xt7kpr7msp0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7msp0t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1928 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 18-21, 1928 text Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 18-21, 1928 1928 1928 2020 true xt7kpr7msp0t section xt7kpr7msp0t  





Kentnrkg Nzgtn

Ehuratinnal Azantiartinn


“An equal 2 d u c a—
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52nd Annual Session

Louisville. Kentucky
April 18, 19. 20. 21

Central Thzme: The Needs of the Negro Child







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Oficers for 1928-29 . .......... . i ..................... . . . . 4
Minutes of the General Association ......................... 5
Departmental Reports .. ................................ . . 10
As in 8 Looking Glass . . ............. . ..... . ............. . .14
Report of the Legislative Committee . . . i . . ....... . .16
Secretary’s Financial Reports ........................... ‘20
Governor Sampson’s Address ............................ .23
Enrollment by Districts iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . i . . . . . . . . .25
Roll of 1928 Membership ...................... . . i . . . . i . . . .30
Parenfr'l‘eacher Association Enrollment . . ................... 61




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 K. N. E. A. Officers
K. N. E. A. OFFICERS, APRIL 1928 TO APRIL, 1929.

A. E. MEYZEEK, Chairman Ex-Oflicio. ..
W. S. BLANTON, (Term Expires, 1980) . .
MRS. L. c. SNOWDEN, (Term Expires 1929).

. . .Lanisville
. . .Frankfott






P. MOORE, (Term Expires 1930) . Princeton
MRS. M. E. TAYLOR, (Term Expires 1929) Winchester
A. E. MEYZEEK, President ......... .Louis‘viile
A. S. WILSON, Secretary-Treasurer. . . .Lonisville
MISS L. V. RANELS, Assistant Secretary Winchester


w. J. GALLERY, Historian, .
S. L. BARKER, Reporter. ..
W. H. HUMPHREY, ripen Vicepcesideni.
MRS. FANN'IE H. WHITE, Second Vice—President.
J. H WARD, High School and College Department.
L. W. GEE, Elementary Education Department.
MISS R. L. CARPENTER Music Department. .Louisvilla
MRS. BLANCHE ELLIOTT, Primary Department“ ..Grecnville
MRS. DOR'A c. WILLIAMS Jeannes‘ Teaehers‘ Conference..
. ...Hoplcinsville
c. L. CORDERY, Industrial Education Department. . .Lincoln Ridge
LEE L. BROWN, Commercial Department. . . . .Lonl'svflle
R. D. ROMAN, Principals’ Conference... . Flemingsbnrg
MRS. ESSIE D. MACK, Parent/Teacher Assam Ion ..Louisvflle

.Little Ra ck













MRS. T. L. ANDERSON, Rural School Department. . . . .Frankfort

MISS M. S. BROWN, First District. . . . . .Mayfieid
W. 0. NUCKOLLS, Second District . . . . . .Providence
C. L. TIMBERLAKE, Third District. . . .Greenville
R. L. DOWERY, Fourth District. . . .Elizabethtown
MRS. D. L. POIGNARD, Fifth District . .Snuth Park
H. R. MERRY, Sixth District. . . .Cavirlgton
J. L. BEAN, Seventh District. Versailles
I. W. BATE, Eighth District. .Danville
J. ROGER JONES, Ninth District. . .Mt. Sterling



K. L. WALKER, Tenth Distric
J. H. INGRAM, Eleventh District ............ . . . . . . . .




 Minutes of the General Association
(Proceedings of the K. N. E. A., April 18-21 1928)

The first general session of the 52nd Annual Session of the
Kentucky Negro Educational Association opened at 8:15 P. M.
on the above date at Quinn Chapel A. M. E. Church, Louisville,
Kentucky. Prof. A. E. Meyzeek. president of the K. N. E. A,
presided at this meeting and the following program was render-

Music—“Song of the Vikings’k-AFanning, Louisville Teachers’
Chorus, Miss R L. Carpenter, Direcfress.

Invocation—Rev. R. C. Henderson, Pastor Quinn Chapel, Louis
ville, Kentucky.

Musicr-Girls’ Glee Club, Central High School, Louisville, Ken-
tucky. Miss N. G. Board, Direclress.

Welcome Address—Mrs. L. B. Sneed, Principal of G. G. Moore

Response to Welcome Address—Prof. H. R. Merry, Covington,


MusicQCentral High School Quartette, Louisville, Kentucky.

Introduction of Governor Flem D. Sampson—Dr. James Bond,
Louisville, Kentucky.

Address—Governor Flem D. Sampson, Governor of Kentucky.

Music—“Hallelujah Chorus”—Louisville Teachers’ Chorus.

Annual Address—Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, President of K. N. E. A.

Music—“I’m So G1ad”-——(Dett) Louisville Teachers’ Choru .

Address—“Land Grant Colleges, Their Mission and Work”—
President G. P. Rmsell, K. S. I. 6., Frankfurt, Ky.

The session closed with announcements and the benediction.


The session was opened with music by the Glee Club of the
Madison Departmental School. A “Report on Teachers’ Sal-
aries” was given by Prof. W. H. Fouse, Supervisor of Lexing-
ton Schools. It was moved and seconded that a committee of
five be appointed to cooperate with the K. E. A. in carrying out
the recommendation of Prof. Fouse on Kentucky Salary Inequal-
ities and Results. Music Was.£nmished by the Richmond Quin-
tette followed by an address on “The Junior High School” by
Mr. Guy Whitehead, Assistant Superintendent of Louisville
Schools. Mrs. N. L. Pike of Adairville, Ky., gave a demonstration
of two songs composed by her: (1) “Welcome P.—T. A. ’, (2)
“LoyalTutors.” “Greetings from Tennessee” were brought by
Prof. M. L. Morrison, President of State Educational Associa-
tion of Tenneslee, followed by an interesting talk on “Health in


 Its Relation to Education" by Dr. A. C. McIntyre of Louisville,
Kentucky. After the announcements were made the session ad-

THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928—«2215 P. M.

At the opening of this session, students of the Kentucky
Blind School rendered several musical selections directed by Miss
Elizabeth Minnis. Prof. J. S. Cotter conducted the Annual
Story Telling Contest of which the following were judges: Prof.
Bryant Cooper, Prof. R. D. Grant, Mrs. M. G. Egester, Mrs. Sul-
lenger and Mrs. D. H. Anderson. Prizes were awarded in Story
Writing Contests by Miss G, B. J effiies. The Jefferson County
Childrens’ Home rendered several musical selections, directed
by Mrs. Juanita Lonas‘ Dr. James M. Glass of Florida, gave an
interesting address on “The Junior High School and Its Mis-
sion.” Another interesting address on “The Teaching of Negro
History in Our Schools” was delivered by Mr. R. C. Woods,
Washington, D. 0. This session was closed by an inspiring ad-
lress by Hon. W. C. Bell, State Superintendent of Education in

THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928—8 :16 P. M.

The session opened with music furnished by the students of
Simmons University, directed by Prof. R. Todd Duncan. Invo-
cation by Dr. C. H. Parrish, President of Simmons University.
Mrs. Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Wilmington, Delaware, gave a very
inspiring talk on “A Needed Project in Negro Education.” Miss
Earline Good of Louisville, rendered the selection, Sampson and
Delilah, in French. Prof. A. S .Wilson, Secretary of the K. N.
E. A, introduced Dr Thomas E. Jones, President of Fisk Uni-
versity, whose address, said by many, was the outstanding ad-
dress of the 1927 session, Mr. George Hampton rendered a solo.
Dr. James Bond, Director of State Inter-Racial Work, made the
report of the Legislative Committee,

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1928~10200 A. M.

The State Spelling Contest was given under the auspices
of the Elementary School Department of which Prof. L. W. Gee
is Chairman. Prof. G. H. Brown directed the contest The.
prizes were donated by the Courier-Journal. The following won
the three cash prizes offered: (1) Lena Howe of Fayette Coun-
ty; (2) Virginia Miller of Paris, and (3) Irene Azbury of Mt.

FRIDAY, Area. 20, 1928—2 :00 P. M.

After the opening ceremonies and music by students of
Lincoln Institute, Dean P. W. L. Jones, Frankfort, Kentucky,
gave an address on “Athletics and School Spirit.” Miss Ernes-


 tine Wyatt, the elocutionist, read “Friday Afternoon in a. Di:-
trict School.” Mrs. M. W. Reed, Home Economics Department
at Wilberforce University, Ohio, gave a very instructive talk on
“Home Economics.” President B. E. Robinson of Lincoln In-
stitute gave an interesting and inspiring address on “Education
in China.” Led by Prof. J. M. Wood, the Glasgow Normal stu-
dents rendered a musical selection. The following committee was
appointed to cooperate with K. E. A. from K. N. E. A. on Kcn<
tucky Salary Inequalities and Results: W. H. Fouse, Chairman,
J. H. Ward, A. S. Wilson, H. R. Merry, J. B. Cooper, John
Bate and W. S. Blanton. The following committee was appoint»
ed on nomination of officers: W. J. Gallery, Chairman, Miss M.
S. Brown, W. O. Nuckols, Mrs. Blance Elliott and W. L. Bow—
man. Prof. L. N. Taylor, Rural School Agent for Kentucky,
spoke on “Current Educational Problems,” which was very in-
structive and helpful. The case of Warleyflole was presented to
the K. N. E. A. A sum of $18.10 was collected for the case.

The State Declamatory Contest was the next feature of the
program. The following served as judges: Mr. J. R. Ray,
Louisville ; Mr. M. J. Sleet, Owensboro, and Mrs. M W. Walker,
Frankfort. Those on the program were: (1) Luella Hayden,
Cadiz, First District, subject : “Tousant L’Overture.” (2) Viola
Johnson, Lexington, Seventh District, subject: “The Dream of
Theodore Roosevelt.” (3) J. T. Wilson, Richmond, Eighth Dis~
trict, subject: “Sparticus to the Gladiators.” (4) Arthenia
Lawler, Louisville, Fifth District, subject: “The Gypsy Flower
Gir .” (5) Edna A. Hunter, Hopkinsville, Second District, sub-
ject: “The Night Brings Out The Stars.” (6) Evelyn M. Shields,
Bardstown, Fourth District, subject: “Toussant L’Overture.”
(7) Roberta Lewis, Greenville, Third District, subject: “The
Rift in the Cloud.”

The judges announced the following winners of the 1928
State Declamatory Contest:

First Prize—Viola Johnson, Lexington.

Second Prize—Evelyn M. Shields, Bardstown.

Third Prize—Arthenia C, Lewler, Louisville.

Prof. A. E. Meyzeek introduced Mr. W. J. Hale, President
of Tennessee State College, Nashville, Tennessee, and President
of The National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools. His
remarks closed this session.

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1928—7200 P] M.

The Eighth Annual K. N. E. A. Exhibition was held at the
Jefferson County Armory. The outstanding feature on the pro-
gram was the “Pageant of the Year", in which all the months of
the year were represented. This program was rendered ‘oy the


 pupils of the Louisville Public Schools. About five thousand at.
tended this spectacular event. The costumes were very beautiful
and the directors of the various episodes received much praise
for their excellent training of the children.

SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1928—10200 A. M.

Prayer was offered by Prof. W. L. Bowman. Mr. A. S.
Wilson, Secretary of the K. N. E. A. awarded the prizes for the
Literary and Indmtrial Exhihim which amounted to one hun-
dred eighty-five dollars. It was moved and seconded that the
President be given power to appoint a committee of four to work
with the Secretary in working out lists of Exhibits for K. N. E.
A. The motion was tabled for the time being. The following re-
port was made by the Committee on Nomination of officers:
Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, President, Louisville; Prof, W. E. Hum~
phrey, First Vice President, Maysvillc; Mrs. Fannie H. White,
Second Vice President, Lexington; Prof. A. S. Wilson, Secretary
and Treasurer, Louisville; Miss L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secre-
tary, Winchester; Prof. W. J. Gallery, Historian, Little Rock,
Kentucky; Prof. S. L. Barker, Reporter, Owenshoro. Two di—
rectors to be elected: Prof. W. S. Blanton, Frankfort; Prof. P.
Moore, Princeton; and Prof J. B. Cooper, Mayfield.

It was moved and seconded that the report of the Commit~
tee on the Nomination of Oflicers be received; that the rules be
suspended and the officers (except the Board of Directors) be
elected by acclamation (Carried) Election of Board—Tellers
are Prof. Grant, Prof. Caldwell, Prof. Nuekols. The Declaration
of Principles were read by Prof. J. Bryant Cooper as sent by
Dr. Anderson of Paducah. It was moved and seconded that a
committee on the Declaration of Principles be appointed, the
substitute motion being that there be no Declaration of Princi-
ples at this meeting but that a committee on the Declarations of
Principles, of which Dr. Anderson be chairman, be appointed and
make a report at the 1929 Session of the K. N. E. A. Tellers
on the election of Directors reported as follows: Prof. W. S.
Blanton, 73; Prof. P. Moore, 56; Prof. J. Bryant Cooper, 18.

The report of the Committee on Resolutions was adopted as
a whole. It was moved and seconded that the Story Telling Con.
test of the future become State—Wide and this motion become a
part of the resolutions. The motion was carried.

It was moved and seconded that Prof. Fouse, Prof. Matthews
and all others going to the National Association of Teachers in
Colored Schools he representatives of the K. N. E. A. and that
they notify the Secretary of the K. N. E. A. of their intentions
and receive credentials from him for the same (Carried)

it was moved and seconded that all appropriations, inequal-


 ities, etc., be referred to the Board of Directors. (Carried)

It was moved and seconded that the P. T. A. have a delegate
to the National meefing but the K, N. E. A. would not hear (h:-

delegate ’s expenses. (Carried)

It was moved and seconded that the report of the P. ’1‘. A.
be referred to the Board of Directors for action until the nexf
session of the K. N. E. A. It was moved and seconded that Mrs.

Mack be allowed to complete her report. (Carried)
Report adopted by sections.

It was moved and seconded that a Conference Committee
of Parents and Teachers be appointed to work out plans of both

the P. T. A. and the K. N. E. A.


RANELS, Asst. Sem‘etary.

L. V.
A. S. WILSON, Secretary.
A. E. DTEYZEEK, President.



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 Departmental Reports


The meetings of this department were held at Quinn Chapel
and were very profitable to all participating. The central theme
for discussion was “The Elementary School, an Agency for So-
cial Adjustment." Other discussions were “The Measurement
of. Intelligence and Achievement,” by Prof. S. L. Barker of
Owenshoro; ”Supervised Play”, by Prof 1". A. Taylor; “Moral
Training,” by Mrs. Rosa Merriweather of Hopkinsville; “The
Visiting Teacher," by Miss Carrie B. J effries of Louisville.

The officers elected were L. W. Gee, Chairman, Hopkinsville.
and Miss Carrie B. Jeffries. Secretary, Louisville.


The Rural School Department met Thursday, April 19.
1928 at 9:00 A. M.

Talk—“Schools Present and Past"—Rev. J. Francis VVil-
son, Maceo.

Rural Work had two departments, the J eannes Teachers and
the Rural Teacher. On motion and second the two departments
agreed to combine as the J eannes—Rural Departments. Mr. L.
-N. Taylor expressed his very great appreciation of the action of
the two departments. The officers were Mrs. T. L. Anderson,
Frankfort, Ky., Chairman of the Rural School Department and
Mrs. Dora 0. \Villiams, Hopkinsville, Chairman of the Jeannes
Teachers’ Conference.


This department rendered the following program:
Address—“The Teaching of Spelling”—Mrs. L. S. Henderson,
Demonstration—“Devices and Methods in Primary Instruction”
—Mrs. Mable W. Render, Greenville.
Address#“Native Responses, Play”—Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Lex»


Demonstration—“How to Teach Phonics”~Misg Adella (label,

Address—”Primary Arithmetic”—Mrs. Josephine Wilkerson,

The officers elected were President, Mrs. B. G. Elliott, Green-
ville; Vice President, Mrs. L. S. Henderson, Maysville; Secre-
tary, Miss E. G. Cox, Henderson; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. F. S.
Gwynn, Richmond; Chorister, Miss Mary Tracy, Frankfort



This department rendered the following program:
Address—“Industrial Arts in the School Curriculum”ers.
C. A. Rice, Covington.
Address—“Unit Shirts”7Mrs. M. We Reed, Wilberforce.
Addr9554“The Aims and Scopes of Vocational Work’tvhlrs.
Lula Haley, Louisville.
Address—“Illustrative and Laboratory Material for Teaching
Vocational Agiiculture”—Mr. W. H. Crutcher, Lincoln
Address—“Cooking the Tough Cuts of Beef”—Miss Marie
B1 own, Mayfield
The officers elected were: Chairman of Manual Arts, Mr.
Cordery, Lincoln Ridge, Chairman of Domestic Arts Depart-
ment, Miss S. B. Snowdeu, Lexington, and Secretary, Mr. G‘. L.
Bullock, Louisville.
A Committee was appointed to confer with the officers of
K. N. E. A., asking that an industrial speaker he placed on the
general program and that this committee have the power to make
a schedule of projects in this combined department for which
prizes should be given.
The committee appointed Prof. Cordery, Lincoln Ridge,
Prof. Bullock, Louisville, and Prof. Page, Frankfort.


The 1927 session of Kentucky Principals was held April 19
and 20 at the Central High School building at 8 :30 A. M. Among
the subjects discussed were: “The Rating of Teachers in Serf
vice,” “Extra Curricular Activities,” “Pupil Guidance,” and
the “Classification and Promotion of Pupils."

The following educators took an active part on the program:
Professors P. Moore, G. H. Brown, R. L. Dowery, Geo. C. Wake-
field, W. O. Nuckols, J. Bryant Cooper, J. T. Green, W. H. Fouse
and Rural School Agent, L. N. Taylor.

Prof. R. D. Roman and Mrs. Nora Ross were respectively
elected chairman and secretary of the conference

High School and Cn‘lege Department.

The central theme in this department at the 1928 session
was: “Expertness in Teaching ” Among those who made ad-
dresses were Prof. Ross W. Helm of Ouenshoro, Prof W. B. Mat.
thews of Louisville, and Hon. \Iark Goodman. State High School
Supervisor. Several other teachers made contributions to the
program. Prof. J. H. Ward, the Chairman of this section, re-
ported that the meetings were better attended and unusually
helpful and interesting: at the 1928 session.


 Music Department.

The 1928 program of the Music Department of the K. N. E.
A. was featured by several demonstrations by pupils of the
Louisville public schools. An All-City Orchestra was also on
the program. At the 1929 session Miss R. L. Carpenter, the
chairman of this department, is hoping to have on program an
A]l»State Orchestra. Details of the plan will he announced in
one of the K. N. E. A. Bulletins to be published before the April

Commercial Department.

Mr. Lee L. Brown, the chairman of the Commercial Depart‘
ment of the K. N. E. A., had as the major theme of this section:
“Commercial Education as it Applies to Our Business Group.”
Messrs. W. F. Turner and W. C. Buford were among the out;
standing business men who made addresses in this section.


The State Parent-Teacher Association held a most success-
ful session in Louisville, Kentucky in 1928. The program was
carried out as announced and much business was transacted in
an enthusiastic way by the representatives at the meeting.

There were _46 delegates to enroll and these represented 1,416
members. Two city leagues and two county councils were also

In this session it was voted that prizes be awarded at the
next meeting for the best Kentucky Parent~Teacher song fitted
to some familiar tune and also that prizes be awarded for the
best motto.

The following resolutions were adopted;

1. We recommend that our State Pareaneacher Associa~
tion be known as State Branch at National Congress of Colored
Parents and Teachers; and that we shall work by and endorse
the constitution for such branches as is given out by the National.

2. We recommend that as a State Branch we shall retain
in our state treasury from per capita tax on each local all money
sent by that local and thus the State Branch will 'be able to carry
out work of a Parent-Teacher Association, thereby enabling
it to help K. N . EJA. carry on a bigger and better educational
program and also keeping our State Body in touch with program
of National Parent-Teacher Association body.

3. We feel for more time that it would he better to hold
our meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday before opening of K.
N. E. A.—in same week4having three sessions on Tuesday and


 two sessions on Wednesday and closing before opening of the
night session

4‘ We elected as our Representative to National Congress
of Parents and Teachers our State President and we recommend
that expenses for same be taken care of by K. N. E. A from fee

of delegates to State Parent'l‘eaoher Association.
MRS. ESSIE D. MACK, President.


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The only Institution in the State having for ifs Object Cal-
legiate, Ministerial and Legal training
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C. H. PARRISH, President.



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 As In A Looking Glass
(Article by Mrs. Alice Dunbar-Nelson for A. N. P.)

The Kentucky Negro Educational Association met in Louis-
ville, Kentucky, April 18, 19, 20, 21, to be strictly accurate. The
“K. N. E. A." as its members lovingly call it, always meets in Louis-
ville, which is sensible, as Louisville is quite the most capable city
in Kentucky, of managing the numbers of teachers who throng to
the annual meeting. Three days a year are taken from school,
from the arduous duties of pounding Readin’, ritin’ and responsi-
bility into little Johnnie’s and little Mary’s heads, and are devoted 'to
intensive study of every possible phase of education. 1119, ‘louth
day, being Saturday, the teachers disport themselves joyonsly in an
election of oilicers that has an the earmarks of wire-pulling and
political manipulation. Perhaps the surface appearance was decep<
tive. To the outsider, it had it capable air of sophistication.

The program was rormidable. There is a Board of Directors, a
roster of general oficcrs, thirteen vice