xt7kh12v6014_713 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) text Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_7/59121/59121.pdf 1943 1943 1943 section false xt7kh12v6014_713 xt7kh12v6014     ` I   i I  
i imuswmi Accident January 1% EL3 i
C. G. Gregory   I · V
We are enclosing Claim survey Sheets on the following accident
cases which are still open:
Burton n. Merrill 151-Q ‘
Ray Elliott l80·D
Louis Svanek 19A-D
Shirley A. Pervin 195-D
Clarence Bush l96·D
George Zchinley winsteed 202-D
Lon Dingue 206-D
l Raymond Feyne 217-D
Leonard J. Hell 233-D i
Ge are attaching Agreement closing the case of Hiram Haggard-
Accident No. l25·D; also Attending Phyeicien's Supplemental or Final
` Revert, I. A. D. ll, closing the case of Orbit Couch-Acci. Ho.228—D.
maze 4   ‘
Enc. ~

DEPARTME T · .. , ._ in
BRMWH N To l.A.D. men at all works, CFHCAGO.lLL" Lecember le, l942
OR WORKS _. . . . _. .. _ 1
Twine Mills, Railroads,
F¤RMR. Harvester Press, Iron Mines,
and Coal Mines. _
We are enclosin a number of cooies of the form used in
. i .
estimating disability of outstanding industrial accidents at
the close of the calendar year. Please submit a cost and time
charge analysis on the form enclosed covering all open cases
for l942 and for previous years that cannot be terminated.
The enclosed forms are to cover cases that are still open on
our records, as listed on the attached sheet. In order that
it may be necessary to estimate the future disability on as
few cases as possible, it is advisable to review your open
cases and, if circumstances permit, close them as soon as
It is well to have the plant physician furnish us with a
detailed report on the present condition of the injury and
give his opinion as to the nature and extent of probable par-
tial permanent disability so that we may check your survey
sheets with the files to which they refer.
Please fill out the survey sheets in every detail so that
the exact status of each unclosed case may be known.
We would like to have the requested data by January 15,
l9Z»3 -
C. G. Gregory
cc J. W. Young, Supervisor of Safety, llth floor
Dr. will F. Lyon, llth floor

` °` 4 I I 1
5;;;,.1. Mlmzs T
Open cases as of December 22, 1942: _
AbC. NO.   AUC. NO. AUC. N0. 1
[+2 _;_;_,_,;-;··7··~·¥—~>_,     _   r_ " H ri A   H A W 1 _,.`_
7 A U _ 4. _ " `
eo 181 -»·—  .1. Z- [ 210  @2 ~*· " *· J ·
5 2   67}.   .- ; 184 ’·* ·‘·V _ ``‘_ ‘  211 " V 4. J ' *1*
>-';     _ , c ¢,» 1
71 137CLu»¢}L 212 ‘ ’ " `"
89 191   »   213.   ’ 2. K A.
95 193 J. ‘* 214 ‘ < ~ ·  
A { _ A { 5 115 A!   . 4, 194 215 -. QL   __   JQ (  
125 195 216 1 9 — ; ·‘_/_
142 -. ,_ _ 196 217 jpg/f,_ \K_{_(V€___,_A»         ’__
151 197 -   zp 219 - _~
155- ‘ —~ ~ 202 220 »·   _ _
  ~ Q 167  —=»· 204  _ 221 » 7/ .
7 . v é   ‘_ ]_7[) __     .~ ,205   ~ V   ,2,23 . · » A   -_ .   I  
_V Z 171   I .. ..»- 206 224   ·. _, ·.·, —.   ° z—.¢
.1.   `, Z 178 °‘ ` — V   207   225... ` — ~ _,
226 · Y . · . . I- \ tm
Also submit survey sheets on 2.11 other
.. 2 ` ' ,L rv vv} ° ` · c` ·*°w° ` ` ·¤
{Mfr _;f x rg   M   1;, A   , AJ } J2] ..11.0 1943 C<~S€S ··-11Cn occur e.m1` ·.·.L_1c¤ Onuvg
uv   »   ·   ‘ t not yet been reported to 1)I'1lS OflC€,
_. U ei 1 ,   _ { _ F provided that they cannot be closed
{ · wx ¤M·,{ 7*7;, # ,p._,* "_ ¤» » — . ·¤
oc j.-   —.».-—»l'*·-·»~*» V “~U ( _/3 1 ¥~ ‘*· 5 oy January 15, 1:;%;.
t { Ir" T {wx \ ` J" I? I 7 V [ ' , .
5/ 4 — }v1·¢»E¤h·’“YP‘~‘·"   1 7""` °’ W J E"? -. !~;Q..?· F   ‘·`~"
  7  {    M     .»  » We 5./,;     4 r~iy_4_,<_r ~.   ..,1. v_ ¤ »
I W . » f`, l"- 7 _ ‘ 1
.~ . =` f- ` »· ·N_»`.   ~"`
*1 » U It 1     .. .¤ W ·* ‘
‘g O, · , `  · · V  ~“ ”**""Y‘ »  
I » \ I ` "   , 1     -( {11Li `—£1“‘~ ”`L LM :`· ?* ’Fv"
J I {I .. >\\ nr/_     {4`V1 *1 ` V
' [fx ·`.-· ' , `1 · ;° ‘ `) Q .9; ~· ` V L
I e ,.   4, , *   .._,¤, — ¢< F A- `.¤r·*.4 -·e~.   JV # K
. A ; AJ !,· I if: `   ,‘ rv Q __#__,f..r§’»,.é Q $_ . V Y Inf"   l '
/ #1 AJ   ‘··· Q’x`·‘&’ 173*51 A7 A \` `   5/; ( nk » y ’¤"=~ ?~"   ' '`*· ri  
/ jr / {‘.`)}J·’/;·%·~:;__ kx/E). `l`Qr   ~
I -- - VA X A   r Q
·     ~   ¢;i.*§_ U ’f ;e4c.~"·(

 —`°' _Indust1·1; .l Acc ident
Cn}. Gmginry, ‘J`amu;~.x·y 20, 1943.
§.s xwqusssted in your le:tt< {r of J'zmu:»1·y 14th we mrc · ,
a¤;t·;:;·i1i:;g ; ;¤a;r·ct0 st;1tc:»&11t; of L2 diczgl, •3UI`{`1i‘£11. amd Hnspital expense
  »f'r>1· the cnleend 1* ycur 19423. -
Yours truly,
L GI1C].• Wmeks Auditor.

 C O A L M I N E S U ·
.   - C1\1.E!ND{aR TIT/§_l942 __V_____
Sslsriczs ani Expenses of Comp4,my's Physicians: O
Snleries und Other Attondnnts $17,660.35
. Physicians 72115.56
Nurses 7565.76
Clerks md Janitors / 2.726.95 '
Dentist N __ K554.<`§·
Sur;-gicel & Lbdice.1 Su -:»1i»s end Az.: erstus,
. including repairs amd renewals 15,281.74
Medicel su.:;·11e¤ 13].10.65
Miscelleneous 2171.09
Bowrd, At endsnts nd Otmr Expense 5,851.15
Misc els :,xIl:;3OUS 425125 . 99
Building Rentz.1 ___ 1558.16
- Fees end Othzr expenses of Surgeons, irhysicinns, /
und other Attczzmdnnts ‘ 1,641.21
Professi o;;s1 Services Outside 117.00
h Hospit s1 Accounts " 149.70
= Und·.;rtnkers 150.00
’ · Tysrveling Expenses - Doctors und Nurses 55.06
Doctors onrs 7625.42
Traveling Expense - Account 1'xccidonts ·
' Psyrent - Norkmens' Gompenset ion Brd. of Ky. 406.05; A
A 6 $40,454.45

¤Er=.·xR·¤:MéI~IEaE A   l `
g·;¤;;g·;KS Coal runes °'*'°’*E°- 'EE·· J’a.nu.a,1*J-14, 1~;z,3_ · _
"°R "”R‘ J. G. frjellerd, [I`Ll(;ij.TQOl`
CAL}i.NDAkl   1942
Please prepaye the 1ni‘o1·ma1;lon on medical, surgical
amd hospital expense for the year endzlng December Bl, 1942.
TELL; expense is listed under account rnmxbere lOl—A, lOl»·C,
lOl-E, 3.02-·A_. and lO2~B. This is the same ixxformetion you
have .i'u;;·uished im previous greelrs in connection wich the
preparation of our accident; statistics.
Please fO1"‘.‘IH.1‘d mis report to ms at your earliest
convem;i.e11ce .
(.;/-7 F =, I
  E~   V _ " _,/( ` "4- ·, V4,. ‘;. ‘;/` é{c1·'
GQ G. Gregory ‘ » ]

» ' c`
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0   rfvclvkd  
5* J. L.‘*“ =¤——=‘» l‘f*J?—/
- . . , .» F ,- ., _ E / , _ . · / V
001 medical Supplies ig ,·>·;> A Q 3;   i _?  ; 2 7; `/I [gy \·- T ;¢   \} I 1(,;¢;.V
602 Rent (Dgprecieti on) \$?y{.`i _ j__ \/ gg? yp I),  | QJO K) Sq; 7 =G lg:   IL /
605 Lauzldry !;,j[/43   ( \'/gl F, t Y.? .,·- · ;{__g§!{§ fl
604 Salaries I  579i ya} {jb-?  y i}‘j;,’~ }j(,L. afi;
-/ . A _
BOCJCOTS Sufi; Jgwfeez gjgmyl i  if »l23,· ix!
· V ·· V. ·!" x ,. l *~ ` · / -. la   , .·’
Other my ¤   A ,1 an ow y /·»   ._   fl,.   Q /4 —, MQ   /
` 605 Doctox·s’ Cars we O I B \   {J6 g;3»$Qx é y Q fi  q   gi v//“
606 Repairs and keintenence   ’/4 §   {   §>§   `, qv   k     /
GO'? Lmiscelleneous Sugplies `y 3 I 0 tg _- g/fi ff { X C O Q, 7 j   `>»    » 1 gg V
608 Light and fower S .` #r L ~/# Q; rt ye ii r. r»   o   T Q gf  4 ··/Q /#
609 Fuel   5, gg jqig 2     r, .¤, T]; , jqgé J
610 Waiter jj`! O   Q fw; ·, " }l L I   ni . · ,_» gel/t ·»_»,//A
Gl]. Traveling Expense 5 ( G ¤A   ,,-9 if li Si) —/
  : i` i — i ~- <"~ ·‘i TQQ »~Y ‘;<¥? :7 ~/
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TOVKI EXPEUSG . A J   f» .1 5 b H LW   OJ? l U M; V LI`;/{ —; 7   {1 W I   `
  7 Li   · .· ·     T .0 I E  
Payroll Collections Q.? L ,   ;Vi
BBA Medical Servi ce
Hospital Credits ··
Totel Credits ___
Loss to Contingent Fund Expense
  x€;_··A..,,_ Jp-`:§}’—‘{    
iii - J.   flirt'; ; L; _WW,   A ·;.;`i7, Z; A _       ; L1 i“¥*··$~-’—*=-.\
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 s·¢" :`_
EEKEUENT Wisconsin Steel Coal Mines CHlCAGO.lLL" February 3, 1943 ·
Fon MR. J. W. Mowzit A `  
l/18//,3 J ` B QUIT ACC 7} 2,27 I)
YOUR LETTER SUBJECT • l?•   yi I • 4 ` • ( r * i `
O FIL O. V ~· ~ 1 »
“ E" w. c. comes ·· # 252-D
,-/yr !`_i_,>
We received the receipts on the cbovecaptioned ceses
efter we had written to you on Jenunry ll. nt the time of our
letter we were not ewere tnet you had received epprovel cords on
the cases from the Kentucky `v’Jorkmen's Compensetion Bonrd, and
not neving receipts, we were holding the files open.
We have no criticism to make concerning your handling
of industrial accidents. In fcact, this depertzient considers the
Goal Jdines as one of the brightest sgots in the International
Harvester picture ns fer as we ere concerned, and es fer as we
know, we ere receiving your mail.
kt tnis time, of course, we ere compiling eccident
statistics for the year l9Zr2 and since tne files indicated tnet
tnere wes no permanent pertiel disebility resultant from the
accidents, zse inquired about them with; the nope that they could
be closed, thus avoiding the necessity of making estimetes on
&J· / ___Li_
Q. f, ,°/{   ,¢

 \ _ L . — ¤ · *
    XJ   Q Q  ,         
- 3 ·· ·’\....
’ W * · » ; ‘· · . =.. · — ~;,.,.x   l =.·.>,\,,
\ -
Q; ..
` /‘ ` "· . _.» ,
7 * "\ » '_
. x.·’} * V ' t
I A 1 I

   , 7 -7._ ,> ‘“ `   .7q. ·; W 'I Q.  
EEZZZLMENT k`*6EY‘}_l7>·iYfe <.¤:· *   [M9 CHICAGO, 11.1.., f" “J7 ¤i<· T}- Y · ~ !~7>
FOR MR I , ()_ r§‘r{f`1.}-i€"§'·(§_ !' *¥r$‘$ ‘{‘rwT·
on ru.; rw.
T ,_,.r,,`,y,g7 U 77.,, , +.1*7 ,7,.-7m'r - M; ·y.4— » i"   {7 ·* 1;,;; ‘
7 ;7;7u,   7- —7#, + rx i‘~ p,-·~ A gi ,’··—r i *1 €`w··w=‘*~xr- T‘Y ff
    fr M T7: TYW'17 1 §1‘Y’_;·i_ § Y   Q" ff fl ~’ *7% Y {*9* `i·,I"Y]E`l“:` ? 'YZ
E; Tw Ei wi   “:_»¤    * ·.»T   “ ¤Y·  . ~T¤<;  2** T?
-i-»—,i,-i- Uri ;:; Nm `·~~;;{,_c r' ***7 "` z`  L r’*`·~F ·‘°“@"f`ir*‘ i   ,
Li —,.,·.,,, 5-1-; E17 7%-ri   Y r Y :**7 Y" ,12.7 T; I-—<"¤."` F1¤i·F1
.4. _, 47 +,7,,, ,_,7,.,,¥] * —'     Q @,5;/¤.· :m·wT7y.>,` 7v\”x*`·7_"1' T4;
, 7 (_ 7; ,,7, 7, 7,;- 1 7~¤;"1— `Y·¥`-·~, -?/~_ }T»·;TT;— TNT;
.;       ;77; ,7,, 17 7_7 1;.7.:7,,,-   7 Q ri   -,—,r—,q—q·7 }—.`* ;\ _
. (YP ,> { 4.}, 7_ T1; 4.i: C7,. ;.‘ {.1 {7 r qq'} » in »,.+ 7—,{" flux
·{`r\—]`$r\w·*Je Tar :n;··,·_n?'_
T ,` (Wx/_J_}_,_,_ 7 7 "
‘ \ . P
_ 7.., V *, A · fw ‘   yw]1V`,E;‘;`·W`W{?   ,7
!‘··. ¤ ·. ‘
‘/' · .

 J. B. Parker, Auditor, Fab' l6’ 194:%
For mr. D. A. Zimmermen.
It seems that there hes been some confusion as to
the inforestion you went to furnqsh to the lnddstriel Lecident
Department, requested *n your letters of February Qth eed llth.
Je advised you tert we furnished mr. Gregory this infornution
on Junuery A0, nut ;sve now fou d tnet the inforhution requeeted
my you Ls drfiezent end, tnerefere, we are g;v1ng you oeljw
the xufunmudon enmuhr to tnut furnuxed ¥n pMm;_eurs; which
covers credrts to tue hospital for the calender year 1942:
Board tru Reom - Euplroyes ,,;25,L5L54.723
* " " outsiders n,2od.bO
Operating Room 677.00
A-Rey end Miscelleneous l,43d.l2
i.e.D. Expense _ l,dl7.BO
Totel - ;Q,Bll.54
. Yours truly,
By__________________ ________________
Qorks auditor.

 J'• B• VPa4I'KCI‘ , Add j.`tJOI°,   31 , 1943.
JUH$ 50, 1944
Complying with mr. J. J. McDermott'e letter of July 14, s
a copy of which was sent to you, we are attechi.g hereto nn
estimated peyroll by cle sificetione, cavering the period July
1, 1945, to June 50, 1944.
in arriving at these figures, we arrived at an everege
~ dsily eipenne for e fairly compereble period and used this everege
according to the ponsisle working deys for the pertod covered by
this report, basing our avernge daily production on 5,000 tons
per dey. This figure might possibly be a little high es we ere
unuble to estimeze at the present tile just what the following
year will bring. ‘ ns I understand it, these estimeted figures
are to be used in determining the assessment that the Wo1kmen's
Compensation Board will use in determining the enount of money
we will owe-them for mB1HtBHhUC€ fund diring the coming yenr,
sud if heeded the neceessry edjustnmnts cnn be meds leper.
1 if you think these figures are in line, pkgose peset
this report on to mr. McDermott of the Ihdustriel Accident
Dep:..rts1e::1t . . _
'Yours truly,
4 By_,.,___,___,_____,_,,,._,___......,_.,....
Ennis. Works Auditor. °

g;·~;g·;KS com Mines °H'°AG°· "—L·- July 29, 1943 (
*’°“ ""R· J`. G. Ballaxrot, Auditor
I Y°“R LETER §;’if§§[°_ I;é;'i‘lI:11.‘l·;u
/ I r.¢;£.·;uI.a. ;;planatory, but we call to your
attention that only 25% of wages or remuneration paid for
overtime work is to be included in the estimate.
xy _
J, J. McDermott
cc Wm. Saxnpson, Attorney—at—Law, Harlan, Ky.
J. B. Parker, Auditor, Coal Mines, l3th floor

\vOlL{mm\1'.o LU.J..*m*}¤n`ll.LL»J 1,~.)1utlJ
DlL]KbUhT, KE.
Division of the Lepartment of Industrial nelatlons
July 9, UAB ~.;,
International Harvester Co.,
606 io. Michigan nve.,
Chicago, lll.
Lest year no assessment was levied against Own
Risk carriers for our naintensnce Func, because of the
fact that the oelence to our credit on June 30, l942 was s
over $lC0,0QC.DO. However, our calence in this fund on
June 30, l943 tes less than slow, 600.QU, ano under the law,
for the coming fiscal yeer, oeginning Julyl, 1943, we
will heve to collect the customary assessment for the
maintenance of this bonrd. Therefore, it will be necessary
for you to submit to this office on the orleiual of the
pay roll form enclosed with this letter, your estineted
pay roll from July l, l9n3 to June 30, lO44. to then
 ill <;:.lcul:ite the F.`;."lQ`·Ll]’l`t, of money you will ove for our
Maintenance Fund during this coring year upon that Esti-
meted Pay roll.
We are enclosing co_y of o Eoeru Order effect~
ine the bosis for insurance rates for all concerns cerrY‘
ing Worknen's Comoensation lnsurance in regard to
"lnvoluntury Lonuses" feature of pay rolls. In os much
as our esser&ment of 2% is based uyon thet ;our Manuel
insurance rote Mould Le if gcu cerriec Workutn's Compen»
sation insurance, of course, this "lnvoluntury LonU5"
feuture will be reflected in the Auoiteo Pay roll sub—
mitteo by you on July l, l944, covering the period July
l, JSMP3 to July l, l944.
Yours very truly
, D. L. Lally,
DLL:nec. ACtU&TY·

 Lullnq on Queeiior lneurence Tate in *eletion to lnclueicn
of lnvclunter, Bonuses
On Hoy 18, 1943, The Loero ¤;on motion of Mempc; Fielcé,
secondcc by Ne her Fden lin, unen;ncuel; ecooiec the follow-
ing order:
For the Luryoee of this orcer "involuniery oonueee" are oe-
finec os the excess wages or remuneration imposed by le? or
contract, reid to an euelcye for overtime work mhlcb ie paid
for et o rete in ercees of the regulzr, normal rate of pey
of such employe for said work. Therefore, it is ordered that,
` for e yerlod of one yeur beginning July 1, 19A}, seveuty—five ‘
per cent (7B?) of such involuntury bonuses shall oe excluded
from the ,ayrol1 of each en loyer for the yuryeee of calcu-
— leiing promlums for workmen's comgensetion ineurunce; ther
the remeining tuenty—flve per cent (SEE) of such involuntery
bonuses shall be e pert of the peyroll upon vhich premlums
for WOTL¥lU'S compensetlon insurance shell be calculated in
order tc conpeneate the insurance curriors for an additional
costs in auditing payroll; end other minor fuctors.

 NOW? This TBPQI`17 Of €St1fHt=¢d p&yI‘0ll Gxperxicd t0 June 30,1],44, etc --~-—-
COA]. Twbg],
43 1.7100 00 257910 OO 146475 OO 201485 OO
45 17100 OO 2565:5 00 141050 OO 194655 OO
` 45 2;O;3i}<) OG $5455*115 OO l~’Ll£·£bO QO 198155 O0
43 é;U;30{> UO 32*91.CJ OO 146475 {JO 14049535 OO
45 250:31.0 GO i.551<)O OO 155625 UO 191525 O0
43 2.000*)   55505 GO 3.41350 OO U8155 OO
9 44 ;zO;3OU O0 35100 OO 155:3245 OO 191325 OO
44 LOUUO UO $3695 O0 1150203 <1>O 184495 OO
44 BOC iO OO 37910 O0 146475 OO BU4985 OO
44 . 306x:O OO $51%*0 ·O 1355245 OO 1912$L5 OO
44 ZGSOO GG 57910 OO 1454*75 OU ZZCA985 OO
44 17100 OO 56505 OO 141050 OO 194555 OO
~ 2357-TH} OO 4156555 OO '16B71'75 OO 25605150 OO
iilst day of July 4435
Affidavit 6; lyifrg LQ {FB Y1f{‘.Li'68 above wI;;{j·,p;$LN STrfjL COQAL   S
as mivgg est lmeted. .·rJ.y, IN’I"j¥‘€ 2121 I {AL HA if 3*1 ’ Cf?. h
  Works Auditor 9 M"
J', G. Ballard _ Harlan
251st July 45
· V/j~6¤   `   _
. ( Hemlzm Ky.
Fab•B5, 1947. `

Banhan, Kyr
R. H. Oar Outside Pay wage
'.l‘1:>p1¤ §£8i_(Q1LiI11Q_€1_1._ Switchikg Reggir I.ab<»>r Earners Total
July - 1945 $$5,02:5.00 12,670.00 1,140.00 1,870.00 11,435.00 5,770.00 $37,910.00
Aug. " 4,840.00 12,200.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 11,010.00 5,555.00 56,505.00
Sept. " 4,840.00 12,800.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 11,010.00 5,555.00 56,505.00
Oct. " 5,025.00 12:,670.00 1,140.00 1,870.00 11,435.00 5,770.00 57,910.00
35101.*. " 4,655.00 11,7250.00 1,060.00 1,7250.00 10,585.00 5,340.00 55,100.00
Dec. " 4,840.00 12,2300.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 11,010.00 5,555.00 55,505.00
Jan. 1944 4,655.00 11,7150.00 1,060.00 1,730.00 10,585.00 5,540.00 55,100.00
Fnb. " 4,470.00 11,260.00 1,020.00 1,650.00 10,160.00 5,12.5.00 315,695.00
March " 5,055.00 12 ,670.00 1,140.00 1,870.00 11,455.00 5,770.00 57,910.00
April " 4,655.00 11,750.00 1,000.00 1,730.00 10,585.00 5,340.00 35,100.00
may " 5,02b5.00 123,o70.00 1,140.00 1,870.00 11,455.00 5,770.00 57,910.00
June " 4,840.00 12,200.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 11,010.00 5,555.00 56,505.00
$57,895.00 145,950.00 15,160.00 231,550.00 131,695.00 66,445.00 $436,655.00

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