xt7m639k6s6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m639k6s6s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-04-22  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 22, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 22, 1941 1941 1941-04-22 2020 true xt7m639k6s6s section xt7m639k6s6s  











Minutes or the jniversity Senate ~ flarch

xlmi anizfli comui‘ttee


Lion, visa revision where e
orperizatiun eoi hovers, Tluu gneczsl reference to a rt ort on one comoit—
;~‘ 7‘. in“

tee system now in use.

l. 2'} 07.; 1d i i k0 'C 0 rail (‘1 13 ha; t it}. i; l 1 Ca: S : S i’ih e 1‘ e t l": 3 re, 33‘ e, 311 53 v e s c C d

r. , , . l - m .. .. 1,4, “1.,“ r. ,.‘vnr 1

changes brat tne :eoommendatian no she negate :or SUCH engages sexll be
circulated to members of tie ~,tngte lo the usual manzer at leasr ten ways

4 l ‘ ‘ c .L M

a . l. ; . _. fl 1., k skyfi
beiore toe matter small as subject to Vote 0‘ toe Dcuaue.


- " '~ ‘- V*_.-.: , ,.‘+,: '. ;. ,+
On motion, auly seconaed, toe recommenoaulxrs CJLvfiineQ is unis Silo

were ahoroved.

Professor ionrius requested that neriafter toe announcement oi the wenat

, .

no order of OUSIDBSS in so


meetings in
in adVance. It was understood test this sugges"





2:, 1941

The University Senate met in the ASSembly Room of Lsf‘


Avril 22, 1941. President Coooer Dresided.
With one minor correction, the minutes of March 10 were aporoved as readc

Professor R. H~ Weaver read to the Senate the following report from the
7‘ ‘ . f‘ . . ‘;
ourriculum oommittee:

N L , o n - , ., .
Tue College 01 Arts and :Ciences recommends the :ollow1ng changes
in the Deoartment of ?hysics:

aroo Eyisics 10. Elementary EX;



Exoand Eyysics 3a,b. General College Dhysics. from (4,4) to

The descriotions of the expanded courses.are as follows:

?hysics 23' General College Physics. An adVaroed general course,
covering Heohan



ic , Nave Iotion and Heat. Lectures and recitations,

Iowr hOurs; laboratory four hours.

Prereooisites: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytics, College Chem" «
istry, Mathematics 20a, concurrent.


EHVSIC§ l3“ General COllege PhYeios, An advanced general course.


"- ” a ' n "fin. .L‘ - . _ .
VOxferlnE 11451181115111, EleCtT‘IClty, Sound ani L1 qht. Lecture and reelta—

 Minutes of the University Senate ~ An.

H l

tions, four hours; laboratory, four hours. 1y

Prereouisite: Physics 3a. ‘ p







The Commi tee recommends tne nonrOV3l of these changes. .
The College of Arts sni Sciences also recommends changes in :1
the Densrtment of Geology. F'p
Bron Geology 223,h. Elementary Geology. (4,4) *l
Dron geolOgy 26a,b. Advanced Geology. (4,4) H?
The Committee recommends the annrovel of the droooing of these t
courses. 'l;
Add Geology 503,b, Outlines 3: Geologz. (3,3). Three lec— f
tures ner week. A study of th= more important and better~known i:
geological features of the earth, including mineral resources, earth if
history, and the fossil reCOri. The work is nreceded by a six~weeks' Eh
introduction to geological nrincinles. .l“
Although the committee is doubtful concerning the wisdom of allowing his
students to fulfill science reouirements by taking lecture courses of this f
tyne, it can ee no reason why the Geology Department should not be allowed f
to follow a nolicy which has already been annroved for other departments. ft
We, therefore, recommend the anorovel of this course. t
r W
Add Geology 30a. General Geology (5). Three lectures and two ‘12
laboratory COnferences a week. GeologiCal Processes ~ A study of 1%
the forces and processes responsible for the features of the earth. “W
. ll“.
l 2
The Committee recommends the enorOVal of this course with the proviso Jig
that students who have received credit in GeOlOgV 50a,b. receive only 3 flfi}
credits in GeolOgy 30a. id
Add GeolOgy 30h. General Geology (5). Three lectures, two '.'d;
laboratory conferences oer week. Historical Geology - A study of - 3'

continental evolution and the develonment of plant and animal life.



‘ . . ,. . Ml

Add Geoloaz 31. Laboratorz Work in Regional Historical Geology. ‘Kt

(2). A study of selected geological mass and soecimens covering the ‘;l

nrincipal geologic regions of the United States. left
The Committee recommends the anorOVal of these courses."

This report of the Curriculum Committee was aonroved as read.

The following resolution wa read concerning John Stsnn Mitchell, a member


of the staff, who died on Lebrurry 23:

John Stepn Mitchell was Called by death on Sunday morning, February ; i
23, 1941, at the age of 52 years. With his nossing the University staff fl

no..__ ...._4 A









youtn, or as an mrficle

3 ‘ . 1 T” _ , _ . fr~ H
Alnutes 01 tce on-vcse_tx Uunite , gorll zz, ltdi

lost one vi 125 myst 1079; and devouea memberg.

,—.~ __ , _W- ’“W.-‘, , ,_ V'v‘ 3_,. 3' \ Ll,
3LT. bk)? U. i‘LCu L?..Y)xii".L€::liC(i 1::3 :1 ~10; LO SCuQQl LS'mC;1:_:_‘



DOT, he loinci the facultv 3? the Vulversity fizh $cno"l in the fall of
1977. 7or 14 Yo T: he SETTGi the TfillV 1“ V‘TiOU? “ “931’33‘, ‘hi
alrtye Ttluwfully HLd well.

Pro 2:4? Kitchell exemnlifl ' -Le hightw t tyne of e¢ucatlcnml leader“
ship. Both t* oreceot inn taught thnt first of ell the teacher

moot be a learner, and so


master‘e degree in 1399.


the Teqoircments for he

Professor M:Ltchell had n broad coaceotion of the role 0: the teachec

n contemporary ci vil iZati=n. He thought

fiSf mueter to

itaelf but as a means to the envacarenw of
teacher as more than n t

after truth. Instead, he wouxnt alwavs w


k , 3 . -
owner, “no lrlenl. He "‘c ~n e.ttcmew c)nn:el
fr] I‘l '1 J. OV‘Y‘S'V . (“\l l4 1‘1J‘_ t Sn L ‘. [u ~


us of frie niacin,
’ &1 d3tim elv

Profecnor Mitchell mosse:;sed in rare degree the flea
it» . . :3 . a l. 3. 3_ ~- . .”
lo know h.m wan to love n1,, to name film :as to orqlse.

death leave: us with the keeLest sense of 1038.

John St no Mitchell was a true Kentuckian, worthv of tte fioeeo tre—
M . w 3 - , , .. . . .
ultlons o: toe State. he glualv Shunt n13 llfe 14 nae s\rv1ce o? Kentuckv
‘7‘ . , — -. ‘4 -— a~ \/ 4-,]
youth, and tnrough them his influence Wlll continue to De felt enh His

memory to live."

Signed by. Jesse B. Adams
\‘f 7“

m. 1. Ligon
C. C. Ross

A COov of this resolution wa: Sent m

v .4
A ‘

T}, ~ 3' w-,~ 'n32‘ . 3‘ . a -

33; IOAthldg stqntlog commltteee of the Senate nresented rcnorts of thei“
worK, 1n comnliance with the request of t.he Senate made ea.r1{ in this

3.- year: Commencement, Grants in Aid, Personnel Research, and Rules.

‘“ 3. .2 .31, c ‘. . A . ' ‘ '
Bacl at these tenorts Wis orderea recelved and 15 made a cart of these minc

1‘,/\"-'3A "‘ . ‘ _ ‘
{our o03m1ttce doe» lot know to wnat extent vou desl~e that its antiv—

7 T : J ': ‘ ‘5‘ “7" '1 " .‘ ‘ "‘ 4 n . , 3 V > u
lllc” no outlaweu tor you, however, we sisume tnat a brief stutement will

‘3, Pz‘ "; V, I, .1. , Y ~ .‘ _ . .
o: : h-3,lelt Lo comnly Witn the rule reouxrlng suck renortq,
on, ,omml

tee on Commencement has tried, through such changes as it
1. ”I l

to bring about,

nu: 02cm able 0 make Commencement oroceiure more of an

I" ‘— J I". l; f 3' 3 V H" 1 - K' " ‘
ate Jr stuiente one xnich L.t ley will De oleesed to look back unon

“v 3.- "3. w ‘ ‘ ‘
1-1 3,23 “negate It has 119.1 In mind, 1319':

“9 , the resoonsibllitv which falls
Moon t: 71p; v ,1 ‘ 3 ~ 4 - ”‘

Le taqllt; and Has endeavored to mmxe attendance at sucn f‘nc



7 A u

leg: 0: e nnraen than 1t h u; been. To accomolish this the Comm‘tt

tnrourn recommendatlon, seen inququrati on of the followinfl tracti 108" in
r) ’ ‘J

recent vezrsz











. H' l
I f
‘ 105) h
’_\,'_j 1 ‘ g) L7 TT - “-1 m _ L, - 1 mm :1
”iMiu .3s o: the onivcrsity senate - Aorii Ax, 1341 NI:
1. ”he time of Commenceznent was moved from the forenoon hour, in~doors W
to the late afternoon hour, out—of~doors. '.h
r\ -u c - -‘ ~ ‘ ‘ .-, - ' . 1‘
z. been encouraged to limit hJS address to thirty min-
3. Senior cow1 rocations a.re being called at which time soecific instrch °
tions are given Gonorrnin “#2 individual conduct duri'ng the ceremony. F
4. wit? the assistance of the several college classes, SuKy, end the ~ft
U:iver51ty's Buildings and GrOunds Deoertment a stage has been built fy
in sections, th; setting “n end storing of which is taken care of fit
by tie Denertment of Ruildinqs and GrOunds. WW
C I?“ ‘ . ~n - - ~~ +.~' ' ' “l ‘ ‘ 1 n
). swan fear reoresenuetives of the senior CWIRS are esxei to serve as t
members of the Committee on Commencement that we may have their sue“ 1!
' Sf
gestions on means of imnrovine our nresent nolicv. 4
i h$
r i . n 1. . . n "
b. The Committee, alter missussing the matter renentedlv Ior several H
. :-
jxreirs, recommended to the Unive rsitv Council that mid~year commence- if
ment be abolished. gfl
Since this Committee is auite large, we try to keen our general meetings Q
to as few in number as nos si iole; however, the sub~committees on music, decor- fl
etions, etc., Carry on in further groun meetings eni call for assistance when it
necessary. ‘H
u a . _ ‘Ilz.
R belie eve it Will be helnful to future Committe s on Commencement if 1“
members of the staff will offer suggestions for furth:r Chang e;. in nroceiure, +1}
a - . . w :91
names or noss1hle commencement and Baccalaureate sneakers, and methods where— ,‘H
. . 1 ’ . > i
by the faculty may be nreveilei noon to attend such functions more generously. 'tt
, ., r 1,,
. qr
ii i]
Resnectfully submitted, l”
' A. E. bigge, Chairman " '1
/ Committee on Commencement” . :éfl
\ ‘I’
‘2 ‘,:‘1‘
Submitted to the Jniversitv Senate Aoril 22,1341. 1 j
D. V. Terrell Jfl
‘. 9;
The Committee on Grants in Aid is set un to administer such funds as l”;
2 v!
are available for the assistance of students who are in need of financial 1':
aid in attending the University. This committee is entirel / sens re ete from V t
that which administers student leans. 7,”
Since the nly money which is svwilable for this nurnose is that nro~ g
vided by the Ati iletic Deoartment, the Committee on Grants in Aid deals en~ fl
'1 i"
tire iv with he 50*celled 'athletic scholn rshins'. #
Sue h scholarships are authorized by the Southeastern Conference but .y
under the Conference rules must be under the jurisdiction of a faculty com— "f
5 f

hfW j



. e : he ,,
hithe; or fine ,Ltv ~enwre — A“?Ll dz, 1%41
mittee who be entireLY free :rom outside iLI-oeuee. lee memoe:,lly 3; 139

... . . “A , .., _ ‘1 , ,,"\ ‘
committee 1% Luereture limited U0 InCuity members.


The amount of aSFi ounce which mnv be given to a: athlete i; v-v~
strictlv limited and defined bv the Conference both in its QY‘Lewe end in e
Bulletin issued by toe Commissioner which eoecifiee efootly the tyoo of aid
which mv7 be orovided.

Fundamentally the scholarshins ore designed to cover necesemty college
exoenses uni nothing else, but also to allow a student to work at bone fide
iobs to earn extra money not to exacei 310 oer month to tale cwre of inci—

dental exoenses.


Thie set no, however, i% not no simple es it m
TenSOn certain very definite egulations must be observed. .Among the most

immortnnt of these are the following:


1. All assistance must be ’in kind', 1.8. the etudent may be elven board
or lodfinx or tuition but JSVOT caeh.
2 . ‘he "h ‘

QUlVHTSltY may ovovide such board or lotging off the Camtus in case
the instituticn does nit have Suf’icient oovnitorv soace or e etufient
Q H 1

f ,
dining hell, but the bills must oe neifi directly to the lanaiord O“
boarlinq hOISe keeoer nni not to tne student nimeelf.


3. ,SFlutTHCE i9 limited strictly to toe following items: tuition, board,
room, booze, laundry and melioal care.

to the rules,


(n) It iu ntt leeel for an institution to furnish clothes to a
eed or not, or to guarantee

studwnt, whetLer he be in n
n tolete to secure credit for

accounts in order for a
cloth 5.

I - , . ‘ a . ‘ .
\bl The medical care waico may be orov1ied small include only
thet medical care furnished by the institution for students
generally, and for injuries received in, and illnesses

to nerticinatioo in soorts.

(cl No tTWVOl exoensee 0
holidays, railroad fese 8
etc.,) may be nllowefi or oaid to any student.

" a


9 legal to may tutoring e;o;nees for an athlete but only

he tu'

H n
v w

's oneroved id advance by the orooer academic

1 l

L‘; ‘n , u 3., ,m. . . w »‘ ‘- ‘ '
J. Al RCl‘gct m1] 0e allowed to wOrk to earn as mucn as 3:0 oer montn out
fill egoloyment must be il legitimate jobs nni the comoenset
for wort done muet be on


Ay mmh comueisetion as 's customarily paid for
s which the student


nae services of one nestee

I the student must give full and honest re“
e e

ing the qualificationr
nosse ‘es -"

turn for the hey received to

”hwy—n- ..... .4




-‘ \I/ u.

o 0 w H


H C1“ 1‘)
('9 O Q;



.1nu“e‘ of the University Senwte « Aoril 92, 1941




ent of an athletic scholarshin is not allowed to receive from

any source whatever (excent irom those oersons on whom he is naturally
denenoent for sunnort) any form of re nuneration other then those orc-
vided by these Conference rules.

7. Athletic scholarshios ust be crented by a regular faculty committee

and the records of such aid must be open to the insnecti on of the admin-

strstive officers of the institition and to toe ofiicers and Commission”

the Conference.

The Univer s LtI of Kentucky awards annually about ninety of these schol~
arshins end eac ch s cholarshin is estimated to be wort h about 3250 to the

Re:snec t fully submitted,

D. V. Terrell


The lost retort of this Committee to the Senate was made when it
recommended the enoroval of heln~class ses nronosed by Dr. Croft. It seems
well therefore to recall the function of this Commit ee uh oh mskes resorts
necessary only occasionally.

lne Com Littee was established in 1922 under the title of a Committee
fc1 the Study of Ability er1d Tr iri 113 of tudents. An ext“ect f1 om its
aut l1orizat on states: 'The purnose is to provide a University group to

which nroblems concerned with the study of students within the University

. ..... .should be referred.......So far as its facilities may nermit, the

co mIittee shall be available for the executives, denertments, committees
and feculties of the University.’ Nineteen years ago this was not such a
ig undertaking as it obviously seems today. However, there was fortunate—
y e saving clause, 'so far _s its facilities may nermit'. Although the
undamentsl function of the UniVersity is to serve its students, in the
omnittee's early years no facilities for research on the extra.~cur riculer

the students were available excent on borrowed time.

With the inauguration of the University Personnel Bureau in 1930 some
additional nnortunities were nrovidel. The University Bures u has looked
to this Senate Committee as an advisory grout. The Committee has always
regarded its function to be nrimarily the study and nlanning of nronosed
student nersonnel services, not the administration of such services. This
is in conformity with the conceotion of 'nersonnel' as first used and for—
mulated by the Personnel Eesearch Bureau at the Carregie Institute of Tech~
nology and in the army. During the existence of the Committee there have
grown up various personnel services in the University, most of which resort
to the President or Deans and these have not come under the consideration
of this Committee. This uncoordinated growth may have been due to the lack
of aggressiveness on the part of the Committee, to absence of a center for
information on student nersonnel activities, or to failure to utilize the
Committee. On the whole, extr.~classroom services to the students have in—

creased and imnroved with comoeratively little dunl ication of effort.







"‘ " ‘ . “.7! .1. 1,. .L _ ' f r";
-13- JuTC‘ ‘J‘ ‘11:? 1.2-,l\cI“ :.1.-_’ .mjl’v 4-3 ADI‘ll 22 1 L?“
l DFlzi ll€t ,. t'tse arrv;cec rccnriltfi Nolco Luis somniumee g;m nag




b n ’1
av ilebleg They have urcved so efficient no.1 the Kentucky Assoc1oti 1 of
Colleges and 9econdnry Scoorls has suoborted n Cooo~rstivc ”elioants. A student DsTSGLal history
blank develoocd by the Bore 1 “ l "

a: became the basis fo= one also a.vocated oy the
Kenim wk Association for nign sc 1 O
shin to the colleges.

Personalitv end mental adjustmentr Urolnlems among the stulcnts began


w i. U:

L )

ry cmxmelino on borrowed time, by severe 1 qualified men in the


fJeoartmenL of Psychology. 1:1.t year, 'r01g the cooper ticn of th Tontal
Hygiene Unit, administrative officers and voluntary ieoues ts, 2T4 studeLls


cc-r sulted Dr. Inrgaret Ratl fi about toeir oersonal proolezish Her teachinr
Ho edu‘e Was sligntly reouced for this service. 11hile man, had onl" minor

difficulties, in certain outstanding cases, where fear even of suic
tresent, she has been of notable essi once. n"inicultle" TSQLl inv tro~
1cnqed contacts are in orincitle sent

Some e17n‘" research studies on our colleee student UGTSOBR11
ties hwvc been conducted by the staff and oraduete s' 9
been summarized in U

2] numbers of the Kentuckv Personn
have be;n distributed to the facultv here and to coll

s. 6
e1 Bulletin. Jhese


Juring l935~3b. following some oreliminary tryeouts, Dr. Cioft witn
the soorov l of the Committee and the Senate, began to assist so1ue stu.dents

whose records were not promising. After the establishment f the Personnel

Oi 'ice unc.c Dr” Croft and his sonointmeot as Assistant De
‘ s, and ex om cer~

Co liege, tdis work has develooed into help-classe'
tain subjects until the second semester for low*testing st
office has also oai " soecisl attention to academic guidance duriov the
fre hmzn year and to students who are on schol1stic orobntion. Comnared
to What has been accomplished Sufi toe cmount oi suco service in other uni~
versities, the exnense has been nominal.

BeCurse of toe no ccessary special training for Md mu to oers or nel work
and the fact that fccult3 members in the Detartment of Ps Cychology have
snecinlizefi in different tec hrical ohases of Dersonnel, there may have been
an unfortunate identification of certain Unive rsitv cars or nel services with
the Deoqrtment of Psychology. It sliould be clear that all members of the
Ln_versitv sh uld have the orivilege and satisfaction of service to their

students it both academic and oersonal ways. Any monopoly of such services

by a small staff grouo would be iisas strous both to the Students and to tie
Universitv. Levertheless, the scaLterinq of such services rais 3 from
time Lo time certwin oroblems 01 coordination.

C?- H)
H» 1—4







Xinutes of the University Senate - Aoril 22 1941 -‘V


Agsin in December 1939, when dunlications might develop as to records

~ - .‘ n 1 ~1. I -~ \ ."|
and counseling, the Chairman Drought the matter to the attention of to. [rt

President and a series of six meetings were held by a groun selected by n f
Dr. McVey. This became the most Careful study of the nroblems involved 9 d
which has been undertaken. In this group were Rrofessor Asher, Dean Bland- {W
ing, Professor Chamberlain, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Croft, Mrs. Holmes, Dean

Jones, Professor Miner and Dr. Ratliff, with President McVey presiding. f
Considerable nrogress was made in surveying the activities in which each i
office was engaged, discovering any difficulties, and reaching a better : l
understanding among all those concerned. i

It was recognized by the group that the nroblem of coordination was
fundamentally one of job analysis. The functions of the University in rela— i
tion to the students were defined. Each-member Drenared a statement as to

the services of his unit. Four sub-committees considered the functions of J 5?
records, testing, tutoring and counseling. A summary of the dunlication of :L

activities and the difficulties facing nersonnel coordination was nrepared.
While little friction or dunlication of effort was discovered, the groun

expressed its desire that a more careful definition of the resnonsibilities ilk

of each unit should be made and a olan be develoned toward which the Uni~
versity should work. Such plan should be set forth officially for the in- ‘ I
formation of the faculty and the students. It was recognized that nro- “1
gress must be interrelated to the other functions of the University and .E
that like other clans it must wait unon funds. Becuase of the nending re' l
tirement of Fresiden' HcVey no specific action was taken. 1

J. B. Miner, Chairmen

Sarah G. Blanding

Paul P. Boyd ' ‘fl

Leo M. Chamberlain

Lysle W. Croft :

Ezra L Gillis i“

C. C. Ross

Edward Wiest"



SENA“E, EEK 12, l 41
The Committee on Rules is an outgrowth of the work of snecinl commit~
tees annointed by President M Vey. After the governing regulations of the
University were formulated in the fall of 1917, a soecial committee was
annointed in January, 1918, to codify the Senate rules. In November, 1919, 3
another snecial committee, substantially the same as that of 1918, was
authorized to recommend revisions of the Senate rules. This committee be-

came the Rules Committee. . l


The Committee on Rules has carried through the work of reVi
1 . -, . . . . . - n F
rules for the Senate four times, the last rev1Sion being in 1930. Its


irmnn of tMlS Committee has made two snecial efforts to bring i
m of COOTLLLZEiOL to n focus. Several years ago he arranged '3:
Sident to call to ether 3 groun of those officers most definite- . f
ed, so as to attennt to work out some sort of an organization ' d
elimitation of Iields. nfter several meetings this attemnt was








.. , , 1' . “w " - . 7 r r ’9”
l 0- J. , 1, .‘JL L o, ~ “ I4 “‘.~ 4/, L/«I—yl

w " .‘ v ‘ . i W, ,. l: L / .\ .,,~. .n ‘ q A”; V ,, e a, .f,—.\ ,g a
0131181" ":01; LU; » LG? [LF‘LV if (3‘)." '3 1. C {213.1 Jr (,ML’Ql LE]. -11;:‘ And “:2”; L \ 1 or U ‘ :2
on VhFiJUE hangers, zwuu a? wgicn 'fre rtivrrzo um it u, L a

“ ‘ ‘ . "t 3 .; N n -- ”v.1“: F
otner commmttees. i Cbflhbluflb‘llh iCXe “a 5'6: is
.~'“ + - ~*'*‘«A ~1‘ ~ 5 "t" *‘ ox? .~r‘1 M
Jilin: 3;:5 ujxip :2; one: , Lili-0iil . -x c--J Ht Iii—-

: ..1 .‘ .1“ _,_‘..,ri ‘.‘ M, for
TLCULHT rotiVitLez, eiusneion arfl do 9;.


Lne wreuent year e ream


recommending ant the rule governiJP



. , 1‘ I?" " I. H

06 cuflngea 3 .net Lue menuitv m2,

'.. t -r. '\ A1--.,‘ . .

lMStIJCLJT inVUixed. rile was Ute
, .L V A .n , a . ‘ , - J. . _ \

the matuer ml OlereChibluefi as a v-

end :om toe? can be cndnged W95 re

toe tenute.

C I)


Dean Funkhouser read the following statement which had


the UL vercity erduwte Faculty. r

minutes of the Senate. This motion was gonroved.

“Eeeort of tne Committee of the
$radua' 'gnec tois committee were '


s 1
tions regqriing the character of graduate courses and i

a definit distinctioi oetwe n '100' and ’200’ cou ses’


Believ1ng that the general ourooee of the Gre'uate

sure that orooer standards are maintainei in


m e

Committee nos que such recommendations as it f;

_41 a

maintenance Lf 1n effective graduate erogrnm

'— a
. 1‘

moved tht it be i;


I 30881018


I. Io order that all members of the graduate faculty may be orooezlv in“

formed as to the aasignment of autno
graduate orogram. the following stat

h .


. 1

H .

d e
at is quoted
Hegylatiors of the University:

the Deon (of the Gradua

meking recommendations to the

authorized to offer courses 1
Dean has final authority to o

unte worx, thesis subjects and

Attention is also called to the fact that under the
graduate School oublished in the bulletin of that s
the General Catalog of tee Unh'ersit" the 38%?

o ‘ V J ’
is ex ofiicio a member of all examining committee”


04 of the

from the Governing

with the duty of

reouirements fo
3 insure e higl

s of inetruction



offered for cred”



 » .a
. e~

the University Senate - Anril 22, 1941

In order tnat the objectives and standards implied in the above reguls~
tions may be more nearly attained, the Committee makes the following

1. Every greduat ;udent should have a committee aooointed withe
s t

e s

in six weeks after hi firs enrolment in the graduate school.
This committee should function at once in planning the student's
graduate Drogrem.

2. The rule governing the numbering of

courses should be changed
to read that a ”100’ course 'may' be counted for graduate cred-
it subject to the enurOVHl of the student's committee and the
Dean of the Graduate School.

3. Qualitative standards should be established for admission to

the Graduate School.

4. The nresent rule requiring a 2-0 (B) average for a graduate
degree should be rescaled, and a standing of 1.8 substituted

5. Graduate teaching should be restricted to staff members who
are fully equipued by adVenced study, exnerience, and research

activity to give such instruction.

In other than exceutional cases a student should take the '100'


courses in his graduate nrogram of study before taking the
'200' courses.

II. The characteristics distinguishing graduate study from undergraduate


1. In other than exceptional cases a graduate course will be based
on some prereouisites in the denartment or closely related
. fields. It should. not, in other words, be made un of elemen-
‘ tary or beginning content.


2. The amount of time snent in recitation, laboratory, and study
should in general exceed that required in an undergraduate

3. Ordinarily the requirements of a graduate course will go beyond
mere lecture, recitation, and textbook assignments.

4. A graduate cour e slould require abilitf to do independent
5. Examine.

a character as to call for indenendent thinking. They should
require more than a reuetition of lectures and textbook reading.

ions in graduate courses should be thorough and of such

@ III. The characteristics distinguishing '200' courses from those at the ‘lOO'

1. A '200' course should be based on a substantial amount of ore-



nwvhl at such n level that 2 student OfllfifiTlih WMUAL
a,” b A ,h ,


L). U J 1
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1L lllfLCu L Jr LmDUSyLDle to has” Wibhldu ”coeiihuitfl, ‘
a - ‘ l l l 1.4
Ir‘l “Lhe' Y 5 Ln LI‘ way or “iereoui


anould carrv a 200 number only wnen urere 13 eVie
w- ».~ 1_- "xvii _, wer~-...ai.
dence that the subject of study Has advan,eu suiLLLiendly
u. q

' ' 9 . ~v ‘ " ' " i "a “ 2. , -.' a: :71": 7'1, 7‘3
111 Cflllteflt ;and .orgrnniinatin>n to il.,ui<, H,.f€-.u rue Di 2;.4 L

. ., ,, a L «1 A1 " _1‘ ~ 7: 3‘ :7 |_:‘>l_‘l0:‘_:
challenge. The literature in the Iield sn.uwi 03 LXLM.Q-J5
anl well grounded in researCL.

3 A '900’ enurqo aboulfi place almost commiete emnnaCLC or

Q L~ ‘ _4 ‘..- .A , v, \.« . .A .V i, A. .V

" ‘ ' a ' ‘.. Ah, '~.:L:.,». Mn ,~,'*il
scholarly attainment as opposed uO the acquisition oi nulllb

w _ t~f W\A
GHQ tecxninqu.


May 12, 1941


The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday,
May 12, 1941” President Cooper presided.

The minutes of April 22 were read and approved.

Professor R. H. Weaver read to the Senate the follOWing report of the Cure
riculum Committee:

"The College of Education has recommended the approval of Education
Egg. Teaching Consumer Courses in the High School (2).


By mistake the circular to the Senate asked approval of this
course for the 1941 summer sessiona According to a letter from Dean
Taylor to the committee the college had voted to request permanent
authorization. The Committee has considered this course, taking into
account, among other things, the recent recommendations of the Grad- g
uate Faculty concerning ocurse numbers. In the committee's opinion
it will be neceSSary to reconsider the numbering of courses already
in the University curriculum before these recommendations can be