xt7kh12v6014_306 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1948-1949 text 1948-1949 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_30/2008ms006_30_6/24135/24135.pdf 1948-1949 1949 1948-1949 section false xt7kh12v6014_306 xt7kh12v6014 Nev, 2, 3},1,8,
?€_·;1‘·]z;r1 Y·Y».*,€c~ #21 Egygnk,
Hé»xI‘].&H, K?.
{j<:y;i_;3.1 ;.;;;w¤;y M1. K»‘J=i2;1J>; y LM., am,. in *.h~ {@1}.:.-i· g
ms .0...JQ.anEic:.;
li ;Yj€S _Q_,5( C _"·‘
Younis L5'; yp
ITX V ALI "EXL T f—`”E°."'1` V C’]»
J. c.:.:.L, ;a.4-¢.-L0.*

 Nov. 2, l%&%.
Hwrlam }‘;gtj.<:;m.l Lum. J
2};;*1.:..., K-.-,
G(§I1L]..FiZH€I`).• ALLe>r 1f;l0n F-ir. J. R. §~Q`»:v Qi-ss?.L¤.r,
· ...............,`.-..............~......»!...,.....--
we-   .i.vi.u¤ vuu mlm: ch;m;;¤-: list for curmxnc · mg win
- ,> L) nl
we wml rccylxwg L0 .;—ee.t amy ·~=§»u·0;l cm i‘£0x,·.;·;;.¤.~;~ /.,t,l;,
’L·.·.[;r.‘;j.<;=s 1§§l5,5C?C .C"}
rpgng §"5!"{ _f(
;· ;2‘¢¤;2 Z   ·— J F
‘_;‘=· 0   l ,2CC ,(`(
C12? S Zi, C JY?
50*.:1 ,1**
Yours tru; y,
`fI»‘* ’7' .`.LL..¢¥—Q1EL ‘   »V*.F`l"`YT C£Q_
E Y..........-,.. --"-. ..,- - .-*...-.-.-._....,
fw all OP

 N<>‘·’· ‘¢, l':i»9
_   Nia »i_·.» el ?—;_,nk,
}¤ ;.·p, $-1,-;,
. ;_4,1uEe4.·m: _J;L.¤:z-L.-0;; ff  J. Ti. Wcii 2L C;—::`;_©c. V
HE ;;z*·. €i.L`¤.·!}.<_tE` ‘¤*i‘ Q x *.,0 ’ :r_·F~‘ LY zhrr   Of  »€ °O&-n
For which   ask wait, you pL<-·.;;s2= cmp us t.i.¤cz cqu vesxcnt. am0u;;L in
, c;:,gy3·5_r;{;y 4..;;;,1 L,vm.1Lar· ll, MAB. .
§1&2.;La·!1 Né¤i;j_ormQL l_;.e¤nk_,
§;&:J.¤ ¢n, K3.
“}9x1L1cman; A~·;»;;;.1.;;1.·;2   J R. ’£;_¢_;Tz C`==.$hi€[;
Ve mw ·j.viw__z; you Lclow c%.e.n_  list for C*.l1`I‘E2LC_§' md ruin
grr; md ll ;‘ C;\.1J.{‘·5 nrO zu·=#vL our jx ·~POJjl rm NOvr.;Ece1· llmh;
  uz L; 5 @15 ,5Ci .L·¤
Tens 2,5C-C JQC
  ;*j_v4·s ],5Cn JC
‘1_‘»,.,cs l,C‘C`=C .CC
5;*105 kg', .£`O
Coin ,235
Yogss Lruly,
IH ATLAT1 DAL §l1'»T.v’};SI R CL).
Pur `
V   ......*.».--.. .--.. ,,........................._

 EICTZ4.; CY 3.6, 19}+8,
. }{£`.1*13D {Q: $,5- 1.;]. }·—=21%£,
E-E<¤‘.‘z·n, EQ-.
G*·.!iR;.].€‘,={<:`(1; {XV. iI\Z..j.OI1 {Y`, ._Y. `R• ”.·,`5·j._L   ']·»i’Y QQ. ,
Var ...¤ ,__._;¢Q,.Q   Xs.   qv,.  i,. gf: Qyqi, for na.; <,..:;y :..;1d
COL'; mi .,.1-.]. »‘-.%q~,:; ic 1;.,.,;. .2..;* ;n.‘.»iO;L .:11 i·]..»`v'·? Ll 1 J.1€L»§1;
J.-; .»;.¤>sz ;’315,5` &·` °""T,O (`\'(*" i' :I'   } 5,.} Y " CQ   A.   ,CK--
13,:* whglzzi;   ask if st gm-*.4 g-laxzsré Sf1‘F.i¤ ti? LM ¤*£%**lV€—i‘¥’"—¤ ¥»·~*°·-ML in
cuz‘2"·c;;cy um; Lol;- 1,0  1%*.*2: xihh p¤;;j.'1‘~;>l3- m<·f¥@Y Ni   ; ear 18th MM!
in me I0} L0.·.—;_.zAg ·ie=1;0..i.:1aLi. :>:1s;
jg· ;v  3   ,0OC .00 .
1 >`,· {Q5   ,6*0
Y{¢·l\’·€= 5 IBF ,C(` _
y_;_, xxi; is XC? Ji
M-- ..' ’?r`· ;‘·,
;.W_:JYk'   »LL.'•~·‘C
_‘;; ,  _,   ,0C
Yom rss ‘uruly,
EE"?   AL I .¤.`“VF§i7`i    (ZC.
1 renal. A».nui»01‘

 Eovamhey Z3, IQLS
EQ&t·}.sm Qgaxigimlexl .2mk
Harlan, meuuucky
l L]£`i.'LLA.'c€am:1.x;
Ze axe QL aching hwrmbo uuuck in pnc pm gun 03
j27OG.C© Loy which wc aah that you y;@as@ whip us ubc
equivalent &m04uL in curé »,.- ucy anu c0;n LO ar*1v& wink ra rolL
mane. w; iovcmicr 25Ln aad in the Lchicwing ¤am04inaLi0ms;
hnlvas § 2QC,O©
Fives 2,CCO.£(
Tens 5CO,CO
Yours Lruiy,
IIff¤}E1A./I~;.Ai Ez£’T¤kK’LIf“ ill

November 23, 19LG
ygarlazx National Lama 1
}qa1·l:;n, E~TarwLuc;k_y: _
’3&y·LF@:ue: 1.; A\;’L€.-LiG.; Yr. £»_?i, "¤;J.m$·! Li<.`:Wi‘iCl`
Tfm nrce ;gi*J:i_2·&_ you below c:Lsm;_e—= iii., for curmncy ‘ ’
anu coin we will 1‘1e<.;u to mat. our gialfrcil on 2_w1»;;;i.er~ 25LL;
Twezgui; ie s 9}/+ ,CCi(> .00
Tens 3 ,000 .0C;
Five S 1 ,0OC , CZK T
"{‘w0s 1,lOC .OC“
C;-ue s 207 . O0
CPTam5¢z .05
*19 ,507 .C3 W.
"curs Truly,
ISTE PN LT     T, 2`»-FFJFC  LC   C3 {E .

 Nov. 29, l€*L,8
Harlan National Bank,
_ Hazrléin, Ky.
» Bgntlemen; ALLcm,i0n ?»T.r·_ J. R! 2a’cil<¤·r! Caslzier,
we are aLt,uch,ng he·r·;-to our check N0. 31;.2, in Line amount,
Of $§l7,L;'75.5L4, wich ss me amount. required 1,0 meet. our pay roll
on N vcmbcr 30, und wus reque s*c· :· · 1: ,1 ,¤ ~ ,-
1{’Y4§Eai·;§Q   A   2.1. ....2....1f I I ,1..)........,1 l (..1,., ,__,?.,).J....‘ ..,.....1 1.*...1... ,,_ v_ (,2A,.;_ ,m__;(w,
·q<·:V::lI1m a§j|g;;;.‘~<,Ly_;’; { _ V     _
  1   A. (. .Y»:?»L*.‘. new }·1·r·=il» (I:1>hEm·
_ I ’ f J. F. '§`%'fL .\»7•O5" 6.63 / 6.65
25 5,000 P 2.15-/
29 1'7,475¤‘54 V 5.26
Total 39.95 59,95
*7* » ,— , ~ ; ,_
101:21 120,641;%.tsQ ¤> 1,;,1 por T1. 120,5;;
'I -·•}1-···=-
Iots.11 160.60
V_ V __P J ' I CW 5;- A _.»» V
1 W o    »·—-·· »·~·~ ‘ ##1   .~
__, _       :.·" I EV wu
1 —., r ji {WV ·' /4]   / L \J `
{ V x., * r
V1 /VV7/ /. I V'; UV
i V1  

 Dac. 9, l“z/48
Hd lan N&ti.uxl yank,
Harlan, KY.
Qcntlsmen; Amxcnkion Xp. J, R. Mailer! CashLer,
we gmc ;<.a.cacl;;Lr1g l¢ex¥:L0 check in Lim Fmonmt of §16é."{O
ccvccxmg tr msportniicn and services cm shipments of currency and
cciu Lo us during Mwvcqler. _
Yours truly,
INI    *A"VETSqi‘¥ CC).
c & _ C. L_ ¢};·1L;§;s, Aufutcr
Fincl. Qazshiesr

 Dec. 7, 1.948
H·a1·].am N:1.t;o.—ul Bunk,
Hurlun, Ky.
Gontlcxnonz At GI1t_1_CL1li£I‘• J.lExi_¢qi.l»:1·__,_Ca1;gt1;61•
Va are {giving you below change list for cu;·:r¤:ncy :1111
coin 1:0 will I`6L1111I‘<} t0 ment our payroll on Dcsucmbur Bth:
Tx-scum as $3.4 , 500 .00
Tens .3,000.00
Fives 1,500.00
Two:3 1,100.00
Ones 4023 . UO
Coin .02
Yours truly,
INT1;RI€.·\TIONAL Hai-tV22S’}7 QQ?. G0.
{__  ~NmJ__w_A_,___“_£__,__,,_.,,, .,<.. J -»;.-  

 Doc. 7, 1948
Hs;1·l;xz1Nz1:1onal Bunk,
Harlem, Ky.
Ge11t;lomon: 1¤.t;tegrg:_10n lg:. .[L_}2.’..`a1_l_e;_LCush or
se no aztam ing hereto cme}; in nbc: uxooum; of §$l2LO0.00 Q
A for Jmich z es ask tmt you please ship us the eq_u1vulent umommt in
currezncy and coin to arrive n ith payroll money on DBGuIJb£:]? 9th, usd
in the following do11o1zinut1·.>:1s:
Flv as $1,000 .00
Hzxlvos 200.00
Yours truly, I
IN’I'R11,;TIONl.L ;@A&zVix3'3‘ii& CO.
J. s ncl. Auditor
—— Q'?
lf   `‘``' l W   A- l l

 Dec. 13, l9Z+8
Harlan National bank,
I·{¤;rLm, Ky.
G.gr1Llemcn; AL1¢:nL;.0n Hr. J. Rwieilerz C? nier.
A we mu a`.¤`;;i§zxé mrc to cheek in the amount, of $25C(Z.OC
for which wc ask LEM; you pfsazse slip us the equivalent. amounb in
currency :,0 a1r-v;v D k.c;:J";;r 3.5 and in the fO§.lOWILI; de2n0;nizeat.ic:x·
C go •
'fwezzties — §.25C>•J.C=O
YOur·s Lx·ul_y,
I eznizl. Ci¥l€} ACcGu1xfar1t

 De¤» U4, JSZ48
Héirlun National Bank,
Harlan, Ky.
Gentlemen, Attention Lil`. J, R. Weller, Oushier, l
we are _;,;ving you below chanée list for currency and
coin we will require Lo meet, our payroll on D6cez:;l<:r· 16th;
Twenties $l5,GO< .OO
Tens 2,5( (7 .00
Fives 1,5(T(;,(}O ` `
Twos 1 ,O(*(I .OC
Ones 5lLs .OC=
Coin .l8 .
V Yours truly,
Ii·—!'1"F22—£;k'1‘I‘u7 AL i;ARWZST*R CO.
CY11eY Acccuziizmi

 Dec. lb, l9A8
yeylan National bunk,
Harlan, KV. »
Qgntlcmen, A UenLiOn HF. J, R·Ucilcr Cashier
He are attaching her to check in the amount of $2,7OQ.OO
for which we ask that you please shlp us the equivalent axount in
currency and coin to arrive with payroll money on Dgcoxler 16, and
in the following denominations;
Fives $2,00(.OC
Tens 5OF,OO ·
Helves 2OC.OO
Yours truly,
BY _
Ch1ef Accountant

 Dec. 21, 1%*8
‘ Harlan Hiiti na]. Bank,
 Harlan, Ky.
Jenzlemeng intention $·»f1·, J_ R. iksiieyl Czgekzer.
we are a`ta.cY‘.i_..g Merct,0 check in he amcuzxt of $j,00C`.OO
for wiich we ask that you please ship us Lhe €QUlVé%l·.·Il`L wzxount in
currency and coin to arrive u.i.h payroll :;;c;r;ey on Décemi er 23, end
in Lhe f0ll<>wj:»g uen<>;;;i¤an1e;;:s;
Five s $2 , 500 .00
Twos 20<‘ .00
One s l0(` .(`C
He] ves 100 .(YC "
Quarters l0(i .00
$3,00c .00 ·
Yours truly,
IEEi.B*5iA‘;i.>..AL IE5 **1/FEEL R C0.
0 By
- CMS   *0
1 e ncl,  
f" 2 e»~ »_
.,   J. ii
\......._.,.,___,_,__,_,__,____,,__,__`__v...,._,,_.,, .‘.. ,-.,--·....~e-.. ...»»—A~,- 7  _,__.._ ,,,,  ___~_H'__“U-,—`MnMM-V

 Dec. 21, l9L8
Harlan Nat10z;a1 };a.m<,
Harlan, HV.
Genblemcn; ALi€HL1OH Nr. J, R, Weller Cashier 1
Y-Fc am siiviug you kclow Ché—1i£;l&‘ List for cur·r·ezzc;,· and
coin we wi11 c»qu5rc Lo meet our payrcgl on December 23rd;
Twenties $10,000.00
Tens 2,500.00
Fivcs 1,50C.<0
Tw0s 1,100.00
Ones 329,00
Coin .80
Y0u·s truly, _
Mt. ... .. 1. ......-_ .. . ._.
Chief Accountant
___‘__,__,,§.·.`·»~..}&—»—j   ·.—···£·r·;r;··—·—=·*»¤~-·~·c‘·· ;·'·:·~»·-*—»- »··—~,..·_..:....   _ _ __ ___r

 Dec, 22, LQLB
§m;—];.n g._..L1  inn ,
§§I:I‘ii.Pi[•} Ky,
i;;;1z:,le»mc;r ., ALL~m,i0n VF. J H. \»{eilex·I (j3s=h1e:1·,  
    ··=· A-qivirzq you i.¢ lcm emma li sb for c,1rz·i.1i we will r·eq·.·ir·=—2 to med. cur p;,,1·Oll cm i€c·c:.;?.~A Qtgth;
l ¤e:m..L¤ s igw ,QCi  .C_»’J
1‘3U$ 5C< -. CC
B ive s l,OCC· .(I£·
mos 2CC .OO
Ones ?»,Ci7
(vin Jl
gl'? , TUB . 3 1
Youps truly, ‘
INIT` i!A‘1`L..»l-5éL HA `V&S‘i‘¥ Y CO.
Chief A€cc>·;nt,amt

 Dec, 28, 19148
Harlan National Bank,
Hgmlém, KY.
Gentlenmznz At.\;<»:r1Li0n Mp, J R, 2~.’s>i1e:rI C8_slx1rar,
We are aLLaehir._g laser no CZ·v..’C,k in xiv: 4-mount 0x" ;;200.CO
for »;};i;·‘n Je ask that you wnezzse ship us the eq.· v21·»~u*r. slmunmt in
coin Lo asrivc with payroll mfnezy on Dgcambcr jg, am: in time i'011;>wing
de T1OIiij.HL:."Q 101:8;
Ha 1ve s 3$1_.3 O , OO _
Dzlmes SC ,OO
‘°   mzie s 20 . CC-
Ycurs tm] y,
_ 1 13€i‘E¥°?`A’i‘I;¥U‘L ?€A“.V?TFZ‘ R CO.
1 eencl, (;H-1eI Acc0u;;fax1E
‘   .1¢—/"’/

 Dec . 28, l9i»8
Harlan National Bank,
Harlan, KV.
GcnLlemen; Aubuntion wr. J H. 'ail·r! Cgsk;er _
$8 are Siving you below change list {or currency and
coin we will r¤qnir0 LO me;t our payrojl on Decemkcr 30th;
Tuenuiss 5,5CC.CC
Tens },COC.CC
Fives 3, SCL .00
fwcs 807.CO
` Ones 2C3,00
Coin .96
$13,003 .<;6
YCurs trily,
(jh isf A»<;0u:xt,nnt
.-' I.

 Jan. L, 191.9.
Hr•?‘].£1l'l ;·4&Li.O1‘,·1]. }$4q2'A}i,
j;.—r§Le.1t, KV.
;,¤x·,.._l_c:;-m, AL1m1Yi¤x‘. ":‘. J TQ. ’,-,’<;.L.i¤1‘·I Cgshwr,
ye gpc; ;S_iVj_.i{; you rclcw civambgu .2;%; for cur;·a¤.c:y end
c¤».»,i.n me wi?]. r-qujrej tc r;:e:t. our payroll cn .3§?um>y cth;
T  xm ies 1 $;QL?, 5OC`.OC‘
Tens l,QOCr .OC
Fives 5,0CC .OO
`i‘w0s 1 ,000 . CO
Ones i»35.CG
253}.9,935.71 .
Your; L1‘21;y,
II·iTiiE§—Q£.l i-;{ixL %€AT iVEST   CO_
ley _
Q}-; in f Acc ountamt

 mn. A, BLS
H.Lr:l¤1'1 ·é;1L.1L'1.<=_l }:;:4_x1}i,
ri»>LZ.zx¤_, Ky.
C2<;am.J.r>u1cn; A.Ateu*,ic>n Pix. ;_ R. *x.»ZL1¢2r ·§;;s F..i- ,
... ...........—...:..._......,.
» e; pp.;`aL1Ja¢2; L-;~;:L0 sack in the »;..r.0u,·.t of §§j4'>f·,C·O
f 1* wich .¤ ¤;-L; {1;;%,   i;lre:‘.;;¤z pxlip ur: wr: <>c:‘-·i·.’ ,%},+2:1*; ·¤..c>s¤t in ` ‘
S.;,.L`•/SI` to &i;'i‘i`v-4       L`.Z'Q`.· cy TI] ,  py 5;, lrlij in the
i`¤ll:>wing ·;`;;1cn;i.¤..M;ic.:s;   ‘
Ifickals ~_;_%<..rtam10n and sc vice cE;ar·gr·vs Jn e·§.ip;;;en*c,s of C1.;;*r~:z¤ .cy
8:.6. coin to us during Dgceukcr, 191*8,
Yours t1·u;y,
IE ZT'QT°.?.'ATIf_> AL H.·'—'?V`C'T:`H CO.
C. L_ =;}rig_;,s, A·;uiL0r
Py .
1 cucl, Cass me ,
` 1 r ¢

} . . .,
'f' - 7 `
in m. ,»1/48
* ·. · .. - " ` , .. M
l31'LGY‘l184Q1m·2.El MP? J TS {G? ~O¤
i3·;2:;§‘m:.· , sTy•
I'? o TG
;`,¤   MLA3 }~ é, `YJ N}.
.;f:12’iU7` , ]·—.$;·.
vi ` .‘.. , Jr . a- .· Q-· J ° - , ,. L-   w ° »,, .. T- I .§’ . »`.'1
J O1' CD5 biz O.; Y»1‘»>3 STFU? k.€¤ C.LOAI` LL ¤. ¤€%2° ·f1b—T‘S CJ- ,‘%\;,’l*‘Gls .'\JI.&. S?
. V. ,. .__ _ ___, _;_ :,»_ , { , , J., .;: V. . ·`¢` L., ° ,.
}_Z_»*_:\; nf _O;;e   4 ;°€.:”{Q Q01" L.<:. -. .1.CZ -*- O`X.¢2.§.a5
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4 li;. B. ·.,`i};i' •·.2{.5
{I {Y A ‘ V5 ry * ='
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L3 =;,=.,=D;s 1 .  
¤ ‘¤ ·' A7"; ZT ~
.35 fic, ,,2..,:0 7.72
2*; Zn}, J'-Jn5•O.:. l·•~» :’
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  .LZj_,2GZ_;.:;,. X·•].¤;
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J klpr). ·...1•»¤•··:•.¤<•·¤••¤: V k_»:_,•·_,_U

 Jah. ll, 1913.
}{&rl&¤ Piatioha], Ezanic,
Herlan, Ky.
Q€¤;lsman; Antennion MF. J. R. wcilsrl CnSh er.
We are giving ycu iclow c*¤uhe liek for currency anu
ccjn we will .(‘€(f‘»l`i]‘U to mare?. cur j>&_;·:i0l]. cm J;;n¤z=1·y ljth;
’L‘v:czxi.»i2 s $13 , SCP .(`F
'iyyrns 3 ,0CC* JCC
Fives 2_,C=C< JC
Twas l,(?( L JC
Ones 3cb.L3O
COiH .2°,>
QL fi , gmc ,49 ·
Y0\;1‘·s 1 1·;,;y,
I*ZT"`?"`A'l`I’Yl· AL }T1`1"`VTSQ' ? CO. ·
` '\7
”` .} >_-—____-

 J¤¤. ll, 19149
H&rlan National Lsnk,
H rlan, Ky.
· Geenblemen, Ai/wmicn Hp. J Q. vieiizérl Cashier,
Us gpc attackixxg Far to check in the amount, of $3OC`.(*C· `
for 1·.`Y.1G2}. we ask Lhext; you please slip as me e<,;;¤ivaL<:m. auzzoum; in
silver Lo a vivo with payroll money an J¢muar·y 33, amd ini, he follow-
ing r§F2l'lC!.1j.;;€*Lj.OllS:
Halves $2OC .(`O ”
Q.1a1*te= rs KCC .C~T*
Qpj: —. ?-· win.
Y0:.-rs truly, l
. Iié'1 RQJML AL A /·¥l&`     C G. »
1 0 ncl. Auuncr

 Jqnu ry 1Q, g$L9 ‘
}·§¤rJ.2 n N&2tj.<.···e;l iiaank,
H»rl4r, K,.
QIELIRZ-1€jY`)(1{l: A},L"*T1t·iOU Mr, J.R• iicilerl  
we are att;;Ping harvtc 0 ack in nhc &1OU.L cf $1709.fW
for w?¥cn me ask u*&t you pQcase ¤h;p ~s Lbe eq¤ivaL»nt axuuht in
currungy T0 arviv, *iLh payroll ¢oney on Ja¤4;ry QP, And ?n the
Lol} cwi; gi :;·~·>r¤<>m1:.r~T jms;
Fives $l,57‘C*.Oi`
une s RPF .(""
YGn; 2; tru- 3 ,
L if Y1.,411 .`.L Elf x/;·.S-L .22 QQ.
km-    ........_..............
1 mel, £:_·;;.j_t,;;r

 Ja my JB. EQU}
YW .
Um-j;,u1 [§81j_~r.£¤]. Lnlxk,
[·`&1’l5.1I1 , Ky.
Gczablemerz, A'c.t.¢;¤Li0n Fil'. J Ii.’·‘eilr

 Jam. 19, 19162
H rlgu hptiomcl Bank,
H&rlc¤, Ky.
_ Genelcmcn; ALLcnLi0n ¤r. J. H.¥GiJnyJ Cbshjer,
‘& ackmomlcuca receipt of yc,r charie Licket dat»d
January 18Lh, in nbc n 0.nL of $25,CC, u0gcLLcr wiLh cneck imsued .
ky·icnnam Cr<4;t *ni0n in favor of [p.h r D. Kncl, and rwnurned
account payee did ¤»t endorse cxccuiy as drgwn.
  “a navc had Ro. Kecl endorse Lacs check as drawn, and .
rctArn s¤»c ncrcwibh.
You s Lruly,
_ IN} ?kATI HAL f$°VE5T R CG_
1 enc]., A;,.`;iL€>r

 JH: Liixfy 25,  
H;-rlam tiatioxial bank,
Iinrlan, Ky,
’ Gentleman: Atncmion Mr, J_ R_ Toile 1 Cawdcrl
_T·.‘e are abtzxchiug h. ·r¤zLc check in Lbs emount of $£,,OC{  -
covszrivzg ialib paynxcnt On Ja,g‘u.=;ry S.Vi.ngs Bonds.  
Kimly sign amcx rxturn Our cash voucher as sown as possil le,
aJSj.Il£j Lge; €U&J]O$€3C' Sbauezyéd 9XlVG.LOp£2 f0I" yOuI‘ COrWG:1'1j.€I1C6,
Ywrs truly,
TN'; Ei AEI DEAL 2 -·"€V¥"STY?R CO.
l semitl, fkU<11E0!‘

 Jemur ry 25, l9L9
Hs?  £·.»¢-v,i_,¢  `1 ·»z.E¢,
F: me / , ?n:,j.c.n¤2n; ALI-.   ;»:1 J . J__Ei.}jcLQ={¢x3 C;S};.4.€_;‘_T.j_zz§= éj].5,0(`fT ,V‘{`
  22,5<`<‘ ,{>C=
  S 1 S SFF .(7"* `
,  »»0s 1.,1·Z`*‘   »
  ~¤=   - ¤ @¢>
Y0 »;_;·s lwkgly,
INT `§2@‘BT¤  AL @.·E**V;iS’ '—‘ CO, »
A .,;:1 1L or

 Jaxru»=;~y 25, 19
`{-¤z·3..·=n 5:;;; rg. ·(,.;?;,
` l'.r·7_' __ Q` W
}01;¤..L=  @44.,1 util —‘.~_ J_ R.T»’:§_lc1··,{;,gsh-0;*
t'_ V L-, ,.4 .,»~|.¢__r     ‘ ». .. ». ¥_- -' A . V .,1 7   ·.*y~r_ r»—
·C F- cu ¤......ja · I—,, kx ..2.;,-; .1,11 unt`? ¤.Lv_().l·.•.{ U1. {.,1 ,k \,-'
fr   ch ~: ;;·E·*".};·11;, wu :i;··_v1   me aqui 4.;}.:nn c,;;0u:;t in ucoin
Luo za;. -v;: im yayru 3. 1; ·2·;,~J ;.n JzY.;1;»;;r·y 27, mx; lll Je f`01l.)_»;i:.g
dem .i.nnLi©..,
Halves - $200.00
Yours truly,
By V

 Jauzgelry Q§rf>, lS¤L‘}
H 1·» zrlesz; ?`.jt,i:>1»:.1 Huh,
H¥·i`jL?;11, K, .
Géxnlcxncng Amezrxnion me J. Rise xr! Cashier
!·'»·· are gfwixug yxfbl L¤·3.0x—& chamge: ;ist fOr currency and
_ cnZ·.?.11   will ;.;qu._;1.. :.0   cur p:·.;.1·v;i CR {·§¤>.·ms,;y, Jar.u :‘·y Blast;
iw. @16::3 $.15,f <"¤}.~(‘¤\ .00
’fy.;<>$ AM ,f=U
Cyyés Lu/.*, [xv. ,
Jan. $1/4.0
In*:@1~ma’cic>1ml Haz·veest;~r· C0-
Bsmhexm, Ky ·
Dr. T0
El?·.fil·AI·I IEA?} lj Ol*";U.. IEA? I EC
For costs 0f `IJl‘P1.I=SllOTt5•lZlOIl and sarviwas on payroll funds:
]._949 jamcuzzit T}"I`LF5f>GI`IC8`IIj.Ol'I Totals
U mmm ry
G EO,?5E%.'7l 8.9.)/
13 ZQ‘.l@;).2E¥ {3.56
lE3· ¢¤,OOC> 1.84 I
EO 2i2,I5C¤O.?3C¤ @$5
EO- 2 , SOO l .   .
27 20,8Z2G,4»5 9.55;%
27   JOOO E. .G5 ·
I Bl lG,SC'7.G·i 5;.59
Total Z5€$.7C> 56.7CI
Tokal ].O9,@95.ECI     paw IY lOQ.9O
T0“;;1l l4£E$.€‘O

 Feb. L, 1%})
i~Z;;x*3,am 1—?;>‘Li0ml Year; ,
Elamlsn, Ky.
Gan 3.e:;A1·2¤; _1\_1LemLiOn_`”;‘, .],11.  £]_,»;·   yp
i   :‘  az i;3a1}‘a`m; 1.0mLc check in Lhv z=A.10u; .L cf {f.lJ ,<’1·.uG A
\ :ow.¤¤,.=V·ing `C~;‘...ZlSVg`>:n uxul sc~;·vj,·;c+ 5 zmégscz on pa1y;#·0’;_!_ #11;;:1;; for
,§;e_nu yy.
V sx L};.   {lug Cy',
IT   AL ;4·l."L`v` ‘°’:j V Ci;.
C. L. :.n: ·l js, ,md1L0x*
~ 1 cgcl,
ly _

1   ,... #~ 4 *~
FX,. ·,..7¤ · 7; · M
b.\..~ WJ   1./1.}/
Z- {7 V `~>* ° -1- r—-% i  V
    »-C..L»].k}A1¤'¤.... Y il.: '
X" . . " .,
.. -21;..:., ng.
»» " . .
uf3X}-.;L.£·f:. pi
. · .· . · .. ,¤  , . .,. ,7.. ,~*¤·—
J;} rn' \‘ .;.<_J _ \·. - ‘,1_(.'u‘. ».; ·; " .. U ;‘..y_ · ... .‘ sn) L;.A.... ·`,J.A.4.i
1 a; ..1;;   ;;-1-.r- Lu A» — » 1,      Qi.   4:: y-   3.  
L;.   .M,1S .;.;.t>,;—_ _ ,.. . .
Q _. ` * r"~,*'_ ..»·
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-..<>;s .... VLC .;`·
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, )_
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q,.. ,. pj J   ,l+`_
10.. s .,11*...3;,
.1. » 1...:,.1. .-. `;.»...; ' v' \ .. Ln;.
,.. .·J; FLL, ..·.. .J·;?:.L.

· 42 ., ...,,U M   (g
~€,.~,:.L4;.-_y o: -.._,i;,
'   ·`-». .."• Z—.
I,. ;`,:_;:. 4:.¤4 ,· ·',. 4*:*2:4 ,
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 ,. · . »_ I ` ~»".)__ [ ,.] '
u-.I-»4.».L.. MM! ;é.~.~/W. u.;~~.: . . V .4,. —:€.;.l..·2 .J .,;i:.....€Z`,
\.   - 4 ~ , ,.4 4 rw.   »· a4 .. .4 4.4. ~ .3: » ~~
;_, cr Elm L- .4.4x{_$ .s ;.'k:¤.·`) ~..4 €iLm J1}. ldlfi ¤; .O.~~,a. O:. ·,;.;(`·· .a   -
* »   ,» ·,-’ ~·»   —, E- ». . ;—. -4 .i —, 4 ¢ -· ‘
i.. _' TA; LT1. nf :;,2; !~;..x» J~»L• ;,·.‘., ..*3Q S:   4 E ¤..€.4 i.‘)‘¤»44.»· .\.€4I2L¤ 3...0·J.é1tr  
-- i4   . '·· - 4 ‘ ‘ ‘—     " .   »- "/-   ` ,·
Um.; ;,)- LLLy> ..L..'.’ (.» / 4 \ UK.! ((..1.. 4. - %‘».L¤'1» (4;;; LL/-.»..L ·»»—»-·L;y —-mt SQL`- L`—·g{.i J   -:46%
..,1.1 L. xii: ...U...1,~4·‘»....-g) L·‘¢£L~ a,. »;*..·L*JJ.$}
k·‘L;Q3S hcl ¥ .£ <
v_   4 ` " {` ' "·
D.{;.L\/=·S ;.’· M ,a*L‘
- · ' ,.»q ’:"‘v "F\
=,.LLi·*.I”L r:. S ;{·•U·. ·
'»* '   ` f' r"
,4.; .¤·S _,>f .xyx.
» ·";" I' /`
gist.; L gk, L
{V4 .,1 3. ,‘,` i.
.. J·/A S a _,... ’ ,
.Li"L .1.jL. .1, ¤ url; ` 'X ‘** ¤` I - du.
.{. ¤;.(4_{, zu .C¤. ;u»',O.44 n4·;l4u

 February l0, LQAQ,
Had an National bank,
1i·f;1.`lE.LI1, Ky.
ucnnlemcng Abuenuion Kr. J. H. Koller, Cashier
We are atpaching hemox,0 check in Lvhe amoum. of $25.C-O
cancelling your charge against our account of February 9th, coverlng
check issued uy helen Frances Johnson on the Guaranty Deposit
bunk, Cumberland, Ky., and reburnod accounb "insufficient funds“,
Yours truly, -
¢¢-y...._. _l-...,......,.._......_
l excl. AJGILOF

 k“eb1··.aa,ry 15, l‘}L9
  gr: §@gg_f,j°_ *31 ;‘F’L[ik,
Jc.:‘.1leu¤sn: HtL¢¤¤i»1—»n ’L:._;. i·-.~ciJg1*‘,  eg.
C¤::f‘w1·e;.;z.g our f·   we ·`:¤-v= ?°LT.Z’.§}.l3Y1   5   g
we aye ax:s·.e¥ing *2ez·» to check Ln Lit`; &;.O`.k·`L sy .§,;2,(‘(`<  ,L`i 3 :·
  vi: ;.;‘·—:;*" ‘-‘ ~·=-L }··Z".l elzigz us L-M: +:q;z-»alcni a·10u:;L in ¤:0=·;·@;;c_,¤
no 2;·;eI·m :·etr2·w ·y 151,%., :-=¤»·.i Mn   L’·i‘>U0n·,·, ig umi<~·r.5uaal,j.¤..s;
L1:~..*.ics g;l5€,·Z,L“C»
'Ikans 5GC ._C‘C
§Zi(V“€V .70 . .
· Y¤=u·.·2 L;·u._y ,
L1;. Lemi.i— AL & »R'x/,4i*Q Qi QV.
L qzncl. Cmee; lxccczyzwnb

 February 15, l9L9
hurlun Nemioual L: mk,
Harlan, Ky.
denelememg ALtenLicm Nr, J. R, Heilerl Cash er
We are axtaching hereLo check in the amount of $l3OC.CO
for wLich we usk e¤et y¤u please ship us Lhe equivuleut amount in
corregcy eau goin LO uyrive wich payroll money on FePvuury 17, and
in che following oeuominutious:
Fives $l,OOC.FF
ones 2TC.O¤ _
Helves l@C.VC -
_ Qil ,3CF J`-?
Yours truly,
. by
le uml, C3 of Aec0umLanL

 Feiimxary 15, l9L8
Harlan Naiional Ban ,
Harlan, Ky.
Gcntlemem Attention Hr. J. R, Weil r, Cash cr,
he are giving you kclow change list. for currency we
will require to meet our payroll on Fel rxmry 17m :
`J. wr; nl, iss $17 ,(lC{`° JY?
Teens B ,OO(“ .(‘O
Fives l,5(`>f‘.OO
_ Twos 1,200,00
Ones 2_ij3,0f‘
Yours truly,
li·5'Q`;F?.f‘QAT IL.?‘..¤L {·’AViWZST. R CC,
chief Accounbzxut

 ‘ 4 Feb1*¤..a1·y L2, l°;¢g<;
Harlan i·.I;;Lj_<;1;:-L`}. 1 amk,
Hawlwx, Ky,
Q<#z1Llm<;1·.; Ai_ “,i—·;L.i0r1 Z`1·, J, 12,Z·?r‘·iic¢r·. Cii!`il._€`7I`,
+2 are igivizaé you Lezlow c&.e..k;;e; list for c1u·:a>.<·y z;..d
coin we ~»/· i l ~·eiL,1€.S §lE,(`i("`.€T‘
ions 2,5W .C`=(`
.;v¢s l,iK`C.C<>
.C,·.0s l,20(` .<`O
Lines ?’ '.‘,· .'€`
Coin ___ _ .'/7
Y0,;;·&= Lu~;._g,
.L5·JE‘ FAA; i. JA}.,   VMS; *3, LQO.
Au   ii ¤`>..:‘

 2 Fanir ary 22, l$’L9
Harlan l*J:;Li0wsx1 .’=:;mk,
§§:;ez·lzm, iky.
L}\;en‘i..T,i ....   ;Z*.;<21';2:i<.·;; Y-ir, J, Y?,E&@.;E.< ·1'·, (Q!e:s}¤*·C>1"’
We am 5m,aa;14iug i».ra+L0 aneuiz in Lim :.:02;; L cf 3,1'/{V .C`C* .
f·;»1.· · »i,,n} .¤  L a.>u.t jsnu pmasea skip Ms me ¢»quQ‘»4;l-;;xt, .a,;A0;m‘c. in
·.,:m·r·~.2¤;yy mu crpm Lo m·r·j,v‘»i¤ P"?¥1`¤.i&.L':," QLLF., cmu ir: me following
Pe:·;:1ies a§lC*,P{*
}?:¤1vcs 1.9FfO
Fives LSUF .00
¢él70(` IO
Ycmlv-z Lru.Kg,·,
li.;,.ZmA;;\.;.,¤»L Pix V;.S',a2 li (Z2 .
1 canal,
‘ ,L4dj_i,0r

 Feb. 23, 121.9
Harlan kabjcpal bank, V
Hurlun, Ky.
ucnzlencng AtLcnLi0u Lv, J. R. Rvilcr. Cashler,
We are {giving you kwlow c::&r1gc· list for curvexluy and
coin we will r»quire to meet our payroll on febxuary 28th; _
fwenties $l5,500,00
lens 500.00 · ·
Fives 500.00
Twas £5G.OC
' » Ones 302,CO
Coin .51
· Yours Lruly,
A2Lnt of 52].7,052,51
<;v0v·=rj.»Lg, chaucjg; List. jive n you '£hu;·su;-y ;a<.r·;:i_z _; for cm·z~<+my and coin
to be cie:] ivex·e·c1 no as Fei r·¤.*.a1‘·y 28, 1%;%*. `
Yours truly, A `
I Iiii P;rti‘JA1’I».i.AL ii». 5L‘J ,531 H LO.
, by
1 enc]., l A`.1<:1iLOI‘

  8, l‘;i§ ·
'. .7»— *'-¢", .. 1,.*
  11 .:.<,U`1 .- rgulwzgll 4,(.¤U.&-.,
iZ':.L`iL(i.I}, XC ,
T}-s.-,l¢.;;:2.;;   _‘__£._".;. gx.   rl ¤;;si;;:.
.c -; ¤ .Trf  T; _y<;·u I lea` nf Q;. a gc; i`;.;:;· czhx;    
c¤:>·?;2 - ..‘1_LL    _   pc   L, `>   ;cD,';*o.Ll cm .`»2;~.· ;h iii, ;
1... . g, Lees `Ql·;,:Tf?*fj ,C(“ .
.¤ ds ;»,C·¥f .i'¥ »
{ `  was 1 ,’ VT JC
was ;,P?= . are giving you below chan;c list for curr»ncy
ond coin no will roqulro to meet our payroll on March l7Lh;
2w·¤Lics $l9,500.FO
Teens 2, SUV .C`O
hives l,5CO.PC
[408 l,lOU.CO
Once S BBC .C(`
Coin .Q§
§·2!• ,93C` . E3
‘ Yours byu y,
IE;;`,AlI;£AL pA?V‘SL H LO.

 March 22, l9A9
Harlan National b;nk,
Harlan, Ky.
Gentlemen; ALLanbi0n Hr, J. R. Waller, Cashier,
l We n·c giving you below change llsh for currency
anu cuin we will require to meet our payroll on March Zhthz
Twamties $l8,0CF.FF
I Tens 2,5CP.”€ ‘
Ylvvs l,5OP,PO
Twos l,lOO.CO
one 5 bb 7 mr
Coin .L5
Yours truly,
, Audlaor

 March 29, l9L;9
ixslrlaxx Matic 4.}. 1.>a—ml;,
Iizmlmm, Ky.
¤L}e11Lli:zz2a:z2; A‘L·i;¤;m.i0u   J, H, #$&.il@;‘, L.e~:rh‘cr·, ‘
L;:·L ;;·.Zr;?;y lZlOJ`I`;5.Yii_; we r·+a·· ivrxd an s=r;:L:·n»;.sL ui u4;;—rez·.c;,r
l'.`i.H1 _;··c>u c¤»;;i._i .;L;   :§¢`;_lF¥`,F`£`», 'JT¥=i¢. was SZLCF`."? mow if an our
omcr cal cd fur.
he gx: au,:;.<.:hj.ug all of me WI’3j);>(;,!‘S 1 ‘   came 0f'1' tf is
:¥.i};·.;  of ¤;u;·m·.:lc·g,·,   c;a:z;.0L he cm·t.s;im, Lut; wc have maarkeci uw:
· w1·a;>*cr which .e %~c;l5.ev<1 cozztaiucd the extra :.:.01.cy, We will hand you
nhs f,élT‘V`,fVf`¤ ’·‘h¤-rsL;gy n·0;·:;iz·;; wwr; you curls up uni}; the payroll.
Yczurs truly,
L.; Fi. Jilji , MA}, }Z;{3V?·`T.?·"’ CG,
Em,. is . Auui {,0:*

 iiexch 29, 1959 ,
E§;.;·lan iiatimal Lank,
EL rlzm, Ky.
GenLlezm2u; ALL ntion fir. J, H,iFs;iZ.e::·. xjarhisep
Yic me rivimg you below ckmgc list for cnmrerxcy  
com mg will yi   po meeet. our payroll on E-ia;-ch 31st;
Tw<=e.zLj.c s QL].? ,50(" .00
lexus 2,5C<".C(`i
Five ss 1, 50(`· .00
Ywos 1 ,20(` .(“C
{mcs 5(`l.OO
Coin .Ll
_ ; ¢44, Lj ,2< Lol · ·
YGATS L1";;KL;y‘,
.{.é'l`f§;QLA.‘i` 1-3.AL L·@j'ZUii€;   Cu,
;%1.`.1Y.i   m. Or

 April 5, l§h9
X 1 lem I a.‘L;i.0{.&]. E z ;nI·t , ‘
FiUl?H, A_.
qvn;iwAc’; A-LunLicn Lv. Q. ;.;04;e;J vasiier,
vii;] €;‘..i"·`  LV;’...,€`Q JJ}; L£°3}.UZ'J ki) `;..~;E; .i.:.'.:?L .5./T C;.lI°I`C!`lC'] (jimi
cgdm we »i T wi; Lwziq _¤ L ¢¢? i4_yM_; cm A_;“l TLL;
L`.   QQS YL. ff" IC
Q iunikt   ,(--{A
lbos ;,2TV,fv _
mans jyjx T
Coin .;f
,.2;; ,’g’Y, $,57
YO4;r Lru-y,
IMQ 7U£;Il[}L ei 5?Sf T CQ.

 April 12, 1949
Hmibm National Bunk,
H&i`l’Sn, Ky•
Gegnizlumcxmz zvqtont ion nr. J. Rmeilo l Czmhior
Aa oro giving you bolovs change 11 at for currency A
and coin no will roqxixwz to royvt our payroll on April 141:31:
Twczntios $17,000.00
Tom 15,500.00
Fives 2,000.00
y A '1‘v.0s 1,2300.00
Oncs 205.00
_ coin ._6_l_
Yours truly,
INZUC Vi$e\TI<2;»AL Ex Vxisié ii CM.
C. L.Grig,.::, Auditor
Chief Clark

 April 19, 1%+9
Harlan National Lank,
hzwlan, Ky.
l§o1·,Ul0mc;1; Abtcxitjon 3.1*. J,   TJci}.*..............;..._..........

 April 26, l9b9 ‘
Harlan National bank,
H;rlan, Ky.
G&nLlesnem: ALt,mmLi0n ids, J, R.V{cj.ler, Cashier.
He are siving you lelow change list for currency and
coin we will require to meet our payroll on Thursday, April 28th;
- Twcnrles §l8,5CF.FC `
. Rena 3,000.00
Fives l,5CF.OC
Twca l,lC0.00
Ones 3Sq.FF
° Com __ nil
Vrvlrr truly,

 Q Maj: 3, 1%+9
Harlan iéati mil bank, Y
H llan, Ky.
Geantlezncn; ALLe:.t.1¤n Mr, J, R, Weeiler. Ce.si·;€er,
we are giving you kelow change list, for currency and
coin we will require to meet, our payroll on May Sth:
Twenties $16,500.00
Tens 3 , 500 .00
Fives l,5fY`.O<“
‘1w0s l,10”.0<`
Ones 113 .OC _
Coin ,52 ,
Youl s truly, ·
Ii»JL`ZR&.A‘1‘i\.1;AL !a»VL;T£‘iT ~ Fl CO,
· Auuiuor

 V Ma? l0, l9L9
Harlan Na i;i011a11 L;.m}»;,