xt7kh12v6014_189 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Working on Off-duty Days text Working on Off-duty Days 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_18/2008ms006_18_16/17808/17808.pdf undated section false xt7kh12v6014_189 xt7kh12v6014 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT
Chicfgo, Illinois
_ ____mw_,J_ "orks November 1, 19A5
Industrial Relations Manager-
Since January 1942, a report has been received from each manufacturing and ran materi~
als operation showing the number of employes working seven consecutive days in each
week. In view of the recent change to a five—day work schedule, the management has
requested further information to indicate both the number cf employes working seven
consecutive days and the number of employes who work on their first or second off-duty
dey. The new report shorld be used commencing with the week iiding November 11. Hsu-
ever, for the week ending Novenher A, the present report of employes working seven
corsecutive days will suffice.
Attached is a new form which has been prepared as a guide in reporting the required
information. Separate reports are to be submitted, one for wage earners and one for
salaried employes. Reports will include both managerial and non-managerial employes,
and should he completed in the following manner:
Column 1 — The name of the department, not the department number, should
bc indicated.
Columns 2, ;;and_é - The number of employes in cech occupation, by depart-
ments, should he shown. It will no longer be necessary to list thc names
of employes involvcde
Column Q ~ Use only the standard jch titles appearing in the Occupational
Rating Plan or the approved titles for salaried employes.
Columns 6 and 7 " These columns are sclf~cxplanator". There is no chan e
__,__,._____,__,_____,_____,________ .. W J J
from the present form of report concerning cmploycs wor?ing seven consecu-
tive days.
So that the information received will be complctc, reports should hc submitted each
week regardless of whether or not employes have worked seven consecutive days or have
worked on their first or second off-duty day. If employes have not worked seven con-
sccutive days and have not worked on off—duty days, the word "NOUE" should be written
on the face of the report.
It is important that reports arrive at this office within twelve days following thc
and of thc reported week, so that thc first report covering the week ending Novcmberll
will bo duo in this office not later than November 23. It will be appreciated if these
reports will arrive promptly.
ckk Goo. J. Kclday
cc: Messrs.
J. L. McCaffrey - 19
F. D. Sicfkin ~ 19
K. O. Schreiber - 19
Division Heads
Managers of Nanufacturing

g$R§_*RRgg*E"* Mr. G. U. Meyers, Auditor CRHCAGO, ,L,___ November 16, l9Lp5
°*‘ ‘”°R*‘S ztisconsin Steel works
FOR MR. y__________________N
Mr. J. G. Ballard, Auditor ff" _P r_‘_IM_% X
YOUR LRRTRR wisconsin Steel Coal Mines SUBECT   $%{·_{,{"_:%•    
OR FILE N0. ¢v-•*•*’ ’·"" """°"°`°' `  
Mr. L. A. Peters, Auditor {NRSV 2 Q  
Wisconsin Steel Ore Mines 2**   ‘  
I am sending; you hereyvith a letter of in-
structions dated November 1, l§)L;§ from Mr. George J.
Keldey asking; for a weekly report to be sent to this
office for his attention igivingg the number of em-·
ployees woo work on their "firet or second off-duty
dey." In t.>e case oi' the Steel Division, this would
mean employees who work on the sixth or seventh dey,
that is, premium time days.
Bill you please comply witzec $#1*. E(elday's
instructions and send this report in to us weekly.
/  A ”
J. B. Parker
_ cc — Hr. George E. Rose - 15
Mr. H. O. Bercher - 15
MI`• Gq J• K6].d.B.y "  

 J. B. Perker, Div. Coznpt.
November 21, 1945;.
Tse ocknowledqe receipt of your letter of November loth
to =.th1.ch. woe attached e lett r of iuetructi me dated November l,
1945, from My. George J. Koldcy osking for e weekly report to be
sont to your office for his uttent ion {living the nw ber of emu loyee
who work on their ”fi.ret or sec ·nd off—duty du_v." we novo prepared
the 1"3l`:OI'tS for the week »·ndl11g November llth, end tre ore enclosing
_ You will note that in the report of Mage Burners Working on
Of1`—Duty Days we have shown the c el loaders ee Piece Workers and ell _ _
other employes et the mine us Daymen as our payroll records do not show
the occupations of any of our cm: l Iyes. If this information ie not
exactly what he desires, please let ue know.
I notice that the letter of instructions is headed for
"Indusatriel Relations L&;nog;er" but, no doubt, you desire these re-
porte to be mrnished by the Accounting Department.
J, G. Bellurd
2 Encle. Works Auditor

'鑧T.?J§"" wisconsin Swami con, Mime cmeme, ui., November 50, 19145
°" `”°““s Benham. Kentvcky ‘A...    
Fonma. J. C. BALLARD, AUDITOR — { ;,~(\, _,,F`Q .
1 ·T€T‘c‘ aslyewi ·;
i ?.fe\i·:.}? ‘;:.‘_-·__§:;i  
DR FILE NO,   rl 1__:` N; II In  
  ax  yl '§Qz;,;B;
`Q glfsiii E
This is to refer to my letter of Novem-
ber 16th asking for a weekly report to be sent to
this office for Mr. Kelday's attention giving the
number of employees working on the "first or second
off-duty day."
As you are now working a six-day week, it
will not be necessary for you to send a report
showing the employees working on the “first off-
duty day", and, therefore, your report will only
cover those employees working on Sunday. I under-
stand Mr. Mowat is already sending this report in
direct to Mr. Kelday so you may discontinue making
up this report. Please have Mr. Mowat send a copy
of this report for Mr. Rose's attention•
/ , \
k "“"°°"
J. B• Parker
  w __ T) ~ A < ' " A »
rl   ' /.7 . ’r »/   » fr
.//"'TTTT J3 '

 coin. mms Works   wdzmm on 0m—m·1·! mrs
Week Endad f·  Q r   ·
l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7.
No. of No. of No. of
Emp loye s Emp loye s Employe s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Wny
lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Consecu- Civilian Product Listed Employes Were
Duty Day Dutv Dai; tive Days or Other Type of Required to Uork on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
, * g a A
. I -» ‘ ~ V » _ · I
' ’ * .`;¢`;: ’Q   V
` I . " ` {_   ;   .
` . · g   . ._ . ». 7
A ` v" -/rxr\L4· A __ __ __ _
Works Auditor

 com MINES works on   Rf1~:1¤;2$·:} zag __€;€_1Pi-r12U"i'Y was
Visisk Ended. //   /rL* if Q.W
l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7.
No. of No. of No. of
Employe s Emp loye s Emp loye s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Fknployes were
Duty Day Dutv Day tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days lndi cated
{te 0 ·p · .·1`· ~ Ai gf"!/— { __, 4_‘ ;""`__»o ,··   iu V. T é` . . _ ~ . · ·· 5. {»—~ ·/x` ·”‘·i , I" " F" V I
‘ l `\   ‘· r QN, mi   K * if ·¢
~ r I3 VA A § tl _   »— ,_ . i I; . ;.__`_’ U
%¢=°»1’k8 Auditor

   WOTKS  ;M{;.:é‘G di €H?1¥~1B\If?Y   »
week 2im.i.wd.________ ____~;w __
],§ 2.Q 5'D 4} 5I SQ 79
N0. of No. of No, of
Employes Employee Employes
Working Working Working Gov’t. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Coxisecu·- Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Day tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
‘ a>::~ka Aadxtor

 colt mms wwks F E£@i...EAR@2R§..‘-.‘* ¤?..J¤.1i¥G. W 0Fii-DU‘PY_pAYS
_ Week Ended__iL_;_,___€ in `   4
l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. _ 7.
Nc. of No. of No. of
Fknployes Employes Employes
Working Working Working C-ov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu- Civilian Product Listed Fknployes Were
Duty Day Duty Dav tive Days or Other Type of Required to Uork on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
Signed _ _ __
iiorks Auditor

 COAL DHNES Woiaks   ·; " ·
ll 2} BO 40 5i Gt 7|_
N0. 0f N0. 0f N0. 0i`
Employe s Employe s F.mpl0ye s
Wmrking Wcrking 110;*king G0v't- Ccntract, Specific Reas0ns thy
lst Off- End Off- Seven C0msecu— Civilian Product Listed Employee were
Duty Day Duty Day tive Days 01· Other Type of Required t0 l‘I01·k 011
Degartmemt Male Female Hale Female Male Female O0cupati0n Work Imvelved Days Indicated
· · _. ; JM ·" » . - I ` 4 ` _ .
  · _   i,>_·-     j_ 1»_¤_l i·_e    
`} I`- _ ` ‘ V V X ~ 4
·rJ‘··"·_`*-, ·‘··‘   ·* av rn . . . l 
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  __·~* _ _ ”;/ ,   ‘ , A V
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.     ¢ [-%~ F
:1.;. a {_, U , r_·__ _»

xl} {1 ( .f -4} ,/{ /; ‘ ; ; » . ..
COAL minis w¤;~kS /i~ E   i-
l- 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. '?.
N0. 0f N0. 0f N0. 0f
Emp loye s Emp loye s Emp l0 ye s
W01‘king \J0;rking EJOi*king G0v't. C0m:rac1:, Specific Reasens Why
- lst Off`- End Off— Seven C01isecu— Civilian Prcduct Listed Employee Were
__Di1tv Day Duty Dev tive Days 0x· Other Type of Required 1:0 U01·k 0n
Deygartment Male Female Male Female Male Fenale Occupaizicm U01·k Imv0lved Days Indicated
 my II   in   i 0/ , _ gf _i_(;L_. 4 ,_   __ _     ;__._    { i .,__;, ,.Q_- I   D
_ *’ 3 ra ii {U, ,   l l
mi W" im-lyk >r H I ‘ I H   V: ri 7..
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.l·ul as D __ 5 . , s
ri A A 7 V J, 7 > M Il   ,-if   !l_-KJ

 V je; jx * 4,; U. .V· Ld.    EQ.;   ·‘
COAL INCHES Works I yr 2 f
10 EI 50 QI 5I GO 75
No. of No. of No. of
Employe s Employe s Employe s
Working Working lforking Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off`- End Off- Seven Conse<:u— Civilian Product Listed Employee Here
Duty Day Duty Dav tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Degartment Male Female Hale Female Liale Fenale Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
vv V.   . `_· _·'V __, _, Il ` ,4l > J A A
    ·'/ H M     _ .
V X U N; _ V Vr‘ .
' » 4 ` ‘¤ l·' U
No   " *¤ Z =»··· I   O
· L . QVC ‘
__ . /     I .1   U
, V V "   , ·V V
., , *< _ P I   __ pf ~ V
V ' __·»·’-’»·. _- _;`_·_. _
V4 " ‘· "lw:7     _; .` ,_.y z
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__ l I , V Iv
Xl V ·¤,'l\_!. \ ,`, 4 I I 
_ VV  { ·/if _ · ·’
N V V I: V V
VV ·’V°1·ZV vc r · ··-’

 I }}-!ZE Q Y
10 2C gl 4C 5h 6l VI
No. of No. of No, of
Emp loye s Emp loye s Emp loye s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Speoi fic Reesons Khy
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu- Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
guy Dey Duty Dey tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Degartment Mele Female Iiele Female Maile Fenale Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
--»—»- "   l ” ‘ D xy   V   A i
Y _ '( 1 V ‘,   if   rs E/` 4;   .~' It `Q
‘ JV ) " " " Q. Cc _ 4 ·  
» " M
k· W ; .\ _ A _ V
_   .,,_ l ‘ N `   `
l an   ._ _.     V
A-, v...- ’-,  V,.   ·   _ U

_ Meek Ended.     _____;' ` · °
l, ' 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. - 7.
No. of N0. of No. of
Emp loye s Emp loye s mp loye s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Dag tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
— , ·, , _` <· g , . , . _ ` J · ·~»· -
,   ` .r ` 4 · ’ ";"vA ’r·A~ 75 r` ;‘_,   V} .'f
Sigllcid > ___
Jorks Auditor

 .·/,’ K f`·~·jZ _   A ` " l ·`
COAL MINES Works   .§G?.KI?l!>G "H   i1#£Y_!§_
A C J   Ended . ne_;_  ‘· rt
ln 2] 5• 4\ 5• G; 7;
No. of No. of No. of
Employee Employee Employes
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- End Ofi‘· Seven Consecu- Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Dai; tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
_ 1
Woiks Auditor

 COAL MINES, Works SALAlLl;.D   ‘Q‘fOPl§_ING Ql_I\L_OF}J`·DUTY  
Week Ended ,` , -;i·   I") ·’r  
1. 2. 5. 4. _. 5. 6. ` 7.
No. of No. of No. of
Employes Employes Employee
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
— V lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employes Were
Duty Day Duty Day; tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
Q,   "‘ ·/A _` ZY . ‘ V. » · . 4 ·· . ’ ·/A ., I » { . · .
> *   .· A _.; A >» V. .   I y V
~·°¥¤kS Auditor

Week Runes ‘_’,   V j.   /€Z·! ci"
l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6, ’?.‘
No. of No. of No. of
Employee Employee Employee
Working Working Working Gov't, Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- 2nd Of'f—· Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Dai; tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Female _Q_cicupation Work Involved Days Indicated
1 4, p _
·  " {   F ’ **‘ `   M ·r ·  y . i »_ I-
works Auditor

 . =‘[—, · (   7* I { .  
` M. iq,.     ·* ` “   "
& . » ., tg . \ ` `
;» »,»· snr r. __ ._j _¤.,»,., ,1% 2,;** f:     ` ik- z·=
. ` 6 .
Week Ended Nov. Z5 1945    
o V, If _ .
.   J
I, 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7.
No. of No. of No. of
Employe s Employe s Emp loye s
Working Working; Working Gov't., Contract, Specific Reasons Xfny
lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Iroduct Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Dav tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Degartment Male Female Hale Female Liale Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated
Itfiine 188 none none Pie ce worker G-day week operation
" 205 " " Davman " "
Mechanical 4 " " Electrician " "
" 5 " " Repai rman " "
" 2 " " Blacksmith " "
" 1 " " Mach ini s t " "
" 8 " " ‘;iatchman " "
" Z5 " " Bath House Attendant " "
" 5 " " Plumber " "
·· i ·· » ·· Fiitnr Plant Operator " "
N 2 II I1 ICQ k_$lUIl·b H It II
" 1 1 " l " Locomod ve Fi 1· eman " " and
washing locomotive boiler
" 1 1 " 1 " " Engineer 6-day week operation and
washing locomotive boiler
" l " " Locomotive Brakoman o-day week operation
" 7 " " RR Oar Repeirman " "
" 2 t " " Li ne man " "
I1 2 N N   LLOUSE {attendant N It l
Out s i G e 13 " " *-·aborer " "
" 6 " " Carpenters " "
" l " " Painter " "
n 3 vv H Truck Dfivhrs N n
" 2 " " Janitors " "
a Works Auditor

 2   *` * ~ @1%   za Vi
1 Q] "`;;. Q, ..-»·.· \
Z 2
  »-A ’\ " &>) `E  g
{   j4.__'> I »J°" Jil
i , Yr ·~ tr
  5   ze   ei  

 GOAL. .MI._._...W Weeks spinner in 1m¤L0yi—:e woyginc on err-Dwy DAYS
Week Ended Nov. 235, 1945
1. 2. B. 4. 5, 6. '?.·
N0. of No. of No. of
Emp loye s Emp loye s Emp loye s
Working Worki ng Uorki ng Gov»' t . Contract , Spe ci fi c Reasons Why
lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employes Were
Duty Day Duty Dav tive Days: or Other Type of Required to Work on
Degartment Male Female Male Female Lfele Female Occupation Work Involved Days lndicat ed
Iviine 23 none none Foreman 6-day week operation
Engineering 2 ’! " Engi nc er " "
Ind.Hel ations 1 2 " " Clerk " "
UI 1 N N Stanoggrapher H VI
” l " " Safety Supervisor " "
N 1 H N Asst. IVi{’I`• 1I II
" 5 " " Peace Officer " "
Operating 1 " " Secretary " "
" 1 " " Groi ndskeeper " "
Accounting 1 " " Stenogrepher " "
" 1 " " Storekceper " "
II 1 H II   . TY II H
H 2 II H Receiwring C]-Ork N H
I! 1. U H   Clerk N N
n 1 H H Shipper N N
II 4 2 II H   H H
N 1 H N   Clerk II II
H 1 N H N Payr Ol]-   18 rk It II
" 1 " " Cashier " "
" 1 l " " Telephone Oper:-itor " "
Me chan i ce l 5 " " Foreman " "
n . 1 ` 1• N Clerk II 11
Out ei de 2 " " Foreman " "
Sié?§¤ ...........
Works Auditor

 a""= >,_A
  K;    -A
·\; F SW2"  
? [ `? 1 i
. ~· #$:;.5 5

‘·;¢:ek Find ~d Nov. _, l‘»45.
l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7,
No. of No. of No. of
Employe s Emp l oye s Emp loye s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Kiiy
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Froduot Listed Employee were
_Dp1tX Day Duty Dav tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Hale Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indioat ed

 Pg;. 77:2
»‘— k  
  NOT S Salariod Mmployes, etc.
l. 2. 5. 4:. 5. 6. 7.
No. of No. of No. of t
Employee Employes Employes
Working Working Working C-ov’t. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Day tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Male Female Male Fengale Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated

 · ln E
" COAL LHNES WOTKS ‘.;A{‘H·; I·]_xiiN`1;;S `.·C}Ei~}CIZd(} Oli 0I*l-g·DU‘§’Y DAYS _
Quark Ihidwd N<>V• ,l€%":5
1. ,2. 3. 4. 5. ·6. 7.
No. of No. of No. of ·
Emp loye s Employe s Emp loye s
_ Working Working working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- 2nd Off- Seven Consecu— Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Dutv Day; Dutv Dav tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Degartment Male Female I-iale Female Liale Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated

 COAL MINES Works Usage Iiarners, etc,   #2
l- 2.. 5. 4. 5. 6. '?.
No. of No. of No. of
Emp loye s Emp loye s Emp loye s
Working Working Working Gov't. Contract, Specific Reasons Wny
lst Off- End Off- Seven Consecu- Civilian Product Listed Employee Were
Duty Day Duty Day tive Days or Other Type of Required to Work on
Department Male Female Ia-Kale Female Male Female Occupation Work Involved Days Indicated

  EL;¤.RN;_@§_;_ifiOIiKI1*JG ON__Q§§;;D@}; 
W eek End cd______________4 ________ _____
1. 2. 3. A. 5. 5. 7.
N0. of N0. 0f P-E0. of
Ein pi cycs Llmnloycs Employcs
`ficxiaing ‘$I0rking Ti?01~}—:i.ng G0v‘t. Contract, Specific Reasons Why
lst Off- find Off- Scvczn C0nz<;c¤=—· Civilifwn Product Listczd En¤@p].0j;e.s Were
-I12.2.tz.Qau1... _§ai@2LL>s1.ii   Or <5t5¤¤=¢r   Gf Required *50 %‘¤’<>v1< <>¤
Q_ep2z;t1¤9a”@.. .... W.         ._.is   .4 --f2@.QE-£*·I§9¥%-....,. ._... T i€s2;z;E;il2;w2Lv&.<2-,--.. - .. .£;s.;.S....I¤...§ .1<>21¤;@--_...,  ..
S i gn c d____________________________________________________

 __ ____V_________ _ __ _“___________ _______YF0rks
W wk Ended____________A ____________ ____ W
1 • 2 I 3 O A- I 5 O 6 U   I
No . of N0. of I-E0. cnf
Employcs Errp]. Oycs E1; gv] myc rs
ZZ’01‘kiHg vfOI‘]*iH§ ‘.'?©I‘}·€i ¤g Gov ' t . Comirfct, Specific Reasons Why
1 st Off`- Qnd G;f`i`- Scvm Gowsm cv Civilian P1·c>Guct Lia‘i·;d Erng;>]_·i ;, c.s Wi rc
 D2 y ___ DTlt4V IF v______ @j.jgg__f§j  ____ 01* O i; Fw ¤..1* TE`j@t:;¢ cf Hwquir cd tc Work cn
;;<;2;¤_zt.©@s;¤i¤‘___._;    ._    ;; .lg -..... 4..£’F‘.Q}”-Ffi-$$522 .. . -.._. -.EE_<~;;k.  .-  --  E36; 292feQ .. ._A..   .._,-.-.,-
S i   and   ._ __ __ ____ ___