xt7kpr7mq28j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7mq28j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19170616 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-06-may16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-06-may16-ec. 1917 2011 true xt7kpr7mq28j section xt7kpr7mq28j 

                     MAY 16_ 191

     The Bxecutive Board of the University of Kentucky met
with the following gentlemen present:  Chairman Nichols, Messrs.
Stoll, McKee, Johnston and Brown.

     Chairman Bichols submitted the following letter from
Chairman Gordon of the Investigating Gommittse which was or-
dered spread u-pon the minutes;

                           Lexington, Ky., April 20, 191?.

     Charles B. Nichols, Bsq.
          Chairman, Executive Committee,
               Lexington, Kentucky.

     My dear Sir:-

               The Committee investigating the affairs of the
     University of Kentucky is expecting to complete its re-
     port in time for the regular meeting of the Board of
     Trustees to be held in June.

               The 4'ommittee desires to suggest to your Com-
     mittee that It would be advisable to hold the meeting as
   usual on the ftesday preceding Oommencement, which will
     be the fifth day of June, only those members living
     In easy access to Lexington to attend this meeting, and
     then adjourn immediately until three o'clock on the
     afternoon of the seventh, when the Committee will be
     ready to submit its report. The Committee feels that
     it would be preferable to submit Its report after the
     Commeneement Vaxepcifes have been completed.

               We further suggest that it be made known to
     all the members of the Board that the consideration of
     the report of thirs Committee will occupy Thursday, Fri-
     day and probably a portion of Saturday, and that in
     coming to the meeting they should make preparation to
     spend the necessary time for the Board to give con-
     sideration to the report of this Committee.

                         Very truly yours,

                                 Robert G. Gordon, Chairman.
     RGG.                               G.A.R.

     The Searetary was authorized to send a copy of Mr. Gordon's
letter to the Members of the Board of Trustees as part of the
regular notice to them for the June meeting of that body and to
urge all members of the Board to be present for the forthcoming


JYune meeting.

     The Secretary was authorized in this connection to an-
nounce the date of the June meeting as of June 5.

     The Secretary of the Board announced that the copies of
the proceedings of the Jubilee meeting of the University had
been received.  He was thereupon authorized, uoon motion of
Mr. Stoll, to distribute among the alumni, trustees, heads of
various State Universities of the country, professors of the
University and distinglaished educators participating in the
Jubilee Meeting copies of this pamphlet. The Secretary was
ordered in this connection also to send to mmbers of the
Board of Trustees those copies that were permanently bound with
the request that they be kept as a record of that memorable oc-

     President Barker mode the following monthly report:

                                May 16, 191?.

          University of Kentucky.

     Gentl emen:  

          As you perhaps know, the war and its exigencies have
     taken from us a large number of our students. I think as
     many as 450 have left, most of thema going to the farm
     to produce extra ero- of food stuffs needed for the
     country and some going to the army and navy.

          The Faculty, by resolution, authorized all students
     interested In agriculture to go back to the farm on prac-
     tically the same terms as this Board authorized students
     to go to the army and navy.

          With the remainder of the student body the Institu-
     tion is progressing along normal lines, doing the same
     efficient work as heretofore done.

          Since your last meeting the DAan of the Agricultural
    College and I were called to Washington to attend a meet-
    ing of all the Oollege Presidents and Deans of Agricul-
    ture In the United States, the object being to confer with
    the officials of the United States Government for the pur-
    pose of putting the institution in line to perform the
    most patriotie service possible in the war crisis now pend-

          At the request of the President of the Unixversity
    Association, I took with me our plans of mobilization.
    as we term them, consisting of the Order of the Executive


Board with reference to students going to the army a-nd
navy, the resolution of the Faculty authorizing students
to go back to the farms and the general plan adopted by
the Agricualturpl College and the Extension Department
looking toward the production of extra food stuffs during
the coming year.

     I was very pleased to find that what we had already
aine was exactly what the Government wanted. us to do.  The
Secretary of War, in a speech to the college men, advised
the doing of practically Just what we had done. I was
also pleased to find that most all the ixtitutions of
learning throughout the United States which had done any-
thing at all had adopted practically the same plans and
methods of procedure that we had adopted.   My understand-
ing, however, is that the Government will issue a formal
bulletin embodying its desires- on the subject ofwhat the
colleges shall de to aid in the prosecution of the great
war in which it has enlisted. When that comes I will
submit it to you.

     We received the model of the Jefferson Statue which
you authorized me to obtain from the executor of the de-
ceased sodptor, Karl Bitter, The model is now sitting
on the floor in the center of the Library building.   I
have directed Professor Anderson to construct a wooden
pedestal upon which it is to be placed. When this Is
done I think the model will be a very handsome aidditiom
to the library room. I lhave written to Mr. Roger R.
Williams, the Executor of the Bitter Estate, thanking
him for the gift.  I suggest, however. that you authorise
the S~oretary of this Committee to p'epare a suitable re-
solution containing your thanks and appreciation of the
gift and send It to Mr. Williams in addition to my letter.

     In looking over the situation and considering the
needs of the State, I am deeply impressed with the fact
that the Board of Trustees should do everything in their
power to build up and extend the usefulness of the Agri-
cultural College. This college has received lese atten-
tion than It d4eserves and it has never flourished as it
should have. The University can never be. thoroughly
useful to the people of the Commounwealth of Kentucky until
this Agricultural College is doing its whole duty toward
the advancement of the agricultural interests of the
State. With this consideration in mind, I suggest the
appointment of a special Committee of this Board, con-
si sting of three men, to which shall be added as Chairman,
the Chairman of this Board to consider how the funds of
the Agricultural College may be increased.   To this end
I suggest the consideration of the wisdom of abandoning
for the present at least the Summer School and applying
the money so saved in building up scientific agriculture.


     Through the influence of our Registrar, Professor
Gil1is, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars
of the United States and Canada held its annual meeting
here on the 25, 26, and 27th of April.

     It was my pleasTre, as well as my duty, to deliver
to the registrars an address eo welcome, which I did as
well as I could.

     They visited the University and examined in detail
the Registrar's office and were lo-ad in their praise of
its efficiency.. The truth is the Associaton had before
this selected three Registrars' offices which they de-
sired to iexamine into particularly. The first was Ccl-
umbia, the second the University of Michigan and the
third our own, which I consider a very high compliment
to that oart of our institution.

     W  did all we could to entertain these distinguished
guests and I am under especial obligation to Prof'esors.
Anderson and Grehan who aided me in entertaining them.
They were royally entertained at Hereford, the estate of
Colonel _Rdmund H. Taylor, Jr., and given a banquet there.
They also visited the farm of McKee Brothers and that of
Senator Johnson F. Camden. I had the Honor to show to
our guests three things--the finest beef steer, the fin-
est hog and the finest horse in the world, and in addi-
tion they were shown Lady Ualnut Hill, who holds the
record as a continuous layer of        T The Regisetr
erer loaud in their praise of the hospitalitiy of Kentutcky,
and I am qulite sure that we did a gocd thing for the ine
stitntion in making them have such a royal time.   I ap-
pend heretg letter I have just received from the President
of the Association which I desire to read to you.

     Although we wilL be forced to graduate a great many
of our students In absentia, we are planning to have very
impressive Commencement Smercisen.  President Benjamin
Ide Wheeler, of the University of Call ornia, has accepted
an invitation to address the Graduating Class and we
feel that It will be proper to make special efforts to
bring together a great crowd. I will write to the Alumni,
extending to them a special inrvitation to attend, and will
also have each Dean write to his Oraduating Class, insast-
ini that all shaill come back who can.    am In hopes that
those who are near by will come, but, those who live at
lon- distance will perhaps find the expense too ;sreat, At
any rate, I think that Dean Anderson, who has the matter
in charge, hopes to have a large crowd and imlpressive
 er emony.

                       Very tespectfully,

H. S. Barker, President.


     It was moved by Mt. Stoll. seconded and carried that the
Secretary send a letter of acceptance to the donor of the
Jefferson statua recently placed in the rotunda of the library
of the University. Without objection, the Board authorized the
President and Dean Anderson to arrange a program of acceptance
for the Jefferson Statue and suggested that the program be rend-
ered on Alumni day the forthcoming commencement.

     Mr. Brown moved that on account of the unsettled condition
of the country incidental to the European War and prospective de-
crease in students for the Summer School that all courses organ-
ized for summer classes in the University for the session of 1917
be dispensed with for this year. Seconded by Mr. Johnston. this
motion was adopted unanirously.

     Mr. Stoll submitted the following communications setting
forth the purpose of Younger Alexander to resign the office of
Treasurer of the University:

                          Lexington, Ky., February 159 191'7.

    Hon. H. S. Barker, President,
    University of Kentucky,
    Lexington. Kentucky

    Dear Sir:.-

               It has become necessary for me on account
    of Impaired health to take a needed vacation and I am
    expecting to leave Lexington at an early date to be
    away indefinitely. It is therefore necessary for me
    to tender you and the Trustees of the University my
    resignation as Treasurer. to be acted on at your

               My relations with the University and Its
    officers have been extremely pleasant and agreeable.
    and it is with regret that I find it necessary to
    terminate this relationship.

              With kindest regards, I rematn

                        Yours very sincerely,

                                Y. Alexander.

                              Lexington, Ky., Feb. 15, 1917.

    Ron. A. 0. Stanley1
    Governor of Kentucky,
    Frankfort, Kmtucky.

    My dear Governor:-

I am preparing to send to the President and


     Trustees of the University my resignation as Treasurer
     of the University. This action is necessary by reason
     that s am leaving Lexington to be gone indefinitely on
     account of my lmpaired health and the necessity for
     taking a rest from active work. Knowing your interest
     in the affairs of the University, I thought best to ad-
     vise you of my intended action before actually tender-
     ing my resignation.

                          Yours very sincerely,

                                      Y. hAlexander,

     Mr. Stoll moved that the resignation of Younger Alexander
be accepted and nominated for his successor, John Downing of the
Phoenix Third National Bank, whereupon by unanimous vote, Mr.
Alexander's resignation was accepted and Mr. Downing elected
Treasurer in his stead.  Mr. Downing was instructed to prepare
the necessary bond.

     Mr. Stoll moved that the Executive Committee recommend to
the Board of Trustees that the Executive Committee of the Uni-
versity be the Board of Control of the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station.  Seconded by Mr. Brown, the motion was
adopted unanimously.

     At this point, the members of the Board of Control of
Patterson Hall, viz., Mesdames A. M. Harrison, S. T. Harbison
and E. K. Smith. came before the Board whereupon Mrs. Smith,
Secret.- ry, read the following report:

          The Board of Control has taken very few decided steps
     this year in the matters of discipline, management and ad-
     ministration, but it has studied the situation at Patterson
     Hall very thoroughly, and feels itself ready to outl in e a
     policy for next year.

          First of all, it wishes to recommend that the recreation
     hall be restored.  The girls need it badly, and the rooms
     made by utilizing it were not desirable nor sanitary. The
     girls who occupied these rooms were not satisfied, and several
     left the University who might otherwise have remained.

          The Board hones that all renovation and improvement can
     be done in the vacation, and everything be in readiness by
     the opening of the University in the fall,

          As to administration, it is in our opinion unwise to
     employ a bookkeeper at a sa1kary of fifty dollars a month to
     attend to the bo3okkeeping and part of the buying. The buy-
     ing can be best done by one person, that one the dietitian


or housekeeper. If there is more bookkeeping than can
be eas4tly done, it can be transferred to the office of the
University. So. while we appreciate Miss Hopper's industry
and efficiency in her department, we believe the interests
of Potterson Hall would best be served by other arrangement
of the work there.

     Miss Pickett we find is very good tn her deartment,
She is gaining in experience, and promises to develop into
a capable woman in her place. She Is a little timid and re-
tiring, and we believe could not well assume the whole re-
sponsibility of the management of the Hall. She is still a
student in the University, not completing her course until
next year. The Board hopes to be able to retain her in her
present capacity.

     Their most emphatic recommendation is that they be em-
powered to employ a woman of college training, of a good
round course in Home Economics, and one who has had. exper-
ience in dormitory life, and has, if possible, specialized
in iastitutional management, to be head of Patterson Hall
for the coming year.  She will have to be a higher salaried
person then any of the present employees of Patterson Hall.
We hope that this difference in expense can be made up in
the saving that will be effected by trainbd service. There
are many places where economy could be used in the manage-
ment of the Hall.  We call attention to the item of servants
hired in Maroh and April statements, $275 and $249.50,
respectively. To dignify the poaition, and thus to enable
us to secure a more able woman, a positton on her faculty
to teach institutional management, requiring for it a few
hours a week.  Thus Patterson Hall can be brought into
clower touch with the department of Home Economies.   We
think that they can be mutually helpful, and that it to
only right that some o portunity for practical work be
offered to the students in this department.

     There is great need that the discipline of Patterson
Hall be strengthened.  On one occasion recently when inquiry
was madse as to some young women being out of the hall beyond
hours, Miss Hamilton expressed herself to the board as not
being able to cope with the situation, and stated her feeling
of the necessity that had been very apparent to the Board of
a strong central head for the institution. We feel that this
is the immediate and pressing need at the Hall, and we can
not em ohnsize it too strongly.

     There should be no conflict of authority between the
Dean of Women in her supervision of the conduct of the young
women, and the head of Patterson Hall. We would advise that
the residence of the Dean of Vomen be elsewhere than In the
Dormitory, to wrelieve her in a measure of the eonstant care
that she has had, and to insure an undivided authority at the
Hall .


         We suggest that the Executive Committee consider and
     define the duties of the Dean of Women in reference to the
     powers of the Board of Oontrol, as there is some apparent
     overlapping of authority.

          The Board would like to know if it is the purzose
    of the Exec-atige Committee to offer accommodations in the
    Hall for the summer session of the University.

          We have heard that in the past the 'all has been ran
     in the su#mer wtth financial sacrifice, and, with the pre-
     sent high cost of food, this propodtion should meet with
     careful consideration. The Board should at least fix a
     rate of board that would insure against a deficit.

                            March 1917.

    Balance                                 $ 1801.55
    Deposited                                 1799.97
        Groceries        $1350.71
        House               97.11
        Servants z         275.20
        Repairs             22.45
        Telephone           12.40
        Laundry             17.24
        Salaries          100.00
        Money Aefunded       9.55
        Balance           1716 8            _L_____
                        $ 3601.;(31 e2         3601.52

    Balance    1716.88
    Collected                      $1673.83
    Students   149:3.35
    Guests       32.50
    Boarders    110.00
    Phone         6.15
    Sundries     31.83
       O.      ...,.......... ............... . ...

     Reg. Students paying board       115
             U    Lnabor               5
                   Boarders             3
                   Employees            2
                   Servants             3
     Total 133.

     In connection with this report, members of the Board of
Oontrol stated that the work In Patterson Hall, since they had
taken charge, had proceeded harmoniously and satisfactorily.

     On the question of possible divided authority at the Hall,


Mr. Stoll gave it as his opinion that the Board of Control of
Patterson Hall had full authority to handle all affairs of that

     Mrs. Harrison desired to know how far t1his Board was sub-
ject to the authority of the Executive Board of the Board of
Trustees, giving it as her opinion that all acts of the Board of
Control should be subject to revision when necessary by the
Board of Trustees.

     On the matter of Dossible divided authority, Mr. Stall's
opinion was that there were only tmo things to be considered--one
was the home life of the young women students of the University
and the other their school life snd gave it as his opinion that
the Board of Control unquestionably controllad absolutely the
home life of such students and that their school or educational
life was under the direction of the Dean of Women.

     Mrs. Harrison explained that when the Board of Control took
charge of Patterson Hall, the Dean of Women was onerating under
a set of rules authorised in 1911 but that inasmu-mc, as there might
be some conflict of authority in applying these rules now, she was
of the opinion that a new set of rules should be agreed upon and
put in forde for future operpition of the Hall. In this opinion,
the members of the Board concurred with Mrs. Harrison and the mem-
bers of the Committee agreed, in conference with Miss Hamilton,
Dean of Women, to formulate a new set of rules coordinating the
work of the Board and that of Dean of Women and to submit a draft
of them to the next meetsing of the Executive Board or Board of
Trustees, whichever happened to meet first.

     M2's. Harrison gave it as her opinion that this vcld be done
satisfactorily both to the Board and to the Dean of Women.

     On that section of the report of the Patterson Hall Board
suggesting the advisability of employing a woman of experience and
special training in dormitory life with possible teaching duties
in the department of Home Economics, Mr. Stoll asked the question:

     "tHow much salary would be required to pnay such an appointeie?"

     On response by Mrs. Smith that she believed $100 a month
would cover the salary, the Board without motion, went upon re-
cord as willing to pay the University's part of such salary pro-
vided It should not exceed $25.00 a month.

     Mr. Brown moved then that the report as submitted by the
Secretary of the Board of Control be approved with the understand-
ing that the University would be required to nay only $250 a year
of the salary of the proposed dormitory head and that the Boad
of Control, with the Dean of Womaun, formulate a new set of rules
for the operation of Pat tterson Hall. Adopted unanimously.


     In this connection, Mr. Stoll moved further than henceforth
all women stu-dents attending the University be required to live
either at Patterson Hall or at such places as may be first ap-
proved by the Board of Control, provided, however, that this
shall not apply to students living in their own homes. Seconded
by Mr. Brown, this motion was adopted unanimously.

     The following commanication to President Barker, Mr. E. L.
Gillis, Registrar. with apppended table was ordered sread upon
the minutess

                                May l6, 1917.

     President H. S. Barker,
     University of Kentucky,
     L-exington, Kentucky.

     My dear President Barker:-

          A number of institutions have been sending blanks to
     the Alumni asking what service they could best render to
     the Government In the present war. This is prepared so
     it can be turned over to the Government on request.

          We have begun this work by making occapational dis-
     tribution of the Alumni according to the attached outlina
     It will Bost ap.proximately $100.00, with poztage and ad-
     ditional help, to complete this work. This information
     is furniahed so that if you and the Board desire it com-
     pleted yoii will have an estimate of the cost. We do not
     have the funds in the Department to complete It.

                              Yours very truly,

                                    Ezra L. Gillis, Registrar.


          Clergymen ...............................     3
          Physici an ........ , e ...... .... ~ . * ............. 21
          JournalisR X                                e * * t.. v * w eo e w + + ++ b ^ 7
          Lawyer ........ 162

               Professors ......................  .... 107
               High School Teachers................. 158
               Superintendent of Schools ............ 12
               Principal of Schools- ...............  30
               College President.-

          Chemist....                94.........                   54
          Engineers (Civil, Eleetrical, Stationary). 392


Druggi ets  *. .  *  * *-

Artistic Professions
    Architect ............................

    Internal Revenue Serv ic.............
    U. S. Army ...........O
    U. S. Nv  
    Government Service ...................
    Experiment Station...
    U. S. Bureau of Edction..,...

    Merchants (Not Clasdfied)
    G3rocer          *X..,.     ...... O....0  

Lumber Merchant..,.
Stock Dalr .
Tobacco Deler.....

    Miler ...........oc........e

  Business Managers
    Business Managers ......
    Contractor and Builder.
    Edi   tor...........

    Bakker ....... ...
    Bank Cashier.
    Real Esta   te.  .

    Bookkeep.er .............
    Cleak. ..... .    .
    Insurance Business.....
    Athleti. Coach...,....
    Baseball ....... .
    Students ........de
    Y.M.C.A. Secretary....
    Mi ssionary ............
    Publishers. O.....

    (Positions not designated) .........

    Farmer ......................e....












.......... .......

...... .......


........ .
........ .
........ .
........ .
........ .
........ .

........ .
........ .
........ .


         Dairy  Tarming. .* . e ..................  6
         County A      gents ........................  15


         Machinist............1.        .

         Mine  Foreman .......... ...... ...... .  1
         Designeerr ........  
         gl e1:t ricGia; *.--. -. .3  

    Occupations not given.                 * 356

    Mr. Stoll then moved that Mr. Gillis' request for an appro-
priation of $100 to carry out this work be granted.    Seconded by
Mr. Johnston, motion was adopted on roll call unanimously.

     Professor Lawrence Cover appeared before the Board and asked
permission to unite the musical organization of the University
iato one body with himself as its director with the purpose in
'view of makinmg the University a leader in musical affairs and
the further purpose of giving certain concerts and public enter-
tainments cf a musical nature.   At considerable length, Mr.
Cover outlined the work and its purposes and asked for an ap-:ropria-
tioncovering its exBsense of an amount not to exceed $2000,   No
action was taken in the matter.

     Mr. *. R. Smith, a member of the staff of the Kentuckian, the
annual publication, appeared before the Board and requested that
the Committee purchase 100 of the annuals to send out to High
Schools of the State in order to help the publishers to meet the
expense of publication. Mr. Brown moved that Mr. Smith's request
be complied with and the amount of $250 was appropriated by unan-
imous vote for this purpose.

     The following reports from Deans of Colleges were submitted,
the report of Dean Anderson containing the itinerary of the Senior
Class of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering In-
spection trip to Chicago and vicinity and other data with re-
ference to that trip along with a blue print tabulation of student
hours in that college which could not be entered upon these

                           May 16, 1917.

    To the Executive Committee,
    University of Kentucky.

    Gen tl emen: -

          I hand you herewith my monthly report pertaining to the
     Cozllege of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

          During the week of April 9, the annual senior engineering


inspection trip/to Ohicago and vicinity was taken. Here-
with, I hand yo'u an itinerary, showing the places visited.
At the Chicago dinrner on April 14, the seniors presented a
play written by Professor Farquhar, and taken part in by
every member of our senior class in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering. Herewith, I h-and you a blue orint program of the
Play. .

     The seniors of the College of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, have been placed in the following positions:

George Doan Aaron, with the Babcock and Wilcox Compa.ny,
                              Barberton, Ohio
Tero Steele Borders, with the American Creosoting Company,
                                Kansas City, Missouri
Morris Julian Crutcher, with the Carrier Engineering Corpora-
                                tion-New Yorkl City.
Arthur Wayne Davies, wvith the Toledo Railwaye and Light Co.
                                Toledo, Ohio.
Ellis Ewen Drake, with the Federal Creosoting Company,
                                Rome, New York
Albert Lee Elmer, with the American Steel Foundries,
                                East St. Louis, Illinois.
James Howard Evans, with the Carrier Enginaring Corporation.
                                New York City.
Henry Price Hories, with the Western Union Telegraph Company,
                                Atlanta, Georgia
Chilton Frasier Lee, with the Western Electric Company,
                                New York, N, Y.
Luther Clelsund McClanahan, with the Buffalo Forge Company,
                                Buffalo, W. T.
Joseph Emmet McNamara, with the Patterson Allen Engineering Go.
                                Jersey City, N. J.
Murray Matthewo Montgomery, with the Toledo Railways and Light
                                Company, Toledo, Ohio.
William Shults Meore, with the Armstrong Cork and Insulation Coe
                                Pittsburgh, Pa.
Morris Faiea Pendleton, with the Continental Motors Company,
                                Muskegon, Michigan.
Everett S. Penn, 4th the American Blower Company
                                Detroit, Michigan
Thau Givens Rice, with the Western Union Telegraph Company,
                                Atlanta, Georgia
Elmer Erans Robertson, with the Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co.
                                LoAtville, Kentucky.
Charles Christoph Schrader, with the Babcock & Wilcox Company,
                                'Barberton, Ohio.
J. Griff Scott, with the Buffalo Forge Company
                                BuJffaa, N. Y.
Harmon Courtney Smisier, with the Western Electric Company
                                New York City.
David Rumner Springer, with the American Telephone and Tele-
                                graph Co, New York., N. T.
John Newland Waters, with the Kansas Gas and Electric Company
                                Wichita. Kansas.


     The demand for engineers this year was unDrfcedented. We
have had, uip to date, one hundred and 'Live opportunities to
place the twenty-two men who graduate fro-m the College of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering this year.

     Mr. C. R. Lyle of the Armstrong 0ork and Insulating Com-
pany of Pittsburgh, Pa., addressed our seniors on March 24,
on the subject of insulationi'.

     On March 27, Mr. George Pnchts, Mayor ofl Cincinnati, ad-
dressed our sonlors in a most interesting summation of the
duties of an executive, with special reference to municipal

     On March 29. Mr. M. C. Turpin of the Weastinghouce Elea-
tric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
lectured before the whole student body of the department on
the application of electricity to transportation. This lec-
ture was illustrated by three moving picture films.

     On April 10, Mr. L. Armstrong of the Bureau of Commercial
Economics, Washington, D. C., gave a -most interesting lec-
ture to the whole student body of this college on the power
development of Canada.  His lect-ure was profusely illustrated
by means of four moving picture films and fifty lantern slides.

     On May 10, the seniors were given an unusual treat in
the way of a lecture by Mr. f. T. Gentry, President of the
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company.

     For a number of years, we have prepared each month,
a tabulation of the student hours of the department, in-
cluding the subjects, instructors and students in each
class.  I am handling you herewith, the report for April,

     Following the order of the Executive Commi