xt7m0c4sn82k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sn82k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1996 1996 1996-04-23 2020 true xt7m0c4sn82k section xt7m0c4sn82k  



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By Lindsay Hendrix
Staff Writer

Over a five—year period, the number
of women participating in sorority rush
has been decreasing, and the Panhel-
lenic Council has decided to try and
change that.

Before, the women moved in on Sat—
urday, unpacked if they had time and
immediately began the rush process, vis-
iting different sorority houses in the
first of the four rounds.

During all of the parties, the women
were required to wear outfits that were
more formal than, plain shorts and T-
shirts, and during the third and fourth
rounds the were expected to dress in
church clot es.

Now, after the Panhellenic Rush
Council altered the process, the women
can wear casual clothes to match the
casual atmosphere until the final round.

“We want to et away from the
stereotypes,” said Shannon Corley, pan-
hellenic rush chair.

Now, after the changes, the rushees
will be required to participate in a com-



munity: service roject with the Lexing—
ton sc ools on aturday afternoon. Cor-
ley said this addition is to let the girls
get acquainted before the parties begin.

“They’ll get to know each other
there,” Corley said. Two members of
each sorority will also be present at the
event to help with any questions the
rushees may have.

In addition to change in the first day
events and dress, the process also will be
different during the parties. For exam—
ple, everyone will sit in chairs now,
instead of having only the rushees sit in
chairs. In addition, on one day the entire
focus will be on community service and
the members of the sororities will not
do skits.

“Now we’re trying to focus on con—
versation and etting to know people,"
Corley said. “ hat’s what it’s supposed
to be for.”

The council hopes that the combina-
tion of the entire day devoted to
explaining the community service aspect
of the sororities and the first day service
project will send the message to the
rushees that sororities have purposes

.. .. «n.-~-.-~. .




” Panhellenic changing sorority I‘llSll

beyond that of their stereotypes.

“We are social, but we're not all
about social,” Corley said.

With the changes, the sororities hope
to portray a more accurate picture of
what Greek life really involves, and
show the rushees that there are things
about it that the stereotypes don‘t
include, said Susan “'est, assistant dean
of students and panhellenic advisor.

West said that in addition to giving
them an excellent source of friends,
sororities also offer women opportuni—
ties in leadership, community service
and academics.

“They (prospective rushees) don‘t
realize that looking from outside," she

West hopes the chan res make it casi—
er for prospective members to join, and
that this small change is just an indica—
tion of the steps UK's sororities are tak—
ing towards modernizing their rituals.

The change in rush policy is an
example of the sororities, “trying to
meet the needs of women, because col—
lege women’s needs have changed," she

WEAIHH Rain today, high

near 60; clear tonight, 1021'
around 40; mostly sunny
tumor-me, high near 70.
team hopes to have plenty ofo/jensiz'e

weapons this fit/l. Story, page 2.



Sorority Rush







mm mm ma ruff

Putting 101‘ the nayoll

The UK women it golj‘teum held its
annualfimd—raising event yesterday
at the Spring/(Ike (TUZf‘C‘UlU'J't'. The
best hall tournament um 11m! to help
the team raise moneyfor equipment
and other team netexxitiex. Eighteen
teams competed in thiryem".v event.
and ineluded mrrent players, alumni
and relehrity entrants, int/riding L'K
Athletio‘ Dirertor CAI. .\'e:."ton.
UK team member zlmiee (.ilntrell

(left) participated in the tournament. ,


By Aaron 0. Hall

spending up to 60 hours a week on the job.

by employees.

Problems plagued the division three years ago,
when a University audit revealed that money was
being embezzled out of the Office of Residence Life

Jim Ploskonka, the former assistant director for


Stafl I'Vriter

Taking care of three children is a job in itself, but
taking care of 5,500 can be an overwhelming task.

That’s how many students Debra Hazard cared
for in her job as director of residence life. Now,
deciding that she wants to spend more time with her
family, Hazard is resigning her position.

Hazard said that she found her position exciting,
but after two and a half years, she has found that
family life takes priority.

“I only have one opportunity to raise my chil-
dren," Hazard said. “I have never wanted to be a

Hazard’s duties included tending to crisis situa-
tions encountered by people living in residence halls,
whether day or night. Sometimes she found herself

A busy period for Hazard was the weekends dur-
ing the NCAA Tournament where she worked regu~
larly into the morning hours.

“After the ending of the (championship) game, I
was out there to make certain the kids were OK,” she

Hazard said her job as director was rewarding
because “you get to meet a lot of people.”

She said that working with undergraduates and
graduates is different than handling administration.

But Hazard has some advice for her replacement.

“There are going to be some long hours,” she
said, “because there are a lot of things that need to
be in place and continue to be in place."

Brandon Tosti, president of the Residence Life
Association, said that Hazard has helped turn around
the residence life program.

residence life, resigned a day before the audit was
released, and the former director, Bob Clay, com~
mitted suicide a couple of months before the investi-
gation was completed.

“Debra was chosen to get (Residence Life) back
on the right track,” Tosti said. “I feel that she has
done that. I think she’s ready to move on."

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs James Kuder
said Hazard revived the once—ailing division.

“I did not want to see her go." Kuder said. “She's
done an excellent job in residence halls and brought
stabili to Residence Life.“

Ku er has started looking for a replacement and
has narrowed the search to four candidates.

Tosti, who had a chance to interview the appli-
cants, said that it will take a positive attitude and
energy to fill the vacant spot. Consistency is another
aspect that Tosti wants to see in the new director.







Faculty salaries lagging behind C SALARIES
By Chris Padgett r ear and Colle e of Education fac- '
5,07%,” 5,33;ka around 8.03, Average UK faculty salary by faculty rank, Lexmgton campus
The report also found that the gen- AVERAGE AVERAGE
Accordin to a recent study by the tier gap between male and female fac-
UK chaptergof the American Associa- ulty is‘ decreasing. Female faculty 52%?" :Ao:ULTY 3:52:95 2.333578 EgLAPLENSATION
tion of University Professors, faculty members make between $0.18 and
at colleges on the Lexington campus $0.21 less for each dollar that faculty p pram 486 351559 513.447 $81,036
make an average of $55,297. members make. 5 m‘ W 445 350.145 $10,883 351,029
The average faculty member at UK Not included in the re rt was sup- ' M W939“ 295 $43,246 $8,990 $52,236
makes about 96 percent of the average plemental income, whic makes up a g m 12 , 345.955 37.921 $53575
salary at 11 other benchmark universi- majority of physicians pay at the UK
ties. Chandler Medical Center. TOTAL: 1.233 355.297 311321 ”39713
UK tied for eighth place among Faculty salaries, which are set by ,. .HWMW .. .. . .. .
other benchmark universities. the state legislature, have improved
There is a very large discrepancy in only somewhat over the ast few years. "0"“ JON“ Km"! ”'17

the salary of a professor of law and a
rofessor in the Colle e of Social
8Vork. On average, pro essors in the

College of Law make about $40,000

more than those in the College of
Social Work.

Faculty in the College of 'cul-
ture make an average of about S 4,923

' {

According to Jesse eil, resident-
elect of the local chapter of e AAUP,
UK faculty are hard-working individu-
als who deserve fair salaries.

“Faculty should be compensated in
a manner that is fair,” Weil said.

“The goal of the report is to edu-
cate individuals to the fact that UK


faculty make what they do.”

Erin Colter, an undeclared sopho-
more from Murray, Ky., feels that UK
faculty should be paid more.

“Where is socie ’s priorities when
those who provide e most invaluable
service make so little financially?”
Colter said.

Colter thinks Kentucky will contin-
ue to lag behind in national rankings
until it begins to invest more in educa-
tion. .
“Until education is made a number
one priority in this state, our state will
continue to be at the bottom of nation-
al studies and surveys,” Colter said.


April 23, 1996

0“ (."luxi’ljiedt 7



Nation 8
(.‘ron'u‘ot'd 7

Direnwm 4 l'lrc‘pomr 5





mm Israeli bombers
continue to hit lcbanon

BEIRLT, Lebanon —- Israeli warplanes turned
to a new target in Lebanon yesterday, attacking the
heavily fortified base of a Palestinian group in hills
outside Beirut after 11 days of focusing on Hezbol—
lah guerrillas.

On the 12th day of fighting, Israeli air force jets
hit a command base for the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine. Like Hezbollah, the Popu-v
lar Front opposes the Middle East peace process.
The Syria—based group has frequently attacked
Israel over the years but has not been directly
involved in the recent fighting.

The choice of targets suggested growing Israeli
frustration over efforts to pin down the elusive
Hezbollah guerrillas, who are largely invisible in
the valleys of south Lebanon.

The raid was the first in or near Beirut since
Israeli warplanes rocketed Hezbollah strongholds
in the southern suburbs last Tuesday.

mm Senate set to debate term limits

\VASHINGTON —— The Senate staged a
desultory debate yesterday on a proposed constitu-
tional amendment to impose term limits on mem—
bers of Congress, with a pivotal test vote set for

The measure is expected to fall short ofthe 60
votes needed to end debate, and Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole said it’s possible that will be the
end of the proposal for the year.

“The freshmen are telling me they just want one
vote," he said yesterday, as first—term Republican
lawmakers led the charge. “\Ve can have more if
they want them."

Term limits enjoy widespread public support, as
measured in the polls.

But the House rejected the measure last year.
and the prospects for approval are dim in the Sen—
ate, where the bill has become cnsnared in partisan

Most Democrats in the Senate are opposed to
the measure, while many Republicans express their
support. Democrats tried to gain political leverage
with a pro osal to make term limits retroactive.
But Repub icans, particularly those with consider-
able seniority, would just as soon not have to vote
on that, and are using their parliamentary preroga—
tives to block it from coming to a vote.

The measure would limit members of the Sen—
ate to two six—year terms, and members of the
House to six two-year terms, effective when ratified
by Congress and the necessary three—fourths of the
state legislatures.

Columnist dies alter kidney transplant

SAN FRANCISCO — Erma Bombeck, the
housewife humorist whose wry take on suburban
life — from cleaning toilets to getting the kids to
take out the trash — earned her a wall of fame of
yellowing columns on refrigerators across America,
died yesterday after a kidney transplant. She was

“Erma Bombeck taught those of us who write
columns that the funniest things are the things that
our readers know the best ——- houses, cars, kitchens
and of course kids,” fellow humor columnist Dave
Barry said.

Bombeck died at a hospital in San Francisco,
where she underwent a transplant earlier this

Bombeck began her column in 1965. It appeared
twice a week in about 600 newspapers, amusing
readers with her gentle, Self—deprecating humor.

Hall to speak at commencement

The outgoing chairman and chief executive offi-
cer of Ashland Inc. will deliver the commencement
address at UK‘s 129th graduation ceremony.

John R. Hall, who is retiring this year after 15
years as Ashland chairman and CEO, will also
receive an honorary doctor of science degree.
school officials announced yesterday.

The university will also confer honorary degrees
on sculptorjohn Henry and Kentucky higher edu—
cation advocatejean “’eiss Calvert.

The university will confer degrees on 5,241 stu-
dents at the commencement May 5 in Memorial


Cosby, llasbail to be reunited on W
NEW YORK —— Bill Cosby and Phylicia Rashad

are reuniting as television husband and wife on a
new CBS sitcom.

Rashad, who played Cosby’s wife, Claire
Huxtable, on the long-running NBC hit “The
Cosby Show,” will lay Cosby‘s wife, Ruth, in the
series loosel based) on the British comedy “One
Foot in the Crave.” She replaces Tclma Hopkins,
who was originally cast as Ruth,
producer Marcy Carsey said Mon‘
da .

XThe producers also have cast
Madeline Kahn for the series,
which will be shot in New York
City. CBS has committed to 44

Cosby quipped that maybe ' ‘
Rashad’s husband would step in for Com

“Hey, listen, I saw Ahmad Rashad in the studio
parking lot,” he said. “Who knows, maybe he’s
going to replace me.”

Cmiledfrw wire reports.





L“. wwvfi'w‘am w-



2: Tum, April 23, I996, Kandy Knml



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Cats boast talented

By Chris Easterllng
Ann-rant Sport: Editor

The UK football team conclud-
ed its spring practice Saturday
with an intrasquad scrimmage
held at Commonwealth Stadium.
For UK coach Bill Curry, the
scrimmage ave him and his
coaching stagf an opportuni to
assess individual players at di fer-
ent posmon.

Here is a breakdown by posi—
tion of the Wildcat offense as it
lined up Saturday:


For the time being, Billy Jack
Haskins is the clear—cut choice as
the starting signal-caller.

Of course, that could all change
by the time UK lines up a ainst
Louisville on Aug. 31. That’s
because “The Golden Bo ',” fresh-
man Tim Couch, will make his tri-
umphant arrival on campus.

“Billy Jack Haskins had a
remarkable spring,” UK coach Bill
Curry said. “Going into (Satur-
day‘s) scrimmage, in four of the
five scrimma es we had, (the
coaching stafg thought he was
outstan ing.”

Haskins completed 4—of.6 pass-
es Saturday for 54 yards.

After Haskins and Couch,
mediocre is about the best word to
describe the rest of the quarter-
backs on the UK roster. Redshirt
freshman Greg Hergott went 0—
for-6 in the passing department in
the Cats’ final spring scrimmage.

Hergott showed the ability to
run the ball, which could help him
down the road. He ained 33
yards on five carries, t e second
highest rushing total on the White

The White team consisted of
the second and third team offense
and defense.

Running hack

Ray McLaurin has the unenvi-
able task of re lacing Moe
Williams, the Sout eastern Con-
ference’s leading rusher from a
year ago.

McLaurin has shown in the
past that he has the ability to be
the featured back for UK. Against
LSU last season, McLaurin rushed
for 107 yards and the go-ahead
touchdown in the Cats’ 24—16 win.

After McLaurin, Anthony

White is the second-string tail-






Fil: pboro
SIGNAL CAME" Billyjark Haskins
bad a rurresifid spring as the Cars’
starting quarrerbarlc.

By Chris Easterling

Assistant Sports Editor

McLaurin looking to

Ray McLaurin is about to find
out what it‘s like to take the place
ofa great tailback. McLaurin has
the unenviable task of replacing
Moe Williams, the Southeastern
Conference’s leading rusher last

But don’t think McLaurin is
just your average running back. It
just so happens that the senior
from Radcliff, Ky., was the start-
ing tailback to begin last season
before Williams earned the spot

“All you can do is to go out and
do the best you can do,” McLaurin
said. “ 'ust have to go out there
and erf)0rm

cLaurin is lookin to prove
that he is as good as Wl liams, said
Mike Drake, UK running backs

“He is eager for the challenge,”
Drake said. “He’s got a lot of
pride. He’s a young man that real—

has earned the opportunity for
t at challenge.”

McLaurin does not have a lot of
yards to his credit. He gained a
mere 265 yards rushing in 1995.
For his career, he has only
amassed 352 yards on the ground.

Due to a gradual decrease in
carries, McLaurin's yards declined
his junior year.

back. White, a redshirt freshman,
carried the ball 15 times during
Saturday’s scrimmage, gaining 46

At the fullback osition,
Michael Woodfork will e called
upon to help open up a hole in
short-yardage situations.


By far the dee st and most tal-
ented area on t e football team.
The Wildcats boast five le 'timate
deep threats for whoever LE; quar-
terback ends up being.

This glut of talent at receiver
should help the Cats open up the
passing game, an area the team
failed to capitalize on last year.

“We have one of the top-rated
quarterbacks in the nation coming
in in Couch,” junior Kio Sanford
said. “Hopefully, (the coaching
staff) will put the ball in the air

Senior Harold Dennis said the
receiving corps may be the best
UK fans have seen in a long time.

“(The competition at receiver)
has been as strong as it’s ever been
since I’ve been here,” Dennis said.
“What makes our receivers so
good is our speed.”

But there are still some weak

“(The receivers) haven’t
become precise in running our
routes in the manner we need to,”
Curry said.

Sanford appears to have fully
recovered from the variety of
injuries which pla ed him last
season, and should a legitimate
All—SEC candidate along with
sophomore Craig Yeast.

Sanford will be the primary
return man on both kickoffs and
punts. As a freshman, Sanford set a
number of SEC records for kickoff
returns. He also had a 96-yard

« return for a touchdown against

Northeast Louisiana during his
freshman season, Sanford’s only
collegiate touchdown return.

In the scrimmage, Sanford
returned a Tobin Anderson punt
60 yards for a touch-






skill pslauel' }


RETURN SPECIALIST Kio Sanford is bealtby this spring and looking to

(attribute on the special teams a: a kick and punt return man.

Mason is a S-foot-9, 164—pound
Speedster who is expected to help
Sanford with kickoff and punt

Ilflllt Cflll

Darrin Clark and Issac Curtis
III are the starting duo in offensive
coordinator Elliot Uzelac’s two
tight end offense.

Clark started the final three
games of the season after Curtis
went down


down. He also had
three catches for 50

“It was good to
see Kio Sanford do
some things in the

HF“ stringers

Offensive starters for the UK
football team at the conclusion of
spring practice.

with a shoul-
der separa-
tion against

State. He did

not have a

passing game,” '
Curry said. VWIDE RECEIVER: Harold reception
Yeast led the Cats Dennis. 5'9. 159 lbs., Sr.; last year.
Norman Mason, 5-9, 164, Jr. Last sea-

in receiving yards
last season, but he
was hampered by a
separated left shoul—
der. Yeast participat-
ed in most of the
spring drills, before
suffering an injury to
his right shoulder.

Curry said the
injury is not the same
as the one last sea-
son, and that Yeast
will have the shoul-
der scoped.

Dennis will finally
get an opportunity to
show off his athletic
skills. He is listed as
one of the first—string
receivers with San-
ford, Yeast and Nor-
man Mason, a trans—
fer frorn Alurray

3, 243, Sr.


257, So.


249, Jr.

0, 210, Sr.


VTIGHT END: lssac Curtis Ill, 6-

Streck, 6-5, 282, So.

Berringer, 6-4, 269, So.
VCENTER: Jason Watts. 6-3,

VRIGHT GUARD: DeAnthony at
Honaker, 6-1, 285, Sr.

Liening, 6-8, 237, So.

Yeast, 5-9, 162, So.

Haskins, 6-1, 189, Sr.
Woodfork, 6-1, 210, Sr.

son was Cur-
tis’ first at

Jeremy tight end

after being

GUARD: David the Cats’

receiver two
seasons ago
receiver. He

TACKLE: Jonas started eight
. games last
VTIGHT END: Darrin Clark, 6-5, season at
, tight end
RECEIVER: KIO before being
Sanford, 5-11, 169, Jr.; Craig injured.
VQUARTERBACK: Billy Jack Offensive
Michael Jonas
, Liening is
VTAILBACK: Ray McLaurin, 6- the lone
starter at




times for 78 yards, but as
Williams’ stock increased,
McLaurin’s decreased.

Against LSU, McLaurin

showed UK fans what he is really
ca able of doing. With Williams
si elined in the second half by
bruised ribs, McLaurin became
the featured runner.

McLaurin responded to the
challenge, amassing 107 yards on
25 attempts, both career-highs.


ants cam mam};
"If M Ray McLaurin is the Cam’fiature tailback now that Mac
VVillianrr bar lefifor the NFL.

In the season opener against
Louisville, he carried the ball 17

He also scored the go-ahead
touchdown with 8:06 remaining as
the Cats upset the Tigers 24-16.

“I knew Ray could get the job
done,” Williams said after the

Now, McLaurin finds himself
in the same position as last season.
Onl this time, there are no Moe
Wil iams-like layers to steal the
limelight from im.

McLaurin prepared for the
football season and improved his
speed by running on the UK track


tackle. He will start on the right
side of the line. Jeremy Streck will
have to step up and fill the shoes
of departed senior BarryJones.

Offensive guard

The left side of the offensive
line took a hu e blow last week
when guard Jo n Schlarman, one
of two returning starters remain-
ing suffered a torn anterior cruci-
ate li ment.

It 15 the same ACL that he tore
last ear.

“John was outstanding in the
sprin ,” Curry said, “as good as
John as been the last two seasons,
he was even better this 5 ring.”

David Berringer and €3eAntho~
ny Honaker rotated in at Schlar—
man’s spot throughout the scrim-
ma e Saturday.

I’m not exactly sure how we’re
going to deal with (finding a
repilacement) yet,” the UK coach
sai .

Cur said there is an outside
chance chlarman could return for
the 1996 season.

At right guard, it appears
Honaker and Quincy Bell will be
the players seein the most play-
ing time when fal practice begins.


Barring any major surprises,
Jason Watts will be the starting
center when the Cats battle U of
L. Watts stepped in to replace
Schlarman at center after a
s rained ankle sidelined him for
t efinal two ames last season.

Watts ma e his first career start
against Tennessee in the Cats’
final game.

“Jason struggled a bit,” Curry
said. “For him, it’s more psycho—
logical than anything.”

fill Moe’s Sb065‘

team. He is a member of the
4x100 relay team, on which he
gained All-American honors in the
1995 indoor season.

“I feel faster,” he said. “I’ve
increased my flexibility. I run track
in the.s(pring which I think has
increase my speed.”

Apparently, the hard work has
paid off for McLaurin, who pos-
sesses the track speed that
Williams did not have.

“Ray has outstanding speed,”
Drake said. “Ray is probably
faster, in fact, Ray is faster than

One area where McLaurin is
considerably behind Williams is in
the passing game. Williams had 19
receptions last season, while
McLaurin has only two receptions
for 16 yards in his collegiate
career. ‘

But McLaurin has been work-
ing on the passing ame this
sprin , Drake said, which should
help im to become a more versa-
tile back.

“He has really stepped up in the
passing game,” Drake said.

“He is much better at picking
up blitzes. And the thing that is
most encouraging about him is
that he is gaining yards after the

One thing is for sure, McLau-
rin has some big shoes to fill.



' v n on
Hat» 4"

























Curry awards
kudos llll‘ spring
loothall practice

UK football coach Bill Curry
announced the team awards for
1996 spring practice Saturday.
The aw ards are as follows:

VMost Improved Offensive
Lineman —— junior
guard John Schlar-

Improved Offen—
sive Back — senior
Ray McLaurin

Improved Defen—
sive Lineman —
freshman defensive end Anthony

VMost Improved Linebacker
~ junior Dele Ali

VMost Improved Defensive
Back ~— sophomore Tony \Voods

VBig Hitter Award —
McLaurin and senior free safety
Kiyo Wilson

VMake-A-Difference Award
— (offense) junior quarterback
Billy Jack Haskins; (defense)
senior defensive end Kurt Supe

VLeadership Award ——
(offense) Haskins and Schlarman;
(defense) senior free safety Van
Hiles and Sup e

VMost Valuable VValk—on
Award —— (offense) junior wide
receiver Norman Mason;
(defense) freshman cornerback
Shamsee Arulogun

VMost Valuable Special
Teams Award — junior lineback—
er Lamont Smith

VCATS All—Around Student
Award — senior defensive tackle
Jeff Tanner and junior corner-




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back Littleton Ward

Mel's tulle tall: ta Illa Mlu

The No. 45-ranked UK men’s
tennis team (12- 12) lost to No. 3-
ranked Ole Miss 4- 2 Sunday in
Oxford, Miss.

The Wildcats earned victories
at the No. l and No. 6 singles
positions as Sophomore Marcus
Fluitt defeated Ali Hamadeh 4-6,
6-2, 6-4 and freshman Patrik
Johansson defeated Michael
Pritchard 2-6, 6-4, 6-0, respec-

II'ICI "I. ""8 I." It Ill

The UK women’s track and
field team received first place fin-
ishes in 12 of 16 events against
Indiana to lead the \Vildcats to a
87-75 victory in a dual meet at
Billy Hayes Track in Blooming-

ton, Ind.
Meka Rembert, Leslye
Swigert, Mary Jo Schultz,

Michelle Brown, the women’s
4x400m relay team and the
women’s 4x100m relay team set
new meet records.

Indian won the men‘s compe—
tition 118-47.

The UK men had first place
finishes by Arnold Payne, Chris
Jackson, LaMonte Vaughn, Ron-
nie Williams and the 4x400m
relay team.

Ail-American Tim Harden ran
at the Kansas Relays in
Lawrence. Results were not avail—

CIaymll vylnl ler Irlal spot

Alyson Claywell, a pharmacy
junior from Bardstqwn, will ride
her horse, Sorcerer’s Apprentice,
in the Rolex Kentucky Three-
Day Event.

The competition will be held
at the Kentucky Horse Park
starting Thursday and continuing




.»;-—-r—.« . .---—v

through Sunday.
At stake is a trip to the
Olympic Trials.

cm ta Iattle Cal-Is

The UK baseball team (24-19)
battles Louisville (13-26) toni ht
at Derby City Park in Louisvi le.
Game time is set for 7.

lfl‘l'llllil' I'OIIIIUIPII
GOODLAND, Kan. —- In a

service where the number of
mourners nearly equaled the size
of his hometown, Nebraska quar—
terback Brook Berringer was
eulo 'zed yesterday by a sobbing
coac as a “ eat example of how
to live youri lz'ffe. ”

Friends, family and teammates
filled a high school fieldhouse for
a joint funeral service in which a
Nebraska football helmet rested
on Berrin er’s casket.

“I can onestly say that there
was nobody I coached that had
better character than Brook
Berringer,” Nebraska football
coach Tom Osborne said. “He
was just who he ap cared to be,
and I’m certainly a better person
for knowing him.”

Nebraska quarterbacks coach
Turner Gill addressed his eulogy
to Berringer.

“You were the definition of a
team player,” Gill said. “I was so

mud to have coached you and to

liave known you. You were a

eat example of how to live your

Gill broke down in tears after
his eulogy.

Around town, many people
were wearing red-and—white rib-
bons, the Nebraska colors, and
ribbons were tied to street signs.
The schools were closed, as were
many businesses.

Compiled from staff wire reports.

.v ., ‘ . ¢ mm...- «nflumnfll‘fi/«rh. on" a «I» «a -.

Kenneth Kernel. Tuesday. April 23, 1996 I I

Five members 0i lllt's skeet and trap
team compete ill national competition








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SHOOTER jim Murdoik finnbedjmmb in t/Je \flulTlIlQ day t: (m at flu
National Collegiate shooting mmpctitiun [wt arena/om! III.‘if/tl!1!.l

Surf] rrpun

Five L'K students represented
L'K in the National Collegiate
shooting competition held last
weekend in Atlanta. More than 40
teams across the nation participat—
ed in the four—day event.

The students, all members of

UK's skeet and trap team, earned
the best cumulative scores in the
five—year history of the team.

Rick Seldar, a physics graduate
student, and materials engineering
senior M. “'illiam Garrett com—
peted in the American skeet event
along with team captain and phys-
ical education sophomore Trey

Staviski shot a personal best
score to helping solidify the ( ats
as the nation s most— improved
shooting team.

In the international skeet event
Jason Riley and fellow agriculture
sophomore Jim Murdock repre-
sented the (lats. Both competitors
shot their averages, but finished
out of contention.

Sedlar and Murdock competed

in the sporting clays division of

the event, finishing third and
fourth, respectively.

UK’s skeet and trap team has
been an official UK club sport
since 1992 and its members travel
around the nation and compete at
their own expense.

Any interested student who has
the capability of shooting any clay
sport is welcome to participate in
team practices and possibly cont
pcte u