xt7m3775vp4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775vp4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770218 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 18, 1977, no. 166 text The Green Bean, February 18, 1977, no. 166 1977 2014 true xt7m3775vp4m section xt7m3775vp4m i All
University Archives I V _  
Margaret i. King Library - North .
University of Kentucky I
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 I
CA! END/\R »
_ l8 February - Administrative Council Meeting - 8:30-9:30 AM i
Gallery Q
25 February — Music in the Gallery series: The LeMay String E
Quartet - Noon, Gallery. Open to the public ;
Administrative Council Meeting — 8:30-9:30 AM  
Gallery )
28 February - Bluegrass Libraries Meeting — 7:30, Gallery.  
Speaker: Cathi O'Hara (Henry Clay High School (
Librarian): on "The School Media Center" (a slide i
tape presentation). Open to the public
Cyfirentg Exhibits: Gallery/Special Collections - "Four Centuries
or Children's Book Illustration" (through February)
I I V Contrilnitors to this number: Ellen Baxter, Daivi·dFarrell (Editor)

 M U ’*‘ lf 2 1*17* n
ABOLl__Lm- a>,lr)R/NIE;
gegrganization of Library Associates planned:
A committee of twelve recently met to discuss the reorganization
of the UK Library Associates, the "friends" group that has made
significant contributions to the Libraries but has long been
dormant. The committee includes four representatives of the
Libraries {Paul Willis, Jacqueline Bull, Bill Marshall, David
Farrell) and eight member from the faculty, alumni and citizens
of the Commonwealth.
The role of "friends" groups in general, and the contributions
of the UK Associates were discussed at the meeting. Following
discussion, committees were selected to plan a general member-
ship meeting in April.
§taff_Qrganization_dues - Part—time staff:
Partetime staff working fewer than 32 hours per week are eligible
to be Associates Members of the Staff Organization. The Organiza-
tion encourages associate memberships. Associate Members cannot
vote or hold office but can attend all Staff Organization functions.
Dues: $l.OO (l year) Associate Members ONLY
.50 (6 months) Associate Members ONLY
Please contact Mary Welch/Cataloging Department concerning
' associates memberships.
From the Boy is our face red dept:
Out iaoiogiea to Joyce Turner for confusing ber w;th Joyce Baylor
in Qs; ¢.‘ -§w report in last week's Green Sean.
lift  rbr, ei;. so T  Q. —,,.; .?;C@lIl$WE, CHQ I WA N "
Frofesw r Constance Wilson, the first woman to ehair the Univer~
sity Senate, presided at the February lets meeting. She urged
each membei to take an active role and suggested that Senators
who habiguallv call in as accounted absentees relinquish their
seats to someone else in their departments. Ms. Wilson recogized
the composition of the Senate to be lacking in minorities and low
in the number of women members.
A resosqtion io Malcolm Jewell, immediate ?ast~Chairman of one
errata, was read into the minutes.
Memorial resolutions for three former faculty members were also
read into the minutes and copies of these are to be sent to Lheir
April ith has been designated for retirees* dinner which is to be
neil at the Lafayette Club.
information items and a summary of Council activities were reviewed
bv Ms. Wil on. A

 wk.   Y
Dr. Royster presented names of candidates for Honorary Degrees
to be awarded at graduation ceremonies in May which met with the
Senate’s approval.
There was one action item on the agenda — one that had been
hashed out previously and returned to the Council for more
appropriate wording. This time it was the student senators
who took the controversial viewpoint and prolonged its final
adoption. They insisted that "belief" be left in the "Admissions"
~·` statement. After some deliberation, it was concluded that the
., , . following paragraph be added to Section IV, Admissions of the
” Uniyersity Senate Rules:
~Y·· All applicants meeting the appropriate academic re-
_ guirements shall be considered equally for admission
to the University or to any college or academic prc~
gram regardless of race, color, religion, sex, marital
status, or national origin. A
LT Il (part»time) Circulation
Temporary (full time) ILL
If interested, see Faith Harders.
   L- liliE!rl“Li[illI l1PPO!iT[ INI i [ES
Eead of Technical Processing, Librarian IV. University of Missouri~
Coluvk n, Columbia Missouri. Application deadline; March l5. l97?
Available: Immediately, Salary: $l3,000—$20,00G.