xt7m3775vp31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775vp31/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760611 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 11, 1976, no. 132 text The Green Bean, June 11, 1976, no. 132 1976 2014 true xt7m3775vp31 section xt7m3775vp31 satzmuia THE (
15 June - Payroll Clerks meeting- G R E E N
10 AM, Director‘s _ ‘ *
Office Conference Room _ B E A N >
To discuss the new
payroll accounting
‘ · system. (All clerks
sible for their depart- NEWSLETTER NO.l32 6/ll/76
ment‘s payroll account- David Farrell, Editor Ext.886ll
ing should attend this`
16 June - Admin. Council meeting - Cancelled. (The Administrative
Council meetings have been cancelled for the summer. A
special meeting will be called should the need arise.)
Staff Collection:
A collection of the more important library journals and some
newsletters has been established for_staff use in the 2nd floor
hall of King North.
All items in the Staff Collection that were formerly routed to
individuals on the staff will no longer be routed. They will be
shelved immediately in the Staff Collection.
. CSR will be responsible for shelving and weeding the material
in the collection.
A "do it yourself" circulation system has been set up for the
collection. Procedures for circulation are posted beside the
collection itself. In order for this collection to serve the
purpose for which it is intended, it is important that the
circulation procedures be followed.
Travellers: Charles Atcher to Cleveland 13-19 June for a work-
shop of the College and University Archives oral history program.
Russell Powell and Ginny Dunn to Knoxville l4-l8 June for the
84th Annual Society for Engineering Education meeting. Susan
Csaky will address that meeting of 15 June.
From the Suggestion Box:
"Give a big raise to your staff members for being so helpful.
They even offer help when they see someone looking bewildered.
(signed) T.M., Journalism department." No fooling.
READERS ADVISORY SERVICE. ed. by Leonard Cohan. New York: Science
Associates/International, Inc. 1974-
The Reference Department of M.I. King Library has recently begun
receiving a very useful new serial entitled the Readers Advisor!
Service. The RAS is a compilation of topical subject bibliographies

which have been prepared by subject specialists from various li- T
braries, scholarly and professional societies, and information
centers across the U.S. and Canada. The subject coverage is very
broad-—including current topical and academic interests in the
humanities, sciences, technologies and social sciences. The com-
prehensiveness and depth of coverage also varies greatly from one
bibliography to another. One can find a bibliography on Streaking:
A Hushed and_Revgalin Biblio raphy and another on the study and
teaching of cIassicaI civilization.
Science Associates/International, Inc. is assigning a royalty on
each subscription sold to all participating libraries whose pub-
lications are used. Thus each subscriber is free to reproduce any
RAS bibliography in any quantity desired. RAS is now being published
monthly with each new issue of the service including a cumulative
index to all previous RAS entries. The Reference Department would
be happy to have anyone interested in the RAS come by to look at it.
Some of the bibliographies should be very useful to liaisons as
checklists for library holdings in their subject disciplines. The
Reference Department would be willing to make copies of appropriate
bibliographies for the branch librarians if they want to advise the
department of a subject profile to follow.
i A. Morgan
The= Center for Developmental Change will award a spring semester
‘ fellowship to a University of Kentucky faculty member for the
purpose of preparing a multidisciplinary research design and proposal
focusing on a significant problem of social change. A stipend equal
to the recipient's salary will be awarded. Deadline for application
is l0 Sept. 76; forms are available from the Office of the Director ‘
“ of the CDC, 365 Office Tower.
A piece from June 1976 — BITS & PIECES —
"The difference between the right word," wrote Mark Twain, "and
almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the
lightning bug."
One evening, the English poet Keats was sitting in his room with
his friend Leigh Hunt. Hunt was reading and Keats, sitting at a
nearby table, was writing a poem. At one point, Keats looked up,
and said, "Hunt, what do you think of this? 'A beautiful thing is an
unending joy.'"
“Good," said Hunt, "but not quite perfect."
There was silence for a while, then Keats looked up again. "How
about this? 'A thing of beauty is an unending joy.'"
"Better," said his friend, "but still not quite right."

 1 I
Keats once again bent over the table, his pen making quiet scratching
noises on the paper. Finally, he spoke again, "Now, what do you
think of this? 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever.’"
Hunt looked admiringly at his friend. "That," he said, "will live
1 as long as the English language is spoken."
1 J Bryant
i www
I Elizabeth Howard will be on sabbatical July—December 1976 and Harry
Gilbert will be going to Biological Sciences to provide interim
coverage. Vivian MacQuown will, in turn, serve as interim head for
A Interlibrary Loans.
§ New Staff Member: Mollie Sandock will be joining the Reference
g Department August 1. Ms. Sandock has a B.A. in English Literature
3 and Religious Studies from Brown University and her MLS from the
i University of Chicago where she was a reference intern.
i Openings:
i LT I Bindery
j LT II Acquisitions (Temporary)
‘ There will also be an LT II and an LT III at Lexington Technical
{ Institute (new building on Cooper Drive). If interested, please
  give your name to Faith Harders.
{ [~f]ANAGFHE,j§ l E { |_l`-fl
§ The ARL film Take the Chair will be shown Wednesday at 10:00 in
Room 504; a discussion period will follow.
E; Head Oriental Studies Librarian. University of Arizona, Tucson,
ii Arizona. Application deadline July 15, 1976. Minimum salary:
g $9,000.
Q Cataloger. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Application
gk deadline August 15, 1976. Minimum salary: $9,600.
{2 Head, Reference Department. Ohio State University Libraries,
`j Columbus, Ohio. Available September 1, 1976. Salary: $18,000-
Q $21,000.

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