xt7kh12v785d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v785d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1965-04-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 12, 1965 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 12, 1965 1965 1965-04-12 2020 true xt7kh12v785d section xt7kh12v785d z

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The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,

April 12, 1965, in the Student Center Theatre. Chairman Pellegrino presided.

The Chairman announced that the Board of Trustees had approved the
change in name of the University Faculty to the University Senate.

The Chairman made one correction in the minutes of March 8, 1965,
as circulated: in the resolutions on the death of Dr. Alfred Brauer,
Onead Training School should have been Creed Training School. The minutes
were approved as amended.

Mr. Larson, representing the Secretary of the Senate, read a letter
of acknowledgement from Dr. R. W. Jennings, brother of Dr. W. W. Jennings.

Professor Walton presented resolutions on the death of Professor
William H. Roll, which were read by the Chairman.


On February 27, 1965, early in the morning, William Hayden
Roll was taken from us. He was a member of the faculty in Mining
Engineering who was admired by both students and faculty for
his faithful dedication to any activities which enhanced the
profession and curriculum of his choice. He was born in
Cleaton, Kentucky, Muhlenberg County.

After graduating from the College in 1924, he entered
industry for a period of about twenty~five years in the
fields of mining engineering and management in Eastern
Kentucky and Louisiana. From 1949-1956, he was the Executive
Assistant, Mining Engineer, Kentucky Department of Mines and
Minerals. In 1956, he joined the College as Assistant Pro—
fessor of Mining Engineering, and through a deserved promotion
became Associate Professor of Mining Engineering.

Professor Roll was always most helpful to his students.
He gave unselfishly of his time in aiding young students
toward successful careers.

”Bill” Roll was a faithful member of the Board of Elders
of the First Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Kentucky. He
was devoted to his wife and family. He was a leader in
various activities of the Lexington Kiwanis Club. He was a
firm believer in taking part in community affairs which
would aid in the betterment of the lives of others.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty of the
College of Engineering does hereby officially express its
appreciation for the many services of William Hayden Roll, its
love and admiration for him in life and its deep sorrow at his




































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9!. Resolution on the Death of William Hayden Roll (continued)

It is the wish of this faculty that this resolution 5
be placed in the record and that a copy be sent to his ;
family with deepest sympathy from each member.



The Senate approved the recommendation that the resolutions be ,
spread upon the minutes and a copy be sent to Professor Holl's family.


Dr. Christian presented resolutions on the death of Dr. Hodman
Sullivan with the recommendation that they be Spread upon the minutes
Li and a copy be sent to Dr. Sullivan's family. The Senate approved this


i recommendation. f




Rodman Sullivan, a senior faculty member of the College ‘
of Commerce, died on April 5, 1965. He was born at Dublin
in Graves County, Kentucky. He attended public schools in /
Kentucky, Georgetown College, the University of Kentucky, the ,
University of Chicago, and the University of North Carolina. 1
He received the Ph.D. degree in economics from the latter
institution. ;






After graduate study and some service as a graduate I
assistant, Professor Sullivan joined the Faculty of the
College of Commerce in 1927. During the following years
he moved up through the ranks and taught in many fields of
subject matter. He studied in many fields and used his
versatile knowledge to enrich his teaching of economic
theory, economic history, public finance, and family













As a writer, he contributed frequent papers to schol~ f
arly journals and served for many years as an editor of the f
Southern Economic Journal. His study of the inheritance
tax in Kentucky is widely used by scholars and officials. ,
Several business cases, recently written, remain unpub—





Professor Sullivan was a very good friend to new staff
members, to students from the rural areas, and to represen— ,
tatives of the minority groups. He was proud of his abili—
ties in speech and debate. His stories and anecdotes were i
widely quoted by students and staff colleagues.





Now therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty of the
College of Commerce does hereby officially eXpress its
appreciation for the long and valued services of Rodman
Sullivan, its love and admiration for him in life, and its i
deep sorrow and loss at his passing. ,


It is the wish of this Faculty that this resolution be p
placed in the minutes of the University Faculty and that a ;
copy should be sent to his family with deepest sympathy from
each member.














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The Chairman asked the Senate to stand in a moment of silent tribute
in acceptance of these resolutions.

Professor Walton in Dean Shaver's absence presented a motion to waive
the two-drop rule in the case of John David Trisler. The Senate approved
the recommendation.

Dr. Christian in Dean Rudd's absence presented a motion to waive the
two-drop rule in the case of John J. {ilkenny. The Senate approved the

The Chairman introduced President Oswald who announced that teaching
improvement grants were approved by the Board of Trustees at its last
meeting. He urged interested faculty members to apply. He also called
attention to the next issue of 92$.EEEXPFSitY which will feature the long—
range plan of the University. He told the Senate that a committee will be
named from its group to work on a new Faculty Handbook which will include
the academic policies of the University and will make the Governing
Eggplations an administrative policy handbook. K. -

Dr. Ward reviewed briefly the proposed Special Title Departmental

Professorial Series and Adjunct Professor Series which had been circulated.

The following questions were raised about the Special Title Professorial

1. May an appointee in this series gain membership
in the Graduate Faculty? Dr. Ward explained it
could be done on the preper recommendation and

2. How will instructors be affected? It was ex-
plained that instructors will be considered in
another document now in preparation.

The following questions were raised about the Adjunct Professor Series:

1. Can the definition of this series be modified to in—
clude the teaching or guidance of professional

2. Can (c) under Definition allow for an appointee to
teach one course per year instead of one course
per semester as implied?

0. Can (0) under Definition be modified further to
read . . . participation in teaching 2: direction
2f graduate study . . . ?

4. Will current faculty members be transferred to the
new series?

Dr. Ward and the Chairman thanked the Senate for these suggestions and

indicated these suggestions and this advice would be considered by the
Senate Council at an early meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Charles F. Elton