xt7m0c4sn21p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sn21p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19101013 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 6, October 13, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 6, October 13, 1910 1910 2015 true xt7m0c4sn21p section xt7m0c4sn21p  
q IS ()F ma anrroa nw
  ""“"‘°""°" University of Kentucky
I Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER I3, 1910 No. 6 {
1-1;-—-  ___ ,__  __ .j_.j._. .. _`_—; 
I • ollna.'s ball on 25—yard line. They
B t punted, Shanklln returning ba$l 10  
            yards. Shanklin made three yards ___
around en}- Threlkeld ga‘“€d O"'? Unless We Awaken Ourselves to the
  yard, Shanklin kicked outside, our present condmont
t _"`”"`—l”w`"' " man recovering ball. Galser now punt-
"j ed for State. Galser kicked 25 yards. Since the Opening Of the athletic
T ° I1 f State held- Held again- GUS"` mak' season an appalling decrease in mem-
AIIOthCI" rtump or State me ¤ beautiful ¤‘¤¤¤*¤¤ tackle- T*"**l· b€·rs'hip of or- athletic moctnton has
l keld having no interference was been very forcibly brought before us.
|   _.____...; thrown for a loss. Threlkeld held. _Why is this decrease? is in because
ay • g“ai“"` yung? F“"°““*:i"€g““ll“g bgll the present management has changed
  yar s. a e pena ze s yar s. _. .
1             State held·. N. Carolina penalized 20 gmbeizlggeogg ?;];m;:1S;};;P tggkigst L:
• yards. Thev kicked, and tliltner run- whom have not given ’theEr hearty
In Years lling *h’°“gh a S°*‘“"’°d nfld- ""ls support toward the most tmpoptant
55 yards before being thrown. Shank- form Of college activities., IS it b€_
lin for the third time tried place kick cause the Old men have failed to m_
` _~1”_—_—_— :):2 mi§S°d·i I? Cargligadball Og form the new men of the necessity
t er s-yar: ne. n ot secon - _ .
T Am,. Sixty minutes or real football. Johnson where he caught the ball. quarter. The playing m<>¤tly in N- ?;nat,;);;r0tc;)tt?·p;m20; 8.;?t€,,[th€» mam.
Such as was never seen before OH Sum N- Carolina Pllllffd. Shanklin pulled Carolinafs territory, they fighting hard An imereét in aglletkgs tif; back
Field, State triumphed 0V•‘¢¤` N0l`th OU 5 Yards 8r0l1¤d L. E. Threlkeld to stave oft the inevitable—our touch- bone of every institution `0f`I€ammg
Cam“na_ Both or State’s touch downs 88i¤€‘d YOOUHS thmugh W6 ll¤€· d0W¤· in this eonqtpy and more Qspeciallty Og
were made by Bryan Shaukiltr UIG Shtmkliu punted, Watkins tackling Third Quartet the Univ€_rsm_ of Kentucky Should be
first by means ef a' forward paSs’ his man on the SDCL Spencer made North Carolina kicked oft to Giltner m8·I1if€St€d by each and every student.
while the scmnd was the result of 10 yards tkmugh the une' Then our who again by the fastest kind of run- Athletics is the most attractive part
3 "S1¤i¤ tackle), play- . i wud cats held those husky giants ning, good interference and good head of College life, in which men are
During the first quarter thmgs look- three times and the ball went over, work, for the Second time that day, trained both mmtauy and physically
ed Very dubmus mr State' especially Thmlkeld again could gain ¤·¤th*¤g running through a widely scattered by this form of student activity,
when North Carolina made Stronger through the une' Watkins was tack` mass. gained 55 yards on the return. The new men are the ones tc whom
gains for S€·,gn[_y·§ve yaI‘dS, CHIY to led behind the line anti thrown for Shanklin gaibed 2 yards around R_ we appeal and also [0 any Of the
bg stopped by BH i¤l€¥‘€€Pt€d tetwefd 2* nV€'ya"d {ess S¤¤¤k1¤¤ _l’“m°d_ 25 }g_ Shankun thrown for tt loss, We faculty and upper classmen who have
Pass- Net much gam could be made ya'rdS’ Camlmas ball on 4°`ym`d Ima attempted forward pass, hit ground, not shown any signs of vigor and vim
¤g¤i¤S* the "T°* H°""S" ‘“ “‘° "'St Th°" ‘“““° me yards ""°“gh Babu penalized, N. cmttnas bail. The-y in this matte-.
q“a"t€l`· but during the rest Of the Gained the mm? around R' End` punted, Giltner returning 7 yards, We have brought this que¤k Sh0W M PENNANT8, POSTERS [
RESIGNED. Ch cago. '
' ——— ——‘ STATIONERY . ‘
521 S0 th L· _ Mr. D. C. Frazee, who has been Elmendorf, which is connected with {
u mw · ne ent ot the Universit for the College aifords excellent opportu- PRINTING ,
Busi es Ag Y .
  u uumbgr gf yggrg, tendered his [QS- llitiés to S[',l1d€I1tS f0I` live stock work. t
EVER %0R THE ignation to the Board of Trustees to Dr. Soovell, Director of the Experi-     & C0. _ _ ‘
' take effect October 1st. Mr. Frazee ment Station and College of Agricul- ,  
Developing and Printing- expoglctg to go to farming ln Mason ture, who is recognized eV€l‘Y’Wh€l‘€ Iuccorpomted { [
· county. Mr. Frazee is succeeded by as an expert Jersey judge. is in charge N0_ 152 west Main Street `
  Fhgto Csitpgiy 00* Judge W. T. Latterty who will attend ol the breedllng, experimental feeding, I
er H YS en cu we to the Business Agen•t’s duties to- etc., ot the cows in that dairy. He LGXIDKKOH. KY-  
  I . `     J
` gethler with his former position as has, this last weeki beenthac Igg la; New Phone 621X Old Phone 6174;
Anlnn N  r. comptroller of the University of judge of dairy catte at c- no E H &   g
Kentucky. State Fair. W LS ,
UNIVERSITY ICE CREAM] ______________ A 5(,ook—judging team composed of PRINTING 1
PARLOR Mld LUNCH STAND "JUNIOR-8ENIOR" GAME. J. du P. Oosthinzen, G. C. Routt and Rush Work g Specialty ,
-... . i bel h- ~
ami. nm., and wr...l..w amt. l E- F W°'“"‘?.**°“ “ “°" ““i°°“§ "°·‘“ °°“*" L"“°•*°"° l
An interesting classy game of toot- ed by Prof. hooper in preparat on or Lgxingtgu, Kentucky, \
ball will be pulled oft betlween the two the judging contests at the National ·
J. J. FITZGERALD upper classmon Wednesday. October Dairy Show at Chicago, on the 21slt of   l
· h at 3 o’clock on Stoll Field. October.
. PLUMBING *9* · · l
_ Hart and Cleveland have not yet an- The judging will consist of two
Steam and water Heatmg nounced the officials for Friday’s rings of each of tour classes of dairy
269 W. Short. — - Lexington. Ky, game. The pig-skin will be dispatch- cattle, namely, Jerseys, Ayrshires. _ .
  gd according to the new rules and Guernsneys and Holstein Fl‘i€¤i¤¤¤·     S
many freak students and trick plays A trophy is offered for the best work g Y
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY are expected. Both teams have about on each class and also one for the best ‘
OFFICE and YARD— even chances to win as they are ot average on all the olasses. Also a   N Limestone L
Ng_ 157 N_ Br0adwa_y_ about the same avoirdupois. $400 scholarship ls offered for best in- `
e . t. All ._...
RA [l·*           .   ‘“‘.f“.‘"i ””“§i." $2;.5 'QZZ .‘£“1?.““§..;;;1‘.‘;i..;’.‘;$..;‘“.‘i,ii‘.... ..
_ v_ __ _ ·ea»msresue na- . e - -·
put' h' Bmadwub and Lhmty Ms' admission fee will be charged and the country will send teams and con- N E _
-—-i.---—-—- ,1 large crowd is expected to witness sequently the contest will be s close CW ql1lpI`[lCIlt
» ’ me game, one. Our boys have been doing some
    ___,_.._;____...____. vgpy hard “'0]'k lu prgpgrgtign gud
SCHANGIYS CANDY KITCHEN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. should stand a good chance of winning
119 South   St ........ u. trophy. Later On 8. team Will be at A      
Lexington _ Kugwcky For years the Agricultural has been the International Live Shock Show.
’ - - the infantant department of the Uni- —-———
versity. but that day has nos passed 'Ilhe Agriculturatl Society met last ‘
J M     and the Agriculutral College is grow- Friday night for the hrst time this 4
' ° g lng so rapidly that in a few years it year. Oillcers elected for this term W   d I th U . . ·‘
_ c are rlen s 0 c mverslty Q
will me the largest in the University. were: G. C. Rloutt. President, E. F. _ _ d K
. There are sixty-eight students en- Worthington, Vice—pre·sldent; W. W. Lets Get Acqualhlt  
  rolled in the course this year compared Fitzpatrick, Secretary and Treasurer; it
to forty-two last year. These students A. C. Bally Corresponding Secretary, V p
205 Merrick Lodge Building. represent the best class ln school. No and J. du P. Ooslthinzen, Sergeant-ab

 { I
sl T H E l DE A 3
:-—-—————-;———-——————- Arms. The program for the evening allker. And then what a time we hm], I
· was short but interesting. Prof. Lt ls impossible to express m words  
· r. Mathews made an excellent talk on the joy and pleasure that were ours. 222 west Main
I ‘ the ¤0ci•ty and its outlook and that of Only those who knew that dear bunch KQDAK FINISHING
r .   ent". the College ln general. The next of girls at Patt Hall can imagine the AND pH0TO8_
i ` meeting will be Friday night, October charmrlng evening we spent. Long Bring your Kodtk umu, to mm
· A · Bear in mind that the LBP 21. Lust year this society dld excel- life and supreme happiness to every  
• . . . ,
I y mmou Drug C0. is the most lent work and now its prospects are member of the Louisville Club, espe   &  
Q ‘ · I f much brighter than ever before. chllly its honor member.
· (30IlV8I1l€'I1t p GCG 0I' y0\1,
· g · wed f • Aside from havting Idea correspond- ___________;____ If YOU want 8 DGW DU? of B·h0€¤ 80
' md ·· htm · amount 0 mp ants it has one that contributes each to thé SMG d€¤l€l‘· It Y0¤ *¤¤t YOU?
4 t formation wall be granted k ` I ’, THE PA‘rTEns0N s0c•~£‘rv. Shoes re med 0 to Homker the shoe
*· j you. And that it is the place Kg: Lfallbutgezig the F"m°" EAL --- maker D 8
. to buy your ° ’ As was predicted at the beginning ° 113 S0 th will
¥ · ll l .
. ; 4 of the term, the Patterson Soclety is H , , ,,
I t som WAHI, , ·r•-tz a¤ucA·n0NAt. ¤sPAn·rMam· en, mg the most pm, 8 year in >tUI·F SAID.
, its history.
ETABLITI, The department ot mmuon or The new members are dev] mg SARRIS & CO.
* PENCIL! and ;;°i:;'”_8&`;$“;c::‘;°n“;;f sign °°;“ rapidly m me an or expression and g¤Mg.MApg gnrpy
. ° me old members are working with
* · t . .
t 5 8T*“°“*Y·   if" i;'iuf*t‘;‘;;'·8l*;;‘;mSfb“;;)l;l‘;;   extraordinary zeal and enthustm. Farsn EVERY DAY
. . n .
‘ . N tl h ld l t S t d A '
when thex are g0od_ Crymgin The Educational Defartment last mu to Ovemowmg I Muse of Om, —THE-—
r and we will certainly do the year, though containing only a few splendid grmimn victory of that umm
best We can for you, Seniors, they were among the best
? · Respectfully, students or the University. The class "°;;ri0mm has always been a pmmi_
2 · of ’10 chose for their President R. A.
nent charactenlstlc of the Society.
"         Ei:mN?’D8' Iijtatricillate of me Edu` Therefore upon Saturday night, the
V , · g g , cw one epa men . Lit ti I { t_
V The Senior Educational class this Bmw program was eu {why gg? A1 h
Corner Main & mm , ten and when the notes o t e ug e, ways the Best S 0W.
I 45, year being larger than last year s, also tmmlblrmg with gladness mm, out up_ A1 th Pri
I Phoenix Howl Building. contains the foremost students in the on the quiet air, eéery °m€m_bm_ ways ° 6 ce-
»- Undversflty. The class of *11 chose for buckled on his mlmem of ghostly A]W8·Y$ mein- A1W`9·Y8 G00d·
R   President O. E. Baird; for Class Rep- whim and Semed forth to join the Often Out-Talked-—
' ep ' erercises of the night. 3 SIIOWS D3»1]y—3Z00, 7230, 9200.
The Department, like that of Agri- Th Socpt h m I t
a   culture is steadily growing and 6 h y   a` VGWTZ nc en "'_['R,Y T0 GE m’_"
· t ‘ · 'I ‘ I ’ body of officers s year. ey are
{ I · . through the Lersonal Work of DQ" S3): as follows: H. A. Babb, President; G.  
· throughout me Smt9’ urging t 6 g C. Routt, Vice—President; Slocum S.
’ 114-116 North Upper St. schools to high-er and a common ideal • .
Prlsse, Secretary.
¢ has no doubt. done a great work ln be-     C  
? LEXINGTON KY half of Education. `
E ` State University offers the best and THE HIPPODROME.
F h     only teachers course, in a teacher"; .1-. _
or t Q C0 egg oy college Orrered in the state and to While there ts nothing on the Hum
{ students Qtspecially who desire to bill this week so imposing as Naeatas  ‘
teach, of the opportunity to take this "NY’Y¤DhS of the Sea OY Peter the
  Blallkéts teacher-S cOm·S€_ Great, there are four acts which ar;
bright and strappy from start to ilnis •
C f rts, “‘— .
l Om 0 LOUISVILLE CLUB Rgcgpg-|g»q_ and which make up a. rmghty good      
Q Sheet; ....... hour’s show.
. Who said "Clas·s?" Everybody that Thé 0D€‘¤i¤g act BiSS<>¤<·tti and of Lexan ton
‘ Pluow cues attended the reception at Part »t·:.on Newman. has ¤°V€V been €‘Xc"1_l€‘d g
        Hall, Saturday €V€n1iHg.   LUlllS' locally   any exponents of athlPtlcS`  
H d T _1 d S _t B tt ville Club is certainly some classy Thé two b0Y·%' HPSY 3i>l>€‘HY`3¤€0 i1°‘&UY
N1 80mO MUN lu 8» u on bunch and heygs looking at 1-m_ attired in well tltting uniforms gains
Gloves, and Sllythillg 8180 8116 W8Ilf·S 815 Evgryr feuow in School join; iq px. the 3ud·ience`s respect, before they do   B.  
· special prices tending to them the glad hand for a thing. Their work is quick and for Vocalist
their abundant hoswpitality and ClTl'll'lll· the ¤1¢>St l>¢11‘t· 911tl¤‘9lY 0¤`1l¤¤¤l·
· ing entertaining p0w€yS_ Ang that Alice Marie, a petite little lady has
J I-   honor member of thelr’s, whose otllcial 801116 excellent i111*l>€‘!‘S0¤¥Ul0¤S in hi"`
• • cognomen is -·D€an_··g Gee; Shes repertoire, most notable among tie
great! The whow school is .;e_·g and number being the Indian Maiden and    
she is ours.-—more than an honor the Bathing Gill
· mambmy Shg is one Or ng We John Coghlan. an electrical wonder.    
RK   tthtink lt, we feel lt, we know it! does various astonishing stunts wit 1 Th I r H t `ll H `h .n 1 cxi [
E.   What 8. Cllllliix. that was to the http- electricity which nxiikei tsledtitgdignf; Yai:°;0i“p;;1U*ll:?s$i)e2£1l&y. nil on
Inpom,. and pmt., in l>¢“¤i¤S¤ 0* the Ktwtfst dat “'*°"**"‘*’ Sit “*’ ·""’ "f‘S;’· “ “ wd alone B_ FO'I`$QH_ lnupraetor
spent in our lives. V\.hat a welrt.mt·— S markable ter ormtance . _ V  4_
CHINA CUT GLASS. SILVER BRASS alnlggt divmgknv-is-ion that greeted should crowd the house at every show. —·-—······*·—··—·—;"‘
‘ _ our gyeg when we approached (fear The Full? Sh2iml1l0llS Slgll Z1 UU]?. For     and
AND PLATED WARE' old Putt Hall,-—at'ter that glorituts dance a litt‘e and talk a little. There Pure Ice cream
· I LAMPS ELECTROUERS FANCY tramp all over town ——st2l clad in the is a clever little fellow; ;vhl;o(ilsi;·£—tc;':r;‘ H0 tu thc
° homely costume that ma e tie parat e young w no as mos o · -
DISHES NOVELTYS &c' at once so unique and pictmesque, diana beaten. His work is bright and BLUE GRASS OQNDY cou
tl ‘ _ but received by our hosteswrs and he has a better stage appear&ll0¢’ thai! 351 west Minn St-
117 W MAIN New Phone 980 hos-ts as gladly as though we www a good m·n1y performers who have Léxlugtou, Ky,
YOUR TRADE SOLICITED the regulation evening spade tail and been in the business all their life.

 ··   I
4 T H E I D E A ‘ I
    'Coleman, I,. O.   ’ E E
• "Cham•bers, A. I,.   L
I‘nl1l|sl1<—1l •·ve1·y Tilllfitifly by the student body of State |'nlv1~rs|ty of K1-ntucky, °°CT‘0It. P H.
for th· 111 eflt of the stud mts. tl fi I _~ 1 I _
1 e 1 t InSt;alH1(;11 tx and tlumnae of tiat Freamrm. Tee I ’
—t—· —~·-··———-;·———————————  *Garvln, J. /.-L
Tm·:1t11·1A1. lll ffl*ll - r 1-     1 ll 1.. 11 *kl* ,.1; .
.1...1.... .1... ...11....1 .»li..éT 3.2 .'}.‘lZl“‘Z.‘l.'}E.’§.°..'.2.‘..1‘.·IJ2f.I.`i$.¥11...€.T".....2.. .‘§?"{}....¥`..‘Q...$. ·oree¤~. R. 1.. - , . g, —
In addition {il(‘l`t’i0 it gives items of Interest t·on<—erlng other universities and Handley H D · '
colleges in the l'nlted States and Canada. ’ ' ' —( 111
 ————— "Je1wett, J. G.   1
Enterred at Lexington Post Uffleeas second elass mall matter. ·M Y`? `R ,  , 12  N .. 4
  "Y“· ·· · ·=J ’  J1 ..§=1;e.§;ls.£§  t
I \ TINSI I Y 11. 1·:. nA1·RD, Editor-tn-caller l Pearre, L. T.     B
1, v_ .1 ,c ..................................... . .......... A. .t t Edit     . il,=PE5§§i§¤E?5'£§" -*.*-3-*  ’
F. 1.. MARX .......... . ....... , .............. . ......... . ....... Aihieiiile Edltii; Smith. E· H-        
lc. 1.. m·:<*1<1~:R ........ . ..................... . ........ .·\>SiSUlHt Atnletle Edlotr *Sch,uar[z, (;_ H_   11gg1s.1111.s:==·   _1:§1__  
BUSINESS s·rArr-· Vest,}. W.     °       ‘
S. c. EBBERT, B sl .. M1 l I    =g;35gQ§‘ .?g3 __, · ‘1=·f :1, of
F. I,. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. Gl? l;].("i:ANL;i§?l§§r Asst. Adv. Mgr. ·Wise’ Fdward ·¤:i§?{j!'=‘  ,;j;§§;§  55521 . ,_    31%::1 1 I
·rm·:0. sLAm·:, Advertising Manager. W. H. LVRTY, Asst. sun. Mgr. 'Walker, E. B. ;¤.11£.·l .   =.1;;;;;j ~  » .;,31%;.; , .
v_ 1,. powN1NG. subscrlptlon Mgr. 1 .—·_ 1   :..15s:;&I; :55!;;E;¢i;=. '   .l%§%:?·  . ·
  Ed“°*"°”· `.   ;1s¤5=:;:;; :·:€==a;i;:2%i   :3-%%
Address all man mater to THE IDEA. 136 East Maxwell Street. Lexington. Ky. *Acker, Anabell `·_   »'4·'   _,     l
  _"     ‘%:;%§‘•= _ •   li 1
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be Adams" game ‘ -·._   §§5}§1§g11i:?1g*‘   ¥·   1; .
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Bak"' ('m°° 1 . ""211 _ §111§i¥"i*"‘· °   
·r1.... 1.1..1.. sm:. The Idea starr: B"°‘”“· Mfm'1     g
S. W, Jackson. W. B. Hager. Ca'8m'dy’ hom a'   ZEEi£.i%§iE ·
*·Ch·ilds Elizabeth *:*1% ‘ vs: ¤==‘=¥ .
Robt. B. Shablnsky. J. F. Brunei. ' W "= ·= :1;1;,_¥.=  ·J
Wm. Collins W. H. Townsend Dunn"' '   1 I  "
H- A-   W. C.         1 I ' 11 " *1 _1
Miss Mattie Cary. Miss Addie Dean. L““h“‘"‘· S“’“"‘ ‘ ‘  
Le June, Lorene   1*
—-—·—— ; —‘— Marking, Lorine, C. { ·°f·“¤‘*
Mamhews, Sue D. \lI[ V _
"_'—`Wl—_—*—__?*—~ FRESHMAN ROM" ’Schwauberg, Biry-l L. I '
'i' "Whlte, Jennie M. . , 1
From time to time there will be a Mechamcal Eng1n”,.._ THE COLLEGE MAN S STORE 1
list of names published In ’l`l1e Idea. •Au.d,_ J_ G_ If you want 1
The purpose of this is to offer a Barber (L E_ `nr 1
roll by class and the departments, also Barber, E. C_ _   S   1
to ascertain the number that belong to ..Bm.k1€y, I_ R_ Th" " the Ph" t° nt 't· U Y°° 'nnt _l
the Athletic Association. The * desig- ..B€nn€tt_ A_ R_ ¢g:•.:§3·°g::•:=,¤:t. :*1l:}    
1 IIBIQS UIOSG that have })l1I‘CiI&S€d •Bl1ak€r, E_ T_ Qlhgqg, come to ,  
1 season tickets. whether paying cash ..BOsmn, M_ l
1 or Oth€rwiS€_ L THE MODEL 1_
Bra'dSnaw‘ J' ° Chu L Straus `98 - - - Ms¤s|•r 1
1 There are some who haves igned ..COm.G11, R_ B_ ' ' ` .1
· over their deposits and have not yet across W_ C_   ’
    1 received their tickets, but can do so ..D9B0W, H_ A_
1 by calling for them at the gate of the Downing, C_ G_ ·     & C0.
d f 1 athletic field. ..Dumap_ T_
. Reserve or 1 M,,,,,,g_ __Fm N_ ____ 1
1 Atkins, J. W. *Gaither D. M. .
  1 *Ja·kobe, H. J. *Gayle, G. W. LEXINGTONS
• Martin, F. E. *Gud.e, A. J.
. U   *i\i0)'l'l8il~3ll, G. B. Hackney, J. R. _
1 nl 1 *Shoemal·:er, C. A. I-{arp_ C, C. COLLEGE COLORS 1
1 Simmons. B. C. Hawkins, R. D. IN 1
1 1 *Smith. D. VV. Hilliard. I?.
1 Straub, C. E. Howard T. D. °b
1 1 *Auxur, .l. F. *Ire1land, 'l`. H.    
Agriculture. *.I0hns011. E. E.
1 . Ba1,b1.t_;e, v. A. *Ke1ly. G. E. FcltS9
1 , ·1BI.0wn_ p_ D_ *I,9,n1.berts0n, VV. d
1 Bruecken, A. I,. *i,UIlgSW(ll`lh, R.    
*BllSil, v. 1~:. *M¤rSl1. H~ N- •
1 1 Capers, E. H. *Mans, \\'. 1).   A
1 1 Chrismain, A. 1,. Meek, S. '1`.
-——-————·—··*—"‘j"""‘—”"'°—“` " " `—` ·1+(]ay](.’ H_ K_ *N[()0I‘l'll8ll. A. . · _ • l
Gum E J. _,M_n_gau’ D. .1..   aii kmtis iurnlsilcti ior spccla
  1Ham,,._ _1_ A_ *iWI()I`l'iS, W. R. orders
*He11ricl1, I,. .1. *Nash. U
*l,igo11, J. M. NOGL H· L- ‘
.   .M........., M M. —·..M... M. 1.. Kaufman, Straus k C0.
*Pettus, R. P. *Robinson. '1`.B _____________
  *Ri<:l1a1·dso11, G. C, Shelton. H- ·
IN B ***°“"· S· "· . IS‘“‘“" $1 2 FAYEITE BARBER Sll0P
`*S(filU€llillg, H. \\. Smith, . .
  trshapjnbky,     *SpinkS.     Undef Fayette National Bank —
*8 rd, 1. .
.§§;§§“‘“{· ,;'· “’· .S{’,“.§i*,g_".._ coosw su. e svaou
Call for the Gclluille Clvll. Suas. W. W. · _ Finest Hair Cutting aaai Shaving
Almstedt. Wm. *'l‘horuton, R. Parlor in t c ity `
Atlas, .1. S. *’I‘ow¤1send. R. P. * _,

 T H E l D E A 5
°'l`urner, W. K. general prediction being. "that we
I awumm R_ J. would be mcky it we held thpm to 8  
·r~i·- *Ware, E. R. tie" and some actually predicted de-  
S Gl ·W0rkl“g• R- •I·   Then came the game ODP    :
1 __·; Sub. Frcehmen, Mechanical. will long be rema·m1b€;·€d_ ln {hp an- ma- .. .. ..-.. . ..,-_.___________
. , »{.‘°·£¤ , "Brown. W. R. l of Sta. foot tl
. Q /.*1;*-f§§;H. ·C W B nas re bal, for the game.
xg  }’,',w.»q~...&, [Loan, . . in every sense of the word, that it V
*, ‘ . III .  .. Q01 , velaoe, H. G. was.
l _ Zyl:   { ’McDanlel. B. C. The game our boys put up and the _
V II» ii Qi _*" *Parrlsh, R. M. result, lifted everyone out of them-
\\ ii!. Ira .r%,
Q . Nt —, I .,2:;: *Rolllnger, C. S. selves. set that little organ ln one’s · .
    _  .;,7 Arte and Science. body, that one calls spirit, beating a
  . ’.° .:.1,;] i.m;Z Alvers, Mary R. tatoo against your ribs, and lifted
, .   !!‘l1=’_y Barker, R. H. you high among the clouds. Then a  
} { H lll Ag`, ..,1 Blanchct. L. P. that never-to-be-forgotten night street
rtg tz   P- rtl »
V 1 lj I i$i%r;" Oassadv, E. parade.
. — I,. :r ii, We ’*Chestn•1t, D. L. Of course there were a. t‘ew, "I
1 hL1.:§i,qg_     *Chrlsti.1n, Lorena C. told you sos." and the like, but the 0
,l ·   *Cox. W majority of the school. unbibed that ·
’1 ·  _, ,v _ .,   :Creekmore, Maude old, "lBott.led in Bond," Kentucky (successors
· ‘ *‘ '°‘-•‘ Dalbney, R. T. spirit. Indennable, yet being all that's to T B Dewhurst)
'Danforrh. E. good and true. Did ever any scenes `
i Dobrowtky, H. B. inspire heroes on to a noble efforts HEADQUARTERS
’Dunn, G. P. than our rallies did? Even the girls
1 Eble-n, Viola M. caught the contaigion and gave their FOR ALL
  Elliott, Maria P. yells. such as, "We Run this place,
. Erang. Martha H. we do." Never have the girls done   t'
Fairchild, S. R. this before. All the speeches in 6  
W G0l‘d’0¤. A. M. Chapel were in accordance with this •
` *Grasty, Allen W. spirit, even udge Latferty bein·g    
t . 0 c c *Hank. Cauline moved to give us a short enjoyable  
l °J8·Ck¤0ll. S- talk. So keep it up.
' *J0hns0¤. A. H. Prof. Wilson Prot White and F c
1 · · or ollegeMe11.
Rimbrough, N. L. everyone v.ho is in a position to
1 V Langston. B. O. know say that never have they wit-
1   "Lauer, C. E. nessed such enthusiasm at State Uni-
" *Logan, Katherine M. versity. Just this kind of spirit urges FQQT BALL GOODS
  Waddv, Anne E. the team on and makes them strive ,
i       Wlalkllw- C6l`0ll¤9 T- all the harder to win such victories GYMN'ASIUM SUITS,
Z *Weaver. D- T- as North Carolina. Illinois, Central.
l- Wescelt. Lydlil and St. Louis and Tulame (to be.) S 0
. • • * !
· Sausiaction, accommada- . Williams. D. H. ___.___.____
tion and Good Clothes, :&’r*“’;‘“”» Allmeg M- STATE ·ro PLAY K. w. c. Saturday. BASKET BALL
come here. We are spec- CQ s""‘ ‘ ‘ —-—
· • · *VV dsl tl, VV. T. ·
13l1StS lll Good Clothes ,. 00 .° G°"‘° ai W"‘°*‘°°*°"- SUPPLESA
for Youu   Marxmiller. H. C. __
OWS. ·
l g » *M&tti· Clara E' _ Next Saturday morning o.1r "Wild- BASE BALL GOODS,
I $aS“Y;' lwlarguerlte C' cats" will oiurney to Winchester to
ay, .e en . r . _ _, . _ and
You Fdlowy   * J f play the \\ esleyan College ot Ken
ng *MCCh9S“€)’ Ruth tucky. And ust because they haven't COLLEGE
Young FCHOWS,   My€rS' J' G' C' played North Carolina. d·on`t think for PENNANTS
· *Norris, R. A. . ._   ,_ . _, ·- °
Q , \ one minute that its .1 cinch.
'   Fellows Shoes Peck' "my M‘ Wesleyan played Maryville, the
t ;nS9’ `: 1; " team we played 12-ti and the only
* ense J. . . . . .
l . ‘ team to score this year, a tie ti-ti and P ERS
' Dress and Tuxedo SLIIIS ;Pinket‘f(lIl.`l»· a gtubbgrn struggle is [)l`t’tllCl€’ll·     ’
R€¤f€d Reasonably *;u`th;’ _h¥£b;[_ Coach Sweetland wants all men who POSTERS’ E']_'c_
* mc OL °' ' can afford to go. to go along and cheer
A . . Rectdmm Fhiem C' the team on to victory. They will
————— *S¤¤·llll· t