xt7mcv4bs424 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs424/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1996 1996 1996-10-30 2020 true xt7mcv4bs424 section xt7mcv4bs424  


--- , .. .. M. A




By Ben Alias
Orr-line Editor

and Kathy Redlng
Arrirtant New: Editor

Residents of Kirwan Tower were
brought out of their slumber earl yes-
terday morning when a bulletin board
was set on fire on the 17th floor.

The Lexin ton Fire Department
was notified o the alarm around 3:30.
An LFD investigator was summoned
shortly after when fire crews suspected
the fire to be arson.

Sarah Fischer, resident adviser on
the 17th floor, said she was watching
TV in another RA’s room when the
alarm sounded. She went to her floor
to make sure all her residents left the
building. '

“All the paper had been burnt off
(the board) and was falling on the
floor,” Fischer said.


She stomped sparks on the floor
out and threw water at the board.

Fischer said none of her residents
were up at the time, but one resident
reported to her that she had been talk—
ing on the phone in the hall. The resi—
dent saw two males circle the floor
three times, but they told her they
weren’t looking for anyone when she
asked. Fifteen minutes after she went
in her room, the alarm went off.

Megan Moore, a political science
freshman and floor resident, said when
the alarm woke her she could smell
smoke in the hall and knew it wasn’t
another false alarm.

“This one was scary,” Moore said.
“The other ones were just stupid. This
time they actuall burned something.”

Fischer said this was the 17th alarm
in the buildin this semester and the
second actual re.

“All the girls on this floor were

.. .. amt-mm... _

in Brigg: Theatre. See Diversions page 2


dorm lire again

pretty scared after that,” she said.

Six students were found on the
three floors firefi hters checked after
investigating the Ifi‘e.

Jim Wims, director of residence
life, said they will be disciplined.

“It is a violation of University poli-
cy,” Wims said. “Each person will be
addressed by my office.”

Wims said consequences may
include placement on disciplinary pro-
bation and mandatory participation in
the University fire marshal’s fire
awareness program.

“We want to stress the importance
of getting out when the alarm sounds,”
Wims said.

In response to the fire, RAs in Kir-
wan Tower removed posters and bul-
letin boards on each floor.

UK Police Chief W.H. McComas
said his department is investigating the
latest fire. He said they are also mak-

ing headway in other investigations.

“In Holmes Hall, we know (who is
responsible),” McComas said.

He said an arrest has not yet been
made because the suspect is a juvenile.
He said the department is getting
“legal guidance” on how to best handle
the matter.

He said the department has some
leads in the Blanding fires and the first
Kirwan fire.

“People are calling with informa-
tion,” McComas said. “The reward

Wims said students have also given
him information, but have not directly
stated who is responsible.

Jenny Brown, an undeclared fresh—
man and 17th floor Kirwan Tower res-
ident, said she hopes the fires and false
alarms stop soon.

“It’s on our floor now,” Brown said.
“That’s not even funny.”





y endorses
state candidates




By Ann Boden
Staff Writer

This election year has brought
many olitical figures to Kentucky
inclu ing presidential candidate
Bob Dole, President Bill Clinton
and now, US Representative
Dick Armey, House Majority

Arme , who is from Texas, vis-
ited UKy yesterday afternoon to
endorse Kentucky’s Re ublican
candidates and to spea about
issues important in this election.

Speaking to a crowd of about
250, Armey talked about the trust,
inte rity and character that he
thin people deserve from their

His main purpose for the Blue-
grass visit was to support 6th Dis-
trict candidate Ernie Fletcher,
who Armey said is a politician
people can trust.

Arme picked Fletcher because
he thini’t’s Fletcher has a good
chance of winning and he repre-
sents the values Armey supports.

“I said I wanted to get in here
so I could take a bow for his victo-

ry,” Armey said. “A victory of
principles over politics.”

Issues resented by Armey
included e ucation and Medicare.

Students and education are
important, he said. The problem
he sees is students today are pay-
ing for an education that, too
often, they 'ust do not get.

“What litightens me is that we
aren’t getting our money’s
worth,” Armey said.

Contrary to popular belief, the
Republicans in Con ess voted to
give more money or loans and
grants, Armey said. What they
opposed was giving money to the
university for direct student loans.
Congress cut direct student loans
for two reasons.

“Universities toda . already
have too much contro over stu-
dents,” Armey said. “The univer-
sity should not control the sources
of the students’ financial access to
the university.

“And I do not believe that the
United States Department of
Education is capable of managing
the job of being the third largest







men COOK Kendra/f

PAYNE "If PRICE Top, about 250 student: and other: cheered Dick Armey, Home majon'
leader, in the Student Center Grand Ballroom yesterday. Above, Armey speak: in support a

See AHMEY on 6 Earnie Fletcher, Republican candidate for the US. Home of Representatives.

starts drive

By Ann Bodsn
Sufi" Writer

The “largest single-day philan-
thropic event in t e world” will
happen Saturday, said Scott Med-
ley of Lambda Chi Alpha social

Medley and his fraternity
brothers will hold Lambda Chi’s
4th Annual North American Food

The event, which is held by
Lambda Chi chapters everywhere,
expects to raise 50,000 pounds of
food for food pantries across the
n’ér’ii" UK h h -

e c apter oped to raise
10,000 pounds for God’s Pantry

in n.
This will be collected in a
number of ways.
Members of the fraternity have

been assigned nei hborhoods
around Lexington, edle said.
The brothers dropped 0 infor-
mative fliers donated by Johnny gg;ng.“}nyl’;g::

Print at homes in these neighbor-
hoods last week.

On Saturday they will go back
to these homes to collect food.
The food will be taken to the col-
lection point at Kroger in Tates
Creek Center.

The fraternity also will to
collect food for the food rive
through corporate donation.

They are collecting monetary
donations and food donations.
Kroger has donated the largest
amount so far, Medley said.

Members of the fraterni will
take the donated money to am’s
Club store to purchase canned

The third way Lambda Chi will

Whether or not the Wildcats beat the
Volunteers in the UK-Tennessee game
Nov. 23 in Knoxville, UK can still emerge
a winner.

UK and Tennessee will face off in the
Central Kentucky Blood Center’s Ninth
Annual Big Blue Crush Competition
Nov. 18—22.

The annual com tition gives Wildcat
fans a chance to s ow their team spirit
while providing blood for local hospitals
during the Th
overall victories, but Tennessee took
home the trophy last year. CKBC hopes
to collect 2,500 pints of blood this year.

anbgmng' ' Holida .
leads the competition in

Donations can be made on campus and

at the Lexington CKBC donor center.


Previous crush shirts wanted lor display

week of the competition, and all shirts
will be returned.

An one with a T-shirt that can be dis-
playe is encouraged to call Sally Baker at

CKBC is a federally-licensed non-
rofit community blood center which col-
cts red cells, platelets and plasma for
transfusion to Kentucky hos ital atients.

Like other community loo centers
across the United States, CKBC relies
solely on volunteer donors.

Paid donors were eliminated to ensure
a consistent blood supply, accordin to
CKBC. Blood shortages often resu ted
because donors were not motivated to
donate when their blood type was needed.

Instead, they donated w e
financial need.

“Volunteer blood donors remain the
key to providin state-of-the-art medical

n they had a

collect f°°d ’3 through rsonal To celebrate the 1996 Bi Blue Crush treatment to entucky ' ” ‘

. , patients, said
donations from an w owants CKBC is displaying a col ection of T- CKBC Chief Executive Susan Berry—
to take food toththc T'mde Ch] shim from Mom mm m Buckley in . new, release
house or to e ates reek . . ' . ' .
Kroger while the When m .2425? ’m d’” 9"" ’° ’9’} m sham? Q’gmmmd 1° 4’

\ 'I'heshirtswillbedisplayedduringthe peteentdunn‘ gthepastyear.







WEATHER Mostly sunny and
breezy today; high 6 5 . Clear
tonight; low 30:. Partly cloudy
tomorrow; high 50.

II" THE BEACH UK freshmen open

their production of Brighton Beach Memoir:

October 30, I 996
. Clamfim 7 Campus 5

C rosrword 7 Sports 3

Diversion: Z Viewpoint 4




Candidates and
campaign with W blitz

WASHINGTON —-— President Clinton plans
to outspend Bob Dole Z-to-l in a final-week tele-
vision blitz. This will include his first ad buys in
Texas and Indiana, as well as revised targeting
designed to help Democratic congressional candi-
dates, White House and campaign aides said yes—

As Clinton fine-tuned his strategy for the clos-
ing days, Republican sources painted a picture of
chaos in Bob Dole’s struggling campaign. A frus—
trated Dole called in yet another media adviser to
craft his final ads, and the candidate has repeatedly
questioned schedules drafted by his aides, accord-
ing to campaign and other Republican sources.

Clinton entered the stretch enjoying more than
a lead in the polls: As of Oct. 16, the last filing
deadline, Clinton had more than $34 million to
s end, while Dole had $19.2 million. Both candi-
rizites have spent a good deal of those funds in the
two weeks since the filing.

A senior Dole adviser in Washington, speaking
on condition of anonymity, said campaign accoun—
tants had been ut on notice to carefully track
spending in the Iihal week and make sure the carn-
paign did not end in debt. Dole’s advertising bud-
get was described by Democratic and Republican
sources as totaling roughly $600,000 to $700,000
a day in the closing week.


l'llltll I‘GIIIIBBS llood Zaire

MUGUNGA, Zaire — Its skyline of brightly
colored umbrellas and red, blue and green tents
stretching for four square miles under the smoky
haze of campfires, the largest refugee camp in the
world has suddenly sprung up on a slab ofvolcanic
rock in eastern Zaire.

Fully 400,000 scared and hungry refugees from
a Tutsi insurgency mill about the Mugungu camp
overlooking the blue of Lake Kivu, raising fears in
aid workers of outbreaks of disease - or violence.

“The atmosphere is potentially explosive,”
declared Lino Bordin, head of the U.N. Hi h
Commissioner for Refu ees in Goma, one of t e
humanitarian agencies t at suddenly found itself
caring for a tent city with a population bigger than
that of Minneapolis.

A two-month—old Tutsi uprisin against Zairi-
an troops and Hutu militias in the country has
sent hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Hutus
scattering from other refu ee camps in Zaire. The
Mugunga camp has doub ed its size since Satur-
day, when the Tutsi-led Rwandan army attacked
their old camp.

Yeltsin ready lor surgery next week

MOSCOW — Boris Yeltsin’s condition is
improving and the Russian president could under-
go heart surgery as early as next week, an Ameri-
can surgeon consulting on the case said yesterday.

Dr. Michael DeBakey told The Associated
Press that he would travel to Russia this weekend
to consult with Yeltsin’s doctors. No date has
been set, but “we ho e to go ahead with it next
week,” DeBakey said om Houston.

He said Yeltsin’s condition has been improv-
ing, and that doctors have made progress in treat-
ing Yeltsin’s severe anemia and a thyroid dysfunc—
tion. Those problems, he said, appear to have
been “pretty well corrected.”

DeBakey said Yeltsin needed a triple or
quadruple coronary artery bypass, although he
would not know specifically what the Russian doc—
tors plan to do until he arrives in Moscow.

SIATE Bore advocates education

OWENSBORO — Speaking to students and

professors at Owensboro Community College and
via interactive television to classrooms in Lexing-
ton and Paducah, Tipper Gore said education of
the nation’s children is “a matter of national secu-
ri .”
The wife of Vice President Al Gore was taking
part yesterday in a UK Distance Learning Pro-
gram. Through the Kentucky Telelinking Net-
work, students who would not otherwise have the
opportunity to take certain college classes may do
so and earn degrees.

She spoke over the same system. addressing
classroom audiences at the UK community col—
leges in Lexington and Paducah.

She said technology is a means to an end for

“I almost see it as a matter of national security,”
she said. “How we educate our children, how we
have continuing education for people, job retrain-
ing and that kind of thing. I believe it reflects on
our strength as a nation and also ensures that we
remain strong as a nation.”


Seagal streams as lather at six

LOS ANGELES — Steven Seagal can handle
the bad guys. Just kee him away from the babies.

The star of I‘The glimmer Man” is a father of
six and tries to be a hantk-on dad.

“I do change diapers, but I usually wait until
they're a few weela older,’I Seagal told “Entertain-
ment Tonight” in an interview rday. ‘When
th re too tiny I’m a little afrai of them.”

agal also wanted to set the record straight.

“I’ve been called everything from a dru dealer
to a hitman for the Mafia to a woman ater,’
Seagal said. “None of those things are mac.”


hazard.» .





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Play challen actors to balance

humor, serzousness of characters

By Mary Does
Senior Staff Writer

For the next week, seven fresh-
man will be holding the spotlight
in the UK theater de artment.
The production of Brig ton Beach

but also to deliver the humor,”
Director John Loschmann said.
Eugene lives with his older
brother, Stanley, who is allantly
helping support the famfiy, Jack,
his father who works long 12-hour
days, and his mother Kate. Then





Memoir: will 0 en tonight and there is the extended family.
strictly highlig t the Kate’s sister Blanche
department’s freshman and her two dau hters
talent. Laurie and ora.
Brighton Beach They moved in for
Memoirs is a story of a what was supposed to
close family struggling be .“temporary” stay,
and loving to make Wl‘lICl‘l has now lasted
ends meet in the late three andahalfyears.
19305. This New York [flflflmfi Tensron soon bmlds
family exhibited in the ahead when Jack becomes Ill
play is the autobio— and cannot work for a
graphical memory of few weeks. Stanle
singer and song writer Brighton Beach becomes 8 itate ,
Neil Simon. Memoirrisat the Nora pouts ecause
The play centers Brt' :Theatrein she can’t run off to
around Eugene, a 15— 2 eFineAm Broadway, and Kate
year~old boy discover- Building through and Blanche quarrel
in girls, playing base- Sunday. about who’s a burden
ba 1, fantasizing about and who’s not. In addi-
becoming a writer, and tion, their long buried

most importantly watching and
helping his family overcome prob—
lems and ar ments. It seems like
something mm the Catcher in the
Rye, coming of age genre. Brighton
Beach Memoirs, however, has many
serious undertones in war, racism,
economic troubles and 20—year
sibling rivalries.

“It is a difficult play because it
is funny, but there is also a lot of
seriousness going on, and it’s hard
to keep the seriousness and truth,

By Robert Dulty
and Dan O'Neill

Aries (March 21-April 19):
After months and months of wait-
ing by the mailbox, your “Get a
Life” kit that you ordered from
the back of a comic book finally
comes in. Now you can finally be
in the cool crowd and drink (are
you ready for this) beer and smoke

Taurus (April 20—May 20):
You just finished carving your
masterpiece pumpkin when you
realize you forgot to carve a tooth.
When reaching for that last piece
you accidentally slice your finger
off and it falls into the burning
flame. You cry for help but every-
one thinks it’s a childish Hal-
loween prank.

Gemini (May 2 I —Junc 20): The
stars show that you will be able to
get away with putting razor blades
in the candy you are going to be
giving to all the little kiddies. Play

emotions about sibling rivalries
becomes blatant and quite explo-

If this isn’t enough for a ood
loving Jewish family in Broo yn,
N.Y., the persecution of Jews in
Europe is spreading and becoming
more and more overbearing and
prominent. Now the threat and
also the comfort of distant rela—
tives knockin on the door in
search of foo and shelter, in an
already tight-belt environment is



becoming extremely real.

But the family stays strong and
stays together to solve their prob-
lems and keep everyone alive.
Eugene realizes not everything is
his fault and girls are stil as won-
derful and mysterious as they
seemed in the be 'nning.

Sean Zehn er, undeclared
freshman, had the challenge of
coming into the character of an
awkward Eugene in the midst of a
medle of family problems.

“VVk’fll, 15 isn’t too far off 19, so
it wasn’t too bad (to get into char—
acter). I guess the hardest part, was

WHAT'Syour Sign?

it smart, there’s only a few blades
to go around.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):
What happened to all those big
plans for Halloween? I guess
there’s a problem in the mail
because you didn’t receive invita-
tions to those bumpin’ parties. In
fact, there must be some difficul-
ties with the phone lines because
no one is calling you anymore,
either. Maybe it’s that new haircut
that makes people vomit on sight.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): After all
your midterm grades come in, you
realize, “Hey, I’m not the genius
mommy always told me I was.”
Grip reality, pal, you’re STUPID.
Either start talking to your profes-
sors or drop, drop, drop.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Because your house is the only
house in the city that is not giving
out candy for Halloween, a group
of rowdy kids dressed in Power
Ranger outfits decide to lynch you
and your family. After burning



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down your house, of course.

Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22): After
spending months and months
working on that Julius Caesar cos-
tume, you’re finally ready to debut
it to the world. Unfortunately, the
costume is so lifelike that an
obsessed Shakespeare fan decides
your life must end in traged . He
and a gang of his buddies sta you
to death with a fake, plastic Hal—
loween knife.

Scorpio (Oct. 237Nov. 21):
After watching all eight parts of
the Friday the 13th series, you’re
inexplicably upset that Jason never
really dies. From there you go out
and axe anyone dressed in a hock-
ey mask. Watch out Cool Cats!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
While going to the bathroom on
Halloween, 3 ghoulish figure sucks
you through the pipes with its
long green tentacle. Apparently,
all the ghosts and oblins have
lived in the sewers or years and
they’re sick of being pissed on.
They decide to massacre all of the

. 4......“ N . ... .

ms cam Knuth-Hf

BATTER lll’ Undeclared freshman Sean Zehnder (above) play: Eugene in
Brighton Beach Memoirs. The production run: through Sunday.

figuring out how a 15- ear—old
would deal with stuff li e this,”
Zehnder said. “You kind of get
bogged down with that but then
you realize he’s just 15 and he
might not feel it that bad.”

Although the events ran e from
serious problems to li ht— carted
anecdotes of a big and Ewing fami-
ly. However, anyone can
empathize with the play.

Brighton Beach Memoirs will be
performed in the Bri Theater
in the Fine Arts Buiftfihg, today
through Saturday at 8 p.m.; and
on Sunday at 2 pm.


little trick-or—treaters for retribu-
tion. All because you ate too much
Taco Bell the night before.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
You eat so much Trick or Treat
candy that there is a noticeable
difference in the size of your
stomach. You lose your girlfriend
and all close friends. But if your
outside appearance is that impor-
tant to them, they’re not true
friends. Right? Right? Ri ht?

Aquarius (Jan. 20- eb. 18):
Your Frankenstein costume is a
rousing success! 50 successful, in
fact, that people tell you that you
look much better than your real
life appearance. You decide to
change your name to Frank and
lead a very, very closed life after
you marry that hottie babe with
the grey streak in her hair.

Pisces (Feb. l9-March 20):
Everything will be 00d. You will
have a pleasant wee and meet lots
of interestin people. Money and
success on t e horizon. But half
your family will die.

Male models making mark in NYC

By Dlano Sustendel
Associated Press

NEW YORK — Move over
Christy, Linda and Cindy. The
supermodels people are talking
about these days are very macho

At the recent 7th on Sixth
shows, held in New York’s Bryant
Park area, these hunks strutted
with the sort of serene self-confi-
dence that suggests the boys are
not taking a back seat to the girls
in the modeling business any

Mind you, the guys are subject-
ed to the same kind of catcalls and
whistles from the hoto pit that
Erect Christy Tur ington, Linda

vangelista and Cindy Crawford.
Not to mention Naomi Campbell

' and Claudia Schiffer.

Buyers and retailers of both
genders make silly, salacious and
sarcastic comments about the way

they look in some of the clothes
they wear.

But, hey, at fees that can reach
$12,500 a day, these boys can
afford to put up with a bit of

The list of men of the moment
grows daily as the talent pool
expands to embrace all races,
nationalities and body types.

The reigning trio includes Hol-
land’s Mark Vanderloo, Sweden’s
Alex Lundqvist and Jason Lewis, a
native of California.

“These models capture the
wholly masculine image of what’s
handsome and sexy to people
everywhere,” says Susan F. Sidor,
a veteran fashion producer.

“They have become celebrities,
as valid and reco ized as actors
and rock stars veryone either
wants to look like them, so they

buy the product.
“It’s a fantasy thing played out
with real people.”
‘ l





,>.._n:_r... .. .





















It's 1101 true; the OIIEII date is favored

s the football season nears its

merciful conclusion and bas-

ketball season gets ready to
go into full swing, here are a few
needless ramblings to fill
some space:

VThe UK football
team has an open date this
Saturday, its second this
season. A report that Las
Vegas has listed the Cats as
a three- oint underdog
this wee has not been
proven to be true.


VAs for the coaching vacan
the football team will have to filcf,’
here is my pick for the job:
Auburn offensive coordinator
Tommy Bowden.

Not only does Bowden
run a wide—open style of
offense that all Bowdens
are known for (for exam-
ple, his father Bobby at
, Florida State), he also has
the least to lose if he takes
the job here, at what

. . . ESPN anal t Benno Cook
VIt is quite amazmg GIFTS called “thzsgraveyard of
that of all the places for EIItIl'lllll coaches.”
there not to be a huge, SP0"! Should Bowden not be
costly not after the local Editor

team wins, New York
would be the place. Only
four people were reportedly
arrested for disorderly conduct
there followin the Yankees’
World-Series—c inching win over
Atlanta last Saturday night.

To put that in context, it would
have been the equivalent of 25
people being hauled in for the
same charge following UK’s 24-
17 Homecoming win over Geor-
gia that same night.

successful in three or four
years, he could always fall
back to one of his family mem-
bers, either his brother Terry at
Auburn or his father.

VEarth to all those people who
actually want Howard Schnellen-
berger to coach at UK: Look at
what he did at Oklahoma. Sooner
fans would probably have been
happier going 0-11 this season
than having Schnellenberger
coach the team.

VFlorida is the best football
team in the country, hands down.

VIt would be so much easier to
jump on the Arizona State band-
wagon if the didn’t wear such
disgusting uniforms. Come on —
maroon and gold?

VMark it down: Ohio State
will lose to Michigan on Nov. 23,
same as always.

VPrior to Alabama’s 20-13 loss
to Tennessee on Saturday, many
were comparing this year’s Tide
team to the 1992 version, which
won the national cham ionship.

They cited similar efenses and
the way in which the Tide seems
to score just enough points to beat
their opposition, no matter how
good or ad the opponent may be.

I see one huge, glarin differ-
ence in the two teams. he ’92
team had a winner at quarterback
in Jay Barker.

This year’s team has one of the
worst quarterbacks in the South-
eastern Conference, Freddie

VIt will be interesting to see if
the basketball team’s first exhibi-
tion game of the year against Ath-

letes in Action on Nov. 4 actually
outdraws the football team’s Nov.
16 “Game of the Century” against
Vanderbilt at Commonwealth

VRon Mercer and Derek
Anderson could be the most excit-
ing duo in college basketball this

In last Saturday’s Blue—White
scrimmage, they performed a
highlight reel dunk in which
Anderson threw the ball off the
backboard and let Mercer slam it

VCincinnati, UCLA, North
Carolina and UK will make up the
Final Four this season in indi-
anapolis, with Cincinnati beating
UCLA for the national champi—

VWatch for the Chica o Bulls
to get a serious challenge Eon) the
New York Knicks this year in the
race for the NBA Championship.
The Knicks went through a huge
makeover during the off—season
which could put them over-the—
top against the Bulls.

Sports Editor Cbri: Barter/ing it a

joumalim sophomore.

Martinez will be big-time contributor for Cats

By David Gorman
Staff Writer

A fresh crop of talented, young
players comprises half the UK
women’s basketball team. And
chief among the potential stars, is
a flashy Albuquerque, N.M.,
product who hopes to step in to
the Wildcats’ vacant point guard

Freshman Natalie Martinez
comes to UK with high status.
Named an all-stater three straight
seasons, Martinez also was a 1995
Preseason Parade All—American,
as well as Gatorade Player of the
Year in New Mexico.

With all of this under her belt,
Coach Bernadette Locke-Mattox
is happy to have her aboard.

“She will not only be an out—

standing player in the (Southeast—
ern Conference), but for this team
too,” Mattox said.

Mattox said the change from
hi h school com etition to
coilege will cha lenge the

“She’s got a lot to battle
early on playing in the
SEC,” Mattox said. “She’s
going to take her lumps
and bumps.”

played for a 4-A New Mex—
ico high school, so she is no
stranger to heady competition and
large crowds. Her position as
team captain at Rio Grande her
senior year gives Martinez experi—
ence in team leadership.

The 19-year—old will take on
the role of team player more than


however, "amnez

scorer. She averaged almost nine
assists per game as a senior last

She should fit in nicely, dis-
tributing the basketball to
returning juniors Shaunda
Roberts and Kim Denkins,
the team leaders and start-
ing frontcourt duo.

Martinez said the
upperclassmen and staff
have been helpful. The
upperclassmen have helped
her understand the system,
and the coaching staff has been

She also said she is happy with
the way practice has gone and
looks forward to the start of the
basketball season

“We’re coming along fine,”
Martinez said. “I am comfortable

with the system — it’s pretty sim-
ple. You just have to execute. I’m
ready to play."

With the exception of two
players, the entire team can shoot
the three. The run-and-gun style
of play and the type of press have
Martinez excited about their

“We are all gelling together
very well,” she said. “Practically
everyone can shoot the three and
that should help us a lot."

Mattox said she hopes Mar—
tinez’s exciting style of play
attracts crowds.

“I think Natalie is one that is
going to dazzle the fans,” Mattox
said. “ she is going to excite the
crowd. People are going to get
into it.”



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981 big celebration

By Rayner Pike

Associated Prm

NEW YORK _ A pinstriped
party was thrown for the cham—
pion New York Yankees yester-
day, with a flood of fans from
Little Lea ers to \Vall Streeters
filling ower Manhattan’s
“Canyon of Heroes” to celebrate
the team’s first title in 18 years.

Tens of thousands of early
arrivals packed the parade route
where New Yorkers have hon—
ored heroes from Charles Lind-
bergh to Gulf War veterans.

Subways downtown were
jammed with revelers in Yankee

A Santa Claus in a Yankees
batting helmet waved a sign pro-
claiming, “Christmas in Octo-

Pleasant autumn weather
greeted a throng that Mayor
Rudol h Giuliani boasted would
excee 3 million along the
canyon's narrow streets, office
windows and City Hall Park.
Those at City Hall watched a
replay of the Yankees’ GameSix
victory on a giant television

Earlier in the day, Yankees
manager joe Torre rang the