xt7kpr7mq27z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7mq27z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19160316 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-03-feb16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-03-feb16-ec. 1916 2011 true xt7kpr7mq27z section xt7kpr7mq27z 


           At a meeting of the Executive Committee, of State

University of Kentucky, held in the president's office, Feb-

ruary 16th, 1916, there were present Messrs. C. B. Nichols,

T. L. Edelen, P. P. Johnston, Jr., and C. B. Terrell.

           A letter was received from Mr. R. C. Stoll stateing

that the Attorney General had just telephoned him to meet with

the Committee anpointed bv the govenor to try to prepare a bill

defining the relative duties of the State Department of Agricul-

ture and. the University, so that it would be impossible for him
to be present at the meeting of the Executive Comnmittee on the

16th day of February.

           The minutes of the previous two meetings were read and

approved. President Barker read his monthly report and also

the reports of the various deans of the University for the

information of the Executive Committee.

           TJWon motion, made,seconded and unanimously carried
the anplications of Prof. Killigrew, Prof. D. Terrell, mind Miss
McLaughlin, for an increase in salary were past until after the
adjournment of the present legislative session.

           Upon motion made, which was unanimously carried, upon
a yea and nay vote the sIAm of $1500.00 was appropriated to be
paid out of the next year's budget for the purpose of defraying
the expenses of the present sunrier school, to be conducted during
the sum-imer of the present calender year. This appropriation to be
used exclusively for the use and benefit of the college of arts
and science, for such work as may be conducted by the summer
schonl organization.

            Upon motion made and carried the committee ad-

journed and March the 2Sth is fixed for the next meeting of

this committee.


Missing report(s)