xt7kh12v6014_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1944-1945 text 1944-1945 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_4/2008ms006_4_11/10141/10141.pdf 1944-1945 1945 1944-1945 section false xt7kh12v6014_39 xt7kh12v6014 J. B. Parker, Div. Compt. d _ ·
We ere attaching Appropriation Request No. 14l-A for
$780.00 tp purchase a new Aduressogrsph~Mu1t1grsph machine
for our use here is the office, about which we discus ed
while you were in oeuhem. .
Je are also attaching WEB Form 1688, Applicenion to
Purchase or Rent new end restricted equipment, three copkas
of which are to be forwarded to {sr Prescesicn Board, Wash-
ington, x5, D. C., attention service Equipment Divisiux, Ref.
L-54~C, sud cue fourth copy for your file.
ss suggested by you we hsve addressed our ap ropristion
request to Mr. Jurchow.
You rs truly ,
BY .,..._.._________
Mncls. Works suditor
9 A A I;

 Works Form 88. ISM-2-28-41.   .._, , _
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REMARKS The wld maclmim mow in use is worgiggt generally amd 1-:-zpulr p»m·~bs elm no
longer umxazfacmmd; and mv: parts, ii they could be secured., would mot: mash with
the oizhcar worn parts. This old mxzchizm is likely to go down any day zmich would
“ make it izzpcssiblc to got the payrollca emci other reports out on times.
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CLASS 1900 CLASS 1900
’]‘|,,, (jms {900 _.\(|(|,.l,SS(,gmI,], with _.\ulUUmU(. This hpw series of siiigic-piailc CIJSS IOOO
i"<11‘i11 i"lTC(i111:1Ii1·:1ii_v i`<·¤·4ls sheets, ('{l1`liS_. *“ii"*l_ M1 **1*4* “"“ik as tim wfltlllg M m`d°_rS>
*'FI\`<'i¤I|>l‘5. i.¢Ii];h;{S um] IlI4lIIl1i¢l<‘illl`il1;.E iIli0I`I1Iili.l1>11. l1lSl11`llll¢'U })0iIt‘)`
nliivr i'()l`Il1S in{huw1*iti11g]1<1sitir>11r>i`ti10;\_ [jigs and 1(lO_nmyHig mmmmtlfm mi
gmpjl Ht {UI] Ulwmting Sl)`.(.(1. “*hi](. g(.m,,m]]). liiltll. '1`(1lll`.I1lO(1(‘iS oi 1l1I1(‘ilI11(‘S :11‘L· £L\'I1li1li1LC‘
HSN] fm. Singlwimlm.SSi(m {mms} it Cam 3150 bc in this surics, 11Jl1l1(‘i}“ ixihmiuis l$Il·t»,l l§)Vll’11
l‘(]l|i}1})(`(1 in i1:1111ii1· iiC:1tc—, anti Hug {md ,}U_H),’,,Wlt[l Ylilhlllg umiili ill _l,; S X
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h>:uh·1i whiiv thv I11!1(‘iliI1(‘ o1w1·;1l1·:s. The 111:1¢·hi11¢· ”[T°°U}’°1}i‘ llwy Hm, l.l(`(.trw:l1l¥”(lr1\‘UH
MMM mllnlmluwlllx. if mow than mm {mm is [Wl with i.UOt*|)\`(ifli (‘O1li1`(1i'I1i thu i:11·gc—1l1;11111·Lu1·,
Mi :1 li111¤·. or ii` \`iiiI<'I‘ thu Ilirm hhigilzim; of 11,11 Q<‘**l`¤d·¤`**H¤‘I` I*i¤Ii<`**- li'*` <‘<*¤1I*h‘¤*_1**`***i*** ¥
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m_l_(ls l_(_mliH__,. l)Cl`l11lt q111<·i<-¢·i1:111g111g ui lhnt 111*111111Ig vir-
F IIICIILS —c111h<1ssr·n·1‘r1L<·¢i hy iis own L)‘]>CS. )If1('iliIIl} spvuii is [OO iIIll)1‘l`hSi(\1lS :1
111¢1t<»1‘. il is l'llSii.\' :1111I qiiiciaiy l`()ii(,’(1 into |)l)SiLi(Ill mimitc. Optimnsii i`1·:1l111·1·s i11¢·i11¤l1· :111 Auto-
i.¤1I‘ lirw, :11111 _ilIsi1 as (|lIi('i{i)' I‘<1ii¢·1i Il\\`£l)' \\'iI(Tl] (hn: ]l]{lU(] Form 1"(Zt‘(`iL‘l'} .‘\l1LO1ll$lLi<' i"UI`1l1 i‘i_i¤‘<‘[Ul`,
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111I`1‘S :11-1- :111 .-\11x11i:11·1- 1’1-11111-1-4. :111111111:11i1· 1-111111-111s
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CLASS 3700 F
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11111·1‘:111·>. N1:11·11i111· 111'(1l11l(`l`S 2}.200 1111]11i1·:111·-
An ·`\(M""“"g"“1°I' 111 this group is I1 high` 1111|)I`1'¤S1lIII 1'1I1'll1N.2v.111111 11·111111-:111··i111111·1·s»i1111
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CLA55 5g CLASS 600 1
The Class (SOO S11c·C1]:111111:1t1 is l1:1111]»1111(·1·:1t1·1t,
})I']1llS tl11‘1111gl1 :1 1*il1l11111 \\'lllt‘ll :11]v:1111·1~s :111t11—
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