xt7ksn012p5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn012p5f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1941 Vol.12 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, February 1941 Vol.12 No.4 1941 2019 true xt7ksn012p5f section xt7ksn012p5f _ . J J J _ Mr J J . writ-.7“.~:Jv~:‘--;»I--«---: . 1".“ l “ ' ’ .: i . _ Aigrwrfl_,w _ ...,..._.m_«—«~r ~ ~~~_ 371 I" J
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' ‘ ”I? in I”I' : February, 1941 I
_ ..,..‘ltI..f.l;.Ill . PRESS .
, 211 'llil‘hlll THE KENTUCKY l
Iitil: II: . . . . .
. Jilfll‘lh I page T we be visualized at present, our prlnmpal l wt]
‘I “III..l ' . - 1 to stir up Interest in the I 191
ll “it l hlhcuon W111 )C ‘1 1 ' terestingser l ’
i‘lI‘Ier-‘Tl O 1 n . ' 'al 211“ [16 m "
hi “Jill 1- III. . t nnlal P a S Sesqumentennl d ith it and Which j ,
l il‘iI ‘1. ‘1 Ice [l e 'l'lts Connecte “7 ’ _ I bII
l 1 ill I" esqu .1 n Of CV21 (1 and immediately followed 1L : P11
(will l i . irman W1 SO firecehil seek to Stimulate and correlate i an
I Outl ned BY ha , . ,h - ,. .
‘m Ilel‘ L. , [ed “It It, an . D3
:.;.!g j ‘:I _ -) )7611t5 COHHEC _ . ,
i ll ll; 1 - . ' tr the Filson Club, 1“ 0f 0 d nd immediately £01" ‘[ 'brz
‘- il Illt wll «0 ram Historlcal 50‘3“? )1 1 r «mizatiOHS WhiCh precede a It' nulate ant l i‘
«11' ll'I : .I i . , ha )pv to be On the.” g and other histonca 0 8‘ - 1 ed it. We shall seek to s 11 . i“ am
. fit Eliilll 'Il't 1 am V61) 1k I Press Assoclatl‘m at . t' g in the Commonwealth 11} OW 1 t and co—ordinate celebrathnS 3 ]
I ll ll ‘ 11- ‘ . x , tth ,y 1 . 6X15 ll . . . .a OI‘I‘C H'C ‘ E
.1; II . . 1 the KC“ . 1 lad - uicentcnnl C I . I11 1 our en-
nll lul 0 . . and I an g - f r said 56%] 1 1 5taL€I It W1 )6 . of
lI.;ll.1' l . .d Wlnter meetlngI d plannlng O throtlghOUt [16 . ~ . v
Ill; I 2,:‘I this ml ' . _ sa a few W0r S ,- v 1 fl _ 1 .. in an advisory capaaty, I. in!
will l l. of the Opportunity (:0 prggpects for the celebratizlghation whatever of publlC dcavOl [0-5618: Such information as we I [0;
. “Ii ‘ ‘I ll . h ‘ a 3 )1“ .. . . dissemlna . '1
4.. I.Il : b t the plans a . - 1942 N0 ll , . the wmk to r). henie- .
11; 1:111 i Ill 21 ou . 1 Celebratlon 1n - ‘ 8 made to finance , .. 1 m'l gather; to of C1; W . t0
I‘lll : l Segqulcentennla . I ubject, fund‘s wa‘ . . [1e resoluthn possess 01 (Y t . . ‘ y be . l
I . ‘ ' t0 “e 5‘ issmn and 1 . . 1 su estions as may , As.
lII ll I l B f - launchlng 1n ‘ of the Comm I ‘ Ion (nested, bllC1 gg L
. 1 2; II .I -I 6 Ole In t0 “3- - l t [he ConnlllS-Sl ! 1 . 0111‘ efforts [0 be]
l “I; l: ll [0 take a mome €551 , prOVldCS [13 . l 1 f1]. and 10 contllllle _
I; all? -| 5 however I Want . t'n Of expr ) - b 1‘s EXCIUSIVC 0 he P L ’ . ifest 0b—
- I .,. :I . ’ - ter mee 1 g -. - {1111161116111 ‘3 , . . . me [01 the man COI
. 1; till I . of the mild-Wm - eonsntmg 0 . . Offz' raise more 111< Y . . _
. I. III i. I und YOu . . - . held In membel ex unisslon. Our .
, l Ill!“ ‘-1 ‘ n . Assoclatlon Which was - the Governor, who is a . Lion. 'ects and needs of the C011 . i151
. ll ill II .2 l the P1653 .‘ 1937 in COlnrnemOTatlon . 'h'lll SOFVC without compthsa J .ll be not SO nlllCh as to plaI‘ . C0
l 1ttll'llF ii LGXh‘gton m. entennial anniversarY 0f mtg beet its organizatioh meeting 11 Les~ duty grille for one big state-wide cele- m
:-i [Itlliltfl “I CS 111C _ ' 1n ‘ iSSIOD or Pr .‘ .11 for I
. l. ll” ; of the S q . rintlng press 1Y1 . l' G 1940, the Comm . 1 kfort or LouisVi e, . art
1 1i lfli~ ll; II . ducthH Of the P _ _ 1ngt0n, on Ju l ’ - plans bratlon at Flam - 1 - but ‘
II l-“I” II‘ II the intro - four first neWS - . more meetings. .11 ot admlt of [1211, art
. 1; an: ll 1‘ 1 foundlngo . has held fIVC 01 ‘ f~)31 , 111' 111621115 “71 11 ‘
. 2! lit ll . Kentucky, the G and 111 . urge been ILL ) o t exchange or
I 'I l! I I“ , azette, Ills have, Oi. C0 ’ . VC as a SOrt 0 501
III ”M. the KentUCkY , f' t and 13mgIra . , - - all 01. rather to Ser . . - 1 1m
I r, k 5 its . 1 f to 1c at . entennla p<
ll l . . pape Bradford, Kentuc Y . sed but the C116 P _ , 1. ~hous€ for sesqlllC l. mt
“El will: i honor Of Iohn then made dISCuSI ’ . been that Of ralSIDg Cleallng- . f a local and 3. ' b1“
:1 :ll hi 3 l . ' fine response ' _ I (359 meetings has . 1 d 110 rams, both 0 . _ 1 ,
l i. I,II. L . a [CT- The ’ Ira- l 1 . - I bl needs 01 l 16 an P g . , b 1.1 111:1th I
l 'll": plm ' tion to the inSp f r the indlspema e .6 whlch ma) 6 0 g 5 mt
. I .II ‘3 press AssoCIa . as money 0 . . , nd means eneral natul , ~ . , the ,I
I II I‘- by the . r occaSIOH W -. - of deVISng W835 3 . g ,t whame pOIHtS over Kc
ll ill-I ‘ I" . f thatt anmversa y 'ti— (3011111015510n com )llSh or (1€\’€lol)ed ‘1 ‘ ‘11 b ex— '
. I: . a non 0 1 b the CI mote and ac I . III effort WI 6 da
. I II It: - - t d not on Y Y 1 th to pro . ealth. Eve) 1
_ . . 1, ecia C , _ Wlel‘ew . .1 the CommOnW . gar I
. ll; keenlY aPPr, _ . an of the P60 . ned to it. Eal Y W . , Confhct or unneces Y i of
l llll ‘ II' zens of Lexlhgton’ but the tasks aSSléfjecided that a minimum erted tO P1603 duplication 01‘ over- l la
‘ ! im L ‘ ple Of our State. ky Press ASSOCiation acujlfgl00t0 W3; requisite to enable the and unavolda fhe various celebrations 1 A1
. . l .13‘ II_ ‘ . C f ' W . -, ‘ among ’
I III . what the Kentu . . 1 de t0 0 , _ S1 upon IIS lapping I
I t I- ll . fitting PIE“ » - to entel serlou y 1 1d. _. [11
I . . . . - as a I. ConunlSSlon . . b t lat may be 1e l'
. l . 333‘ ‘l‘ . dld In 1937 W (1 [0 What .1 . HtO detallS a 011 [I _ . b 1 )3
' ‘ ’II 2" I - ' W an ~ VVithOUt gOIHg l . . ~ ton W111 e . l
i ’ ‘€:l ill I ~ 01119; t0 do no , d wolk- . 11 r - for co—Opela l .
. I m . . t 1t IS g I , t0 0 ,11 totl that a e InVltathHS - 1
. I IFMI Wha - Wl11 contmue 1 - 1 am pleased to It 5 . - .- a1 and patI‘IOUC ,_ H
i l but; . I doubt not It in Cele— 111s, _ , have about ) 'tended to the histOIIC . , ‘ .I .
1 I29: I. -. I . 1d next .' f effmt “6 Us . . . 11 10113 . ev
' 1 i ll! l thronghmlt tlm )leg0tlil anniversary 0f 51X 1111:;th fii‘st goal of $5,000, and on societies and educhllonal Ialidiii: clubs ' [l(
l l lI' 1 ' of the , dent reac 16 our .“ ctivitiCS ‘ ~ -, atith‘ [0 CIVIC an( 50C ‘ ' '
, 1 ; .lly I" . biatlon 1ndepen 1, 1 e to man our a Olganll I . . l l and . uc
.I . I ~ ce upon . - F bruaiy lSt 101) 1 1 0f the SC 1005
. til I . KentUCkYS 6mm“ - d dec1s1ve e Itudcnts and a 11m“ .1 I D
I I ”1..“ S 6031 an . ' e t. 5 . , -. ' and boaits l
' I’ll .ll 'i 1 hood. There are P , A 003- In ealnes - - 116’ . He '05; With thell facillllhs. , . - 1 f
. , I 13‘: III II Sta 6 l the Kentucky P1685 SS 1d The necessity of raising some 1110 l (0 g 11 public officiaISI to Ken h
- - I, fill t. ‘ uasons W 1Y . . shou ' . f our at- of UUSLCCSi to a d to 011
'l ‘Ill "II = 10 ' 10th members 1 occupled 11105t O . 1 f the States, all .
' I il» l... tion and Its Patr . - 1ebrati011- has, 111111 how, _ d 1 ed our [uCkV Cubs in al 0. . _ 1 lid of
I I:- It. .t 1n this Ce . - d unavmdably e aY ' I k' ns 11] evCIy a .
I ll l 1 ,, leadlhg Pal » foi tention an d . f t to Kentth 1a .
. : .II: 13“? a . ‘I d rospeCLS , uch thought an out-O -S a ’ g be
. 1 ll; ll In discussmg Plans an nrliial Celebta- progreSS. However, nt (1 t0 the matters who long to come back home. . . Kt
’ I will k Ses‘lulcente d have been deVOte _ 1 . . . II ' is Within . -.
E l ‘IH1 H" the Kentuc1yId 1ext Year I appear, as Stu y dt us As you can easfly undel- In addltlon to all lhls’ It k the ' Fl'
1‘ “it; 1 I _ > ] r , . ‘— 1 . [C 0 l . i ‘ ‘ . SEC 3 F
I It . l “on to be 16 b 1nd Chan cntluS _ ._ . f ch a cele- f )111‘ ”01305315 to 1/
1 | “‘ 'I'El' d as a mem er ‘ h )osSibilltICS 0 5“ th SCOPE 0 ‘ 1 . ~l of ‘
‘ . tate I - d sev- stand, I 6 1 . ,- 11, .t 01 Boaics
( l "ill has been 5 . ion a Pmnte _ . m lated are pl aCLlca ) 00 )eraton and SllpPO1 _ . - . ne
tl l; ll; l man 0f the (301111113155 Govehflor lohnson bration 35711: Cogtjlhiiission nevertheless, Elmiimerce or Trade in the variousfcntl: . an
jIg. ‘i‘ l», .I a o . ‘ _ ‘ 'tless. 16 ’ , . leni‘ o 1
‘ l =1' '1'! Oral ”‘0th g l SUIte com 11““ 11 d to OJeratC . Iinch haw I1 , of
II .I ll? .1 “will . this matter- TIC - the )resent, COIhPe e I and towns “ . .- . 0f the 4
11 51th .I‘ It; 1. to 100k aftel . _ . b , a C0neurrent is, for l _ d scale It must State Bar AssoaathnI , ed
1; .It it; , . . Vlded for Y , hat a restiicte - Kentucky _ . . . 0f the _
l ( l .I I1 I. v. Vas 1310 , _ 0n sonlCW . . . l . 1 SOClety:
‘ l I ll' I“ mlss‘on ‘ . 1 Assembly, 313 t its clotl State Medica , . G1
I III III . I enela I , - t according 0 . Kentucky I . .. - . ; of ,
‘E fl 1 'I '5 li resolution of 1.111%Ci938 BY the terms Of cut “-8 ginnelisence of funds sulfiCient Kentucky Educational ASSOCIatl-goIii' of I' he
l ll. Eli ll Droved MarCh tile Commission is dl- and, in He):se it is wholly unable to the Pioneer Monument Assoflggrk,A5‘ = in
, Ii' .'. . ' , . ~ )ur . , . .. . . .
l s 1;”: i !l the 1650111130]? re a program [01 the {01 -the I - I dertake a maJor central the Mammoth Cave Natlona of the C(
I E 1 l:' l; l rcctcd t0 13:61:91 150th a‘nhiversary of pl‘OJeCt or 11:“ .5611 but must rely, [01‘ ociation‘ and 13“, but not least, l
. ' if I. 1' .- tle . . ion 1' . S I . - 1
it 1 L: l CCIEbriluo’n ‘On of Kentucky mto t1]? C1C leblg1t party on free—will offerings an: Kentucky Press ASSOClatIOn- c 1 "l
I I I .Ii 3 l the a 11118le _ u r0 er 0 - 116 m 5 ’ 1 ~ the cities an - d to the 011— t
I It I" L Union” with a view to {ll/loft: Smcific— voluntary CO—OIIDCIatlinl ltythe Common— We have already 313315;)“ Division of l
. .“I : II n . event. ‘ fies “mug iou . . r of Transpor a ; . _ .
I 1 :l . l. ance of the . , communl , . . have 1nISSlOne , cial an
t 0 I .II t SCIV - ~ es. the ul 6 l0 _ . I n a spe _
l: f . il l 311Y the TCSOIUUOH PlOVld nsider wealth that maY [Fe] g - Motor Vehldes’ to desg. 1942 that “”11 3
. t; ii !“The CommiSSion shall Co 1 celebrations of their own. . b so- tomobile license p1ate {01. to the 585- l
"I v" i l l cry phase of the history 0:1 me With the funds we have raise?1 y an advertise and draw attentlon. nificancfi ‘ l
l a I I.» . III EVV - ‘ re- ‘b mans, ‘ , . 't 51g ' at
- I. . ts varle . . - 1 mar contrl 11 . 1 ,em and 15 t P
l a it} .I 7 Commonwealth and 1 - Imitation Of V0 u Y . . uicentenhla } ”110nm I
I 1 .t‘. l 3 , .6 Of thelr . d an executlve 5606' q . the ropel" at ye
l‘ 131 l l I 'n the performanC - - E'ce w111 be 0133116 1 —\ romise from P )JI'O' .
g at It: ‘ sources, 1 . ~ flnd— 0 1 . . 10 Cd, i p . , ‘11811 an al 1 .1
; Bl ”I duties, and shall Tel")1t then at: as It my and Stemglapher. W111 be empof ythe has already been rec?“ Cd l stage staml’ 'gi
3 Lil l I 1 ‘ gs t0 the General Assembly.1 co and correspondence in andf out -t can priate commemorative 130 t 11
, 1:, . 5 In; . . ' vite tle ' , - 5 ar as 1
;I El 5 .i The CommlSSIOU shall 11: k Sta te State Will be conducted. A
I . s I. I‘ . en uc
j“ YE 1r. :1 operatIOn 0f the K y , 1
I, 0:: ‘V I‘ i
I ‘ t' . l
h n' I“. l: l V
ltl .; g
l El l3 '
. .‘I‘fii I: :_

1 , 111i
)1: 1941 1 February. 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS . Page Three 1 11‘111
.1 1111: 1 ; .
1r Phhdpal 1 will be issued by the Government in of the first Constitution of Kentucky sidered at these meetings is that of :1 11111111 1:
terest in the 1 1942‘ this full and explicit declaration which more uniform advertising rate and prac— 1 1i 1 J
eresting ser. 1 The attempt will be made to com— is still preserved substantially unchanged tice, with a view of increasing State and 11:11 11 1 5:
Eand which 1 him? features of the Sesquicentennial in our present Constitution: National advertising in Kentucky papers. 111 1'
121112331 1t. program with such fixed or customary ' “That printing presses shall be Other important topics are': Shall we .11 .1111
th it atat: 1 Mutual events as Derby Day, Boone free to every person whopndertakes have a full-time representative to look 1 11 1111
. ’ n g 10111,, the Battle of the Blue Licks cele- to examine the proceedings of the after our interests at the next sessron of 1111-1 1 --
Chamly 101" 1 'bration, the Burley Tobacco Carnival, Legislature or any branch of Gov- the Legislature? Circulation and possible 11 111
niulate am 711md the State Fair. erninent; and no law shall ever be ABC affiliation. General business prac— 111111111 ,
“3:13:11?er 1 In all this and, as an essential part made to restrain. the right thereof; tices.’ _ . 1[11111
1, .n- J of every phase of the general undertak- the free communication of thoughts Publzczzmg Kentucky, and the K. P. A. 11111: 1
11021120111113 1 ing, there must be wide fiblicity, and and opinions is one of the valuable After securing the approval of the 111111 ~
1,, when re- for thelnioitrof this w}: shlaél itavcli tollook rights of man, and every Citizen may officers of these two propositions, Vance 11111111 1
.5 may be , {pant .rey upop t :1. eniuittsecy mrltfis freely speak, bwrite, and blight f0n Armentrout, chairman of the Executive 1111111
r efforts to 1 1550C1a110r11allicd1 slpii ic—lsp 111 1 e - any subJect, eing.respon’51 e or Committee, addressed a letter to all the 111111
anifest ob— , hers..Wie s 12; 0‘ t 1S Wltfl a th mgre the abuse of that liberty. . members of that committee seeking their 111111111
ission. Our Iconfiderlilcedhecausexllnel oG your nurfnt I61:1 In concluSIOn, let me ask the rnem— suggestions and approval, and the re- 11111
as to plar 1 '15 nowt e istinguis e A overnor o e, bers 'of the Kentucky Press Assoc1ation spouse was gratifying. There has been 111111111 .
-Wide cele. . Commonwealth, and, at least, three. of to 10m With us in our aim and endeavor considerable correspondence, as might 11111111,
Iisville, for 1 the nine members of ouy ComnnSSion to have some kind of a noteworthy ses- be expected, but as I was about to write 111 11
1 that, but ‘i are newspaper men. Furthermore, there quicentennial celebration in every one this of Feb. 18, I have a letter from 111111
(Change or are spec1a1.and pecuhmlly 131116111“ frea- of the 120 counties of the Common— Mr. Armentrout stating that ten of the 111,
finial plans sons why thlS‘ASSOCIatIOH S10ud ife ore— wealth. A,nd may I urge you, as a dis- fourteen members had approved the [1111
cal and a 1 most in eveiy movement 1an ehort t0 tinct serVice to the Commonwealth, of publicity campaign and that several have 111111 1,
Originated 1 bring about a suitable ant vigorthg COIII-f which we are all proud and which we suggested meetings for their districts, and 111 1i 1
1S over the memoration 01, 1116 150111 1rt ay 0 all truly love, to try to 561 the ball one or more of the state oflicers of 1111‘
will be ex- '1 Kentucky as aCommonwealth. T1115 very 10111173 on Tuesday, _the 4th day of the Association will try to attend each 111 11111
nnecessary 1 day marks'the anniversary Of. the blrth February'nextgwhich 15 the 150111 anni- of these district meetings. One member 111 11,111
01. over- 1 01 Behlahhh Franklin, born 1“ BOStOb’ versary of the final passage and-approval was non-committal on the publicity pro— 111 11, 111
ilebrations 1 January 1/, 1706; (bed In Philadelphia, of the Act. of Congress providing for gram, but none opposed it. 11111
1 April 171 17901 two yeais before- Ken— the. admissmn 0E Kentucky into - the Many questions have been asked and 11:11 111111
- 11 tucky became a state. anlth-l 18 the Union on June 1’ 1792‘ In news item su estions made as to how this ubli it 11111111
11 Will be 1.; patron saint of American printing, and and in editorial, let a resounding chorus caff ai , ht b h dl d' b p f' c .y 11111
1 patriotic ,1 this week his memory is honored wher— of cheers be sent up on that memorable sh Ild 31:1 mtlgt d :1 ahh e , ht “"5; {t 111 11111.,1
1 religious 5 ever the graphic arts are taught and prac— day by every fathful member of this ‘_ 0” £1315 ae' tKat ekpurpose 0 It 11111
Chh Chlbsi 11 ticed. The theme for this Printing Ed— Association and be re—echoed by the 15.111110 0 :to give entuc Y papers good 11113
110015 and ‘- ucation week is “Printing Safeguard of 11 - - ' - 1 h pictures Wlth a degree Of local C0101 and 11 1:1 111
I 1 whole Citizenship of the Commonwea t . subscriber a 631 and to encoura e an 1,: ,1 1
bd boards 1 Democracy.” Truly free speech and a __________ _, pp ’, . ,g 111,: 11
5110 Ken- 51 free press are the two main pillars of , _~— advertismg campafg“ that W111 bring. 1,0 111111
35: and 10 . our Constitution and of the R6publiC 13116510161111 Dy (1111.14711101111“? Kentucky the tourist trade and new C1117 111111 31
, _ ; . , - ; , , , . s 'hat its attraction and industr de- 1151111111
“by land . ofwhich it is the symbol. None know this Plans fm Publzczty Campaign 7ens 1 y 1 1111,1111
1 better than the representatives of the Certain goals for the Kentucky Press serve. _ _ _ 111111
is 1111111111 Kentucky Press. It is a resolution of the Association for 1941 have been set by .111 thls series every section 0f Kentucky 1111111111
seek the 1 First Kentucky Convention of December, its Executive Committee, and plans are W111 be represented, for the sublCCtS W1” 11 1111111
Soards of i 1784, that brought a printing—press and already being worked out for their be selected bY_th€ members 0f the Ex— 11 1111111
ious cities , newspaper to Kentucky in August, 1787, achievement. Publicity of one of these 9C_UU_V'3 Committee, each.from 1115 own 11 111,111
1; of the 1 and it was the capable and skilful work goals should appear during the next two dlsmd' Each Of the articles SPOHSOWd , 11111:
n; of the 4 Of John Bradford, our first printer and or three weeks, and this goal is publicity. by the Kentucky Press Association, who 1, 1111111 -
y; of the 1 editor, in the columns of the Kentucky Informal discussion among your offi- 1“ 1941 WOUId tell Kentuckians 0f Ken— ‘ f 111 ,
ation; of ; Gazette that prepared the way for state— cers and with others at the recent Mid- 111C195 as Kentucky should tell the world 11,: 13 ’,1
iation; of 1' hood and for admission of Kentucky \iVinter meeting, resulted in the formu— 1“ 1942—Sesqu1centenn1al Year. 11 1111 '11,
Park As- 1 into the Federal Union. The Danville lation of a number of proposals; and Each article ShOUId have a PiChh‘e 0f 5111111
st, of the ‘1 Convention of 1784 resolved: action was quickly sought on two of a Slhgle or group 0f scenes, and the C1” 11 111 i
‘1 “That the freedom of the Press these which were deemed subject of early Shbllld hbt be less than 4 bY 5 or 111; 1111111
the Com 1 is highly subservient to Civil Liberty consumation, at least in part. These were 6 inches (double column) nor more than ‘1 11,111 ;
ivision of 1 and therefore such measures ought the publicity of Kentucky and Kentuck- 5X7 inches (”11316 column) mat Of Wthh 1111111 5
necial au- 1 to be taken as may be most likely to ians through Kentucky newspapers under can eas1ly be handled by {my newspaper 1 :11:
that will . encourage the introduction of a the auspices of the Kentucky Press Asso- 1n the state and With available space Of 51,111: 1'
) the ses- 1 Printer into the District.” ciation; and an increase in the interest most of these papers. The text matter 11 1
nificance. 1 As the fruit of this germ. Which was and membershp in the Association, ShOUId not be more than .400 WOFdS. 1111151
uthoriteS "1 planted by the founding fathers eight through personal contact—by members MUCh fewer than 4091701115 15 preferred, 11
n appI‘O- hears before the separation from Vir— of the executive committee with publish— the fewer the better If the story 15 tOId- 11111 ,
e stamp ginia, one need not be surprised to find ers, and, where practical, holding district ; The more attractive the picture and ,1211'11,
in the 7th Section of the Bill of Rghts meetings. Among the subjects to be con— Please Turn To Page Five ;11 :13 ‘1
. 131911111 1
, ”111111-131

 February, 1941 .
, 2. - ' "2 . ) ESS
~ 2—22 TUCKY IR 2 22 l
g 1:221 lll lel THE KEN ished according to law.- 2;
- 2:2 522:, fl 'ur)’ and Pull ‘ ; .2 to other queues, l
2 éll ! 2:2 ll 2l2 uI‘ 2 meters and J . 81V m responsC _ 2
' 2~"2"2'll‘~:‘al Page F0 [tings from er Prcvlou' / 22la1~ed that bmgo games
2H2 ll‘l] l chips and cu 1 11 Lewis had (1“ iven by movie theaters
22.1122 _2 . 2716 - 2-125 ‘ ;
I22 lilll-l 22.22‘ l \ sawS- our fingers deal “can and cash pl 12/611:
2.1222 E ) . -. ' ;- 22 e"-
‘;2 2"ll " l el he ’ 4' _K6Cl 633.1 Exerclse CXU C1111: ough C(nntlluus 10 ___-
:2 ll! 2 j t 2; PMSS handhnlg1 1h Pushing material t r “5—— 9 2
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‘l'llll‘e Ken ' t11001.5 or close clearance Ihen Working [filereflmg F 1i101‘S of K611lu‘3ky week— J,
22! :2 (0 . W ‘ . ,— cc 2 ~ - 2
' ll‘l blication 0’ the KentuCky 5 Never use gloves absolutely DC“ A Sauce ‘0 offered bv the Uanemly l 2
l ‘l‘lll“l“l ~ ofiicial Pgress Association loemd machinery unless 1V newspapels 1th noting here IS the 2 l
2.22:2_: a“ . , wo‘ 4 2
, 2‘.2i2l§l'l2l¥ 2 fimbflsher .essarv. mch carry ll of KenkaZ AT’S HAPPENED IN ’ 2
2 :‘l 22-" » 2: tmam" E l c ' ’ 2 st Carry a V“ ’ ‘ t 2) 11‘C "‘ H 2 2 re )01‘ted 2
tall l“ 2 victor R- P“ G If you 11111- on your wrlS 1C3” 2 1 esumc of the “CW5 1 l 2
:22 2: - . 7 ~ ) 2 ~ 2 _ 2
all l 2.2 WLexington in your pocket n€\€1 EUR01 132 a1 ThCSe artlcles haxe been 2
ll “l lll Prmted On The while on the job. k with saWS and from alfl'OdC' lal‘ly each week $111C€ the l 2
‘i. {2‘22 ‘ 2 3; $2 2 -'1‘0 C . . “e ‘11 .
“‘ ‘l‘l‘ ‘1 ‘ l Press Association Oglcelssentinel-Echo '7 "Vatch YOUI 5L V from your body- Plepm Cd 1 lgthe War in Sep‘embel’ 193% 2
3‘1 2" 2‘“ l ‘ t L0“ 0" ~ t n Gazelle ' , 2 forCe awa/ s ken 1 . inning“) rofessor 0
2: tl‘llll ‘ D che Pres‘dganreS-e 01"“) senger f’les‘ always ‘ck UP 1310 mg ‘ - VI Knapp: P l
322'; ‘2l2 ;. Russell y ’ vfield, V108 DanVflle Mes l 2 , , . 1 )t to P1 . 2 charles l ' 2 l s‘ef l
2222 2 22 L. Watel _Treas., 1L amen] _2 larl r 1) D1, 1 . ._ ThC 3.16 )11 2
222 2242 22 22 HarI‘Y_ k secy- - men 8 DOI - . a1LICU 3 y “511. . Y 2 1
- ll 2l 2, 22s Alcoct - comm!“e - 2 - 1 telS P . 21 2 unva1 Y
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= llll 2 - Dhtlwt - ille Cour ducah 01 Slug _ 1 your )a 1115 1 , d“ d “701(‘1 ]
_ I; . . Loulsv 2 2 Pa . 1qu _ . _ WIN, 2 2 hun 16 .
2: l“‘ll‘l ‘23 Vance 22361212253323? First,T-;eg§rL§,fig‘f§3d2 Egg? E2311] machlne mmmmgs2 not Ovel DY; 11y for the weekly pless. I s
2 2E 22.? '2; 22 Third)2 f . confl, . . rth, oe - _ 3 ecl '1Ca ' €T- ‘
i ll Ell “l é é éun'Demodcéoactétasi‘lorga-ngfilge' FFFEnk 139.112 \Earélllx handS- es cut short; have Wlmcn SP . 2 ~ictly the news and 1.1“ l l
l ill“ ‘22; orallsngg glasgowBTgfgifit sixth, Eregv 1%- Robin- 9 K€ep your SICCV ‘t'ght about your They covel 5“ 1 news are unbxased 2
' :2 “fl "2 .3 ‘ ax‘ ' rat, 8 ' - seven ’ ' '1'on Log ' I 1 ) 01" '1 2- 2 of £16 " ‘
.52 (“El l22 t2 ble 13‘3‘1’10‘herak1—Leader '. T. T-W1.s ' '1- 2211 yollC( ul ' 1. 2 ~ [3110115 . - ~ [611Th18
2 t l 22 '22 -' ' Elghth2 mng2 W! 11 111 “C - machlne y 1316 1 t 111 Chalac ]
21 le‘fgl- ll: 2 Lexmglqntsvflle Hera]? ’ H A. BrOW ~0t0r R- l ‘e . .kin abOU-l . )1‘0 )afran( lS
‘l "ll “ ' SD“2.Pam2 '21 iana; Nmth’ l t—lal‘get. V1 send 2' 211116 Wo1 g - 1“ deal— and non-1 I b ' 2 1 free 0f Charge ‘ l
22 2 22 2 2 Csn 1 2 ; state a ton, s Vust W 111 s 0 111cc _ 2
. ll Ell l 521" Eaamblslllurg nggllllxlggmPgeffiaepgnedilgfi ‘ 10 Don’t Check 011:“ 1158'; the tools §61“V'iCe may be oftéhom the PubllClt)‘ l l
2; fl“.- 2‘2 g 2 .tmaun, AS an _ ~ . " -e ; ‘ - 1 . .
H 22:22} gimme), Forgeyyi lative commence .mirmml: nceS “221th your hug ~ that purpOSC- by requestmg _ . 1' Kemuck)’- ; l
ll Ifl ‘- ‘ ‘ Leng f" Id AdVOCfl-te2 L :1‘110ma-S a ‘ designed f0)- . ll UanCI‘SlW 0 2
'3‘ ll ”32- ‘2‘ . Munford2 Mqrgan ainton Gaze‘éen’ry Wal‘d2 in the Plant . . 1 '0b and IDSPCC Bureau, _____ 2 5
222' 2.122 , Tyle} Lee \Vatel‘iwld2ton Herald; 1 6 031m Jr" 2 a s fenlsh me] ; ints - —~‘ g _ 2 g .
l2 2. 2 Hany a Lexmg e R. J1 _ 11 AIW Y (1 n 61 p0 . 2 [2 Clean ; 1
ll ll ‘22 222 R. Undler‘évglibemocrzfith; (53:2? Williams: SomeI‘ ' k [0 knOW that all a g j 1‘ ids [/1126 Surf)? 15mg)
2 '2 2 :2 l ducal wea ; the wor 2 \u 05/)(2226 / / 232 2
ll L' ‘ : Pa set Common . w ed_ . l ('7 2 2 11160119 5)
ll ll '25 1 2 32;“ 3212222221. spaper Exhibit Commlgeecmrman; have been 1(flilov ard€ on the machm' Occasionally you heal Sgad Books . 2
. 2 12 i ‘22 l. New _ k Pres , . DII‘S. u 2 ~ . ~ 2 ._ . I‘V .
; 2 2 2. mm: y la, e) I19 g VH1; 22 1; ‘C 2 .
ll llll‘ l ‘2 Victor R- Pofill‘llggn finer“??? $efilcl‘ardsgg‘ 12k Kevéur fingers away from m0 g [hat Zldvcl usulg son the subject and 2 l
l l g 2! RUSS Jane. PrhsDeCl; tO jeI‘I‘y Freem I Cry; eep 1 2 16611 “yrlttell - 'ISSUIHP- 21
ll 2‘22‘ 2 ‘2 Mark Ethrldges “gel--Advocflev lune 3 2 1 113011 thlS <2- l 1
: leg 2 :- ~1 MeSSe berlands «[3. - , I‘C base( 1
l l 2122212 ‘5 2 2 gfivé‘ofienty News’ cum pal _ many .101‘65 a d l
2' ‘ 2'22 “2 ‘ 2 ___———-—“ . see
2 2 2 ;:l‘ I —— “on. the facts an
2:. 2- x. 2 2 at . . . -
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- 2 2 2.522 l \‘42’ ASSOC ‘ _,_ Casi! PM" . ‘3; te Attomey vhctht‘l" 5“ 1 C F deral Trade (
2 12:2 l A ‘ iii-1’5 ' I [4765 By a “ . , l‘CCCnt (3
‘ ‘ “‘-2"2ll Liming?) I I RUIN! Lat C to per- »\Cc0rdm2‘~’2 ‘0 a f some 875,483 ad- 2 l
‘l 2 2:2 _ on"; ‘_ 7v Jen 2 . 2 2) ‘t 0' . ‘
- 22. 22‘ 2 ZCS 0 2 C )0] J . .. 1
‘ ‘ “ll‘ l ‘ DrawillgS [01 cashlplles welre declared Commlssun1 l(Illcwspaper, radlo ar’ld‘drl1 l ,
I ‘ 2 "I ‘ 2 k )ul‘C 135 . ' 1 2 sligemc‘flls 011111115510 2 t
1 2 zlfl' I 2 92‘ 2 3 who 1113 e 1 2 )rohlbltCC \Cl - . . I b 2 the C ‘ .
2 « - A? 50112 . ore r 111161 3 2 _ 5
“i2 Ill lf‘ 2 EMBER “ml? be lotteries and theth b} Assistant recL mall) 9X3“ . 'de as worthy of {111 l
- l‘2 ‘2l2‘ ‘l. M W ‘0 mte constitutlon Y (fl 1 on 2'6 09‘) wel‘C set (151 f these ca€€S2 723 22 z
'2 " ‘ , s . 2 ‘1, J 2 ~~ , 2 ‘ 222
ll 222:: Il.1‘2 ES b> [he ‘ 2e K. LCWIS, Flank 0‘ 21 1. investlgatlon- 0, I tonly 236— 2 1
‘ ‘ “l ‘3‘ K ‘TUCKY PR Attorney Jess p blic'ltion 0f announce- He 1 offichl jnquu‘y2 )u - 1 total; 1‘
, 2" ll I ‘ , ~ 8. u ‘ ~ - 1680”“ c [ )l‘i 1113
‘2 ll‘ =‘2- ON Feblualy 2 nteSLS: thele ( 1‘ cent 0 ( g 'l
.l l lll 2lj SOCIATI . 2 sults of such CO d 01‘ 003 of 1 PC r {i011 l
‘2! ll: 'Iil AS , my ments 01 1e _ . newspapers 3“ '. fr'ciql formal ‘“ . “The l (
12 2 i 2 12 l2 ””50 MW” ' . )rohlblted t0 , 2 rn~ 111011th 0 l ( - ~ ~)111m€nt5'
“ ‘ 'll‘ “ 7 0““ fore: me I 2 1 ditors ale “3 . d Pubhshel a 2 '~'11 l
2 2 :2 ‘2 2 2 - an( C r an 2 HS )111 g 1
“2‘ ‘2le 2‘22 be‘r4 other PUbhcauonS tides or accept Eduo 11013 far flom C0 1 on- ,
2‘ 2t 2 2| ‘ W o news 211" g 2 . as 21 W ’ h at the C l 25
1 2. , e ; lun ms )ICSS: _ . c e
. “l “l ;2 Volum ed not to 'th such notam I I 1 CPU-9mg ceooks to blic and l 2
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.2 2 22» - les . . :1‘, 25 “0 h .7 - kee
l ‘ ‘ll‘ “‘ W thereml the opinion to ROSS Ma- ultimo regulatory ageelchCS V: be I13-00% 1
‘ 2‘ 2‘; ‘-‘22 / U01 2 " 'n'urles ) 1'5 wl‘OtC . S ivCll PU ' 2 D - b Wi De 2 2 f
1 ‘2 ll ‘H‘l to prevent I J LCW _ ~ ardlng 1)11Le g 1 "m. The JO 1 S 11116 0 ~2 1'
2 : n . f tv rules 2 1 on - F ankhn, leg slate C 6s . end es
s ( 2 ll}: 12's T‘Wel‘e 53 e I baseC 1 me 1n 1" . 2 h C IS all but
, ; ; . ' ments ; 0 ed. - 1 t er 11165
l T ‘ - ‘l “‘ l in mechamcal depart ber of Composmg by merchants and adliments which 80 to donci f(lzho likC to beat the"; a‘s in- 2 t
2 ‘22 22: 22 m2 renewed 2-22 a ””11 2022222 by Ernest ~Thers three m 21 120056;}; 22 22222-222; st 9999’ 0 2' 2
2l j 2l2' 22 l . 2 . are SC OLter : , _ “/6, a ‘ c ”t 42
l E 2‘4. ”‘l‘ and press 1001115 City free lance make up a 1 yd third, PUZC‘ . - -‘n progress. l C
‘ c ‘ l‘l l“ W Fair Oklahoma f EditOr and second chance’ an d litional Pnce decau g ‘ ‘__ f he KPA
2 ‘2 22! 2 2 2 . ’ - 2‘ ’ a ( ——"‘—_ . t 2
2 . . 2 e 0 2 . hat n0 . tee 0 2
2 2 22 .s .2 2 lecent 155“ 22 [rue t oods, .- 0mm1t - at
2 : _;; 2 2‘2 wrlteb In a It 15 I the merchant for 1115 g ft The execuuvelc b sinCSS meetlng ‘2 I
‘ 1‘ Pl‘bmher' ”Charged b‘ ideration in the Pro} -11 hold its spring u wine on Sat— 2 e
2 . J, g . . . _ , _2 2
l ”l ‘ The “fies fOHOW‘ d‘ tment to a but there ls Con: never a person IS 11}. “1] Brown Hotel, Loul l a
2 2 : 2 us . d5 W16 2 111 we . e -
‘ 2 2‘2 l2‘ ake an a J ' 15 n [he goo . ' [he 10tt61y "ch 15-1: {1116
,3. 0: l l :22; 1 Never 111 . the machlne 0 tic! ate 1n _ urda)’: Mal {iced [ha I
22 f ‘ 2,2 ' . , i1 it Wh1le duced to par p f the pl‘IZes ' 22 u have no 2 d in the .2
, 22 2; 11116 01 0 hance 01’ . ' Mavbe )0 2 f atule ‘2 t
2 t. 2* 22v 1113C 1 ‘ 2 . et a C C01]- 2 . . “7615 € ‘ On 5
l V‘ 2‘l i t in motion- fingers Some— oldrelihzooiurts haVe held that thls KentUCkY ec‘ltollshry recently, He‘.“d;2_ ‘ f
.2 2 -22 2’2 . r ' . “ - 2 ' 2 . 2 x1 s ‘15‘
l :l ‘ 2‘15 l 2 Keep rlngS ($13 youe from Wearmg -[ [es sufficient conSIdelauon lottCI‘Y: PuthhEIS All DvChes and J' culéction. C
12 2 2'3' 2‘ 2 - i com stl ll 'tutes a . g RUSSe I 2} 2ir Se ’
pl f 2l_ l‘ _. 0 harm W - a} pur- _ b V6 constl Evan-2 - g 011‘ [210
2 . 2. es 11 ractIC 22 the a 0 2 of the . tulatlon-
a2 2?— 22g ,2 um sel‘Ve no P f sence eratols k Conala
2 222 2 2 2 or 2 0 ac . b
2 Isl 2‘2 22 them but gliyjust one more chance it follows that Ehzictgd by the grand C
‘ “2 ll and O C ‘ uld be 1n 2
‘2 ml ‘2‘ ‘ l p036 ident to OCCUY- 11161131 scheme C0 2
‘ f‘l ‘l ‘ an acc b shes t0 clean away
l g z 2 l ru
2» Y2 l1. ,2 3 Use
2' v: I ‘ 22 2 ' ‘
Ir 0': l l‘. l l
2 In I 2 22
' l2 2‘2‘2 ‘2“
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l : l 2 22‘. 2
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 ‘- 31s] ‘
' 31:1! 1
, 333333
Y: 1941 February, 1941 ' THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 333313 1
I t0 law.” 3 Continued From Page Tilt“ Finally I wish to take this opportunity representatives were the fact that uni- 3333 . .'
her queries, 3 ________ 3 afforded by Victor Portmann to thank lorm advertising rates could be set tip 33 331.
ingo games ' the shorter and more interesting the text, each Kentucky publisher for the help and the circulation of newspapers, along 333 333 ‘. :2
vie theaters the better the chance of its publication and cooperation he has given or will be with the advantages offered in the 3‘33 3331 3 _.
and reading. giving from within and from without, various communities, could be compiled 33 333
Mats of pictures must be furnished, that I am greatly encouraged. Especially and presented to prospective advertisers. 333 3333
3 of course, and some may wish to include haveOthe other oflficers been 50 very fine, “One reason the weeklies and small 3333133333 3 "
.ucky week- 3' the heading and text matter on the mat. Curtis AICOCk: V3111“? Armentrout and daily newspapers are not getting more 1313313
Universit J As to financing. The part the news— Harry Lee \Naterfield, and many 0f national advertising, it was brought out 33333333 j
iere is th: 3 papers play is to give the articles full [‘16 executive cgmnntteeDinembers. at the meeting, is because they have 333333
ZNED IN :publicity, and members of the executive L 3 Ky l“ 3U5355L333333Y9H1L~ no representation and the agenCIes can 13133333 _
VSl‘Cported :- committee (there are 34’ one represent- out on, 1., e). , . . :01. 33330133333.) ble bothered With them 3333333
have been 3 ing each congressional district, two from 3 3‘ 3 —,—T/_———:,__—.-~ 3 .3 ccuiing li ates,1 p aeing orfdeis and check- 3333333333 3
; Since the 3 the states at large, and the three elected Maura/my Altos is Into-restingeRe/Jort mg on 31c atierLISiEg or small news- 333332333
nber, 1939’ l officers ex-officio.) to make the necessary Among the many interesting phases I33If'e31"51(0§15113t Pily t Chagérlmeéna-nd’ as 33313331
Tofessor of 3 ar