xt7kwh2dbz8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dbz8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1977 1977 1977-03-23 2020 true xt7kwh2dbz8f section xt7kwh2dbz8f Withdrawal

University Senate changes drop—add rules

Assistant Managing Editor

lf yol’re a typical procrastinating
UK student you know all about the
quickdraw-withdraw game.

Just sign up for that class and
have a good sob story ready. Then

when the last day to drop a class

rolls around you go and get that
“W”. Right?

Wrong. The University Senate
voted Monday to change the
procedures for dropping or with-
drawing from a class. The result for
system abusers and non-abusers is
some brand new game rules.

Until now, students had 10 days to
drop a class without a grade. After
that, the s'gnature of the instructor
and the dean of the college was all
that was needed to withdraw from a
class up until five weeks before the
end of the semester.


an independent student n

Vol. LXVIII, Number 129

Wednesday, March 23, 1977


Under the rules passed Monday,
students now have one-fourth of the
semester (about 17 chss days) to
drop a clas without a grade. While
some students may appreciate the
extra days, there is a catch.

If a student wants to withdraw
from a class after the first quarter of
next semester, he may do so “only
upon petition certifying urgent
reasms related to extended illness
or equivalent distress. Such petition
must be approved by the student's
advisor, by the dean of the student’s
college, and by the instructor.”

ironically, only seven of the 26
voting student members of the
University Senate were present for
Monday’s vde on an issue which will
personally affect most students.
There are approxima teiy 150 faculty
members in the Senate.

Marion Wade, one of the students
present at the meeting, said he was

dissappointed that more student
senators did not attend since he
estimated that only 75 Senate
members were present when the
vote was taken.

“it was announced at the last
Student Government meeting, they
got notices in their mailboxes and l
persmally urged most of them to be
there. it just happened to be the
Monday after spring break," Wade
said. “One student senator even
voted in favor of the proposal."

University Senate President Dr.
Connie Wilson said she thought the
additional students might have
made the difference. “if every one
of those 25 students were there, they
might have defeated the proposal,”
she said.

Wade also said he saw the action
as an indication of faculty attitudes
towards student representation in
the Senate. “The message from the



faculty is that if students won‘t
represent themselves, the faculty
will doll for them,“ he said, “and of
course they (the faculty» have their
own interests."

Though the new procedures will be
tougher on students attempting to
withdraw after the first quarter of
the semester, the instructor will
probably continue to play the
greatest role in determining the
strength of enforcement. '

in the past, many teachers have
simply ignored or strictly enforced
the procedures according to per-
sonal discretion. Wade said he ex-
pects the faculty “to follow their
traditional roles and ignore the
procedures when they want to."

And for those of you happen to sign
up for classes with an instructor who
likes to play by the book”? Well, next
semester could mean a tough round
of the quickdraw-withdraw game.

University ofKentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

UK initiates Summer College
for ’unsure’ prospective students

Prospective college students will
be able to get a head start on their
college careers this summer when
UK offers its first “Summer

Through the new program,
students will be able to take in-
troductory courses in history,
English and mathematics in the
leisurely setting of the summer
session, hopefully easing the ad-
justment to college-level studies.

In addition, several special
programs, including informal
seminars with UK faculty members
and a special studies skills course
offered by the UK Developmental
Studies Program, will be available
to help Summer College students




feel comfortable in their new en-

“We've initiated this program
because we feel the summer is an
ideal time for students to start thier
college careers," said Dr. Raymond
H. Cox, associate dean for the UK
College of Arts and Sciences and
Summer College coordinator.

“The atmosphere in summer
school is more relaxed, the pace is
less hectic, there are fewer
distractions and students take fewer
courses, so it‘s a great time to get
them acclimated to college life.
They’ll be better prepared when the
fall semester starts.”

Cox said Summer College will
particularly benefit three types of

students: those with strong
awdemic badtgrounds who want to
get an early start on their college
careers; those with academic
deficiencies who need the summer to
“catch up" on thie course work, and
those who aren‘t sure they want to
go to college.

“Because the student is on
campus for only two months during
the summer session his overall
expenses are less. so the unsure
student is taking less of a financial
gamble by attending Summer
College." Cox explained.

Students enrolled in Summer
College will take two or three
courses in English, history or
mathematics. The courses will be





Contract negotiations resumed yesterday
here between Appalachian Regional Hospitals
inc. (ARHiand the United Steelworkers
Union. The union has informed ARH officials
of its intention to strike the 10 facilities in
Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia April 1
unless a new contract agreement is reached
by the end of March.


Winter damage to roads in Kentucky has
been so extensive that they cannot all be
repaired this year, state Highway Engineer
Frank Kemper said yesterday. He told
legislators that even if the money was
available, the main obstacle would be the
inability of the construction industry to handle
all the road projects, as well as their normal
summer work.

A special state commission decided
yesterday after a storm of protest that
amending Kentucky‘s Open Records Law is
not the way to protect the personal privacy of
citizens. “it‘s no longer feasible to attack this
problan via the Open Records Law,” said
Sen. David Karem, D-Louisville, chairman of
the interim Study Commission on Computer
Stored information and Personal Privacy.
The proposed amendment would prevent
access to public records, including many
pdice records, that name or otherwise
identify individuals.

Gov. Julian Carroll proposed yesterday a
nationwide severance tax on all forms of
energy to help pay the economic and social
cats associated with energy production.
Carroll told the Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee diat Congress should impose the
tax and allow states to collect it and keep it.

The House Education and Labor (‘ommittee
yesterday recommended a major revision of
the national black lung benefit program for
coal miners and their families. By a 27-9 vote,
the committee approved legislation that
would make all miners eligible for benefits
after a certain length of employment.

Flynt D'stributing Inc. of Columbus, Ohio
filed suit in federal court yesterday against a
Philadelphia firm for allegedly removing
issus of Hustler and Chic from newstands
here, then refusing to pay for them. The
publisher claimed in the suit that ARA Service
Inc. received but never paid for 600,000 copies
of the two magazines.

The Nebraska legislature has approved the
growing-but not the harvesting-of marijuana,
which grows wild in almost every part of the
state. Advocates of the change said so much
pot grows wild in southeast Nebraska that
farmers who could not possibly eradicate it
might be harassed under the current law.

While President Carter is campaigning to
eliminate government frills, HEW Secretary
Joseph A. Califano, Jr. has put a chef on the
public payroll to prepare his meals. The new
cook is Wiley Barnes. Barnes, who recently
retired from the US. Marine Corps where he
mamged the personal quarters of the com-
mandant. “does much more than cook for the
secretaly.“ a spokesman said. “He manages
the secretary's mess, handles the accounting
and supervims the kitchen."

spring-ing out

Torhy and tomorrow will be sunny and mild
with highsin the low 50‘s. Tonight will be clear
and cool, low in the upper 20's.


regular offerings of the UK summer
session. and are the type required by
most colleges and universities.

Transfer of credits to other in-
stitutions should be no problem for
those students not intending to
remain at L'K, Cox said.

He added that Summer College is
open to all pmspective college
students, regardless of whether they
plan to enroll at UK on a regular

in courses in which a sufficient
number of Summer Collge students
enroll, special Summer College
sections will be established, in-
creasing the opportunity for class
discussion and study groups.

Continued on page i

liking yesterday.


The great escape?

The Red River Gorge may be Kentucky‘s best location for rappelling, but
Jay \i’allingford, zoology freshman, found the side of Holmes Hall to his


—Jeanne Wehoes



Ford's coming

Former President, Lodge to speak

in UK's Cooper Lecture Series

Former President Gerald R. Ford
will be one of two speakers in the
first Cooper Distinguished Lectures
serits He will speak Monday, April
11 at 8:15 pm. in Memorial

Appearing before Ford will be
Henry Cabot Lodge, Thursday.
March 31. Lodge will speak on “The
National Outlook and the World" in
the Law School Moot Court
Auditorium at 8:15 pm.

The Cooper lectures are being
organized and hosted by the Pat-
terson School of Diplomacy, which
plans for them to become an annual
program. The series is named in
honor of former Sen. John Sherman
Cooper, who also served as am-
bassador to india and. more
recently, as the first ambassador to
East Gennany.

Ford‘s lecture is titled “in-
ternational Priorities for the United
States." He and his Mrs. Ford will
arrive in lexington the afternoon of
the lecture and will be guests of
honor at a private dinner and
reception before the address.

Both speeches are free and open to
the public. The Cooper Lectures are
being sponsored in part by a gift
from the Blazer Family Fund of
Ashland, Ky.

Lodge is member of a Boston area
family prominent in public affairs
and national service for more than
two centuries. H's father was a
senator who became famous for his
role in international issues early in
the aith century.

The younger Lodge served as a
senator from Massachusetts from
193643, and from 1946-53, after a
period of service in the Army.

His diplomatic assignments have
included: US. Ambassador to the
United Nations. 1953-60; US Am-
bassador to South Vietnam. 1963-64
and 19(567; US. Ambassador-at
Large. 196768: US. Ambassador to
West Germany. 196869; Head of the
US. Delegation to the Vietnam
Peace Talks at Paris, 1969; Special
US. Envoy to the Vatican, 1970. He
was the Republican Party's vice
presidential nominee in 1960.

Ford graduated from the
i'niversity of Michigan and the Yale
Law School prior to World 'War ii
and served in the Navy during the
war. He practiced law in Grand
Rapids for four years and then
served in the US. House of
Representatives from Michigan's
5th District for nearly a quarter of a

Fa‘d‘s many honors while serving
in the House include the
Distinguisied Congressional Service
Award from the American Political
Science Association irl 1961, and
diplomatic assignments as a
member of US. delegations to in-
termtional meetings.

Ford was appointed vice president
Dec. (1 1973, and became President
Aug. 9, 1974.

Other candidates who have been
nominated to give Cooper
Distinguished Lectures include
former senators J. William

Fulbright and Mike Mansfield,
former secretaries of defense
Melvin Laird and Donald Rurnsfeld
and former Secretary of State Henry

Also naninated were former West

German Chancellor Willy Brandt,

current British Chancellor of the
Exchequer Denis Healey, and
Zambia President Kenneth Kaunda.

According to the Patterson School
of Diplomacy, no more than one or
two of the candidates can be brought
to UK in any given year.

40ers" lumen

Former President Gerald
l-‘ordis coming to UK April II
as a guest speaker in the
Cooper Distinguished lecture






v___.. .—_7——.—_.—. .


editorialséi comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Election reforms:

proceed cautiously

President Carter‘s universal registration
proposal could be a positive step toward im-
proving the archaic federal election system. but
several provisions will require close
congressional scrutiny.

The most sweeping reform under the proposal
would be the virtual elimination of all
registration requirements. A 1976 study by two
political scientists at the University of
California. Berkeley, estimated that this
proposal would increase national turnout by 10
per cent.

The new procedure would allow anyone to
register at the polls on Election Day by
presenting a valid driver‘s license, or the
equivalent identification card for nondrivers.

Based on systems already in effect in Wisonsin
and Minnesota. the procedure would only apply
to federal elections and states would have the
option of retaining stricter regulations for all
other elections.

The proposal is certain to receive strong op-
position from the Republicans, based on charges
that it would open the door to widespread voter

L'nderlying their opposition. however, will be
another finding of the Berkeley study which
showed that most of the increase in voter par-
ticipation would probably be among blacks,
Southerners and people with little formal
education. All of these groups are traditional
Democratic voters.

Indeed, any vehicle for voter fraud should be
carefully avoided. Carter has included flexibility

in the proposal to allow somewhat stricter
systemsfor major urban areas where vote fraud
is more likely to affect the outcome of a close

While this option could be used effectively,
Congress will also need to include stipulations
for implementation of these systems in any area
where irregularities are discovered in future

Although policing the system may prove
difficult. it is the only option available for im-
proving the participation of the most disad-
va ntaged segments of society.

Perhaps the most impressive provision of
(‘artcr‘s proposal. and certainly the most
overdue. is the elimination of the Electoral
College—electors who cast their states’ votes for
President and Vice President.

Unfortunately, Carter has recently said he
might favor eliminating the electors but
retaining the electoral votes and dividing them
among the competing candidates.

The best solution is for Carter to endorse the
popUlar election system now under consideration
in Congress. This proposal would institute a
system similar to the one presently used in U.S.
Senate elections.

A popular system would be the logical choice
to replace the. archaic Electoral College. which
presently apportions smaller states an unfair
share in deciding Presidential elections. In
addition. each state’s 'votes are awarded on a
winner-take-all basis to the candidate who
carries the state. however narrowly.


sonar-inner Anise-u mum l‘lditon
G lnror I-‘Awurds Mlkc Mutter
Dirt Gabriel

if dtorial Editor

Nancy Duly

Lon" and nun-um muu be named to the worm «an. no.- in. Jamil.- Inna... ‘I'Iu out to unt- MW

spar: and signed with III-r. “to“ and telephone number. Letters cannot use“ l“ word. ill cm In with. to '3-
‘III' .


Until now, efforts aimed at eliminating the old
system have been defeated. mainly out of the
fear of destroying a U.S. political institution.
Ilopefully. Carter’s support of the reform will
prevent those fears from taking hold again.

Carter‘s proposal also includes provisions for
establishing public subsidies for Senate and
Ilouse elections beginning in 1980. In view of the
skyrocketing costs of running a campaign and
the value similar funds had to Presidential
‘candidates in the last election, the provision
makes sense.

These funds could make the difference bet-
ween running and not running for candidates
who do not possess adequate financial resources
to finance their own campaigns. In a broader
sense. it could be the first step towards removing
personal wealth as a requirement for candidacy.

The last provision of the reform measure is
perhaps the most questionable. It would modify

Copy Editor- Wire Elt-

S‘uumu- Durlmn Plot Rutledge
flick [May
f! V: Bailing" l'itct Photographer
Mila— Strange Stewart ltowman
spurts Editor Adi crthlu Man-g"
Jol- Kemp Alex Kelli



the provisions of the Hatch Act, which prohibits
campaign activity by federal employes.

Carter proposes to allow government em-
ployes some participation. both as campaigners
and candidates. While some might argue that the
size of the federalbureaucracy dictates a need to
lift these restrictions, there is an inherent danger
of patronage abuse without the Hatch Act.

The President still has control over a large
number of federal appointments. Some govern-
ment employes are indeed needlessly restricted
in their political activities.

But for other federal employes, the Hatch Act
may provide protection from members of the
executive branch who might otherwise be able to
pressure them for open political endorsements.

The challenge for Congress will be to weigh the
possible dangers of each of these reforms
against the value they would provide in im-
proving our democratic system. The Hatch Act
reform will require close scrutiny.




Senor Main. you blew it. How
could any self-proclaimed "gonzo“
journalist even think of spending
five boring hours in an all-night.
airport coffee shop playing cards



(unless you play dollar a point
against a very big. very mean
human being) when the chance for
adventure and a good time lay so
close at hand.

If only you had visited the bowling
alley parking lot next to the Phillips
Ln. gate, instead of destroying your
bowels with demon coffee. you could
have been in on:

1. boilermakers

2. playing king of the hill on a pile
ofhard dirt and bare rock.

3. smoking everybody else‘s dope.

4 trading incredibly tall tales


about firearm prowess with a wild
eyed Zep fanatic.

5 listening to the police tell us to
“keep the parking lot in order and
you can stay" while someone toity
beside the car. And you must keep a
straight face.

6. meeting “.357" Darlene.

7. help push down that fence
tWthh wasn‘t really much)

8. cheering Joey somebody as he
broke past the guards at the gate.
only to be sent back just as they open
them up.

9. finding an inconspicuous place
to toity. then finding out its not so

10. trying to explain Ursula
IeQuin’s “field of Vision" to three
downed out members of today‘s high
school generation (while being at
least slobbering drunk yourself)"
etc. etc, etc.

I hope you get the message. You

caught some flak for that Idi Amin
story. not because of the idea. but
because you were “just sitting
around one day."

Senor Main. a true gonzo does
NOT sit around waiting for some-
thing to happen. He either goes
looking for it where it will happen or
hemakes it happen. And very little
happens in airport coffee shops
(unless they are being attacked) or
in the news room on a Wednesday
(or any day) afternoon.

Journalist. Senor Main. you cer-
tainly are; but gonzo? That‘s going
totake a lot more work. If you'd like
to find out what that entails, I'll be
glad to meet you ON THE FLOOR at
the concert. I’ll even bring the


This comment was submitted by
William Coleman, a Communi-
cations sophomore.


Lord’s will

Last Thursday Stephen D. Quillen
wrote a perceptive comment on the
deluge of Christian propaganda to
which all at UK are subject.

As members of a small group of
students and others interested in the
study and practice of Buddhism
whose activities have been inter-
ferred with by members of one
particular Christian group, Mara-
nantha. we wish to bring to the
attention of the University commu-
nity our experiences.

For the past two months posters
put up by our Lexington Dharma
Study Group have been repeatedly
torn down and replaced by those of

We contacted them and they
denied any official role in the



removal. but promised to ask their
members to refrain from " such
activities. '«

Despite this promise our posters
have continued to be removed and
individual members of this very
Christian group have expressed the
view that this is war and if the lord
tells them to take down a poster they

These views and especially these
practices are intolerable in a society
dedicated to freedom to speech and
religion. We invite any individuals
or groups who have had similar
experiences to contact us so that we
may take steps to curb this affront to
the principles upon which our free-
dom is based.

Nathan Janoff
Susan Anglin
Lexington Dharma Study Group

Anarchy pounds again as bells ring for civilization

The British came this way to burn the White House.
But the present peril is home-made. I am standing on
Pennsylvania Avenue where twice before I have seen
violence each time different but each time with the
same sense that anarchy is close. banging the very
manhole covers to get out

The first time was the bonus riots under Herbert
Hoover. they used tear gas then. After that was the
not when Martin Luther King was murdered in 1908.
Tear gas again


from Washington

Now there is a new twist. A line of orange traffic
cones cordons off Pennsylvania Avenue because
religious terrorists have grabbed three buildings and
are holding them With hostages.

It is errily quiet. This is normally one of the busincst
corners in town; there is a bus stop and no busses. a
traffic light and no traffic. A patrol car watches across
the Avenue. Two blocks down is the white six-story
District Building. its top floor seized. Everybody
watches it; nothing happens. Just a kind of violent

It was different in Hoover's time~ that was noisy.
My memory goes back to it. The nation is caught in the
Depression and 8.000 jobless veterans are encamped
down the Avenue in a five-block area demolished for
new Federal Buildings. They plead for a bonus from
Corgress. Major General Douglas MacArthur and his

aide I what's his name? somebody called Eisenhower»
push them out.

Hoover issues a proclamation. “Many are Commun-
ists and persons with criminal records." he says.
"They must leave." I go inside the shell of the former
Stuart‘s Ford agency. with a good view of the
cordoned A venue. Lower floors are filled with cots and

A crowd watches across the Avenue. The police are
in blue shirts; it's July; hot. Here come the troops. No
flags. no band; a couple of tanks. The veterans can‘t
believe it. Most wear rags of their old uniforms. There
is a brisk command down below, a rattle. the troops
arefixing bayonets.

“Buddies!“ cry the veterans. The officer in the
street yells up. “You got three minutes to clear out.
Three minutes; I warn you!"

Most decide to quit. They grab belongings. I move
upa floor where a lone veteran is stretched on a cot
w'itha bandaged eye: a fight, maybe. The roof gives a
good view. There is another rattle below; troops put on
masks. A tremor goes through the three or four of us
on the roof. The tanks start their rattling engines:
police hastily cross to the other side.

Somebody throws a stone; the riot starts. A soldier
pulls back his arm like a pitcher and throws a can.
“Phosgene!” screams a veteran. It isn't that, of
course; it‘s crying gas. The can hisses and emits white
tentacles. Suddenly the crowd across the way wills
and runs: they have caught it. Our roof is safe like a
mountain above clouds.

Half an hour later a clean-up squad finally spots us
and a blond boy of about 18 puts a bayonet at my chest.
We are crying so hard as we descend that they have to
guide us. Soldiers burn huts and tents. A dog wanders

That was in Hoover‘s time! Now it‘s 1968. I have

been out covering Robert Kennedy's presidential
campaign. Word comes that King is murdered. As our
plane flies back to Washington incredible bulletins
come back to the press from the cockpit: reports we
can't believe. And yet, as we approach Washington
and see the big Capitol dome a wisp of smoke floats
behind it.

It is worse than I imagined. It is eyeing: lights are
on along I" Street. the better to loot with. They are
breaking glass at a clothing store and the alarm is
ringing. The shoestore beside it is already looted.

Attention turns to the radio store across the street.
The elders look on. hand back; the teenagers dare
each other, laughing. and dart across the street for a
bite or two at the white man‘s store. like a school of
pirannas tearing a corpse. Why did they murder
Martin Luther King?

A police car goes by. stops. and goes on. Glass
shatters again and a youth passes out articles from the
store; one grabs a tape recorder and runs.
Occasionally a late home-going car comes down the
street not stopping except. oddly enought, for traffic
lights. That symbol still holds.

Kaufman‘s department store is looted. 0n Pennsyl~
vania Avenue I pass the place where I was holed up in
the bonus riots. years before. Violence is out from the
manholes again.

Now it is 1977. What is different today is the total
coverage on radio and television. The city is not
paralyzed at all. Youngsters are throwing frisbees in
Iafayette Park. President Carter is greeting Prime
Minister Callaghan. but without cannon salutes to fray
nerves. The terrorists are getting what all terrorists
want. maximum attention; the media are hostages.

The District Building. or town hall. is on a kind of

island. with a parking lot behind, and l circumna-
vigate it. The swelling elm buds make a brown mist
overhead and one or two azalea blossoms have

We all gather beside Casimer Pulaski. His
equestrian statue shelters radio men and TV crews
and me. Everybody has a kind of nervous gaiety and I
suddenly remember that‘s the way it is.

We look across at the silent, lethal top floor of the
District Building; the gunmen have It hostages. with
another 30 city workers barricaded by themselves and
fearful of being stormed. They lower ropes for food.

Casimer Pulaski l747-l779...He's on a kind of traffic
triangle. Behind him is the National Theater showing
“BULLY.” the one~man show about Teddy Roosevelt
with James Whitmore. Nobody is in the theater foyer.
Idiscover. but a little man behind the ticket grill tells
me there will be no performance tonight absolutely
unless—unless that other show across the Avenue is
over "by six." He's precise about curtain time.

Terrorists make their demand today by telephone;
radio picks up their voices. That's the new feature.
Violence and anger are instantaneously broadcast into
the living room. It blots out everything else; the
technical marvel that transmits the crisis creates the

A young man at Princeton has just submitted a
highly praised paper on how to make an atomic bomb.
Not too difficult to do. he says. What if terrorists get
one? The veneer of life is getting thinner. I still hear
that alarm bell ringing in the shoe store long ago, even
as the looting went on.

It was calling civilization to come.


TRB from Washington. a national column syndicated ‘
by the New Republic. is written by 18-year-old
Richard I." Strout. TRB appears weekly.






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. 'y




Writer unhappy with executive


I suppose you didn’t get to
read my last prose effort “0n
Roots and Things." It’s really
a rather long and ironic story,
(What story, you say, the
story of why you didn’t get to
read it dolt) as stories in
‘real’ life so often are.


It is long because it con-
sumed time (ya’ know, that’s
a profound statement, may-
be) and it’s ironic because I
was trapped in the same net
that I was trying to cut
(down), a beauracracy.

You see my last essay was
(in part) a short (but again
profound) lecture on the in-
adequacies of the UK mega-
beauracracy and also me
astute .(and again pro-
found) observations on how I
(the meager soul I am) could
“straighten this damned
mess out, Scarlet.”

Well, to make a long, sad,
disheartening story short, I
wrote this article, you see,
and took it over to the
journalism building
where I could get it published
in the Kernel (a radical
campus publication) and
therefore share my puny
insights with the rest of the
world (and you clods too).

Also there was an ever so
small chance that I might
become a major campus hero
such as my idol Dick Downey.
Dick (he don’t care if you call
him by his first name) is
another astute entity (there

are so few of us these days)
who attempts to relate his
world to ours every Thursday
in the editorial section of the

Well after going to all the
trouble of getting all my
scattered thoughts together,
which for me is no small task,
Itook the neatly handwritten
manuscript (or as neatly
lumdwritten as Engineering
students can write) over to
the Kernel office. After stand-
ing around for a while and
looking as lost and dismayed
as] possibly could (I have big
brown eyes, you know) I
heard a distinct feminine
voice hail me from the back
mer of the room. “Hey
You! May I help you?”

I have been called worse
things than “you" before so I
casually sashayed to her




S.C. Ballroom

Presented by SCB


the Kentuctw ltemei. m Journalism lulidine.
woetrty during the year except holidays and III
M potoet Lexington, Kontuotry. «Sit. Subs:

, Funnel by the Kernel Press. Inc. one toended
authored continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.
“venting Is btenoeo only to
be lnvoslootod Iytheodttors. Advertising total to be telsoor misleading will be reported to the Better Business Bureau.
Messed to the editorial page editor, lie Journalism Building. They

satin, shale number and address should be
mum comments should be no lonpr then no words. Editors reserve the right

CM .0“ IM styled. classitt


desk. Trying to look and

sound as suave and sophisti-

cated as I could, I informed
the nice lady that I had

written an editorial, which I

felt someone on the Kernel

staff may wish to ulitilize in
their local scandal sheet.

She quickly replied that she
was the editor of the editorial
staff and would take the essay
for consideration. (Several
people standing around us
giggled at this point, now that
[look back on the situation I
think she was lying).

Ifumbled through my eter-
nally chaotic notebook and
lifted the article, squeemishly
handing it to the lady.

Before the grimy paper had
even left my fingers the
“lady” curtly informed me
that the paper, “had to be
typed before it could even be

Trying hard not to get mad,
(the reason ., this , comment”
pissed me off so bad was that
earlier in the day, a good
friend of mine