xt7m0c4sjq4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sjq4c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19020124 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-01-apr24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-01-apr24. 1902 2011 true xt7m0c4sjq4c section xt7m0c4sjq4c Irregularities MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Apr. 24, 1902 page 96 Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College, held at the Presidents Room, at the College, Lexington, Ky. Apr. 24, 1902 - at 2 0'clock P. M. Present: Messrs0 John MeChord W. C. Bell Geo. B. Kinkead W. R. Ramsey D. F. Frazee L. !q, Lindsay J. B. Marcum Henry S. Barker MeD. Ferguson R. W. Nelson James K. Patterson R. C. Stoll Mr. Frazee in the Chair. Mr. Stoll suggested that the room set apart for the Trustees in the gymnasium building had been fitted up, and that it might be pleasant for the Board to adjourn to that room. Upon motion duly seconded, the Board then adjourned to the room in the Gymnasium Building set apart for the Trustees. Judge Barker administered the constitional oath to Messrs. Bell, Mc~hord & Lindsay, as required by law, The Chairman then read the call for this call meeting which is as follows. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESApr. 24, 1902 - page 96-97 Mr. Frazee, Copy the call' here. I think Mr. D. F. Frazee has a copy, I have now W. W. By Mr0 Stoll. It is moved that we proceed now to take up the second section of the call, said motion was seconded and carried. Thereupon MrO John T. Shelby, attorney for the Misses Pepper, appeared before the Board and made a full statement with reference to the condition of the title to the Pepper property He stated bhat a suit had been instituted in the Fayette Circuit Court, to remove any cloud which might be upon the title to the property by reason of the bond executed by the Misses Pepper to Mrs0 Robinson, and that this suit be brought to a conclusion probably within sixty days. Mr. Shelby expressed the belief that there was no doubt that the Misses Pepper would be able to pass a good title to the property0 After an informal discussion between the members of the Board and Mr0 Shelby, Mr0 Shelby withdrew0 Upon the suggestion of President Patterson, the Secretary read the minutes of the Executive Committeev bearing upon the subject of the purchase of a site for the girls dormitory from Dec. 1900, down to the present date. At this point Judge Kinkead made a statement to the Board relative to the connection of various parties which the Act of the Legislature passed at its late session, making an appropriation for the girls dormitory, and read letters from various parties in answer to letters written by him, as well as copies of his own letters, and offered all of said papers, and ask that they be spread upon the Minutes of the Board. No actionwas taken upon this offer. After pretty full informal discussion, the following motion was made by Judge Barker. MIITUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Apr. 24, %-9a - page 97-98 It i s moved that we take no further acti on in reference to the girls dormitory. Said motion was seconded. At this point Mr. Lindsay, with drew from the meeting. After discussion Mr. Stoll offers the following substitute. Resolved that the authority heretofore given to the Executive Committee, and the Building Committee, by the Board of Trustees, to erect a girls dormitory or t o purchase ground upon which to erect that dormitory be now seconded, and that the Executive Committee be directed to take no further steps contemplating the purchase of any property, or the erection of any building, unless further authority is given to them by this Board of Trustees. Said motion was seconded, and put upon upon roll call the vote stood as follows. MeChord Bell Kinkead Ramsey Frazee Mar cumn Stoll Barker Fergus on Nelson Pat ters on its passage and No No Aye No Aye No Aye - No No No - No Ayes three Noes eigh t. The substitute motion was lost. Mr. Marcum, offered the following amendment to the motion made by Judge Barker, to postpone action until June meeting on the matters referred to in the call. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESApr. 24, 1902 - page 98-99 Resolved that without rescinding the authority given to the Executive Comnittee, and to the Building CommIttee upon matters referred to in this call. And that authority be now suspended until final action of this Board upon the matters now tending before it, and mentioned in this call until the June meeting of this Board., Said amendment was accepted by Judge Barker and said motion made by Judge Barker as amended by Mr. Marctimn was seconded9 and after discussion was placed upon its passage and upon the Roll C all, the vote stood as follows. McChord - Bell Kinkead - Ramsey Frazee Marcum Stoll Barker - Ferguson Aye - Nelson Aye No - Patterson Aye No Ayes 7 - Novs 4. Aye No Aye The motion was carried. No Aye Aye At this point Judge Kinkead tendered his resignation as a member of the Building Committee. Ma% Frazee tendered his resignation as Chairman, and as a member of the Building Committee. Mr. Stoll resigns from the Building Committee, Cole Nelson offers his resignation as a member of the Building Committee, which was afterwards withdrawn. Thereupon the following motion was made by Judge Kinkead., MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESApr. 24, 1902 - page 99-100 Resolved that the vacancies in the Building Committee occassioned by resignation be filled by appointing in their places. Judge Barker, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. McChord, Mr. Ramsey, Said motion was seconded., and upon a point of order being raised, the chairman ruled said motion was not in order. At this point by request the secretary read before the Board, a communication from Mr. Desha Breckinridge, said communication is as follows - Lexington, Ky. Apr. 23, 1902 To the Board of Trustees of The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ky. On Tuesday, Arp. the Sth, over two weeks ago, an assault was made on the commandant of the State College by the students of that College; on Wednesday Apr0 9th, Mr0 Denny B0 Goode, a reported for the Morning Herald, sent to the State College in pursuance of his duties , was attacked on the grounds by the students of the State College, insulted, assaulted, egged, stoned and ejected from the grounds0 Commissioned officers of the cadet battalion were present at the time wl the assault was made- professors of the State College were on the grounds and witnesses of some of the occurences, the President of the A0 & M0 College in a card written on Wednesday Night virtually condoned and approved the action of the students0 On the following Sunday a committee consisting of commissioned officers of the battalion, appointed by the students, issued a statement which was in substance a plea in confession and avoidance of the charge of brutality, cowardice and conduct unbecoming any student of any educational institution. No expression of regret or MINUES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Apr. 24, 1902 - page 100 apology has been tendered by the faculty, President or the students of the State College to Mr. Goode or the Citizens of Kentucky. As the owner and manager of the Morning Herald in whose employ Mr. Goode was and fvr whom he was acting, as a former student of the A. & M. College who has the interest of the college at heart, as a tax payer, and as a citizen of Kentucky, communicate these facts to you with the avowal that no man who approved of such conduct on the part of the students of the State College is fit to be either President, or professor in that college, and the further avowal that these facts can be easily proven, and request you, as representatives of the people of the State, charged with the duty of supervising the college supported by taxes of the Citizens of Kentucky, to take such action as will for- ever put the ban of disapproval upon conduct that if approved, will bring shame to the State College. I have given the President every opportunity to express either regret or apology for the action of the students, and he has done neither. I have given the Faculty of the State College every opportunity to take such action as will show their disapproval, and prevent a recurrence of such outrages. I now appeal to you as the governing body, and hope that it will not be necessary for me to carry this appeal further. I think it frank to say, however, that in my judgement it is absolutely essential to the well being of that college that action shall be taken either by your Board, or the Grand Jury of Fayette C., and I shall take the matter before the Grand Juary uiless action is taken and I as a citizen of the State, I demand that which every citizen has the right to demand of those entrusted with public duty, that you either approve or disapprove the action of the students, and the failure to act on the part of the President and faculty. With great respect, I have the honor to be your obedient servant Desha Breckinridge, MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESApr. 24, 1902 - page 101 After full discussion the following motion was made by Col. Nelson8 Resolved that a Committee of three consisting of Mr. Marcun, Mr. McChord, and Mr. Ramsey be appointed on behalf of this Board to confer with the faculty, and to gather all information and evidence that it is possible together, touching the alleged outrages against Mr. Goode reterred to in the letter of Desha Breckinridge dated April 23rd, 1902 and to report to the meeting of the Board in june, and that the expenses of that Committee be paid during the time of their investigation, including the services of a stenographer. Said motion was seconded, put upon its passage and carried. Thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion. Resolved that the Secretary be requested to send a copy of the resolution appointing the Committee of three to investigate alleged charges of outrages committed against Mr. Goode, to all the newspapers of the City of Lexington, and that he be directed to write a letter to Mr. Breckinridge replying to his letter to the Board of Trustees, informing him of the action taken. Said motion was seconded, put upon its passage and carried. Upon motion of Judge Barker the Board then adjourned. D. C. Frazee Secretary,