xt7mcv4bs11w_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/1997ms165.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms165 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Benjamin Sebastian papers Indenture between Alexander and Jane Breckinridge and Benjamin Sebastian - Jefferson Co text 0.37 Cubic Feet 2 boxes Indenture between Alexander and Jane Breckinridge and Benjamin Sebastian - Jefferson Co 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/1997ms165/Box_1/Folder_4/Multipage8.pdf 1786 February 13 1786 1786 February 13 section false xt7mcv4bs11w_4 xt7mcv4bs11w ,5




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. . «banana ,,$u main $3M? 3. H53. .

. _ , 55:. 9.3.3855

W ,_ .55 a3. 8 Ea $2 58. :33.

. . $3 :58 5.2 Sh? 525m.“ . .,
Ea 903.5% 38359 :87,»

_, , .. H: $23. $8 .3 x
_ .hfiummm nuhwnmwu ENE—H5 .852“ ‘5.

“BE 85 HS. ”3&3 35.:

HQ 351:3 $35,33me 8 :5 5:9.

,,, . Ea .52 £925.83 Em mm"...
Hm E 25, umgdwndmflam 38 ,.
warm. 3:5 553$ 55% 8 am» -

, , Ms: :2 92H 3% Em?» 32:: so?

HS: Eu Sm H388 was?
Kmfiozncnrufl was 533 S w:
H: u Swag"? @8me

H mug m 86.. 3.3 593$ , .
e5 88me 85mm 8 53..., . ..
H 52.9 m madam“! Em @3233:
H3: £339 Em 38”.; 9.9
H was mHoHnIEm $555 EH
SEE. 8559 3:: noufiom 55mm“
H66 9538.9 :5 mama gamma 9% :5 HER"
wwwm. Ema. Em Bmmmfiaa ,

H 33 a. moon 9.5 9 mad: , w. ,
Hug Beams“ 5 w 3.9 ,a.

. H 8mm 55: «mm 8313.55“ng

Mano 3me: 0H wmwumgwu:
mo 8:5 53 £5 Em «mama g3. ,,
>250ch Ew 955 SE v.89
fig 33 ME; mace cm SE. ..
Ho as; 256 mm 53. 923.

H 38 Gm 895me 386 no: 923 .
Ham 050555 mamwfiuw Ewan. .

,. , .35 38%: OH 5535. ES 332. Emma,

55m” EBEH. Em E..BEEm 556%.
H wmw Em 84555 35 ES Ewan , .
mg: 52% $9; Em 82w”

_ ”26,4 @3238 :2... GE £728 a. .

Hum 9.me Swan 5 man 9.3.... .

H a; a 32:3. cEHofw:
duos a SEEM and". .

H 3.8 p can?“ 308: Eu can...
waaunfimiam gm .2»... ,

H $8 in?» Nmmmm 55.5.3» <15»
H1233 Hum 3”.wa ago"

a bug 2.9% 30:53 mowzum 8:.

9.5qu 8 m 835:5 82.,
H $3 :5 on Em." 333me a; 3.5,!
233m E 3% 26825 3mm,“
.25 smegma E Ew $3553 54.,
23mm 5: a mag E59 .1 ,
$8, 5%. mmumm. gamma 8 "why . .
wow. «snowmw Em SEES». diam”. . .,
35 33.55% mg 0353 EH 3%». .

H :3 gas Em: £333.. , .. r

Ammamflwmwmun mmmxrmwm 9. .H mob W5? 4
€me £81."ch many so Egan .
mnnpnmmuflm Hgogu Sm. 82.wa gab:

. H ., . . .

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.8. H53 m3; 59585 $33me ..

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. H38 28 Sum 5539 Hans? .

>5; «.3133 583. am. 61.86 H:

mom: Euozms 9 Bi o». ”$an. .

£3 Emnflwfio 84o? :5 55.82., ,.

,. .. .55 macaw 36... 593 . ..
H8 :15? $5 wag? 4.3 55.89.

.P 98 35 Sum Hap; $94.. a. ,.

52 EH: 3328: Haw?”

, 85 3. as? y.
. .. a. 57.» o». 83.?
w . r ‘
,5 H mofimmofiofia:
SEE.” mm 538 SE was?
., a , .. on 35555369
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uary 21
t9 No. 67 '
‘ank, for, redémpgi'

starch, 1879i "Nomi:




K3 '4 yr

.. State, that each and every one ,went away 3
feeling fully repaid and sorry that the lec- ,.
“’ture was so short—an hour and ten mmutes.
Col..Allen has many additional notes of
"his voyage‘,.and of the Chinese, and prom:

ised us another lecture soon. “[0 shall )1. of two eggfl,
: f anxiously await the annbunceinent of his 9‘" waterfa

readiness to .. 01' us again and shall be g

'sadly disapp09nted it it do not come. 5

' "Colonel opens his mouth ,

, eisays somethm and, when he says it, it
. 111structs, interests or 'annuses.

"'The steam% "‘ Bick Johnson, of Cannel-
1011, wk :11, rhakes Sunday trips up and down
fig'that day, but little else than ’

21. 11011111113121} ' “ogfi The town of Clover- ;


' rt has 1111"” rdinance which prohibits the '


119138 011 the Sabbath day, and Marshal T219
' .l‘or intends to stop the Johnson irom violat-
So, next. Sunday, when, she throws

_,day morning on t efharge of violating the
[,Sundayf' ordinance. His conduct, we are

S is thejuice ,
' it three 1' mes

"wthat bxnucli rneat is eces
11,9 5 length and 1101,, VlSthYl

wait 1n proporti

3 this. he‘d by the grain , . .

. . eaSpoonf11101' mereot'powderedborax
thrown into the bath tiib 99'l1ilebathing,will . ,
eommumcaic a velvety softness to the wa— 7"

ter, and at the same time invigorate andi
met the bother. Person's troubled with

saitisfi'd- ‘ ill meet with the universal ap- ' “a, nervousness of waket'ul nights will find this 1

'probation'Of our citizens. In fact, the cor-
':orati n authorities owe. .it to our own cit- ’
hom they tax for the privilege of


.llinglignor during week days, but pro ,/

angeis from coming/
’wl'nl harvest

When a cold begins t0owresmour-ones
' and pain your lungs, '9'0 011 will find boiled
onions :1, soveieign specific. W nen 9" ,
/i children are afflicted with 99'01111S,feed
". the " th boiled onions. hey.

kind ofbath of great benefit. 9‘ . ,

best vei
e 04111319“ palatanflc dish.
' '1»


,With fiftnnnrfi '7', '5 I li'ivezvli'io',



3'11- Kr. 11110:}



11'... em

"we...” IMMW
'l')i11 the ends
wound in 1".)(""[IOlC’.11‘fl;:¥Ip‘ ,
llie9' will lastflr 1'11'11'1'9 ,, ear“
li-lle' o 9.01'1' corn cribs 01' 15,111.: 011
at least 1.1.1130 feet 11-5111 the m-
a tin 111i l; pan,la1<'es we 0',
each 910st, and. 9'01129'u. lha'. ,
'kb‘l7'1 .

prooi crib.
"10 make a cheap porh

oil barrel: knock one he:

oi" '0l1l hay, set are e10 it,



scrap the co '1ls'01,'ind $011:

sweet 0.11mi " ' ’ ' ’

0n 110199'10511ns, 01' (la ' :.-',”C;love'-: roots pen- ,

etratc ti 10 sub soil and open it to thefert til-

following 1.31:1, good recipe for worms

1:21 1'l'<, two

mnhile in potatoes the tlesh— 1131-1192 11,1: is
no to twenty. Cabbage is also rich


(30111 sucker s. sliounl under al1011'c‘um-,

~\,;pa1".3_.ti\-'el9' rich in humus, or strong clay
. sods-11011111 finely dividgdsl si licate. It. has

9' “if/“fatm a

:tcd, usingf our ti mes the b11ll{("
.- 't' 111.,111111'9, the last layer kgf

l'he 0') 01' this 0011:1309 ether. 11 I 1151110

119' 01 strdw, thenplace some

, 31;}. 01' loasds against the cover— .1
- in niece and' in two or three
9' 1"01 use, having become

. 1111' planting is thcn'past
“"22 Ihel1e1‘10 till the next, when
.11 99' '11: 11 I 00111110121 in Novemher "
it' wouli he bettei to make com-
iaicn where the climate will admit,
.e the inane re foi crops planted the '
‘ 11:401-131.: 19' in Jun , but I can (113— .
c011l9 should ' e start With
U00d s'oil 111.11%1'111 Tune, 1111 '


11121111110; gin \9'eyf'i'11dtliat9vl1h IlC‘VGT’li'lfl'llq
0011'111'9' oi-elsewh 3113 lime is used intelli
:gently, nianure1 is need {1' .

A 99'.ite1's sa9s that his 'cow gives all th
mill : that 1s necessar9 in a family of eight
andt hat 1’ i . '
quired for other 12m 'poses, two
31x19 pounds 01 butter were made lastye’"
'l'hisi is in part his treatment of 14100.91:
If you desire to get'va large yield of rich,

ly'Warin aiid slightly salted, in which bran -'
has been stirred at the rate of one. quart to
gallons of water Youwillfind, if you

’ ' ,‘have not tried this dail9 practice, that your,

, stances, all' 019' them to tassel, for, wl'iatever
pains may be taken to bring-0r keep corn
5 at its greatest perfection by selection of
seed, the pollen from the ueker may undo
i:1vl1a-"t‘ehas been gained :fl’) fears 01 earerul
selection. “'13 weald as see 11 think of

liabreedinv a 'noronghhred mare to a scrub
' ‘ 0 have poll en fro' 11 51.101; ers east _.

open an egicclient 9.1111. 319' 01 corn. It i

u also w ll lgiown that the pollen from a.
5 newhhoring, field is oitentiines cariied to an

almost more June distancef {111d corn .ecjuént-

19' may cans '0 more mi 'ture than (is, dean—'1'

able. , .

A farmer who geeps. henslshould..biiild a
hennery for them, so arranged that‘ it"can ii
easil9 he kept clean and 'vvell ventilated. .'
In winter the temperature e'should be "211111 '
enough to prevent it (10111 freezing—say"

from Forty— life to sixty degrees, Fahrenheit.
-A suppl9 of fiesh' ater therein is of great

impmtance ; hens think otten if they can "
get water. Gionnd rec-.1131. best when overs;
are '111'1te115200111 and W1 .00 middlinws it

a change once or mice a wee k, 'if' not on- .-

ener. 01th a lar- g0 flock ' offowls this is
essential.” Nests should be made of :biigh't
straw instea .1 0111119... -

A small quantity of-straw mid-ht he
to working; horses Without 111.jv‘fnr9

an entirely Clll'l erent thing-110111 s11 aw 11101311-
ind, 110011 and night. rAnd it is the" saine

straw to'b'e t'ed .0. those"
is dif" rcer nt, 11nd tho-.9 111119

able quantity of straw a
flow: of milk The: inost 11.


cow will give tw 311t9'—five per cent. niore
milk 11111110d10.el9' under the efiects ofit, ,
and she. will become so attached'tb 113118 to ' 7' "
refuse t0,d in}; -clear‘ water unleSS ver9
thirsty “ this mess she will drink

Mr Iosepli \IcPherson, .,n old and res-
pecte‘d Citizen, while hauling manure Mon- ,
day 01101110011 at the edge of town, (éll ,5
{10111 his seat and was run over by the heay- "
ily loaded 99' won, receiving very serith.
ternal 1111111011013 a native of Scotland
but has Leena resident 11010 for many 9'ea'3'1'S.
\Ve sineui l9 hone to see him about ag‘iln
in a ten (l :19 s .

'1 "l1cre' is a panthei in the woods near T11-
Springs 0110 01 ‘111 .Do w I’ate’ ,

110011 the animal the other da "'3'"

is £111 1v extenninatinv the 901111,,
the _, neighbmhood. 'lhe young chip/ville
kills the panther will be the hero for the


Tar Springers to fall down and worship."
Mr. R. R. Pierce is building another large,
tobacco house. He will be able to handle

one and a half million pounds of tobacco
this 50119501:


(01111110s in a hill of corn will , , -.