xt7kh12v5m49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v5m49/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Maryville College vs. University of Kentucky, September 22, 1934 text Maryville College vs. University of Kentucky, September 22, 1934 1934 2014 true xt7kh12v5m49 section xt7kh12v5m49 . 1. -  . . . . ·.  ·
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These leaders of the Athletic Department all drive Chrysler products: .
Horace \Vilson, Treasurer E
C. A. Wynne, Athletic Director .
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A. F. Rupp. Basketball Coach V
S. C. Kinkead, President Q
S. A. Boles, Graduate Manager sg
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"'I‘o labor constantly for the world with no thought of self, to iind indifference and opposition
where you ought to have active assistance, to meet criticism with patience and the open attacks of ig-
norance wihout resentment, to plead with others for their own good, to follow sleepless nights with
days of incessant toil, to strive continuously without ever attaining—this it is to be a college presi-
dent. But this is only half the truth. To be associated with ambitious youth and high—minded men.
to live in an atmosphere charged with thoughts of the w0rld’s greatest thinkers, to dream of a golden
age not in the past but in the future, to have the exalted privilege of striving to make that dream a
reality, to build up great kingdoms of material conquest and make daily life richer and fuller, to
spiritualize wealth and convert it into weal, to enrich personal character and elevate all human re-
lationships, to leave the impress of one`s life on a great and immortal institution—this. too, it is to be
a college })1`ESlCl~ElllL.`,~J. H. KIRKLAND, Chancellor Vanderbilt University.

  is g  
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College Inn at Chicago   SECOND SHOVV — °?  
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A gentleman and a scholar, former member of the Nebraska State Legislature, one—time star full-
i back at Notre Dame University_ lawyer by profession and football coach by choice—that is Chester
Allen Wynne, "The Chetter."
A Kansan by birth, Chet Wynne received his higher education at Notre Dame, where he was a
star pupil of the immortal Knute Rockne, absorbing not only a proformd knowledge of the game and
how to play it, but also a deep seated ability to pass on to others the knowledge which he has gained.
Coach Wynne was called to the University of Kentucky last spring to take supreme command of
{ athletics after a disastrous football season had all but destroyed interest in the gridiron game here.
g He was selected by the Athletic Council after his record as a player and as a coach had been studied
I carefully, and after a series of personal interviews had convinced the Council that if anyone could
§ place Kentucky on a high football plane, that man was Chet Wynne.
Q The Council decided that Kentucky needed an experienced football coach who had already won
Y success at other institutions. Chet Wynne met that requirement. He already had led Creighton to
i a Missouri Valley Conference championship, and then he took gt down-trodden Auburn team which
s had not won a conference game in several years, piloting the Plainsmen to a championship of the
new1y—formed Southeastern Conference.
Now Chet Wynne is at Kentucky. He is that quiet mannered gentleman on the bench in civilian
¤ clothes. He has a big job on his hands here. Kentucky never has won a conference championship in
football. Victories over high class football teams have been few. despite the fact that a gradual im-
provement has been made in recent years.
It is up to Wynne to build up Kentucky still more, but in order to make a success, he must have
g the cooperation of students, players. alumni and those lovers of the game who are eager for Kentucky
  to win. Let’s everybody pull together for Wynne and the Wildcats.
` Ladies and gentlemen_ we give you Chet Wynne. ,
M   l_1.._.._...._...........__,

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The Governor of the great Commonwealth of Kentucky has demonstrated his friend-
ship for the University of Kentucky time after time during the stirring period that he
has been the States chief executive.
Not only has he fought for the University and its right to exist as the foremost
educational institution of Kentucky, but he also has been one of the l'niversity`s most
loyal supporters in athletics. Hardly a football or basketball game has been played dur-
ing his administration that he has not honored the \V1l(lCHfS with his presence to cheer
them on to victory.
Governor Laffoon hails from the western part of the state and claims Madison-
ville as his home town. Before becoming Governor of Kentucky he served for many
years as a lawyer and as Circuit Judge of his judciial district.
The University is proud to welcome Governor Laffoon to the football games this
season. `We hope and believe that his presence will serve to inspire the Wildcats to
battle as he has been forced to battle. The world loves a tighter and all Kentucky knows
that Governor Laffoon knows how to light.

 ;———-———-·—·—··  i
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As this is the bi—centennial year of the birth of Daniel Boone, whose name is synon-
ymous with early Kentucky history, it is fitting that the University of Kentucky Ath-
letic Association should honor this great pioneer in the football program.
, Trail blazer, colonizer and defender, Boone took a leading pa1·t in carving this
H Commonwealth out of the wilderness, and in so doing, contributed to the establishment
of the University of Kentucky. Had there been no Boone there may never have been a
  Kentucky. Had there been no Kentucky, there certainly would have been no football
' game here today. V
Every Kentuckian is familiar with the heroic exploits of Daniel Boone. What Ken—
tucky boy has not, in his dreams, walked hand in hand with Boone as he crossed the
mountains at Cumberland Gap; battled the painted savages with him, sorrowed with him
at the death of his son who fell mortally wounded at the Battle of the Blue Licks;
exulted with him at the recapture of his daughter who had been carried off by the In-
dians, and thrilled with him in his numerous narrow escapes from death at the hands
of savage beasts and still more savage red men?
Kentucky claims Daniel Boone as her own, although he was born in Pennsylvania
and spent his last years in l\’llSSOLll`l. Not only did he lead the way for the first settlers,
pointing out to them the richest lands, and buildnig forts for their defense, but he also
. remained to help make their laws and to lead their military forces in the Revolutionary

The rule changes for 1934 are minor in nature in so far as the spectators are co11-   L
cerned. The principal changes are in the dimensions of the ball, in the forward pass
regulations covering an incomplete pass on, above or behind the opponents’ goal lines,
and some changes in definitions and penalties.
1. The circumference of the ball, short axis, is changed to "n0t less than 21 1-4 in-
ches." This is a smaller ball than formerly used.
_ 2. "The first forward pass in any series of downs (except on fourth down) which
becomes incomplete by striking the ground, a second originally eligible player of the pass-
er’s team or any obstruction on, above or behind the opponents’ goal line shall be penal- ;
ized as though it became incomplete in the field of play. Any other forward pass which  
becomes incomplete in any of these ways on, or above or behind the opponents’ goal  
line, is a touchback."
"Any forward pass which becomes incomplete by striking an ineligible player inside
the opponents’ 10—yard line may be a touchback if the opponents so elect."
Formerly a forward pass into end zone became a touchback on any down.
This year there is no penalty for an incomplete forward pass, except the loss of a
_ down. A
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What follower of the Wildcats doesn’t know Daddy Boles?
1 He has been connected with the University of Kentucky as football coach, basketball coach, grad-
uate manager of athletics, gymnasium teacher, programme manager or general major domo for so many
i years that many believe he is one of the founders of the institution.
l No football programme would be complete without him and here he is.
{ In the ante—bellum days, Daddy Boles wore a moustache and a high-necked sweater. The sweater
) finally went to pieces. The hirsute facial adornment went out of style. But Daddy goes marching on
1 in his easy-going way, making friends and keeping; them.
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