xt7kh12v7367 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v7367/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1979 1979 1979-04-04 2020 true xt7kh12v7367 section xt7kh12v7367 ‘5 5 5 5 _~,,.. '. ,,;.r--§—~v-«.,.M“_ 5 ., ... . ,. . .. .. . . . _,
Vol. LXXI. No. I35 __ University of Kentucky
Wedneaday. April 4. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
SG cand'dates Ian protests
\‘l’t‘ FOCUS p ‘
Workinsrormw after tWO-Slded FOCUS ISSUE
MercaII-Neal Engitsivm. .
”hi “3:..22-31-i» with” 5553*” " . .
.. he 55;; By GREGG FIELDS Late last night. under the contact the candidates and let them the shuffle." 5
.5159. E 2 V is”: “h Associate Editor supervision of Elections Board know to turn in a picture and a The photographic plates returned ‘
“w . '5’. i‘ i5” .35 55 ”3% £55 Chairman Steve Washington. several prol5ile."5 5 5 by the P0"? Dal/Y 5 5’11"!” '5?
”.9."- -. ’ . ‘ ‘T 5 tr- 5%; ('Onyilht“ "791*"th Km‘d SG representatives dBIiCd from Silvanik. however. gave a different newspaper. which published For-us
. i w " . ‘ i“- . 'i At least one candidate for Student building to building across campus. version ofthe story. “Hetoldrne alter after Robin Typesetting produced It.
. * ' Government president has said he is snatching back the nearly 2.000 copies the applications started comirig In to did not have the names of any 5
3’ 5 -' » - considering filing a formal complaint that had been distributed. “We got all tell the people that a profile and candidates across the top of It. '
l. 5 .- , . with the SG Elections Board over the but about 3()()ot'the 3.800puhlished." picture would be helpful." She said. Whonsetler. who was named
' edition of Focus magazine distributed said SCI Publicity Chairman Brad “He did not stress that you needed to publicity chairman of 5SCB three -
then undistributed last night. Sturgeon. who is running for student have one.‘_‘ 5 _ 5 weeks ago. said that “this (For-us) is
' . . . senator. 0150 d'hflgr'it‘lhg With Sturgeon‘s notapersonalendorsementofanyone.
Thats because the tabIOid. which Still. people were angry. 555 55555555 opinion was Bert CIark. ”He told "‘59 “.5 a regrettable situation.“ 5
W35 [“1thth Jo'htl)’ by ”“35 Student believe that this which h obviously about it about 10 minutes before I left Sturgeon did say that he and Billy
. Center Board and Student election propaganda was published for Key West (at 3 pm.) on Friday." Bob Renner. SG vice president, saw
Government. dCYOICd 5'15 front page ‘0 by student dollars .. said 80 Clark. who is not a current member oft the production flats When they drove '
first-person testimonials written by presidential candidate Chuck Malkus. S(i.5 said. “I happened to run into him them from Robin to Paris last Friday.
* PTeSldehhal candidates Bun. Ehghhh referring to the approximately $600 in line at the Wildcat (ll'lllC. He said but that there was little they could do
and Mark Metcalf ~ bOth 0f whom rinting feethat will havetohe paid bv that il I could get it in in the next l5 about it. “By that time. what can you
are current so senators ' and the” Student activitv fees "It seems to me minutes he‘d get it into Focus for me." do?“ he asked. Renner could not be
running mates. Yet. nowhere doesthe that thev‘re stealing money from the In response. Sturgeon said he only ’8“th for comment. i
\ tablord mention that there are four students“ ‘ ' discovered while at the Grille that Sturgeon came to Whonsetler‘s
other pre5Idential candidates. none 0f '5 5 . .. . . Clark was running. The reason why defense at the Elections Board
whom are currently lh 50- Malkus also ”did he '5 [kag Into Clark needed to hurrv Sturgeon said meetin sa 'in that "Scott would ‘
the possibility of filing a complaint 55 5 55 5 5 5 . :5. ‘ g. 5) 8 5
5 5 (with the election board)." was because the deadline for receivmg have no reason to do it.even though he
The front page of the SG-SCB ‘55 l 5 M" 5 h- or 555 I-m-us copy was 4:30. was recently appointed chairman of
Focus, which briefly appeared on C W 6’ éirl‘ddnlii U resign h” “ l'here was no way I could get it in." SCB by Lisa (English. who is sisterto
campus last night. Céhd'qgte‘ 5‘“ ‘ panne 5.0" said Clark. “There were four people Bun English. who also received a
_ discussing the matter with election f 5 155 . f Fl 'd' .. . ' . .. Ed' . . 1
board chairman Steic Washington waiting or n,“ to Ling or 50“ (”'55 front page story.) i “05” note. n
h d a before deciding whether in file a let. Mark Metcalt. whose press actuality. Whohsetler was appomted
oar approves anorary agrees, 5 . 5 release was publishedin I'm-us. said he by the entire Student Lenter Board,
comp ain ' 5 5 _ , mailed his platform to Focus editor not personally by Lisa English.)
. . Meanwhile: Washington hmlmt Scott Whonsctler'h home during Lisa English. too.denied any special
\i 063” Funk ,8 Shlfled to new post :3; l|lltdhinli iiis :x:h:$:l:n$::iai:L Spring break “WK 5 It was not interest. “I don‘t have any say on what 5
~ 5~ 5 ‘ j ' _ '5 explained why Metcall. a current SCI goes in (Focus-l.“ She said “I asked
5 5 5 _ _ Speaking 135‘ night 3‘ _3 hastily- senator. was not subjected to the same Brad and he said he‘d asked everyone . I
By JEANNE WEHNES Wlll prOVIde a focus for energy ~Approved lour university calledmeeting of the Election Board. deadline as Clark. Mercall' did say. to give in their platforms.” 5 , 5
Assocmc Editor research that 15 now scattered In research professors. These one-year Washington '00de 5‘“ Brad Stprgeon. though. that he knew about the Bun English could not be reached.
different colleges. 5 5 5 5 terms established by the board three publicnrelations chairman of SO. and deadline Hahn“ two weeks English also said she was furious 5
The UK Board of Trustees One o5f5Funk's primary duties in his years ago are to ‘fcoritinue to said. Despite what the excuses are. beforehand." about the fact that Focus will not be
yesterday approved four honorary new posnion Is tokeep abreast ofstate emph5a2i75e this institution 5 research Brad. 1 lhlnk It 8 IneXCUS'dth Malkus said he was never asked to distributed. “They (so) will have to
. dCSTCCS ‘0 be awarded at and federal legislation concerning function. Singletary said. BU! W35hlhg‘0h admitted 1h?” “‘35 turn in a For-us article. Sturgeon said pay us (SCB) our half of the ‘
commencement May l2- energy- Funk said a number 0f 5The professors approved were little he could do. “The Elections this was probably because “he filed so (approximately $600) bill for
5 The four persons to be honored federally-backed coal research labs are William Y. Adams of anthropology. Board is likea gun with no bullelmhle late." printing.“ she said. sips only fair." .
include the first black to attend U K. being established around the country Syed Nasar of Engineering. Kurt said. “Um“ a candidate files a written. Whonsetler. editor 01‘ Focus. said he 50 President Gene Tichenor said he
Lyman T. Johnson. a cwrl rights and he would like to see UK acquire Niedenzu 0f chemistry and Donald formalcomplaintwecan‘t do anything did put Main. Malkus and Clark‘s was asked to reviewthe articles before 5: i
. leader and a teacher in LouISVIlle such facilities. He Will also deal with nge 0f English. but investigate." names on a layout sheet he sent to publication. but only glanced atthem. ,‘
Public SChOOIS’ who w‘“ receive an the implications 0f federal legislation —Approved to be sent .[0 the Sturgeon. however. said itwasn't his Robin Typesetting. which did the Tichenor.who isSUpportingEnglish in ‘.‘5
honorary Dow“ or Letters degree. ~5“°h asthe Mining A“ 0f '977 and the Camel] on Higher Education m fault that the non-SG candidates were typesetting and production of Focus. the presidential race. declined to say ":3; 5
Also ‘05 be honored are U-S- RCP- Energy A“ Frankfort a proposal to burld5 a left out. “I was not allowed to see who "The other candidates‘ names were that 50 will definitely pay SCB‘s part '
Carl Perkins. D-Ky.. Doctor of Law; The Board yesterday approved $165,000 parking lot on College View had filed for president until 4530 on supposed to be put on the top of the of the printing bill. “We‘ll have to :‘5."_
James M' Still, Kentucky author and establishment or the Kentucky Avenue. The n.” lot w'“ provide Friday afternoon (the filing deadline) (front) page." he said. “I just don't work something out later.“he said. He '
’. poet. Doctor 0f. Letters; and retired Transportation Center. to beoperated additional parking for the new him before spring break." he said. “I told know what happened to them. I think added. “We blundered. We blundered if ‘ '
UK‘ mathematics professor S’M' under the College 0” Engineering. Arts b5u1lding and 8“]de Center Lois (Silvanik. SG‘s .secretarv) to maybethat they got lost somewherein bad.“ r
Shah, Doctor of Science. Funk said this research center willdeal CXPaHSIOH. ‘ . .s. - . a «t S525 “is We 13
In other action at the meeting. with specific problems withinthe state ~Approved for submission to the -. to ~ ‘ 9* §§.m.i I§o§.\
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 :‘- 5 9% “KER": § 5,§\ _ QBM- 5.55: zykg “_..: $.i".5\-5-.\.‘L $35-- .555... %.§ .. hii’Vi-gé: . ‘
Engineering Dean James E. Funk was which have nattonwrde application. C ouncrl on Higher Education 5. 55 ‘ 555...? >;h..;j..p§5§§§§hysm§ @‘xwfis gt '
appointed associate vice president for KTC will advise. coordinate and assist construction projects totaling - ‘ 5 s ii w*§\ss§f.s3§‘§“ .sséfig‘igsi i}- 'l '
academic affairs and coordinator of government and private efforts with $1.729,000($l65.00fortheparkinglot w. ', s55 .. i§ttfhe\wx\. ‘ ' ‘
energy research at UK. Funk currently transportation issues and will conduct and $l.564.000 for additional chiller ‘ w *° sh. Mfiwgttfi‘x :fh‘x:\%e“h '
. is dean of the College of Engineering. related research. capacity at two cooling plants). = §$ $“..swii fi‘?‘ 3- :.§ ’ . ‘
as well as director of the Institute of In other action, the board: —Passcd an amendment to the at . REE? " . wg‘xmégtfishfiahtgw $53 . , .
. Mining and Minerals Research. He -—Named the new Fine Arts Code of Student Conduct requiring I" we?” ii“ \t555.§§55 irwsmmw“ .. i
will resign the first post when an acting building on the corner of Euclid University departments. with prior ' fish . Rights: "is... gt??? “ ii § h i ‘ "
' dean is named. but will continue asthe Avenue and Rose Street. Singletary approval of the vice president for I . gs 3“ \. x; six £3 '3'} ‘i .L ‘ .
institute‘s director. said the “University of Kentucky business affairs. to notify students #9355333 «‘33 ‘ .3); 3Qet°¥$s i i
5 “This is an overwhelmingly Center for the Arts“ shou'd be twice 0f unmet debts that exceed $20. '1'_' ‘ .. -- .QWW“ “sit 22‘ T . i ' M
important element of our future,“ UK completed this summer and ready for If payment is not made within60days. 5 _. h ' \ h“ ‘ i. .'* s$§§s s 5
5’ President Otis Singletary said of the use at the beginning of the fall. I979 the office or department will notifythe QTWE i H ' *1 ht- S‘X'Ahh'ik "
, .appointment. Singletary saidthc move semester. registrar that the student is delinquent. «” h . -. ”.5 i a“ i s $3: " 9 i i
5 d 3% \N .. 55555 5 ~ 5595.9? .55 5 5.5.55 _..... .555 5, 5 _ 5
.. o a 5:555 t; 55_55._.--5 \ 5;. » 555.5. - 55555.3. , it i'
i i V r? ‘2» -‘- 5 Q:- ‘.
Marble Hill. located on a bluff overlooking the Ohio g h 5 his 5 iiw&:f 5 55555 55 . 5.55 - ST ._
River near Madison. is scheduled to go into service in I982 = . i h: ° . . , _
. State and is about IS percent completed. m“ g erg jg: I M 09%.}: it 55s _ i g é . i'
. BECOME even more crowded as tonight‘s midnight filing world h- 55 x ’ t ’ j \ " 55 i. i .
““1““ ““"s- w 2.x 555 . i t ' -
Sources said yesterday that Former Jefferson Ccounty NEW STATISTICAL STUDIES REPORTED .. t i 5_ .5 Q“ ‘ «‘7 5g; 1 ‘ is > . r " f ' 5
5 Judge Todd Hollenbach. an unsuccessful candidate in the YESTERDAY “cast serious doubt“on the validity of British as“ Willi ; ":55 $5 - mg5;:,;.-5- . ="5 .5.‘ . 535 ., 1“ .- {5} '
Democratic gubernatorial primary four years ago. is studies which said women who have used oralcontraceptivcs 1: .. ‘ " i 3‘ .35- \- 3': '- 3 '5 r ' -
considering a last-minute entry into this year‘s race for are about four times more likely to die of cardiovascular 3 sh § ' 5. ~ \. . ' ' ' f
. lieutenant governor. diseases. ' > ' ., *2; . ._ . .. , » T» . .
H0ll°hb3Ch indicated he was “TIOUSIY considering th‘ One new study alsochallengedaBritish studythatapplicd .555 ' ' 5:55 W '» 5. . V... 5 . Q 5.5- f-' i 'l
"h“ which "heady has six candida“. those findings to 2| another countries. Includinsthcumtcd ""w s = s we “WWW“ i ' '

. The latest candidate to enter the Democratic lieutenant States. Japan. Australia. New Zealand and most or Europe. . .. “3* "s. s§‘®§mh ' I. . .
governor primary was Charley T. Rowland of Meally. who The authors of the new studies cautioned. however. that h x ' g is... " E. 1, »..:'....;.5_.;;3. ‘yhh‘é Z :- " "i - i" ‘ ‘6 . .
filed his papers Tuesday. their findings do not mean there is no risk at all associated .ii '"A.¢° ‘* “is“ " 3.5, - 5 ' ‘

. . *hh use of or“ Pontrwtives. hm thh.‘ the "3" he hm t as. chm. » - » *
“am" 3:333:13.“ " “m“ ”’““"'°"'""“d°h°“w state :. ‘ ' -
‘_ . ; FEDERAL OFFICIALS SAID YESTERDAY riIArA . .. $12} sshwwfim s ~
7 GAS 'U'ILE "0 l0h8" poses I Slmlhc‘lnt danger 0‘ PRESIDENT ANWAR SADAT 0F EGYPT "“1 Israd' ' i this.“ .‘ .. ~ (
j explosion at the Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant. Prime Minister Mcnachem Beain decided ycsterdayto "‘5‘" s is§1§5§§x ' 3' -
‘ where technicians are tryingto shut downadisablcd reactor. in the Slh‘l and Israel's Negev Desert next month. defying - . is W 3:65.: W i i - i; .
e. “I think thcdanger point isconsiderably down from where III outraged Arab world by Openly pursuinslheimmpaisn . '5 ssh...\ ' . ‘
. ~ i it was a few days ago.” said Harold Denton of the Nuclear for Pu“- » -. * {fwflhhfii i i . . ' i '» i
' , Regulatory Commission. The announcement was made just before Begin flew back '1' . 555555s§€5555§.. ' 5 . - ..
' 5' . 5 5', “We no longer coneiderahydrogen cxplosionasignificant ‘0 Israel. “PM“! the firstjourney by 'h Israeli premierto 'h 19'5.5§'I:..5:t§”‘° -' if i ' \
~ ' ' 3 problem.“ said Denton President Carter‘s special Nib “Pltll- ‘ his. 5.55 . 5 5
. . 5 I S representative at the scene. “The site remains stable the ”PO“ 1’0“"th to Tel AVIV. l beaming Begin “id he h'd . .’_ h *§W*A - . . i i . "
» . I bubble poses no further significant safety problem.“ received thew-mat possible hospitality“ .f’ the; -» ’ . '
L .' -, - ‘ “Wherever I want they cheered. they waved.” said Begin. Ehih“ " ,- ' ' » l ». .

. 3 mm SERVICE INDIANA Is GOING AHEAD may am «no really no me.“ .e in _ ‘ ' a ' . r '-
3; . y.“ ' i with construction of the Marble Hill nuclear power plant. '_ §hflha§h‘. “h? eff ; 5 . 55 _ l 5' 5 . 55, ..
.35. 5:2,. . :5 5 . ' but will conduct athorough safety review of its design and weather ths‘ a.§ : _ , . .5 i - ' 1 i' J
.'-r.-. ‘5 .2 1i operating procedures. PSI Preaident Hugh A. Barker said i ‘ i a a I, DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Sta" _. I .5 ‘3

.55.55 .5 l yesterday. ctouov rooAv wirii muons or RAIN Fetchfl‘lg |dea . ' s .

5 5‘5' . _ "J Barker said the safety review was triggered by the near BEGINNING in the morning. possibly heavy 5at times. 5 ~ ‘ - ’ - . .

.5 .5 5 ..5 5‘, 20:55:35)? 'the Three-Mile Island nuclear plant near :hglhahin the lower SOs. lowsin the lowerwIwith rain ending Senlor Cralg Young glvea III! P“ German 5W“. aloumey “,0.th Complex hymwnmaaymoet 5 5 ' 5 55

'-' 5 " ‘ ‘ ' Maxi.amiflofthefrlebeebeforesendlngthernbothon orMaxl‘agnltaneedtlteaadatofatleaetonebotuice. .5 - 5 5

». .~ i'T"""OWW-' "'GW‘."”"~W" ‘H’I “ "“"' “ ' ' . s ' * .......,W. 7 i ,
“i": 5,; 5 ~ 5 5 . ~ . hath: i .'5 _ v; 5 5 5 .. 5 5- e 5’ 5 >5 ._ 5.5.5. .55, '5 5‘ 5 5‘ )5 ' 5:‘5 , ;. 'r‘ . i 'f" ‘55}. 5 55.55 5 ' . O.
LC‘\:;I ‘ . j " .5 . ‘ . 5 , a 5 5 5 ‘55.“ 55, 5.55 .555 . 5 5 55 .. o 5.55 ‘ 55 5.55365“: 'v‘i}?~.fi'5¢;¢v5 . ; 5/..5‘.$ ., 5 .5 -‘~ (.55 555 .. 55t5y55 5 5 5- 55‘ 55 5. ,.i : 2355,,555?‘ ,. a . 55; ' 5 . . .45 5
hircf‘i‘fi';«17’i..fle3,vow." 555555.55 55 55 5 . , .r .5 .. .. . _. . . . ,. . I 5

 , ,.s.. ._...‘ . _ ..-‘c .....,..
i l
. ‘ W I .'
Steve Idling" lisa Jloussud Thomas ( lurIi “all" 'I unis Jamie Hugh! Tom Moron '
erne fill/or m ( lint lilllotm/ lr/uot by home" it“ I4III4'I \pmli Ii/lli'l I’ln’tll" ul I'liologru/ihi ‘/
l Debbie McDaniel
Steve Massey ‘
Rich-id McDonald (-reu Holds Ruth Muttinzb (m w‘iiiis John (lay Linda ('nmpbell
Uulrueme I.Ii/.u .leunne “ehnes t'- JON!) 'illf lsiiimni MI liliioi Brian Rich-d Photo Manager
. . . q C '\\lHI(Hl‘ lilmui (ii/H Infill") ism/um Spout l.lllltil\ '
editoriaL 8: omments
. z
" i
F fl I I t I - .i’
I hose “ h“ M“ there i. munch thingasri perpetual posts is Brad Sturgeon. the chairman ofSG‘s public the page. “I don't know what happened to them." copy of his platform. -
mom,” machine haie apparently ney er \ccn l'K‘s relations committeel lhe candidate explains that his Whonsetler said. The heads of SO and SCB professto be inthe dark , .
I Student (ioxeinnnient in action ()ur beloved S(i is application was received first). lhe PR committee. He added that he was neier given platforms and about what happened. l.isa English. SCB president. I f
- doing its dead leiel best to institetlie re-eleetion of at along with the Student Center Board's Public photographs of the other candidates. (Bun English‘s sister) said she was unaware of the
leasthoine of its present members '\nd it's doing it Relations Committee. is responsible loi‘ producing Brad Sturgeon was responsible for getting this contents of the paper. S(i President (iene Tichenor l
with student monei lot-us. material to Whonsetler. Sturgeon said last night he said he had the opportunity to review the paper. but i
\bandoninganyislight tog-.tdeot ethics or honesty. lhere is no attempt at ob_iecti\ity in I’m-us. ’l he was unaware ofthe content ofthe paper untilthe day didn‘t. . .
50 ”Mm.“ hate decided to trumpet their "house“ Metealf Neal story is partially written in first he took the paper to the printer. By that time. he To top italloff.thetwoorganilations used $800 of .
presidential and \ice presidential candidates in the person. discussing "our“ platform at the beginning. claimed. it was too late to do anything about it. student money to print these propaganda sheets. i
‘ 50-5mm...) Center Board ncwspaper. l-‘otus, in the next three paragraphs. the article tells of Sturgeon said he contacted all the candidates There is no excuse for this kind ofunderhanded. I' ,
lhe front page ofthe latest issue of Foi-usfeatures \ariotis proposals ““IIwe Metcalf and Neal except Malkus. because tvfalkus filed for office too bush league political trickery. The S0 election ‘I
the pictures and platforms ol the four members of would implement. lhis ellort concludes: “Andto do late to get his platlorm included. This is patently should be suspended. with English. Metcalf.
50 running for president and the president in the all these things we non/you.“( l he itaIICs are theirs.) ridiculous. The filing deadine was the Friday before (iunnell. Neal and Sturgeon barred from taking part . ‘
current election: Bun English. Bobby Dee Gunnell. lhe English (iunnell story is a copy of the press spring break. but Focus wasn‘t taken to the printer in future elections. For-us should not reappear until ; .
Mark \letcalf and Sid \eal. Nowhere in the l'our- release distributed bythetwocandidates‘campaign. until last Friday. two weeks later. Also. Metcalf an investigation determines who among those '
page publication is there any mention ofthe fact that Neither of the stories are signed or have bylines. mailed his platformIto Whonsetler in Louisville the involved is at fault. with the guilty participants .
there are sei en other people running for the offices. The paper doesn‘t say that any attempt was made first Monday of spring break. barred from working on the publication in the ;_ -
(Bert Clark. Charles ‘vlain. Chuck Malkus and to contact any of the other candidates. . . In addition. one candidate. IBcrt Clark. said the future. lhose responsible for the latest issue should I:
Bill Rockwood are running for president and Peggy I And to add insult to injury. at least 2.000eopiesol only notice he got that $0 andIS( BIwantedacoIpy of resign. . ,-
(‘urtin. Craig Ross and Ken ch are candidates for I‘Im‘m were distributed in campus buildings last his platform was when he ran intoISturgeoninlinem At the very least. all students should cast their '1.
“CC president.) ' night. I . . . theIStudent I(enIter Grille JUSI before he left for his voItesIfor any candidates besides those involved in J
In addition. m the listing of senatorial candidates The editor of Il-‘ocus is Scott Whonsetler. S( B springvacation in Horida. Clark claimed Sturgeon this Nixonian treachery. . .
to 80.5 cman the\ are all listed it is "0ch public relations director. Whonsetler said last night toldIhim he (Sturgeon) could use the platform if he SG and SCB have combined budgets of over 7
which candidates areiiicunibents. i\nd curiouslythe he thought the paper was goingto ineludethe names got it to him in I0 or l5 minutes. 352.000 in student money. We deserve better than ,
first name in the list of those vying for the tit-large ol the other candidates ina headlineacrossthetop of Main Said he “its "CWT tOid that anyone Whhtt‘d 3 this- .-
S W.‘
. ~'-.
Clark-Curtln Metea/f-Nea/ Ma/kus-Ross .
.‘ i.
I_-IIII . ,. rear" I What priorities do students want to campaign. we intend to Show in the , W - W WWfWWWW W W W W .i
{W .‘ II- ' ._i ' " see put firstinthis student government administration of studEiittgovernment E ' WWW“ ' :W .3
fl I_,__-v-Ia:_I§§“’<2.t_,. 32?ch I. WWWW'W; election? DO you. in fact. wish for should we be elected. . .i . :5 W~*WWWW.‘.WAM . I ' '3.
- «tom/”g more participation with more accessto Some very imporatnt points which ' WW ' — rWW Wir- W'
. - a v/W the administration? Yes. we feel you we feel separate us from the other g ' WA‘W'“ . '. !
III I . 2/ . II d 0. Students want m ore recreation. candidates are an escort service to aid . ”gamma ”I” . .. .~-l W; .I'
/ ,tW . , __/I. . -'-:’:"'";§j:;'5r=:§é;.,.. 4’ 'I increased safety. and better parking women students in safely crossing ' - no.3... f ; i
5 {W t 'I facilities. Students do want these camPUS during the evening hours: s, ““ . W WWW Wt W
/, y ' things. and they need a student publiShed standardized teacher a " - .. .. \W W ,. . ,3
" it ;- . government that Will be responsrve to evaluations which would chiefly aid it . . I W i g
, _. I. . we and we have heard all about the involvement. meaning increased I (I 'gow, j;
1. ., .' ’ Promises and Piatiorms of this awareness by pUblishing the minutes. ' £55" " ‘ sWe “it ‘W iii.
r , / _. candidate and that candidate. Some of past meetings. and the agenda of ’ ' it .‘s -- . '
- '3 I II‘; . , A. {Z different. We. Mark Metcalf and Sid. by moving the meetings to different ‘- .. 3. .
é «Wif' Neal. offerthe most complete. COhCiSC locations on campus. - W ' 'W’
gWéW/j r-W W and consistent platform t0th° student These points and others make us WWW W W* .313
WW .4"qu WW ‘ at hhdY- it is because we spoke 5i candidates for the executive offices of We. ‘3 W ' I, at WW3
39}. f ’ gt flags, I I x. '. is gifferent Pimes to Igroups such as Student Government but itis upto " k. 3 -
orms. raternities. sororltICS. you. the student who can elect us to ' 7
Peggy Curtin and Bert Clark religious organization, and these positions. We urge you to be CWWWW Ross CWWWW MW'WWW "
professional CiUhS in putting together involved in the election. look at our We are in this election for the . . . . . f i
I our platform. The same personal platform and look at our experience. students. not for our resumes. Athletic “Ck“ d'Stributlon‘ g i
interest we have shown in our We hope you will choose us. We are different than some of he espec1ally {9" playoffgames.isariIother .W“ g
other candidates. who want toincltide concern WhiCh 5h°iiid bedealt With- A 5 , i
Hello everyone! This is your one of the few options the university ' positions of President and Vice- study is needed to compare the "‘3th 7 ~ '-
presidential hopeful speaking. My stillallows youtohave.Youmightjust En llSh-Gunne/I President on their resumes. Unlike d'Stt'bi‘tiO“ Of Other schools With
running mate. Peggy Curtin. and I. prefer the service of your regular these candidates. we do not have any UK‘s. ~;
Bert Clark. want to change student doctor and that shouldbeyour choice. future political ambitions. RCCChtiY- Student Government has § a
government for You that is. we want Choice is what my whole campaign Buzz EhSiiSh and Bobby Dec Council on Higher Education, feels We are running for this election so hI0t served the students hi“? it §h°“id . ’4
to be open to opinions from the entire is about. I am a new kind ofcandidate Gunnell. candidates for Student student participation in this body is that we may serve all students and Sihcc most 5thd°ht5 have had iittic or t? i
StUdCht b0d¥ for UK. Recent presidents have not Government president and vice vitalto insurethat more state funds are increasethainvolvement ofstudents in no COhtKCt With 50- This needs to be .' . i
We are serious about ourcampaign. represented you fairly. and if you president. have released a position allocated to UK. Gunnellsaid.“More Student Government. We do not have changed 50 that students W'ii have '
The antennae that I hope most ofthe really want one out of the same mold. paper which designates the need for and more money is being given to any “ties” with past SG presidents and some ihPUt into the" “Governing .
students have seen me wearing are you can make that same choice again more student involvement in the other state universities such as we are not part of the “tightly knit BOdY-W . _ ..
only for attention. We want to get But the recent Student Government Kentucky General Assembly and the Eastern. Western and U of L by the group“ which now holds office. We StitdCht “gripe SCS'OhS have been ‘-
apathetic students to get out and vote. has not been responsive to the Council on Higher Education as a council which in turn necessitates will enter office with an open mind. held in the past. hilt WP" h°t held
and from what students all across students. i plan to stay as close to you primary issue of their campaign. tuition increases at UK.“ Gunnell Our platform is based ona“rcalistic often enough. SUI hitCTCStIih whatcould -.
campus have said to me. they seem to aslalways have been.This is the only English. who has interned in wwent further to say that “Most approach." to what is feasible in be a very effective medium was lost. ‘
have worked well. way I can tell what you people out Frankfort for the Appropriations and students overlook the importance of regards to solvingthe problems which We Will reinstate 8"!” “55th “id * '
This is the only way that the there want. Revenue Committee of the Legislative the council. The council directly face students today. h0id them OitCh ChOUZh 50 they Wiii
StUdents can be adequately lwant everyone to know thatlcan‘t Research Commission. calls for controls such things as the funding of . retain student‘s interest.
represented. The only to way stop really flood Complex Drive or the extensive StUdCht lobby efforts to any construction projects. One Of the biggest problems that Recently. Student Government has ' i
student government from beingafarce stadium. I mean. look at them. There prevent thitiOh increases. According it elected. Gunnell and English also face students today is a lack or ignored the needs and concerns 0' i
istovoteSo v'otelAnd takeafriend to is no way they could even hold water. to EhSii§h~ “In the near tUtUTC the plan to lobby state legislators and recreational activities. Existing many students. We feel new ideasthat
the polls. And where are we going to get that, federal government is planning to officials regarding the observable facilities must be utilized to their willgenerateintercsts are needed. We , .
i Suppose .VOU‘d like to know what much water anyway. drastically cut financial support of ballot application process and um potential until Phase Two of the believe we have the hitCiiBfOiihd t°h°
we stand for. What about those These were positions presented to UhiVCTSitiCS. Somewhere along the student minimum wage exemption. SChtOh 03m" is COhStTUCth- Lights effective and more importantly. we .
Patterson Office Tower doors. I can you last weekinapoorly edited Kernel line. this money Wiii have to be Both English and Gunncll feel these may hit added to Pi’CSCht OhtdOOT “it" listen to all students. ,
Set them 0P5“ sometimes. but maybe press release. Again, this is just for replaced. and the most likely way of issues are of much importance to couns and fields for more recreation If you are unsatisfied With the way .
someone could improve them so the attention. I feel perfectly capable of dOihS this Wiii be thi'OiiBh thitiOh university students. hours. things are in Student Government W
handicapped could enter the tower handling the job of president of 1'}; increases." English feels that through English and Gunnell go further in The most sensible plan to increase “0W. as we are. then VOW V0“ for “5 '
with less trouble. And maybe some Student Government. Student Government a concentrated the position paper to address other campus safety. is to establish special Wiii hfihB about a new form 0t ~ ‘1
. sort of ramp could make it easier for As for qualifications. 1 have the lobby effort ShOUid be organized. issues such as foreign teacherspcaking “walking TOUtCSW ThCSC TOUtCS Wiii government. it Will be a government 1
’ ; wheelchairs to get tothe first floor of best. I care. I am just a student who “Unless legislators are approached skills. freshman advising. meal plan have increased lighting and t” that Wt" represent you. . . «
,7 the StUdcnt Center. wants to work for and work with his and made aware of student feeling. programs. 55 Legal Service. campus patrolled by campus policemen on Modern—day. dirty T5i°htics are "(it
. . ' ‘.-I Also. those crazy steps that are fellow students. they will undoubtedly sanction tuition safety. and the Book Exchange. lnthe foot. needed in UK'5 StUdCht Government. ,
1‘: exactly 2.6 steps long by Buell So. if anyone has any good ideas. ithCflSCS." English stated. According position paper. specific programs have Increased parking is definitely We believe students should represent
‘ ; Armory.IMcss up your rhythm and come and see metBlanding Ill. room to him. “This money should come been designed to deal with these needed. althougha study would have students. instead 0t V°tih8 future
;I' You sprain your ankle. lib). Thanx for taking the time to from state government. not made up concerns. to be completed before any plans are politicians into UK‘s Student
. - i And speaking of sprained ankles. read. and above all else. VOTE! through tuition increases.” made. Government.
- aboutthat Health FeelThere is no way Gunnell. who as president of the The needs of the handicapped are , i .
W youIShOUid ht forced ‘0 pay for a This commentary was submitted by Kentucky Association of Student This commentary was submitted by greatly neglected at UK. Building: are Thll commentary was submitted by . W '
. _ i serv.ce that you don‘t think you Will the Bert Clark-Peggy Curtln Governments and who has had the Buzz English-lobby Dee Gunnell far from being accessible to the Chuck Mullins-Craig Rou
.’ i; use. You now have the optionto use it. campaign. CXtCMiVC involvement With the “MIKE h'hdiC‘PM students. campaign.
:zfifig. Wr: W ,a . . r . r,“ . . .- ., ,-_ 2.3!. {WWWW'WWoWWWWWW‘WH -. .1. .. .......,.-io...,,..,,,,... .....-.... - A. ,,__. , ,. . .. ,. . . W'W'W.‘ 1.- T" "ZWWWWWWWWW . . . .. .. ..,I:.__., XVQMM? WWW-W ,1 , .‘v...w_......_.h-.ng~r A...“ ,., WWW .... .. .\‘_‘ .II .n.
$5I2J:, . _ . I a . e. . :II ; W'; “3‘.“ - . I -. I ~- . _‘I I _ W. 9‘.W W. ‘WI‘IA’I .W.WW I- W. I I . I . , II . I- 5‘ .W .‘ .
tight... . : .‘ -I;.Its~ '. SW“ ' ._ . .' . a t:‘«I.,-..w;r . ’. . ‘ -_ .' ,

 ‘ THI'. KENTI ('lfl KERNI'ZI.. Wednesday. April 4. “79—! l
l ______—————————————————-———-——————————— l
r l l
" .. Letters to the Editor . r
t M" “mm—*—
- student input in SC decisions. way loranim