xt7kwh2dc093 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dc093/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1986 1986 1986-04-10 2020 true xt7kwh2dc093 section xt7kwh2dc093 V
i .

\ F R MM”. No. 1“ Established 1094 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent sine. In] W. AP!“ to. ”06 '
Win—“W -
P . d

res1 ent answers iii. ~ 2. . .
. . . i ; in J ured ,
terroristic threats of l . - h . _ ~
2 . t, g , in c emical _ -
t . ‘ ‘ ' ‘
986 2 mad d0 Khadafy ' i ’ j ' 5 'm ' ’
= - .z . expert ent .. , .
ByMlCllAELPUTZEL Could specifically identify someone ' “ 3'; h " - i ‘ Student liStEd in . I. '> A "- f "
AssociatedPress as responsible for these acts, we 3 ~-j . _, ’-‘ . l 1,47 ’ 1'
would respond. So this is what we »: ".- g ' ' ,, ' i -
WASHINGTON _ President Rea- are trying to do ~ to find out who‘s f ' i ~ 5% . ‘ satISfaCtory State l ’ ,1 '. j. '
gan said yesterday he is “not going responsible." . ‘ 3‘ '_ - It, ‘v‘s' ' 3V ““3““ yglgh “ . ' ' I"
to just sit here and hold still" amid In Tr'pOl" Libya. Khadafy said he ‘3: ...-' ' 7‘ ' i“ ‘ staffwrnér ‘ t K I ’ " -‘ .-
mounting threats against Americans and his top commanders have com- ._h“- .t ~ "'“i 5 ’1' ‘ . . _J . _ '
and said he sus ts Lib an leader pleted military plans to challenge i "ON ‘ ’ 3 ‘, , . g .' l ,‘.x
Moammar Khadgtfg is behind surg« the United States, saying through an - . , a! .. ‘ g _ ¢ 2 ‘ ‘Tuo- .L'K graduate students . i »‘
ing terrorism. interpreter. “It is axiomatic that g " ., afig 5.x , . . ‘ ‘5 :tertiénlghed 5'": ‘llfhlgm‘91 5F?“ 5 ,~. 5‘ ,.'.a“?.,"".~“_
At a nationally broadcast news America “”11 be defeated militari— 3 Q a i _I'tvt’l‘r',f*h€ ' =‘ ' ‘ '. Q'Mg: ing yesterdiirtr-m ry- 'S'CS Buid- i; ’3'
conference, Reagan called Khadafy ly. 2 ' : {it"ol: 3‘ ' " - L; ' ' ”Z. i Steve Her' I d Abd 1 w h d ' if ' "
the “maddogoftheMiddle East." Reagan began his news confer~ ;-- ”$wa M ' W «K b th 30 . r d". u, ,3 99 ‘ ' ‘: '_-'. '-.-
Reagan said his administration ence by reading two statements _ is" " ‘EWC ' “tam" d0 t' ' were injured “hue con- :1'i‘ '; " f .,‘ .~ '1
was still seeking sufficient evidence one urging Congress anew to ap— f is .34.?" ‘ 1 ' Fell? an excprerimentin 3. p h) 'S' ' - ' " ..'
to link Khadafy to fatal bombings Prove his $100 million aid package ,' 5 , » sea-4:! ‘ *‘ deh'hmd Fem'Phwcs Herr '
aboard a TWA airliner and in a for Nicaraguan rebels, With no 241': is. d“? . e ‘ ‘ - .i an it-a the were exposed to [he i- ' ' ' ‘
West Berlin nightclub. “We're gath- strings attached and prodding law- ' e”it: .: , him ' _ - ”35' “,C "mlcfll “will" ethyle- . ’. ‘ , ’. '
ering evidence as fast as we can .. makers to get on with passing a fed- ” Q‘t’ffi‘“:‘."**~'"\\\\\‘\_ (a i r h “T ,. ne iamine. _said Tony Modica, . .. , ‘ “1“.
he said. . eral budget. ‘ti- ‘1‘:ng “92‘ k. . 5' ,, battalion chief for the Lexmgton ,; n; . .
Earlier .Vesterday. Reagan told INoting that Congress appeared ' ~ ' ' ' 4" . Flhiaepgghmanth I ' ~ rid "H I " '-' '
newspaper editors he was seeking likely to miss the April 15 deadline ' 3 -. 5‘3 t 2 ' ._ -. [K {“h- 1 he” Iranspor ( '0 ‘ . _F
support from US. allies for appro- for completing action 0" a bUdget " ' W’ '2' ' » ~"'" ‘ ¢ he dA ('Il‘ml' ~t gm“ 'lhe-rve “a: -‘ " 1'
Priate action “in view of the greater for fiscal 1987, MM" starts “9’“ 'l 1 {Ask . 5- ' k" , »-~ :d I“db 15- ('i' m bdmfdcmr' ’ ‘1 ' . h V ' "‘
threats thatare being uttered.“ Oct. 1. the president said "tens of g A; a: \t ,h" h t 3 3:1,] '91-,acit’ioing 1“ the hObpl ‘ .' ' I
Vice President George Bush. talk- millions of Americans" would make ' 2'" ‘ ' 'w- , . f3! pelt? dinttfrmation. Herr ' - ,- ' » »
ing to sailors aboard the USS Enter- their tax-filing deadline. \«j' “a“. h M I? -_ . ’5 “:3 will an {re 931““ g . ' .' ' .
prise in the Gulf of Oman, had ”I urge Congress to forget about ‘ ‘ ” " s ifu'rv mg l: h dl hosp'tal ' I * -' ' ' ’
called the Libyan strongman “a raising taxes and concentrate in- . l' ‘ 9 p0 egwomanh a 69' received " '
maddog." steadoncontrollingspending.“ " "" r, . M :econ ' 'or t irddegree caustic .' " l . - . .
During his evening news confer- During a brief question-and-an- ' ‘ urhs in}? figment to 2') per " ' ‘ "
ence, Reagan said, “we have consid- swer session at the annual meeting . he? 3 '3 th'd (literr ”(mm L . - ~ . '
erable evidence over quite a long pe- 0f the American Society Of Newspa- at”? "if «- :etoh ' or t flirt: begree burns ' ' "'
riod of time that Khadafv has been per Editors, Reagan said, “We are ' I ' *1»... "silk? pegrcetn h) db: m" - . . I ' '. -.
Quite outspoken in his participation investigating and trying ‘0 gather ‘3‘: ch '1- i'r'5 tha ‘5’ report' m d ' -~ ‘ ' "
and sponsoring terrorist acts." all the information we can so that t”? ‘ \ l'c r t erg—“(dd tm, esle (“Id arrived ' ' ‘ '-
But asked whether he was ready we can actually, With solid evidence, E": K‘ ‘ ' é»: ' sZid m “0 “cums. MOdlca L d '
to announce military action in retal- paint a finger at who is responsible" ‘ ’3 sum photoshv ALAN LISSlG/Kornnlsmfl He said the fire de artment ' . .
iation, Reagan said: “We are not for last weeks eprOSion aboard a g _ Above, Lexington fire fighters found a broken 0,194"; gl'iss '.' " .'
ready yet to speak on that. Any ac- TWA Jetliner and m? bombing 0‘ a ' 3-6“ * 1' Stand inside the rear entrance bottle on the floor of the lab "L ‘- ' . '
tion we might take would be depen- x1812, 2:21:30??? Sigmpeopledgvdere ‘1 I h, “‘ to the Chemistry-Physics Build- When Modica arrived 'on the 5 K .
grelhtffilntréhat we learn and [can t go thetwoattacks an “0““ m , y 4.4— . 5- h" , ing as an exhaust fan removes scene, one of the students was in ' 5 _ l ‘ ' '
The Pentagon said yestereday the Asked if the evidence gathered so ‘ a A ' e. ’6 ~ . chemical fumes from the build- :he higo“:r~ and they had .thh '
Navy has taken steps to prepare a far POMS to Khadafy. Reagan re- . ‘ ' _ ' mg. A' Ieh' .SCO” ROber's re- Th5 ‘t have”? om' he said ' A
two—carrier battle group. including plied, “Let me say he is definitely a » -. ' ' moves materials used to soak the i: u enhtstwere burned on ' I I i
an indefinite extension of the carrier suspect." ' ' ‘ up the spilled chemicals as JOhn Sl'hti'hgfh'ckhs E'md alll'r‘nsih t " ' ' '
Coral Sea's deployment. if Reagan Reagan promised to look into an , .-~ 3; Lowry. assistant director Of gomg on"‘ 5:; rats 303%“? ' ' '
decides to order a military strike editor‘s complaint that journalists if human sale” and environmen- storekeep'er in the 'phvsiCs 'de- ’ .' .
383tht Libya. covering the recent naval exercises tal health, inspects the damage. partment. ' ‘ 7 . "
.On the issue of possible retalia- off Libya were taken off the carrier _ » ' ~ .:.3~'°~_,,‘,,-.-«.« The building was evacuated al- - ’ '
tion. Reagan. said: “This is a ques- USS Saratoga without being told 1* '3‘“ . though Modica said the spill 'was A ' -
tion that is liketalking about battle when an exchange of fire took place ‘ '33 .‘ " 1N)” basically confined to two rooms. ' ' '
plans or something. If and when we between Libyan and US forces. — ‘ . ' ' . ' "
Sec ('HEMK'AI . Poo. J ' l "
Former M A S H star . . D l t -] ‘ ;
d' - IT I‘ . a, eve 0pmen councr sponsors
iscusses l e , p0 itlcs ,, , . a; . .3 _ _ a
_ h f ~ d' f 800 ting senior challenge, golf match ,.
e ore au ience o r. ~ .. .1 »_
,. ; .- . ~ ————— . ~_ the senior class about ' ' . ‘ 5 ‘
BVJAY BLANTON rate rt of th ' , '.‘-‘ ""“D‘mww “m“.am‘mg . . _. .= . _, v ,
Shimmer g2" mi: are 53:??? “‘1: 3 5 semor Staff Writer “Tonight we’re here on dogging moneytothfo lowsrsih ., 1 ’; . ‘ .- v.
smoother tand) t ' ‘ \ . _ is is more 0} anawareness : . t; T '2 ., ».
Mike Farrell‘s character B J on edges (as I amine :jrgllggafdl LPhi: . a ¥ Students at the TWO K9."8 “"9"" a personal baSlS, trying prograrfnm 581d LouistStiaun'hchaiht- " 'i 7" I "
the teleViSion series M‘A‘SH was does “0‘ see hlmSelth possessing 5. thigh- ' K ago- :15: alight might not hate been to reaCh OUt to UK 1:}:‘2e0hereeonoggiiglrlsdongrl' basi; liv- ‘ .‘ ‘3 ' - 7" ‘
more concerned with getting back to the “sweetness and simplicity " that ,, « " 'v’ )I L“ d” a m“ of dimkmh but ° - . 3 . d ‘ -' h .' I: 4» i’ "' --
his wife Peg and his little daughter is found in B.J. a“ ”s ”“1" “"9 “We" “’1‘“ information students who hke (the ”‘g ‘° math-0‘" ‘0 L k 5'" em" “ c ‘ ' . : I" -
than the reason {0 A _ ‘ . Politically Farrell bl .; 7;”; a, A about the Student Development Ll . . like (the [ nlvel‘Sllyl and what it has ) t -f f. j l.
. _ s r merica 5 m‘ . ~‘ 5995 pro ems .- a. . i (i "l" . . . , . . anerSltY) . . . and iven them and would like to pay it ' ‘ , 1 ~ ‘-~.
tervention m Korea. with the way the American govern- . 5. g! > mm“ ,5 seniorchallengt pmgmm‘ . . E kin some form ~- " “ ’ ‘ i . " .4 ' 5
Reality. however, lends Farrell‘s ment presents issues. The US. ad- '*» ' - m: “1:5: nitglht, as StUdems "“5”? WOUld hke to pay It a(c)ne l'K senior who was attracted " ’ " i" f '1’
int ts ' ' ' ' t t' ‘ z .v w w um .. y - ~ . s * h v ~ _. 7‘
anglcisnceifigs many Wilma] arenas giggp't'iiohoHollatsheneN'lcta'l‘Eggrnaygglze. a 3’ I» council members d “-‘W‘l l” "hi“ 59' baCk m some form ' H to the bar by the posters on campus i' . .- .c' ' i " i
In his lecture sponsored by the ernment as being an “evil bunch of ' ' nior Challgnge T‘Sl”"t“'~ gm”? ”‘9'“ Louis Straub. [hogght )ilhe 'nf'f)rma-‘uon presented . 'w’f." '
Student Government Association guys that ought to be thrown out " MIKEF pms reading: “Get “me" SDC h ' wa‘sagoo “3" o rais'ingmoney . " ' .‘ -.7.‘..
. . . . . ARRELL . . _ . C airman This is a good way of getting a :~ » .-
last mght, Farrell discussed With the Farrellsaid. 'The council disclosed “5 plans 135‘ (fund-raiseri started "' said Margie ‘ - »" -." it": ‘
audience of 800 his views on a vari- In actuality Farrell said the Nica- Farrell closed by expressing his night after a week or mystery _ Brand an advertising senior “But a"; ”3:2 ' ' "5
ety of topics ranging from his stint raguan situation is a “mixed bag." views 0" why he believes everyone sm'md by signs ”)5th around cam ‘ len ie " bv donatin money to the it would be better if vou could hang ' ' - " ti. " .‘lt'
on M‘A‘S‘H to his Opinions on The Sandinistan government is a should participate in their govern- PPS that Simply sald~ “Take the Se- L'nigversit: g l on to 'our ledge card until after " I '- ’ ~' ' i N
American involvement in Central government derived from a fair and ment. Quoting from Aristotle, Far. nior Challenge" and "Get Blitzed at “There'Will be some «seniors: that you gr a) duatepan d fin dajob .. , "r , -.‘~
America. free election. The government is not rell said: “Politics means taking the Keys." have the attitude that they have al- ' Moreover donations from grad- a ,» “3}"
Of M'A'sofl, Farrell said it was as President Reagan calls it — a care of the common good of all the Last night the mystery was re- ready paid for their education" uating seniors are not only wanted ; ,' .
the “best TV show that was ever on bUhCh 0f “drug dealers." Citizens.“ vealed. Greene said ' they‘re needed P‘reudenberg ' " ~. - ' ' l
. the air." It was a show about “the At one point in an extensive ques A democracy requires partici- . .. . . , ,. “But with. a race “0d of one said ' ' , _
triumph of the human spirit." Far- tion and answer session someone in pation. During Senior ‘BlllZ Week. , g pe -- ' - ‘ 1 . ~ 25 t f '- ' ' ‘ ' - I
. . . - t is om n o - . - ‘ " ' - ‘
rell send his time on the show was the audience made reference to the wl“ 'h n“ ‘F AP 1 I“ 18' each 'ear after the pledge 15- made and T'u‘tmn on y‘ coversh 'lgqce'f‘ 9 ~ ' 'i ' ‘
the greatest professional experience recent G Gordon Liddy lecture The answer to all the momumen- o! the COUHCll’S 2'7 members will be three Years ‘0 pay “i ”“5 ‘5 a real u“? 195‘er {995' 4" mg ea“ - ‘ ’ '
in his life and an “o rtunit th t Farrell commented that Liddv‘s for: tall problems of the world is found in FGSPOHSlble for calling about 50 easy way m pledge money for a “mule? and 00367 5"“ch that an ‘ - -
, PPO "y a . . . . . ' the statement “I love " raduatin UK seniors said J ne worthycause."shesaid. educationdoesntinclude, hesaid. - . .‘
down tcome along very often. eign policy Views were Similar to the . youi Farrell g g . ‘ . a I th v t 1 ed bi the ' - . '
When asked to compare himself philosophy “Kill‘em all and let God said. ‘Man has an “innate value Greene. senior challenge chairwo- The purpose of the party was not n ano er 9‘9" pann ‘1) ,1 g
with B. J” Farrell jokingly said sort ‘em out later." In fact, Liddy (andlinherent dignity." man, . to collect money, said Tim Freuden- Student Development Cougcei [ml
“We're the same height." Farrell and Moammar Khadafy were “very However he added that must be Each caller Will try to encourage berg, Student Development Council 3:211:22 "piggfiotrogigsrgx. re s _ 5 ,
said all actors. though, try to incor- much cut from the same cloth " shared withothers. some“ to take the senior Chal' adViser. But rather to generate m' , See (‘HALLI'ZNk'jl'LPagcJ ' . . _ .
t . d h .1 ° ' as 317’ ‘
., r ass a} 5 i" " '”, 1"“1313; ‘ ’ '
Game 0 a1 c l d abuse clinic a SGA s onsors contest
. > * ne'figttgé‘fi?‘ “ssh .
By WENDY S. SMITH sored by the religious adviser‘s We really appreciate it.“ Townsend ' I! It ' '
Senior Staff Writer staff. which is made up of campus said. “I. Manon ' t g I w l k
ministers and religious directors, Also, she said, it tells other groups ff 9°" tourna 0 Ive 0 O Re 00
The Student Religious Council, a the religious council decided to take in the community that they can do mont "“ 0 in Augusta. . . ~ -- ‘
group of students who represent va- over and make it an annual event. something to help treat and prevent 60- '°d°Y- F" commentary, 8-" RQI‘AM) M‘T'LLINS "The 9” design was good.
rious religious organizations on Daniel said. child abuse. 30. 3M. P09. 5. Contributing Writer Skeens said. “but it wasuhard to dis ~
campm, will sponsor a volleyball Last year the money raised from . . . tinguishthelettersSGA. .
“Tournament for Children" tomor- the tournament was donated to the The religious council will not only M M M a n“ Lox- Beginning next year the SGA Will Skeens said the contest is open to
row for the benefit of the Lexington Day Center for the Homeless in Lex- be able t0 have fellOWShlp by W0l'h- ' have a new 100'“ The letters S'G'A' all UK students but '5 59‘ up to ‘jap-
Child AbuseCouncil. ington. which provides variom serv- ins together With all the organiza- inmon "‘9'“ 'P‘”: h“ Mk that '5‘ . pea] 6mm“), to people m design.
Six-member teams from about 15 icostohomeless people. tions, but also “we will raise funds 'n' roll '95,". F" W“, on ”The Student Government Assoma- art, architecture or who are Just
or 20 of the campus religiots organi- “We really need this help because for a worthwhile cause. which is ba- W. Peg... m" “We "3'9“” ”mm!” '5 creative. . . . .
rations will compete in the elimina- as a private, non-profit organization. sically one Of the main purposes for ‘ K ‘ fl ' . , .«v sponsoring a deSign 90”?“ to find a The ”F50" submitting the “ml"?
tion tournament, in which “we hope we rely on community financial sup- having this student organization," 5 ._ . f . . "”1030 for the organization. dale" w'" receive a ‘25 81" certifi-
to raisemo to $500for the benefit of port. We have to have this support said Kathy Graves, president of the h . Karen Skeens. chairwoman of the cute from the Umversny Bookstore
the child abuse center," said Teresa to keep going." said Sharon Towns- Foul). a _ :. . committee and SC?" senator at andszsfrorn SGA' .
Daniel. treasurer of the religious end. executive director of the child l l ' ' ' M ' ' large. said the main criterion for “People '" art and design use the
council. abuse center. ta:"he lvolleyball tournament will . choosmg a new design will be wheth- bookstore a logo Skeens said. "and
“There will be at least three . e pace 9 p.m, in the Alumni eritiseasilyrecognizable. we thinkthegift certificate wouldbe
women on each team because last The volleyball tournament Will Gym. Any student who is interested “by will 5. "“7 W The design currently in use ap- very useful tothem."
year there was no limit. and the all- selrve a dual purpose for both com in playing'should contact one of the WM! 0 htflt M the mid to _ pears on SGA‘s letterhead. adver- The onl 'rement for des'
men’s team: walked away with the 018. campus mimstries as soon as possi- . W 50k 7%! will b. tisements and 0"” official materi- is that a: use the letters 56%
“unfit/'Sllflld- For the child obi-e mtcil, "it ble. ' M u ”do with "l. '9' al,includingitsstudenthandbook. someeasilyyrecogniubleform.
AM the success of last year‘s benefits as an timea groupofcon- The t three - - from as to Oi. mm“ ““dw‘“ 1mm”
benem i inn m t y - °9 “3"“ w'" "m" » -- . a design by Dan Clifford a 1933 UK SGA President John Cain said the
voley men spon- cerned people do anything helpful. “Tournament for Children“T-shirts » graduate ' SeeLOGo Paced '

W est Germany expels Libyan diplomats State prepares citizens
B\ Kl-Ixxl-ITHJAL‘TZ """——'—_————— tion. and France‘s expulsion of two . ,
'ted - . . . . Libyan diplomats last week. rep- f bl th k
"~‘°°°“‘ PMS “We Will not tolerate activmes that endanger resents “increasing recognition“ of or 0881 e ear “3 e
ONN. w :1 t‘ 'n ' We't ' ° ° ‘ ” the threatposed by terrorists.
GeBrmanv orderediixyigldulivan diplZ- American Citizens on German SOll. 8) CHARLES WOLFE who must help educate thousands
mats out of the country 'vesterdav Helmut Kohl. He would not reveal what informa- Associated Press 0f state employees for well a di-
and said it has "several indications" West German chancellor u?" the Lnlted Slates provtded ‘0 ‘ ' ' 53539“ v .
that Libva was behind the bombing West Germany. saying only that l-RAMxl-‘ORT —— The state took hentucky and surrounding
that wrécked 3 Berlin mscotheque — "the", is a close working another step yesterday in a states were rocked m 1811 and
frequented bv American soldiers, dered out if the bombing had not oc- the West Germans Washington still relationship" and exchange 0f "‘10“ dogged _ campaign ‘0 . prepare if“? b." quakes from the masswe
(‘hlei gth‘t‘rmllent spokesman curred hopes the West Germans and other mation. Kentuckians for something m0st hew Madrid fault. whichunder-
l-‘riedhelm 0st added. however. that ()st uoted Chancellor Helmut allies will join US. economic sanc- . . . . . 3 . have never experienced — a cat- 1195 parts of the MiSSiSSippi River
(l 3 , . , . . . , Western diplomatic sources said . .1 "in th ke Willey
the expulsions were not "directly Kohl as saying. "We Will not toler~ lions againstLibya.they said. Ost's statement about no direct con- dt .‘3 "3 ear 'qua ' . R :- h ‘ bel' ' the t
connected" with the bomb attack ate activities that endanger Ameri- t' bet - the up d And that history 0‘ 300d l0!" . esearc 9”, ‘e‘e , mos
. ~ - .. , . "9°10" ween exp SIOnS an tune makes it all the more diffi- violent of the New Madrid quakes
early Saturday on the La Belle canCitizensonGermansod. 0st said West Germany was not th b0 b‘ di ~ . . . ‘ .
' ' ' - - ~ 2 - e m ing dnot seem "Ed‘ble' it t f d ter that is registered 84 on the Richter
_ nightclub that killed two people and The government spokesman said reconSIderlng its position on eco- 0‘9 0 Seal 0'". a 53,5 . l t ' 'l' ' . h
. wounded 230 One of the dead and ti! there were "indications but no con- nomic measures: "1 can only repeat "I don‘t know why they said that. \1rtually tertain to, strike Ken- ‘slcae.fetr111p§1rariy_reiersing t s
. of the wounded were Americans crete proof" that the Libyan Embas- that. like before. the government it could be that they don‘t want to iUCifil againexperts'say . . ll 0“,.o E lfisilfslippl mg.“ an
_ A Foreign Ministry spokesman sy in East Berlin. capital of commu- does not believe in the effectiveness look like vassals of the Americans" . Its a comparatively easy se - eausing ‘c ugc s to c me as
said outside pressure was not in- mst East Germany. was behind the egg-anemones," one said. speaking on condition of mg Job in California. w ich suf- ahallaii'atsie oston, . _ l'
‘ \olyed in the expulsions. “We do not bomb attack, “Those indications anonymity. fers through a‘m‘aJor quake about f . e1 \ e r. a quakeTspema 1st
. . . take such decisions to do anyone a come from a variety of sources. in- An American diplomat said pri- €V9F." 30 years. >al‘d 31W? Cassa- T9? lair”) State, Lmlel‘S‘ltL
_ . - . ' t'aior.“ he said cluding both American and German watch: "This is not a one-week West German officials, also speak- W. 3.“ earthquake specifilist from sat a entucky quake measur-
- In Washington. the State Depart- security s0urces."he said. campaign Washington is fun“ en- ing privately. identified the Libyans thelniverslt} 9f Lou'§‘l‘le' "lg tf'obtghs'”. onhthe Rich-ter'scale
. . ment said kicking the two diplomats On Tuesday. a West Berlin Interl- ergized on the terrorism issue. expelled as Ahmed Omar M. lsaa 50~ While (alifornians under. '5 igoha .e. l" i 9 next 00,)931'3-
_ * ‘ 1 , 3 out was "anirnportant initialstep.” or Ministry official confirmed a We‘re not going to let go of it. We're and Mahmud Ahmed Shibani. both stand the importance or prepar~ ‘_"t the state standing a 10 PC"
, . ' (is! told a news conference the two newspaper report that Elamin Ab- going to m- to persuade our friends. “middle-level diplomats“ responsi- ”‘g for if" earthquake. To" Ke'f' Fe": c ance 0‘ a quake measur-
.. .. - diplomats had been under obser- dullah Elamin. a 47—year~old diplo- and even .our non-friends. because hleforadministration. tuckiansdon t. he said). 'What we ingi.6. . . .
~ . ' \‘Liiltlll for some time “for various mat in the East Berlin embassy. we see this as a long-term. increas- doundeistand '5 iii?” “ill be an >_(?u_:i(§9> 0i magnitudeefi are CUH'
‘ , ' aclixi'ies not in accordance with the was suspected of directing the at- ing threat. More can and needs to be Foreign Ministry spokesman Juer- ealthquake "1" henIUCk.‘ ‘2 0m: 5' 9' 'h'lapiiibl? 0i be}??? (Lam;
‘ , . ' norms of diplomatic behavior " tack. done" gen Chrobog said representatives of will occur. lie need to get ready age. .“ lbei t psedOf magnitu 9.1,
. ‘ ' He would not elaborate on his US. offiClals. while welcoming the the Libyan Embassy in Bonn had maligbm‘"§'°S'C31“3.‘- are (393 9° “1 espread. heat)
‘ .' -' comments and refused to say wheth~ expulsions. said they would like to State Department spokesman Ber- denied that staff members behaved \‘ou dont want to get people damage,
‘ . . . er the Libyans would have been or- see more anti-terrorist measures by nard Kalb said the West German ac- improperly. iiigdllirelzisuiisij 3:: dr:n:;r:‘gt :2 Every increase of one number
' - l ‘2: ‘ ' ' ° get them thinking." Charles Cot- 9“ the Richter $319 means a ten-
- -. Doctors praise system that relieves cancer pain 0.... .. wind
. . -. . ment of Housing. Buildings and Theoretically. the”? ‘5 no prfil
' _ ' '~ ‘ . . - 2 ». . . - d1" d .- h- .. .~ , , Construction. said in an inter- hm" [0 the-scale. but 8‘9 '5 i e
_ . l.Ul'lS\'ll.l.E 2AP1 __ The opera» their tagt fey, months of life miser- ruary 1983 an lye wit it for more Without the pump he would haie . ‘ 3 highest reading on record.
" . . ‘ . _ . . - able than five months. spent his last three or four months “E“-
. tion was performed on 13 patients 3 . .. ' (assaro and Cotton were
2 ' . and the first 13 later died. but doc» Nell Carrington recalled that the "His pain was basically gone He In thehospital. shesaid. among the speakers at a seminar Experts have long held that a
' I tors still consider it an overwhelm- procedure “made all the difference was able to work again right up by a subcommittee of the Gover- recurrence 0f the, cataclysmic
mg 511008» in the world" to . her husband. until his last two weeks or so.“ Mrs. . . . iihr‘s Earthquake Hazards Safetv New Madrid quite.” a matter 0‘
. . . For patients m the final stages of Charles It gave him tremendous Carrington said. More important. The device. which can be held in 'l‘echnical Advisory Panel. The time. not pi obability.
, . cancer. a morphine implant means mild she continued. the pump allowed her the palm 0f the hand. usually takes seminar was for administrators "Once they occur. we know
- . g relief from the excruCiating pain in Carrington was the first to have husband to die at his home in less than 90 minutes to implant m a of state agencies and institutions. they will reoccur.” Cassaro said.
. . the lower extremities that makes the implant ln Louisville in Feb- Leitchfield. Pat'em- ‘
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‘ Q
E t.“ d. d h d for man ollege St dents
Jackie picks arounu at what little _-————-————- get" disappointments and combat and you have laVOrable conditions '
bit affood is on her dinner plate. dc— “ depressmn. or even go overboard tor the development of these disor- -
. . . i . . , 2 . 2 -; x - lerx
liberately avording items she knows For the with a ditt otcasionally to 10st extra t «
contain any calories to speak of. , weight. but these behayiors alone do There is more to say about both
Frieda her roommate of two years. HEALTH OF IT ii,‘ if not constituu-anm‘exm or buhnna the physical and emotional aspects
looks on, concerned about her [I “hat makes these afflictions dis- 0‘ eating dlSOrdt‘h than there IS
friend's “0'90“"le 80W" frame — ’ . ‘ orders are the physical and emotion space {0" In this column Ah ImPOF-
and growing moodiness. Jackie and . U al components which. over time. liihl thing I“ remember 15 that an” . ,
Frieda (not actual people) have at this pomt, she WOUId probably be I. §\ join together to make the behavuir rexta andbulimia area treatable. es .
lived in a residence hall since they diagnosed as having anorexw "erVO' l Fa 6 become addu'tlw Some paychologt Denali} ll “819 L“ sought as 500“ as .
came to college together. having 532 a psychological condition he“ l l w t. I, ' ii ‘3 cal and behavioral patterns that 1’0»!th _ . .
known each other since their fresh- characterized aSIa weight PhObla. ‘ w ”‘5 w I” 9 both anoreXics and bulimics exhibit With support trom friends and ' '
man yearin high school. 0? bIemg so afraid 0f being fat that g ‘ 9 Q a, l l are . , treatment lrom appropriate profes- ‘
Jackie is a bright. (lumen-w, 19_ Victims starve themselves. About 90 Q, I§ >’ -‘\l““'5°“-‘*‘”l -‘"”“‘“r”‘- \|t)l]‘ll\ \’lt'lllii\ can learn to under—
Year20ld. makes good grades. is ac- percerét ogorexmaarf :0'39'12 bl}! l F l ,1 t ontlicts with parentsII . . stand and subsequentl.‘ change their l . Y V
tive in several organizations and has men 0 ome a ec e - ur C0 ' I m ./ laxtieme tcelings oi s ldlilt and tlcstructixe behavior . . '. I
been on the dean's list every semes- legeISOPhOHtOII‘G. With the symptoms 2 W guilt over their behavmr , I 2 I .
ter so far. Her older sister always she '5 exhibiting now, needs medical l fa / l)(’nlill()llhe problem. It you would In“. more inlorma- . ' . 2' II
did extremely well in school. and and psychological help right “‘33" t5 ‘ k / Distorted htxlyimage; . tion m. are C("k-erncd about your— . ‘Z 2 4
her father wants to see the same she may. m lact. already have per- , 4 O 0 ./ “orries about sexuality oi sex sell. a triend. roommate or team- . . .' '. I,I'
kind of performance from Jackie. manent phystcal damage due to her ! Q? ual inadequacies. . mun. and an. ”m sure if the . . III .~ . .' II
She is Sfeet 7 inches tall. has an at'- long-termsemi-starvation. -. . W $ <9 / Irrational thinking and lt'll‘lal' problem ,I\ an eating disorder. you I ‘. I (I .' 3.}! '.’
erase frame and weighed in a! just . AS w." ha"? Ibald- dnorexw Iman- Abra ii} are encouraged to i-oniiii-t the health .I - I ‘ ; i"?
0W” '09 POU’ldS immediately beOVP ”8.5m “self as a morbid fear of l ~" ' education Ulllt't'. student Health .. 'I . 1I‘ I. .
dinner. beinngat and starts as aIpsycholoIgi- Because ”1 a strong preoccupation Sernces. lHt‘iT Medical Plaza. (‘am- ' " -. r ‘1:
in spite of h” decidely under- cal disorder. An anoreXIc also can I _ 2 in (Mr 5001(4) “Illl iillra(‘ll\'t‘lte.\>. pus 0023. 3334;4th or the 93mg my . .I 7.2:";
weight condition. Jackie considers d'SPlay 59'“? or all Of the followtng ‘ l fitness and weight. tood has become orders ot'liceat ZZth-tilo‘.’ . I, -". 1,: IIrI.. I, I.-I-
herself fat to the point of looking characteristics: If. the locus oi concern tor many peo- ' ImI 5'. :.I.I;-‘:'It _"
gross. It is not unusual for her to " Ye'ghl wad)! all???“ 25 per- w?“ \ ple We haw given it "power” to You can also 5”. a physiCian In \’-.‘ I-lnir'.
study or exercise '2 or both —— to the cent 0 origina .V weig _ 3 + - + - + . 2 - . . I . 2 fillihoh/AC 1‘“ 0- punishment or N‘ the Student Health Sci“. icc ’1'; I' 7 I"
brink of exhaustion. and she is