xt7kd50fz02x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz02x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 2005 2005 2005-10-03 2020 true xt7kd50fz02x section xt7kd50fz02x SPORTS


Cool Cats stuff Fighting Owls. claw back to tie Bulldogs


Monday. October 3, 2005

Todd seeks new approaches to cam

President wants larger role

for diversity commission

By Troy Lyle

President Lee Todd announced
several objectives Friday aimed at
improving campus diversity and
addressing UK’s recent shortfalls
in black student enrollment and
black employment.

Both of these issues were part
of the reason UK had to file for a
waiver two weeks ago from the
state’s Council on Postsecondary
Education. Without this waiver,
UK would not be permitted to add
any additional graduate or under-
graduate programs through De-
cember of this year.

In a campus-wide e-mail Friday,
Todd said he accepts full responsi-
bility for the recent dropoffs.

“As the leader of this institu-

Celebrating 34 years of independence

tion, I am ultimately responsible.”
he said in the e-mail. “This is one
of the most important issues our
university faces. It must be ~ and
it is — a top priority.”

Todd said despite the fact that
UK had increased its number of
black first-year students enrolling
by 30 percent and 20 percent the
prior two incoming freshman
classes. far too many of Ken-
tucky’s top performing black stu-
dents choose to go elsewhere —» of-

ten to Ivy League colleges or other
benchmark institutions.

To tackle this issue, Todd said
he has already met with several
black faculty members at UK to
seek their input and discuss the is-
sue in detail.

In addition, he has arranged to
meet with black community lead-
ers and state legislators later this
week to discuss UK‘s plans. as well
as seek advice on other measures

See Diversity on page 2


pus diversity

“As the leader
of this institu-
tion, lam
Lee Todd

Ull president. on the drop
in black lreshman enrollment



Third-annual “Buddy Walk” promotes greater understanding of people liw’ng with Down
syndrome —— the most common genetic abnormality among children.

Karen Boudreaux and her daughter Kate pose for a picture with Karen's Murra



y State sorority sisters after the third-annual Buddy Walk at Keeneland on Saturday. The


fundraiser contributes to research, educational programs and organized activities for people living with Down syndrome.

By Elizabeth Troutman

Like most five-year—old girls.
Kate Boudreaux loves to watch
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen,
hear stories and play with noo-
dles before she eats them.

Kate’s mother, Karen
Boudreaux, said Kate shares her
two older sisters’ love for swim-
ming. Kate jumped off the diving
board for the first time at the
neighborhood swimming pool
last summer. .

But unlike other children.
Kate was born with an extra 21st
chromosome. This condition,
known as Down syndrome, slows
Kate’s development. It took her
longer to learn how to walk,
crawl and sit up when she was a
baby. Kate can only speak in one
word phrases.

To Boudreaux and her family,
Kate is a normal child. She goes
to school, interacts with others
in a typical classroom and has
the capabilities of any other

“She’s a typical five-year-old."
said Boudreaux. “She's sweet and
wants to be involved in what’s go
ing on. She will model anything
that is going on."

Boudreaux, who is the presi-
dent of the Down Syndrome As-
sociation of Central Kentucky,
organized the third annual “Bud-
dy Walk” at Keeneland Saturday.
The event raises money that con-
tributes to research. educational
programs and organized activi-
ties for people living with Down

Megan Culler, a biotechnolo
gy sophomore at UK, has partici-

' A IgWOuld eliminate the word

*‘reErded from the dictionary. Too
many times, people use it and they
don’t know who they are standing

by in line at the

football game.”

- Karen Boudreaux,
president, Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky


pated as a volunteer for the event
for the past two years. Culler.
who is also Kate’s babysitter, is
pursuing a career in genetic dis-
ease research. She said babysit-
ting Kate is just like watching
any other child.

“She‘s a little slower at
putting things together, but she
is still capable of doing things,"
said Culler. “She is making a lot
of progress."

According to the National
Down Syndrome Society. Down
syndrome is the most common
genetic abnormality. About one
in every 800 to 1,000 children are
diagnosed with it. The condition
causes 50 percent of miscar-

Boudreaux is adamant about
educating families expecting a
child diagnosed with Down syn-





drome about the realities of the
condition. When she was preg-
nant with Kate, a geneticist at
the Centennial Women’s Pavilion
in Nashville. Tenn. reassured
Boudreaux that Kate had the po
tential to live a normal life with
early intervention and therapy.

Boudreaux said the way doc-
tors communicate the diagnoses
of the child's condition. during
pregnancy or after the birth, is
just as important as informing
the family of the condition itself.

“Your whole demeanor and
the way (the family) reacts to it
means everything," she said.
“Too often, doctors have given
their own opinion.“

Harold Kleinert. the execu-
tive director of human develop
ment at UK and member of the

See Buddy on page Z


It the time of conception



The facts on Down syndrome

I About 5,000 children are born each year with Down syndrome in the united States
I Today, Down syndrome affects more than 350,000 people in America
I Studiesshowthedskoloownsyndrorneincreaseswhhtheageotthemther

I Yhere'saSOperceMchncethatwomenwithDownsyndromewmhavechildren

I There'sonlyonedocumentedcaseinwhichamwithDownsyndromehaslatheredachild






‘Reversing Roe’
lets images
do the talking

Anti-abortion group trucks
message through city, campus

By Sean Rose

Students on campus may turn their
heads to campus streets today and to-
morrow to see trucks communicating a
pro-life message through graphic im-

An anti-abortion movement called
the Reproductive
“Choice" Campaign
will drive three or
four large trucks on
campus and city
streets. acting as
moving billboards
displaying 8-foot~by-
22-foot images of
aborted fetuses.

The group‘s “Re-
versing Roe" college
tour began Sept. 29
and will visit seven
universities in Ken-
tucky, Ohio and
West Virginia. The
campaign is headed
by the Center for
Bio-Ethical Reform.
a national pro-life organization.

Mark Harrington. the executive di-
rector for the Midwest branch of the cen-
ter. said “the purpose of the project is to
make abortion real."

“Many have never seen (an abor-
tion),“ Harrington said. “It‘s education.
Any injustice has to be seen to be under-

“You cannot
have a fair
debate on

abortion with-
out showing


executive director.
lAidwest branch of
Center lor Bio-Ethicall

See Roe on page 2


Supreme Court set
to hear right to die,
abortion cases


WASHINGTON ~~ The Supreme Court
opens its term today with a new chief jus~
tice and facing a series of major cases on
the “right to die." abortion. free speech and
the death penalty

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. will be
sworn in today during a court ceremony
and then take the center seat as the justices
hear the first round of oral arguments.

His first case might not prove memo-
rable to him or to the law. It concerns
whether slaughterhouse workers are enti-
tled to be paid for the time it takes for them
to don protective clothing at the start of
each work shift.

On Wednesday. however. the court will
hear the Bush administration‘s challenge to
the nation's only “right to die" law. a case
that might give an early clue as to what
kind of conservative John Roberts is.

Oregon voters twice have approved the
Death With Dignity Act. a measure that
permits dying persons to obtain lethal med
ication from their doctor. Since 1998 when
the law took effect. 208 persons have used
medication to end their lives. Most of them
were dying of cancer.

But shortly after President Bush won
the presidency. his attorney general. John
Ashcmft. decreed that Oregon doctors who
prescribe lethal medication are violating
the federal drug~control laws. He threat-
ened them with a loss of their license to

prescribe drugs.
See Court on page 4

Newsroom: 257-198




PAGEZ | Monday. Oct. 3, 2005




idents to make the program a manda-
tory way to train future doctors.

“The basic issue is that physicians
often don't give families accurate in-


Continued from paqet

board of the Down Syndrome Associa~
tion of Central Kentucky. is the cre-
ator of the “Bright Tomorrow” pro-
ject. The project uses interactive com-
puter programs to train residents at
the UK Medical Center on ways to in-
form a family that a child has Down


Families involved with the Central
Kentucky association acted as consul-
tants for Kleinert‘s program. The fam-
ilies, who had experienced a doctor's
diagnosis of Down syndrome. provid-
ed input on how doctors should inform


Kleinert tested his program with
34 residents earlier this year. Thirty
residents are using the program this
month to learn about the proper way

formation,” Kleinert said.

“Often. physicians act like it's a
tragedy. which can be devastating to
families. There is a need to re-educate


much different."

to inform patients. He said he hopes to

use the research from the study on res-

Boudreaux said family participa-
tion and early therapy was key to
Kate's development. Kate started ther-
apy when she was six weeks old. Her
sisters. Kala. 8. and Kelsey. 6. are
teachers and playmates in Kate's life.

“As a family unit, working with our
other children. she thinks she is play-
ing," Boudreaux said. “But really, she
is learning how to do things."

Boudreaux wants the Lexington
community to be more accepting of
people living with Down syndrome.

"She is more normal than not."
Boudreaux said of her daughter. “Too
often. people want to see her as so

speaks with
Dia Davidson.
the grand
marshal tor
the Buddy
Walk, while
giving away
door prizes at
the Buddy


More than
2,000 people
attended the


etroutmantakykernel. com

Walk on Satur-

nmm-n l





Diversity 1

Continued from paqel

UK could take to improve in

this “vitally important
Last week, state Rep.

Darryl Owens. D-L0uisville.
sent a critical letter to Todd
about the drop in black
freshmen enrollment.
Owens will be attending a
meeting with other state leg-
islators scheduled for later
this week.

UK has 151 black fresh-
men in this fall's class. down

Continued from paqei


This campaign is a pre-
cursor for another event on
campus in two weeks called
the Genocide Awareness
Project. The group is re
turning to UK. sponsored by
a student group called UK

from 256 black freshmen in
the fall of 2004.

According to the e-mail.
Todd will take three imme-
diate. initial steps to address
these issues:

I Increase the size of
UK‘s admissions staff “to al-
low fuller consideration of
applicants and predictors of
college success."

I Head a rethinking of
UK‘s recruitment process
“to create a more holistic
and comprehensive ap-
proach to attract a diverse
student body"

I Appoint a new chair
for the President's Commis-
sion on Diversity and charge
the group to aggressively
pursue the recommenda—

Students for Life. That
group has filled out an ap-
plication requesting space
outside White Hall Class-
room Building. The project
compares abortion to the
Holocaust and other
episodes of genocide
throughout history. The pro-
ject last came to UK in 2002.

John Herbst. director of
UK‘s Student Center. said
he‘s reviewing the group's
request for outdoor space.
When an application from a

tions developed under the

leadership of former Chair-

woman Deneese Jones.
“These mea-


solid. but only ini-

tial. steps to ad- sures are a
not an end."

dress the serious
challenge before
us." said Todd.
“They are a begin-
ning. not an end.
“We must now
work together as a
university to make
our vision of a tru-
ly diverse campus a reality
by creating and executing
the most effective policies
and practices to identify. re-
cruit and retain black stu-
dents. faculty and staff." he

student group comes in for
an outdoor event, the main
concern isn’t on the content
of the event but on manage-
ment issues. such as making
sure space is available. he

“The bottom line is. stu-
dents have the right to put
on programs that are in the
interest of their organiza-
tion." Herbst said.

Harrington said both
these projects are targeted
toward college campuses be-








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represent “These mea—


UK spokesman Jay Blan-
ton said it's important that
UK focus on mov-
ing forward.

“ E v e r y o n e
must play a role in
making UK more
diverse." he said.
“We must look for-
ward; we need to
be. and are com-

Lee Todd mitted to. doing
UKpresident better." .
Blanton said

there will not be a
solution to this problem
overnight, but he hopes UK
can make significant strides
in addressing these issues in
the coming weeks.

Todd said UK will also

cause of the liberalism that
he said tends to come with
higher education.

“Take a poll of college
professors; the vast majori-
ty would be pro-abortion."
Harrington said. “We're just
leveling the playing field."

Harrington also said his
group targeted higher edu-
cation for its campaign be
cause college students rep-
resent the future decision
makers of the country.

Harrington said the

provide additional training
for hiring officers and use a
new online employment sys-
tem that will provide better
access to minority job candi-
dates to address the short-
falls in employment of
blacks in top— and mid-level
management positions.

As is the case with in-
creasing enrollment of
black freshmen. these are
initial steps and are by no
means the end. he said.

Phil Kraemer, associate
provost for undergraduate
education. said in an earlier
interview with The Kernel
that UK had been making
significant gains in both of
the above areas. but he reit~
erated Todd and Blanton‘s

positions in that there’s still
work to be done.

“We‘ve got to do more."
he said. “We‘ve got to do
more for all of UK a the
students. the staff and the

What’s important is for
all of UK to come together
to address this issue. Todd
said in his e-mail.

“Ultimately our actions
- — and our results - ‘ will be
the only thing that counts.
much more than any words
or promises I can make to-
day.“ Todd said. “At UK. we
have to be committed M. and
we are committed ,7. to en-
suring a diverse campus.“



graphic pictures of abor'
tions are necessary to effec‘
tively convey the message.

“It‘s disingenuous to say
it‘s going too far." Harring-
ton said.

“You cannot have a fair
debate on abortion without
showing it." he said. “That‘s
where we come in."

Harrington said these
moving billboards were cre-
ated out of necessity be-
cause the mainstream me-
dia doesn't discuss abortion

openly. He said his group
had to create “our own mass
media venue."

“That's our goal." Har-
rington said. “To get these
pictures in as many people’s
heads as possible."





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By Dana Hedqpetti
and Sara Kehaulani Goo


BAKER. La. d Today,
families displaced by Hurri-
cane Katrina will move here
into a “mini city" of neatly
spaced rows of about 600
white RV trailers that was.
just over a week ago. a 65-
acre cow pasture outside of
Baton Rouge. A team of 200
engineers, plumbers. labor-
ers, draftsmen and city offi-
cials have worked around
the clock to install water
and sewer pipes to the
grassy fields. converting the
area into what some evac-
uees working on the project
call the “City of Hope."

The Federal Emergency
Management Agency once
envisioned “cities” of 500 to
600 RVs scattered across the
South to house evacuees up-
rooted from their homes by
Katrina. But those plans
have bogged down as FEMA
has tried to make its way
through a maze of bureau-
cratic hurdles to lease land.
comply with local zoning
laws and overcome local op-
position to “FEMA cities“
within their borders.

“Our infrastructure can-
not handle it." said Riley
“Pee Wee" Berthelot Jr..
president of West Baton
Rouge parish. of FEMA's
plans to install 700 mobile
homes in his parish of
22.000 residents. The parish
has already accepted more
than 400 children in its

schools, and Berthelot adds
that many of the parish's
rural residents are uncom-
fortable with the former city
residents now moving in.

More than 330.000 fami-
lies have applied for housing

FEMA has set up some
trailers in the driveways of
homes destroyed by the hur-
ricane so that residents can
remain on their property as
their permanent homes are
rebuilt. But the bulk of trail-
ers and mobile homes will
be set up on large state-
owned properties, the first of
which is the one here about
10 miles north of Baton
Rouge. A spokeswoman for
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen
Babineaux Blanco. D. said
the state has identified
52.000 acres it can use for
setting up temporary homes.

“They‘re nice. but some
people say they’re awfully
small." said Jessie James.
57. of the RV city being set
up a mile away James is a
New Orleans resident now
living at Baker's City Hall.
which has been converted
into a shelter. “I would use
the RV temporarily. but I
want my family to go home."
she said.

Stephen J. Saucier. an ar-
chitect who is one of the
lead project managers of the
RV park in Baker. said local
officials are doing more than
just setting up rows of
homes. They are trying to
erect a semblance of a com-
munity with a large kitchen

hall that will serve three
meals a day. grassy areas for
picnic tables. basketball
courts and laundromats. His
team had to install a com-
plex system of underground
sewer pipes. water and elec-
trical lines. and a sewage
treatment facility that can
process 130.000 gallons of
sewage a day.

There are two kinds of
homes that displaced resi—
dents will get.

FEMA has purchased or
ordered 125.000 travel trail-
ers. the kind of RVs that are
towed behind a truck. Each
of them costs between
$16,000 and $20,000 and is at
least 30 feet long and con-
tains a stove. a refrigerator.
an air conditioner. a furnace
and a bathroom with a

The agency has also pur-
chased or ordered thousands
of mobile homes. also
known as “manufactured
homes." for about $30000
each. They are similar to the
temporary offices used at
construction sites. These
homes are not on wheels.
They are 60 feet long and
contain the same amenities
as the travel trailers.

FEMA stores some trail-
ers used in previous disas-
ters in regional locations
near rail lines. But in the
days after Katrina. the
agency scrambled to buy as
many as it could find.

Phil Ornstein, sales man-
ager for Dick Gore‘s RV
World in Jacksonville. Fla.

City Lou1$iana reayd

Monday. Oct. 3, 2005 | m: 3

to roll

received an e-mail from a
FEMA official asking if he
had 30-foot travel trailers.
The agency bought the en-
tire lot: 304 trailers for $6

“I don’t want to live on
someone’s misery.” ()rnstein
said. But in Florida. the RV
dealers have learned to or-
der extra trailers every year
for when FEMA comes call-
ing. “Business is business.
We were ready for this hur~
ricane." Ornstein said.

RV dealers said they
have hired dozens of truck
drivers to deliver the trail-
ers to FEMA in some cas
es filled with donated goods
from Rotary Clubs or other
groups only to find
FEMA‘s staging areas
clogged with supplies.

“We‘ve got trailers com-
ing out our ears." said
Sheila Speights. the clerk for
the city of Purvis. Miss. one
of a handful of FEMA’s des-
ignated cities that are tak-
ing in trailers from RV deal-
ers in Indiana, Florida and
as far away as New York.

FEMA has leased a large
vacant lot near an inter-
state, Speights said. where
truckers have lined up at
least 3,000 of the white trail-
ers until the agency can find
a more permanent place. “It
blowed me away the first
time I saw it." Speights said.
“They move about half of
them a day and bring half
that many in."

DeLay's influence will continue despite legal troubles, loss of post

By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
and Jim Vandellei


WASHINGTON --, For the
indefinite future. Washington
will remain Tom DeLay's cap
ital. Dislodged by a criminal
indictment last week from his
post as House majority leader.
DeLay in his decade of steer-
ing the Republican caucus
dramatically ._. and in many
cases inalterably 7 changed
how power is amassed and
used on Capitol Hill and well

Proteges of the wounded
Texan still hold virtually
every position of influence in
the House. including the of-
fice of speaker. DeLay’s for-
mer staff members are se-
curely in the lobbying offices
for many of the largest corpo-
rations and business advoca-
cy groups.

But even more than peo-
ple. DeLay‘s lasting influence
is an ethos. He stood for a
view of Washington as a bat-
tlefield on which two sides
struggle relentlessly, moder-
ates and voices of compro-
mise are pushed to the mar-
gins. and the winners pre-
sume they have earned the
right to punish dissenters and
reward their own side with fi-
nancial and policy favors.

His take—no-prisoners
style of fundraising — in
which the classic unstated
bargain of access for contri-
butions is made explicitly and
without apology A has been
adapted by both parties in
Congress. according to law-
makers. lobbyists and con-
gressional scholars. Democ-
rats. likewise. increasingly
are trying to emulate DeLay-
perfected methods for enforc-
ing caucus discipline. reward-
ing lawmakers who follow the
dictums of party leaders and

seeking retribution against
those who do not.

Most of all. DeLay stood
for a blurring of the line be-
tween lawmakers and lobby
ists so that lobbyists are now
considered partners of politi~
cians and not merely pleaders
— especially if they once
worked for Republicans on
Capitol Hill. Former represen-
tatives turned corporate lob-
byists such as Bill Paxon. R-
N.Y.. and aides such as Ed
Buckham. DeLay’s former
chief of staff. remain among
the most influential figures on
Capitol Hill — often more in-
volved than lawmakers in
writing policy and plotting
political strategy:

For a vivid sign of how
what was once considered
controversial has gone main-
stream. consider the K Street
Project. That was the name
for a DeLay-inspired cam-
paign A for which he was
chastised by the House ethics
committee —— to demand that
lobbying firms seeking access
hire loyal Republicans.
Rather than going under-
ground. the project has gone
unabashedly public. with a
Web site. wwwkstreetpro—
ject.com. providing news
about the latest lobbying va-

“People who have worked
for Mr. DeLay become. like
other senior Republican
staffers. members in good
standing of a club and are ac-
cepted back by many mem-
bers (of Congress) and
staffers.“ said Andrew Shore.
chief of staff of the House
Republican Conference. “The
idea is that we are a team.
What‘s good for one is good
for all: anything to cultivate
that team mentality is seen in
a positive light."

Usually. staffers-turned-
lobbyists lose their cachet

when their former bosses re-
tire or lose their jobs. But the
DeLay fraternity so large
that it is called DeLay Inc.
does not look like it will suffer
the same fate. “Has the value
of these people diminished? I
would say no." Shore said. “As
they transition into the pri-
vate sector. the benefits are
shared by the (Republican)
conference. There‘s a symbio-
sis between the former
staffers and many members
of the conference."

None of the tactics used
so effectively by DeLay and
his allies were invented by
them. The Texan‘s innovation
was to systematically institu-
tionalize them within the
GOP. It's possible his zeal in
these methods could ultimate-
ly bring about his downfall.

Texas prosecutor Ronnie
Earle won a grand jury indict-
ment of DeLay on a charge of
conspiring to illegally evade
fundraising restrictions. De-
Lay. still in Congress. has
vowed to return to his leader-
ship post after clearing his
name at trial ~ though his fu-
ture is shadowed by a tall
stack of other legal and politi-
cal problems. But scholars say
his methods are imprinted on
Washington like a tattoo.
“Even if Boss DeLay leaves,
his legacy stays.“ said James
Thurber. director of congres-
sional studies at American

Part of the reason for this
is that DeLay‘s temporary re
placement. Rep. Roy Blunt. R-
M0.. is a DeLay protege whose
rapid rise was spawned by the
Texas Republican. So were
the careers of almost every-
one else in the House Republi-
can leadership. including Rep.
Eric Cantor of Virginia and
Thomas Reynolds of New
York. They are all social con-
servatives who support such

probusiness policies as dereg-
ulation and tax cuts.

The DeLay network is just
as formidable in downtown
Washington. Former DeLay
aides Buckham. Tony Rudy
and Karl Gallant form the
core of one of Washington’s
largest and fastest growing
lobbying firms. Alexander
Strategy Group. Susan
Hirschmann. a former DeLay
chief of staff. is a senior
member of Williams &
Jensen. another major lobby-
ing firm. Congressional aides
said that these and other De-
Lay alumni are part of their
“team" and will be welcome
in their offices no matter
what happens to their old

Speaking of Hirschmann.
Mike Stokke, deputy chief of
staff to Hastert said. “Having
DeLay in her background is a
strength; having worked for
Tom brings credibility"

There has been no sign
that DeLay personally has
been active in the K Street
Project since he was admon-
ished by the House ethics
committee for pressuring the
Electronics Industries Al-
liance to hire a Republican as
its president seven years ago.
Nonetheless. the project is
still going strong; other law-
makers and lobbyists have
taken up the cause. Job list-
ings on K Street are still dis-
tributed in regularly sched-
uled meetings held by other
GOP lawmakers. including
Sen. Rick Santorum of Penn—
sylvania lobbying executives
report that former Republi-
can aides and lawmakers
have telephoned them to sug-
gest that their top openings
should be filled with loyalists.
The kstreetprojectcom Web
site is run by well-connected
conservative Grover Norquist
of Americans for Tax Reform.

GQIQDL mam mam: M10 m
Reason 05

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appreciation night.



0% #3W 4W, facial/1114p &’ 9W

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Offire of Student Ami/met, Leadership 5 Involvement Registered Student 0qu and UK Dents (an subrwt information for FREE on/rne ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY Information is to appear (all 257-8067 for more intormation





Swing Dance Lessons. 8:15 pm.
Tales Creek Ballroom. 1400
Gainesway Dr.

-RSA General Assembly Meeting.
5:30 pm. Student Center Small

~Water Democracy Project Movie
Night. 7:30 pm. WTY Library

~James W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop— In Hours. 3:00 pm. James W.
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose

-Solar Car Team Meeting. 7:30 pm.
DVT Engineering Building
-Dressage Team Meeting. 7:30 pm,
Student Center Room 203

-Bible Study. 8:00 pm. SC Room

~Pro-Dental Society Meeting. 7:00
pm. UK college of Dentistry Lecture
Hall MN 363


-The Rock. 9:00 pm. Phi Delta
Theta Fraternity House (in sorority

-Bingo. 7:00 pm. Student Center
Cats Den

-Men's Volleyball Open Gym. 8:00
pm. Alumni Gym

7:30 pm

°UKSDA Meeting. 3:30 pm. Room
203 Erikson Hall

~Fencing Club Practice. 8:00 pm.
Buell Armory

-UK College Democrats, 7:30 pm.
Student Center Rm 211

-James W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop- In Hours. 3:00 pm. James W
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose

oChup Scat Tuesdays presents
“War of the Worlds". 8:00 pm.
Worsham Theatre

'BLACK COFFEY concert 7:00
pm. Student Center Cat's Den
-TaeKwonDo practice. 6:30 pm.
Alumni gym loft


, L .A ,._ .L.

-Alpha Phi Omega Actives Meeting.

'KEA-SP Professronal
Development Session. 4:00 pm.
109 DH

Student Health Fair. 11.00 am.
Whitehall Classroom Buulding- East
and West Halls

-Habitat for Humanity Meeting. 5:15
pm. Room 228 Student Center
'Comedy Caravan. 800 pm.
Student Center Cat's Den

-James W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop- In Hours. 3:00 pm. James W
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose

'Engineering Career Fair. 1000
am. Student Center Ballrooms

-Ad Club Meeting- Photoshop
Workshop. 700 pm. Mac Lab
under the Fine Arts Library


-Homecoming Royality
Submissions. 300 pm

-Amnesty International meeting.
7:00 pm. Student Center Rm 228
-lnterview for Success. 3.30 pm.
James W. Stuckert Career Center ~
408 Rose Street

-UKLAMBDA Meeting. 7:30 pm.
Room 357 of the Student Center