A lecture on Tobacco and its effects
ELDER J. J. CRA-7J U/A-:, BEistor and propr otor o- tthe
The MIND is ar'/ t, ieri is! It feels, knows, Moove acts
Minks, mwd sees.
Thle Fuind has s lpreme control oi o the body ii je-
less taled in healtUl. Se the Rlinigs of A'tatl'aie.
Habit ' hborder to serve Ihvi a dKng, it. taxes nire gr;WSE
they not oily c.me yearly, bnt d..i Ay antd hotirly, oat rodv
mind aci pock(-t. You .re boaul in her chvains ai-d mnupt
0i ulslwer her ea': is.
h.' RULINGS OF NATURE wu.211 send von.
Vty'U11 :-iv( yolu t-ac work of tlv' brain.
C't;t t;e ildoy tr hevaven ab)out you,
AnUi. ar-iic for your Works are inane,
ull ;re deiaed saidi the scoftr of tve 6tra1Vr;
A laugh ifor the cyilie .,ni clon.
C.) look; fro7 thi 2ir to the granger;
LSt' tile slaves tie Toly'ccu-1.;a 1jound.
O'ar the graves we have nni'ciei1 iin the pas-t tin
Sttill, praying 1ir dtews of reforrm
INihile rainfin clown sh owers of poi-on,
On tho-e we should keep from it, fia; ni.
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NX7 XCOTINfA X " x- wlottiiv
"Strive; for the grasp of 'lhe d destroyer is upon yodi
hnd if you be not wrenched away, it will palsy you and
crusa you. Strive for the foe has seized upon your vitals
he holds possession of your Fort and-,renders your, will a
'hing to be controled Instead of i corntroling power. It
lchains the intellect and bids defiance to your better. -judg-
iment. Strive like one who knows he has grappled with
Death and the victory must be won or self be lost!
TOBACCO should never be mentioned exbept a
poison, one of the most active and fatal of poisons; it
tae only herb known to possess two:sctive deadly poitons,
NICOTINA and NIGOTIANIN: It is realy so fatal that doctors
seldom administer it, and never internally; For in over
sdose of Opium, Arsenic, or Strychnine, when taken in
time, there is a cure, but for an over dose of tobacco
there is none; its affect on the system is Paleness, Nwsea,
Giddiness, Lessening tof the heart's action, Vomiting, Pur-_
gins, Cold-sweating, and utter Prostration, such as -ol
)other poison can induce, then death! Its evils are num.er-
ous we will notice a flewas fo4lows.
1. It impregnates the whole system with two of the
most fatal poisons, NICOTINA. and NICOTIANIN,
2. With either of which the system is subjected to
continuous repair, therefore Doctors seldom adviseone to
quit it. It is too much like taking bread aud butter from
their babe's.mouth'.
3. It enslaves a -man so that it requires a powerful exer-
stion to break its chaiRs and fetters to regairl the ir freedom
4. It causes dyspepsiaby spitting off the saliva that ought
to go to digest the-food aid th6 'digestive system and to
'regulate and heal the bowels.
5. When you breathe 'lhe smoke it produces asthma and
lays the foundation fo6 6 train of other fatal 'diseases.
6. In breathing the two poisons into the lungs often pro
ducea paralysis of the lungs and consumption.