xt7m901zgv8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zgv8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1986 1986 1986-01-15 2020 true xt7m901zgv8t section xt7m901zgv8t h a t .
. 1 111.111 1w 14. 2 2 1 .1 2 2; 1 2 11 1 ’«Q 21‘ 211.221., ' ._x:<‘.._,s ."“’1{12y112,~‘ ’."‘1~3 .. "2; $5,... 3:27] “’1' 5’; , .3 '22 2““ 2 ’2" 5.111218%!“ gonad; .117'3,‘;":§1,.?¢911_t;?‘2x’3k 15““; 1.”,'
. — 1 (10113 CS com 11 ers to
1‘ 1 11 1
1 . “ 122‘: By FRAN STEWART “We are delighted to be able to ager of the computer-aided engi- ceived 5160.000 worth of equipment 2 i ‘1
2 1- i . .1, f‘ :3 News Editor make this contribution to the Uni- neering support program. The mm from the corporation. ' 12
,- t' c t 1.“ versity and further enhance its abili- puter equipment will make ”Toda' we continue this yer, ’ ' 3
. . ' . 2 . 1‘ ‘d‘g’ffifi IBM yesterday announced a dona- ty to meet the educational needs of traditional engineering drawing beneficiaylitradition .. he said ‘ 2 2 . '.
2'12; ’ 1 - , 2“, €‘1‘ tion of more than $1.6 million worth our community."he said. boards virtually obsolete. By using ‘ . 2 2 '3
3 3’: 12; i .2: it ”39%" of computer equipment to the Uni- , 3 the equipment. a controller can ro- ”iBM has a reputation b0”! im'dl- . I ' 'v- t
a: ‘ ‘3 1 versity to strengthen UK's comput- Students '“ “Ch colleges as Engi- tate the image to view various an- 13' and nationally for its leadership 3 ' , ' ' ’7 .'

' ' _. ' 111-,“ er-aidedengineering programs. “e?“"g- Arts 5‘ Seiences and Ar ' gigs of the design and can zoom m in helping education." Singletary ‘ . .' 1 .
2. .. . . . , ‘15. , 3:33 tchittectiire w1ll thave fut): opportunity fora more detailed image. said. “We are proud to have such a '. 1‘ . -. "

11.112112 711:1 3 1 t‘ :12. 1 . 0 rain on s 94) - e-ar ui - . 3 ' 1 1 2 ' .1 .' ' ' , ~
".12.: t i . ' . £131.11? .One Of the largest Single corporate ment. said Lassetter, who is :qlsopa ”“115 15 something that we've Efimfiltgyhzxi tinge tfrllflnd m- 20l2" '- '- 1 "1‘ .2
.33.,1 1. ,s 1 1113; 1 11 .. 1 1, . 33 gifts in the history of the UniverSIty. be f th UK B d f Tr t needed for some time 11 Singletar' . - . .. ‘ ”net’Ud’i 1 2 4 . ' 2 1

~. 1121': 1 flaunt e? the equipment will allow engi- mem r 0 e oar 0 us ' 'd 1-1 2 - 1 ' y OfIts generOSity ‘ . t '. I

,3 3 3 . 33333.” 3,333,, ‘3 . , , , ees. sai . think its a wonderful way . 3 _ . - .. ._ , ,

2.“ - 3 3 1531133 13:21 neering students to be competitive tosay happy new year.“ Corporations such as IBM under
2. 2 ' 3 3 flaws?“ *3 21» intheirfield. “This isagift that will havea far. 1 . stand the importance of education ; 1. 1 f .".'2._1‘g

31 1 11 1... 1 .. more; 9, . . reaching effect on the University Over the'years. L2K and education for economic development. said 2 1 “1;" :2: '._-.'.‘_-1'
2 292123; . o31‘3‘3‘fil’ 22 ”’5‘ ”IBM and the Umversxty 0f Ken- and its continuing ability to serve in- have benefited from IBM‘s generosi- Robert T. McGowan. chairman oi ‘ '2 ‘, ,. ':
3 2"”; 3 ‘ 15.33:. .51; tucky have had a very close working dustry and students," 553d President ty. Singletary said. In 1980. the Col- the Board of Trustees 2 '1 A i'l' .2'2 i i.".
,-3.w,fit . 4 :2 1» .33..» 1.131.»: relationship for many years.“ Ted Otis A. Singletary. lege of Engineering received ' ‘l .
rfu‘fiiyonp ,2 ,3 3 “a”; ,3 Lassetter. general manager of the _ $200,000 to help recruit graduate stu- They have provided the t‘;il£1l3\~t '._; '1 2 '.' 3.‘ .“' ,1_ '3.
’é'§tt n. . .- ., 111.11.. “ corporation‘s Lexmgton office, said The computer tools save time and dents and retain faculty. In 1984. necessary to make the l'n.WNW , , . '1 '
$33-11. “21313113,. g .13, . , 3,13 .2 , ata prossconference yesterday. money, said Claude Fresca. man- Lexington Community College re- place to point towith prideho mm, 1 . ,3 " ‘33,} '1.
a 1 ~ 1 1 ‘ ~ 21' ‘1 ;
figiion11 11 . _ . wt 1- T 1-1:, 3' 3’ 3 1'3 ~ ' 3 ~
.. - 1. . Sutton encourages ' 1
“11%:‘223212'31114252 1 1 1. 11. \\ ’ v. .i of ‘52”: M1,; . . ‘3‘ ‘ i V‘ I .'
‘1‘ so” ii .. .1 .. ’ scion-ow # ‘2 . HOl'fOY ‘ i ’ It ‘
aw), . p.519“ the-1,,1t 1:. .4 .. 3 .w, . 3 mm m. 3 3333-33,, 1, 3. 3M. . t a l . 13 . 1
”rwrrw' 2 1 - 122111; 2: .. . ”34‘2":“11“2?1~ £2 1, 2- ' 1 ’ 1 1
gyfiywmxot, .-111, ._', 1 , .2 i. 2.: . 1 15‘. r}. 1 i' ' “.32.“? M" ‘2' U ‘ I ' ,1
331%,, . . “ Wit; , 1- 0 2 . 2 . 1,
o1 commitment to UK ' - ..
{M‘3 "2,1.- " i 1, ‘13 fifihat fl ~ , / StaffandAPreports but he failed to return any calls ., 1 ' .
’wflkrwl ’ 11- " t ' 1““.i;“‘.;::.12%; ’ . t‘ , ~ “2 made to his office ' ' '
3333223343331, ' 1‘ 1 1' ’ . ' 2*" 1:1 ‘ ‘2 UK coach Ettd‘e sum)“ sa‘d yes' Horford. who plaied high school ' 3 _ i .
{term}. '. «.1313 21,11» “3 3 1. 1. . c. ‘ 2 g terday the Wildcats are flattered basketball at Marian (hnsmn m _ , . 2
31:33; 3321‘Z'W1%21§§££ 4&3, 3133,3113: W 1 .. 19.11 i ‘ '1 mitigate-13353333}; “33:33:33: Houston. signed a national ietterof— . i ,

'".." a; 21 2 22"11»2”.£~‘,~~»~:.;,yt an ;’.’.'.i1"21=-. ,3?»”‘ 2 1, ,1; . ‘ 2 3 2 . 1 . '2 . 2 ’23
Egg”. ‘ 31 no," 3 . 3.3, My. ,_ ,, 2.? b \ fin -_~ 1 ioining the Wildcat team. 3:332:03 play a the Lm‘erbn" Of . 2 '
antenna” (31%?“ .2 n, " i t' t ’1. l‘ B“! flattery didn't get Horford However. the NC AA ruled he I ‘
33%ka1.3 .1 .1 ,. 1. ‘21 .1 3. . 2 anywhere in Lexmgton. and he was could not attend Houston after it ~
‘33”. ’W’tt‘z‘fi‘u'. ‘2: .. ,.,11 .. , .. " ’ “Mg" ‘1 told {03 look elsewhere for a college “'35 learned an assistant coach ‘ . 3 . ,
”22%”; 13 was 2 1. of 22 a . ,2 232‘ 1 .. _ 3 education andachanceto play ball. there, Donnie Schyerak. viSited Hor1 - - _ 1
-iyog1m ,1. 1.1 . 1 1,1 1 -. (“1°- 3 1‘43 \12 - - In a statement released through ford during one of the NC A A's mm, 1 21
“3%.: Wgflfigflfifli. .,., _1 . . 1 _ . H’b' ,3 .1; 1. 3 3t 2 ._ :he schootl’sdsportss igformatittijn (hf- contact periods. The NCAA claimed . . 3 _
,1: 1,...»- canu‘ 2 1 2. 1. 11‘s» 1 ‘ m , '1 , n- ice yes er y. u on sai e .1 - . . _ 1

343» canfiwi‘tskxl‘rw‘ngg _ q _l ? ‘2" ,\ learned Monday night from Pat hiriitilrfgtafiifiigggéton an unfair re ‘ ‘

E4;- 451“ ,‘téf‘; .*:‘ ‘iL ,“i‘f‘d't‘fiszt ,. .. ' ~ * . 1 - 1,1 Ellis. Horford's Houston—based 13“" Horford then enrolled at LOUlSland '
1 one 11%.. 12 112m ~“3um-lyam ll .1 , / D3! ‘- I ‘ yer. that the Dominican Republic State but was dismissed from the - 1
,2,’“~"”"2a’*"" ' " ' ("'”‘i‘W 'm1- f ‘ I‘ I native wanted toattend Kentucky, team when he failed to appear at a '

23,2 . 3. . : . 4 5% ' 2 ' "That was the first .we heard any- preseason practice and scrimmage. 3
1'22 2 . f 21 1 1 1. R . thing In that regard Sum" sand Horrord's brief s11 at mt coum .
21;??‘13 1%itbrt'tl‘1- I 1' 4'; a... ,- 11233-1? 2‘ ‘ 1"," ‘ '2 . ‘ 4 r r "We are flattered that he would CO” have caused him problems if he _ 1 1
f1» ' 3, " . " 1. .‘ 1 1 11 “K... ‘ ‘mw ". 3 - -1 sider UK- really wanted to play for 11th _ 3 , .

‘ 223' . 3 .39;, (1 .. ‘_3_1§;§g 333 ‘2 1 1 K .5 ranked Kentucky. . .
*3“ ‘3 111 1' 3 Pg‘w3..1,3,éy ,2,3_ ‘ ‘ “Punk 2 th‘e‘iowever. my Slia'ftil angnl "hid: John Guthrie. associate commis 1
.3333333 W,” .. . , -...4. 17211221 ‘2“ “~21" _ ‘3.. _, ecision to ca . r is c sioner of the SEC. said once a play-

)wz‘rf“, exit?” .,2 1.2 ,11‘ . £33,, mh‘m. , ' 1," , t— a and recommend that T110 enroll at er signs a conference Scholarship he 3\ ,
‘2"-=‘,,. ‘23? out,“ . _- , 1. ' . _.i 1,. ..,,..322. w; 2 12‘ 1.319321% another institution to further his ed- cannot play for another league ' _
$31.- 3_3,.,,,.3..,3 3_ ., . . :3,, outwith ,- 3“: 9- 2 1‘ . ucationaland basketball career." school unless he gets permission '
fissiw““‘“ 1 1 #08» O. ,4,» .. ElliS' secretary said yesterday the from the school that holds the origi- , '
@fitV‘WVWM‘ 13“"12 2 a. - 1:131 1. 1 39'“ 2 2 ,“ lawyer was meeting w1th Horford. nalscholarship. , , '1 , ‘ -
,£o«3{.w~m*¥m Q‘wihxgi‘d 2 . 3 .. '12 '33,}: .1gm;m1 .,...1...-. :WW .t ‘3 3 .3 'i ‘3 fl ' .
3$§§£,-112“.§323§ 1‘3. _ 1 '1 1 9.11;. p ans 0 Inspec ' 3 ' _ '
“:5?“ ' 2:153:21, 1:11.” “AP-£1121. ‘25.. 1. . -‘11‘... h m‘fl‘1 '1 l .2' 3 m ,1 2 " 1 ,
tour; 7' ‘f‘é‘ . - 1 . /' o 0 9 0 . . .' .
a. . . *1. .1... 1 . 1 - military 5 charter lines . , _. .1
$ I? 113V?" .1 ‘. N? W. 1. ! tit? ‘ i t ' i I
kgwgww~mr ' , 3,3,, 3' , '2‘ , .11 5 ‘xt ‘ . By H. JOSEF HEBERT military personnel and dependants , ‘ ‘ 12 ', 3' '
*,,.,w,3.§§$§..,,3; ‘ 3, 2 m 2.3.31” . Associated Press within the L'nited States and to for , 1 . '. 1 _ . .
if; .ngéswatgir 3 3, 2,1,! it“ 3 » eign duty stations. (‘iyilian charters .' , ,2 ' .1 j . '2‘ "
«lam»: ' t1 1» . .. u. J‘v 13m ‘33:. '4‘ WASHINGTON — The Federal carried 112 million military Pasot'n' 2 - " '1' "
f’ @fikfivQ‘ sz‘wwwg?“ *1 '1 31"”: Aviation Administration. responding gers last year, according to the Air L1 .3' ' '-_ . '
'_'.'"'" :1; who ..1_._ -_f '. 71. 11 usfiafi“ ”ammu- K "MW, to last month's crash of a military Force, 1. 3 .2 1
3.3. mime,» .1 1-1411 ° charter plane that killed 248 501- Military charter operators singled " ' ,1
«ngmgw 3 . 3 “$3 ’3', 11:15 diers, yesterday announced indepth out for special surveillance under ', .3, I‘ ._
13""“W 11»? ‘” ““‘ ‘ :‘ ‘ " " ytwmi t 't' Drop market inspections of two dozen airlines the new inspection program are. ' . 1' . 3 3- _ _
”any 22,2331 2 ,, ., ~33, that havePentagon contracts. Airlift International. Aloha Airlines. . 31.13 ,1 _f
1%, W'i' 3 31 -. ' ' 1%1'3't‘t‘ Students hover circund the College of Business 8 Economics Thetairlinets1 raillgehfi'oin Chtagrtiztl :mericarxt AmCerifan tTlran.sDe1l\tir. 13’3.‘ 1 f 2 3". .1

_._1,‘ 21 . , 3 “-1 - - 3 opera ors suc as 1c n erna I rrow 1r. on men a '. a: ,. 3.1. 1 ,‘1 '.=. ‘2, .1
rinwgtsn . 1 1‘ titilt table yes'erdoy afternoon dunng cemmhzed add/dmp and Arrow Air. whicitwas involved Eastern; Evergreen international. 3 , 31‘ . ', 1: ‘ ‘32.;
‘fgriff‘ess1 1 13.1 M in the Dec 12 fatal military crash,” Federal Expressz Flying Tiger: ”21- 2 _.1 1. '1 1. ’
W“ 1‘23?” .11 2. , t 122:. Gander. Newfoundland. to major waiian Airlines Jet Charter Serx 2. . '. ,1 .2’, 2-‘.

can‘iers such as American Airlines. ice; National; Northwest. Pan . . '. ‘3 1, _' ,l
. . 0 Delta Airlines and Northwest Air- American World Airways; Southern ' .1 1 .3 1.13 ‘2
Ombudsman gives semester-starting tips 2222212222 22222
Transportation Secretary Eliza- Rich International Airways. Tower . , '1 1. 3,
beth Dole, announcing the new in- Air; Trans America: Trans World. _ 2 ‘ .
- ~ . s tions, said that while the cause United; and World Airways. ' ,

UK recognizes Syllabuses prOVide gu1de for courses, ol’efne Gander crash has yet to be 11m: we‘re outing about .. 1 -. .
b determined. “we want to assure our- very, very close look at their opera- 1 ' ‘3 2 _ -
n 3 . ‘ ° ' ° ' ° ° selves and the public beyond a shad- tions." said FAA spokesman Bob . .

more a SC ces eStathh StUdent rlghts’ responSlbllltleS ow of a doubt that these carriers are Buckhorn. , ' . ‘
By KAKIE URCH 11s.: ByKAKlE URCH structors fulfilled more than the operating with the highest standards .. 3 3 .. 3 ' - . '

Features Editor 1 ' , . 3_ Features Editor minimum of “in writing" and of safety." 111311311114 2 '
i ' .g passed out typewritten syllabuses. Meanwhile. Pentagon spokesman T,”33£‘%':..31£fj ‘ ‘ ' 3' . .. 3‘

Acceptable reasons for excused ' Some of the best we‘ve seen come ' Bob Sims said military authorities 1.1: 12"12-21211112'1'1r11111 3 1
absences from classes at UK have 1 '. “" ‘ out of the political science depart- Some instructors have the svlla- also intend to increase their surveil- ' ' "‘“"" ‘ “*‘ "M “ “ ' .
changed. tW . ‘ ’ ‘ merit. Some of the blurriest from the bus down 30 a fine art Jane pew-S. lance of the airlines with which they “I‘M of“, Mmfioj

Until Nov. 11, 1985, the only ab- .12 , . m ancient mimeograph machine in the assistant professor of art history in- do business. They will increase the Coliseum Is not 3 3

. . . fl . 3 . 1_ . .. qu to as
sences OfnClally recognized as ex- *1 K 1 English department. And one teach- cludes a lecture-bvlecture reading number of spot checks on cmlian
cused“ were absences for “trips for . "- .3, er of Art History 106 drops a 50-page and writing agglgn'mem schedule. a jetliners serving military basis. put '“Y- For information 05°“
members of student organizations ' ' masterpiece on students the first listing of works viewed during the more “check riders" on board mili- how to proceed today. so.
Sponsored by an academic unit. ‘ davof class. semester, a listing of terms and def- tary charter flights, and conduct in- Page 8.
trips ffor Uhiverstity classes. aflid Syllabuses. initions and an extensive list of formal reviews of the airlines' pert:
trips or per icipa ion on interco e- _ Those hel ful uides to course books for outside reading in her formance once a year instead 0
giate athletic events.“ according to 3 content are "3,. 1158i the student‘s aid mega-syllabus for Art History 106 — every two years.hesaid. The Mile-n wlll wk. on
the University Senate rules in tackling a semester‘s worth of Renaissance through modern art. Since the crash of the Arrow Air Mt”t”tPPt 5“”. ””9."- F"

In November, the Senate approved concept, but they are the student‘s 00.3, which was carrying US. a preview of tho com, see
three more areas as acceptable 23’“ 1 ‘ right, as set forth in the University It‘s not just a syllabus. it‘s a type- peacekeeping troops home from the m. P0905.
cused absences. They 'nCIUdFZ 11" Senate rules. written art history learning center. Middle East for the Christmas holi-
ness of the student or serious {"1165 CHARLES BYERS UK students have the right both days, therehas been heightened con- Mm", mm... u," M.
or a member or the students "n’ “to be informed in writing at the Regardless of the type of syllabus. cern about the safety record of
mmediate family. death m the stu- sence for a major religious holiday first or second class meeting about Byers said he stressed it is “really small airlines used as military char- will Wm ”MOM t“ °
dent's immediate family and "135°" must notify the instructor in writing the nature of the course“ (1.1.. Sec.- important that the student keep up ters. sold-om show. For a pro-
religious holidays. _ no later than the last day for adding tion VI). and to expect “what the with the syllabts and retain assign- It was found that Arrow Air had 3,”, a. m,

Excused absences require that the aclass. academic community considers a merits." in case of a discrepancy in bad a history of federal air safety P...
instructor make arrangements for reasonably sound syllabus." said grading. Students who do not hold on violations during four years and had '
students who fail to complete assign- “I doubt that one out of 10 stu- Charles Byers. academic to copies of the course syllabm and paid a number of fines including . «1.1M, 1.
merits. attend class or take exams dents even knows this." said Charles ombudsman, _ graded assignments have little hope 33430001394 summer because of defi- 2' 's 1i.
becauseofoneofthereasons. Byers. academic ombudsman. The 2“ "Nd syllabus. “00"de t° 0t “"“mns a grading dispute '" the ciencies uncovered in past FAA in- '

But don‘t think youtcnnkjushta play newrules helpstudents.hesaid. lByers, might include a tgpeical out- officeofacademic ombudsman. spections
in an away same, ge sic . ve a ine. stated ob'ectiveii of course. ' . . . . ~ _1 ' " . 2
sick mother. kill family members or “In the past if you said, ‘My moth- ems in ii. Jaunted and the rela- ”By and large. the vast mjority “thménf'fifm‘gfxuflr 3 w; ill be Mm
inventaholiday. er is sick and is scheduled for sur- tive worth of each area in determin- of instructors attempt to abide by m 1“ AA recent] completed . de- v0. *0 w h “3 met

Instructors may request verifica- gery in Paducah. and I need to go ingthefinalgrade. the rules," Byer said, saying he tailed ti 3} the engine main- ‘, " ‘ fl “0*“
tion of illness or death or demand spend the day there during the oper- “I suppose we have a few pesple stressed the importance of both stu- mum and con- N m i n ‘
documentation of team or group ation,‘ and an instructor didn't want whowrite it itiiecomesyllabuiii on dents and imtructon understanding m, I “m '3' “mg” ‘&.
membership. . the chalkboard," Byer said. but their respective rights and responsl- m ”WW“ “my“, "~th ,- '

Any student taking an excused ab- SoeAIIENCEs.Pue9 added that he found that most in blities regardingsyllabmea. I Imlvel‘ y for in II .- 3 was». M11211“ 33-3-13...

| I .
information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
-. tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-carnpus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.
I ' 0m?“ 5'9“ UP for Admissions ”5'5 for Teacher 53- P70: 0 Academics: Late registration for returning students who 2
giam 166T0ylor Ed. Bldg, 8-4:30p.m. Call 7-2791 did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late ,
0 Concerts University Artist Series. 'Cracow Phil. w Yo- admission, S20late fee required l/17: E.T.;Sl.75;Worsham Theatre:7:30 p.m.
Yo Mc SIS-pub, $8-stu. Center for the Arts, 8 p.m., Call I Recitals Graduate Recital: Dale M, Ashby, percussion; l/le: 511131.75? Worsham Theatre;7:30 p.m.
. 7 3145 Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.: Call 7.4900 1120: E.T.; Si .75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. .
. - - ALademlCS Class work begins 0 Other: TOP's- Twenty One Plus: Discussion group for the V20: Hannah and Her Ststers- free premtere-
_ y ‘ - AtodemlCS Late registration for returning students who older student (21 8 over): Free; K-HOuse; 5:3) p.m.; Coll Worsham Theatre:2p.m.
- - . , did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late 254-188l
' . , admission, 520 late fee required 0 Meetings. Thursday Evening Fellowship: Creative
'i- i ' Sports UK Basketball vs. Mississippi State at Miss State worship group' Free, K-House; 6 p.m.; Call 254-1881
' i 0 Meetings UK SnOw Ski Club meeting to plan local trips.
I ‘ . owig and Jackson Hole trip Attend' 205 SC 7 30 p m
Call 86298
.~ - . - , , "’ ARTS & CONCERTS
.: V : - /
I 'i » 1, l5: University Artist Series: ‘Cracow Phil. w/ Yo- 1”9-3/162 19th Century French Art from the Won-
' ‘ _ . ' Yo Ma'; SIS-pub. $8-stu.; Center for the Arts; a nenker Collection: CFA Art Museum: 12.5 Tue.-Sun.:
. ~ p.m.; Call 7-3145 C0" 7-5716 .
, y 193 3. Recent Acquisitions: Contemporary prin's; l/16: Graduate Recital: Dale M. Ashby, percussion:
CFA Art Museum: 12.5 Tue.-Sun.: Call 7-5716 Center for the MS: 8 run: Call 74900
; . \ SPORTS
, 0 Academics Late registration for returning students who ° Other: CTBS' Admissions 195“ given- Teacher 55- PTO‘ $2125
.Jid rot advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late 9“"“5 CNN" schedule from 166113? C0” 7'27”
. 3.1.,-..c13n 520 late fee required ' Sports; UK Basketball vs. Florida at Florida I
0 Varies E T., Open to students, faculty staff 8 guests ' SPOT’SJ UK Women's SWlm Team V5~ Centre College; Me-
5: 75 Worsham Theatre: 730 p m morial Coliseum pool: 2 p.m.; Coll 7-5626
0 Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey Team vs. University of _ , .
Toledo, $2.5m” $3.3m”;7 Lexington lce Center; 330 p.m.: 1/15: UK Basketball vs. Mississippi State at Miss. ”1849' UK Cool Cats Ice “Mk” Team vs. Universi-
Call 266-8666 State ty of Toledo; $2~stu., $3-pub.: Lexmgton lce Center:
U Movies: E.T.: Open to students, faculty, staff 8. guests: 1718: UK BOSke'bOllVS- Florida 0' Florida 3:30 p.m.; Call266-8666
. $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 pm. l/lB: UK Women's Swim Team vs. Centre College:
Memorial Coliseum pool: 2 p.m.; Call 7-5626
. . 1'15: UK Snow Ski Club meeting to plan local trips,
racing and Jackson Hole trip, Attendl; 205 SC; 7:30
p.m.: Call 8-6298
1/l6: Thursday Evening Fellowship: Creative
worship group: Free; K-House: 6 p.m.; Call 254-1881
. 1/20: International Student Council meeting: Bradley
« Hall lounge: 4 p.m.; Call 7-6601
. ° Exhibitions: Recent Acquismons: Comtemporary Prints: ' Academics: Late registration for returning students who
' CFA Art Museum 12-5 Tue-Sun. Call 7-5716 did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late
' . - Exhibitions 19th Century French Art from the Wennenk- admission: 520 late fee required
’ y - er Collection CFA Art Museum 06 Tue-Sun.’ Call7-57l6 ° Other: University of Kentucky Honors Program- Recep-
4 , , ¢ Sports UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey Team vs, University of tion following, Center for the Arts; 7p.m.; Call7-3l45
- ‘ Toledo S2-stu., $3«pub. Lexington Ice Center 330 p.m. 0 Movies: E.T.: Open to students. faculty, staff 8 guests;
' ‘ Call 2668666 51.75 Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
» .- -_ ' ' ' Movies: Hannah and Her Sisters- free premiere- Open to
: , . , students, faculty, staff 8. guests, Free: Worsham Theatre: 2
~ ‘ p.m.
‘ * . 0 Meetings: International Student Council meeting; Bradley
" 1 _ . ., R Hall lounge: 4 p.m.: Call 7-6601
i. f ' 3’.‘ . 1/152Closswork begins
‘ .. l, . . l/ 15-21: Late registration for returning students
.i g ‘ f L i ' who did not advance register 8 for new applicants
1!. . . l . , ' ' cleared late admission; S20 late fee required
,1 ' ~_ . . , - 'v'. 1 15122: Sign up for Admissions Tests for Teacher
” :..\. 1" ' '- . 1:4 Ed. Program; I66 Taylor Ed. Bldg.: 8-4230 p.m.: Call
-‘ . y . . 7.2791
I . i .I 1/16: TOP’s- Twenty One Plus: Discussion group for
‘ y " the older student (2| 8 over); Free: K-House; 5:30
. I, - - . .t‘ i . p.m.: Call254-l881
‘ ’ " ,l' l/18-1/28: CTBS- Admissions Tests given- Teacher
, , .' y 2 1 TUESDAY 2 2 ‘RIEDNESDAY Ed. Program: Obtain schedule from 166 res; Call 7.
4 ‘. . - - . , ‘ 2791
j . ~ ' ,‘V f l/20: University of Kentucky Honors Program- Re-
- ,: _' I 1', 5’, caption following; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call
. . y ' ,;' 7-3l45
‘ - i .‘ 0 Sports UK Lady Kat Basketball vs, University of 0mm 00ther: Blood Drive at UK Medical Center
. - - , _ ~ nati Memorial Coliseum,7:30p.m.
: 'V,'_ 0 Academics Late registration for returning students
. . ' who did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared
’ ' . ' late OdmlSSiOn $20 late fee required.
3 f' ' Academics Last day to enter an organized class for
, Spring semester.
. 0 Academics: Last day to officially withdraw from the
. ’ university and receive an 80% refund.
’ , ii
l/23: UK Basketball vs. Georgia at home; Rupp V24: Date by which spring semester payment is
Arena due lf paylng by mall
1/24: UK lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Ten- U24: Spotlight Jazz Series presents Nancy Wilson:
nessee; Memorial Coliseum; 7:3) p.m. 81 l~individual tickets; Memorial Hall: 0 p.m.

 l 1 O ‘,
KENTUCKY KERNEL My, “7 1‘ me - J
. _______________________

0 Headlines

Continued from page one

Both reports cited similar rea- directory. A local club spammed ended Oct. 31. Officials credited Students sponsored an amend- Sigma Delta Chi has resub- tacky Kernel columnist. asked ‘
sons to reject the proposal. and a “We Support the Cats — Trash much of the increase over last merit to add sexual orientation to mitted a similar amendment for for student opinion in one of her
the UK committee concluded: the Herald-Leader" rally. Dozens year's figure of about $18 million the student code to protect homo- consideration by the committee columns. The response was tre-

“The advantages to be gained canceled their subscriptions. and to gifts exceeding $1 million. sexual students from discrimina~ this year. if approved by the mendous and the two groups

are more than offset by the dis- there was even a bomb threat at Those donations included a $5 tion in admissions and financial committee next month, the were subsequently formed.

advantages." lheHerald-Leader building. million anonymous 9'" to the aid. amendment will be considered by

Each institution‘s board of Equine Research Center and 83.1 A 1&2 dvote in May by the the Board at its April or May
trustees accepted the reports. . million from Lucile Par er Board en ed the five-month ef- meeting
and Jack Dulworth, CHI-2's stu- 0‘" tit}: Sgexomurzengatiog Markey's trust toward the cancer fort by a coalition of groups to 'I'Ihe 1984 murder of .
dent member. said the action ef- 00M t 'ts " t 0:1" center bearing her name. add “sexual orientation“ to a list . , LIK graduate Student .
fectively ends chances for a . V a ' as "1.69. ‘98 And in November.theUniversi- of criteria in the student code 9°”ege 33de Mame a [31010118 Chen ' . -
merger. to uicrease the student activates ty recognized more than 170 new that the University cannot dis- Ibig issue on LK s campus brought the issue of campus safe- . _

fee by $3.50, WhICh brings the fellows at the annual fellOWS' din- criminate against. in the fall ty into sharp focus. Two groups
total fee £098.75- A do ' h V. ' 'IVvo groups were formed to released reports on the issue. , ‘-
. . . ner at Rupp Arena. The fellows, 86 en rsed it and t e Lni , . . I
Perhaps only in the bas- 0f the increase, $150 Will 80 to who had given or committed at versity Senate passed a measure find ways to fund and organize a after which Singletary and Art '_ _. '. I
ketball-crazed state 0‘ the .SGA' ”‘50 to the Student Ac- least $10000 included five stu- in February which added sexual new campus radio station that Gallaher. chancellor or the Lex- ' ' ' '.
Kenmc'w ““‘d a “9‘"st “‘"t‘e‘ 3““ and 59°99“ ‘° 9* dents “lho ,followed the first orientation to criteria protected would play different types of ington campus. allocated ' i -- "

perstorystirupsomuchdust. SGA student orgamzation ass's' three'students to enter the pro- from discrimination in academic "WSW and give local hands 3" $400000 [0 make the campus , . I.

In an article that appeared Oct. tance commxttee. gram last year. work. time. safer - "i ,. '1 . .

27' "‘9 ”New" He'ald'Leade’ The “lease was 9mm" by The office of development also The Society of Professional One group. Radio Free lexmg» ' g ' f. ,

alleged that 26 former UIK play- SGAI President John Cain. WIhO selected 3 students to serve on Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. ton. held a forum [0 seek public The money was primarily used ‘ '. I t 35/552:—

ers accepted money, clothing, car had initially called for a $10 in- the new Student Development proposed an amendment that opinion and a benefit concert to to install more lighting but also ' ‘5 .I'I 'I‘Il I,» ..

“res and other gifts from athletic crease, ‘5 0‘ meh was to 8° to Council. The council will work asked for open meetings of regis- raise “FPO" for the. ”’le 558’ “'9'“ toward making some Of the ,. a '. (5; i'.-".
“was . . . . the Student Center to help ‘l out with the development office to tered student organizations that "0"» The Come”- Radio Aid. fea‘ buildings on campus more se .; “ i . '.,".. t;

The UniverSity immediately of its finanmal woes After three raise scholarship funds for stu- are funded through the Univ ersi- tured six local bands, cure. I . I . II.I,II,.,I it."
announced it was conducting its public forums and inner-senate dents and do projects for the Uni- ty. Currently, the only radio sta- _- y.I
()“Tl investigation of these allegIa' debate, the $3.3) figure was ap- Verslty. “on on Campus l5 the University, ElZle Alexander Morton “11> -' ' I- _ In: I! .

lions. and on Oct. 28. s. David proved. The open meetings amendment licensed WBKY-FM- The rad]? convicted of rape- sodomy and " i ‘ 5'3: :‘z’.’ .

Berst, the NCAA‘s director of en- was voted down by the student station plays National Publlt' murder in connection With (‘hen's (1.5 t

forcement, said the NCAA would Also in 1985 student code committee because mem» Radio broadcasts. classical and death and was sentenced m 50p, 1}: .‘.‘r1,."»"..

follow suit. 1%5 was a banner year groups made two at- bers said there were some prob— jaLz music and news. tember to 20 years in prison for 6.5!} 554.},

Out of fear of possible NCAA for private support — as tempts to change the stu- lems with the definitions in the I _ the rape and sodomy and lilt‘ ~
probation for the Wildcats, the it reached $22.3 million dent codeand failedboth times proposal and some said the The issue ofa collegc radio was mm no chance of parole W 33 *_
public hardly reacted warmly to during the calendar year. which The Gay and Lesbian Union of amendment was not needed, started when Kakie l'rch, Kort years for the murder 3771,. .II ‘II'I.,tI:I.IfI

° ° ' N M h d
. " ‘ .-' I". ~."
Correction Gov . Collins appomts Breathitt, mm as ore ea regents ,- ___..
. FRANKFORT (AP) — Former Morehead board to resign. She said Morehead has to play. not only in er Education to take the Morehead many 0f the eight current board ’. ‘-, '5 Cl . '

A story In a. December Ken' Govs. Edward T. “Ned” Breathitt the resignations would allow a fresh Eastern Kentucky. but in the whole appointment. members had resigned, The release ' ‘ j'. 1 , ’3". _ .
lucky Kernel mistakenly reported and Louie B. Nunn were appointed start at the school, which has been state." Collins said in a statement \‘unn a Republican served as said COlllnS Will make additional 89- ' .' -' .
Lexmgton lawyer Gatewood to the Morehead State University plagued with financial and political issued by heroffice. ‘- ' -. i ' ._ pomtments t0 the Morehead board ‘ ’ .' -, .'

. . . . . chairman of the L h Board of Trust . , , ,, , .
Galbraith S Wllllcal plans. He 15 board of regents yesterday by Gov. problems for several years. ees while governortrom 1967;] 1" the nextfeu days ' ' g -‘ :
“0‘ running for governor m 1987- Martha LayneCollins. Breathitt and Nunn “are well Breathitt, governor from 1963457. Deputy gubernatorial press secre- '~ ' ' " ill
The Kernel regrets the error. Late last week, Collins asked the aware of the needs of the university apparently will have to give up his tary Barbara Hadley Smith said A published report yesterday said . I , -‘ . 1’.

eight gubernatorial appointees to the and they have the vision of the role current post on the Council on High- yesterday she did not know how three board members had resigned , . » - _ - f .
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