xt7m3775x818 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775x818/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140402 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 27, April 2, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 27, April 2, 1914 1914 2015 true xt7m3775x818 section xt7m3775x818  
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Life without labor l• guilt. I FORECAST"
*— Tomorrow: Fall- enough
’ ` 'J°h" num"' to do your duty.
Y ""_”'; T
• •
I University of Kentucky
Z i · NEXT SA"`UR"AY THE UNIVERSITY HIS tJOMl·ANY Address Before Congressronal
State Plays Her Annual Content With w°" "“°"°°i°tY c°"t°" Again" Entertalns With Canvas and Crayon, C °tt   C t° n
the Team From Univ. of Michigan P°“°"°°" R°p"°°°"t°“V° Melting Board and Clay, A|•0 Omm,   On u a  
on Stoll Field. Y°“°'d'Y‘ Mu•ic.—In Chapel. ' .....——·..j;-
l unit Ann SISLER num., "· '· °- A- ”’”'*- ‘°- lsnunonv mon-r,a;oo o·ctoc•< Delivered Before the House Committee, Which Had
soloiooy WKQ. the winooo MM w*¤¤*¤¤ sm ¤** ¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤l The Lyceum QIKEQQ presents sooo. Under C0¤Sid¢¤¤¢i0¤ 8 Bill to Establish
l will mix lt with the Wolverines on in the v°'ri°uS jitgrary B°°i°u°s' Mr` day night in its regular course, Ross a National Univ€rSity_
Stoll Field. The Michigan game has ‘I°h“ H°w‘"d lame was Selected t° Crane, the cartoonist, musician, etc.,
been for years States big card in the l·*¤t·=¤<>¤t State in um Kentucky In` and his company. Within a few mln- ""'-_""'_";
earucl. pan of the Season. and mls tercolleglate Oratorltral Contest, wlllch mes he pmduceg with ms hand ln clay
trip, the Blue and White aggregation will be held in °“" Chapel °" Apm m" portraits of the nation‘s great men, as
• has the best chance in many moons Mn Payne is tm Ommr °t m' well as many types which bring forth ._ · '
to trim the Mlchlglmdalx nowned victories and will ably rep- laughter.
With "Turkey" Park in the rifle pit, resent °“" msmuuon in the uml °°°` Mr. Crane is a man with great and l. _   ,»
and with soothing warm weather per- t°“t‘ H9 is president 0f m° K' L O' varied powers, being an excellent en- ‘ _   l
colatlng through the Blue's togs, a fast A" havmg b°°° elected °° that pl°°° tertalner of audiences wherever he Z·•{ P     i     Q
l scrap wm result. with the margin ln last fall f0r the CUIIIUIS €0"€8lBl·€ perform;   f  
L favor of Kentucky. Michigan will send wm" Painter, sculptor, humorlst, phlloso- ‘ l ` _ _ Y  
f Sisler, their• star twirler, on the, His Speech was one which is °t pher and always master of assemblies. ` ‘ yr  
I mound. The stocky hurler is well vim. mmrest t° the Amaricun p°°pl°' Rarely have all the elements of agroat
. known here, and he will give Turk a °“tm°d· Hup E"°S· D°wn Ma"',. entertainer been so completely unltied `
  run for hill honors. The game is Mn R· A· F°“t‘°" was the P“tt°"°° ln one personallyt. No wonder he is
i called at 3 o‘clock. r°l’mS°m°m'°· having w°n their °°u` called "ltoss Crane, the incompar-
l _ • l test last week and he is to be com- amen.
l       pllmented for his able production and H8 captures every audience and
  I     ab;my of d8;;v€rin$ll?a:l€' U l lt °v°ry °l°m°°t in cvery ““di°“°°· AB Following is the address ulade a few ing colleges for instruction in those
i     twgvgonnec on ew nt lid ilhgmf C; Ralph Parlette says: uu any °°° can weeks ago by Dr. James K. Patterson, sciences relating to Agriculture and
l .T...-—- young m D 8 e a please Ml um p°°pl° it is R°" C"‘°°· before the Committee on Education of the Mellcanic Arts, and later still, en-
wn s°°Id°d ' w°°k AW But N°t to represent Suite and from this num- because M his m°·“y'“id°d“°“ and b° the House of Representatives, at larged the revenues accruing from the
l E"*°°°‘°“ *° "°°°'“° b°” M" P“’“° ”°°“““_ °°° ”"“”° cme Ml ws W¤¤¤ ¤¤v¤¤ i s¤¤¤<>¤¤¤¤ Washington, olhoi. had oooh- consid. style of lands grained under uio Act of
* 8°rI°u°' as me Survival of the Mwst. when h° Comes m°r° than hun way t° eration the blll to establish a great 1862 by supplementary grants of
————— T--•-•————-— meet it." National whoa,-,,hy_ l|\()ll(*y under the Hatch Act, the
|’     KY.   A'   l  ‘ Doctor Patterson lvus asked to :\dLl.lllS Act, {IIB 1`[O[`I`l.ll Act of  
l SSIXIUBI L. Gruell, of Falmouth, Ky.,         speak Ou behalf of President James, and the Nelson Act of 1906. A1‘0¤l1d
8. Junior in the College of Law, passed           Ol the State L,nll_€l_Slly of llllnolsl who these institutions as a nucleus, have
g mm me realms of ma beyond last SM- With Subject,—iEeTd:klng of Men,"     was unable to be present. Doctor Pat- grown up {he (Ima? Land Gram (301-
_ urdgy night about 3 0·cl0ck_ He was a Marlon Man Mun Umm ln l _____ lemon Suldl leges and Llll\'€l`SlI.l€S of today: Lor-
Q ' Scalded   Shaving,   accidentally _ lwa· Seen in Upeaccful va||°y"   l Il("ll, P€HIlSylV3,Di3 StBl.€, the UD‘V9rBl'
. a Fmal T"y°ut' (ielltlelllvll ol' tllt· (`Ullll|l\l.[€€ 011 , - · ·
l overturning a pan of hot water on his and Receive, Shun uw Ol Ul“°· “lSc°“Sl“· Mm“"“°m· n'
‘ neck one week prior to his dB8.[ll.IM. R, MCCAULEY szcown PLACEI Nm". Ed:*f“'·i;’"; l l ll R uml be lillois, Missouri, Nebrasltlzl and Clau-
mh fl-lend h 8 ,__.* " le 'UUl\