xt7kh12v6014_242 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1936 November-December text 1936 November-December 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_21/2008ms006_21_3/20181/20181.pdf 1936 November-December 1936 1936 November-December section false xt7kh12v6014_242 xt7kh12v6014 .41 .
‘ I
NOVELQER 3, 1956
G. R. Luke J. E. Raines
T. H. Luke Ambrose Jarvis
A. J. McCarty J. D. scott
J. J. Lyon L. H. Johnson
C. H..tniddie G. J. Trent
A. D. Mattingly arthur Lynch
J. E. Jaco Clyde Clark
Marion McCarty U. 5. Palmer
O. E. Buchanon C. A. Guinn
The secretary reported that there were not any lost-time
or disabling injuries during last week. He said four no-lost-
time injuries were reported during the week. Reports of the fol-
lowing four cases were read by the secretary and discussed by the
George James, coal loader - jection ll, lO-28, h.L.T.
Fred H. Bowman, R.R. Car repairman, lO-28, h.L.T.
J. J. Blevins, coal loader — Section 7, lO—28, L.L.T.
Jalter hullins, 5.T. & T. - section ll, lO-29, h.L. T.
In discussing the accident to George James, it was pointed
out that the accident itself was a trade risk but Janes had violated
a rule in failing to report and had been laid off. The safety
inspector reviewed Jmnes's accident record for the past seven and
one—half years and pointed out that in three other cases he had
failed to report within a reasonable time and had been laid off
on two of these occasions. Mr. Jarvis was asked to have James
stop at the Line Uffice and come to the safety office in order
that he be talked to about his accident record and conduct in
not reporting injuries.
In connection with the accident to Fred howman,the safety
inspector said the sane accident hazard was present in the mine
when it was necessary to transfer material from place to place.
The forenen were requested to instruct all workmen to see that
materials were properly loaded on the trucks.
Mr. Luke said the accident to J. J. Blevins had been report-
ed late and he had been laid off for his negligence.
In discussing the accident to Jalter Mullins, hr. luke and
the safety inspector referred to Rule No, l68, requiring machine-
/ \x men to take broken ropes to their machine holes and then outside.
V_y\ {n Kr. Luke told the foremen that serious difficulties had been er-
n! is Witt perienced in the past due to broken and discarded feed ropes being
LQ/lj l/jH§ left in thc mine and requested them to see that Rule l€8 was csr-
il W .r‘‘/ J ried out. The safety inspector suggested that all workmen be
, L instructed to pay strict attention to what they were doing end to

always look in places where they were placing their hands. It was
pointed out that this accident was also reported late.
Mr. Inke reminded the foreman that all three accidents
which occurred in the mine during the week had been reported late
and told them to see that every man understood that all injuries
were to be reported for immediate treatment either by first aid
or the Medical Department. Us suggested that the foranen let
their men know that they would be laid off for violation of this
The following accident statistics were read and discussed:
_ l956 l935
lost—time and disabling injuries 27 35
Tonnage mined per disabling injury 2159l 18062
Lost—time injury frequency rate 2l.s 27.4
Severity rate (estimated} 65.9 122.1
No—lost—time injuries, No. 1 Line l54 211
No-lost—time injuries, all departments 189 266
No—lost-time injury frequency rate 150 208
The safety inspector said that since the Company was closing
their year’s business as of October Blst, he had tabulated the
accidents for ten months and that the new year would start hov. lst.
It was pointed out that some improvement had been made in the ten
months tabulated but that the record was still unsatisfactory when
compared to the averages for the past five years which were read
and discussed. hr. =.i luke told the foremen that our accident ex-
perience had always shown that accidents increased when a number
of new men were employed and that they gradually decreased when
there was a very mnall turn-over for a considerable period of time.
He said one of the most important duties of the foremen was the
proper placement of men. That is, he explained, placing men on
occupations for which they are best suited. He told the foremen
to be very careful in selecting men to take the places of couplers,
motormen and machinemen when necessary to use substitutes. Mr.
luke also told the formen that speed had a direct bearing on our
accident experience and explained to them that nothing was gained
by trying to work too fast.
Mr. luke discussed with the foremen the subject of using
"danger boards" in places where roof was to be taken down by the
drillmen. It was finally decided in go into this matter further
at the mine before coming to any definite conclusion as to what
procedure was to be taken.
The safety inspector brought up for discussion the hazard
of injecting water into carbide lamps by mouth. Some of the fore-
men told about accidents they had seen or heard about in winch
carbide was involved. After discussing this hazard Mr. Luke re-
quested the foremen to call it to the attention of all their men
in their safety meetings to—morrow morning so everyone would under-
stand the hazard.

>} 5 >i<
Mr. Luka talked to the foreman about the rubber hose used
on air compressors and jack hammers and explained that the amount
of hose used and the cost was entirely out of line. He said most
of the damage to the hose was caused by the oil passing through
it and that the lubricators would be installed near the jack
hammers in the future. Mr. luke talked to the foreman about
watching to see that supplies and materials were used properly _
and gave satisfactory service. In this connection, mr. Jarvis
brought up the subject of replacing machine hand cables when neces-
sary to splice them. He said as a usual thing the hand cable had
to be discarded because there was not room on the trailing cable
reel for them. dome of the foreman thought that if the hand cables
were properly spliced there would be no hazard in connection with
short circuits. Mr. l¤P~ said this matter would be taken up with
the management to see what could be done.
Mr. Luke asked about the new Jeffrey undercutting machines.
Mr. Raines said the one in section l0 seemed to be doing all right
and thought it would be satisfactory as soon as the machinemen were
familiar with operating it. Mr. Lynch said he did not know about
the one in Section 9. In connection with the machines, it was
brought out that there was a danger of machinemen trying to sump
them in fast feed. Mr. luke advised the foreman to tell their
machinauen that svmping in fast feed was dangerous and would not
be tolerated. mr. Lynch said the machine which came into Section 9
had a guard over the cutter bar but did not have the cutter chain
lock. The foreman were of the opinion that locks should be made to
fit the cutter chains on these machines and that they should be
used the same as the ones on the Goodman machines now in use. The
safety inspector said he would sae about locks for them.
Ur. luke said the new feed ropes had not yet been received
but should be in within a short time in order that they could be
tried out. The subject of machine bits was also discussed and the
foreman thought it would be well to try out some other kinds of
Mr. Mattingly asked whether or not rubber mats were going
to be kept in the decks of the low vein gathering motors and hr.
Iuka replied that since so much trouble had been experienced with
these mats they would not be maintained.
Mr. Lynch reported that two new switches had been installed
in the North Main Butt entries and that he had been unable to get
switch lights installed on them. The safety inspector was requested
to take this matter up with the Mechanical Department.
Mr. Luke said that since to-morrow was election day and the
mine was operating, it would be necessary to make some provision
to give every man in the mine an opportunity to vote. He explained
that it would be necessary to run the man-trips in the following
order: Section 9 and 7 at 1:00 o'clock, section ll and 8 at 2:00
o'clock, and section l0 at 5:00 o'clock. He told the foreman to
provide later man-trips at the fégular quitting tnne for any em-
ployes who wished to remain in the mine and work till the end of
the shift. 2; Zig 2;; Z; i
 P5 M  *¤`i·`  Li NE "FORhI.iAN

NOVEMBER 3, l956.
  PIN T;
F. C. Cole LL N. Huddleston
3. H, Fightower Austin Witt
A. J. Fawbush A. O. Mcllquham
W. S. Palmer C. C. Baird
G. R. Luke P. W. Cole
Arthur Kilgore J. D. dtansbury
The secretary reported that there were not any lost-time
or disabling injuries during last week. he said four no—lost-
time injuries were reported during the week. Reports of the fol-
lowing four cases were read by the secretary and discussed by the
George James, coal loader — section ll, lO—28, N.L.T.
Fred H. Bowman, R.R. car repainnan, lO—28, N.L.T.
J. N. Blevins, coal loader — Jection 7, 10-28, N.L.T.
Walter Lullins, 5.T. & T. - section ll, lO-29, H.L.T.
In discussing the accident to George James, it was poi ted
out that the accident itself was a trade risk but Janes had violated
a rule in failing to report and had been laid off. The safety
inspector reviewed James’s accident record for the past six and
one~half years and pointed out that in three other cases he had
failed to report within a reasonable time and had been laid off
on two of these occasions, He said James had been requested to
report to the mine office and safety office in order that he could
be talked to about his accident record and conduct in not report-
ing injuries.
In connection with the accident to Fred Bowman, the safety
inspector said the same accident hazard was present in the mine
when it was necessary to transfer material from place to place.
The foreman were requested to instruct all workmen to see that
materials were properly loaded on the trucks.
The safety inspector pointed out that the accident to
J. N. Blevins had been reported late and he had been laid off for
his negligence.
In discussing the accident to Jalter Mullins, tie safety
/»y\ inspector referred to Rule No. l6B, requiring machinemen to take
QW, w,* broken ropes to their machine holes and then outside. He pointed
gfx P ,AA; out that difficulties had been experienced several years ago from
’f,%{   / machine ropes being discarded in the mine and that this rule had
{2 r( been in effect for a good while. The safety inspector siggested
that all workmen be instructed to pay strict attention to what
they were doing and to always look in places where they were plac-
ing their hands.

The safety inspector reminded the foremen that all three
accidents which occurred in the mine during the week had been
reported late and suggested to the foremen that they see that
every man understood that all injuries were to be reported for
immediate treatment either by first aid or the Medical Depart-
ment. In connection with injuries the foreman were of the
opinion that puncture wounds should receive immediate medical
attention as well as eye injuries. The foremen pointed out
several injuries in the past that had resulted in lost-time
due to puncture wounds.
The following accident statistics were read and discussed:
__l9§6_ _ 1935
Lost—time and disabling injuries 27 35
Tbnnage mined per disabling injury 21591 18062
Lost-time injury frequency rate 21.4 27.4
Severity rate (estimated) 65,9 l22,l
No·lost—time injuries, No. 1 Mine 154 211
No-lost—tium injuries, all departments 189 266
No-1ost—time injury frequency rate 150 208
The safety inspector said ttat since the Company was closing
their year's business as of October 51st, he had tabulated the
accidents for ten months and that the new year would start Nov. lst.
It was pointed out that some improvement had been made in the ten
months tabulated but that the record was still unsatisfactory when
compared to the averages for the past five years which were read
and discussed. After some discussion in regard to the no-lost—time
frequency rate, mr. Uole and the safety inspector were of the
opinion that the no—lost—time frequency rate was about in line T
with the average for the past five years due to the fact that
employes during the past year have reported their injuries better
than they did during part of the five year period. It was pointed
out that our accident experience had always shown that accidents
” increased when a number of new men were employed and that they
gradually decreased when there was a very small turn—over for a
considerable period of time. The safety inspector said that he
believed the proper placement of employes on jobs for which they
were best suited was an important factor in accident prevention.
The safety inspector said the importance of "danger boards"
in places where bad roof is to be taken down by drill crews or
others had been discussed in the meeting of the day shift foremen
and that it had been decided to go into the matter further at the
mine before any definite arrangements were made.
The danger of injecting water into carbide lamps by mouth
was called to the attention of the foremen by the safety inspector.
he reminded them that it would be well to call this to the atten-
tion of their men in the safety meetings to—night.
The subject of air compressor and jack-hammer hose was
brought up for discussion and it was brought out that the amount
of hose used and the cost was entirely out of line. hr. rahner

 Q; B ;Ql
inquired if the lubricators had been installed near the jack
hammers to which Mr. Jitt replied they had not.
The safety inspector asked if one of the new Jeffrey
machines had been received on the night shift. He said that
these new machines did not have locks on the cutter chains
and that he vould take it up with the Mechanical Department,
‘ hr. hcllquham said he understood that they were to get one of
these new eachines to—night. The safety inspector said it would
be well to caution the operators of these new machines that sump~
ing in fast feed would not be tolerated.
Mr. Cole requested the foremen to caution all their haulage
crews about the hazards of their work in the safety meetings to-
night. He said the Toremen should take advantage of every oppor-
tunity to caution these men and observe their practices.
C6?   T
General Nine Foreman.
Ma? Oi//e

November 9, l956
No lost—time or disabling injuries were reported during last week.
Two no-lost-time injuries were reported during the week.
Inside laboerer - Section 2, helping take up switch and got dirt`in eye,
Coal loader — Section ll (N), getting drink of water and got dirt in eye.
ACCIDENT STATISTICS: (Nov. lst to 7th) ‘ 1956 1955
Iost·time and disabling injuries O l
Tonnage mined per lost-time injury l4552 2l558
Lost—time injury frequency rate O 23.4
Severity rate (estimated) O 42.2
No—lost-time injuries, No. l Mine 2 9
No—lost—time injuries, all departments 2 lO
No—l0st—time injury frequency rate 7l 254
locks for Jeffrey machine cutter·bars.
Splicing machine hand cables.
Signal lights for switches in North Main Butts.
Knocking out carbide lamps in man-trip cars.
Danger of spreading splice bars with fingers when inserting rails.
Danger of holding ties up under rails while knocking lugs in place.
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