xt7kwh2d8h14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2d8h14/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19250730 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-07-may30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-07-may30. 1925 2011 true xt7kwh2d8h14 section xt7kwh2d8h14 



     Minutes of the (,uarterly lMeeting of tile Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentuckiwy, May 30, 1925.

     In the absence of Gove"nor Fields, the Board of Trustees was
called to order by Vice-Chairman R. C. 6toll.   Tae following were
piesent:  Mr. Stoll, Mir. Phoads, Mr. Hillenmeyer, Mir. Grady, Mr.
Bassett, Senator Froman, and Kr. Gordon.

     When the report ox the Business Agent was called for, the
President announced. that tre reoort made by the Business Agent to
the Executive Committee in session MKay 12 was the same as that
which had been submitted to t-his board, explaining that the reason
0or this was that the end of the current month had not yet been

     Upon motion duly seconded, thie resort of the Business Agent
as explained by the kresident was ordered received and noted as
already on the minutes of the Executive Committee.

     President LcVey made tne following quarterly report to the
        "At the April meeting of the Board of Trustees I pre-
   sented in my quarterly report some of the material improve-
   ments that .ad been rmade by this board during the last five
   or six years.   The changes that have been made are very im-
   pressive.   The Univcrsity has advanced in its material
   equipment, though lagging behind its needs and requirements,
   In this report I have in mind the presentation of some of
   the educational problems with which the University is con-

        "One of the noticeable things that has happened in col-
   lege and university development has been the rapid growth in
   studont bodies and the increase in the obligations of in-
   stitutions to the students that come to them for educational
   purposes.   While there has been a steady growth in the num-
   ber of persons engaged in instruction, there has been a very
   slight growth in the admriinistrative staffs.  This aoplies
   particularly in the staffs that have to do with student
   affairs, student help and student welfare.    Perhaps every-
   where expansion has taken place, except in the President's
   office or that of tire Deans.   I speak of this matter at this
   time to indicate that with the growth of the student body it
   will be necessary to provide for more direction for the
   students' welfare.

        "One of the difficulties with which the University is
  faced is to provide sufficient recitation rooms to take
  care of tie classes on the campus.    To meet this situation
  the schedule was advanced this year one hour, so that the



teaching day covered eight hours from eight in the morning
to four-thirty in the afternoon.  Even with this arrange-
ment it will not take care of the need for recitation rooms.

     "The Registrar's office has now maintained for two
years an institute for the training of registrars.  People
from   1s   states and   36 institutions attended the meet-
ing in April of this year.  It is always difficult to secure
trained persons for the registrar's work and the Univer-
sity is doing an important thing in making the provisions
for their training.  One of the graduate students, Miss
Elma Poole made a study of the teaching load at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky and her conclusion was that taking into
consideration the teaching, administrative duties, confer-
ences with students and such research as is carried on,
the average person was engagkd fifty-two hours a week.
Undoubtedly mr-any of the University instructors are carry-
ing too heavy administrative duties and in some instances
too large a teaching load.  This again, is the result of
the constantly increasing student body.   It will be very
desirable to emphasize the need of more research and more
writing on the part of the University staff, and I trust
the coming year will show enlarged activity in that respect.
The Ixperiment Station has been doing unusually well in
the research work which it is carrying on.

     "A very considerable development has taken place at
the University in graduate work,   This past year there
were 74 resident graduate students in the Graduate School.
This number has been increased by students in the summer
session to nearly one hundred.   This is a very notable
growth and one that should be encouraged, because the stand-
ing of the University as a University largely depends on
its graduate instruction.   For some years the University
has provided for scholarships and fellowships for graduate
instruction and some effort should be put forth to enlarge
this fund by outside gifts.   Meantime the University is
being asked to enlarge its graduate instruction and make
provision for granting the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

     "Several years ago the Board of Trustees provided a
fund for the printing of any publications which might
bear upon Kentucky problems.   Three books were published
under this provibion, but it is hoped a larger activity
will take place in this field in the near future.

     "At this point it might be wvell to report tn.at the
American Bar Association has listed the Law College of the
Univevizty as an A class institution and the Collaee of
Arts and Scierces has been reported favorably to the Sen-
ate of Phi Beta Kappa for a chapter of that learned fraternity.



        "I cannot pass by a quarterly report without again
   referring to the need for some pension system.  The noces-
   sity for such a provision becomes more and more apparent
   every day.  I hope to report some progress at an early date
   to the Board of Trustees.

        "It is quite apparent that unless the legislature makes
   provision for more recitation ropms, some of the departments
   will have to be placed in temporary buildings.  This has
   already been done for the Department of Art and this might
   be done for the University High school, practice school of
   the College of Education.

        "More recreation facilities are needed.   Four new
   tennis courts have been added, making eight in all.   This
   number should be increased to twelve, and provision made
   for baseball grounds as well.  Girls in particular, need an
   athletic f ield.

        "Again it is quite apparent that any additional build-
   ings placed on the campus must affect materially the whole.
   One more building is likely to block the situation, unless
   the plan is carefully worked out.  The Olmstead plan does
   not seem to meet the situation. Provision ought to be
   made for the housing of the faculty club and for the erec-
   tion of a student building.  In addition the Experiment
   Station must acquire in the very near future additions to
   its lands or cut off forever the possible increase of its
   present lands.),

                                   Very truly yours,

                                        Frank L. McVey

     Election of Officers.  The Board of Trustees then proceeded
with the annual election of officers.   Mr, Grady mo-ed that the
present officers of the Board be reelected.   This motion was
seconded by Mr. Gordon, and put upon passage, was adropted by
uanimous Vote.   The officers so reelected ware as follows:

    Executive Committee; R. C. Stoll, Vice-Chairman!   Mess'rs.
Gordon, Rhoadei Wells and Froman.
     Secretary, Enoch Grehan.
     Treasurer, W. A. McDowell.

     Election of Alumni Somber, President McVey announcd4. that
under the law, anIuirius 0  the University should be elected to
fill the vacancy of Mr. Grady.



     Upon motion of icr. Rhoads, seconded by Mr. Grady that the
secretary of the board proceed with such steps as were necessary
to effect this election, it was put upon passage and adopted
zimanimously.  In this connection the secretary was instructed
-,) put into the literature of tho election called, the announce-
. it reminding electors that under the law, only residents of
;a;ucky were eligible for election to the Board of Trustees.

     Street Construction. The President then read the following
communication from W. C. Wilson, Secretary of the Alumni Associa-
tion, requesting that the Legislature be petitioned for appro-
oriation of a sum sufficient to cover the cost of street recon-
struction along the Rose Street frontage of the University prop-
                                   May 15, 1925

   President Frank t. McVey
        University of Kentucky

   Dear President:

        Pursuant to our recent conversation relative to re-
   construction of Rose Street, I wish that you would take up
   with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees the
   advisability of asking for a special appropriation by the
   Legislature for a sufficient sum to cover cost of the Uni-
   versity frontage on this street, and let me have their

                                    Yours very truly,

                                        W. C. Wilson
     Discussion that issued indicated that the Board was not in
zY vor of presenting such petition and the matter was allowed to
   Without action.

     College of Commerce.   (See also last paragraph of these
:;Ainutes.)    President -1cVey reported to the Board that at the -meet-
ing of the Executive Committee of the Board held May 12, he had
recommended that a Department of Sociology and a Colloge of Com-
merce be established as part of the University curriculum; that
a committee acting for the Executive Committee present on that
date had authorized him to proceed with such establishnent; that
he whs now asking the authority of the Board of Trustees to effect
this step.

     Upon motion of Mr. Rhoads, duly seconded by Senator Froman
the Board approved, by unanimous vote, the establishing of the



Department of Sociology and tile College of Commderce and instructed
the President -to proceed with the sarie.

     In this connection, President 1acVey explained that the Col-
lege of Comrrerce would be established in White Hall as a separate
college and tnat the Department of Sociology swould remain a part
of the College of arts and Sciences.

     Gift of Jockey Club.  President HcVey reported that the
Kentucky Jockey Club had made a gift of $5,000 to be used by the
Experiment Station for experimental research in a study of abor-
tion of mares.   The Secretary was authorized to note the Univer-
sity's acceptance of this generous gift and to express to the
Jockey Club appreciation of the Board of Trustees.

     Increase of Fees for Athletic Purposes.  President McVey
reported the action of the student body recently taken upon the
Iquestion of increase of one dollar each per semester in student
Jees, the money so procured to be used by the Athletic Council
in the promotion of its annual Athletic program.    It was explain-
ed in this connection that the Athletic Council had represented
to the President that under the present system of issuing tickets
to students for various athletic contests in return for the present
fee set aside out of student fees and devoted to athletics, the
Athletic Council was losing approximately 39 cents upon each stu-
dent adnission ticket; that this loss came about through the fact
that the Athletic Association was compelled to settle with mana-
gers of contesting teams upon a basis in some cases of 50 cents,
and in some cases of one dollar for each University of Kentucky
student who attended such contests upon the prtvilege of his stu-
dent ticket.   When this condition was reported tc the President
by Dr. W, D. Funkhouser, Chairman of the Athletic Council, Presi-
dent McVey said he gold Doctor Funkhouser that he was not in favor
of such addition to fees nor could the Board of Trustees sanction
such an increase unless the student body itself, by popular vote,
agreed to such increase.   President Mclley reported further that
in pursuance of his talk with the Chairman of the aLthletic Council
through theSu-ky Circle, the student body was called into convo-
cation May 20, and the scheme explained to them by Doctor Funk-
houser; thit Doctor Funkhouser had indicated that he had merely
stated the situation to the students and left the matter in their
hands entirely, to take such steps as they desired; that the Su2"Jky
Circle called an election by secret ballot of the students for a
"yes" and "no" vote or, whether they should be willing to increase
voluntarily the athletic funds to the extent of one dilar each,
per seriester.

     This election, the President reported, was hel.d at the front
door of the Acdrinistration Building and the followi.ng certification
to the President was made concerning the result of that vote:
        "We certify that the foregoing is a true count of the



   election held May 27, by students of the University upon the
   question whether student fees for athletic purposes should
   be increased one dollar each, for each semester.

        In favor of increase                      843
        Opposed to increase                        17

        Note - Senior Class not voting for obvious reasons."

                             (Signed) Ted McDowell
                                      Jack Green
                                          Committee on count of

     When this report was read to the Boatd of Trustees, Mr. Gordon
moved that the Board of Trustees approve the increase of one dol-
lar a semester for each student in fees to be devoted to athletic
purposes.   This motion was seconded by Mr. Froman, put upon pas-
sage and adopted by unanimous vote of those present.

     Appointments, etc. President McVey submitted recommendations
of the following appointments, reappointments and changes in teach-
ing and other staffs of the University.

     College of Arts and Sciences.

     Department of Geology.
     Reappointment of Assistant Professor Robinson for a period
of three years.
     Reappointment of Mr. Coleman Hunter as student assistant at
     The appointment of Messrs. R. C. Lane and Raymond Miller as
student assistants at $150 each.
     Continuance on rolls of Professor A. M. M-iller as Emeritus
Professor of Geology, without salary.
     Appointment of Professor A. C. .McFarlan to full professorship
jith the title of Acting Head of the Department of Geology.

     Department of Mathematics.
     Promotion of M1iss Flora E. LeStourgeon, assistant professor,
to associate professorship for next year.
     Appointment of D. E. South as instructor in mathematics for
1925-6, at a salary of $1,700.   He has served one year.
     Reappointment of H. 'V. Mobley as graduate assistant at $600.

     Department of Bacteriology.
     Anpointment of 1'. H. Crowder as Senior assistant in Bacteri-
ology at $250 a year.



     Departmernt of Chemistry.

     Appointment for three years each, issistant Professors
Barkenbus, Bedford and Mitchell.
     Appointment for term of one year each as instructors of A.
Zimmerman and M. MA. Windsor.

     Department of Art.
     Reappointment of Allan Swisher, Instructor in Drawing and
    Reappointment of Miss Elizabeth Shropshire, Instructor in
    Reappointment of Miss Anne Callihan, as Instructor.

    Djpartment of Hygiene and Public Health.
    Reappointment of Miss Elizabeth Desha as resident nurse.
    Appointment of D. Stanton Ross as Instructor in Hygiene at
$2,000, Tor.ono year.

     Department of Physical Education.
     Reappointment of Miss Sarah Blanding as instructor for
1925-26 with leave of absence without salary.
     Reappointment of Mr. William Howard Hansen, as instructor
for 1925-26.
    Reappointment of Mr. Ray Eklund, Instructor and Coach of
Freshman athletics, for 1925-26.
    Reappointment of Mr. Frank Mann, Instructor and Athletic
Trainer, for 1925-26.

     Department of Music.
     Appointment as Assistant to Birdctor of Band of Sergeant
John J. Kennedy, at $200 for the year 1925-26.

     Department of Romance Languages.
     Reappointment of Mrs. J. M. Server as instructor for 1925-26.
     Reappointment of M.4r. H. B. Holmes as instructor for 1925-26.
     Appointment of air. Blaine W. Schick as instructor at $1800.

     Department of Journalism.
     Appointment of Miss Marguerite McLaughlin as Assistant Pro-
fessor for three years.
     Appointment of Miss Irene McNamara, as instructor for one year.
     Appointment of Assistant (unnamed) for one year or less.
     Appointment of Assistant (Mechanical, unnamed) for one year.

     Department of Botany
     appointment of Uiss Elizabeth Clay for nine months at 825 each.
     1ppointment of Lr. Gordon Pennebaker for nine months at $25
a month.
    Appointment of Mr. Thomas MIorgan, as Greenhouse Keeper for
nine months at $25 a month.



     Yilitarv Department.
     Reappointment of Colonel H. P. Hobbs, Professor, for 1925-26.
     L.mpointment of Captain Basil D. Spalding, Assistant Professor
or 1925-26.
     Rucappointment of CCaPtain JE,-ncs Taylor, .,ssistant Professor
for 1925-26.
     Appointment of Captain Herbert M. Schmid, Assistant Professor
for 1925-26.
     Reappointment of Captain J. L. Torrence, assistant Professor
Lor 1925-26.
     Reappointment of Sergeant John J. Kennedy, Instructor for
     Reappointment of Sergeant iI. J. Eberha-rdt, Instructor for
     appointment of Sergeant James S. 3hort, Instructor for 1925-26.
     Reappointment of Varrant  Officer, G. a. Knight, assistant
Professor, for 1925-26.

     Department of History and Political Science.
     Appointment of J. C. Jones as 'ssociate Professor at $2600.
     Aoi)-ointment of Wendell H. Stephenson as assistant Professor
at $2,100.

     Department of Zoology.
     Reappointment of William R. Ullen for three years with rank
0I associate )rofessor.
     Reappointment of Mir. .lfred Brauer as instructor.
     Aopointment of Leonard Covannoli as laboratory assistant.

     De artment of English
     R e appoin tm et of B. P. Davis, as instructor at 41700.
     Reappointment of Mr. L. Yates as instructor at 1850.
     Reappointment of M1r. L. L. MlcKibben as instructor at $1700.
     Reappointment of hliss Elizabeth Gay as instructor at $1500.
     Reappointment of M1iss Nargaret King as instructor for part
-time, at $200.
    Appointment of Professor Grant Knight as Associate Professor.
    A4ppointment of L. B. Shackelford, as instructor at 81700.
    appointment of W. F. Galloway as instructor at 1700.

    .iDepartment of Mathematics
    Anpointment of D. 0. Streyffler, iastructor at 41G00.
    Appointment of i. C. Brown, instructor, at $1600.
    Appointment of Mary H. Cooper, graduate assistant at s600.


     Dpartmnent of PhEysical Educat ion.
     Appoinwnaent of Helen Skinner, instructor at 'D1600.
     Ap.ointrment of Mayme Wurtel-t, stenographer, $433 to be paid
by the Deoartment.

     Department of Botany.
     B. .-. McInteer, instructor at Sp2000.

     'Department of History and Political Science.
     Appointment of Eilery Hall, graduate assistant at $750.

     Department of German.
     Appointment of Adolph Bigge, instructor,at $1800.

     Dupartment of Physics
     Appointment of W. H. Brenner, graduate assistant at $600.
     Appointment of j.B. bcott, student assistant at $400.
     Appointment of Everett Matheny, graduate assistant at $600.
     Appointment of L. A. Pardue, graduate assistant at $600.
     AToointment of Ben Kievit, instructor at $1600.
     Appointment of T. 1;. Hahn, instructor at $1600.
     Appointment of R. G. Henry, graduate assistant at j600X
     Appointment of Sanford Gladden, graduate assistant at $600.

     College of Commerce and Administration.
     Appointment of Dr. Hugh L. Keenleyside as Assistant Professor
of Economics at a salary of' $3000 for a period of one year.
     appointment of Kr. H. B. Eversole for one year, Assistant
Professor of Accounting at a salary of 42300.


        J.nftrieit of Liss Virginia E. Franke as hcting Dean oi
vW..or.-Len for 1925-26 at 'h2000.
      A.ppointment of I'iss Racsielle Shacklette as secretary to te
Acting Dean of Women at .51000.

      ColloEe of Education
      Appointzaent of Kiss Julia Hurd as Professor, Department of
 Teacher Trainin, at $3200.

      College of Ag riculture and Agricultural Expuriment Station.
      A?;)ointr;ent of ...r. Thomas Baird as Assistant in Farm iv.anagL-
ment in tlie Experiment Station at a salary of $2200, effective July
1, LJ25i.
      Sabbatical leave of a bsenco with half pay for Professor J.
 Holrmes lartin from October 15, 1925 to June 15, 1.926.
      Leave of absence for Mr. R. 0. iuiiller from 6eptember 1, 1925
 to M1arch 1, 1926.  Onc-half pay.
      Aopointment of Mr. Robert Miatthews, inspector, feed stuffs,
 ^.nd; foikilizi r,; $150 a mnonth.
      Appointment of M1iss ilarie Barkley as Instructor in Kome
 Lcono,-1ics at a salary of $1600 on a ten raonths' basis.



     Reappointment of Miss Roxie 0. Perkins as Home Demonstration
.gent from May 1, 1925 to April 30, 1926 at "118.33 1/3 a month.
     Reappointment of Mr. C. 0. Dickey, County i1gent, UWebster
(,punty from M1'ay 15, 1925 to Mtay 14, 1026 at Il58 1/3 a month.
     Reappointment of Mar. H. B. Lane, County iigent, Crittenden
-c-unty, from April 1, 1925 to June 30, 1925 at $150 a month.
'  nofcrred from assistant County Agent Todd County; increase of
  00 a year.
     Reao)ointment of k-r. Williamr B. Howell, County ..gent Trimble
County, from June 11, 1925 to February 16, 1926 at $166 2/3 a.month.

     Collepe of Ingineering.
     Carter Colerman Jett appointed Piofessor of Machine Design
for the year 1925-~26 at $300o.

     Mr. Gordon moved that the foregoing recommendations be approved.
Mir. Grady seconded the motion and when put upon its passage it was
adopted by a unanimous vote.

     The President then submitted a recomiendation made by the
University Senate and certified to by the Registrar thcat the fol-
lowing candidates for graduation be given the degrees indicated.

         Candidates for the Degree of Bacnelor of irts.

Elwyn Howe Abbott:
 2d.ivard Aloysius inglin
Petty Huston Barbour
-Ivary Elizabeth Barnett
Louise M. Barth
Jame s Clayton Baughman
Mildred Rose 3eam
ary Mat i ilda Beard
T.hYi ght Lym~an Bicknell
B2;-:nice Ierr 3onar
-' :!rison Connolly Bowles
'n:tt Bradley
Jarv Doris 3ranaman
.race Beatrice Brewer
elen Brme r
Robert Dulaney Bullock
blarion Estel Bunch
Frances Louise Burks
Lucille Bush
Ellen V. Butler
Mary Frances Campbell
Ton 71. Campbell
Sei1iam H.G Cartme 11
Sue Gray Champion.

MIargaret D. Chenault
Elsie Elizabeth Coleman
Frances Field Colem an
Arthur Lewis Cooper
Charles Louis Cooper-
Dovothy Lourana cooper
John Coleman Covington'
Anna Jewell Cromwell'
James Samuel Darnell, Jr.
Elizabeth hacon Davis
Thomas 3. Dewhurst, Jr.
Annla Ulizabeth Dodd
Glenn Urey Doryah.
Harry Gingles Dulaney
Thomas Ai. Duncan
Jeanette Frances Ellison
William T. Ellison
Lloyd Whecler Erskine
Adolph Oren S-4min
Ruby Lee Fogle
William ;'ayne Foust
Max FreeL.;an
Lydia K. Frend
Ceci.l Dale French



Kathcrine Elizabeth Fuller
Oathcrine Maye Garrison
Nannie Chenault Gvy
Louise B. George
Leonard Giovannoli
.ina C. Gordon
i r.Ty agnes Gordon
'ry Ar..andra Gordon
. rn Elizabeth Gorr.ley
  1.-tierine S. Gorrmiley.
  ;-;,I.ie Fra ces Green
..lvyn (Greenbaum-
Turner ; illiam Gregg.
Elizabeth S. Guthrie.
r.SsthLer Louise Ha-yard.
JOohn S. Har.foleton-
M.ary .Elizabeth Hanson
Zliza'beth 'J. Hart
Joseph K-arl hays
Lyda Lois Heath
Thomas armstrong Hendricks
Joseph Norton Hooker
Elizabeth P. Holmes
Charles T. Hughes
Ellen IMcClure Hughes
Elizabeth YUisdori Johnson
Lillian B. Johnson
Joe Scott Jones
?rances MIiriam Kane
Roscoe C. Kash
reorge R. Kavanaugh
.Wi lliara Owen Keller
"n nelle Kerr 1ielley
Th-,Mnces Louise Konney
.lenne Leach
,axna Clyde Lee
-alo1i R. Lephart'
rl .vwart Lewis
. rp lizasbeth K.cChesney
W.sper Reed M'cClure.
7;lillian Henry M11oGehee.
Thel-ila L. 11acIntyre.
Charlon C. McLean.
Virgiiia M1c1'ey.
Williliu Stapleton I.assie-
Cu org  Mor--is ;-oore
John D. Moore, Jr.
.xarg-ret i. .oorec
Mlizabcth 1'M. E'oori:irn
Htcnry lliott Noeterton
Louis ,,. Pardue
                    Judith 0. Yungblut

Albert Roy Perkins
John Hardin Powell
Clark Pratt
Elise Roberta Rache
George Ragland, Jr.
Lillian Christine Rasch,
Joseph Carr Ray
James Ellis Reed
Mary Suspn Rcnaker
Llex. T. Rice.
Katherine R. Richardson
Ida Kenney Risque
Katherine E. Roberts-
Karle H. Rohs-
Harriet B. Salin
Russell iubrey Sanders.
Lois Kathryn Satterfield
Cripps 3. Shacklette.
Rachelle Shacklette.
Frances :'. Shannon
Ben Rice Shaver-
Edith Skidmore
Frances L. Smith
Bernard Soutligate, Jr.
Mary ,. Stallings.
Myrtle I. Stephens.
Nancy 11. Stephenson
Alphonsine D. Stewart
.illison Stokes
Robert J.S Strauss
IAnnasteele Taylor
Benton S. Taylor
Daisy .. Taylor
Frances 8., ThormasoQn
Sarah T. Thorn
Ruth F. Todd
Joseph S. Towles
Lola Etna Traylor
Isabella Van IfMeter
KMarg aret ;,. Van M4eter
John C. watts-
Eva Frances Weller
Martha '7heeler
Edwar.d 'i. Viiley,
Beulah D. 'Willett.
AugustUs 0. .illi8-
Ellen 'W7ood Wilson.
LMaxwell Dyrer iinston
Jean Joaeph 71oll
M4arguerite 4,, Yarbro.
1Mwary Elizabeth Yarbro.
haryann Prewitt Young


14 .

Glenn Floyd Justice

   3achel3or of Scionce

Hugh Ale::ander Tanner

Charles T. Razor

Candidates for tae Decree of Bachelor of Science in
                 Industrial Cheiaiistry
                 Jose-oh Kastle Roberts.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in

Hielen (Galvin King

                   Eugene Burgess kioore

College of agriculture

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of science in

John William Blue
Stuart Albert 3rabant
L.uther Edward Dean
iiicKinley Elam
Harlan Benlamin Franklin
L. Watts FrancJlin
Clarence Edward i'ubbuch
Ralph Jones
Raymond Henry Lickert

Halbert H. Thornber3

Williarm S. Ligon
D. Howard 1M1ahoney
Sar-m.uel C. Martin
Paul W. Mathews
Gladys, E. Platts
Bland Y. Redford
Curtis Moore Sanders
Zachariah T. Shirley
L. W. V. Stamper

Candidates for the Degree of B3achelor of Science in
                    Horse Economics

Lary Elizabeth Atkins
Irma Loomis Rain
..elen Esther Bowen
rayle Casner
.ilizabeth Cromwell
i;ary Elizabeth Galloway
betsy D. Helburn

Dorothy L,. Moran
Elizabeth Lorris
Virginia ZTewman
Ruth N. Prewitt
Mildred Rees
Emma: R. Stevenson
Mary Lee Taylor

                Sadie Deweese Wilgus

                College of Engineering

Candidates for the Pee of zacholor of Science in
                  Civil Enginee4rig

Oven ,iiller i*kerr
Thlomas Benson
.7illiaia Overton Billiter
11aurice Richard Black
..arold L. Brentlinger
^,lvin Lee Chambers
t-illiam Nelson Downey
t.;rtez Daugherty Edens

B. Arthur Grobi~leier
Walter Francis Manion
Robert T. Mann, Jr,
Rowlette L. Mays
Williaxii H. Skinner
Estill Elliott Sparks
Dana M. Taylor
A-lan Paul Welker

._       _


12' .

     Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                     Mechanical Engineering
Leon Freis Bird                          Roy Miller Hukle
John Btrnhill Bxishop                    Joseph E. Murphy
Rodes Viley Clark                       Charles Lyon Orman
Qwen Wallace Daniel                      Richmond Clay Porter
George King Fischer                     Denzil Smith Sample
grant L. Fowler                          Gnau Geleff Stamatoff
Aobert Giovannoli                        Ralph S. Trosper
Frederick 7. Goosman                     iendel Edison Trumbull
Clyde Willis Gray                        James Morris Willis

     Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                       Llining Engineering
Fred Chappell                            William Embry Maddox
                       John C. Riley, Jr.

     Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                   Metallurgical Engineering
Oscar Henry Bishop                       William W. Shropshire
Samuel I,'. Cassidy, Jr.                 Henry C. Stephens

                         College of Law

         Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Thomas Austin Ballentime
Forrest Pendleton Bell
George Washington Broadus
Louise Carson
YMorman B. Daniel
Elmer Edward Dixon
Lucy Ellen Edens
Merrill Jerome Fischer
Gilbert E. Ford
Basil Frost
                         Taylor G. Smith

John William Gillon, Jr.
Charles heizer
Joe Hobson
Robert Morgan honaker
Elmer R. Johnson
Henry Clay Johnson
Robert S. Mason
Elijah S. Melton
Rodes Kirby Myers
Cassius M. C. Porter

                 College of Education

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education.

Lucille Jean arnold
Regina Bryant
Elizabeth T. Carroll
Leander Clark
Louis Clifton
Ida Lurline Cole
Mary Louise Cole
Clarice Alberta Day

Mary Elizabeth Depew
Margaret Doty
Eva Frances Downing
Wallace E. Franck
Eliza }i. Hanson
Harry E. Hendrick
Sallie A. Hiteman
Richard E. Jaggers



Frances Shinkle Jennings
Aettie Hawes Knox
Ernestine Liton
George D. Lesser
'ewis H. Mills
.Yilliamn Julius Moore
Ella Pearl Neal
i ary Louise Norman
3ess A. Owens
Bess Durrett Parry
                      Virginia hi. Willet.1

Mildred Rankley
Edward Roark
Joan Robinson
Eugene Sammons
Lucy Young Sharpe
William T. Shelby
Katherine Truman
Elizabeth Williams
George R. Woolf
Etta A. Wooldridge

                Candidates for Advanced Degrees

                        Master of Arts
Education - William H. Arnold       Education - Elmer H. Hinkle
Mathematics - Marion C. Brown       Education - Vaneta Horlacher
Education - Ernest H. Canon         Education - H. J. Kloepfer
History and Pol. Sci - Roscoe Cross Education - C. S. Lowry
Education - Oscar F. Galloway       Education - Mary E. Poole.
Education - Carsie Hammonds         Education - W. B. Stallard
English - William H. Hickerson      Education - Grace-C. Richards
              History and Political Sci.- G. T. F. Taylor

                       Master of Science
Physics - Thomas H. Hahn           Geology - George W. Pirtle
-'athematics - Russell Smith Park  Chemistry - Manly M. Windsor

                Master of Science in agriculture
Animal Industry - Percy H. Gooding Dairy Husbandry - H. L. Katzman
Animal Industry - C. A. Hollowell  Animal Industry - H. R. Vanzant
Plant Pathology - Charles Hubbard  Animal Industry - E. J. Wilford

                          Civil Engineer
                     Hugh Mathew Meriwether

                       Mechanical Engineer
                           Julius Wolf

Leo Steele Borders

electrical Engineer
                 Junius Weakley Millard

Honorary Degrees

Doctor of Laws

Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge
                          Louis Wiley

Percy Hampton Johnston



     Fire Hydrants.  President 1-cVey reported that the city had
indicated to him in correspondence, its desire to establish upon
the campus h1ydrants sufficient to give adequate protection in case
of fire.   The President was authorized by the Board to accept
this offer.

     Purchase of Collins Farm.  The President asked that the Board
appoint a Coi.mmiittee to look into the matter of purchasing certain
acreage known as the Collins land adjacent to lands of the Experi-
ment Station lying along the Nicholasville road; this Committee to
report back at a subsequent meeting of the Board its recommendation.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, Chairman Stoll appointed
upon this committee, Messrs. Hillenmeyer, Frmman and Rhoads.

     Leave of Absence for Dean Cooper.  President MoIVey reported
that United States Secretary of Agriculture, Jardine, had been in
communication with him and Dean Thomas P.* Cooper, Director of the
Ex-eriment Station, with reference to the desire upon the part of
the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire part time service of Dean
Cooper as Chief of the Bureau of agricultural Economics of the
U. Sb Department of Agriculture; that Secretary Jardine had decided
from a large number of persons eligible for such