xt7ksn012v08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn012v08/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2002 2002 2002-02-15 2020 true xt7ksn012v08 section xt7ksn012v08 What sexually transmitted disease kills more women than AIDS? l





Celebrating 30 years oi lndepencende

Reparations ad author
bringing message to U

Free speech: Horowitz will address campus

By Emily Hagedorn

stirt wrote

The man whose controver~
sial ideas sparked newspaper
bonfires and the resignation of
the editor at the University of
Wisconson Badger Herald and
the destruction of the news-
room at Brown University’s
The Herald will speak at 17K
next week.

David Horowitz. the presi-
dent of the Center for the Study
of Popular Culture. a conserva-
tive think tank. made news last
year after his advei'tiseiiieiit.
“Ten Reasons Why Reparations
for Blacks is a Bad idea for
Blacks and Racist Too."
caused controversy on college
campuses across the country.

The backlash changed his
mission into a free speech

“I want to help students get
a View of another side.“ said
Horowitz. who is being brought

to campus by the ()pen (‘oininu-
nications Association Student
Government contributed Sfiiio
to help bring Horowitz here.

The story starts one year
ago during Black History
Month. Horowitz decided he
sltoiild offer
an opposing
View of
ican repara»
tions pay
ing blacks for
the injustices
of slavery He
said that ac»
cording to
some StiltlS'
tics. only it
percent of
Americans agree with repara»
tions. yet most are being bom-
barded by a proreparations

“I think I was at least able
to introduce ideas that other-


wise wouldn't be heard.”
he said

So Horowitz attempted to
place an anti reparations ad in
17 college newspapers Nine
newspapers out of the t7 print
ed the ad. and tour publicly

”My ad was censored and
yiscously attacked." he said

Htil‘tinl'l did otter the ad to
the Kentucky Kernel The Ker
nel business stall" requested
llorowit/ pay for the ad in ad
yance. as they do all out oftowii
and unfamiliar accounts
HUI'UWIIZ did not pay. so the
Kernel did not run the ad

Keisha (‘arteii president of
the Black Student l'nion.
agreed it is good to hear differ
ent opinions. but she does not
agree with Horowitz's message

“His yiews area little out
rageous." (‘arter said

Zach Webb. codii‘ectoi' of
the [K NAACP. said while peo
ple. such as himself. need to
take responsibility,

"i want white students to
realize that there's a difference

between tree speech and
racisiiif he said. "Reparations
are a really good way for white
people to admit they were
wrong "

The group bringing
Horowitz to campus looks at it

"(‘ollege is supposed to be
about sharing ideas. and be
cause he did. he was banned
il'illli exposure." said Matt Falk.
l.)(‘.\ president

litil‘tinI/ said America is
the great I'topian experiment
with races liying sidebyside.

“'l'o students. I am like a
yisitor from another planet I
am the land of the free. and l
look at [K like an island of
repress‘iiin "

It you go

David Horowitz will speak from
7:30 pm. to 9 pm Wednesday
Feb. 20 in l06 Classroom Building.


Students danced until i am. at the Presidential Gala at the Radisson. President Lee Todd and his wile, Patsy, told the crowd they enjoyed seeing the
students there and promised 3 Valentine's Day party next year. See page Z tor photos of inaugural activities.s

Anti-drug campaign angers

”This is not. a cheap shot."
he said. "This is a strong. accii

Drugs and terror: National student group
questions accuracy of recent commercials

By John Wampler


The Office of National Drug
Control Policy‘s new inulti-mil-
lion dollar ad campaign. which
connects drug use with terror-
ism. has members of a national
student organization outraged.

Darrell Rogers. national
outreach coordinator for the
ZOO-chapter-large Students for a
Sensible Drug Policy. con-
demned the ads. which began
airing Super Bowl Sunday. as

“If we are going to blame

the illicit drug consumer for
problems associated with prohi.
bition. then the government
should talk about the many 1e.
gal products that have ties to
terrorism or repressive regimes
worldwide." Rogers said.

Diamonds are responsible
for funding death squads. civil
war and genocide in the (‘ongo
Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Rogers said. and oil has histori
cally contributed to human
rights Violations

"Should we demonize en~
gaged couple?" Rogers asked.
“Should we blame the auto in-

dustry or soccer moms for hu-
man rights abuses""

Rafael LeMaitre. a public
affairs specialist for the ()ND‘
(TP. said the SSDP‘s argument
that the ads are improper be-
cause consumer products also
can contribute to terrorism. is
not accurate.

"They‘re mixing
with oranges." he said

The ONDt‘P is not con-
cerned whether other products
contribute to terrorism. only
that drugs do. according to

"We‘re after the drugs." he

LeMaitre said the goal of
the new ad campaign is to re»
duce youth drug use. and that
the ads offer kids a imwerful re
fusal tool


rate prevention method."
Some ['K students question
the new ads effectiyeness
“Addicts are addicts.” said

communications senior Ben
Clark. explaining why he
thought people wouldn‘t stop
their behayior as a result of the
ads. "it‘s going to make a lot of
people wonder. but it won't
change anything "

()ther students thought the
ads were misleading .leremy
Griffith. a horticulture s‘enior.
said that one of the two ads
shown during the Super Bowl
seemed to imply that if some
one buys marijuana. they are
contributing to terrorism. (‘rrif
fith said he doesn‘t belieye this
to be true




Play ball

Softball Cats need
fan support as
they head into
new season I


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‘ UNC president
offers advice at
inaugural speech



Molly Broad, president at University at North Carolina. delivers a
speech at the convocation ceremony tor President Lee Todd's inaugu-
ration in the Singletary Center for the Arts on Thursday. Broad
emphasized the importance of land grant universities to their states.

Making it happen: Broad's been there

By Melanie Beckwith

:jm': C; 'M. to v

;\ president at one ot the top litiilil!’ i-eserir' n 'riiiyersi'ies in

the coiiiitrz began the pit-sideiiti li inaugural

‘J. 1th sllillt‘ words mt 'tyisdoti; tor :iiii'xvi‘si".

bring l'l‘i to top Jll status

l'iiiyei sitx «it .‘s'oi'tli

(,i;iii,:‘,.: 5‘.

vii-ms 'l‘hiirsday
jeriders Kym king to

stein l'i‘esideiit .\loli'-.

Broad spoke from her own » ‘-;;iet .‘l'll' e» it. higher (’(liil ,itior. on

how l'li (.lZi it lziew the stati- iz; i:;d:i‘etl 1:;1.3lls?.'l".l~ lit

'Til‘l" is no s:nipie oven“.
a :ll tirtnstoiin l'K s ,ispzi 'i‘1oi2s .iito l“"t.li"~
same September li‘}.

LINN?“ (ill {lift-'1?“ lll’ll‘i“\ \l‘i' “ \‘r'l't'


only the basir s of edix fi’i'rll.

”ll'K needs; tron: and g.


‘ gli'jil

bullet approach 'i.;it
litttt’ill sfiitl

:.:i;i.t-i's;’ti-s iiiizst ieiy


t sixwr

’ziilil ',;il‘i iiitii'w ’tti‘,



and trieiids and corporations and toi.iitl.'i'ioits

Broad said l'Nl‘ has

inent ot est eilent protessors using etidwmri rizzm s

roiii'aged ill to toiiow suit

‘The vii-Katmai of the reputation wt the His.
tuck'. ‘wiii deriye lrorn the 'liid L.

ittproyed .inuztit through

the ter i’!i.t

and site en

Hi Km}

ii'» Tait 1m; {‘51


‘2 'if 'iiiiw tit '.

cruit and quality of ‘ht- lll‘itlt'l‘;:l"fttl‘lilies and graduates that x on

recruit." she said

l'K nizist also support the

she said

gridiiate :w- v

“If l'K is to heip reshape Kerstiik‘

teriii it w..i

\t‘i‘slit rev-Kiri h ll. arr-as ot inxpoimiin e to Kentm kt.
Broad encotirigerl ll: to partner 1y Iii.

it‘li‘llil" it? “til L’ltif’i ’ “Ill

iiii‘i' ill .i".

\h(‘ “i(1|(1

the education set tor.

businesses and gou-i‘niiient in order to gain a competitiw ail

Vantage oyv-r vitiiei schools

‘il'TJ intonid .\".i’ oine the oppor

tuniti to (oiiaboratr- with {K in areas there'- triil‘ interests ind
our capabilities. are alike.” she said
Broad challenged l'K tri serye the people it Keiriu k: iitd

proyide an excellent eduiation

tor the I liildren of tomorrow

President Todd has often expressed the (lt'\.{‘l' .is Broad said. to
"renew and extend its coinn‘a'nient and l‘s cutenant w ith the

people of Kentuckz "

l.e.\l:iitre said that
niariiuana can tontrmiti- to
terrorism Roughly half of the
mariiuana in the l‘.\ wines
from overseas. he said And :‘e
r‘ently there was 'i well puhli
cized case of a .\le\ir an inarr
iuana gang lining i :‘oup ot~
people up against a '.\ til and
machinegunning them. he

()ther drugs. lllt‘illilll‘t‘i "o
came and opium mnr
tribute to terrorist ett‘or‘s 1::
countries sutl‘. is tuliinxtni
and .»\t‘gh:i.iist.i:: l.e.\la.'rv

Rogers siizd “ac
on terrorism feeds or. .\it. -;';
ca's current tears ml :1.
oyei' the reai .ssiies iiiyolyaig
drug policy in Ann-re .1

“We (the Will" flunk it is

.t A“
it‘ i.



The Student Newspaper at the Univesytrittllethnuc

student group

Keri :i‘r'esi’iottsflw of the l' S
gou-i‘iznieat 'ap into that

r‘ :11 si'dli nts are against
the ids .‘Jii k Sii’zth. an English
fresh i. 4:: although he
thinks tf‘e approach ot~ the ads
might i‘a't‘.“ beer. .1 hide harsh.
the :tiessage makes Sense

'lt was a good idea.



and it

peopie see they're
pettpio other than




The two ads that ran during the
Super Bowl cost $3 2 million. and
will be run again later. in addition.
several print ads will be run in 240
newspapers nationwide.


 "z—F FRIDAXLFEBRUARHE goo} I iiiiiiruciiv iceiiéi.


By Kel

JESSELEbus | KERNELSIAI’F ' ,, - y. _ " “ " A ' ASSISIAN

Sing-i “f3: . . I'~' ‘ . wom
"Out of Darkness into Art" is a collage series by UK Fine Arts Professor Arturo Sandoval. This series and other ‘ _ . V ‘ v V y ,. ‘ than

selections by faculty of the art department are on display In the President's Room at the Singleton Center. , . . 3 ' 31m -


one 0i

ly tr.


for 9


has ’




ual H

Tony Milner, economics junior, wears a sign in protest of Todd's inauguration. "The publicity is one-sided. We 35in?

hear about all the great things he does, but not his shortcomings," Milner said. symp

tion 0
stin i

tor an

stud -.

the g

or ge
the t
cal c


’ ‘ canc

Patsy Todd laughs with Susan Harper, of the development office, at an open house at the Alumni House fling wart

Ronald Pennand Will 83”" play through a sampling °f old time Kentucky ”“95 at the “h“ Jacob ""95 gallery in Wednesday's inaugural celebration. Harper said this is the first year she has known the Todd family but already sue
the Little Fine Arts Library in honor of Lee Todd's inauguration. feels like they are her next door neighbor. surig


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Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone 257 l9l5 | E mail kernelart iyahoo com




mum knit: i. | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2062 I}


Sfi'l'fiDs something
to think about

By Kelley Soars

This disease kills more
women in the United States
than AIDS each year. but a re
cent survey said 76 percent of
all women haven‘t heard of it.

Human Papilloma Virus is
one of the most common sexual-
ly transmitted diseases in the
United States. It is responsible
for 93 percent of the cases of
cervical cancer in women and
has 5.5 million new cases re-
ported each year. according to
the Surgeon General‘s Report.
“Call to Action to Promote Sex-
ual Health and Responsible Sex-
ual Health." Only two percent
of infected women or men show
symptoms. said reports by the
Abstinence Clearinghouse. a
national non-profit organiza-
tion dedicated to promoting ab-

Pam Woodrum. a nurse
practitioner and health educa-
tor at the Kentucky Clinic. said
people diagnosed with HPV
haven‘t been given a death sen-
tence and they are not alone.

”We see a good number of
students with HPV and other
STD‘s. like herpes and chlamy-
dia." she said. “We‘re typical of
most college campuses."

HPV can be acquired by
“skin-to-skin" contact while en-
gaging in sexual contact. There
are up to 100 HPV strains. only
30-40 strains of HPV develop on
the genital areas and only some
develop into cervical cancer.

HPV viruses include 80
types of viruses that can cause
warts on the mouth. hands. feet
or genital areas. Depending on
the type of HPV virus. these in:
fections can develop into cervi»
cal cancer. The National Can-
cer Institute reported HPV as
the major cause for cervical

Some ways of treating
warts include freezing the tis-
sue. using a laser. conventional
surgery and a few chemicals.

The Department of Health
and Human Services issued a
report this summer indicating

there is no scientific evidence
that condoms prevent the trans»
mission of most sexually trans
mitted diseases. including lii’V.

Leslie linruh. president
and founder of the Abstinence
Clearinghouse. said people
need to be aware that lil’Y is
extremely contagious. and
promiscuity is dangerous.

“Statistics indicate that
each college student who has
had sexual contact with more
than four partners could be in
fected." she said. “t‘ondoms
don't prevent the infection. lt‘s
skinto-skin contact. and latex
isn‘t the answer."

Woodrum said a condom
could be the best protection
aside from abstinance.

"Postpone sexual activity
as long as possible and use a
condom." she said. “(‘ondoms
are the best protection we've
got. There is no lilil percent
guarantee of protection. short
of not having sex,”

Woodrum said abstinence
or waiting for a long-term
monogamous relationship is
the best way to prevent infec-
tion. She said casual sex could
be potentially dangerous

Woodrum said once a per-
son agrees to casual sex once. it
could be easier for them to
agree to have sex once again.
Because this could contribute
to possible infections. she otters
a few suggestions: don't partici-
pate in indiscriminate sexual
activity. don‘t mix alcohol and
sexual activity. and don't fail to
use a condom each time there is
genital contact.

Though there is not yet a
cure for Hl’\'. frequent pap
smears can detect cellular
changes in early stages in
women. but men can't be tested.

Woodrum said early detec-
tion. through pap smears are
important in determining if
there is an infection and ensur-
ing it is benign.

“Early detection is key."
she said. “Pap smears are im-
portant in picking up abnor-
malities. so they don't continue.
but can be treated."


While condoms are not infallable, if you do plan to use some. lion do
some tips.

Prior to htorcoorso

1. Have on hand an adequate simply of latex or plastic condoms and w‘or-
captive. Have extra condoms available in case the first is damaged or torn be-
fore use or put on incorrectly, or if you have repeated intercourse.

2. Discuss condom use before you have intercourse.

During lntorcourso

1. Open the condom package carefully to avoid damaging it with fingernails,
teeth. or other sharp objects.

2. Put on the condom before the penis comes in contact with the partner's
mouth. anus or vagina. if the penis is uncircumcised. pull

the foreskin back before putting on the condom. Keep the condom

on the penis until after intercourse or ejaculation.

3. Unroll the condom a short distance to make sure the condom is being un-
rolled in the right direction. The rolled ring should be on the outside. Then hold
the tip of the condom and unroll it down to the base of the erect penis. if the
condom does not unroll easily, it is on upside-down. lie-using it may expose the
partner to infectious organisms contained in the pro-ejaculate. so discard and
begin with a new condom.

4. Adequate lubrication is important. For latex condoms, use only

water-based lubricants. Avoid oil~based lubricants like cold cream, mineral oil.
cooking oil, petroleum jelly. body lotions, massage oil, or baby oil that can dam-
age latex condoms. For plastic condoms any type of lubricant can be used.

5. if the condom breaks or falls off during intercourse but before ejaculation.
stop and put on a new condom. A new condom can also be used when you have
prolonged intercourse or different types of intercourse within a single session
(e.g., vaginal / anal).

After intercourse

1. Soon after ejaculation. withdraw the penis while it is still erect.

Hold the condom firmly against the base of the penis to prevent slippage and
leakage of semen.

2. Check the condom for visible damage such as holes, then wrap it in tissue
and discard. Do not flush condoms down the toilet.

3. if the condom breaks. falls off, leaks, or is not used:

Discuss the possibility of pregnancy or infection with your partner

and contact your health care provider as soon as you can.

00 not douche. Emergency contraception may be used to prevent

pregnancy if started within 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse.

Call 888-668-2528 to obtain phone numbers of providers of

emergency contraception nearest to you.

Gently wash the penis, vulva, anus and adjacent areas with soap and

water immediately after intercourse to help reduce the risk of acquiring an STD.
Then insert an applicator full of spermicide into the vagina as soon

as possible.

Do not reuse condoms.

Taking core of supplies

1. Store condoms in a cool and dry place out of direct sunlight (heat may
weaken latex).

2. Check the expiration or manufacture date on the box or individual package of
condoms. Expiration dates are marked as "Exp"; otherwise, the date is the
manufacture date (MFG). Latex condoms should not be used beyond their expi-
ration date or more than five years after the manufacturing date. Latex con-
doms with spermicide should probably be used within two years of the mou-
facture date.

Condoms in damaged packages or that show obvious signs of deterioration
(e.g.. brittleness, stickiness, or discoloration) should not be used regardless of
their expiration date.

Source: m.iustcondoms.com, material adopted from
Contraceptive Technology, 17th revised ofitlon (T998)




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(Milli lillllllll

Week of February 17-77, 2002
The Campus Calem’ta' s conned 7.. “a. 3“ " 81. :e“ A? . ‘ as. 59.: s'e'e‘t
Student Orgs and UK Seats . s .r.~t "cWa‘ ‘2' FREE :"
PPIOD to the MONDAY 'i‘7”‘a‘ 2" s ‘c aCDea' 2: htth/wwwuky odu/Campuo
Calendar. Ca 2518867 ‘i' 'nt'e c‘i'Ma‘ f”

'3' :NE v‘vEE':

'lntomtlonll Christian Follomhip: Friday .
Fellowship, 7:309m. St Augustxne's Chapel Rose Street Ff|
'Mflh Tutoring. 2 00:4 000m 065 Classroom Bldg

'Pnoldont Todd's inauguration, 1 1:00am.

Monorhl Coliuum
'Pnoidontlol Inaugural Rocoprion, Grand Ballroom Student Center ‘almw-ng

inaugural Ceremony
I a ‘ S at 1 6

'Alph. Kipp. Pal, Chicago. it.

'Cotholic Mono. 6 Z“. . <

'Komoo SON-Datum“. i ~ ‘ ;. ‘ “
'Chim New Your Cabin-tion. r ‘v)t " “ V“ . ‘
St newt Folirwqr r. 5.); .. . .11» <
'Al OK Chi, ol‘ ag‘ .

'UK To. Karon Do Club. ’ 'a _ ‘ 1

mm... 900M“ 1‘ 30a” 5000M 3309M 120

Ron Ln S U n
‘M W m. 9 mm Snurnsvn-

Church M Chfisl, Rm Auditor'un‘

' m1w10’l. 6 00 P 000m '1 'wnr 'i‘wor
‘m T 133). 8 00 10 000'" Kirwn" ' \we'
‘m for 1W1w107l, 8 00 to 00m Mr mm

' Tm l107/1W109), ‘l 00 ’0 000'“ K "we” ' ‘vw'
' 8 (X) ‘0 mom Holmes “All

‘ V00! m 2001M” . nr- Onnrs am, I», Crasher; 0.3. Hoar-lino .79,
may). roopm 1‘ mom. E S 6006th Ammo-,4- Tvi trot; SR 00 A! rho 600' SN) 00

' Pol. Chcoqo l'c

' m: e m. 2 Doom uK An Mos-Mum

. 5 from Lancaster Aaua'n‘ Cont!" Admrggmn 53
’II a an. 5 Tom Alur‘e- Cw?" m‘t




 Editorial Board —
Clay McDaniel, dialogue editor Stacie Meihaus, senior staff writer

Samieh Shalash, asst. dialogue editor Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist

Josh Sullivan, asst. dialogue editor Jennifer Kasten, at-large member Po
Ashley York, editor in chief Wes Blevins, at-large member m












rRioiiY FEBRUARY 15 2002 KENTUCKY KERNEL iii/9'" ’
0n the w ,.s ’ W353...“
. - . roof. 46
mm“ W “W NW“ ”W” evera I eas do“
Cool links you RTEESWALL TICKETS ALL— T HE “cm—rs Sill?“
l'm passing the buck ¥OK (OR THE ENTI RE . gear wa
in today‘s rail CT] 0 N 9339?
and hoping that CirU DEN 1- 6E ' m
ou will entertain 500, F0
hourself with the T1116 {‘3 ALL‘ WE . EIIIFUS
following Internet C o 0 LD GET . W
ympic ever
to get into an FUE'SII
argument about fice at St
why I'm not WE.
coming up min Does the fact that I‘m entirely bored by the Olympic T43?“
anything original games point to some wretched character flaw within me? '
today, but let‘s Call me unpatriotic, but even amidst the current uniform great co
just say thatl sense of nationalism the only emotion I feel when I watch a _
deserve to be lazy man ice skating in spandex tights is nausea. 11'1“" 5‘
every once in a But I also feel disappointment. Because with all of these
while. And yes, I great athletes from every corner of the globe gathered to as- re
do realize that I've sert their physical superiority over the rest of the world. it
used up all my just doesn't have to be so dull. With a 11mm
lazy days, but little courage and creativity we could furnish!
once aqain,lplead turn the Olympic games into a Ro~ my“:
the Fifth. man—esque bastion of entertainment. W
That's why l"m here to help out. ments._l
redmeatcom I‘ve got a few ideas for how to make “”9“"
This is an offbeat __.-,. ._ *' m the Olympics much more exciting in 22:23:
comic strip by Max years 10 come. about oi
Cannon. which is READERS: EORUM The first thing we need is Tonya morn
also featured in Harding. As far as I'm concerned she 9.552%!“1
ACE Weekly. Enjoy generated the greatest Olympic story Lento,
great lines like, in history. We employ Harding to be goo/m.
"Can‘t talk now,‘ a part of the figure skating competi- 1 HIT A
honey-cakes, l'm tion. You give her a blunt object and ilgagfi
on nude patrol," tell the competitors that any team that 5425/":
and “I guess they doesn‘t earn a medal has to spend 9000,
don't recycle three minutes in the rink» with Tonya Tiff-EH
pigeons." once she’s good and liquored up. That ”film“
should be just as motivating as a wlD inc
dieselsweetiescom ° gOId medal. Availabl
This is another online Ivy a 900d manl St'" muSt go You could also have Harding 492-396
comic strip by R. Maze made another point that I would like to chase the speed-skaters. World "255‘
Stevens with the discuss. In his closing he stated, “MTV has shaped records would go down faster than £9“?
tag line, "Love and I earnestly believe that Larry Ivy is an honest. our world. our ideals. and our musical tastes.“ Ted Kennedy in a hotel with a hooker. "mm”,
Pixels." Just go hardworking. and good man. with deep ties to the Please. people. don't let MTV and the radio tell Next we adjust that event where m
there and you'll University of Kentucky and an intense desire to you what to listen to. and please, please don't let the skiers fly down the huge ramp and 1935?”
understand. improve our athletic programs. them shape your ideals. There are tons of great see how far they can jump. We dig Tilt—f
His fallacies stem not from ignorance or bands out there that actually play instruments and huge 8 feet deep pits all around the 2534's!
yesterdaylandmm mischievousness. but of a blind loyalty to this don‘t need five guys to do their vocals. area where the jumpers might land IRISH!
This is a great site for campus that has undermined his decision-making As for Maze‘s point that videos are the only and put angry badgers we've injected That’s baseme
all of you abilities. I support those who ask for his way fans will get to see the bands. I've got a great with heroin in the bottom. We could fig'lsggz
Generation X resignation. but not because he should assume all solution. Go to their concerts. Live music can be put some of those helmet cameras on , {541nm
gurus who only blame in this matter. an emotionally and spiritually moving experience. the competitors so we could hear their Why I m Walk to
think about the It goes much deepei than any one individual. especially when it is not an exact recreation of the screams as they realize they've chosen THEE
good ole days of Ivy is a UK lifer. a cog in the wl.hee and has nev et band‘s hit songs off MTV. the wrong spot to land. fifgif
Saturday morning known another w ay. And what's more, there are many great bands There should also be new events here to May. 57
cartoons. How As much as I respect and admire CM. Newton. right here in Lexington. So please get out and introduced. In particular. one called Call 269
many of you it is becoming evident that he had neither the support local musicians and go see live music of the “Al-Qaeda Royal Rumble." You h l t. Tilt—Z
remember “The capacity nor desire to confront the troubling any kind. Above all. find music that you truly take all those terrorists being held 8 p 011 “$251
Snorks" and View "inconsistencies" within UK athletics. enjoy. not just what MTV and the rest of the captive in Guantanamo Bay. Cuba. 59557
Masters? Ivy cannot solely be held at fault for following commercial mainstream tell you what to like. and transport them to Salt Lake City. I’ve 0t a 225-54i
in Mr. Newton‘s footsteps. for to be a part of this Erect a giant cage like they do in g m
newgroundscom program is to be a part of the problem. BEN LUCKETT WWF pay-per-view events. 3%3’3‘
Here'sa site with What we need is an athletics director that ___.._.__ You place hundreds of bludgeon- few Ideas 51“
Flash games and brings to the table what Lee Todd has already UNDEWREDFRESW‘N ing weapons in the cage. like baseball Creekii
movies. I definitely brought to the top-heavy UK administration. bats with nails in them. or spiked 0'
recommend the We need an outsider who can think outside the maces: no guns or things that would on how gate:
top assassin game current paradigms and jerk this university back result in a quick. painless death. Then
so you can get into line. . tell the prisoners that the last three nice.M
revenge on I‘m tired of Duke UNC fans falling back on the LaCK 0f Kernel crosswords PUZZIIIIQ men standing will be allowed to re- to make Call32‘
celebrities who old cliche that "UK Basketball has to cheat to turn to Afghanistan to pursue their 11- mm”:
need a good win." I think the Big Blue fans deserve an athletic lustrious careers. I‘d be willing to let a and MK
beating. department that excels in the win loss column. . . , few terrorists go free in order to the m
and does it the right way. 1 was writing t9 complain 3130111 the 13,1‘31‘ 01 watch the carnage that would ensue. WM
swordsmfinecom That should be the UK tradition: not boosters. crossword puzzles ”1 the Kentucky Kernel 1“ the Now. one event that doesn‘t need a 01 - “1:111
Now I'm not ACT tests. and point-shaving. pa“ few deYS- Please bring them back. whole lot of tweaking is hockey. We VIIIPICS m1,“
promoting T1115 15 the only thing that can h01d . my just need to encourage the players a ,.-
violence or JEFF HOAGLAND attention through the very long and ““1101” bit. There will still be one point given much and W
weapons with this lecture classes 1 have. for every goal scored. but a team will A I f
site. but it's worth ”COM "0— ”0 "”‘NC‘SE—N'OR be awarded two goals for every tooth 21835;,
taking a look at SARAH LOVEJOY they knock out of a rival players more ther (it
just for their mm mouth. And if you cause a competitor tear 0|
swords from to lose consciousness. you earn three. _ , Ivg/I'Df'uTl
movies like . . . We‘re right on track with one cur- tlng “mm
Gladiator, Blade MTV '5 What's wrong WIth mUSIC rent event. the biathlon. That's the eXC1
and The race where skiers have t5) maneuver in '53:;ng
Highlander. . around the course. perio ically stop- 88] S
This letter is concerning Victor Maze's Pl'lsoners deserve new organs ping to shoot targets with an'air rifle. y 8020'.
”WC” column. "I want my MTV." about MTV and its . Incorporating firearms IS a great t ,, startlni
Thereisnta Ioton hold on the American popular music market. I am idea. (300d concept, bad QXBCUUOW 0 come- decal
"“5 5'19 but 'ts an undeclared freshman and an avid music fan. I‘ll I wholeheartedly agree with Josh Sullivan in Why shoot at targets? Let the skiers
900d *0 check Wt get right to the point. MTV has ruined his column. “Prisoners have hearts. too.“ Inmates shoot at each other. That way. 1f some- ——_
whatmovres are popular music. should be eligible for organ transplants. and we 0119 5 getting trounced they have the
WWW at all the Shows like TRL absolutely make me sick. I can are all being fleeced by the prison industry. Opportunity 1.0 plant a pellet 111 the ass
'°C3' theatersl _ have no respect for these bands that rely totally on If prisons rehabilitate their populations. why 01 whoever 15 111 front or them and 1
911955,“? ” “k9 't their image for their succ