xt7m0c4sn835 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sn835/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1997 1997 1997-09-30 2020 true xt7m0c4sn835 section xt7m0c4sn835  






ISIABI lSHl I) 1891


mm Sunny, warm
today, high near 75'. Clear

tonight, 10:." in the mid 50x.






tional .rport. See Sports, page 5.







JAMES CRISP fumii \ufi

NET woltTll ‘Time' magazine's Declnn .l IcCu/lugh (ii/70cc) nnd]udith Is'rug ofthr American Library Arroriution z'oiccd contents new Internet rcnymzvhip.

Sneakers: Web battle continues

By Joe Donner

Smfl' lVriter

and Delmar Watkins
(.‘(mn‘ilruting lVriter

Censorship in cyberspace was
the topic of choice last night at
\Vorsham Theater, as two free-
speech advocates discussed the
negatives oflnternet regulation.

Time magazine writer Declan
McCullagh andjudith Krug of the
American Library Association
spoke to a crowd of about 80 peo-
ple at the theater about the now-
defunct Communications Decen-
cy Act of 1996.

“There is constant chatter
about the information superhigh-
way coming to our doorstep,”
communications professor Don-
ald Case said as he introduced the
speakers to the event.

The event was part of the
semester-long First Amendment
celebration sponsored by the
Scripps Howard Foundation and
the School of Journalism and


McCullagh and Krug played a
large role in challenging the act,
which the Supreme Court voted
unanimously as unconstitution-

The act is dead, but McCul-
lagh said other obscenity and
free—speech questions face the
public and educational use ofthe

“The battle isn't over yet," he

Kentucky, for instance, is con»
sidering a bill that would restrict
unsolicited e-mail messages,
restrictions that would limit
libraries. Krug said.

Forty—seven percent of libraries
provide public Internet access,
and another 37 percent are plan—
ning to do the same within the
next year, she said.

Both Krug and McCullagh
talked about the dangers posed
by these filters, which McCul-
lagh calls “censorware,” which
block sites that contain objec—

tionable words in their Internet

Although these filters block
sites like www.playhoy.coin,
some block political organiza-
tions such as the Ileritage Foun—
dation and the National Organi-
zation for \Voinen because their
addresses contain objectionable
words such as breast, sex and

Some activists have demanded
that public access terminals at
libraries have these filters
installed, and Krug and McCul-
lagh take exception to that idea.

“My role has never been to
keep information and people
apart," Krug said.

Krug and McCullagh said they
also see other flaws in attempts to
regulate the content of the Inter—

"People outside the US. really
don't care about what the White
House wants," Krug said.

Restrictions cannot be
enforced but would have a chilling

effect on Internet culture, McCul-
lagh said.

Another proposed avenue for
Internet censorship was a rating
system, similar to the Clinton
administration's idea of the V-
chip for television sets, to regu-
late how tnuch content a child

Two problems arise from this
proposal. First, while there are
only a few television networks to
monitor, there are potentially mil-
lions of Internet sites.

Second. the rating system
excludes news gathering informa-
tion to allow anyone interested to
view what is going on in the

In a medium where, as McCul—
lagh said, “anyone can be a pub-
lisher," making a difference
between genuine news and not-
so-genuine news is impossible.

“There's no way the Internet
cannot be munled if the politi—
cians of the world have their way,"
McCullagh said.

Sunny tomorrow, high of 70.
m [WEI PET The UK rugby team

is heading in it new direction with n tradi—




Septeinhei‘ 30, I 997

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SIN/I T\ 4

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l lea/ruin! 6


Ffllll‘ "‘08“
take seats

By Gary Wult

SUI/or Stuff” 'riti'r

The four freshman Senate
spots are now filled after last
week‘s Student (iovernment
.-\ssociation freshmen elections.

Keisha Carter, .lason _lohnson,
Stephanie \\'ahnowsky and
jimmy (ilenn were the top four
vote~getters of a Illsperson field
in Thursday and Friday’s fresliv
men elections.

The freshmen will be sworn
in \Vednesday night at an emer—
gency full Senate meeting to
serve their term, which ends
after the S(§.\ elections in the

This year more than 300
freshmen voted in the two-day
election. About 150 students
voted in last year's freshmen sen—
ate elections. The top voter
received 115 votes in last year‘s
elections. This year, Carter
earned the most votes with 86.

I‘vecutive Director of .v\ca—
deinic Affairs .Ioe Schuler said
less campaigning occurred this
year although ll) freshmen ran.
Schuler said the reason last year‘s
top vote—getter. Masten Childers
Ill, received more votes than this
year's winner was due to the
amount of llyers he posted. This
year the llyers were few and far

Carter. a political science and
history major, said that although
she won, the low amount of peo-
ple who voted appalled her.
Carter said she would like to see
more people vote and that as a
senator it's her job to make sure
people will vote.

“.\laybe (the students will)
stop griping after they get the
people they want in office," she

The campus is divided, she
said. but she hopes to bring
many of the organizations
together through SGA. In high
school, she brought organiza—
tions together by having the stu—
dent council host activities while
appointing responsibilities to
organizations that are not

ller running mate, _lason
johnson, a psychology major,
said he would like to see L' '
becotne tnore involved with the


More than 200 freshmen placed
votes in this year’s freshmen
elections. That number was up

from the 150 that voted last year.
Keisha Carter ............ 86
Jason Johnson ........... 85
Stephanie Wahnowsky ..... 82
Jimmy Glenn ............. 76
Katie Watts .............. 74
Robert Schoborg .......... 57
Kevin Black .............. 53
Kelly Shields ............. 52
Angie VanBerkel .......... 43
Rachel Hang ............. 15

surrounding community.

“I‘d like to see I‘ls' gi\c back
to the community because the
community gives so much." he

One ofthe ways he suggested
for [Is students to become more
familiar with the students is .l
“neighborhood block party."
Tltc party. lie said. would allow
for the community to come to
campus and explore its students
and atmosphere. The students,
in turn, would become better
acquainted with the citi/cns
around L'K

Tlle third place \‘otevgcttt‘r.
Stephanie \Vahnowsky.
she's the person to go to if you
have a problem.

She said if someone has a
problem with something on
campus. she will do research on
the topic and devise .1 solution.
\Vahnowsky, .1 foreign lan-
guage/internatitinal economics
major, said she ran because she is
interested in politics.


“I'm the kind of person that if

you want sonictltlng done. you
should do it yourself," she said.

But she hasn‘t committed to
any ideas yet. \Vahnowsky said
she wants to get a feel of what
the Senate meetings like .md
what S(i:\ is about.

killing out the List scat is
jimmy (ilenn.

He is the brother of l‘ingi—
ncering Senator Kim (ilcnn.
The (ilenns are the second fami‘




Sex, love, dating take center stage

“I think it's im ortant all students
If sorts of opinions,"
Batchelor said. “(It's important for stu-
dents) to hear all the different sides
before forming their own opinion.
“(Ilose-mindedness causes a lot of
problems on our campus," she added.

By Brian Dunn

Arrirmnt New Editor


Some people abstain from it until
they’re married. Some people have it
as soon as possible. Some people save
it until they love. Some people just

have it.

In this fall’s first installment of “UK
Speaks Out,” several panelists and
many students will converge at the
Student Center Theater tonight at
7:30 to discuss a broad range of topics

about sex.

“'Your place or mine? Sex, love and

dating: the college years" is the name
of the discussion, which will run an
hour and a half and cover such topics
as remarital sex, date rape and the
col egiate dating environment.

affairs chairwoman for the Student
Activities Board, said she tried to col—

Lainic Crouch,

tian viewpoint to sex.

sex until marriage, Peer Health Advo-
cates for Sex Education (PI IASF.)
member Matthew Body to discuss sex
education and Campus Crusade mem-
ber Matt Wheeler to discuss a Chris—

Communication graduate student
Mike Stevenson will act as moderator.

around UK hear a

“'heeler agreed.

“I think the best thing is to under-


Judge: Newest
bombing trial diflenent

DFNVFR — \Vith a promise frotn the judge
that he is starting with a “clear page." Oklahoma
City bombing defendant Terry Nichols went on
trial yesterday in the same courtroom where Tim—

lect as diverse a group as possible.

The panel includes UK Police
Chief Rebecca Langston and officer
Tim Mallory to discuss date rape, the
Aids Volunteers of Lexin ton member
Greggors to discuss safe sex, True
Love W'aits representative Lennie
Batchelor to discuss abstaining from

All panelists and all audience mem-
bers, however, are expected to explore
whatever topic they want, Crouch said.

She defined the gathering as “same
topic, different perspectives."

Everybody should try to leave
thinking, “()K, I can see what you‘re
saying,” Crouch said.

stand where the other eople are com-
ing from," he said, atliling that “UK
Speaks Out" lets people come, ask
questions and learn.

This year‘s “Speaks Out" series will
be a little more comfy, Crouch said.

See SEX on 3


llll's student ambassa

By Charles snumaltor
Staff Writer

The future for UK is here. Well, in
essence anyway. Prospective students
for UK attended the review orga-
nized by the student ambassadors pro-

ram in the Student Center grand

allroom UK yesterday evening.

The preview night is set up to invite
high schools to campus to ear what
the University has to offer. A slide pre-
sentation and a question and answer

students from surroundin

session highlighted the preview.

Randi Mills of the UK admissions
office and keynote speaker Robin Kidd
told students how UK is a different
world, even though it is just in their

Kidd, a student ambassador, said, “I
know people say that the grass is
always reener in someone else’s yard,
but U has a lot to offer for you."

Kidd followed by saying how much
she has liked UK and promoted it for
its faculty and students.

The preview night is just one of the
many activities that the student ambas-
sadors participate in every year.

d v

III'S OIIBI‘ perspective

“Any time the school needs some-
one other than administrators or facul-
ty to represent the school, they call
us," Katie Chiles, ambassador coordi-
nator said.

“We have a month of preview
nights, trips to surrounding states, we
host ests and try to represent UK on
behafflof the students,” Chiles Said.
“We try to tell students, ‘Hey, we like

Student ambassadors are selected in
the spring by the Dean of Students
Office. Five students are chosen from
applications in the spring semester.


Current ambassadors are Therese
Gleason, a Spanish major from
Louisville, Matthew Blazejewski, a
business junior from Villa Hills, Ky.,
Melissa Moore, a political science and
history senior from Louisville, and
Chiles and Kidd, both English seniors.

Moore said she is enjoying her first
year as an ambassador.

“I felt that the university has given
me so much, I wanted find a way to
give back to UK.”

Students interested in the ambas-
sador program can apply at 518 Patter-
son ()ffice Tower.



othy McVeigh was convicted and sentenced to die.
Prosecutors say Nichols was a supporting play-
er in the deadliest act of terrorism on LIS. soii.
Nichols’ lawyers are expected to argue that he
didn't know about the botnbing in advance and
cooperated with investigators after he turned him-
selfin. They also will emphasize that Nichols was
home at Herington, Kan., when the bomb went off.


MISS AMII‘ICI begins IIIIS attack

BELOIT, \‘Vis. —— Newly crowned Miss Amer»
ica Katherine Shindle is anxious to get out on the
speech circuit and talk about AIDS.

“I can’t wait to get out and start speaking,
because there's so much to be done,“ the 20—year-
old told the audience at a fund raiser for AIDS. “I‘ve
been so into HIV revention for a couple of years."

Shindle went m Miss Illinois to Miss Ameri-
ca on Sept. 13 at the annual pageant in Newjer-
sey, where she was born.

Shindle made headlines immediately after the
pageant when it was disclosed her other had
served on the board of the Miss America Organi—
zation. She said her father took a leave of absence
several months before the pageant.

Compilcdfi'm wire "pom.
. O ‘


- “p..-“ . .





2 Tuesday, September i'll, 1997, Muturky Kernel








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‘ Lets Do It...

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Rda’B giants churn
out some old stufl

By Brett Dawson

.‘issocmte Editor

In the liner notes of their new

(II), Evolution, the members of
Boyz II Men take turns defining
the term.

“Evolution means change,"
Michael McCary philosophites.

To “'anya Morris, “I",volution
is growth."

The other Boyz,
Nate Morris and
Shawn Stockman are a
little wordicr, but the
gist of it is that the
process of evolution is
growing, maturing
you know. the things
that change Boy]. 11

Fair enough.

But as (IDs go, Eco-

lution is nothing new.



(m offiw

and certainly the corniest — song
the Boyz have wasted their studio
time on.

Babyface-penned lyrics like
“You will always be the girl/In my
life for all times,” will have you
reaching for the skip button time
after time.

(lo ahead and hit it twice.

That‘s because there’s really no
sense in listening to “Can You
Stand the Rain,” an a
cappella cover of the
New Edition classic.
Nine years later, it still
stands up a as a fantas-
tic piece of R&B, but
the Boyz can't put
enough of themselves
into the track to set it
apart from the origi—

Do yourself a favor
and pop in the \.F..

‘ vuhaon’
It’s not just par for the E verSion.
Boyz II Men course, IIMen From there, Sean
it‘s easily the group‘s . 0W) “Puffy" Combs takes

weakest effort to date.

R& B’s megapro—
ducers, who line up to work with
Boyz II Men and on Evolution
more than ever, produced a mixed
bag of work lacking a cohesive
flow or a thematic feel. In other
words, it‘s more a collection of
songs than a true album.

Some of those songs are pretty
good. And some are really terrible.

Lousicst of the lousy is “A Song
for Mama," perhaps the worst —

over for a couple of
tracks, continuing his
quest to appear on every R813
album of the decade and, eventu-
ally, to take over the world.
Admittedly, though, “Can’t Let
Her (io" stands up to most any—
thing else on the disc. Puff Daddy
may be ubiquitous, but at times he
still drops a nice beat or two. And
give Puffy credit —— he scarcely
utters a word.
That, of course, isn't the disc's



0 it

Photo tut-uhlml

"IE Ell] of "IE “all" Boy: I] Alan's latest album. the disappointing
‘Et‘olution, ‘ liit record stores last Tuesday.

only high point.

Take out its over-synthetic beat
and “4 Seasons of Loneliness" is
solid pop. And jimmy Jam and
Terry Lewis nicely incorporate
the ’805 bit “Human" into
“Human II (Don’t Turn Your
Back on .\Ie)."

Besides that, Shawn Stockman
emerges as the member most like-
ly to succeed in a solo career, writ-
in and producing the disc’s best
ba lad, “Doin'just Fine."

But it’s a lack of anything new.
anything risk—taking that eventual—

ly causes Evolution to fall flat.

The biggest chance here, “The
Girl in the Life Magazine,” comes
tip short largely because — despite
some shrewd lyrics like “I imag-
ined that I was a man of impor-
tance and she had a fancy for me”
— it's'too hard to tell ifits clever
or just pathetic and creepy.

On the whole, Evolution is
worth a couple of revolutions in
your CD player, but it's more or
less a saddening display ofa talent—
ed group spinning in unproductive


‘FOI‘BSI' dense With III‘GtGIISB

Trip-170p musician

falls short in debut

By Angela Anderson

Contributing l/l’riter


the song “Dream"
on the radio
before. “Dream"
is the first single
release off Carl
debut album For-
est or tlye Trees.
You’ve proba—
bly never heard of

I applaud anything new
and inventive in music these
days; although, that doesn't
mean I want to listen to it.

You have probably heard



Finally, as



“Dream" as a single.








“Dream "
always seen,

company saw the music tastes
in America, and all
around t e world for that mat-
ter, they chose to release

The radio stations picked

it tip almost imme—
became a quiet hit,
being requested by
the listeners con—

only by the record
company, but also

somewhat techno—inspired.
but also embodies a
psychedelic texture.

Carl Stephenson, the
brains behind the album,
wrote every song and played
the majority of the instru—
ments himself.

The lyrics, of which
Stephenson writes with no
collaboration. are bizarre, rep—
etitious and contritc. \\'hilc
attempting to deliver a deep
and thought—provoking feel,
he ends up sounding tcdiotis
and cluttered.

In the song Infinite (low,
Stephenson sings, “How did




give him status as u pretentious superstar.

Pliutu furnished

KEEP ON ”BEIMING Curl .Stepln'nson ‘s debut

ullirmt prot'idesfe'a redeeming songs and should


shelf at Gef en Records, For-
est for the Trees was doubtful
to ever even be released as a
full'length album. Stephenson
became ill and the work on the
release almost completely

Forest for the Trees is one
of the first to be considered
what Stephenson has coined,

Trip-hop is a new catch
word for anything that is

Stephenson * by Stephenson my mind evolve into this qucs-
before, even himself. as the tion/How did the alphabet
though he has (outaffive) strongest song on become words/How did these
been on the music ‘Fomtfirtbe the album because words become this sentence?"
scene for quite Trut’ ofits good beat and A better question may be,
some time. While W5 berm»: unique vocals. who cares?
working on his (Gftfm (cords) Not many \\'hat is interesting about
own album, other songs on the this album is the bizarre
Stephenson is album carry as instrumentation. Stephenson
probably best known for co- much weight as “Dream," and mixes a sitar, bagpipes, rock
producing Beck’s debut so it will probably remain a guitar, keyboards, and drums
release, Mellow Gold. lone release for Stephenson’s to come out with the exotic
Spendin five years on a first album. but awkward styling heard all

throughout the album.

This is something that
probably hasn’t been done
before. with good reason.
Let's just hope this isn't the
future of music.


Southern culture keeps ‘seat' warm

By Brian R. Gilbert

road kil

with or at least recognize.

Ordinarily, these are subjects that most

Shot un weddings, strip malls, halter-tops,

if banana pudding and road trips to Las
Vegas are all stereotypic elements of Southern
life that many Kentuckians can either identify

Southerners are ashamed of, but

Rick Miller, Mary Huff and Dave
Hartman are not most Southerners.
In fact, the trio make a living cele-
brating these aspects of the South—

ern existence.

From Geffen Records comes the
second major release of Southern
Culture On The Skids, the groov-
ing rock—a-billy unit out of Char-

lotte, NC.

Plastic Sear Sweat hammers on

the above topics and then some,
consistently ( riving the rusty nail
into the grand two—by-four of hill-

billy motifs.

In addition to the lesson on
Southern culture, the album offers
12 solid tracks that are as diverse as

they are fun.

Combining various styles such as country,
funk, surf rock and blues, SCOTS creates a
unique rock-a-bill sound that is smooth and

but not polite. The band

advises that their sound is “warm and fuzzy,

upbeat, inviting,

but it bites like an alligator in pajamas.”

The first song, “Shotgun," opens the album
with some heavy layered grooves. Huff‘s fat,



deep bass lines and Nliller’s roadhousc-stylc
guitar produce a rocking song about shotgun


dessert are honest and witty.

The ode to “a southern dessert best served
day old and bold” will not get your appetite
going, but it will have you singing

and smiling.








“cutting the ru





i .«I

provide an electric feel.

“Banana Puddin,” a slow, bouncing tune
offers a funk—driven beat and an irresistibly
catchy chorus. Miller’s lyrics about his favorite

The extremely rocking “40
miles to Vegas"
Rama" will have any true hillbilly

These higii-powered rock-a-
billy gems are standard SCOTS
style, and demonstrate the band is
seriously close to its roots and

Plastic Seat Sweat is also leas—
antly arranged. Mixed in wit nine
vocal-laden tracks are three instru-

‘ - “Dance For Me," a surf rocking,
guitar driven track, sounds like SCOTS has
taken a page from the Dick Dale book of
music, and the appropriatel titled “Theme
From ‘The Cheaters,” coul easil be placed
in any movie strip club scene. The t ird instru-
mental, “Deja Varoom," is ve
sounding and combines various 6 ements to


and “ Love-a-

Bassist Iquf offers her vocal tal-
ents to “Love-a-Rama,” contribut-
ing graciously to the album‘s vari—



Pboto furnished

"HIE ““3" KISIAIIS Charlotte-based rock-
a-billy band Southern Culture on the Skidrfiiund
success on its second major release.

Beginning with the band's first record in
1985, Southern Culture On The Skids has

since released numerous albums and record-



ings. Plastic Seat Sweat looks to be the group's
most diverse ..nd successful yet.

The convergence of several musical styles,
topped off with some homegrown hillbilly fun,
provide for some entertainin listening.

The album will definite y not bore you.
Actually, it might get you out of that plastic
recliner you are sweating in and onto the dance










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NIP onIEK viiitioos
gum») sam Wile







smiles To THE we're not
SwiRRELSl WE'RE irks To
LAW rims


RR ‘louK



Kenmil'y Kernel, 'I‘Imxlay. September ill, [WTv





2&2?“le nus cam.
THE sonnets
”I'm ARE urset
l AMUT rue






By Delmar Watkins

Contributing W'riter

When he lectures, Pepsi in hand and bright
eyes toward the class, he looks like a freshman
talking about a really great book he has read.

Butjohn Cawelti says he has “had the good
fortune of teaching 40 years of students.”

In that 40 years, Cawelti has taught around
the world.

He has tau ht at the
universities 0 Chicago,
Iowa, Rijksuniversiteit te
Groningen and Rijksuni-
versiteit te Utrecht in
Denmark, and Hyder-
abad in India.

India, he said, was the
most different of all.

There is a sense of stu-


V dents being the satne “no
Cam us matter where you are,”
Cawelti said. but not

Impres Ions

everyone has the same
cultural assumptions.

“1 showed a class of stu-
dents Casablanca, and no one had seen it. I real-
ized how culturally bound I was,” Cawelti said.

His experiences with Indian and Danish
students gave him a different perspective on
American culture and the American Dream.

Other cultures view America in two lights,
he said. American popular culture attracts
them, but they are critical of events such as
Vietnam and the spread of American popular

“America is a set of hopes and harsh and
disturbing realities about the use of power,”
Cawelti said.

His years of experience allow him to see dif-
ferences in the students of other generations.

In general, he says the idealistic students of
the '605 were more confident about their

It is easier to be idealistic when jobs are
plentiful. In the ”805, the economy forced stu-
dents to be more conservative and career ori-
ented instead ofidealistic, he said.

Today’s students concentrate more on par—
ticular social causes and are not pursuing
careers like in the ’805. We are skeptical, but


JAMES CRISP Kernel imfi'

LITERATURE 00MB ALIVE Eng/ii}; projesrorjobn Cawelti has taught in diflerenr plates around the
world for 40yean‘. He said his research and reaching help feed earl) other.

more socially active.

Cawelti translates his experience into his
teaching style.

He earned the Quantrell Award for excel-
lence in undergraduate Teaching from Chica—
go, and the University of Kentucky Arts and
Science Distinguished Professor Award.

He said his research and teaching feed each
other. .

By furthering his research, he can continue
to keep literature alive for every generation of

By concentrating on teaching, he gains an
ap reciation of what he needs to research. By
ba ancing research and teaching, he said he can
“make sure to hold on to the basic questions"
that students have.

He is currently revisin “The Six-Gun
Mystique", a book on how t e \A’estern genre

has reflected changes in American culture.
especially about the South and \\'est.

In his 40 years of teaching, Dr. Cawelti has
retained a sense of wonder and kindness.

Scott Bryson, one of Cawelti’s teaching assis-
tants, said that “with his knowledge he could
choose to intimidate ifhe wanted, and instead he
presents himself with humility and kindness."

That same sense of kindness and humanity
comes through in and out of the classroom.

Scott said that Cawelti wants his 'I‘As and stu—
dents “to find alternative ways to new a story."

liven though he has a tremendous amount
of experience, Cawelti encourages feedback
from the students anti 'I‘As, and expects others
to disagree with him.

By helping others think about issues in our
culture, Cawelti is able to make his experiences
helpful to today’s students.



Forum oflers new
perspectives on issue
From PAGE 1

“There will be more conversa—
tion instead of debate," she said.

Also, microphones will be
placed in the audience for inein—
)ers to ask questions. For those
too timid to speak, index cards
will be distributed for questions,
(Iroucb said.


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“\\'e rely on audience partici—
pation .it 'L'K Speaks ()ut,‘" she

“I think every student can
relate to every single person on
the panel."

Two other "Speaks Out"
gatherings are planned this fall,
(Iroucb said. .-\ “oiiien's panel
will explore women's issues on
Oct. 38, and students will discuss
student satisfaction at L'K on

Nov. ll.





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Love, respect locus oi Bsu play

‘C olorblind ’
teaches family

By Jennifer Metcalt

contributing Writer

Respect and love within the
modern black famil summarize
the focus of “Colorb ind,” a musi-
cal sponsored by the Black Stu—
dent Union that played Saturday
at the Singletary Center for the

The production paid tribute to
two important sources of inspira—
tion to the author, Lisa Persley:
her husband Henry and close
friend Maryann Manley-Lewis,
both of whom died within the last
six months.

The performance started with a
memorial service for these indi-
viduals. Manle -Lewis’ daughter,
Pamella D’Pel a, who plays Julia
on “The Young and the Restless,"
spoke about her mother’s influ-
ence in her life.

Several friends of the Persleys
talked about Henry.

Persley, a Fayette Coun '
Postal Service worker and sel -
described “family‘oriented”
mother of two daughters, said she
ho es the play will change atti-
tud)es about race and the family

“I would like somewhere in life
to see everyone come on one
chord everyone to love each
other. We should look at each
other so that we can love each
other no matter what color our
skin is," she said.

The play focuses on a youn
black woman’s relationship wit
her mother.

LoJo, the daughter, resents
her mother because of her darker
skin. Knowing that she could ass
for white, Lojo shuts out her am—
ily and runs off to Las Vegas to
start a dancing career. Meanwhile,
her mother becomes an emotional
wreck, unaware of where her
dau hter has gone.

en her mother learns of her
whereabouts and comes after her,
Lojo tries to run off again.

Some of hEr dancer friends

talk to h