xt7kh12v6014_568 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1949 January-December text 1949 January-December 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_54/2008ms006_54_17/50248/50248.pdf 1949 January-December 1949 1949 January-December section false xt7kh12v6014_568 xt7kh12v6014 l I C O A L M I IJ E S C
—`“_"` JAN 1949
i` `"`   . i _ sewn
Teachers _
__H@n0.irs and Meintenaxnce   ·; VT 3 T C
Depreciation _ ' [ ? _ ‘/I   A
C Insurance Paid T , " Z · r `
" Re so rve > 1
Power and Liéht ____ -
Miscellaneoos -
Payment to Harlan County bosgrd of Education -
Total Expense ——————  
Emnloyee Contrikutgns -
Tuition Charges -
iloigity School Board Credits  
Teachers Salaries
Bldg; . ,Rental,etc . ..._...—... _
Tote]. Credits .. .*...  
  _ — _ _ — I- — — — _ /' . r W I! ‘ .» T  
|____________________________________,____, ......j......--—- »-——;—-1 ·———-——·——·*·•

Fenhaq, Ky.
Jas;. I2, IGZ;9
T0 - Harlan County B0¤rd cf Education,
Harlgu, Ky,
Bui;di¤g Qqnbal Kev, L Qgc., ];4§, $736.0Q
Fuel Accoumn, mov, qud Dqc., lywé · pay duL¤;lk Glow 737,36
DEIi;};i:{_li£j;;_G EN ’£NSE
19% H@»tj;4; P] nt §Apeuse 5032,36
_ wav. Dec.
Whges §87L.7l @917.25
C¤&».lV 55% . 59 926.%
5;y};ies 12.00 12,lO
Siu 1;   $¢8$l. . @8
20 T0ns Qvnl fur Sqhouls 1c5,cc
5L0re Account — Nov, Gnu Lge, }yA8 A9·15
Purdiuca 0r;:r dhtad NOV. c, l$q&, qlé_bO
·1 11 27,  
» " " Dgc. 3, 15.CC
" " 1]., 5.00

 P C O A L M I IJ E S _
9   FEB 1949
"`_"`-"W —-__" _ .. . _ 599S<>¤
_ Heoziirs and Maintenance     ‘
Depr·‘2ciat,ioh J ·
Insurance Peid   _ _ _ t
" Reserve o _, _
Supplies ___ Z; Z,/Q  
Power end Light ____ j , '  
Weber 1.  ,  
Payment to Harlan County board of iiducemioh   I
Total Expense ————~— { -·   · '
Employee Co_glEribut,@ns -
Tuition Charges __ -
glglliy School Board Crediiys _ {J 0 0   .· · _
Teachers Seleries ____.__._.__
Bldg; . ,Rentul,etc ,    
Total Credits - ;..` .... L " 06 ° · ' K
I Loss - .- ...... - _  

 J]*1'l‘h??2I:A‘l' IJNAL HA RVBS'l`}·.R CO,
benham, Ky.
Feb. 15, 19/.9
T30 - Harlan Coumy Bcemd of FducaLi<>;;,
. }·:·r§ir.r=., Ky.
l.·uilding Rczltal — January 191+9, $308.CC
Fuel Account " " pm dsbuil below b,5j.3O
Dlliall,   MEA'; li.;} L)i*‘lwfJSE
l9fZ H&a.bj.:¤y) Y°lf;!’d; .E}'.f"€`iri??€ §,Sl.O<` .EO
Mage: s   L L: .23
Coal STL/Z8
Sup; lic s 2:% r` . L5}
l(` 10..s Coal Kr fjchcwls 52.50
Stogc Ac<.:0u;l’L ·- Jeux.: ry, l‘,£.‘/ 65.29
Purckiasqe <>;a¤<:-1* dablcl .5.;:.. Vl’,L,$’ A7.99
M or /
" 22, léilc), 12.30
U ll ll   U   >

  M Ai? 1 Q 4  
  `Tm   . _ Seen T
Teachers _
/1 J4 /2 vu a
/& 03. c
Deprrzcistion 3 7, ° ° 7
. _ 2· . 0 0
I -[1'1SLlI`(·l1`1C€ Piiid 75"°° Z 7
" Reserve J- ro I 7 to
  ` I. I'
Sugsplies I V IL J 9 I
  7 io 44/
Power and Light /0 4 7 J 7
. JJ 7 .J°
Lister /!   *
  _ ..<·» /x >·· /1
n ,;.4. Z c 7. `/0 i
Payment to Harlan County board of Education ll ll; It - 4
W Ilvzro ///¢?- /0
Total mqpense ——————
Employee Contributions
Tuition Charges -
C Jl J .» ¤ /·’4¢>-¤¤
County School board Credits
Teachers Salaries _;_______
34. :0.. /!4¤•>¤
Bldg , ,Rental,etc . .........;
C ‘ J co /!¢¢°-°°  
Total Credits ~ ..... J!. 0 A
LOSS»___________    T  

 Ii¢‘l`L' ;—Ja‘I‘lL».AL nA iVES'1`l R CQ.
bmmm5Kp ·
March 23, 1*;/.,9
To · Harlan County board of Edlcanion,
Harl n, Ky,
building Rental — January l$h9 $368.00
" February l$L9 368.PO $73e.o0
Fuel Account · Jam, nné Fob,l€g9’ por denail Eolow €83,L2
DIGIAIL   E*E.f.’;`l}.<} E>iPi LSE
19K He~Li¤; “l um Ehpcuse 5767.92
{EE; ' Egg-
Ha;»s &9L6,23 ;93b.Cl
Goa], 872;.78 977.26 `
Supglios ZBEQAQQ 13.15 l
f?'?.Z7 Z'32.22
22 Tons Goal for Schools ll5.5O 1
Store Account — Jun, un; Nob, l9L9 72,A2
Plrc;aso omoor datéd Jan. l7,l9h$ L7.$9
. P2, 12.30
25, 5.oo
Feb, 12, 7.13 l
.i_   V 4 —i r »       ‘   ~‘°l

~·*·· 4, ‘ /741
Wi-°—-_—_——_—~_—4_m_—‘__  .. . _ Season
Henairs and Maintenance       P/3
Depreciation  ° 0 0 0  YJO
Insurance Paid ')’_f • o   VJ We O
" Reserve j_ fo /r a 0
Suyplies  4- 7   L/J! 4
Power and Light / 7 7 0 L 7l  
Water /`,oO  yl'}!
Miscellaneous / P C 0 E! yo
Payment to Harlan County board of Education / YJ { 4+  7 (f;‘L
Total Expense -—————          
Emo loyee Cont ribut ions
Tuition Charges ___  
wty School Board Credits ji) °0 - ;' )° I ° O
Teachers Salaries _____________ —
Bld;,,Rental,etc. ;........-il: °° yoféo
Tami cmaiue - - - _- - - Jl! •¤ 7* 7**2 °°
Lg S S _ _ __ '·__ _ __ __ _ __ __   ‘ I I. /‘r - if  

 C O A L M I N E S
SCHCOLS __ A . .
"`°"""" ,.s,i I Y1 g / ‘_' ·’/ 7
` `"P ~  . _ S€¤s<>¤
Teachers __
)•·)/JA L I /( YJ 7+
fienairs and Maintenance
‘ Z 74}} o
Depreciation 3 Y. D • 7
_ }· 7 7 e
I insurance Paid yr ° ° 0
" Reserve   "-‘
Suynlies J co. II   J fl
1; .·» I o /¢ I ». 3 3
Power and Light
if t jj 7 g j 1 c. 2.7
wa @1*
_ J 2 rr W • 1 I
Miscellaneous J
Payment to Harlan County Board of Education /7 / 4*
— ·* - " ’·’ ‘
  }’jl,)r77 /flf/‘¢°J
Total Expense ——————
Emnloyee Contributions - I
  uitiom   --
_ 3 L I • 6 ;'~·( 7( " °
County School Board Credits _,_..._........
Teachers Salaries _______....._.
J ( ; • • 'YI 71. • 0
Bldg. ,Rental,ctc. ...........—......
>4z ¤ 7¢7¢¤4
Total Credits — ..... U • Q
Loss .._..... - - Mil i·ll   ’i — ’ 1

Benham, Ky, A
Hay 17, l$A9 A
To - Harlan Coumy board of Edicatiozi,
Harlan, Ky.
building Rental - March lvL9 £3C8.00
" April 191.9 jc8,00 $756,00
Fuel Account — March & April, l%;9, per detaillcelow 767,59
DETAIL oF hEA1`Ii¢G 13.P];iJSE
19% Hogbin; Plant Expense €c62.59
March April
Wag. 8 $1013.89 $9hA .57
Coal 771.72 '/2ES.(`L»
Supplies 12 .00 12 ,00
$1802 . 6]. ».Ylb8L . 71
20 Tons Coal for Schcw ls 105.00
Store Account — March and April 1%/,9 102,21
Purchase order david 3-7-1,9 10,10
18 53.02
26; l2,b,l
o A -18-L.% 20 . 68

 C O A L M I N E S
l"`“"‘”""°“‘"_"` `  _ Season
Deprsciation ,5 70 o ¢ WL C
Insurance Paid Y o 0 0 74 O oi
  i._z~ M A 0
  __ / [ Y.     7 ¢ /.+0
  _4/4/,.3 ’ // Y 7
liriater /760    
ti··iiscellaneous /3 4 j°   7
`Pagment to Harlan County board of Education   *}’ _ 0 VIL!
_ Total Expense ——————   70*0 1.  /7 Jl//if
Employee Contributions - I
Tuition Charges _
_C;idnLy School Board Credits _______ ""'   VJ 4 oo
Teachers Salaries _______.......
Bldg.,Hental,etc, ...._:....... "’I7é 00
Total Credits - .—.-. """ 7`{ 7d °¤  
  —- _. " _' 1 -— -— _ _ -— /1r.I V- I Z J I; _4.   L" .,  

 IN‘1‘E?’l\1A'fIO1~iAL HARVESTER CO. -
Bonham, Ky. ,
June l6, 191*9
To — Hxrlan County bonrd of Education,
Harlan, Ky.
Building Rental — May, 1€=L»9 $368 .00
Fuel Account. " " per detailbelow 132,03
19% Heating Plant Expense 111.03
Wages $+52,29
Coal ]20.0'7
Supplies __;!_}§ .OC‘-
58/4.36 _
L; Tons Coal for Schools _____;ll.<`0
Store Account. · May l9L;9 12.60
Purchase order dated May 7,191.,9, 12,60

 C O A L M I N E S
···*· fig; M4 7
y _______________________ .......——.-----—--·
"`   S<><¤$<>¤
Teachers _
46 I
_ Réoalirs and Maintenance . 0 V   3
Depreciation .3 ya 0 0   7
Insurance Paid 73- 0 9 3 ;’7 0 0
" Reserve J .£°¢ 3/-~<-°
    ·~·» ¢»~·»
Power and Light _;¢>3—$`7 nd"' P7
_. ` J'
  ’ " i' I JM 3
Payment to Harlem County board of Education  It yr/·"{
x z/Lz ‘
Total Expense —————· //4 J 7  /’
Employee Contributions  
*ru1t1¤ ....... -
Teachers Salaries ______.__...._
Bldg, ,Rental,etc . ........-;-- 7/J 74 '
r 0 ¤r
Total Credits - ----. 7`( 7{ 5
LOCS if A i, - j/*_,// -   :j,» {

`__— _·_-W-- V l Se e son
  - -
Teachers A
Depreciation ,5 70 • G C · , ,
Insurance Paid   ` 70 e
U Reserve 3 fo gg
Suyplies ___ Zjf /2  
Power and Liéht _L} 7 ¢ l
Miscelleneous /] · F 0 * `°·
Payment to Harlan County board of Education   c ` ` »
Total Expense —————— ‘ P6   I i ·
Emp loyee Cont ribut igg
Tuition Charges  
  C · ·
Teachers Salaries _____,___._.
Bldg,,I?.entel,etc, ..1...-.  J  - ‘ °
Total Credits .. .---. ""’ · * ,
LOSS _ ,- .. - .. .. .. .. - ...   `  
\_ 3

 C O A L M I IJ E. S
SCI! r "1QS
"‘;U ggp 19A9
I T —*—T V , , Season
Teachers _
Janitors `
  73 4 7 [ 7 7 7 {
Depreciation 3 *)*0 0 0 JJ. Y.? 0
Insurance Paid yp C cg ,3 7 7 0 0
" Reserve 3 fo
 _ //4 3 2 /0 74- 76
Power end Light; ____}}·)’·’3 [J 7/ I
_w&mep J 1 4: 4¢-F 7*/-
Miscelleneous J- 6 0 ‘/•.{··{· 73
Peymeni; to Harlan County boerd of Education 4-4JY ¢ -   /" 4
V Toioal Expense —-——-— J Yjl 4 °  
Employee Contributions -
    pgcs ---
COuI1Ly School Board Credits ,5 J 7 £ L     33-Z. L
Teachers Salaries
Bldg, ,Rent el,et,c ,   *);,33 4 {
_ K E
Total cpe¤1n,$ - - - - T _ J; 7¢L 3: 6 l 
|_________________ , .j.......--- -.--—·-—-—— ·—-——————··——·1—•

Benhan, Ky.
· Oct. lh, 19149
TO — Harlan County Board of Education,
_ Harlan, Ky.
Building Rcntal - Sept, l9L»9 . $357-66
Fuel Account " " per detail below 176.72
19% Heating Plant Expense; $165.22
wages $705.77
Coal 11,3.09
Supplies 25,99
2 Tons Coal for Schools 10.50
Store Account 182.50
Purchase order dated Aug. l5,l9l,9_, 15.55
II II II II 25,  
II ll N   3,  

 . C O A L M I N E S
SCHOOLS U     I [ _ U
" PP   Seen
._Reoairs and Maintenance C L"! d _ /’ {[7
Depreciation   ’V•* • 0 — .36*4 6
Insurance Paid j [ q _ ‘/C / 73
Supplies   fa S   /4  
Power and Light / 6J‘°  
   M - »¤»~ ·»
Miscellaneous 77 (*9 _ 47 7-:*5
Payment to Harlan County board of Education /¢//(.4  /6 / 77¥3
Total Expense —-———— Y!} ~/   ’/( 5 Ly, 
Emoloyee Contributjgns -
  uiri     --
County School Board Credits .357 (  - joy, LJ I
Teachers Salaries _________,__,. -
B1dg,,RGml,aC, ..L£J.!..C 3 W ’·*/
C ~ » i
Total Credits - .o... —¢ *3 L? /*3  
Loss ........ .. .. P J Q  

Benham, Ky.
_ Nov. lo, l$·L.9
TO ·- Harlem County boaru of Educamiol.,
h Harlan, Ky.
Builciimg Reutzzl oct., 19149 $357.65
Fuel Account. " " per detail below 389.98
:1.9% H€H..L.ll'Lg Plant Expense Zc?i|.$·€
Wages lC70.35
C<>&l 395.67
Suynlius 33.85
2O Tons (joel for Schools __lO5.00
Store Account, 25.60
Purchase order dated Oct,. l/L,9 /.;.75
N " 29 13..].5
" " Nov, l2   _
· $773.23