xt7kwh2dc01d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dc01d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1979 1979 1979-01-18 2020 true xt7kwh2dc01d section xt7kwh2dc01d \‘ol. l.\\l. No. 86 Ker e] l rilnersitt of :entucky
Thursday. January l8. l979 an independent student newspaper .eung on, entuckj
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d nspec or, stu ents
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arrested on charges of prostitution and ”h“ \3‘\\\\ .
ramming ptIIOSItIIIlIlIlIc:mY) hm) “with W 13-22.} By pAt'l, MANN “T—‘“’_"“‘__”‘——“‘”““ ICIiIasiiiIIIIi‘ hUthmErett Pdlnldd (Mir
e arres s a is “ t - » t-. .1 , . . , n e ourt oor r . .
Spa on Richmond Road came after a Q ‘ I I Md“ “III“ See pictures. pages 4 & 5 toilets Here leaking. but ItherrIZOiItI-Iertin?!
week~lon investi Vation by members of if” N - j . .
the Metri policegspecialinvestigation E; "f3 Boyd Hall may not be worthaletter fi*7~——~——.— 2:11;:va this“ gtiftorshogcctgrgmgb to
‘ unit. " a :I, hometo WOW-“BF" “,snm that had. real good job of mopping tip the missi iI h , it "h hd.eh ”TI
Police dncott’d Chang .l. Khmo 43 .I.'.1 ln MC“ for a budding "5 age. n IS m bathroom.“ Morris said. B M. "a, I I as, orig as c as ten d
ownerand manager 0mm ”’8' Song M I I good condition at least that‘s what Another maintenance problem (“d IIII mIdtm‘ four years.
Ploew‘chak. 37. and Chong Shh). 3th . \ (the city housing inspector thinks. Morris says how should have
Mind.” ntght . . , .._ . . _.. .. .. .- . ‘ mentioned in his report isanotherleak one of theinterestingfeatures ofthe
0"“ Wd tht‘ thtt’tttgdtm“ ““3 lhe residents ofthe dorm dontbuy . . , . H . , restrooms wasthe presence ofthree or
coordinated with officials of the , t gt . . ,. that. however. on the fourth floor near an electrical four bathtubs on each floor none of
lmmigranontkpartment and federal %§} . . VW Craig lvory, a housing inspector socket. . . which worked. All other campus
“whom“ mm" ‘3) ”we WW" :I IIII'I‘III , with the Urban County Government lvoryand MorriSdMgrkicaboui[he dorms except Keeneland Hall have ‘
were expected. ' . , - t . _ . . . . r . f' .. thoroughness of the inspection. . .I .I, t , . .V. l b
l' ‘ inspected the budding about ”e Morris said lvorv staved for no more showers ”1h” than individual [U .s‘
-_ _ ii weeks ago. Theonly problem he found th IS . ..f d f 'd b . , ReSidents have also hammered nails
_' State \ t i ' in need of immediate attention was a huarIiy hficlzgéwtiivflirinrhs h: steaiIIe; into restroom walls to serve as hooks
”(RISE D‘EMOCR-‘TS ‘I‘CRIH'ZD ‘3 W"; _ ft " V! II leak in the mo“ between 45 minutesIand an hour and for mm“ 5m“ ”one are provided. I
YESTERDA ' to support egis ation " - _' ‘ ’ N at. - _. t , ) ‘ .
reducmg traffic fines and court costs. . oi. . if; E é i; . “Another problem I saw was that Inga/chill? 1:12:02: 11:;Sdisagreement [t wasn t as warm in the bathrooms
“hm {hf mm senate “”15th tr " :3 the stall separators in the bathrooms about the length of lvorv‘s stay at as mthe rest 0‘,th buildingbecauseall
qucmomng mp ‘me ”mums m n“ he I‘ “l I K were Pretty worn." lvorv'said. “But Bovd Hall because of hiinris ecItion the windows m the bathrooms we.”
| quest for money to fund tax cuts. * V is. _ fl“. they wereI b' bl , ll ' - , '4 _ ‘ . . ' . ' .p . wide open, Morris said it is so warm in
. ~- . .u ‘. ‘” -' . W“ d 3 d rlght at the and complaints from residents of . , h k h-.
The proposed legislation “0““ ‘ ' " III I I» i I' ththmhg of the semester." he added. the dorm l‘niversitv officials are III-s room IhdI CI [OOI eeps - Is
”due“ mm‘mum fine" I“ 85‘ mm“ A; - it -- \ ¥ Ivorv said the breakdown ofthe stall b ' ' i - i I ' 'I window open eonstantlyto maintaina
. , , , . , . » , \.\.\ e . . » eginnmg to work on the building. , . .
Tii‘t”.§itifi“ii“oilfr§§3‘23‘i’lf‘é‘i'o‘ihiiiii d i '= it. o _. door thtthh due to the wear Jean iindie». director at housing. “‘m‘mdm‘ ‘°’“"”‘”“" '
ccurt ms“ mr ”mom” “ho PM“) . “MRI IRE ‘d illiIchsiIiiibtgieIhe 300 StUantS hung In ”I'd some work was @0an .I0 the tn ineerin so homore Ch rle
speedingticketsfromSl7.5(ltoSlfl.rind 1,. h ha; ‘\ t3. get . .' . - budding during the Christmas break. K bg k h' 8 . - it 3 .5
reduce court costs for all other pre- “.i: is " ‘ ' ‘R b _I' The repairs included some touch~up U at“ d‘ that ”t the same t00mlh
payable mt‘demwhtt“ t0 3'7 5". ‘f... " Ii 3‘. s2“ lvory pointed out that the l'rban painting plus replacement of some 393d Ha” ft" the past tWO years. HIS
. - g“: t; fight. _ . .,.:I»I3'I " County has no power to enforce "tall doors in the bathroom. ln 9'3"th '5 cmered h'tth an ChtPPCd coat
natlon ts d‘ 5' . ' ~ I .tttghtjhs building and housmg codes at L'K.but addition to this. lindley said. the 0' mtertorlatex paintThere scemedto I
A (‘OAST Gl'ARD lllrjl.l(‘0PTER :h:\ the ‘city inspect: camput buil‘di‘ngslat dormitory‘s interior is scheduled to be S; 210:] ::;l:vpt::anpa(t):t ”it: c231??5
, andasmaller.pri\te helicoptercollided - . B‘ 1051\10R.AN,’KerneIStaff th request. Since “(I uses state completely painted during the Kub" k "‘dIh 'l‘ h b 8
during practice flights :00 feet above S ' ' funds to make repairs. we just inspect summer. dla 5d! t 'e cei mg as een in
one of the nation" busiest general prUCIng U D the property and refer our findings to “We‘ve also “de the Physical it: :21: tChongition for as long as he .
aiiation air orts iii () a lock Ha. L'niversitv officials.“ lyory said. _ . ' .- ' ‘ Ct -
yesterday «Ill lite peop't’eahttrjmw He might not be able to repaint the ceiling. so (‘harles Kubitjak an After [Ivory toured Bond Hall. he Plat“ Dt‘tStt‘h to 20 (“Ft there and Down the hall there isa room with
killed Engineering major. does some touch up work on his bookshelf Monday. made a verbal report to George give us an estimate for complete the word study painted its door. The
“lt wastIst an incredible ballot fire." Kubajak's room is located in Boyd Hall. Ruschell. assistant business affairs renovation of the bathrooms.“l.indley only objects in the room were a
said eyewitness Chuck LaBow. a pilot \ice president. 5a'd- "HO“C‘ICL the estimate has not bicycle. a single Chatf- a radiator anda '
forthe (ioodycarblimp. which is based _ _ been turned in yet.“ sink. Morris said no one ever takes
at the airfield btit was not imolyd in the F0 0t ball team me m bers Students see problems advantage of this room for study. .
'dt‘t‘tdt’ht- "l Sit“ tht‘ “M‘hdgt’ hltt'ht! However.residents ofthcdormitory Kernel takes ll look I I
the ground . . It was totally engulfed in stronglydisagree with lvory's findings. Boyd restdent Mark Scott. a junior -
“agitating; IIIItI ItItIfibghIiiIt-Iiidflew met d O n ’t m i n d '0 d 8 David Morris. president of the Boyd . The Kernel went to Boyd .Hall to see engineering major. summarized most
the wc‘nc momen‘h Mm'thc ltH’ “gm 9 . I . Hal] house counCil. t5 dtssattghed with tf the . residents complaints were Boyd reSidents' opinion: “We pay as '
FS'I common "h '00de llkuhcrwm jtortg inspection. ~~j feel there are a justifiable. Morris took a much for housing asthe people onthe
nothing left." Allen said “I couldn‘t By JOHN (TAT basketball teams position in the lot (7' problems he overlooked." photographer and reporter on a tour SOUIII campus. so we feel WE ShOUId
eien tell what was down there. It omittinispuiisltiitoi controversy. Mocriris said, 0'1“ kexample :1er OI the bUIIdmg' hage equal :vmghclonditions. .
wasiusta mess." -'. cite was water ea mg from c ind . , eorge ”50 6 ~ aSS|Stant VICC-
’lwo piles of debris remained at While hm “(Th-t \ammat Football PM?” _ the toiletsinthe f‘outh floorrestroom. Most noticahlc upon cntctlhg the president of business affairs. agrees
midday. Both were coyered with lIlfC- Collegiate Athletic Association satisfied, sympathetic The water is causing paint to come off hu'ldmg as the fact that the budding '5 that '30}'d_ H8“ deserves some
23:2: “$32116 hall‘s animal?“ prohibition of extra-luxuriousathletic “I can probably see the students‘ the wall and '5 feeding a constant :ZitgdiESiégdtI2Ifhr: hgfiswftyfigxljy attention. “”18 dormitory ‘tehhttty
Imhc , g P dorms has brought reaction mainly side. but these dormsjust can‘t house puddle of water on the bathroom - . I , '4 T - p needs some work. Ruschellsaid. Bl" -
ground. , , . , . . .. . floor. painting WthhIOOK Pldce durlhgthe the students should realize that -
from [‘Ks basketball program. the basketballplayers. lheywerentmade h l'd _ , . - d H l - . .
. - , . . - ~ . - 01 ays “35 tlthte ‘3“ ent. 0651" renovations take time and cost
wor'd football Wildcats are not without for people (ti-7 and 7-foot. with their “H . h -. 't . h . d . the wall. however, were Inot th . d fd ll A, -
opinions on the subject. hhdm hanging out 01 the bed." said oweyer.t ejani ors aye onea ousan s o o ars.
PRO-SHAH TROOPS BATTLED L'K assistant coach Dan leaf. who junior running back Randy Brooks. .
DEMONSTRATORS th the Oil Cit) 0t: is in charge of football recruiting. said But Brooks said the fact that the An d Stud ents sa In surve ’
Ahwa’ yesterday [he ”5‘ full da-‘I “t .V'CStCFdfl) that tht‘ NCAAIS “1th football team doesn't have the same ' ' ' y V
th“ ”ham “med “vacation“ “b“??d- really has little effect on the football special aecomodations as its
iterating aMmaJt:r ‘33: m Ihtgfhfiimf program. counterpart doesn‘t bother. him. I I I I
, iledgriiIiiI; Iciyl'iiilrfrgIo\:rrIi);::tLd iar s "We came close to haying a dorm of “I‘m satisfied whereweare."hesaid. th ey re In favo r Of Sp eCIal d o rm
At least 30 people were reported our own to“ the drowns board last Junior defensive back Larry Carter
killed or wounded in the violence. year," 531d Leaf. referring to GO" more or less agreed with histeammate. ‘
In the capital. Bakhtiar huddled with Julian Carrol‘s Sttttt‘mCht tttSt summer “I don‘t think they should run us out By NELL FIELDS h3V6~I money-II . ‘
_ top national security advisers to Plan that the state would give l'K funds to (of Kirwan One. which houses only Images Editor “You've got to keep athletes away Julie Robe, journalism junior said
motes for halting the violence that has build a football dorm. “But they athletes)." said fatten “We work our from the rest of the students.“he said she doesn't understand the NCAA . ..
plauged Iran for more than a year decided that the money should go for butts Off for what we get. but I don‘t Although the National Collegiate The majority of the students regulations against the lodge. “They .
Disent also was-reported breaking out hospital beds f’ortcripolcd children. think we should get anything better Athletic Association says college interviewed saw the new NCAA had public funds for it and I don‘t see '
among the 3”“‘5hah Pam“ 0" the and we agreed with that completely." than the other students " athletes should live in housingequal to regulations as a direct threat to UK. why there‘s an objection." (The lodge .
. future shape of the country. Leal said. ' Still Carter admitted he wouldn‘t thatofallstudents.a random survey of Journalism senior Jackie Fortner said. was not built with public funds, I
'. .Thf dwhdesmad, Stilt“ the" haw (Although Carroll and l'K mtind living inadorm hjtethe Wildcat UK students shows that not many “I don‘t think it‘s right for someone though. It was financed with private I ' ‘
:iiiiiincueii eaZaS‘gi’IkSCIr);Id:::n<:jce(:jmflr‘lr;}t President Otis Singletary supported Lodge people here mind if the basketball outside [JK to-start a ruckus..Seems donations)
-- Shah Mohammad RM1 Pahlaii who the football dorm. the idea was “I‘ve never been in it, but they say it team does [we a litle high on the hog. like they‘re domg it out of spite and Biology Sophomore John Gunn
left the mun”) Tuesday {or ngt en dropped afetr public opposition is really nice.“ he said. “Sure l‘dliketo 'Freshman Robyn Wulff Stud. “l jealousy. . .. . .- . didnt agree with most of the people ,
route to the L'nited States. formally surfaced.) have it.“ think the lodge Is one of the best “lts unfair. said freshman Vtcki contacted. He said,“l think the lodge »
~_ give up the throne. While Leal said the foetball Rob Mangas. a freshman recruiting tools we have.“ She said she Morgan. “They‘re prejudiced against should be opened to every student." , ‘
program would welcome having a new quarterback who didn‘t play last year. would like to see other dorms made as us because we can raise the money and Spanish junior Dave Franson was ,
weather dorm . which looks outofthe picture also voiced displeasure Iwith the nice as the lodge. but added. “I think‘ they can‘t. Wejust built it.and we have another student who opposed the . ~
PARTI." Sl'NNY TODAY Mm now he believes the current facility NCAA ruling. but for different the basketball players should have it." to. find a way to get around'it.“ she lodge. He explained his reasoning: “I t , , . "
highs hem the mid 30.510 arottnd 40' for football players. Kirwan One. is reasons. One student thought the basketball said. . . thinklthe rest of the students should _ _
parth cloudy tonight Withaehance for “pretty doggone adequate." "I‘m really against the ruling." said players deserved the spam] housing. ‘ Telecommunications sophomore benefit from the players. too. They are ‘
freezing rain aha, midnight. to“ m While the football players said Mangas. “The NCAA‘s argument is Business freshman Craig Jones said. Mark Morgan said. “l feel the whole great guys and we should knowthem. ? .
the mid and up”, 2t“ yesterday they envy the basketball that the dorms make for unfair “lfthe players are on scholarship.then thing is a shot at big schools. We but no one does because they live ma ,
, IOdBC. they also sympathize with the Continued on page 3 they should have better stuff than we should keep it Since Hall raised all the separate dorm.“ ‘
I- l I I I I -
-~ Blue-White Fu rid money needed to fill Athletic Assomation coffers
By DALE MORTON this money squeeze has had on UK. established as a means of upgrading which is usually devoted to capital regulations. which require equivalent accademic ttath'hS needed fortheir .
. ’ Stattwnm “We have to generate dollars to be ouroverallprogramofintercollecgiatc projects, is kept sepcratc from the financing of men‘s and women‘s futuret“ Ham 'Stt'd-t “Sports '5 an . I
competitive with other schools equal athletics.“ Otis A. Singletary. UK regular athletic budget. athletics. Failure to comply means the additional d‘c'Pl'm for them.
,1, It‘s not easy to field intercollegiate to ours." Ham said. These dollars go president. wrote in a promotional A person buying season football or loss of federal funding for the Acadethtcf and athtCttCS are
. teams in [7 sports nor is it cheap. largely into scholarships (grants-in- booklet about the fund. basketball tickets must make a university. compatible. . . " '.
. Just ask Jack Ham. aid for participant‘s UK‘s l7 “Income generated through this donation to the fund. The higher the Because Title IX requires that A5 an “3'“ka Ham mentioncdthc . .
., Ham.assistant UK athletic director. intercollegiate sports. he said. fund enables us to provide donation. the better the scat. already slim money supplies must be annual Superior Scholar Athlete .
- _ told the local chapter ofthe National Ham said that the high costs of Southeastern Conference grants-in- There are five categories of stretched even further. Ham said. Banquettwhichisanefforttopromote t ,
‘ 5 Association of Accountants Tuesday equipment and facilities at most aid to qualified student athletesandto contributions for football tickets. many schools have cut down their OtttStt'hdthS SChOhVSh'Pthth‘ athletic - ‘
i that rising costs have driven schools to COHCSCS t0“: them to find ways 0t meet “WM“ incured t“ fielding th‘ ranging from 5'00 t0 “000 P" “'t- financing or non-revenue sports ‘* community at UK‘ ; .
. t seek sources of money other than supplementing their ticket revenue various teams that represent UK in For basketball, the contributions generally. all sports other than T0 belong to thts SCICCt STOW-3U" .‘ . .
. . . ticket revenue to finance their athletic dollars. competitive sports.” Singletary said. range from $50 to $250 per seat. These basketball and football .. and have Stt’d‘ht mttSt bean upperclassman. he ’ _.
' programs. The Blue and White Fund is UK‘s Last year the University collected donations do not include the price of converted many intercollegiate teams a member Of an thttttCOttcS'ttt‘ athletic .
I Sitting in his blue and white answer to the problem. The fund. a $670,000 in the fund. The total the tickets. to intramural stattus. “it?“ and have a cumulative grade ~ ‘
t decorated Memorial Coliseum om“ donation program coordinated by Athletic Asociattion budget was $4.2 Another burden on college athletic “We are concerned with the success 90"" “mm 0t 30 0" better th "
I yesterday. Hamtalked aboutthe effect Ham. “is the mechanism that has been million. But the Blue-White money. budgets has been the federal Title IX of our men and women obtaining the academic work. !
’ T H ~ ‘ “‘—'“‘~' M __ A . ‘ s

 l V I 7 f .77. vw .. www—v—vwmefi—v—
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‘ i
New Billing" lhomns ( lurk “In \nn Huchurl “alter lunis Jamie \Iught Iom \loriin
limit! at (/lIt’I II/iioiiii/ It/Iltll Ruth \laliinlly tit.) ItliiIIi \IIIIIII [JIM IIIII I.» III Photograph.
Debbie \lclhniel ( “I”
(.u" Holds L Jenny Ill! ii"; I | "I U I /
Richard McDonald Jam“- “times Juli “ainwright \ “W” ‘ ‘ H'" John ( In) l Ilidl ( Inipht-Il
William/re IIIi/m “with,” [III/“It (ii/II ,I/iII'/\ \ell Helds Brian Riekerd Hi. .I \Iarititw I
. o h” .I I lI/IIi liyitlillil \[uvr/y II/iritlt
' r 1 (A t iIL(\ 1
editorials. 8: common 5 l
———————W——Mm 3
. . . I
A” m the family L BITE/’8 t0 the Ed/T'OI'
. B 7, I V V V W V r W
Lang paSt being 1 unn y, I y S rexident tuition btit that the l niyerxity I
Doubl hurt always xets Its dtie date Ittxt betore the thtle Slmllanty
. . Y lirxt oi the month when ledcial
r uttal beneiitx are paid lliey charge $50 to r\xa sttident liyingoti~canipus. l teel
an [OS nee a Immy lhe present way In winch the pay late. llttx tnilkxextra money ttotit (‘liii llagan‘s conipartxton ot the
education component oi the (il bill Ix those least able to attord It III the lust Wildcat lodge to oii~eampux xtttdent I
The Billy (‘artei‘Iok’e . ‘.‘..-.‘= , i} \ » shrewd marketing administered Is a retntndet that plaee. those who pay tor college by housing Lian “. page It Ix ridiculous
Is Oyer and eyenr the §\ \ws. If . . deals gm. the lietothat humility Issomethingtobeacheiyed ll! working and xaying irom their weekh I haye ltyed III totit apartments
P "d t' b ‘th . \\\\ «at?» fiy~e pose His redneckism is spite oi ourprexentasstitnptionxabout pay or irom Iederaleotitpenxatton and around the l K aiea and haye seen
- re.“ en 3 n U . i} Ir: :1“ commercially calcula It. not lroni esisttng batik aecottntx do/enx oi others lhe general quality
isnt laughing any- Ni ‘ . 43" ‘ MA ~. - i‘ll‘sl oi all. ((il billl educational llie (ii Ix doubly litiit by tltts oi housingwithinwalkingdtxtaneeot
more. ," I - _ ted and h" OUIrdg‘Om benetitsare notdeiinedaxiinaneialaid uncanny eiid oi the ttiotitli due date campus that most xtttdentx can aiiord
“We got xo much is \~ ~ * ‘ i f ' . . . t. statements are geared (neither by theiederalgo\ernment not arid the thIeatieraey‘x Ianstence that ixpooi with decrepit bitildiiigs.ttrchatc
bad PTCSN “5 ll”I “4“” E w \w ' \t \% g”; lor the PUbllClU' mills. Ihs‘ l‘mH‘t'Slt} administration). lhlx be Is not oIi itnaneial aid and ieittxtng wiring and plumbing and an
talking.“ said Bills. k $3? , s$n Billy has boasted that means (II xeaniiol take out promixory to help him o\ereome II with abundance oi roaches
w ht) ”parley ed hix -, w . \ ii". 1 . \ ~ _ . * his income ”0m notes against their beneiitx as other pronitsoiy notes orprmding adequate It the quality oi ltytng ayatlable to
famous “am-e Into a St ' \‘ . i H . i personal appearances “ht’li‘r‘hll‘ ‘Illdt'lm- “10 VA tails short term loan lands or esenipttonx theaserage sttideiii atotindthis school 5
{I b] t \ w” I“ much exceeds his these paymentsabonuxtoy‘eteranxioI ol am kind lliat poorer people are Is to be ttxed as a standard oi !
pro In“ 6 career ‘15 d s we ““4"“ I .s, b h ‘I A, l' ‘ ‘ haying already tnade it to college. lhe less worthy ot education and we must eontpatixon tot the lodge. the lodge
' proteSSIonal redneck. -I 0;. pie \I‘ .. - \\7 it"? rot er 5 5“ ‘”-" Implication Is that ll yott need tlte (il make It harder ioi tlietii to learn Ix not “1” come ottt looking like the lat
He was reierring to " A5 (”hem hi‘VC billto pay iot’eollegeyoudon't deser\c a htitiiaii Idea [i onI apply tor aid and \lahal \ly apartment may haw a
the negative reaction to .5 "' " DOIHICd OUI. 1t 5 the (il bill. tell them you are eligible tor the bill "ptiyate bedroom and bath" like the
his latest outrages. ‘ w .. probably a good time lhe \'~\ cautionx\etscyery xemexter yott can be xttre they will sttbtiaet It boyx In the basketball dorm but the
including insults to the \\\\ '3’ ‘7 ' for the president [0 that they cannot depend on the (il bill irom your need ximilatttj. ends there
chIsh community and . . I counter his brother‘s to pay Itillltin.Il he rcaxon they can t ix Randall \\. (iarr Barbara 31. llolthaus
. ' THE ('ARTER BOYS _ - . ,, - not that the (II bill Ix Inadequate ioi leungton Political Science junior
a Justice Department . . .. . statements. Instead oi
. Troublesome Billy tiefti and Silent Jimmy I. I _ .
ianer about whether ‘ trying to Ignore them.
Billy should haye been registered as a “toretgn Each time the White House is asked to respond to l
agent" for hosting a group ot ltby'ans. one ot'the tamily' black sheep‘s antiCs. all that is said
The yistt‘s main Intent eytdently was to set up Is that Billy is a private citi7en whois entitled to his
business relations. a reciprocal gesture on Billy's yiew's. Billy. presidential spokesman persistently
part. His Arab iricndx had giyen him a 835.000 point out. is neither an official or unofficial adyiser C I ' t C k ff arable 3
' silver-studded saddle on a mu to lripoli. complete to the president in any way. 0 umn IS 00 e O ers a p "
with a horse that he had It iea\ * behind in the I .. .
d ‘ ‘ But apparently. Billy no longer contines himselt I I
656“, . . . ,
Wh h \ 1) t 1 i B‘ to eyents ”Ch as Iudging the 1mm annual World and predICtlonS for the new y ear
e .- nti- ‘amatt in ea we 0 nai . ' . . . . . ..
8' he: i d Bil i {h i Edi 'th Belly'tlop and (annonball [)Iying Championships .
o ‘ I y or Ix rien inexs wi I . . . . . .
L'bnan iIZadmoci stat. Col \luamm tr Kaddati m BrmSh Columbia. where he lumped. “1“} Bl JOHN ('OOKF ext-none had grown loo Itttxetable to
(L1) 1 d h . h kll d b clothed. Into a sw'ImmIng pool. with a rose In his Here we go again lhe great eotitmtte
‘ [bid “6. come‘t k terrorists “ 0 I k [mm F” teeth and a beer in his hand. machinery oi the l'ntyersity has \\ell. ax luck would haye It. a tew
0’ Israel 5 '9" Olympic team). the (reorgian . y . . . cranked Into dubiotix niottoti lti‘is’ Ix weekx alter the return oi this adorable
replied. “all I can say Is there Is a hell oi a lot more Now that Billy Is making suggestions about dde I979 promiw m be cm] ”WC ”mm m mm mm“ m “OHM.
Arabs than there is Jews." toretgn policy and politics. and endorsing Ideas mm... ”hmmmumnghImpwcd Hm “m.
How embarassrng is it tor the President‘s brother more complicated than what type ot beertodrtnk. a this rCIiiliidx me at a maple oi sitting tiltiiind the i ot'ttiiea dinelte at
to be known as a cynical. country-bumpkinish oai‘.’ rebuttal from the White House would be things i‘irxt. the wonderttii htte trom xtaring into their dinners. when
it Billy‘s image actually tit his personality. and he appropriate. Using more complicated language. the Cllmiu of l’ascai Botiehe‘x classic xuddenly their wax a sound oi ’
could do no better. then it would be excusable. Jimmy Carter should tell Billy to go back to the “Jim” ”II"? “ml“: D"””“"”“”d“ ”mum”? Wm”? “‘ Ih‘ m“ “m”
B B‘ll C ‘ b d ' Pl 'n- as tation and stuff it u his um ””“mgc' l'illh” mm?“ “P siltls‘ih «HM “‘lll‘tl
ut ‘ '\ an“ 5 xuuesses .n “fine” ‘m m m 3 g s P p P .-\lso. this little story which has been the door “Hit a ei\ oi toy aitd there
__ ' dubbed the parable oi the xeyentiex panting oti the tliiexhold was. ot
I clarity and libeloux statements The ('om'ernparlitIi/ariisum.Iomt'rm Him” to Immd' HR“ “A" m" “”1““ I ”M Ih‘” adorable 11”" I
paper may “I“, chose to condense or U, “-9,,“ Wham” m ,1“, ( A adorable little lamily that liyed In \dorable. out the xentie and niangy Ii
81 16,8 reiee‘t mnmhutmneuc well as hm” twnmrmm, m mum/m ”WWW“ ()hto lhe_\ decided to take a trip otit dog tioin next dooi that had become 1
' a the number oi submissions by the Upt’rlllltm and rt'poriing of l/u‘ \\ est. lhey had sayed uploryears and contused He entered the house i”
pal/0y ireqtient writers KCNCR,‘ Kernel. years. lhe entire tatntly went. unxteadtly In tront oi the ianiily that
NW” 10 the Editor. opinions and Including their ugly little children and was paraly/ed w Ith renewed grtei
T , . . . commentaries may be delnered Opinions: their adorable little dog. called Shuttltng Into the intng room. he tell
dhe “mm/U Kerr] weicomes personally ‘0 the [(9me newsroom. ShW/‘l he 90 I’m“ “’ l9” ’5“ Adorable M a dude ranch In oyer with a thud and dted oit the pile
an cncoura es contri uttons rom I . - ~ I ' ‘ '
the UKco 8 . { bl' . I” Journaltsm Bu‘ld'“g- Some form ‘hafa‘lw‘ I)" ["1“ Montana. Adorable was somehow carpeting. lhe iamtly ney er eyei xaw .
mm” “P“ ICItIOnon oi identification is requrred (HW' and Hit/0m a [imllion , - , . i , . 1 'bl' \d 'bl' ,, 1 l _
the editorial and o inion 3 es. - ~ . , . ,I . . xeperatcd trom her iamily. lhey [tell at ora L - ora c again ant lit
P P 8 Submissions may also be mailed to PP’IUW’W'U ’“P'tull-‘WH”WWW” h d t h d t t \ \ tI timttI/ i that ht
. . . . . . .. . , .. , . ,. I. \ I. I . . .
Letters. ommm‘ “nd commen- Editorial Editor. Kentucky Kernel. lot/1e ( I\ (‘tinlmumll scare e or I L stupt creature or Mum?” \ h l ‘ LL
, tartes must be typed and tiiple- ”4 Journllism Building l'niversity seyeral days. wanted to go Into teleytxton comedy
spaced. and ”WIN? ”is“ ““1er of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Commentaries: finally. It was apparent that the writing or. at least. dentistry.
Signature. addressand phonenumber 40506. For contributions being Should he 90 mm (I, AM. no detenselesx atid Indulged little \ow. ('ooke's predictions tor the
L" S‘Udenls‘ht‘md mClUd‘T ”WNW” mailed on campus. our Speed Sort charm-temper line. adorable nutsanee was not going to year:
and maior. and l nl\Crxlty employees number is 04221. Are reserved for amt-lat about return. so the t‘amtly mot ed on. with
should list their department and L m" auihors. ihe ediiurI/t-el.harespm’al heayy hearts. ln tact. the youngest
post ion. . (I . (redefine/.8. experience. ”01mm: or child became so dispondent that the John ('ooke is a English senior. “e
The lyerneireseryesthe righttoedtt “WWI 0" 3“ “’1‘" "’ Ian, ’5“ iiiher qua/i/it'aliunt In atlilreo u ' ' I
aneubmwommrs ll .. Imam.“ w, hm. . parents elected to cut the trip short. predict that his column wrll appear
. . . pe Ing.grammet. t I partit'ularmh/eet. I Th ‘d
- \ears oi planning came to naught as 9i") U“ 3)-
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i 3‘
t ‘ llll‘ lsl\ll(hi th\l-l..lanuari l8.l979—J
Race/Vin nf/Ict/n Inf rmatron
‘ 9 CO 9 0 The Kentucky
i l l l l | l
r - - d d f d AH-STOUND-ING......
State legislators tire an con use what er...» .
B “I RAHSFY only titoiiths away." once clause. w hicli esserrti.il|\ .illows many people .llL' lilrtlt' it. E
y. . . . source said "llegcisthelcclrng utilities to add to retail hills the mistaken lit-irel er.rl
“‘“W'd'w l’lt“ “m" the whole session is contrived highest tosts tor coal to legislature tar. irialst In {3.1 CO [D WEA TH ER
. . and both sides are using him " generate electricity l.ite|\, .idrrisrriieirt t liaigc .lisapp ‘.rr 1 I
I ‘0‘ Rwy“; 1‘ ‘1”)? "’A “W Marty lawmakers also are that c‘\pctisc has risen to .r lt’yt'l llkt' magic ” one rrrloririhirr COLD CA TS
‘ .. tttiiiulet Iri'ys ‘rmt furl getting queasy lcclings as they approaching lhc ”huh” NH l I
[ ”,1”th lhliUtI/Fl ttlIl/IUIIHhH learn ot potential opponents electric charge h the puhlit ttttttthtm rrr BUT THE KEYS
t) iit’ri‘ultrillit um rum Him/H.) lurking iii their but-Mutt“. lhc tliiitst til tiitlst tcstittttiny pcicch that way .thL'ci could
l~RWr\\l\l‘()lf l. Ky. AS muting tor the slightest slip to c'\cii hy tttiii~tttilit\ sti'ticcs. is hc swcllttp h\ {print it c'lttltth IS 0 N FIRE!
3 the scconddweeit olhthe “pic”: generate election MUCS that there is no true wa\ to hills lt.r\c riot g’tittr' down
W. .W WSW” “In 5 UP- I C ntoo ” In one respect the eliminate the luel adtustrricrrt .ipplc‘cl.thl\ \rid for other '
\ Tall“ leghluulrt‘ '5 “EHVC' legislature can get (ill lliL' c‘lltltsc‘ lic‘ulititily l’tcsliiltt'tllrt reasons. c‘lc‘ttiicih :s tilttlosl The cats have the'f baCkS to the wall so the
ey‘ want to return ome :. , . . . W ' °
. political hook hy approving another part ot thc hill and certain to he lllrllt' espeiisiy- -
permanently and lease behind come type ol tas reliel comc srihieet to the more llll\ W” L TWO Keys IS PUIllng OUt A" the Stops'
,, “ht?” will number regard 1‘5 a compromise. which scents intense scrutiny h\ the \oirie legislators koii