   Language Club of TIGRT T0 ATTEND THE ii§""’?°““"’ “¥““ tr Vim   *¤
letic Committee Of the `[jniversity Of Of the presence Of Each; reducing dan- th€·U;;1V€';"$ltyd'Of I{€.HtuCky XVHS Ol`—         24 gery   IBB],
K°““‘°"y   ”““““"* *° “““““   COHMOHS am   m $5§E§“$»a.¥?F§ dy iight; MM2? H? L ee im. Wm. i.....°. if B““"’y ‘§
Gilbert Smith, or Lexington, by problems ‘ ‘ " mem rs mm *8 EL ‘ Dr. John T. Tigert Profesggr Of t · S I was muc
· ir · - . - . * : l ·l. ·_
, chance Planck, Chee.- ieaaei of me For 2, Study of {hg pi-mcipigs of the f[g§c";‘gn§iSS€i, 1*;. mencth Epagljg Philosophy. University or Kentucky, -.§,QsUi;,d§€WI;;?,€ jg Sandy-°f COM!
. Un1VG1`$ity· lS3,f€ty 1211111); the CZLYQ and use Qf thé i.l   1( l , GB lugs W1 B 6 DOXV xvith the 3·l'HlY of OCCU,I)3ti0n in bp].? and   · Er   ls grown
. Scores and lineups follow: safety lamps; inethod Or testing gag, gfuyn 11y_ m Pmfesior Aj Z?m` G€¤`1h¤¤Y. will represent the Univer- nnnsen to See noviuih 8X1?gmD_ Ware`
: Lgxing-ton Sonlgllset (Etc., an excellent COll€(]tiOn Of vari- PEOEGSS C aESr0(;)I{1   tire Un1v`€rS1ty-   Of Kentucky at COHf€I`€n(]Q Of In. ducted _ 9 Sa BS ale COH-
7 Powell (10) .......... F ........ McEwen (2) ous types of lamps is available. Caus- agizafgn (gnghm 1 iug°3Smd.thz Op ternatiohal Siudéhis which will as- i
A Bill King (4) ...... F .............. Lewis (4) es and safeguards of explosives the g O G C u) im asslstg by S€T¤bI€ in Paris May 8 and 9, AM
_ _ _ ’ Mrs. Zembrod entertained the mem- r · BITIOUS PLANS ARE
~ Dud King .............. C ............ Flippin (2) management of dust and the cause bers for th mst meet, th_ h I`h€ 0bJ€Gt of the Congress ig, in OUTLINED BYY M
Smith .................... G ................ Clark (2) Mid Hlillmgélliéllf of tires zmd the re- The Ofnsgrs Blecgedulééi   °1E€‘ the m`St D]‘¤¤€. t0 Strengthen the ' ' c' A'
g Bowerman (2) ...... G ,,....,____,__..._________ Carr 0D€hi¤g of the Workiugs after fires can Figg D1_GSid€ut_ Missa Mgisargg bonds of U`i€hdShiD which exist al- The University of Knntncky was
SnbSnn,ti0nS_S(nnenset2 Scott nn. are subjects on which the miner can Enum? vin,} l,€gidBn£_ and Mi F i tl maqy between French Students and 1‘€D1‘€S€Hted at the eighth annual meet
’ Flippin Foul goals -thrown—For Lex- HOV KHOW wo much- A P i ’ SS Ja l` fmelgu university Students by direct i { L1 r ~ _
· _ _ , erne Herring. secretary-treasurer. t - . Hg O 16 smtp Y Mt (J- A- held at
ingmn: Bin King, 5 Out of 10; Dun A great deal of time will be de- Professor Zembmd and Misg Bm___Gt,t °°n_aCt and an Immedmté ‘=‘XC~h3¤g6 Louisville March 14 and 15 by pmsi-
· Kn, , . , , voted to tl1e subject of explosions and . ` , ‘ of VIEWS UDOH €€1‘t`3in questions. d z
» g, none out of two, [oi Soinei set, _ ' _ _ were made an ndvlsoyy Connyuttny and A 1 f _ ent Mcl Gy, Dean Paul P, Boyd and
_20 mnnn.€S_ · · · ¤· . A , ¤ . - Gd an honorary member. ‘ _ I 1 PS aimg Robt. J. Raible, of the student- body,
Referee—Hansen, Transylvania Col- tgm Of. pT`t}E€s’ (wingers tO.bB.guard` Miss Figg appointed a constitution   ilfgugoiiilon the Oi{S?1.vat1On§ made and Ralph W- OWBHS. Y- M. C. A.
l mee. " ?‘g“"S’ "’““’°‘.*“" ““"¥‘““°"· ""‘ committee composed of Misses Mar- . g“ “‘“"‘”S‘“€S “’l“°h W Secretary of the University.
_ pgdlgntg for Cgvrpylpg {hg my- through ' ’“ DO1`ll Wlil SQPVG 8.S 3. fOl1I1(]alli0I1 for U18 Prg 'd ig 7
__ It has been the pleasure of the Um- the mnmq use Of mscun appmatus garet Tuttle. Ora Lee Jones, and Ruth exchanging Of views and the dis · S1 BH MCY GY made an short ad-
vcpsity to entertgtin the members of The uéé Of mnveynlg and lnvnnng Ca*`d"'€U? and il P"Ogmm Committg Of sion of useful reforms land iiiitiatsviss dr€S·S at the Cmimmuce in which he
the teams engaged in the tournament n.StTumBntS is taught ag is the pun Misses Alberta Wilson, Claribel Kay On tng nay Of the Congress The u9S_ Out}m€d_ Smhé of UIQ DIHHS that the
and the athletic committee feels that ting up Of Sights mlarking Off moms ond Elizabeth Featherstone. The com- tions to be Considered m_é_ 1 Equip Ii¤1V€I"§1ty 5. M. C. A. had under crm-
it has bggn mO1·g tllall ygpgvigl by thg at Various angle; laving Off CUYVPS 1llltt€G \\’li1 l`G]_)O1`i] {lt UIQ 119XtZ 1li€€iZ· Elance Of Diplolllaq. 2 Rieséaréh »;1]I,aV_ S}d€1'3`t10u` They Included [hg €:€c`
expressions of pleasure and appreci- drawing mma méps ' making blilé img, which will be held Monday even- EIS and Mission E Jgmruey in SChO1_ t`lOHt]0f 3~ huge Y. M. C. A. building
=¤¤¤¤ that the terms }~*ifh¤¤*> ¤X<=<¤v- prints. A thorough can i.. the mm. ‘“g· M“"““ 2* at-strips; 4, Exchanges of T.mi.,..-S, ;°§OmQ§ °§;*;§?§· uf S"°“““g “€“‘=’
mm t€¤dGY`€d· Eight men frem each ing law will be given and the forma- _ and 5. SD€Ci¤i L€Ctl11‘eS in France for bringini notelllgsmlort S§udSutS and
school were provided with board and tjcu Of mine rules discussed TRACK MEET T0 BE F01'€ig11 Students. Sneak t H it d I O Jehmgtou to
A lvdzine While here- Mvst of the May 26 the Board or Emnnners or HELD IN DANVILLE nw gmgmsf I;l‘n";t;· H    tftt
g teams were quartered nt the Phoenix the State Department of Mines will "—·‘ "·· __ , tj] t A . . 1, _ 9
· Hotel and others at the other hotels bg in session, which will permit stu- A1‘1‘&11gG111e11tS are now being made PHILOEQPHIANS T0 GIVE H   6;;:1 Stlggnsi Lgzxtliz Egaflgilsl Viym
of the city, All the meals were taken dents in the course, who S0 d€Sii‘€, t0 for a track meet of Centre College THE TWO VIRTUES · t tl ~ 1. -. ·,, OO mg
U _ _ ·_ { lv Il _ f _ _ t_ in 0 IB futuie 1.1 a bit, enough way.
at the University cafeteria and the late t'l€ mule 016111611 €XHI11l1l&1011 nnd University Of Kgntnckyy to be Thi h ho C_t n _i ` __ _
. . . , ,. ,. S B D S O -.10u..fy bj bringing
o imon was unanimous that mother 1111m€fi1¤1i€lY ¥1ft€1 th€ 01059 of th'? . · ~ · . . The Two W1rtues" b S 1;~ · ,
_ P _ held in Danville in May. Wilhelm, of , ~’ Y U mi will the ablest men 111 the country here
has a rival in the co-ed. home-ec. SGSSIOYL , , . . UG SIVGH $01116 time this semester by L
~ The tommgmmnt has new SO Sum 1;-...; P·l£iUC21i1. Ixahu, of Louisville, Forman; the Pnnosophian Society in accord- to Sneak to the Students. ·
s cesstul that the athletic committee AALPH/’g ZE"-*°f PI-_E DGED· Oi LOmSVmB’ and Gmbfeldmh Of LOUIS` mice with NS 0l1St0H1 Of giving a play MISS BLK _`
will advertise it more extensively Thé YOUOWUIS Jumms lh the COUQW l’1U€» M6 D1‘0miSiHg Hwt€1‘iul and the a»unually·. The first tryouts W9;-9 held NDING IS
i nfjxt y(-}[),l‘ ill ()]*(l€l’ to illtS1`GSl`, GVBYY   l'l\griCulU'u;?’l Einiggrsigy Of lien- §iU"?€1E€tti1.IJ1Tl?l1.]?D~ Iglile ltek-mil arc \VG(i]l€S[iHy, MH1‘Ch 19, under the di.      
1. h h 1 i th Std ’ uc ry, were pe ge o memier- ungi, o· ouisvi e, an r, ot Lex- rgctiou f Mrs Sill') B 11 k _  _
ug SC OO_n C 1 G Shin in Alpha Zeta, national honorary iugtou, and Kuhn. At the) last inegzing thle Oiglayciiyags afgeliiniicigicgftsa, Sssleé of suuémy
corwrasr TO BE IN orsoncz- “="~“"“““‘“l S°"‘€ty#_*‘t the €m‘““*l C‘?‘“"S*S_l““"? been iimulggd f‘”` read and discussed and the Sciecntm _ ’. "" g""’“ ““ “Y·
TOWN "pledge day" exercises held iu the April 26 with Miami at Oxford, May 3 nf the mst Win ng in tné new future Mmch 23. in thé Ch&D€l of the Um-
' University chapel Friday, March 21: with Georgetown College at George- The Nan cans fm, nw fenin I ' V€l'SitY of K€ht¤<¤kl’, by the orchestra
——— G_ Ivnn Bnrnns, Lexington; Hnylnn town nnd May 17 with Univnrsny Of ‘ ' " B cial" under the direction of Professor Carl
At a meeting ot the executive com- R. Halbert, Vanceburg; Clyde Bland, Cincinnati at Lexington. Other men actels imd tmiee male ihm"°‘°t€l`S· but Lampgrt- The h€Xt €0¤C€rt has bée-Hi
mittee of the Inter-Collegiate Orat.or— Cynthiana; W. D. Salmon, Cork, and who have reported are Shaw, Clare, ihe Ph11OSPPh‘a“S WQIG S0 successful zmnounced for April 7.
ical Association of Kentucky, held at E. G. Godbey, Somerset. Active 1il€m· Stevens. Cook, Howell, Swearingen, m P°YU`a§’mg male €h¤¤`¤€t€1`$ ih f~h€i1` Mrs. L. L. Dantzler was soloist for
the Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Mon- bers of the fraternity are: S. Head- Gray, Rector, Huber, Williams, Akin, PI`€S€htat10h of "YOH Never CHM TGli" the first concert, March 16, and Miss
(lay, March 10, it was decided to liold ley Shouse, F. F. Elliott, Carsie H21m— Barnes, Schofner, Dabney, shouse, msi YGHY that théy Will take up the Ellen Blanding for the second concert.
the annual contest i11 Georgetown I monds, L. E. Steinhauser, L. F. Gibbons, Roll, DeBrovy, Siegel, Baum- DGW I`Oi€S Zlgélill this y€&I‘ without The orchestra gave two groups, of sev-
May 15, Reusch and Jesse Tapp. garten, Graham and Nicholson. dread of failure. eral numbers each, on the program,