xt7kkw57hd2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57hd2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1997 1997 1997-04-01 2020 true xt7kkw57hd2r section xt7kkw57hd2r  







lug/t in ”Nil-(ilk.


. l/‘I:.imil lint night. Sec p/NIHLY. page ;.


Arizona squats/yes UK ’5

said L'K head coach Rick Pitino.
“This game was certainly no
lf.-\ri/ona is the \o. 1 team in
the nation. there is little deny»
ing that L'K is a strong
~.\'o. 3‘ .
\Vliile ,\ri/ona
led throughout
much of the
game. its biggest

By Rob Herbst
ll 1311”“, Spurn [til/Inf

INDIANAPOLIS ., l7\ er since
the season—ending iniury to
his guard Derek
.\nderson. the (Iats
were immensely
successful hat»
tling a so— I
called lack of


depth. lead in regula—
lhe tion was six

\\'ildcats hat— points.

tled through The (Zats

never had a lead
. higger than two.
a) _ ,\
0v 4, .038 .saw 30 lead
changes and IX ties.
The final eight‘

it yesterday
for 45 minutes
in the NCAA
game. but it finally
caught up to them.



crow d of

Four \Vildcats fouled out
last night as Arizona defeated L'K
84—7") in overtime. denying UK a
seventh national championship.

minute llurry saw L'K‘s Scott
Padgett score l-l» points including
back-to—hack three pointers.
which tied the game twice with



under five minutes remaining.
Padgett. who finished with l.~

“Much like all ofour losses this
season. we got into foul trouble."

lllt tans unruly
following deteat

By Kathy Reding

.V'e‘u‘a‘ Editor

and Badman P. Botltins
Kt'G Editor

Broken glass shattered across l‘iuclid
Avenue from Rose Street to ’l‘ransylvania
Park. Aylesford Place residents wandered out
of their homes and down the street. throwing
bottles and knocking over trash cans along the

other fans. ()ne

way. Steakl’est.
Additional Zach Rechtin, a itinior


people streamed
down from cam-
pus and froin

.\la.\'well Street. , loss.
Their destina- YTheremltbeaoelebra- “That's what we were
tion was clear: "0”.”an at nu” ”ma going to do anyway." he
the infamous ”9'".an at 7. pm. T’d“ explained. ' I
“'oodland- etswdtboavadabteatthe ()utside “'oodland
l‘iuclid intersec— mmxmmaa‘m- ‘ Diner. fans streamed down
tion. but this Adm '5 "of- Thom Fiiclid toward the intersec—
time. they were MWOIWWW tion. l)iner cook Andy
not going for a M0". Lighltp‘a'atchid thhem. [
celebration. “’ ‘ at's t e t ing it )out
John Palace. a Vmetttnotbodibto L'K —~ if there's a party to
finance senior. VI." lb. I.“ .I am he had. they (the students)

said despite the
loss. fans should P

not lose heart. h M M“ crowed gathered at the Cen-
“I think we M cm ter of the street crossing
m m m shouting chants of “bull-

should he hap y
to be No. 2." c
said. “Nobody w,”
expected us to be

however. expected to be at the intersection.
and police met them there. .

Officers in full riot gear lined the front of
Steak Fest. Mounted police lined the side of
University Plam.




ington resident.

know we lost."


l‘iven after midnight. the
crowed continued to grow.

I-‘ights broke out inter-
tiiitteiitly. \Vonien flashed
the crowd in the chilly air
from atop the shoulders of
cliiiihed up a telephone
pole and kneelcd on the
crosswalk signals in front of

kinesiology major. was one
of thousands who came to
the intersection alter the

will come." said Light.
\\'hi|e a majority of the

shit" and “fuck Arizona.”
others wandered down “to
see how the fans would be,"

like jennifer lsunzee. a L“. am I'll "Ill: l’uIIrt-fbllou'ed thixfim up ll tree at ”’1' ll hm]-

“l'm surprised it hasn't
been violent so far." Kunzee
said. “It's almost like they (the students) don’t

Brian johnson. a chemical engineering

repeat bid

points. also hit two free throws to
giye [K a (its—(W lead with Id)"

Lil-\V would never lead again .iiid
the (iats were in huge trouble
with IS seconds left after Bennett
l)a\ison layAup gate Li \ a three
point lead.

'l'hat‘s when [R senior point
guard \iithoiiy l‘ipps hit what
probably was the biggest shot of
his life.

l5pps gave a head fake and
drilled a three—pointer with l1
seconds remaining. sending the
game into overtime at 74474.

“\\'hen (l-ipps) went to pull up.
I tried to distract him. I tuisit
iumped past him." .\ri/on-a guard
.\like Bibby said.

“I le pump~faked. and I tried to
distract him again once I flew past
him. It was just a great shot."

But with guard \Vayiie Turner
and _lared ,Prickett already on the
bench with five fouls. forwards

LniT-MmAH ##r .

ih‘t‘t‘ GAME oil 3

[and and [fur/1'11 imrm'i‘rimi and escorted Itimfi‘om Ibi' nmrd.

viewed L'K's loss with optimism.
Even though UK finished second. “that's 6”
better than the rest.”_lohnson said.

14):." ”Ht/- Wt. Stu/Hy mmm‘ruz‘.

AHEIMAT“ [‘IHIX hike in .m'ct'f tlflt'l' {my m

‘ZDNED “I” Run \It‘mr. I)u i‘l' . l/Ii/t'liiuu .mi/ Sui/I [in/QM! 1.“

remix [tram/(Ir outrun/tan ~7am! I’I'Ii'l'i'rl Mr .I I'r/m/im/


freshman from Eastern Kentucky L'nivcrsity



mm SIN/Hy .Hli/ Ill/ltft’l‘

tat/try. lt/glt Wit. (f/i'iu' nil/[git].


xlp/‘i/ 1. 1997

Z I: 7 lama),-

o t..i Mia 7



__. .d ‘«

,I/./' [In NIH/(w mil I, .,,, //'i I f\ /'< w /' '."i//i .l/x


Relaxed Arizona Cats

By Jay G. Tate

ll it ['1 Hi/ \I’hvl.’ I iii/1' v

l\l)l\\\l’()|.l\ lhc
\i'i/oiia lt.tllt

looscncss of tlit
during the
\llttllltl have

(flirt-free.’lotial. \tttlllli‘.‘ Play

'l‘he perfect beginning tor .i
national championship ending \s
the unheralded \ri/otia \\ lltlt .tls
huddled in iiihilaiion. I l\.s
tlt'caliis til .I ll..k~l\“l()’llilkil\ tttllt“
giatc title faded like .i \lilcs Simon
|tiiiipct liito the annals of t haiiipi
onshtp history.

It was known (Hitting into lllt
contest that L'i\‘s guard pl.i\
would play .i key role in last
night's game. llut what thc (..ils
didn't c\pcct was the way \ii
Ioiia's front line would dominate
the glass.

"\Vc c\pccted their tI \‘s post
players) to be tough on the

Pll' fldlltt‘

liccii t'y l'tl

hoards." L'K center \a/r
.\lohainmed said. “'l'liey lt.t\t‘
some great leapers."

Indeed. k‘:\ guards \liles

Simon and .\like Bibby combined
for 4‘) of [i \‘s 84 points. It was an
offensive evposition against I Is
unlike any team that isn‘t from
South Carolina.

“'l‘heir guards do .i great ioli
penetrating and they (:ln really
finish." point guard \\'ayne ’l urn-
ct‘ said. "I think we (lid a great loli
on defense in the second half. but
Simon didn‘t hack down.u

Simon's dominating play was
also witnessed on the defensne




tiid .is I l\ s l: i-ii'u' scorti
\ltlttl w i- held 14 points on
onh ttlltt‘ s‘nii .lllLtt tits

‘I'li was hull for Hi to LLct the
ball ott tonight. \lcicci
C‘s'ltldlllttl 'l i.tlt' .liltiAl in iiist
Ilt lt‘.tt'tt to


title game l'li liaxi
.idiust this x‘iiz‘witi.~

to licnclit ltttIt. \\l‘..llt\t r iiiipiote
liicnts \lt'ltt‘ ‘ti.il,i‘ iii lltt till

“I w iiiti ' to in. . .it .llltl


l l\ ‘.\l tiiit llt' .tlilt'

st‘Jstilt. i
win anotliii national iliaiiipi
oiislilli tonight.“ \l( i- i i said “I‘ll
iiist work ll.tt